How to make Juicy Meatloaf

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hi everybody I'm back and today I'm gonna show you all how to make meatloaf here's what you'll need okay first thing that you will need is ground beef now if you want to do this with a mixture of meats you definitely can hey you can use ground turkey you can use ground veal you can use ground beef ground pork whichever ground make you meet you would like to use you can do that today I'm using all ground beef okay and this is three pounds the ingredients that you will need you will need 1 medium red bell pepper chopped finely one medium white onion chopped finely as well you will need 1 medium green bell pepper chopped finely you will need 3 eggs this is 3 large eggs you will need ketchup as well you will need Lipton onion soup mix in a packet of ranch powder dip mix okay you're gonna need milk garlic powder herbs de Provence sea salt black pepper yellow mustard you will need cornflake crumbs we're going to use cornflake crumbs in replace of the bread crumbs today absolutely guys and seriously if you ain't never heard me before listen to me when I tell you this if you all have never had a meatloaf with the cornflake crumbs you have to try it today you hear me it makes for the best meatloaf so first thing that we're gonna do let's go ahead and bring our meat closer to the camera let's go ahead and put in our green bell pepper or white onion and our red bell pepper all right make sure your hands are we clean because we just might go in with our hands and mix everything up sometimes I feel like it's better when I mix things up with my hands you can kind of get in there a little bit better all right so let's go ahead and start seasoning up our beautiful ground beef let's pull our camera down put your three eggs in just like so everything that I'm making this kitchen so easy nothing that I'm making this kitchen is hard to make everything is so easy so much fun and yet it tastes so good you hear me absolutely it does we're gonna go in with some yellow mustard anytime I make a meatloaf I like to put a little bit of mustard in there it really gives you a nice flavour okay we're gonna go in with some cracked black pepper okay get you a nice amount in there because we have three pounds of meat here to season absolutely we do so you want to get it well seasoned beautiful and we're gonna use sea salt today oh yeah I've been using this sea salt lately and sea salt is the way to go guys you hear me make that switch if you haven't okay hold on my salts not coming out there you go come on out of there beautiful okay we're gonna use some herbs de Provence okay and when you all seasoned up your meat I want you to season it how you like okay when you all make my dishes you season how you like how much of what you like all right put you some garlic powder in there you gotta have garlic powder you hear me and then we're gonna go in with the onion soup mix so I can open this and now your onion soup mix will come this box here will come with two packets we're only gonna use one today okay just one is all you need all right it's gonna give you a nice flavor you hear me oh absolutely it is now we're cooking and I tell you what believe it or not guys this right here smells so good we didn't even got started yet okay let's go in with my kitchen shears and we'll cut the ranch packet open one full ranch packet as well okay get that bad boy down in there oh yeah hey I'm really cooking in this kitchen you hear me and when I make something I'm aiming for flavor on top of flavor on top of flavor I like for everything to be well seasoned now over here I have a little bit of tomato sauce I'm gonna mix this tomato sauce with some ketchup and just a tad bit of honey for the top of my meatloaf okay but I will do that later all right let me take my watch my rings and everything off so that we can go in here and mix everything up okay get your ketchup in as well get all that ketchup in there I find when you use ketchup in your meatloaf it really gets it a beautiful taste absolutely it does get that down in there and then you look let's grab our cornflakes cornflake crosses I used to work at a nursing home years and years and years ago and they made a meatloaf and they used cornflakes and when I had that meatloaf I thought oh my goodness if this isn't the best meatloaf and what it was is it was the cornflake crumbs and so today we're gonna put cornflake crumbs in hoo-wee and you're gonna have one of the best Meat Loaf's you've ever had you hear me use that and replacing your bread crumbs or if you're one of those persons that likes to use oats use the cornflakes in replace absolutely all right let's put these back down into this box I'll have to put that inside of the ziplock bag so I can make sure it's nice and fresh it stays fresh so what you do whether you're using bread crumbs or the cornflake crumbs you always want to pour milk over top of them to kind of soften it up a little bit okay and this will tenderize your meat loaf and assure that you're gonna have a nice juicy moist meat loaf now we're gonna go in we're gonna go in my hands are impeccably clean mixing this bad boy up my goodness don't be afraid guys don't be afraid to put your hands down in there okay mix it up but the key is you don't want to handle this too much if you handle it too much what will happen is you'll have a tough meat loaf and we're not aiming for a tough meat loaf today okay we want it to be nice and tender so handle it as less as you can but what you want to do while you have your hands in here is do everything that you can to get everything well incorporated okay and we're gonna do just that okay we're almost done with the mixing process like I said don't handle it too much we don't want any tough Meatloaf's beautiful and it smells so good my goodness that smells so good okay so we are done mixing the meatloaf I'm gonna put the video on pause wash my hands cuz anytime you're dealing with raw meats you always want to wash your hands so that you don't transfer bacteria okay we don't want anyone to get sick from bacteria I'll put the video on pause wash my hands and I'm gonna show you how to make this into a beautiful loaf be back okay everyone now let's go on in we're gonna dump out our meatloaf mixture into a baking dish okay and I'm just gonna lose use this aluminum baking dish and what you want to aim for is a loaf now if you wanted to do something like a square absolutely you can if you want to do a rectangle if you want it to any shape that you want it to do okay but I'm gonna show you the loaf technique all you have to do is just let that bad-boy fall right down whoops fall right out of your bowl into the pan that you're going to use and what we're gonna do is we're just gonna shape this into a loaf form okay just like this okay you want to smooth out any cracks that's in it okay you want to make it not too high but you want it high enough so that it looks like a meatloaf okay like I said feel free to use a low form pan okay and make this into a football whatever you want to do you can make this into little tiny Meatloaf's if you want it to all right just like so smooth out any areas that look like it might be cracked because we don't want all your juices to go flowing out as this bad boy is cooking you hear me we want all that beautiful juice right down in here to stay in here all right take your time smooth the edges out and get the shape that you're looking for okay do just like that smooth those cracks out take your time any time you're in the kitchen I want you all to take your time when you take your time and you have patience Oh trust me you're gonna have some good food you hear me because patience I promise you patience is the key to good cooking absolutely it is when I every dish that I cook I like for them to say Oh Gina baby Oh Gina baby you put your foot in that and you know what I'm thinking in my head sure deal you know because I really do I like I put love and everything that I make I don't care if it's a fried egg that I'm making I'm gonna put my heart my soul and everything that I have into that egg absolutely I am and if you're not doing that in the kitchen ah I'm not sure what type of food you're serving people right okay so we almost have the loaf that we're looking for and so what I'm seeing right now I'm seeing that this side is a little bit lower and this size a little bit higher so I want to push some of that over this way and get it nice and even the reason why you want it to be even is because you want it to cook evenly okay you don't want for one side that's done and the other side not to be done okay so by you making it nice and even it'll get done at the same time all around the whole meat loaf okay and what I like to do is pour just a little tiny bit guys trust me just a little bit of water in the bottom of the pan okay just to get it going okay but that little bit of water will definitely evaporate okay and you're gonna get some oil that's going to come off of your meatloaf into your pan but before we serve the meatloaf we'll pour all of that oil off because you don't want to digest that oil okay so I have the size that I'm looking for and I'm pushing it in a little bit like this to make him stand nice and tall for me and pushing the sides in beautiful let's grab a little bit of water and I'll show you just how much I like to put in to 350 degrees excuse me excuse me this is a half a cup of water here I'm just gonna put just a little bit in I might not even put that whole half a cup in okay let's see that's about all you need you'll see it's hardly I didn't even use the half a cup okay on 350 degrees and watch this bad boy cook in your house your house is gonna be perfume with the most beautiful smell you could ever imagine you hear me this meatloaf right here trust me when I tell you guys this meatloaf right here is a winner especially when you took the time to put that onion soup mix in there ranch powder in there wait and not to mention those cornflake crumbs oh my god this girlfriend you hear me let's get this in the oven I'm going to show you how to make my beautiful sauce that we're gonna put on the top of this meatloaf towards the end of the cooking process I'll be right back okay so let me show you how to make this sauce I've put some ketchup in there how much ketchup I'll just put you some in there right we just want enough that we can put on top of our meat loaf loaf this could not go wrong so however much ketchup you want that's how much you use okay I have a little bit of tomato sauce I'm gonna put just a little in okay just a little bit that's all I need and then we're gonna put some honey how much honey Gina just put you some in how much do you want in there that's what I want that's all I mean we're gonna mix this bad boy up and this is our sauce that we're gonna put on top of this meatloaf now we won't put this on top of the meatloaf until the meatloaf is almost done when that meatloaf has a bell maybe ten minutes to go maybe 10 to 15 minutes to go we're gonna take this and we're gonna slather it all on the top of that meatloaf and then we're gonna throw it back in the oven for those 10 to 15 minutes and boy you're gonna have a sauce that goes on top of that meatloaf that is delectable you hear me mmm I'm gonna give this a taste and make sure this is the taste that I'm looking for oh yeah mmm oh yeah absolutely mmm now there's a lot of people that just likes to use tomato sauce alone and you can do that and there's some people that just likes to use ketchup alone but I like to use to catch up tomato sauce and a little bit of honey and boy is so good all right now our meatloaf is in the oven when the meatloaf comes out I'll let you know exactly how long it took took up and then I'll show you how to put this off and then we'll give this beautiful meatloaf a taste I'll be back everyone now one more thing sometimes I like to make a nice brown gravy for the top of my meatloaf I'm not gonna do that today I'm not gonna do the brown gravy but if you wanted to you can and if you haven't seen my video on how to make gravy hey check my video out for how to make the smother pork chops because when I did that video I show you exactly how to make a nice brown gravy okay so you can check that out and if you don't want to make a homemade gravy then hey go ahead on to the store and grab you a jar of beef gravy hey and you're set okay everyone this meatloaf has cooked for 45 minutes okay so I've taken it out of the oven that it cooked on 350 degrees and now we're gonna put our beautiful sauce on that we mix with the ketchup the tomato sauce and that honey blue on there nice and neat nice and neat don't just throw it on there okay look at this my goodness oh yeah and we're gonna put this bad boy right back into that oven whoo this right here oh this right here is what you call one beautiful meatloaf that's gonna have so much flavor yes it is oh my goodness look at this would you just look at this and I like to put this on kind of thick okay now if you're someone that doesn't want yours to be thick on there then by all means you don't have to just put as much as you like like I always like to say however you like to have yours make it that way okay because once you make this make it your recipe and like I said feel free feel free to make gravy or go out and get you a jar of gravy and pour on top of this bad boy oh my goodness would you just look at this all right so here's what you need to do you need to throw this back in the oven excuse me we need to throw this back in the oven for 15 minutes and then we'll take this out we'll let it sit on the counter for a little bit and the reason for letting it sit is because we don't want to cut it right away because if you go in and you cut this right away what will happen is all your beautiful juices will come out we don't want for that to happen so once we take this out after it's cooked for 15 minutes and our beautiful sauce on top has set we'll slice this up now I'm gonna let you all know what this tastes like be back okay everybody our beautiful meatloaf is back in the oven for 15 minutes we're gonna let that sauce set up on our meatloaf after this video I want you all to stay tuned because I'm gonna show you all how to make one of my favorite potato salads oh yeah I'm doing another video right after this one I'm gonna show you all how to make some of the best potato salad that you've ever had okay everybody look at this beautiful meatloaf it's done our meatloaf cooked for one hour and a half all right I went ahead and cooked it a little bit longer let's take this out we're gonna let it settle in the calendar before we cut it we're gonna let this sit on the counter for a good 10 minutes that way we don't that way all of our juices don't flow right out when we cut down into it let this set and then we'll slice this up I'll let you know what it tastes like okay everyone I want you all to take a good look at this and so I did have some oil and some water that was in the bottom of the pan and we just poured it off no problem because you're gonna have that oil in that water in the bottom and you do want to pour it off okay so never mind the ingredients here in the back those ingredients back there are for my next video I'm getting ready to make a video for that potato salad I told you all about we're going to let this set for 10 minutes and then we'll slice it okay everybody look at this beautiful nests of a meatloaf hey I didn't come to play with them today you hear me I came to feed some people and make them happy look at this look at this my word let's grab a piece oh my goodness let's grab a piece okay I'm gonna grab this piece right here don't fall apart on me baby stay together and would you just what you just look at this my goodness this is gonna go perfect with my potato salad oh my goodness ed here's the thing look at the flavor in there can you all see that beautiful flavor oh you see it you see two different colors going throughout my goodness isn't this one and it stays together just perfectly just make sure you let it set before you cut it look at that hey if you all enjoyed this video give me a thumbs up if you haven't subscribed make sure you subscribe and make sure you click on that notification bill so that you can be notified every time I upload one of these awesome recipes absolutely let me give you guys a taste of this and then I got another video to get started on okay okay let me let you all taste this piece right here my goodness taste that piece god bless this meal thank you Lord Jesus for feeding us today all your blessing taking care of us and keeping us safe send your angels down to surround us day and night it's in your Holy Spirit to help us make good decisions and give us peace over our my lord please forgive us for our sins and help us to have mercy on others fill us with the overwhelming sense of peace and joy and we thank you once again for this meal Amy taste that my goodness [Music] that right there oh this right here this is what you call meatloaf you take that last bite guys and as always god bless each and every one of you thank you all for watching have a great night good night
Channel: In The Kitchen With Gina Young
Views: 1,824,628
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Keywords: #MeatLoaf #MeatLoafRecipe #QuickMeals #Tasty #Christian #GodIsGood #DeliciousMeatLoaf, Meat loaf Gina Young, Gina Young, Food Network, Food Tutorials, Step By Step, Cooking Channel, how to, Food, Easy Recipes, How to make Juicy Meatloaf, homemade meatloaf, ground beef, meatloaf recipe, dinner recipes, meat loaf, best meatloaf, comfort food, how to make meatloaf, juicy meatloaf, easy meatloaf recipe, home cooking, meatloaf recipe tasty
Id: uFaU7rq581Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 14sec (1454 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 12 2019
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