How to make Hot water corn Bread

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hi everyone I'm back and today I'm going to show you all how to make hot water cornbread here's what you will need you will need two teaspoons of baking powder three tablespoons of sugar if you don't want to use three tablespoons of sugar that's just fine you can use one tablespoon you'll need 1/2 teaspoon of salt you need 1/2 cup of all-purpose flour you will need 1 cup of yellow cornmeal 2 tablespoons of butter now the butter does not have to be melted because when we put the hot water in it'll melt your butter you're going to need some boiled water and you're gonna need some cold water over here this is my cold water I'm gonna have to dip my hands into it ok and I'll show you what we're gonna do with that but over here here's my pan but I have a little bit of oil in see that that oil is to fry our hot water cornbread in and this water over here is the water that we're going to use to make the hot water cornbread we're bringing that water to a boil alright so the first thing that we need to do make sure you get a large enough mixing bowl okay and then we're going to go ahead and put our mixture together so first thing that we're going to use is that half a cup of flour get that down into there we're going to use the full cup of yellow cornmeal I like to use 3 tablespoons of sugar you all didn't know me you know I love parsley and I can't do anything without parsley I'm gonna cook me some parsley in there how come Gina the reason why is because I love the color that it gives will it alter the flavor no it won't but it will make it nice and beautiful and that's what I'm aiming for I like to see the green flecks going through all right so we're going to put our salt we need a half a seat just 1/2 of teaspoon is all you need just like so if you want to use seesaw feel free to use sea salt we're going to use 2 teaspoons of baking powder and that'll give it some you know that'll help it to puff up some okay get it nice and fluffy and beautiful okay so we got our baking powder just like so okay we're gonna mix up our dry mixture and after we mix up the dry mixture then we'll put our butter in in our hot water so let's take a spoon just mix everything up very well so you all haven't seen me for two days I've been working on trying to figure out how to work my new camera and I want you all to let me know what you think it should be a better view it's just sounds nice and clear you all should it should look like you all are in this kitchen with me you hear me absolutely it should but comment in the section below and let me know what you all think of the new view okay so I'm just mixing this up well cuz we want to make sure that that salt and that baking powder is well incorporated okay so take your time like I like to tell everybody all the time patience is the key to good cooking if you can have patience in that kitchen oh you trust me you're gonna have some good food you hear me absolutely you will okay so what was that gonna say tonight I'm putting more parsley in tonight I'm gonna make fried cabbage oh yes you can have hot water cornbread without fried cabbage and I'm gonna do a video for that it'll be a separate video for the cabbage okay and I'll make boiled potatoes with that alright okay this is well incorporated so now what I'm gonna do I'm gonna go ahead and put that two tablespoons of butter in and my water over here has came to a boil I'm just gonna start pouring some in how much Gina just pour you some in and what you're looking for is the consistency of almost like a play-doh or you feel like you could put this into a ball or roll it up and you want to pour it on top of that butter so that butter can get nice and melty all right so you just pour a little bit of water in at a time and remember that water is boiling hot scalding water you do not want the kids in the kitchen doing this because this water can be very hot okay so then let's pour some more and so we don't see any dry and we feel like like that's it and you feel like you can turn this into a nice ball let me get a good view down into here beautiful that looks like a good view well just keep pouring a little bit if you feel like you cannot take your batter and put it into a bowl well you need to put some more water if you feel like it's too watery then what you'll do is very quick fix just put you some more yellow cornmeal in all right because it can definitely turn to loose on you just put a little bit more cornmeal if that happens okay if that happens here I'll be able to actually show you all right I hope you all have a great Friday night tonight have a safe weekend hope you all enjoy the videos oh and I'm gonna be making a banana pancakes guys listen to me when you taste these banana pancakes you will kind of lose kind of lose half of your mind these banana pancakes are to die for and they are so delicious so you can see where our butter starting to melt but it's a little too loose okay alright so what we're gonna do we're just going to simply go in and put some more cornmeal in how much just spreads them when we talk okay and luckily that water that we poured it has this mixture so hot it's going to continue to cook the new cornmeal that you put in as well this dish is so interesting it's so interesting how the hot water cooks this before we even put this bad boy on the stove it tastes so good I cannot wait to eat this I'm so excited my family is excited it's been a while since I made cornbread it's been a while because honestly I normally make jiffy I make jiffy I love the jiffy cornbread mix and I know a lot of you don't like the jiffy cornbread mix but I love it I'll put a little bit of sugar in there and I cook and it turns out perfect every time this is a little bit more yellow cornmeal because I need to be able to I'm gonna take my ring off right now I need to be able to pack these up into a nice fritter or pancake so to speak right and they do have a kind of a sticky consistency a little bit I'm gonna put a little bit more yellow cornmeal and this should be it you'll be able to make our balls now you can make these big you can make them flat like pancakes you can make them however you want I'll show you how I like to shape mines now see how you could almost put these into ball see how it's nice and thick that's what you're wanting that's what you're wanting absolutely okay so I'm gonna check my pan over here my pans getting nice and hot like I want it to and we're gonna cut these up on a medium-high heat nothing too high because we don't want these to get burnt if you turn if you turn your pan up on high what will happen is they'll get really really dark on the outside and they won't be done in the inside and we don't want that okay over here let me show you this is cold water when I'm making the patties I'm gonna need to dip my hands in there to cool my hands off okay because this mixture is so hot all right sometimes if you want it to you can wait until your mixture cools down a bit and then you can make them just make sure when you pour your water in here it's you know really really hot boiling our butter is nice and melted let's go ahead and I'll show you how to look I like to make mine alright so then turn turn your pan on a medium high heat just go in just like so and you grab it what is hot so what you do look look guys check me out I'm calling my hands down okay cool in this hand down just patio okay I just like like it to look like this and let's put this bad boy in the pan okay and then we'll put the others in following right after okay get in there baby you get in there and you Brown up for me okay it's starting a sizzle and that's what I'm wanting to make sure it's on the medium-high and you can make them all sizes hey you can make them small for the kids you can make them slip silverdollar size flatten them like a pancake whatever you choose it's just fine you can't go wrong with the size of these or the shape okay oh man we have a fried cabbage tonight woo in this hot water cornbread mm-hmm if you all never had this before you gotta make you some you better make you some and tell him Gina Young showed you how to make it when they act where'd you learn how to do that well no Gina young absolutely I appreciate showing you all my recipes and sharing my recipes with you all I have so much fun in this kitchen sharing my recipes with you all sure my gift from God with you all and I appreciate everyone who has subscribed and everyone who watches I appreciate the messages from you all look let's put a little tiny one in there and that'll be my tester I always have to test my food okay I'm just gonna wash my hands at the corn mill up from her hands we got that pan on a medium line and then you'll be able to turn it very easily when you're making these you want to be able to have a pan that is nonstick or that doesn't stick a lot all right oh these are so beautiful and look what I got guys this right here is my absolute favorite so I have the Land O'Lakes and I have the honey butter whoo-wee we go smear this on there bad boy oh my goodness you can have these for breakfast absolutely you can you can have them alongside whatever you're having for dinner hot water cornbread is great beside fried chicken collard greens pinto beans anything that you could imagine oh the smell the smell is beautiful it smells like cake is cooking in here guys okay beautiful let's get a nice view down in there make sure y'all comment on my new view let me know what you think because the question is I want to know if this picture looks like you all are standing right in this kitchen with me yes that's the look that I'm going for I want you all to feel like you're right next to me watching what I'm doing that boiled water there on the side I'll just save that I'll just pour that hot water in with my dishwater when I make my dishwater after this okay so how do you know when to turn it okay what you will see you'll start to see a nice golden brown ring around right around the edge okay and that'll indicate hey I'm ready to be turned and when you turn it don't go smush in it when you smush it you just kind of disturb it he just got to disturb it okay we don't need to go in with the fork or a spatula even though like you want to you know like I said once you see that golden brown ring that'll indicate when it's time to turn it so we'll just be patient took these bad boys up whoa am I excited yes I am I'm so I have a pan here I have a baking dish and then I've just put a cooling rack on top that's what we're going to set our hot water cornbread on top of because I want to put let me show you that again see how this cooling rack will allow air to circulate on the top around and underneath the hot water cornbread that way we're not just setting it on the plate or setting it on a paper towel and they get soggy we don't want it to get soggy we want it to be nice and crispy on the outside and soft and pillowy in the inside we're gonna smear that honey butter on top guys oh yeah I'm excited I'm so excited okay I'm gonna take a peek we're almost there we're not quite there okay I'm gonna turn my heat up just a little just a tad bit over medium high okay but we're not rushing anything don't rush anything we got all the time in the world today's Friday night nobody has to go to work tomorrow right beautiful so I'm gonna be making a banana pancake and then for those of you that would like the recipe to my flourless banana pancake I will give you that recipe during the video I won't forget because the flourless banana pancake is just as good as the other pancakes oh my goodness and I'm so excited for those pancakes all I need is some maple syrup and just a little bit of butter whoa my husband likes to eat likes for me to take the bananas and do like a banana foster and slice the bananas and cook them down in a little bit of butter and brown sugar and then he'll put that on top of his banana pancakes oh man and here's the thing I'll be honest with you but I'm not a fan of bananas but I will eat the heck out of these banana pancakes I know it's weird I know it's weird that's just like me and eggs I'm not a fan of eggs I don't like eggs but if I'm eating uh Chinese food oh I want extra egg in it I know I know I'm crazy I got a little bit of crazy at me okay they're doing exactly why I'm gonna take a peek at all of them okay make sure none of them are getting too dark okay just take our time I want to Center them put them more towards the center because this is a very large pant I want to make sure they all get evenly done beautiful so ya want you all to just bear with me with this new camera situation and once I get in the hang of everything and editing and everything I'll be right back on track with those two videos a day okay I promise absolutely I will so I went out today and I got cereal and I picked up the chocolate frosted flakes have you all tasted the de chocolate frosted flakes if you haven't tastes or if you have if you have tasted oh let me know because I'm so curious of what they taste like like are they frosted you don't like it says frosted they don't look frost it though right you know frosted is with the white stuff on them so I can't wait to try them I hope that they're good I hope that they taste good I don't want to be disappointed so me and Dakota my 9 year old we was in Walmart the other day and we sing and is made by post we was looking at the cereal and we sing post cereal and it was powdered Donuts and it looked like a little teary oh and look my powdered Donuts guys it was the cutest thing and so here's what was funny so me and Dakota stood there forever looking at these powdered donut cereal and he's like mom are you gonna get him and I'm like I don't know right I was so confused but I kept looking at them cuz they were so cute and then so we look right beside them and then they have honey bun there's a little tiny honey buns cereal ed so right now we're looking at the honey bun cereal and I say I told the cold I say we'll come back I'll let you know if we're gonna pick some up well we didn't pick any up but we walk past the cereal again and we see this guy he's got his hands on his hips and he's just standing there looking at the cereal like we was and me and Dakota just looked at each other and we started laughing so interesting I think I'm gonna invest in purchasing the powdered donut one two just to see what it would taste like okay starting to see a golden-brown well the ones that I see golden brown i'ma go ahead and flip them now you'd be careful when you're flipping because you do have whale okay just like that take your time and no smashing all right let me check this one there you go all right it looks like these two are not red not quite ready to be flipped all right but they're beautiful and look out all they stand that's what I like I see that a lot of people when they make theirs and make them you know flat like a pancake or they make them oval I do I dig the oval look I like the Overlook but sometimes the patties are so hot you can't really you know it's hard to shape them but like I said but keep that water on the sides you can dip your hands and patty them this is so much fun to make guys I want you all to make this and let me know what you think okay I'm gonna go ahead and flip this one oh don't fall apart of me baby work with me I can't believe that one just like that for a minute okay so he doesn't fall apart okay so I'm gonna turn it that way where he's falling apart get that part cooked okay that's all you gonna do no worries in this kitchen all right beautiful mmm this almost reminds me this almost reminds me just the look of almost reminds me of my salmon patty video have you all seen my salmon patty video if you have not seen it you guys better check it out guys you better check it out that's one great video and it was so much fun to make the salmon patties really made me think of my grandma it really did like who's grandmom did not make salmon patties right you can't let this one cook a little bit he kind of wants to fall apart on me but I would put up a fight with him see that I'm gonna put him back together just like Humpty the Dumpty is that way what what did you call it Humpty Dumpty Humpty Dumpty I'll put this bad boy back together all right guys I'll be right back Dakota okay guys I wanted my son to run downstairs and grab the phone and answer it for me since I'm doing a video he went running okay here's this these are almost done and we have hot water cornbread 101 hey if you all enjoyed this video give me a thumbs up and if you all haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe and make sure you click on their notification bell so that you can be notified every time I upload one of these awesome recipes absolutely guys I'm having fun in this kitchen you hear me every day I'm in this kitchen two times a day making videos and I'm loving every bit of it okay so we're just gonna be patient and watch this other side get nice and golden brown all right I'm gonna grab my baking dish in my cooling rack and we're gonna check out the ones let's check them out okay they're beautiful and I'm just gonna turn that over because I want to be assured that they're done in the inside okay the ones yeah yeah baby oh yeah let's turn that one back over okay I want golden-brown on every side no matter how long this takes now you can make these all dollar sizes like this or what do you call it you can make them all this silver dollar size just like that if you want to and you'll have bite-sized hot water cornbread which is awesome like who wouldn't want little tiny ones like this and you can just keep popping them bad boys in your mouth right I know I'm crazy guys mmm I think I'm gonna grab me I've been drinking a lot of water which is great for you I try my best to drink at least let me show you all I try to drink five of these glasses a day of cold water or more because it's so good for you and that water is so satisfying there's nothing that can satisfy your thirst more than water can okay let's turn that oh yeah beautiful see that see with a little time and patience does okay beautiful uh-huh beautiful I'm gonna take these ones out here in a second and I want to let these to cook just a little longer now if you want it to you all can put some shredded cheese in a mineral of your hot water cornbread yes you can't put you some sharp cheddar cheese in the middle of there and when and when you go to cut it or bite it you've got the string of cheese coming out and whoa wait boy would that be good beside whatever you're gonna eat shrimp and grits oh yeah I got a shrimp and grits video too if you all haven't seen it you better check it out you're gonna turn this heat up a little I'm gonna get these two a little darker around this edge and around this edge these ones are getting ready to come out I can't wait to make my cabbage tonight I've been yearning for cabbage I have been yearning for cabbage and I'll make up some tonight guys oh yeah ain't that beautiful so much fun to make alright gonna go yeah who was that on the phone Dakota okay alright there's this one going right on to our cooling rack okay and then we're gonna grab this one as well oh it's so beautiful take your time guys take your time and let it get nice and golden brown okay don't rush it don't rush anything you're doing this kitchen or in your kitchen and see that one that was falling apart see how we fought with it and pushed it back together oh this one has such a beautiful color you see that oh man oh just look at this one beautiful that's what I'm looking for you're gonna go ahead and take this one out look at this guy this your close-up is that beautiful absolutely it is way alright let's wait on these two there's always one or two to take a little longer to cook no matter what you're making whether you're making fish or chicken there's always one or two that you're always waiting on waiting on it to get done okay I'm gonna put this one right onto our and this this will have a little sweet taste to it because I put three tablespoons of sugar now like I said if you don't want to use the three tablespoons by far you don't have to okay don't worry about that you or if you wanted to you can use Splenda absolutely you can you can use a sugar substitute and do it that way this is done I just turned the heat off and let that settle in here probably for about another minute and a half and we're gonna taste these bad boys wait I can't wait my mouth is watering and when I taste it I'm gonna taste it plain and then I'm gonna taste it with that honey butter on there mm-hmm well I could have this right alongside a big pot of beans over white rice mmm now we're talking right okay so let's come over here to cotta get the foam honey all right here we go check it out guys all right I'm getting my plate and we're about to dig it all right I got a paper towel here beautiful make sure you turn your stove off I'm just drying my plate my plate goes in the dishwasher we're gonna try it without the butter first grab a nice one here god bless this meal god bless this meal thank you Jesus for blessing me taking care of me and my family and keeping us safe in your arms thank you Lord for feeding me another meal today amen okay here we go let's go ahead oh my word my word look at this guy's look at that look at this side look at this side look how tall and beautiful this stands is that beautiful or what and then you see those green flecks going through oh all right I'm coming down on it just like this let's dig in all right ooh that nice crisp oh yes it's so beautiful in the inside I gotta taste those guys give me one second look at this okay take a look beautiful soft fluffy crispy crispy crunchy look at this oh my word taste that guys he's their first bite right there mmm taste right there let me know what y'all think hmm man does it taste good I'm never disappointed when I take my time that's good mmm mmm honey butter right there oh yeah this Melton guys taste it the honey butter on there there you go I'm not want to spoil my dinner I did not want to spoil my dinner but I could probably eat this whole thing right now mmm and as always took that last bite guys god bless have a great night thank you all for watching good night oh no guys I really gotta taste this
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 286,011
Rating: 4.8542767 out of 5
Id: PDe5e83yfr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 48sec (2028 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 11 2019
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