How to make Old fashion chicken and dressing {subscriber request}

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good morning everybody welcome back to my kitchen this morning I'm gonna be doing a highly requested video I've had a lot of subscribers to ask me to do a video I'm showing how I do my chicken and dressing so this is what it's gonna be this morning and right now I'm fixing to take you through the process I do he and dressing but you can do whatever parts of chicken that you want to I'm doing it the old-fashioned way old-fashioned way is when they made chicken and dress and at the end it was either a hen or rooster the two oldest Birds on the yard so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna take you through the first step the most important steps it is one of the most important steps I did a video on the other one to coin bring it and that is showing you how I get my chicken broth like I said I use a him yet because the hereness of one of the offices one of the oldest Birds on the yard in the UH the chicken family and it rents up more flavor it has more flavor in it and that's the reason the young all the cooks used to use the him and then it's about time for the hand to move on anyway so they would always use a hand and they will use the you know use it whole to make they are to get their chicken broth either now without any more talking because I'm gonna be talking to you during the process when I'm making making up the dressing but I have washed and clean I washed and cleaned my hand and this hand it was a frozen hand it wasn't fresh him it had some you ain't gotta worry about it had some it had the neck and liver and the gizzard you know I already got that in the pot but see what I did I took the I took like a half of onion here just a half onion that I had and I stuck it in the UM and you got the show in the cabinet now and I put it in the cavity of that of the scenes Bert so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go ahead on and put it over here in the pot real simple you got to show me why shrine okay move this up the way for a minute you get a little or well I just I got being in over in the pot and then I'm going to start with my seasoning on it you got to be careful with these seasoning because you don't let the can cook for maybe about I wanna have and then you're gonna go back and you're gonna go in and test that broth and see is this season and stuff right on the main adjuster sugar I mean not the sugar excuse me oh please don't put no sugar like that the salt or whatever kind of salt actually using I usually start out with maybe uh cuz I don't want to run the risk of getting it too salty I need to start off with just to take the spoon not not tablespoon this is two teaspoons please scratch that two teaspoon and then this is a this is a broth-based season a chicken broth base seasoning I don't know what where you can find this a but all you got what really what you could use is our chicken our chicken biryani Kasese it different whatever whatever type of chicken our seasoning that you use they used to don't have to do too much of this with the hands and stuff back in the days because it was it was real flavorful but now you got to really and you know seize them up your stuff now this is a this is an old-fashioned way of fixing dressings with some with some modern-day twist Anna yes to start out with this I always use this is a 2 teaspoon my measuring spoon if you're wondering what I'm doing but uh I usually put two of these yeah let's see how many teaspoons is in a tablespoon I think it's about two it or not but I use the put cuz we gonna put a lot of water and then this gonna take a lot of you know it's gonna take quite a bit of season to season that water okay and with the black temple I just take the bright pepper and push to I think I mean shake it till I think I got maybe about a tablespoon of that over in there that's a tablespoon with your black pepper okay okay right here I have four stalks of celery Oh cut in half and I usually need a top boys over there too I just got them cut in here do not be intimidated with the amount of celery that I'm putting in here because nowadays stuff don't you know don't have the flavor it used to have now that the hands in it's kind of weaker now where I'm putting about where I'm putting about four stalks of celery in on my chicken broth that Dan Carter what how much dressing he was gonna put it David proper foot just about three and I got two whole onions sometimes I cut them in half and sometimes I don't these are yinz pretty good and uh I'm just gonna put the whole onion over in the UH in the pot and then I'm gonna fill it with water cause use me plenty of broth you got cook that chicken so you don't help him stop I'll show you where I got my water liver it when I get it off get it all in now I'm gonna put this when I put this hanging on you guys I'm gonna start it out on high and let it come to the ball but when it comes to a ball I'm gonna turn the heat down on it to like a medium just say a medium a mini minutes because it's this really this this need to cook smoke that was the first thing than cooks used to do in the morning time they would on if they didn't cook that out here in the night before they would get up early that morning they would put that hand on get that hand started are either this was a date if they gonna make the dressing cuz some time they did it the day before the night before okay can you see the water left I have an 8 you don't want to get it or to fool cuz when they come to the bar you want to take a chance of it boiling over and then when this stuff come to a ball if you see some like phone the stuff on the top of it just take your spoon is skimming I that's one thing I'll do I'll skim that off of the cheek is because I don't wanna you know sort of you know boiling and pull that water off and lose my flavor okay let me give this ball just kind of stir them seasoning around and they want this here and get the cooking food I'm a seer just cut this hand really didn't have much fat on it and I may have to put like a half of stick of butter in here or either maybe I wait til I'm mixing up the dressing and I put maybe like a half a stick of butter now for the flavor in you know for the loop or I mean the grease content in it so that's all to it just just what I told you some chicken summer chicken base he's a chicken broth salt and pepper black pepper some time I put a little onion powder here and I'm gonna do that at the second hitch by that I wanna have boiling point because like I say he is I'm tougher than the fries so you gonna have to you want to cook this slow but you're gonna probably have to cook it a little own I will let you know how long I cook this he and comes when I come back to you I'm gonna be ready to the broth gonna be ready and I'm gonna be ready to go head on and mix up the dressing but normally he ants normally take about three hours to cook some time a little only but I'll be testing it alone the world way because really I don't like for it to cook all the pieces and I'll tell you out of details when I get back and start fixing up the dressing but let me get the scene on so we can I can start with this dress like I started out on high when it come to the bowl when it comes to a boil I'm gonna cut it down to a medium low but a little low bow a little low ball and just let it sit there and slowly cook for maybe about three hours but I'll let you know exactly how long I cooked it because this is a smaller hand then I normally get this in cost me approximately seven dollars but when I'm fixing dressings and stuff for my family at the holidays and stuff like that normally I pay about ten bucks for my here and sometimes I try to get a fresh one if I can find it but sometimes something this time you know the total holidays coming it's kind of hard to find a fresh here down this way but okay I'll be back when I'm ready to start the second process of my own painting dressing right here I have one skillet of eight bread already crumbled and I got there I got the recipe up well for my cornbread recipe I didn't have it I didn't do it in this video because it'll being too long you know okay and right here let me move this out of the way right here this is just part of the chicken broth that I made you know I just got through showing you how I made the chicken broth so it's ready and let me tell you this here the hang in that I use it was a little it was a little tough I thought it cooked three hours I let it did it three hours like you're not told you cause I had it on low so I did three hours on it but I'll show you the hand later on in the same process but let me tell you what you're gonna need from for your dressing okay before I get started let me uh this here right here this is about seven pieces of toasted white bread seven pieces of toasted bread but I'm gonna do something with that ready all right quick okay I'm gonna take some chicken broth and then pull it over to spring it I'm gonna be letting it soak while get all the rest of my ingredients mixed up I'm gonna let i'ma let it soak and then I'm gonna mash it up and then I'm gonna incorporate it into my dressing okay the rest of the ingredients and I'm going in on a taking me off tell me what we need I'm get ready so I mix it up okay this right here is our seven not seven is fold stalks of celery that I had sauteed and like a teaspoon of our butter i sauteed it and maybe I sauteed it maybe about about four minutes on kind of medium I don't I don't do anything oh hi I just slowly saute them that you know to bring up the flavor and then that'll keep help from having to when you put your dressing in the urban you have to stay in that salon okay that was a full stop so sorry and I would have put more but I didn't have an issue sup stop the reason I would have put more is because when I taste test it my Bronx you know I told you I was gonna go back and test that bra after about an hour and a half or close to two hours cooking I see that my sever one the best cuz I'll you know sometimes and stuff is it's not as flavorful or whatever that it should be but um this right here is two large onions two large onions that I got sauteed the same way I'll be at celery two large onions okay addy and I got one can of cream of chicken now this is that more than twists to the dressing because those bite then they didn't really put the cream of chicken and stuff I'll be talking to you more about that as I go along the process and this here's another modern twist you don't have to put this in it like some of this a lot of this stuff is optional if you don't like it in your dressing but I'm just showing you what I put in my dressing remember that this is what I put in my dressing because the main important parts of this dressing is that cornbread and getting that broth sip of season right and the next in the next ingredients the rest of the ingredients is gonna it's gonna be to your taste what you like and not like because I don't put I don't put bell pepper in my I don't put the pepper in my dressing that's the preference a personal preference you know and I'll tell you something else too that you might not know long when I was when I was growing up they you know they didn't put their pimping that it started in the later years putting their peppers in dressing you all ahead your celery or onion and that chicken broth which I told you is my main character and our some sage and thyme and salt and pepper and that was some of the best dress and you could ever put in your mouth okay you're gonna need one box according to what size what amount of dressing you trying to make see I like reason I use this here I like to look croutons in there that helps make my dressing put a medium inside of my dressing and I like them herbs and seasoning in it you know okay let me get over here and show your race okay this is something I always do with my dressing once I get everything mixed up in that dressing to make that everything kind of marry out and lean and be mild and there is season season together I always put maybe about two tablespoons of sugar I don't use wheat bread but I definitely put a couple of tablespoons of sugar and this right here is the ground ground sage I usually use rub sage but they don't got so expensive with that that's what I grown up using was rubbed sage you know Road sage all you have to do is take maybe about a teaspoon full of that and put it in your hand and rub let's bring this collar rope then when you rub it brains up the oils in there see all flavor to that saying that it makes for some good dressing and this is the tan oh oh okay this right here and drop my camera net there chicken broth and it's gonna be all over this right here is uh this is three chop the dice eggs and let me tell you the little history with that I'll show you at what part of the dress and the mixing of the dressing that I'm gonna add these chopped boiled eggs remember to watch it pretty closely now you can also use rally's raw eggs and your dressing the beach up a couple of eggs two or three eighths whatever they ever have I'm Ella how much dressing that you have you can beat that up and there after you get through mixer your dressing then you can incorporate that into your dressing do you put it in the oven but the reason I don't do that most of the time when I fix dressing I freezes the dress I you know put some of it in freezer freezer bags and I freeze it so I don't mix it raw egg in there that's the reason I use the of all heat because I don't I'm not because I'm not cooking it all right then and I'm definitely not gonna put that raw egg in there now indeed one that if I do put a raw egg after I got my frozen and I get a bag out and I let it throw out and I just want to put the two raw eggs and I want to fool with the barley I would put it in there but I'll be ready to go ahead on the cookie it's not you know I'm not gonna store that raw egg like that okay I think I talked about everything the ingredients and now I'm fixing to get this I'll oh excuse me a minute let me get my utensil then I'm gonna need back over here and I'm fixing to bring that our cornbread right over here and we gonna get your nice okay you the first thing that after you just go head on and on that box of I love and then when I fix turkey of dressing by you see of Turkey Oh stuffing okay I mean oh excuse me a minute okay I got my potato mash you're gonna need a potato masher to well I don't see what you're gonna need I don't know how you make sure dressing up but uh take this hey the National the National spread along I'm working in a in a in a small space so they're really if I don't get the mashed up good because I can't get to it it'll get mashed up in their process we have free the actor totes to bring it to it you really don't realize what a difference that make not even putting friends and stuffing addresses for many many years because simply because I told you they use that stone grind Neal and that meal can be it could be just kind of tight and they would put all these put bread and stuff like your nether just kind of kept the texture it so it won't be so of course you won't just I'll play meal up they don't wrinkle have some Steve dressing you go put just play cornbread and specially if you use they don't I don't even know what type of bread meal the stuff people use nothing but if they use that um that's stone ground mere like you see use a long time ago you got to put a lot of things in there all count on lighten it all oh let me get me a time okay do you want to go around and get in front of me now are you ready cuz I'm getting ready to mix it up just you probably be better if you stand yeah stand over there a problem let me get my Chelsea over here we try to it's a tight spot because I'm gonna stuff in the area that I don't normally do Oh stuffy okay I don't do Nick so let me get my just hold on me that I've been right now I forgot I had to use this cup again and I stuck it in the sink but uh see how much this cop that I'm strolling in here with look at here then I'm just gonna throw up next matching and mixing it up and keep adding my stock as needed you got it where they can see what I'm doing I believe you will develop with a bit on or in a thoughtful baby starts let's do it like I'm in the front for that's what you see you just run them in that song no go talk yes sir I want me to make sure you get a good angle there's a lot of work going at this my daughter feels better I mean films different I'll say it better and you know you just as much profit as you need that's really the best to make your own chicken profit but I don't know you know if we make you uh a few bad you know how to use it I can't I can't speak on it but it mean quite a bit of frosty get stuff to the right consistent just like I was telling you in the cornbread you got to have this stuff at the right consistency for the work for your right I tried to give it back like I wanted before I store it and the rest of my stuff and DNA could be absorbed and some of that liquid Andy and I know how much I how much don't get too scared that you getting your dressing too loose because like I said it is from the brittle start of solving something and I think I had a couple of friends that I show how did I you know I took him step by step on how to do the dressing and they told me right off the backbone even got store this good I don't use near that much wrong I said well they were saying hand and farmer with the dresses here to still not the right consistency and they couldn't understand how deep I was getting minds like that because they were doing what I told I mean they was they was using what I had told them to youth and then when we when I start when I went when they came home and I showed them how to do that so that's that's one thing I know I'm doing wrong right there I'm not getting that stuff loosen up okay you see how he can you see all right what do you consistency of it right now why starting now to miss them uh vegetables and seasoning into it and my mother thing I'll tell you when I did test my bra I put maybe about Oh two tablespoons or four four stick of butter in there oh here go to celery onions in some time I put green onions in my dressing poured on what type I'm fixin to function fix inside work for company oh and I was fixing it for the family meal I want to dress it up and now some time I do put a little bit of pepper in it if I'm Karen you know if I'm taking it out but I start putting their pepper in my dressing years ago years ago with my mom a lifetime she had some look gallbladders issues and uh she couldn't use bell pepper and we definitely thought boy he'll fix that you know do the dressing with that feel I mean do they do dressing where she couldn't either with the bell pepper cuz she did not put bell pepper hairs at all her dress that was something one of them more than two twisters and came up with but she said she made me it get used to it let me move some of this stuff back so I can find what I'm looking for okay I'll start out with just one can of this cream of chicken cuz I don't have as much dressing and I know the things I was just trying to fix enough to take out through a whole recipe if you want to make sure you get all your cream on it I chickened out jumping trainer just take it put you a little bit chicken broth over in there you know stuff is too expensive to be wasted now you can make your dressing up and in the steps you walk to that ain't no sin say this is the way I meet smiles up but there's always easier for me to do it like this I can handle it and get it better coffee incorporate it in make sure it's a baby third the beats I'm not gonna use this other can of a chicken cream of chicken so you see what it looked like this is not addressing you that I would use that but uh I don't have as much dressing that I normally house oh okay I'll go ahead on and I'll sprinkle a little little a couple of tablespoons of sugar in there for the lady that asks me what I put the ingredients in me are in the description box and I told you before my daughter called on my head let it go some videos and put it in there but I was trying to do my videos showing these ingredients and stuff beforehand because I I'm not computer savvy and all that kind of stuff like that and then a proper take me home with a fixie to try to do that stuff with my eyesight with the best rather than off description I just started pulling out being computers and stuff and I still ain't no ways well I should be because I never was interesting huh trying to learn on this ring I had indeed it okay this is your ground sage and with this amount of dressing I'm normally put a teaspoonful man you be careful with your sage cuz saying is aggressive it will take clean over if you put too much in it that's the reason I always put that on those a couple of teaspoons of sugar in case it want to kind of act up on the beat and you can there's some people use their our portrait season but I just I just stick to what my okay everybody I'm gonna I hope that everything is being recorded but my husband say we having a little difficult it's with the camera you don't really know how to work it a twin but I think I told you that I put the teaspoon I must take up at this point where he thought he messed up and it might not hear but um I put a teaspoon with his ground or ground sage in and I put a teaspoon of the UH tan you got it okay and I'm just saw better mixing now I'll put some white pepper yeah I must say this is approximately our tablespoon unless but you know you to put it in the way you are you I'm their mouth to chew off see can I show you the consistency of it I think I'm gonna put just a little bit more broth in there [Music] so I can't give you no measurements on how much broccoli pudding that's I mean I was showing you how much it was in the bowl and how much I uh um how much liquid that I mean water that I put in that he and it had reduced down a little bit but not very much simply because I cooked it so I cooked it so low just kind of mash around here that I don't feel any more lumps my daughter normally she always crumble to brilliant and stuff um and she do such a good job on it ain't had to do that it's alone to love it went D it near as good as what she could look but I knew that this liquid was gone it solve it but uh that's it this is pretty well mixed up and I'm gonna go over here and get the container what is it what is it eggs see if you had a listen I told you that's got that going in at a different time but thank you my husband telling me I forgot to eat but I told you earlier when I was mixing it up when I was telling you what the ingredients and so on that these two boil eggs they gonna go in at a different point in the cooking process and I'll show you when I'm gonna put them in okay let's hold it over the cycle embassy you don't want it soupy don't run down the road and you don't want to steal like it said tomorrow I'm trying to show you the consistency of it that's another important point in making a dress because this dressing has got to cook and I'm gonna I'm gonna take you through the steps since I say old-fashioned i'ma show you how they are used to cook it up I'm gonna show you the steps they used to use with it but the ones don't know I really be blessed on this camera that I got some on my tour ladies on that on this channel and they really know what I'm when I'm what I'm really talking down that what I'm trying to you know teach them I mean I read you would say teach but uh with my techniques and stuff and I really appreciate you ladies you just a blessing to me I feel is just a blessing I said God no you watch you're not for me cuz I tell you my motto for starting this channel was to do videos for my grandkids and I'll let because a lot of I have when I goes into grocery stores I'm gonna give you a little short of story time when I be going in the grocery stores a lot of times and I'll be purchasing different things in the cashier sometimes it be male or female they be accident what are you gonna cook you trying to guess wrong on cooking I'll tell her whatever and then they always say something like my grandma used to fix that and it was great and good and they liked it and whatever but they don't know how to fix and I said well you know how to be trying to tell her what they said oh they just mess it up so and they went and got a they went on the internet and got a recipe and it didn't turn out right and all that kind of stuff he just made me feel so sad well they like they out there working on the holidays and they ain't got to work on the holidays at the end a lot of time they get off and even got a different needle but my motto for life let me tell you my motto for life I always have being if I can help somebody while I travel alone then my living won't be in vain so if I can only hit one person we have one person to learn that's what I feel that God has me here for to help that one person that they he heard a crowd and then and so let me go get my roast and paying and I'll show you what I don't cook this up [Music] I'm it I already have my urban on this is a roasting pan I got a mother pan that's bigger maybe have to pay right to free fans is bigger but uh I could've totally put this in something that's what I just wanted I want to let you see and I'm gonna cook all of this off because I'm gonna share it with somebody you'd allow would try to freeze it oh this yeah thank you I want you to see all the ingredients up look at here I want you get a good good ideas how much it's gonna make up when I'm fixing on fix and dressing but we having a family gathering or something I always sometime i pixel a baking dish which we baking pan I did by your cast iron skillet well the call and breathe because I'll be fixing more dress in there okay so you see what was the Liberty is understand okay you can stay right [Music] I tell you guys they don't know if I forgot the tea or not I sprayed my own roasting pan with the life Oh cookies place I always cover my dressing even if I do so it put it back have it in the fridge the rate of sin overnight I always still were my pan for that first cooking I first put it in there now if you got a roasting pan I mean that was like I got a this is the roasting pan that do have a chop to it but uh I just like to do it deeply I got pretty wet cover so let me tell you what I'm gonna do next I got my other set for 350 degrees I'm gonna put this in there and imma let it cook maybe about a hour I wanna have some if I had more than this I would cook it at 325 before I do my first stir and then when I come back after maybe about that I will better to sedate that much in here it may not I may not let it cook but I'll bow before I stir it cuz I'm gonna check on it I'm gonna coming in I'm gonna come back and then I'm gonna stir stir my dressing and without stir I'm gonna put my um I'm gonna put my eggs in it and then I'm gonna cook it out cuz you look when I do that that first stir it's me it's bit me pretty close to done and Irene I'm kind of kind of working by ear because this is a such a small amount today that I'm I'm not sure how it's going how long it's gonna take for the cooking so I'm I'm gonna get ready to put this in the oven for about an hour then when I come back I'm gonna put my eggs and then I'm gonna stir it and then I'm gonna go head on and then I'm introduce the chicken back in I might and then I might not but I introduced that hand back into the equation but um I'll be back when it's time to do the next step I'm sleeping haven't got no right seat you see I got my right sitting about Miller waves of so I don't have it sitting bring up sitting up real high your just middle ways cuz that's like I cook everything like that okay I'm gonna get my camera from some of this heat okay everybody we going into the final steps and stages of this year dressing now you know I told you I had it in the oven but the aisle self whatever now what I'm gonna do can you get it over here so you can see we are always sterile dressing that's really not putting that fall over the dressing is basically done I'm gonna put it back in the oven problem about 30 minutes and then I'm I'm gonna let it go I'm gonna let it Oh some time I turn my up and long bra for maybe a few minutes I'm gonna put it back in out but I get in Cynthia I'm gonna put it back in there a thirty minutes and probably about the last two or three minutes I'll put it on bra because I'm gonna I'm gonna put that chicken in it all right if I'm three-ball leads I'm fixing to cooperate those eggs into this dress's incorporated in which one of you don't be a copper they're gonna cooperate on incorporate and at this point if you take your dress and is a little too stiff I'm stirring it from the bottom everything if you think it's a little too stiff you cannot go in and answer a little bit more chicken broth but this is good enough cologne not like I said it's not gonna be much longer that's just there's not gonna be this consistency to it when we eating it I can say I don't I don't like it running down the highway and I don't want to stiff as a board and I let me show you this is the bridge were made on here my mama used to lay her hand on top of her dressing because some people like me a boy like that mainly my daddy but uh but um because we always say it right chicken the ham and other meats and stuff that just wasn't their main main meat you know hair I'm gonna put a little bit more broth over here just to show you how to do this cuz like I told you this hand then have a lot of fat to it then I showed you some excess pasta okay this is the broth I had left from my hand that would be enough to fix me a little get really crazy give it Jim what y'all call I could shake it and it feels smooth looking on North got the consistent right now this is some of the mother parts of the hynnyín I'm just gonna fight this attack just don't lay up on me on the chicken it did pretty good staying together can't see it I cooked a piece of butter I uh I got it out the pot before it had cooled off I have and if I have to let it cool off some more it would probably just stay home but this is the thigh the league and weand I sort of broke it out look so I can put it on the top of it now this is what I do I put my chicken on top I do not put chicken inside a lot of my dressing I didn't I didn't grow up doing it that way I mean I wasn't out to do it that way and I don't know I do it and that just saw another personal preference you know I fixed one I used to fix a chicken dressing casserole that a friend gave me the recipe two years ago you know I think it tastes good and everything but my family did not like the chicken is out of the dressing so that's reason I don't I don't never puts it in there it's nothing wrong with it if you like chicken and salad dressing whatever you go right ahead on but they do not like chicken on the inside and when I put this on the top of it I just put it on that really to show you they're gonna move it out the way to get to the dress and then things they think about that chicken who talked to me so let's read I'm going on I hadn't had me off some chicken salad made out of him in a while you have you ever did your chicken salad out of here it is so good it's so flavorful you know when you do it when he enters normal I'll just be doing it on the thighs some chicken breast okay you guys this year is the time final process when I put it in the oven and let it bake maybe I'll just save 20 about twenty minutes twenty more minutes I'm gonna turn the oven on bro and let it brown and I'm gonna come back and show it to you as the final process but um let's what one other thing I want to say to you I think I said when I was showing you the ingredients and stuff that I was putting in there if I'm not mistaken I said folks stocks of Syrah somebody may get that mixed up and think I'm talking about a whole host out a whole bunch of Seir but I'm usually say I use the Karl celery a bunch of series but that may be not the right word but that's the word I use and I had never had to do this for folk so I want to make sure I say it right so you can get understanding but it's real for real - Sarah for individualists realtor Sarah and that's what I put in there not a bunch for my bust out yeah not a stock so let me put this in the oven and finish this in process and i am i hope that i what i did in showing you this process that you can understand and i think i told you everything that i'm you can that you need to know that you can successfully successively whatever fix you all paying a delicious dressing or either i gave you some tips that you can add to your already delicious dressing so i appreciate you watching another thing i don't think i'm i know you go see i'm tired every woman seeing one more thing but another thing I was gonna tell you I'm gonna see it bit about dressing and dumplings back in the days was either made out of the rooster other hand I think I say it that seems like I remember saying that I was so these are trying to remember do everything that I might have forgot so I'll be I'll be back showing you the finished products and I don't even know if I come back over here and talk I just let my husband being a video tape it's showing you what it look like you know you want me to end the video so I'll subscribe if you haven't subscribe give me a thumbs up if you enjoyed this video and I ain't even think about you if you give me a thumb down and I'll comment below like you got any questions that you think I missed something that you didn't understand it that's the best way I cannot answer you through come in and I cuz I think I covered everything and I'll tell you one thing I try to keep up with our Macomb this I appreciate you guys thanks for the support and bye alright you guys this is it yeah I later stayed in the oven about 20 20 minutes until you turn me turn it on bro so it may be about two minutes well that will be two minutes and I'll see you guys in my next video [Music]
Channel: Mae Mae's Happy Table
Views: 840,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wonder Share Filmore 9.0
Id: XS960HEQiwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 48sec (3408 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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