Cliff Side PISTON HOUSE in Minecraft!

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you guys know what I did last week I put our video asking you to send me bills that I could transform with redstone and well let's just say you did not disappoint my email address got bombarded with various different minecraft builds of various different shapes and sizes and over the next couple weeks I'm going to be doing my best to transform a whole bunch of them with a whole bunch of redstone and this one right here is going to be the first this was designed by a chap called Knox inium I'll put all of his links down in the description and I have to say when I first saw it I just thought it was so cool the way that it's been merged into the cliff side it fits right in with the grass roofs and everything like that we've got the water flowing down I really like the way that this thing looks but the one thing that really sold it to me was this for those you don't know recently I got myself 82 campervan an old VW campervan is my pride and joy I've always loved these things and they've recreated it and they have done such a fantastic job at building it that well this just had to be the first build that I features so I guess project number one it is going to be the entrance because you know this is a modern house these are boring wooden doors that's not exciting the slice I mean modern houses you don't use your hand to do anything so we are going to create some form of automatic entrance system I'm thinking like maybe you could have like a face scanner so you walk up to it and be like and then the doors open pretty cool so the way that I've set this up is this thing right here is our face detector you can see is looking right into our eyes and when we walk up to it that will actually activate a little bud switch down in the ground which gets activated by this string which will give a redstone output hopefully through this little pulse extender right here now this is a vertical bud switch it works by basically extending out this piston preventing this piston from extending again it's a little bit of a strange one but we should see we got ourselves a redstone output into into the pulse extender if I actually work up correctly that's now working so let's just create some form of piston door doors in it is the famous slime block hipster doors here we go face scan door opens up everything is working well now the only thing that I will say is a little bit rubbish about this design is all the door ain't so pretty from the inside but I'm going to completely ignore that and we are going to move into the kitchen area now this place has been really nicely designed it's looking really cool but it can definitely do with some extra redstone contraptions for example space is a little bit tight in here wouldn't it be really awesome if we can actually make all of this thing drop down into the ground so we get it out of the way when we're not using it but then when we need it we just pop it out on the floor I mean I could do with that in my own kitchen I have a really small kitchen it would be brilliant to have something like that but unfortunately I think that would be rather expensive so let's just do it in Minecraft instead for the most part this thing is now up and running except for one slight issue we have got a straight piston so we've got the chairs we've got pretty much one of the counter bar this one and we need to try and work out how to actually get power to that piston maybe some redstone dot egde there yeah that could be a good idea ah this is difficult after some head scratching beer there we've got the redstone down and then we've got the repeater which powers all of this redstone down at the bottom I've done some slight rearranging of the kitchen so there looks a little bit better and now we can make our counters disappear this should be a feature of all homes in the future Oh got some friends coming around we need to have dinner at the counter boom cancer pops out of the floor awesome okay but that's not all we're going to do in the kitchen we actually need to create some food probably not a good idea to do it here I actually really like this stuff maybe a chandelier though I feel like a drop down chandelier could be yeah that could look quite cool just to really up the mood and I say I've completely removed the bedroom to make way for this thing we're gonna have a double piston extender which she's this thing down into the area so we're gonna have quite a low-hanging chandelier right above that flower there and then we're gonna have to add in some block swappers which you're gonna swap between this is gonna be tight huh part one is done and that is our conditional double piston extender so we have got the double retraction and then we have the single extension which will mean that this block right here is flush with our ceiling and then we'll get the retraction the swap and then that will be the glowstone extension so I imagine I hope I hope that is like the difficult part done now we just have to do the simple part which is the actual block swapping to reference that old Coldplay song that no one said that this was gonna be easy but nobody said that it was gonna be so hard just I've got myself into a ripe muddle I've done it I've actually done it I've managed to complete it somehow I don't really understand how I've managed to do it but there we go so we've got the glowstone there and then the slab can go right there and if we flick the switch how good is that Oh awesome and it's actually it's not too horrendously uncompact I've done a pretty good job there right the input is up there we've somehow got to wire this in to the system so that we can access it from downstairs I've also got to fix up the entire upstairs area but that is that's a pretty cool little system that we've just created I'm fairly proud of that and there we go the switch is now in we flick it from the ceiling yeah and there is the drop down chandelier and we flick it once again and that will retract everything away and then we have ourselves a completely flush ceiling very very proud of that one and if we run upstairs right here you can see you wouldn't even be able to tell there's a redstone contraption there but this entire room is filled to the brim with redstone I actually can't get inside so we've used every square rinche of the bedroom which means that we now have no bedroom by the way redstone is more important I do feel like something should go here but unfortunately we don't really have too much space we've got a staircase there we've got a downstairs just direct me underneath it I just I don't think we're gonna be able to slot anything in but then I remembered if you're running low on space you just build yourself one of these little things which is an ender station now let's just see if I can get all of the redstone in okay that should be it so if we place down a wooden button and clear out the inventory we should get exactly one full stack of ender pearls 16 perfect okay so if we run blocks up like this that kind of looks acceptable and then maybe we're probably gonna have to budge this one a tiny bit but blocks there and there and maybe some stairs just a handful of spruce wood stairs hey now I'm just saying that looks like part of the room and that is one fully functional redstone contraption in literally the tiniest of spaces with this being a cliffside house and this error right here being the prime location for it I think it'll be rude of us to not build some form of the Litro launcher right here now I think the one with all the boats is still working I'm actually gonna have to double-check how to make one of those because I've never built one before but soon what we're going to be shooting out the side of this thing but after researching electro launches and everything like that I kind of had a bright idea originally I was going to launch myself at the bottom window and I thought to myself wouldn't it be much cool if I launch myself at the top window so I've constructed this little thing now it's nothing too dramatic but hopefully it doesn't look like it quite works we might need to make some modifications to the window so hang on let's place those in and go we that that launched me far further than I was expecting I mean that's like an eject button from the house man like if a burglar comes in you're like yeah I'm out of it I don't want anything to do with this that's amazing okay so there we go we've got ourselves a house ejector let's make our way through the corridor and I mean there's not too much that I really want to do in this zone maybe something with the fireplace I've spent so long trying to build this toggleable fireplace system and I just don't seem to be able to do it all I need to do is create a falling Ejim on a stable circuit I think my brains been frazzled by me trying to create that that chandelier thing falling edge monostable how does one do it finally we've got one flame on and flame off now in terms of redstone is actually pretty beefy I've got a fairly beefy circuit out the back here generally speaking these things are really really compact you just place redstone torches on the backs of dispensers and then place the sticky pistons facing across wouldn't have worked in this circumstance so I've had to do a little bit of extra redstone wiring and it's ended up being quite chunky but it does function and it looks really cool on the inside of this room now is there anything else I want to do in here I thought would be a good idea to actually add in some toggle redstone lighting in this area now I'm gonna warn you it's not pretty up on the top yes it is because it kind of looks like a strange helicopter pad but that's my helicopter pad my three I mean it's a strange-looking age but I'm gonna say that that is my helicopter pad and that should have linked up all of these redstone lamps nothing too serious but I think that's the final little detail that we're gonna have in this room right here so let's pop down to the bottom and now we have a swimming pool I'm thinking I'm thinking I don't know what I'm thinking I must admit I've been a tiny bit of stuck for ideas on this section right here but I think I've come up with something that could be quite cool so we need so that lever there will connect into this redstone and we should just hopefully be able to run that down and into this section now we're probably going to need some form or a pizza because we've got quite a little redstone down on the bottom there but boom that's great so now we can just use it as a balcony right so we've got ourselves like a nice balcony that we can stare out I know we've got this balcony all right but this balconies cooler and then we flip this lever swimming pool this is another thing that I think should exist in all houses I know that water doesn't work like that you couldn't just push the floor up and expect the water to just disappear but that's cool great okay so we've got ourselves a pop-up swimming pool I think a changing room would be good in this area there we go I think that just about covers it we've got ourselves some form of activation device to get in we've got these things which give us a full set of armor and then we can pop on outside I think that's what we really need in this zone I mean it's just a swimming pool area so I think I think we've just about covered here I mean we've got all of the downstairs area I don't really think we need anything extra down here I think the only thing we have left to do is the upstairs which is literally just the bathroom but I'm tempted to transform this bathroom into a bedroom because we don't have a bedroom anymore and I can just I can do my business off the side there just just drop it down just kind of squat over the edge like this now that would go right on before I would be doing that now with the bed in place we only have this area here to actually create the redstone contraption now I've added in some some light side lights so that we have one on either side but there has to be something that can go here there has to be what would I love to have in my bedroom I guess like a gaming setup yeah we need to have some kind of gaming setup now there's no redstone involved here but I still think this looks really cool so we've got double speakers that face towards the Blair we've got a triple monitor set up there is the PC tower itself we've got a keyboard and we also have a mouse off to one side this is one cool bedroom unfortunately there wasn't too much room for redstone up here but I think we made up for that with the fact that the room next door is filled to the brim with a full redstone contraption which controls all of the lighting so there we go we have filled in this house with a whole bunch of different redstone contraptions I really do hope you enjoyed the journey of creating this thing let me know down in the comments section if you want to see more of this type of video because I like just messing around with redstone and trying to build awesome things inside of houses but unfortunately that's all I've got time today if you did enjoy this video please refer to that like button and if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this be mumbo and I'm out I'll see ya later oh and by the way check out the filming [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 3,480,339
Rating: 4.9093018 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: W06p3mCp1ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2017
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