Making the MOST SECURE DOOR in Minecraft!

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hello everyone this is Mambo and welcome back to another minecraft video and in this one we're going to be doing something really quite special today I'm going to be taking you guys through the process of building the most secure piston door I can possibly create now we are going to use a whole ton of combination locks right here we're going to chain them all together and we're going to create a ridiculous number of possible combinations I have no clue how ridiculous that number is going to be but I want to get to the point where we can't actually say the number anymore it just needs to be that big okay so we're going to get completely ridiculous right here and we're going to go through all sorts of different designs are going to have lever combination locks color combination locks we're going to have item frame dropper just all the crazy weird kinds of combination locks that I could possibly think of and I would say the first design that we should come up with right here is the simplest we're going to start things off with the old faithful and that is the lever combination lock now for those of you who haven't built one of these before it's incredibly simple all you have to do is create some form of and gate how the back of this thing and that's essentially it now as far as the combination is concerned I would say something like that that should be fairly memorable because then it is literally almost like a W so you go up and down like that and that should turn off all of the redstone torches which means that this combination is now done now I have to say okay not the entire build is going to be that simple alright that was the simplest beginning this is like the simplest combination lock you could possibly build in Minecraft but there we go that's everything so we connect up all the redstone right here that should connect to one of those and we connect up all of this redstone right here and then what we have to do is connect up this redstone to this redstone and give ourselves a redstone output and that's it so right now we have the correct combination which means that this redstone is activated but if we get the wrong combination for example you flick this one then the redstone is off if we flick this one for example then the redstone is off you guys get the idea okay so this one this one it is already fully functional so how about we move on to building something just a tiny bit more complex and that is the color combination now I remember way back in the early days of my youtube channel I used to build pretty much 100% color combination locks that was literally all I used to do every week I would come out with a new design for color combination locks and eventually people got a little bit bored of them so I haven't done one for a while but hopefully I still remember how to do them okay so so far I have got all of the Pistons laid out that's our piston feed tape done and then I of course the starter monostable circuit so I guess the first thing I can do is I guess power all of those Pistons right there so they'll be on a one tick delay which means that these ones over here need to be on a three tick delay now if I was to do that yeah we should be totally fine because that should still be being powered by this redstone right here which means that this little pulse going through this piston shouldn't cause an issue then we can run the repeaters down into there we've got two ticks on that one which actually can be there two ticks extra excellent okay so all of those Pistons down to the bottom should now be fully synced up so now we just have to do the ones at the top now I would say it'll be a good idea to do like a zig zagging a half slab Tower going up like this let's just quickly grab ourselves from half slabs you can replace the button right there and we'll just go up like this and this should connect in to our top layers of pistons now these ones here need to be on a two tick delay I think see our two ticks on these ones and then redstone going across the top there fantastic and these ones that need to be on well one tick of delay from that piston right there so that should go up like this and up into those ones and there we go we should have ourselves a fully finished piston feed tape mechanism that was really really easy as well awesome okay I'm going to fill in all of the blocks and then I'll try my best to explain to you how this actually works as a combination lock now because I actually ended up placing 20 blocks on the inside of this piston feed tape we've had to use concrete and then a handful of wool blocks at the end right here but that works for me I mean we now have 20 possible combinations in this lock alone so obviously if we multiply them together say we had four four of these and that'll be 20 times 20 times 20 times 20 which will probably be about a hundred and sixty thousand hang on 20 to the power of four one hundred and sixty thousand that was a really fast quickfire maths then ha I'm quite surprised with myself over there but yeah so what we've got is we have got 160,000 possible combinations in these four color combination locks once we add all of them in but this one module has got 20 possible combinations and the way that we detect what number is correct is we place one solid block inside this memory rail right here that is then being powered by say a redstone torch or a lever let's just quickly check that one through and that means that we can take a redstone output from this block when this block right here is in the correct position so right now orange is right there and that is the correct one okay so that's the correct one right there if we hit this button and obviously is cycles round then we don't have a registered output which means that this one right here the magenta isn't the correct color in the combination lock I hope I hope that makes sense right I am going to build three more of these things and that should give us a decent number of possible combinations all four of these things have been constructed and they're all running out into these redstone torches which run out into this redstone line right here now this essentially creates another and gate which basically says are all of these correct okay are each and every one of these combinations correct if they are then I'll give myself a red Sun output on the back of this torch so that's essentially how that one worked and I just thought I'd give you an update on the possible number of combinations we're currently sat at 163 million eight hundred and forty thousand which is it's pretty good so far next up on the to-do list is the item frame combination lock so we need to make it so that our player has to get all of these item frames in the correct position to be able to move on to the next set of possible combinations now I have not got one of these things in absolutely ages but it has been forever so hopefully I can just about remember how to do it so from what I remember it should be something that looks a little bit like this so we have we have a repeat running out there block and then will it be a resident a redstone torch I don't know so okay here's here's my logic behind what I've just done right there so the theory is is that this this is what controls how much signal strength is given out by the comparator so right now we have an item on the inside of this item frame I've built it one block too far across so we'll have to fix that up but if we place the redstone torch on the inside there right so this redstone is activated but it doesn't quite run into this block which means that that is off which means that the output is on so that there should be that's correct right there that is correct and then if we do that then the output is off this is this might actually work hang on so if we place if we put like an item on the inside of this furnace that will increase the signal strength of that one which means that in default position we don't get an output because this residential which is power in this redstone then in this position we do get an output then in this position we should we don't get out but I've done it wow that must have been in like a really really deep part of my brain and I've just somehow managed to work out to do it literally just then right we have got how many more to build one two three four five six seven seven more of those things to build and then we'll have a huge number of possible combinations for that one so so I think you guys all have done it is I've added in a few or gates on the back right here which essentially say if this one or this one is on then the output will be on which is a good way to work out whether or not you have the correct combination and then I'm basically going to create a really large or gate going all the way out the back right here which says if this one or this one or this one or this one is on then the out will be on which means that all of our inputs or these have to be off for our output to be off which means that we can then decide if all of the nations are correct so once again let's do a bit of an update to our mathematics so I'm just quickly going to go into the calculator so this will be there's eight possible positions for our thing and there are eight of those which means that possible number of combinations is two point seven four eight times five ten to the power of fifteen so that is two with 15 zeroes after it's that's yeah that's pretty good we're doing very well so far right let's add in a few extra modules what what should come next maybe buttons I think buttons could be quite a cool way to go now I'm going to be honest guys I have never made a button combination lock before I've never designed one myself which means that I could struggle with this one I know it uses RS nor latch arrays that's about as far as it goes for me so yeah yeah we'll have to wait and see how this one turns out I guess so currently this this is my theory and I haven't tested out and I haven't watched any tours right here we've got a chain of Rs and all that cheese and this first RS nor latch is looking this RS knowledge which is looking this one which is locking this one okay so if we were to hit this button yet nothing nothing would happen to those and if we were to hit this button nothing would happen to those so this is fully locked in okay but then if we can right get the correct one on this one right here then obviously that will send the item up into this error right here which will unlock this RS nor latch which means that we can get the next one correct which means that we can get the next one correct and then the next one correct and then there we go we have got ourselves an output but then we have a full reset line if we get things wrong which couldn't do it in that order it would have to be in this order right here you guys get the idea now I have no idea where to go from this point ah things are getting more confusing I don't know why I'm doing I do not know to me I have connected in the buttons I've tried my best to create some form of reset circuit I might actually have to watch it over tutorial for this one just to get a rough idea of what's going on it's been ages since I've had to do that okay I think I've come up with something those sorts of works here so if we were to hit this one then that will activate that one which means we've now moved on to the next section right here which is good but if we were to hit this one then that would trigger the reset line which would then send a pulse why it's in a pulse through this which that should actually be quite a fast pulse hold up a second oh my word this is this is so confusing so that should be that but I just I decide to do this oh my gosh now before someone says it down in the comment section yes I'm well aware that there are much smaller designs than this but I want to do it myself simple as that this is my first ever attempt and it is enormous I'm well aware that I've created a working circuit so if we place these in order as you can see this one activates then that one activates and then that one activates and then this one activates meaning the whole system is now up and running all of these comparators right here are switched off which means that we have got the correct combination but if we were to get any of these things wrong so let's quickly just do a reset right here if we were to get any of these in the wrong order so say for example we trigger this one first you can see that that will send a reset signal through the signal line if we were to get the first one correct and then the second one correct but then we were to miss one and get this then as you can see everything resets it works it works we've made ourselves a functioning system but we now need to hook up the and gate and I really can't work out how to do it because we need to take a register output from the yeah from these come I don't have given myself enough space it is all done Danny is by far the biggest bond combination knock there's ever existed but I have chuffed to bits with it because it's my first ever one so we hit this button and that should trigger the first one good good good and then if we hit this button right here that should trigger number two we hit this button right here that should trigger number three and we hit this button right here and we got ourselves a redstone output so that was me getting the correct combination but if we get the wrong combination so I've just reset the circuit right there and that should have reset everything on redstone input okay there's no redstone up there right let's try that again so we hit this button right here and that should reset everything yes okay that redstone output has turned off so if we get the reward err so we hit this button right here then obviously number one will turn off but then say you we skip this button and go straight to number three we got a reset good stuff right now let's see if we just hit a random button so we hit that button right there once again we've got our first button correct but then we hit this button over here we have a fully functional we have a fully functional button the button combination lock that is enormous it is monstrous is a horrible circuit I couldn't be happier could not be happier right let's move on from that because we want to do a little bit of item combinations right now now I'm going to be honest I'm not 100% certain on the maths for this one right here so you can let me know down in the comment section if I'm wrong but I said that there's a one in ten chance and for the first button press because it could be any of the buttons then there's a one in nine chance for the next one because you can't have the same button twice and then one and eight and one inch which means it's ten times nine times eight times seven and then I've multiplied that by all of the other combinations that we have right here which gives us one point three eight five times by ten to the power of 19 which is a pretty not monstrous number I mean that is that is a really really big number but things are going to start to get really ridiculous now because we're going to start using items and items have a huge number of possible combinations that they can be because of course you can rename items which yeah definitely it definitely adds gazillions just just a stupid number and we're going to have four of these little things at the end right here all hooked into RS nor latch is to create what is essentially going to be an item combination lock sounds pretty good now this one is actually going to be just ridiculously simple I thought we could do is we're going to add in a bunch of these little item filters right here and then up at the top we've got a button that you have to press and that powers all of this redstone which sends all of the items into these hoppers all at once then we're going to have an and gate out the back right here which will obviously activate if all of the items are correct which will then go into an RS nor latch which will reset causing us to have a registered output if we get the correct combination I mean that is this one is probably the simplest circuit we've done for the lever combination lock and it has by fun for most combinations so I guess you know sometimes it's not the complicated things like this that actually worked because that probably has the least number of combinations of this entire circuit so right now all of our item hoppers are rigged up to receive an iron block and inside each one of our droppers we have got one or I and block and that should mean that when we hit this button that redstone turns off very briefly which will activate our RS nor latch giving us a redstone output and then we have this button over here to do the reset circuit that is awesome absolutely perfect and is working wonderfully now in terms of the maths this is where things begin to get a little bit shaky because I did some googling and I was looking up how many items there were in Minecraft and it's like people don't know the last post was in 2013 and there were two hundred and ninety six different items that will stack so with that maths we did 296 to the power 4 multiplied by all of the other based on pieces that we have in here and right now we have one point zero six three times by ten to the power of 29 so that's one with thirty zeros or 29 zeros after it which is obviously an insane insane number now I would say it's more likely that we probably have about four hundred maybe even four hundred fifty items in Minecraft now that will stack I mean we have all the different colors of concrete of all this stuff we've got purple now all that you know what will will will say that it's four hundred and ten to the power four then that will give us three point nine times by ten to the power of twenty nine which is obviously a really large number but where things begin to get a little bit silly is where you take into account how many different names you can give to the items I'm quickly going to do some maths so from y can work out so I've put four hundred and ten times by ninety to the power of thirty now that is because there are 90 different characters that you can use on the inside of an anvil and there are thirty different character slots and then all of that has been multiplied to the power of four which I imagine is going to be quite a large number yeah oh my word that's huge one point two six four one seven four times two a ten to the power of 264 which is yeah that's enormous really really big I can't even put that number into context really I seriously can't but that yeah that's an enormous enormous number that's a one with 264 zeros after it so I'm going to hook up all of these different combination locks that we have right here I'm going to hook all of these in together and we are going to run them into some form of door now I must admit I a little bit worried about this test right here because there are plenty of things that could potentially go wrong but anyway we of course the lever combination lock that is combination number one then we have got the color combination lock which that one should be correct this one should now be correct that this one should now be correct and this one that should now be correct if we take a look out the back yes everything is looking good fantastic now these ones they all need to be in this position right there which means that this one here should be looking a little bit like that awesome this is working right okay we've got we've got that one and then this one right here and then this one right here and then this one right here good okay there's given us a redstone output fantastic then for the final combination lock which is the item a combination lock I've had to place in slabs on the top because they were getting blood powered we should hit this button right here what why does that not work are you serious you know what I'm gonna do something slightly different right let's quickly just because what's happening is is that for some reason none of those droppers wants a fire because they're being powered from above so if we do something a little bit like this then that should trigger the system which is opened a door with a fantastic we have got ourselves a working system right there unfortunately for some reason just the redstone wasn't working for that I'm guessing it probably has something to do with the blood pairing of well it worked that time oh for goodness sake I give up we've droppers I mean serious look they seem to be so strange with the way that they operate it doesn't make any sense to me but anyway a combination lock is in fact working as you just saw right there this thing is functioning like a champion we have got gazillions upon trillions upon brilliant of combinations which is exactly what I wanted to do at the start of today's video I hope you enjoyed it if you did be sure to that like man and if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is Ben mumbo and I Matt I'll see you later [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,513,540
Rating: 4.9101186 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: pj5khwOnHDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 44sec (1364 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 21 2017
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