How to make Chicken Enchiladas

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hi everybody I'm back somebody had messaged me and they asked me they said Gina what about the Mexican do you like Mexican food of course I do and they said because I don't see any Mexican food in your videos and I thought I love Mexican I love Mexican food and I'm going to dedicate today to all Mexican dishes here's what we're gonna do today absolutely because I have Haitian food I have Chinese food I have African food Porto Rican I have everything and I believe the only thing that I made of Mexican was a burrito so I got you here's what we're gonna do today I'm gonna show you all how to make chicken enchiladas that'll be one video the next video I'm going to show you all how to make Mexican rice and then the third video I'm going to show you all how to make refried beans so the first thing that I want to do let's pause this video go over to our ingredients and I'm going to show you what you all will need for the chicken enchiladas be right back okay everybody what you will need over here in this pan and I can bring the pan a little closer to you right here in this pan I have four large chicken breasts in water and what I'm gonna do right now I want to turn that up on high because what I want that to do is I want that chicken to cook for around about 3540 minutes okay when it's done I'm gonna drain the druze the juice and I'm going to shred that really well okay you will need corn tortillas tortillas make sure their core you do not want to use flour tortillas because they will be so smushy a lot of Americans they will make tortillas and they will try to use the corn I mean I mean the flour ones and the flour will not work it will always get smushy so make sure if you're making enchiladas you want to use the corn tortillas in here I have 14 all right let's come down this way you will need noir tomato Boyan with chicken flavor and you're gonna need just one of those you will need 1 onion chopped you will need queso fresco I have 1/3 cup of flour you will need Mexican crema you'll need chicken broth and over there I have the Mexican style shredded cheese you will need Huntz tomato sauce chili powder and I like to season with garlic powder salt pepper and onion powder so the first thing that we need to do before we can do anything is get this chicken nice and cooked after our chicken is cooked I'm going to show you all how to make our beautiful enchilada sauce be right back actually what I can do I'll go ahead and switch this over to this I over here and we'll go ahead and make our enchilada sauce right now be right back ok everybody the first thing that I'd like to do I have some oil in the bottom of the pan about two tablespoons of oil and I have a half a cup of chili powder all right we're gonna cook this on a low heat okay don't have it up on high cuz we don't want for our chili powder to burn so you want to pay close attention to this beautiful chili powder okay and what we're doing right now is we're kind of waking up the chili powder by cooking it if you've ever heard of people cooking spices they do that to kind of wake up the spice and release the oils the natural oils from the the spice now I'm taking it off the stove so that it doesn't burn and I think I'd like to put a little bit more oil in put a little bit more oil in there okay because I want to show you the consistency that I'm looking for see this that's what I'm wanting kind of a pasty consistency just like this okay and make sure your heat is on low we're making enchilada sauce guys and I'm gonna show you all how to make one beautiful enchilada sauce this sauce is so tasty this dish is so easy so much fun and yet guys I promise you it tastes so good you hear me some I put this back on the stove and just let it go for a while have patience when you're in the kitchen like I always like to say if you have patience in the kitchen oh you're gonna have some good food trust me when I tell you this okay so now we've cooked our chili powder nicely with the oil and you'll start to smell it very prevalent it'll start to smell delicious okay what we're going to do at this point is we're going to go ahead and put some flour in okay I have 1/3 cup of flour now a lot of people don't use flour in their enchilada sauce and you honestly don't have to ok so if you don't want to that's just fine just omit the flour but I like to use the flour because I like from my enchilada sauce to have some thickness to it absolutely I do okay so I'm going to use a little bit less just a little bit less than the third cup 1/3 cup ok so I'm going to grab this chicken broth boy does this chilli powder smells so good in this oil yes it does just kind of take a rubber spatula in this manner and keep kind of smashing it down just like so and now I have the chicken broth I'm gonna open that up and then I need to grab a whisk okay but before we put our chicken broth in be right back guys I got someone at my door be right back okay everyone I am back there was someone at my door trying to sell windows all right so we have our beautiful this is what this should look like let me bring it close to you just like this okay so now before we put our chicken broth in let's go ahead and put this full can of tomato sauce and that's a 15-ounce can of hunt's tomato sauce I suggest that you use the Hutts because the hunt's tastes so much better than the others that I've tried okay so this will have a sort of a thick consistency at first until we start to thin it out a little bit with our chicken broth okay and then at this moment I'm gonna go ahead and take that tomato and chicken flavor it Boyan cube and I'm gonna kind of smash it up inside of our mixture that we have here this lets off so much flavor if you all have never tasted these Boyan cubes before you gotta get some guys especially if you want good flavor in your foods you have to use it it's delicious and you can find those in beef and you can find those in chicken flavor okay so right now I like to season with onion powder put a nice thing nice and mound in guys garlic powder oh absolutely and you don't have to use the salt because we use the Boyan cube and that bouillon cube has salt in it okay so just get your seasonings well mixed in and we still have this on a low heat if you have any big chunks from the Boyan cube just kind of smash them with your rubber spatula boy does this smell good and over there you can see our chickens doing exactly what we want it to do it's cooking up nicely okay so here's this alright now we're going to go in with our beautiful chicken broth and what the chicken broth will do is thin your sauce out okay and you put as much in as you like because I want for you all to see if you want your skin or if you like it nice and thick so you keep pouring until you're happy with how it fins out or you stop pouring if you're happy with how thick it is okay so we're just gonna take our time and stir the sauce oh boy does this smell good keep it on love and we have enchilada sauce 101 guys if you never had this before you got to make you some cuz it's delicious and it pairs up with ground beef I gotta taste this guys I am so sorry I have to taste that oh yes and it's so beautiful boy does that taste good I'll put some more to thin it out okay and when you go to use this if you feel like it's too thick well you just keep putting more chicken broth in no problem there no worries in this kitchen alright and we want to make sure that we mix this well get it well incorporated so that we have absolutely no lumps this should be nice and smooth I'm gonna pour more beautiful mm-hmm just like this this is the consistency that I like and I'll show you how because I'm going to grab a spoon and show you how thick it is why does that taste good I got to taste this again and make sure you cook this sauce on low heat all right let me grab a spoon and we'll give this a taste all right look at this so this is what I wanted to show you see that that's a beautiful consistency it's not watery thin and it's not too thick see that I'm gonna taste this you all want to taste it taste that right there guys oh my goodness so delicious mmm oh yes so much flavor that's exactly what I'm looking for so this is done completely done all of the lumps are out it's nice it has a nice consistency it's not too thick and it's not too thin go ahead and turn your stove off for this so I'm gonna take this off of the bone burner so that it does not continue to cook because if you leave it there it will continue to cook and it'll start to reduce and you don't want that so when it's done you take it right off that burner these chicken breasts are cooking up nicely I'm just gonna give them a nice turn so that the other side can get well done and then we'll shred these after these are done after the chicken is done and it cools down I'm going to show you how to shred it and how to assemble chicken and cheese and chill itis be right back everyone okay everybody my chicken has cooked and it's well done here's what we're going to do I need to let this chicken cool down for at least about 10 minutes and then I can go in and start shredding it and all you excuse me all you need to do to shred it is just take two forks and just do like this in a pulling motion you know one fork here one fork here and just do this and that chicken will shred right up for you you right back okay everybody I want to show you all just really quickly how I shred the chicken remember I said just use the two forks and you just do this you don't have to use a knife just take your time and do this and pull separate ways and it will shred up for you very nicely if you don't want to go through this process what you can do is you can always go to Kroger's or Walmart or whatever supermarkets you have that sells the cooked rotisserie chickens you go on buy one and you take the skin off and you shred that bad boy up just like this and that will make your cooking process much faster okay but this is how you do that very very very simple I'm going to continue to shred the rest of these pieces of chicken and I'll be right back everyone all of our chicken is nice and shredded okay everybody now I've opened up my beautiful corn tortillas and I'm gonna grab a belt 9 or 10 I'm not sure exactly how many is going to fit into my baking dish this is my baking dish that I'm gonna use today first thing that we want to do you want to get a nice warm pan all right let's make sure I have a good view onto the pan we step out the way get really nice view let's see so I want to zoom right in there we go okay I'm heating my pan up there we go now I have a picture of the tortillas in the pan beautiful so now I have just a tiny bit of oil in the pan you don't have to put any oil in the pan what we're aiming to do is to heat these up okay I just want to make sure my pan is nice and warm and these should come apart very easily and boy they smell so good all right so I'm just gonna do three at a time we're gonna warm them up after we get them nice and warm we're just gonna stack them on this red plate over here and then I'll show you how to assemble the most beautiful chicken enchiladas you've ever had all right so I have my sauce here and I'm just gonna set it here because we'll need this sauce shortly once you heat these up you want to stack them on top of each other okay so that they can stay nice and warm while they're waiting to be wrapped up so I have my pan on a medium high warm in our beautiful tortillas if you don't warm these up and you try to roll them they will break on you so you have to warm them up and they taste better when you're warm Oh beautiful see how they're you know get a little flimsy for you that's what you're wanting okay beautiful just like this okay there's three there's six take my other ones out the pan I'm so excited for this recipe my mouth is set on chicken enchiladas I'm so excited and I appreciate you messaging me about the Mexican recipes because it's something that slipped by me and I love Mexican food I gotta taste this I really do I have to taste this it's so tasty oh my word so delicious mmm-hmm beautiful so tonight for our dinner we're having the Mexican rice chicken enchiladas or refried beans and my family is so excited my husband is so excited okay so this is this one's ready it's nice and flimsy this one's ready so we have six of them ready all right so we'll put three more in I think nine should be enough I think nine should be enough and then this if you open this bag right this has a resealable bag and we can use this later for something else absolutely just be careful when you open it I just took scissors and cut along that line and now we can reseal it and use those ones beautiful all right so we're going to bring our pan here's our pan over here we got our rice we have our onions and I'm gonna open up one of the Mexican style Jesus right and let's come back over here turn these three they smell so good so tasty oh yeah we're getting excited so now here's what I want to do come over here I want you to see my opinion because I want to put some of our enchilada sauce right here on the bottom of our pan if you see this not too much just enough so the bottom of our enchiladas will get coated in the sauce and our enchiladas won't stick to the pinion see that that's a beautiful amount perfect all right so let me see exactly how much see that that's what you're wanting alright we'll go ahead and take these out these are ready beautiful they smell so good alright we're done with this pan I need to take the pan off the sill let's make some enchiladas alright white my mess up I can't stand a dirty stove we're gonna bring my sauce back in effect and I'm gonna turn this off or below just so I can warm up a little bit alright then we're gonna make this let's show you how easily this is done let's see turn that off okay so the first thing that we're gonna do thank you all for being patient with me all right let's get over here and I'm gonna take my rings off down and dirty but it's good guys it's so good and it's so worth it okay so we're gonna take this and you dip it dip Idina yes absolutely you're gonna dip this all right and then I need to bring my cutting board into effect show you how to assemble one all right we're gonna take some cheese you align your cheese just like this put as much cheese as you would like you're gonna put some shredded chicken you're gonna do each one this way the sauce is nice and warm again I turned the sauce off put you some shredded chicken on there and put you some onions fresh onion if you have kids that don't prefer to have the onion in there then you don't have to put onion in each one if you don't want to okay so then we just turn these this way you see that turn it just like that like a taquito and we're going to put each one down into our sauce see that very simple I'm going to do one more for you we can come back over here it's so simple we'll take this we're going to put it right down into that sauce so make sure you turn to your sauce off if you haven't turned it off by now and go and look at keys oh I'm so excited just like that put you some chicken on there if you wanted to use ground beef you can okay now don't overstuff phone because you want to be able to put some fresh onion in not too much you want to be able to turn them okay so you just start to turn Dakota can you grab my phone please turn these just like that go on the back and answer it scoot it over to green look at this guy's perfect beautifully set in the sauce I'm going to continue to make others to fill this all the way up and I'll be right back guys okay everybody I decided to do one more for you I just would like to show you all how to do one more just in case anyone has any questions alright we're going to go in with our Mexican cheese spread it you either put your shredded chicken or your shredded beef on put you some fresh onion in if you don't like onion you don't have to put that in there okay but it gives it such a nice touch if you do like onions look at this beautiful old one let me make sure you wrap it up tight get that extra chicken put it back in there just like so all right I'm gonna put the others in and I'll be right back okay everyone our enchiladas are nice and done we've rolled them all up alright now we're going to go in with some beautiful sauce on top oh absolutely you have to have that sauce and then when these come out of the oven I'm going to show you what toppings you can put on top yours and what toppings I like to eat on top of my chicken enchiladas whoo-whee look at this and you make sure we're going to put these in the oven 350 degrees for around about 30 to 40 minutes all right these are so delicious so easy to make so much fun mmm I can't stop eating the sauce it's so good beautiful just get a little bit more sauce on there we want to cover it all up just like this all right and then you want to go in with your Mexican cheese [Applause] cut you some cheese right on the top of these not too much because you still want to be able to distinguish how many you're grabbing but just enough beautiful get you some aluminum foil put this in the oven and for 25 of the minutes we're gonna have this covered with aluminum foil after 20 minutes we'll take this out of the oven and take the aluminum foil off so that we can get nice beautifully brown cheese all right right now for putting our little boy lon put it on nice and tight and I'll be back after 25 minutes be back everyone okay everyone I'm back you might hear a little bit of noise in the background I just have my dishwasher going look at this guy's chicken enchiladas 101 you hear me I cannot wait to sink my teeth down into here I'm gonna put these back into the oven for just about seven to ten minutes because I want for my cheese I want to put a little bit more cheese on I used to get nice and golden brown all right and then we'll give these a try right after I post this video I'll start working on my Mexican rice video I am so excited for tonight guys you hear me I got some extra enchilada sauce on the side if anybody wants extra sauce all right look at this this is going right back in the oven oh yeah all right put this in the oven I'll be right back guys in seven to ten minutes and we have chicken and shilada and as you can see you'll see I put some green onion on there and I have some queso fresco and I have some Mexican crema all right and I have some shredded lettuce and I'm going to show you what we're gonna do with everything and then pico if you want it I'm not gonna put Pico on mine but my husband likes to put Pico on the top of his now I want to grab like three of these honestly I do but I'm only gonna grab one because I know everybody else they're going to want two or three of them you know what I'm saying but I'm just gonna dig in and grab one but I may get some more later I'm so excited i'ma let you all see me eat so let me make the plate and then I'll come back I'm going to show you how I like to dress mine be right back okay so as you can see I've taken mine out the pan and they're very easily to get out the pan they don't come a loose they don't get smushy look at this guy's oh absolutely look at that alright so what I like to do I like to put some iceberg lettuce I like to put mine right along the side okay because I like a bit of that fresh crunch put you some iceberg lettuce right on the side I like to go in okay so for that scope okay and you just grab some just like this and you'll put the pieces on here as you like and I like a lot I love queso fresco I hope I'm saying that right if I'm not saying it right I would love to say it right I like to put a little bit on my lettuce absolutely I do okay just like that and then check my Mexican crema and you put you some on there guys don't be afraid to put that Mexican crema on there oh my word this right here whoo oh yeah absolutely and then you have a nice salad on the side all right I'll be right back and we're gonna give this a try mmm okay everybody let's dig in look at this guy's I want you to get it up close on this let me know what you think about this and just how beautiful this is look at that beautiful I'm standing up so let me just put my here y'all can look at me though I want to put my plate right down here on top of the stove and I'm digging in god bless this meal thank you Jesus for feeding me another meal all your blessings taking care of us and keeping us safe thank you Lord for loving us feeding us thank you for forgiving us for our sins we love you Jesus we believe in you Amy here we go guys oh my goodness this is like this is mMmmm I gotta get that queso fresco on there mmm and you all can have this first bite look at this guy's give it a try let me know what you think oh I hope it's not too hot for my mouth but I'm so excited for this mmm wipe my mouth boy that is so delicious oh my word mmm ooh that's good this right here this really takes you home guys this right here what it reminds me of mmm is comfort food this right here is this makes me nice and comfortable and warm inside guys they really does look at this taste that oh my god oh oh it's good hmm take my glasses off oh my gosh this right here so delicious in this bite I have a huge piece of chicken it looks so good oh my word on the Mexican crema you have to have that on there absolutely put you some lettuce on top and go at it oh god bless this meal look at that chicken guys so good mmm so good mmm this is what makes me happy dishes like this what makes me nice and warm inside boy is this beautiful we got that cold weather out there what better way to warm up with these beautiful chicken enchiladas look at this guy's taste that mmm oh so good oh yeah my word I want some more of this crema I hope it doesn't go all over the place but I like a nice amount of it guys it's beautiful oh man taste that guy's taste that is so beautiful and the chicken is so tender [Music] if you all if you all enjoyed this recipe hey give me a thumbs up if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe make sure you click on that notification bill so that you can be notified every time I upload one of these awesome recipes absolutely like you have to guys does you don't want to miss anything that I'm cooking I'm always cooking something good in this kitchen you hear me guys taste that mmm look at my plate and as always god bless each and every one of you have a great night thank you all for watching good night
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 211,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3tWlDUgvyKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 34sec (2254 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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