How to make Potato Salad

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hi everybody I'm back and today I'm gonna show you all how to make potato salad here's what you will need in this pan I have 7 medium sized potatoes that I've peeled and I've cut them all the same size okay into squares if you want to cut them smaller you can if you want them cut them bigger you can all right so I've rinsed my potatoes until the water has turned nice and clear and what happens when you want it when the water turns clear is you've rinsed off a lot of the starch okay so the water is nice and clear and this water is cold you never want to start with hot water or warm water always cold so let's take this pot right on and bring it over this way and put it on to the paint onto the stove now I have the burner on a medium-high heat okay and the first thing that we need to do if I can reach over the camera really quickly is you definitely need to salt your water anytime you're making potatoes or if you're making noodles you have to salt your water okay so I'm gonna take some sea salt and I'm gonna go right in and season this water just like so all right now let me come over this way and we're gonna grab four eggs I have four large eggs and check this trick out I like to put my eggs right down in to my potato water we're gonna boil our eggs as we boil our potatoes what a great trick right absolutely it is okay so I've nestled four eggs down into the potatoes the water is turned on to medium-high heat okay so the ingredients that you're going to use you will need two and a half or two stalks of celery chopped finely and I'm gonna chop this onion as well nice and finely use a medium sized onion okay if you don't want a lot of onion use a little bit absolutely you use as much as you would like to use okay if you don't like a lot of celery don't use a lot and also you could even use celery seed if you choose to okay now we're gonna use a little bit of sweet relish we're gonna use some smoked paprika we're gonna use a little bit of garlic powder and of course you need Mayo okay we're gonna use some cracked black pepper we're gonna use sea salt yellow mustard and of course you all that know me you know I can't make any dish without putting parsley in okay and we just might put just a little pinch of sugar in there we'll just see okay because once I taste it I'm gonna reach over here and grab a knife once I taste it I'll see if I need the sugar or not we might not need it because I am putting that relish in there now if you all have never seen my other potato salad video you might want to check it out it's really interesting know that I make a couple different kinds of potato salad the other video that I made was my potato salad that I make the has the lemons in it and it is delicious you hear me and a lot of people say gee what do you mean limits and I say yes try the lemons in your potato salad and you will never turn back from it you hear me but today I'm gonna do just my all traditional Gina young potato salad and this one does not have the lemons in it first thing I'm gonna do I want to go ahead and I'm gonna cut some of this onion I'm not gonna use a whole lot of the onion okay because I don't like a lot of onion in my potato salad I like just enough to taste but not too much and when I chop this see how much how many it is that's all I need and when I chop this bad boy up hey I'm just gonna chop it up as fine as I can and I'll show you exactly how fun I like to have my onions because when I'm eating potato salad or even macaroni stem I don't want to bite down into a raw piece of onion okay I want the flavor for sure but I don't want a whole lot of onion in mine or big chunks so if you're just like me then you use a little bit and you chop it up just as fine as you can just keep going over and over this onion until it gets mixed up just like you like it okay now my celery is a little bit bigger in size I don't mind biting down into a nice piece of celery okay and you just do this just like so I hope you all are having a great day today I hope you all have a great week if you all haven't seen my video that I made before this I made a meatloaf video and that meatloaf was one heck of a meatloaf it was so delicious you hear me whoo let me loaf make you want to smack somebody you hear me make you want to cry cuz it was so good and so we're having potato salad with the meatloaf today okay that's what's on the dinner menu tonight at the young meatloaf and potato salad so here we go let me show you just how small these pieces of onion is just like that okay and so I'm gonna put this on the same plate that we have our celery okay I'm not making a huge batch of potato salad today because I'm not feeding a lot of people will probably eat on this potato salad for maybe two or three days if it lasts that long so we have our celery and our onions done and out the way meanwhile our potatoes and our eggs on the stove and they're getting ready to come to a nice boil and normally only have to cook my potatoes for good 20 to 25 minutes we'll just see okay sometimes the times vary I'm just washing my hands trying to get some of those onions off of my hands but yeah usually a good 25 minutes and my potatoes are done perfectly and what I'll do is I'll just take the eggs out when the potatoes are done okay if I still like some potatoes need to go a little longer and I feel like my eggs are done just take your eggs out early right no problem there everything you know I know I say it a lot guys everything that I make in this kitchen is so easy so much fun to make and it tastes so good all right so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna let these potatoes cook I'm gonna put the video on pause and then once I see that our potatoes and eggs are just about done I'll come back and I'll show you how to complete one beautiful potato salad okay everybody our potatoes are done these potatoes have cooked for 25 minutes and what I'm gonna do right now is we're gonna put this in the sink to drain them and then I'll show you what to do next okay everyone so our potatoes are nice and drained and you can see that they're very hot so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna put my potatoes in the freezer you me what you're gonna put your potatoes in the freezer absolutely I am because I have a video to make and I don't have time to wait on these potatoes to cool down so what I'm gonna do I'm gonna put them in the freezer just for a few minutes to cool them down so I can make this video okay so we're gonna close these down and it won't take any time to cool them down let's get those in the freezer are they gonna freeze no they're not gonna freeze you don't have to worry about that and my eggs are completely boiled so I have my eggs in cold water and here in a second I'm gonna go ahead and peel them and soon as our potatoes are nice and cool I'll show you how to assemble our beautiful potato salad I'm gonna peel these eggs and I'll be right back okay everyone I'm back ten minutes in the oven our potatoes are nice and cold and now we can go ahead and mix up our mixture first thing that I'd like to do we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna put I'm using a fork so that I can drain the juice okay I want the flavor but I don't want that juice because I don't want a watery you know a watery potato salad we're gonna use just to fork fulls okay gives it a great taste now you can get you can use the deal relish or you can use a sweet relish like I do all right what we're gonna do I'm gonna go on in with some garlic powder garlic powder yes you have to use garlic powder when you're making potato salad it makes it so delicious you hear me okay we're gonna put some black pepper as well this is cracked black pepper put you a nice amount in there we have a nice amount of potatoes there to season okay just like so all right and then we're gonna go in with sea salt just a little is all you need not too much that's all you need okay and mustard you have to have mustard when you are making potato salad you hear me put you some in there how much Gina just put you some in there I know crazy all right let's put some parsley beautiful yes parsley makes everything beautiful I hope you all are enjoying your day today let's go ahead and put our finely minced onion and celery in just like so if you never made this before you will definitely be surprised at just how easy potato salad is to make this is one of my go-to salads that I love to make when it's the summertime when there is a barbecue a cookout a party a birthday party I love to make potato salad who doesn't love a good potato salad you hear me now in the past I've even used in my potato salad now if you're going to use the deal we'd you have to understand the flavor of dill wheat and if you don't and you're not used to the flavor of the deal wheat what you're going to want to do if you decide to use it and it's just start off with just a little pinch and if you like the flavor of dill weed then you go ahead and put you some in there okay it makes for a beautiful potato salad absolutely it does and like I said make sure you all check out my video for the other potato salad that I did with the lemons in it I believe I used a little bit of dill in that one so what I'm doing right now is I'm just kind of chopping up this egg just like so I don't like to chop it too fine because you like to to taste it and see your eggs in your salad right oh yeah just like this beautiful I think I got two more over here we're gonna cut as well just like this I'm gonna do a video for how to make baked whole baked sweet potatoes and my goodness when is the last time you all had a whole baked sweet potato well I have a recipe for you all that you won't be able to forget you hear me so make sure you all tune in for that video because it's gonna be mouth watering you hear me I love a good sweet potato and sweet potatoes are actually healthy for you yes they are and of course you all didn't know me you know I'm gonna bump that sweet potato up so much okay just like this and our eggs are complete alright and try the trick where you go ahead and boil your eggs with your potato it turns out just perfect yes it does okay so then I'm gonna put a little bit of paprika in and then we'll sprinkle the top with paprika as well not too much in the inside because we're not trying to alter the flavor okay it gives a little bit of color let's go in with some Mayo how much mayo Gina just put as much as you would like but one thing I want you all to do is don't start out with a lot because once you use too much you can never take from but if you start out with a little bit you can always add too okay that's the best way I like to sing it alright so here's what we're gonna do oh don't make a mess like I just did I'll have to sweep all of that up first thing they were gonna do let's go ahead and mix some of this up just like so very easy recipe write it down share it with your family hey make this for your family make this for your wife your husband your boyfriend girlfriend fiance cousin neighbor make it for everyone you know and watch their heads turn 360 and they're gonna say oh my word where did you get such a recipe from and you all are gonna say Gina young Gina young showed me how absolutely you will cuz they're gonna acts when they taste this because it's so tasty and even put the egg in there make sure you use egg when you use egg it tastes better you hear me and you see how I put a little bit more mail in that's why I like to start out with a little bit and then you can add as you go okay and then once I taste this I'll see if I need any more seasoning all right and then if I need more seasoning will put more seasoning in and then that'll tell me when I taste it will tell me if I need to put a little bit of sugar in sometimes you need just a bit of sugar okay sometimes you do not all the time but we'll just see us we taste it alright beautiful see how it's nice and thick not runny at all this is what you're wanting and you want to make sure that your potatoes are nice and fork tender what's fork tender Gina well fork tender is where when you're checking on your potatoes to see if they're done you're gonna stick your fork down into those potatoes and when you stab one of those potatoes and you slide it up with the potato on the fork and that potato slides right down that fork and falls back into the water that's what you call a fork tender and that's how you're able to tell that your potatoes are perfectly done because one thing you don't want to do you don't want to undercook them and you don't want to overcook them okay so you do the fork tender method and if they slide right off of that fork back into that water they're perfect let's give this a try and see if we need any seasoning look at this guy's taste that you all can taste that oh my goodness look at that okay all right I feel like I need a little bit of salt and that's why you taste it because you don't know unless you taste it I feel like I do need the pinch of sugar and it's just one pitch okay and that's all you need we're gonna put some more black pepper oh yeah baby get in there let's put some muster a little bit more there you go baby get in there oh yeah and then I want to use a little bit more relish and I'm gonna drain the juices well like we did earlier okay always have to taste if you don't taste it you won't know what it tastes like you have to taste it in order to feed people and know what you're feeding them don't just assume it's ready right taste it and see what you need or if you don't need anything but by golly make sure you taste it okay now let's try this again and you do this as many times as you need to until you feel like you're happy with the seasoning okay let's go in again give yourself an excuse to keep tasting this mmm there it is baby Oh see this right here this is what makes me happy let me get down in this ball look at this look just how beautiful beautiful look at this see those vegetables in there you can see that egg yolk and those egg whites my goodness isn't this beautiful put this on the side of some barbecued ribs and see what they say oh yeah put this on the side of that meatloaf that I made tonight you can fry up some chicken and set this right beside it and that's all you need look at this take a good look at this my goodness oh yeah all right so then let's decorate decorate garnish whatever you want to call it with beautiful parsley and then we're gonna go in with smoked paprika oh yeah mmm you see that oh you see it put my heart and my soul and everything in this you hear me oh there you go baby now we're talking now we're talking if you all enjoyed this video hey give me a thumbs up mmm mmm hmm and if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe and make sure you click on that notification mail so that you can be notified every time I upload one of these awesome recipes okay everyone I put the video on pause so that I could take a paper towel and wipe right around these edges so I could get my bowl nice and clean okay kind of clean the bowl up a little bit can have a beautiful picture for my thumbnail picture now this right here is what you call potato salad 101 hey if you've never had this before you might want to make you some because if you don't you're definitely missing out absolutely look at this potato salad 101 my goodness now this here is a potato masher if you want to and I do it a lot when I make potato salad sometimes I do it and sometimes I don't what I'll do is I'll go in and mash up my potatoes and make it nice and small I don't make it to where I'm making mashed potatoes but I will make smaller dices sometimes if I feel like it but if not feel free to leave it nice and chunky and that's what we're gonna do today okay let's give this a couple more tries I'm gonna let you all taste this absolutely three separate spoons so I can do just that Louie god bless this meal thank you Lord for feeding us today all your blessings and taking care of us oh we thank you for this meal thank you Lord Jesus amen look at this look at that taste right there let me know what you think put in the description below what you think about this potato salad mmm put this potato salad on the side of some collard greens some corn bread some fried chicken my goodness now we're talking right taste that whoo Oh [Music] you've got to be kidding me this is a clean spoon mmm you got to be kidding me this is ridiculous good taste that bike and there's always God bless each and every one of you thank you all for watching have a great night hey make you some potato salad I love you all good night
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 598,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #PotatoSalad #PotatoSaladGinaYoung #FoodNetwork #QuickMeals #ColdSalads
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2019
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