How to make Chicken Pot Pie

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hi everyone I'm back and today today I'm going to show you all how to make chicken pot pies here's what you will need you will need pre-made deep dish pie crusts this is a Kroger brand and to come in the package now you don't want to keep this out until you're ready to use this so I'm going to put this back into the freezer ok you will need chicken you can boil or bake you some chicken breast you can use chicken thighs whatever you choose to use you can use ham you could use beef you could use any meat that you choose to use for your potpie you're going to need 1 medium size onion that we're gonna chop into dices you will need potatoes make sure you wash and peel your potatoes and we're going to cut those into dices as well garlic powder black peppercorns sea salt you will need whipping cream and I have two cans of cream of chicken soup condensed soup and those are 5 ounce cans you will need two cans of cream of mushroom soup and you're gonna need frozen mixed vegetables this frozen mixed vegetable melody has carrots corn green beans and peas I do not suggest that you use the mixed vegetables that comes and they can because if you do those I find that I believe that if you use the ones in the can they'll be really mushy you don't want that so use the freshest vegetables that you could use hey if you want it to chop up your own carrots you can do that if you wanted to use fresh green beans absolutely you can okay but this is my go-to when I made a chicken pot pie the frozen bag everything comes in it and it always turns out perfect no mushy vegetables here now I'm going to set these aside and the first thing that I'm gonna do I'm gonna start chopping up our onion and our potato and then I'm gonna go in and take this beautiful meat and chop it up and I'll be back and then I'll show you how to assemble a beautiful chicken potpie for the weekend be back okay everyone so let's go ahead and get started let me show you what I've done I have a pan here I've washed my potatoes off I've peeled and chopped them and I just put them in this pot with cold salt tip water I'm gonna boil them for 15 minutes okay and it might be a little less than 15 minutes when I feel like they're almost fork tender but not quite I'll drain them okay so those are cooking on a medium-high heat over there on that side this pan here has a little bit of vegetable oil in there just a little tiny bit to coat the pan let's go ahead and get our beautiful onions in and I didn't decide to use as much onions as I showed you I'm just going to use a little bit because honestly I don't want a lot of onions in my potpie and here's the thing if you don't want to use onions or you don't like onions don't put them in your pot pie okay and it won't make a difference it'll still be tasty okay trust me when I tell you that absolutely so we have our onions let's go ahead and put a little bit of cracked black pepper on our onions we're going to flavor and season every every part of this dish use a little bit of sea salt and when I say a little bit just a little less all you need that's it okay and we're gonna get these onions to sauteing up when I see that they're nice and translucent and what translucent is is where your onions start to get a nice clear color when I see that we're going to go ahead and add our beautiful chicken now I've pulled the chicken and I use the chicken breast okay so I use both of the breasts and a little tiny bit of one of the lakes I feel like this is the perfect amount of meat that you're gonna need for one nice size chicken pot pie because I don't know about you all but when I have pot pie I want to be able to see the meat right and I'm sure a lot of you can agree with me you know we don't want to have a pot pie like the frozen kind that you can buy at the store and then you have to search for those three pieces of meat in there right no this this pot pie that we're making today it's gonna be overflowing with oh my camera is trying to jump in there to our pot pie is gonna be overflowing with that beautiful chicken breast absolutely so once this gets nice and translucent we'll put our chicken in I'll be back everyone okay everyone our onions are nice and translucent so now we're gonna go ahead and put our beautiful chicken breast in there just like this remember we have a little bit of vegetable oil in there all right and we're gonna heat up our chicken because this chicken is cold you want to reheat it up all right and then we'll season up our chicken we're gonna put some salt pepper and garlic powder kitchen is so easy lot of fun and yet it tastes so good oh absolutely get you some garlic powder in there don't be afraid to season it only seasoning you need to worry about is F salt is that black pepper on there just like so and then we're gonna put a little tiny bit of sea salt and when I tell you all tiny bit it's just a little bit that's it that's all you need and if you don't want to use a salt you don't have to okay no problem there we just want to warm through the chicken just like this and if your chicken cubes if they fall apart that's just fine it's okay no worries there now if you can look over here and our pot of potatoes they're boiling vigorously so here in a few minutes maybe about seven to eight minutes we'll take these out and drain them okay because they will finish cooking in the oven okay but we want to get them halfway there all right so we're giving up a head start because if you just put them in raw oh they won't cook okay so never put them in raw always like pre cook them okay this is what you want to do beautiful now if I can just reach over the camera really quick we're gonna go ahead and put our vegetables in please don't use the canned vegetables everybody please all right I'm gonna grab this other one scuse me because I like a lot of vegetables I like to see the vegetables in mind okay I don't want a little bit of vegetables and I don't want a little bit of meat I'm gonna be able to taste and see all of it some using a bag and a half and these bags are twelve ounces so I use just the bag and a half of the vegetables so now I'm going to turn this on to a low heat just for now okay get your vegetables mixed in beautifully with your meat this right here guys oh you're gonna be so happy when you make this recipe you hear me I mean you all are gonna be jumping for joy because this is so tasty so easy I cannot wait til you all try it so let's go in with one of our cans of condensed cream of chicken soup make sure at this point you have your feet on the load low heat and get everything get all that goodness out of that can okay you don't want to waste that goodness get all out of there absolutely and then let's go in with our second can as well it's Friday night guys and we are having pot pies tonight we're gonna play some cards get some music going then we're gonna have a family night and enjoy our Friday okay I'm gonna do two more videos tonight if you all haven't seen the Valentine's Day video check it out and let me know what you think we had some really good food that I made okay let's give this a nice stir around okay because then we're gonna also put cream of mushroom in as well make sure I can't stress it enough make sure this is on a low heat all right low heat baby there we go nice and incorporate it then you're gonna put cream of mushroom well that came out look at that let me wipe my hand off guys that cream of mushroom was ready to come out of that can wasn't it okay come on out baby just like this now I have the fourth can in case I need it sometimes I use a half of that last can sometimes I don't use it it all depends okay cuz one thing you don't want is it dry you don't want a dry potpie you want it to be nice and moist but you don't want it to be watery okay so let's start with the two cans of cream of chicken one can of cream of mushroom and let's heat it well through okay and now what we're gonna do is we're gonna grab some of our heavy whipping cream oh yeah oh yeah you talking rich you want something that's gonna taste so rich so flavorful put you some heavy whipping cream in there how much Gina not too much just be very careful okay start off with a little bit because you all know if you start off with too much you can never take away but if you start off with a little bit you can always add two I love to say that because honestly it's so true okay start off with a little bit and you can keep adding until you're happy with the consistency of your dish okay come on camera work with me here we go and then I'm gonna put just a tad bit of butter in okay just for flavor butter you don't want to use a lot of butter because we don't want a greasy you don't let me reach for it nice guys you don't want for your pot pie to be you just want this camera keeps trying it just keeps moving on me okay and it's okay I see that the camera wants some of this right okay this is what I'm gonna put just a tablespoon and that's it put that butter in there this will become nice and velvety nice and flavorful not not buttery at all okay now let's steer this up now it's getting the consistency that we're looking for you see this oh my word whoo see this is what makes me happy this it was is what gets me excited you can do this with turkey meat hey you can do this with beef any meat that you want to use hey you could use lamb if you want it to it'll be good you hear me all you got to do is follow these directions it'll turn out this same way just as flavorful okay now this is getting nice and heated through I'm gonna take a peek at my potatoes and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna stick a fork in to see if any of these potatoes are fork tender so let me just see Oh perfect okay come on turn these potatoes off okay come back down onto gear I'm going to drain the potatoes and then we'll put our potatoes in okay let me push the video on pause for a second okay everyone I have taken my potatoes and I've drained them from the water see this you've gotta have those potatoes in your pot pie it wouldn't be pot pie if you didn't have those little pieces of potato in there right solutely loved them my nine-year-old he loves pot pies yes he does so he's really gonna enjoy this he doesn't know what I'm in here making but he is gonna lose his mind when he sees that we're having one huge pot pie it's a day look at this this is exactly what you're wanting let's give this a taste okay and we're tasting it to see if we have that flavor that we're looking for you're looking to taste the garlic the black pepper to sea salt the flavor of the condensed chicken and the cream of mushroom if you're someone that doesn't like cream of mushroom or cream of chicken you're more than welcome to use cream of celery absolutely you can okay now let's give this a try look at this guy's taste that my goodness oh man oh man that's it mm-hmm oh wait sorry I'm just gonna put a little tiny bit garlic powder a little bit of black pepper and we are set this thing is good you hear me man is it good all right just turn it around remember your potatoes are just about cooked okay here's what we're gonna do we're gonna let this cool down I need to put just a tad bit more of whipping cream just a tad bit that's it don't get carried away with it guys remember start off with a little bit you can always add too beautiful see that's what I'm looking for I'm gonna let this cool down and then we're going to put this into our beautiful pie crust okay and then I'll show you what to do next but we need to let this cool down for a minute back everybody okay everybody let's get our potpie put into this beautiful pie crust and let's get a baked make sure to turn your oven on 350 degrees and this is going to cook for maybe about 40 minutes however long it takes to cook this one I'll let you know after we take the pot pie out of the oven okay so right here I have two egg yolks I've taken that I've separated the egg whites we're not going to use the egg white but I put just a little bit of water in here and that's going to be our work on the gloss our pie shell with this and it's gonna make it nice and glossy okay I don't use the egg whites because look at any White's will actually do is they'll clump up on the top of your pie shell and we don't want that so you take the egg whites out use two egg yolks and a little bit of water and you're gonna have a nice golden brown glossy top to your pot pie look at this guy's okay so we've taken it straight out of the freezer and we've cooled our pot pie filling down some you don't want to put it in here steaming hot okay because you'll make your bottom crust soggy and we don't want that so you cooled it down and then we'll let it all heat up together okay and that'll help keep your bottom crust nice and crispy absolutely it will okay look at this look at those big nice chunks of potato my goodness and you want to fill it all the way to the top okay you don't want to overflow it don't get crazy guys but you know put it up to the top and then we're gonna put pie crust on the top if you want it to there's a roll out pie crust that you can buy premade and you just roll it out and lay it on top I just use this one and I'll show you how to do it it's gonna look like it's messed up when you first put it on there but it's not it's good and it's gonna be golden and delicious you hear me whoo-wee oh yeah my goodness look at this that's what you're wanting look at that baby look at this my word and where where would my parsley be if I'm looking for you there you are I'm even gonna put parsley in the inside of here even though we can't see it I just need to know it's in there you all didn't know me you know I love parsley absolutely I do it makes everything so beautiful my goodness okay so here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna take your pie crust and these two pie crusts guys seriously they only cost me a dollar ninety-nine okay see how I'm turning it upside down and I'm just peeling the silver part off okay and it'll come flopping out on you it'll flop out just be patient when you have patience in the kitchen oh you're gonna have some good food patience is the key to good cooking you hear me you want some good food be patient I put my heart my foot my soul and everything that I have in my cooking I love to feed someone and hear them say mmm oh my goodness this is so good like I live for that I do all right I'm gonna go ahead let me scoot my camera back so you can get a good view of what I'm gonna do I'm gonna set this on here just like so okay and then I'm just gonna tie a tug at it a little bit and it'll come right off just like that okay so then you take this bad boy come on and work with me baby work with me baby and then you just kind of go in and if it tears guess what it's okay ain't nothing gonna happen if it tears we can fix it all you do is smooth it out where it tore okay let me show you something that I like to do see how that's torn a little piece there it's okay no worries in this kitchen hey we don't worry in this kitchen no we don't we know that God will handle whatever situation that comes about and it's gonna be okay absolutely that's how I that's how I treat life guys absolutely anything that arise we know that God will handle so here's what I'm doing look at this just smash that bad boy down don't smash it too much you you guys know you know what I'm talking about okay now I'm on a grab before see this look how simple I don't have a problem with using anything pre-made pre-made is my friend it is especially when you have kids and you have a family and a husband and different things to run and different things to do absolutely pre-made as my friend and I tell you one thing it's gonna be just as good as homemade you hear me here's the thing trust me when I tell you this this can stand up to the best duffel a fork okay I'm just gonna go in this way just to be assured then my pie crust is nice and sealed okay you're not trying to make a design but it doesn't hurt okay it makes it nice and pretty all right like I said we're not trying to make a design we're just trying to seal it and this is gonna do the trick and give you a little bit of pretty pizzazz also see that no problem here whoo my goodness and so easy get the kids in to shred that meat for you they can throw the vegetables in they can open up the cream of chicken and cream of mushroom for you absolutely my word I whisper when I get excited I was four when I get excited look at this my goodness oh yeah and the taste of this was amazing I wish you all could taste this right now whoo I wish you could if I had smell-a-vision I would highly suggest that you all turn this on right now because when this gets in the oven we're gonna have a smell out of this world okay I'm just bringing that in just a little bit more just to make it nice and pretty and even okay see that oh yeah now go in with your egg wash I don't have a brush but I kind of spoon mm-hmm right I got a spoon it'll do the trick yes it will get that egg wash on there just a little bit of nice cold water mix with your eggs egg yolk only you can use the egg whites okay it's really up to you but it don't suggest it okay let's see I might just go in with my finger there we go that's a little easier for me my hands are impeccably clean because you want to get that egg nice nice and all over you want to have a nice beautiful golden-brown crust it's gonna be nice and crispy whoo boy I'm making myself excited mm-hmm I know you guys this mouth has to be watering because my mouth is watering right now you hear me boy oh boy and I'm gonna put a slit on the top so we can have a vent for heat to escape okay if you don't sometimes your pipe oh if we don't sometimes your pie crust will kind of you know like explode on the sides or something okay so you want to give it some room to breathe right look at this nice and beautiful I'm just gonna do do it all over again just make sure I have that egg yolk all the way down in these beautiful crevices and then this goes in the oven on 350 degrees look at this my goodness beautiful oh yeah baby okay so now let me show you a close-up we're gonna get this in the oven after about 40 minutes we'll check on it and then I'll let you know how long it took to cook I'll be back everyone okay everyone I did want to show you a cross that I put on there just for the ventilation okay everybody let's take a peek in the oven it's been 35 minutes it's not quite done but I still want you all to see what it looks like after 3035 minutes look at this look at that nice golden-brown nice and flaky crust that we all are looking for let's let it cook a little bit longer then we'll take it out I'm gonna let you all know what this tastes like okay everyone look at this it has been 50 minutes and I know in the beginning I told you all I was gonna cook this on 350 when I put it in the oven what I decided to do was cook it on 325 degrees okay so we put this in the oven 325 degrees for 50 minutes would you all just look at this would you all just take a look at this this right here with burning up hot this right here is what Gina young homemade pot pie looks like in the inside is so nice and bubbly and well-seasoned you got that oven roasted chicken this going throughout the heavy whipping cream you got those beautiful fresh vegetables my goodness those potatoes that garlic powder see salt and crushed black pepper you get a little bit of butter for flavor in there and then you got this beautiful crust on the bottom and on the top egg washed and cook for 50 minutes now here's the thing here's what we need to do I want to let this cool down not too much but I don't want to cut into it right now and everything goes black do you understand okay so I'm going to give it at least 10 minutes to cool down and then I'll come back and we'll give this a try be back okay everybody our potpie has cooled down for maybe about 7 to 10 minutes yeah that's nice and cool okay here's what we're gonna do and make sure you put those slits in there it really helps it really helps okay let's go ahead and cut down in here I'm just going to use a spatula okay and make sure you cut that bottom crust too because you want that bottom crust to come up with it okay look at this guys we are having chicken pot pies at the Young's house and I wish you all were here I wish you all were here so you could taste this my goodness whoo I'm gonna give you all a taste tonight oh my goodness in this crust this crust is beautiful this is making me want to make a cherry pie with cream cheese filling in there come on out of there for me baby come on out give me that bottom crust - oh yeah my word would you look at this can you guys see what I can see look at this look at that beautiful flakiness right there my goodness and I got that bottom crust on there okay let's take it off with your spatula ever so gently okay Oh make you one crack it does Oh in this goodness right here I want all that to give me all of that goodness do you hear me tell me all of that don't cheat me from any of it oh oh here's the thing I'm gonna take this camera off of this tripod show you all inside of here let's see if I can get a good picture let's see oh it's too hot for me to pick up but let's take a peek down this way look at this look how flaky guys this right here is pop pop 101 hey if you never have one before you better make you one they're gonna ask you you trust me when I tell you this they're gonna ask you where did that pick did you get that gorgeous recipe from have you sure to tell them Gina young look at this Gina young showed me how to make it look at that taste that guy's taste that right there my goodness oh wait one more luck down in here oh boy this is a chicken pot pie for sure god bless this meal thank you Lord for feeding me and my family today thank you for all your blessings loving us and taking care of us please send your angels down to surround us day and night it's in your holy spirit to help us make good decisions and give us peace over our mind we pray that no weapons formed against a young family shot prosper we bind the devil we bind all evil harm danger hurt illness sickness death danger and pain away from my family Lord we thank you for what you do today and we thank you for every day we thank you for helping us through hard times Lord we thank you for the roof over our head and the food that you feed us Lord we love you so much lord I thank you for blessing my YouTube channel once again we say amen look at this let's dive in alright I gotta set my camera back up on the tripod and you all of course of course I'm gonna let you all taste this you better believe I am okay let's go in I'm gonna give you guys some of this beautiful flaky crust there's a big piece of chicken right there oh let me get you a green bean here try that right there let me know what you think let me know what you think about this potpie best pot pie in town if you're looking for a good pot pie recipe this is the one this is the one that's gonna turn hands whoa you're gonna have them coming back begging for more they will trust me hey trust me I know taste that my goodness taste that whoa [Music] why do you taste so good Oh Oh why do you taste so good whoa look at that flaky beautifulness mm-hmm oh my goodness in the crust the crust is magnificent look at the shoot mmm look at this huge piece of meat right here you see that that's what I wanted my potpie not three little tiny pieces of meat you have to run a search for I got meat all throughout this Popeye and these fresh vegetables are nice and crispy no mushy vegetables and this oh this is so flavorful man that makes you want to cry because it's so good if someone was in here I would literally slap them oh it's so good my goodness mmm hey if you all enjoyed this recipe give me a thumbs up mmm and if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe make sure you click on their notification bell so that you can be notified every time I upload one of these awesome recipes absolutely look at this guy's my goodness taste that and be sure to cool your mixer down before you put it in that crust at the bottom and your crust at the bottom will be just as crispy just as beautiful just like this one look at that big potato in here guys my goodness this is so delectable I'm gonna eat this whole thing my goodness this is so good oh and across there so good oh you don't know good cooking until you taste this word look at that beautiful flakiness taste oh why did you taste so good oh why does my heart ache feel only this pop I know it's papaya so yeah yeah hmmm make you one guys I gotta put this video on ball so I can finish this this is so good I love each and every one of you have a great weekend thank you all for watching good night
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 1,002,645
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: R11E13DB4Sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 56sec (2216 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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