How to make Salmon Patties

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hi everybody I'm back and today I'm gonna show you all how to make salmon patties here's what you will need you will need two cans of pink Selman you will need one medium potato and what I've done with this potato is I've peeled the potato and I boiled the potato until it was fork tender you will need onions green bell peppers and red bell peppers and what I've done with these as I've put less than a teaspoon of oil in a frying pan and I've sautéed the vegetables up I did them ahead of time so that I can shorten the cooking process of the video and also so that my vegetables can be cool because when you put these vegetables in they have to be cool when you add them with your Selman you will need to eights you will need chicken powder here's what the chicken powder looks like it's a chicken Boyan flavor and it's in a powder form you will need garlic powder black pepper and Italian seasoned breadcrumbs okay so the first thing that I need to show you all how to do is let me take my ribs off make sure your hands are impeccably clean okay now let me show you what the salmon looks like so it comes in the can and you want to drain the water well as much as you can okay and then you just open it it'll fall right open for you just like this okay and then you open it and what you'll see let's get a good picture down into here so you all can understand this you'll see a line of bones these bones will come up very easily for you these bones are not the kind of fish bones that's really sharp they won't stab you they won't get stuck in your throat actually these bow here a lot of people eat these phones but I take them out okay can you see what they look like just like that and then you take the others out these bones are really soft and there's a lot of people that eat them but I don't so I choose to take them out so the bones are here and there and you can't Missal okay and then we'll come over on this side and you open it up as well and you feel for the bones here's the bones just like so anything that I make in this kitchen is so easy and yet it tastes so good nothing hard to make in my kitchen guys you hear me okay there's some boom just like that now I'll discard of the bones and then what I like to do is go in and grab this dark part which is called the silver skin and discard of it as well now there's some of you that like to keep the skin and that's totally fine okay so now we'll turn this one over get that silver skin off and we're in business okay so just like this and then we'll do our second can as well now you all that know me you know that I have another salmon patty video so feel free to check out that video okay I did that video a year ago and I've heard a lot of people saying well Gina I think it's about time for another salmon patty video and I thought well okay so here we are we're back in the kitchen making salmon patties again and I'm delighted to make it for you all absolutely I am so I'm going to do the same process with this one as well okay you just grab the bones and discard apple okay get the silver skin off and you're set I tell you one thing I'm gonna show you all how to make one of the best the best you hear me recipes for salmon patties I love them I grew up on salmon patties my grandma made them and one thing that I'm gonna do with this recipe that I didn't do with my old older recipe the other video I didn't put the potato in there but today I'm gonna put the potato in there my grandmom when she made salmon patties she would always put a boiled potato in there and that would be it does definitely give it flavor but back in the days it would also stretch your meal you know stretch your meal so they could feed their families absolutely so in memory of my beautiful grandma we're putting the potato in absolutely okay can you just fill for your bones and take the silver skin off just like so same process make sure when you open this one let me show you all that you see those bones right there yep just pull it right up it comes right up with no problem when you all feel these phones if you haven't felt them for the first time you'll understand when I say that these bones are really soft they're not the bone that we're used to with fish that are really sharp and can stab you okay let's get the silver skin off the bottom of this and I'm going to show you all how to make these bad boys salmon patties is on the menu tonight at the Young's house now what we're gonna do I have a nice clean bowl and what you want to do is bring your bowl into the equation and put your salmon patties or your salmon right on into that bowl and we're gonna go in with the wooden spoon and you're just gonna kind of mush your salmon together because when you're making salmon patties you don't want to have big chunks now a lot of you might say bajina can't do this with fresh salmon absolutely you can okay and you'll do the same exact recipe then you'll follow the same instructions only you'll be using fresh salmon no problem there when I think of salmon patties I do it how I grew up on them and that was with the canned salmon okay so I'm gonna continue to give a nice mush if that makes any sense mushy mushy all right next thing we're gonna do I'm gonna go in with my spices so I have less than a tablespoon of chicken powder chicken powder Gina yes absolutely guys please trust me when I tell you this and since we're using this chicken Boyan powder we're not gonna use salt okay that way your salmon patties are nice and seasoned but they're not too salty because if you were to use salt and your chicken powder it would be too salty okay let's go in with a nice amount of ground black pepper you have to have black pepper in there absolutely let's get a nice amount in there just like so here we go and then garlic powder I love the taste of garlic powder in with my salmon patties you almost have to have that garlic powder in there there you go I don't suggest using fresh garlic with these salmon patties okay and then I'm gonna go in with my potato that I've boiled and I'm gonna use just about whoops just about half of this potato I think I'll use my fork just shave off some funny use like I said about let's see I might even use the whole thing let's see and this will also serve as a binder as well that's all you need that's all you need pin this here hey I'll eat that my hands down here absolutely so then when you saute up your vegetables don't use a lot of oil or butter because we don't want oily salmon patties okay and you don't have to use a lot of vegetables I use just a couple slices of green bell pepper a couple slices of the red and a very small amount of onion okay chop it up small saute it up and make sure it's cooled down before you put it in here because if it's not cooled down you make scrambled eggs how will you make scrambled eggs well because we're gonna put these eggs in you don't want anything to be hot when you put your eggs in all right that makes sense okay then we're gonna go in and we're gonna put some breadcrumbs in okay not too much but just enough to bind your beautiful patty this right here might be just enough so I'm gonna go in with my wooden spoon and we're gonna get these eggs and potatoes well incorporate it and all of those beautiful seasonings and I tell you all what this smells so good right now you hear me boy this is really bringing memories back absolutely it is Wow I automatically when I think salmon patties I think of my grandma yes I do I can't help but to mmm smells so good yes it does so how you're gonna feel this to see if it's ready to be Patti DUP and not Toulouse is you're gonna kind of take it in your hand and see if you can ball it up see how that stayed into a nice ball and we a drop it and it's still kind of in the bowl absolutely it is it's ready I'm gonna put just a tiny bit more bread crumb just a teeny teeny teeny bit that's it and then we have the perfect mix it's ready to be Patti DUP I'm gonna show you how to make these patties and then we're gonna fry these bad boys up mMmmm I came to make some mouths water tonight you hear me who doesn't love salmon patties in hooker I want you all to let me know in the description below who grew up on salmon patties if you did let me know and let me know how your family made them so I'm just gonna go in and grab some of the mixture and you just kind of patty it up just like when I made the crab cakes and you make them the size that you want when you make them the bigger size as if it was a hamburger that's called a salmon patty and when you make a little teeny one like this kind of oval that's called a salmon croquette okay I'm not doing croquettes today I'm doing patties and it kind of resembles like I said a nice size hamburger just like this so you want to make sure it's all sealed on the sides nice and padded up and we're gonna take this and we're gonna take some flour let's put this aside I'm gonna take this get all your side sealed so it doesn't come apart on you okay mash it down to the size that you would like to see them okay take a little bit of flour and you floured aside and you dust that extra off okay you see that a little bit of flour all right dust the extra off and we're going to set this aside you can even take the flour and go across the edges if you like what will the flour do Gina well I'll tell you let me grab a plate really quick so I can put this on what the flour will do is the flour is going to give you one nice beautiful crispy crust a golden brown crust that we all think about when we think of salmon patties and I'll show you I'll show you it's a nice crispy golden-brown crust that I love that the flour does now if you want it to some of you might say but Gina I don't want to use flour guess what you don't have to you can make these and they're gonna fry up nice and golden brown and they're gonna taste just as good they're just not gonna be as crispy as they would okay with this flour all right but you don't have to use it I promise it'll turn out beautiful as well so then you're gonna go in and do that same thing same thing does the extra off put a little bit on your sides all right I'm gonna continue to do a couple more and then we'll start the process of frying these I'll be right back after I'm complete patty in the others okay everybody all of our patties are nice and padded up and what I like to do is I'd like to let these sit with that flour on there for around about 7 to 10 minutes okay so everything can kind of set back up okay and be nice and firm so let's bring this towards our stove come this way because I have a pan this is a skillet that I want to use okay let me show you just about how much oil I haven't Pam just about that much okay and then we're gonna put our patties in okay ever so gentle and I'm starting to hear a nice sizzle you want to hear that right away when you put your salmon patties in the pan now naturally you're gonna want to go in right away with a fork or a spatula going in you know going in looking at it don't mess with it just let it be and it'll turn out perfect because if you go in right now with the spatula or fork messing with it what'll happen is it'll fall apart on you and we don't want that okay so what will happen the salmon patties will actually let you know when it's time to turn them the way they will do that you'll start to see a beautiful golden-brown ring right around the bottom edge okay and when you start to see that golden brown ring that's an indication that you can go ahead check on them and turn them okay you want to stand here I don't suggest walking away from the stove you know if you don't feel like standing just pull a chair up to the stove okay so we're gonna look for that golden brown ring and you're gonna put your stove on medium high heat if you turn it up on high it'll burn it'll cook really fast and the inside will still be cold if you put it on low it'll kind of steam and everything will fall apart so you put it on medium-high in this bad boy hey listen you hear me oh yeah absolutely we're gonna have salmon patties tonight and so when I was a younger kid I would use ketchup on my salmon patties I don't know if I would do that as an adult but I want to try it to bring back memories to see if I would still like it with ketchup or you could use sriracha mail you could use hot sauce you could squeeze some lemon on here you can make an aioli anything that you want to do with your salmon patty you absolutely can't hey you can put this salmon patty between two pieces of bread and in go to town you hear me absolutely you can so possibilities are endless when you're thinking what to do with your salmon patties you could have rice on the side you can eat it with mashed potatoes and peas you can pretty much do whatever you want with salmon okay now they're cooking up nicely and my house is smelling good don't think just because it's a salmon that it has a fishy smell this does not have a fishy smell at all actually it smells beautiful oh it smells good okay I think I'm gonna go ahead and grab some lemon juice out of my frigerator if I have some and I do have some I'm gonna squeeze just a little bit on it these salmon patties are so easy so much fun and yet it tastes so good oh okay this reminds me I said yet it tastes so good here's one of my cups that says yet it tastes so good and on the back it says in the kitchen with Gina Young you can find this in my online where the merch is located and then I believe I have another coffee mug and it says I can't do anything without God in my coffee I think that's awesome one but if you haven't had a chance to check the merch I'll check it out I'm starting to see a nice beautiful golden brown so now I'm going in I'm gonna turn this first one and see oh yeah baby you're there me oh yes yeah see see see see this way this is what gets me excited that golden-brown beautiful color now one thing I'm gonna tell you all and I'm not sure if I told you all in the beginning of the video as far as the vegetables go the onions and the bell peppers you don't want to put the onions and bell peppers in raw how come and the reason why is because these salmon patties cook up so fast what would happen is your vegetables if you put them in raw they would never have a chance to cook so you pre cook them you call them down so it doesn't you know heat your egg up when you mix them and those vegetables are just perfect and when you cut down in there or bite down in there it gets such a beautiful color with the onions and the red and the green bell peppers now if you're someone that doesn't like peppers then by far you don't have to put peppers in okay and it'll still be good if you're someone who says Oh Gina but I really don't like onions you don't have to put it in there it's okay just follow the rest of the recipe and leave the onions out okay when you all make my recipe make it your recipe but what you like in it look at this let's get a good good look at this guy's that's right here oh yeah this right here is salmon patties 101 you hear me think about making yourself because if not you are totally missing out guys this salmon patty is to absolute die for you hear me and they're not greasy don't think for one second that these are greasy one thing that you want to do to prevent them from being greasy if you always want to make sure anytime you're frying anything it doesn't matter what it is you want to make sure that your oil is nice and hot and when your oil is nice and hot nothing that you cook will be oily but it you're to ever put anything into a frying pan and your oil wasn't hot and you didn't take the time to heat your oil up what will happen is they will be oily okay and soggy so always make sure that oil is nice and hot and what you can do is you can take the back of a wooden spoon and put it in your oil like this and once you see a bunch of bubbles come around the edge of your spoon you know that that oil is nice and hot or you can throw you a tad bit of flour in there and if that flour sizzles right away just like this then hey your oil is nice and hot okay I usually do the trick with the flour and that assures me that my oil is ready look at this and look how simple now when I make the videos I pause I stop and I pause and I come back and edit different things and now the videos are actually longer than the cooking process of my videos like I said because I take things out I add it I'm pausing and things like that but this here hey you could have this done 25 minutes 25 minutes and this was done and on the table absolutely look at this this right here really takes me back to my childhood there's nothing and a lot of you say it a lot of you all say thank you Gina for taking me back to my childhood like there's nothing like good old memories good old memories oh man you hear me absolutely I do and I have a lot of memories eating salmon patties I'm gonna check the bottom because I'm starting to see golden brown oh yes see this right here this is right up my alley my goodness are they beautiful I want them to go for just a little bit longer to get nice and golden and then we'll take them out let me check on this one oh yeah my goodness I'm a try guys salmon patties for sure and like I said if you wanted to make the croquettes just make your patties a little smaller into little ones you can make them over oval and they'll be salmon croquette I will do a video for the mackerel patties I didn't grow up eating them but I see a lot of people like them okay so I'll have to do a video for them as well because there's so many people that love mackerel Patty and I just wonder this mackerel patties tastes like salmon patty I wonder stuff like that all right let me get a cooling rack to set these on and I'll be right back and we'll give these a try look at this everyone salmon patties look at them nice and beautiful any time you cook something and you fry it you put it on the cooling rack because a cooling rack will allow for circulation to happen and your product won't gets mushy at the bottom it will remain nice and crispy okay so what I've done is I've put the cooling rack right on top of a dish air can circulate and it'll stay nice and crispy okay so let's arrange these right onto our plate over here they've had plenty of time to cool down okay everybody here's what I want you to see I want you all to see this beautiful crisp eNOS that's on the outside and then the inside is nice and soft and so flavorful my goodness okay just to show you just how fast these things go no sooner than they they were they were waiting on me to put that video on pause so they could run in here and grab one look at those guys look at this beautiful crisp eNOS beautiful both sides nice beautiful and crispy soft in the middle let's give this one a try and I'll set these aside okay what I'm gonna do I'm gonna squeeze just a little bit of lemon on mine if you don't like lemon you don't have to use lemon watch this just a little bit that's it that's all I need guys I'm gonna put just a little a little bit of ketchup a little bit of sriracha mayo we're gonna give this a try god bless this will thank you Lord for feeding us every day taking care of us and keeping us safe in your arms send your angels down to surround us day and night and your Holy Spirit to help us make good decisions give us peace over our mind Lord we love you we believe in you we have faith in you and we thank you again once again for this meal amen let's go I can't take it any longer I'm grabbing a knife just so I can cut down in here and show you I normally don't use a fork and knife this is just so I can show you all just what the middle looks like okay let me I have to take these pieces guys I can't stand any longer oh my word my goodness let's see hold on look at that beautiful you hear me mm-hmm all right let's go give me that piece right there Oh nice and crispy I'm gonna let you all taste this taste right there my goodness look at this taste that I'm diggin in [Music] [Music] hands down hands down this is the best salmon patty in town you hear me taste that bar my goodness hey if you all enjoy this video mm-hmm give me a thumbs up and if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe and make sure you click on that notification bell so that you can be notified every time I upload one of these awesome recipes and as always god bless each and every one of you thank you all for watching have a good night oh yeah mm-hmm I wasn't sure as as an adult if I would like to catch up I still love to catch up on it my goodness is that good god bless you all have a good night
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Views: 1,098,072
Rating: 4.8181081 out of 5
Keywords: Salmon patties, Salmon, Salmon Cakes, salmon patties, salmon cakes, How to make Salmon patties, How to make Salmon Croquettes, Salmon Croquettes, Gina Young, Gina Young Recipes, gina young recipes, In The Kitchen With Gina Young, in the kitchen with gina young, Fresh Salmon patties, Fresh salmon, Fresh salmon Croquettes, Quick meals, Seafood, Seafood Recipes, Salmon Recipes, How to cook, Food Tutorial, Christian, how to cook salmon patties
Id: 4yTlY_779Ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 23sec (1823 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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