How to Build a LABORATORY in Minecraft!

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Hello everyone, this is Mumbo and welcome back to another Minecraft video. And in this one, we are going to be taking a look at how to build a secret laboratory. Now this is going to involve a bunch of really awesome redstone contraptions from hasmat applicators, to security measures, to various different piston doors, all the way through to animal testing facilities, this thing has it all! Ok? This thing has all the laboratory ever needs, and I think it's going to be a really fun redstone build, so let's crack on. So as you can see right here I've cleared out a bunch of space in our mountainside and that's to make way for all of the entrances and also all of the security systems that we're going to have to gain access to the laboratory itself. Now the entrance we're actually going to be using is a two-by-two flush piston door which is a relatively simple piston door is just constructed by placing in four sticky pistons like that with two in this direction and blocks on their faces then a two block wide gap and then another set of two sticky pistons and a two-by-two area like this with blocks on top of all of those and then we're going to chuck redstone in on this side redstone in the middle and redstone on that side with repeaters that set to two ticks running in both directions. Now if I was to power this thing you can see that all of our pistons extend, and they push out all of the blocks like this which means it'll be flush with the wall, and if we take out that redstone torch, all of them get retracted, it's absolutely perfect, and it's incredibly simple. As i mentioned in the beginning we are going to be building security system for this thing and we're going to be running that into an RS NOR latch so now it's time to build the RS NOR latch that is going to powering this piston door that makes any sense to you want to place a couple blocks going across the top here and we're going to place a few blocks running across like this on top of that block your place a redstone torch with a block on top and then connect this block into the redstone line online you can see all of these Pistons extend and they have pushed all the blocks out which is absolutely perfect now we're going to create an RS nor latch which means we need to run a comparator into this block then have a dropper facing upwards and a dropper running back down into the eyedropper to create our two-way RS nor latch we can just place any other item inside the dropper and that is all of that circuitry down now we need to build a card reader system that we can connect up to this thing next up we need to build the security key system itself so against place a block right here with a drop of running across like this a hopper running back into it with a button on the back side of that drop Alaskans the activation button which is going to activate all of this residence circuitry running out from this hope we want to is a comparator ask as we're going out into a block with a redstone line running down like this into this book right here with a redstone torch on the side of it that is going to create your key card system i know it's an incredibly small little circuit but inside this home where you want to place whatever item you want to be your key card now I for example and going to be using redstone but you can use whatever items you really fancy and if you really want to have an extra layer of security you can actually rename those items which means only people with those exact renamed items will be able to have access to your laboratory is extremely secure anyway now we have to do is when the output from this thing into RS nor latch we get to do that by placing in this redstone since the previous clip I've just done the tiniest tiniest bear decorating I've extended out our tunnel so it's now five blocks long I've also got some see lanterns I put some chords in the walls and I can see you think everything is looking rather lovely so now it's time to do some more redstone the first we're going to do is charge a button on this book right here as you can see when we hit on doors will open up which means we can open up more doors when that the security system is locked which is a very good thing because otherwise well we probably be in here for a while anyway the next thing we want to do is actually create a locking mechanism which will shut the door behind us when we come inside and we're going to do that is by placing a button on top of this course book right here they're going up to the top and carrying out a lot of blocks ideas and placing redstone dust on top of all of those just like that now that will flip the RS nor latch back over it will send the item back down from this drop back into this dropper which means that all of our doors were locked back up so I think it's about time that we tested everything that we both so far so I'm just going to pop outside and that will open up the doors for us and we against tryouts are security card reader systems as you can see I've charged one item of redstone inside this thing and of course that is our security when we hit that button we should see all of our doors will open that seems to work quite nicely let me pop inside and hit this button that will lock up all of our doors and then we hit this button that will open the doors so that we can get out fantastic well I've done everything perfectly so far so I guess the first thing you want to do is just name these buttons so you know exactly what you do because if you come back to this in like three or four months time you're probably guys forgot for the final contraption in our little entrance area we're going to building something very small but i think very awesome as well and that is the hazmat suits applicator so the way we're going to construct this is by taking out these tools right here and breaking it more of them you then want to place a dispenser facing upwards a dispenser facing across like this and then another dispenser facing downwards on this defense you want to place a button on this bottom dispenser you want to place it somewhere it's turned out so that means that this button is going to power all four of our defenses then the next thing you want to do is check a few items around like this and place in your gold armor around it and actually going to grab the legs and also the shoes that on the bottom there i will throw these in as well and then inside each one of your defenses you just want to right click on it and chuck in all of the items so i'm going to place in all of the booths down the bottom and them against throw in all of the leggings in this one right here all of the chest place in the top one and all of the helmets in that the top one if you get what I mean now that you filled in all of the dispenses with various different bits of ama you have God's a working hazmat suits advocates so right now we're completely naked and we're not protected from all the harmful chemicals against the only instead of our laboratory we have to do is pop inside the button and we're looking safe I mean that really does suit me doesn't it time to crack on with the laboratory itself now then a whole bunch of things have happened since the previous clip the one that I've been out a massive area for all aboard she's against me were the testing facilities going to be going I've also created out this space down the bottom here which is going to make way for are too high piston door that is going to go right the way across the length of the entire laboratory itself that's going to be entrance into the testing area itself as you can see I've also done some decorations I've got one block on this side and all of the course and the iron blocks came around the top and I've got some calls on this side as well which is four blocks white and then we've got three blocks in like this and this is actually where our door is going to be going so the first thing I'm going to do is go up to this book right here and play sticky pistons are facing upwards go right the way across now as I say this is going to be a very big too high piston door and it's going to get another way across the length of the laboratory which means it's going to be fairly complicated in terms of registering we got a little double piston extender action happening here but it's going to be worth it because i personally think it's kind of course anyway the next thing we're going to do is place blocks go across the back here and then another line of those just like this weekend's place redstone across the back which is going to connect into all of our repeaters which again facing in this direction and they're going to running into our blocks which against have redstone torches on the sighs of them just like this and we should see that the bottom pistons will extend and then we place the blogs on some of the torches all of our top pistons will extend so currently are double piston extender is fully extended so far we've got all of the rising edge circuitry done now we need to do at the falling edge circuit which is going to deal with the final block for traction so you want to place a redstone torch on the side of this blog then eyedropper facing in this direction a hot running back down in switz with any other item inside that dropper that's going to be a falling edge more stable circuit then you want to place a few blocks go across like this a block up like that a comparative taking out from this hopper a repeater running into this book and asking to be going into this at Redstone right here so that's it is everything finished that is your SS an extender now as you can see if we place a leaver on this block which is your input and give a flick you can see we get the double piston extension and also the full double piston retraction wonderful for our next stage in the process we against creates the outer edge of our piston door against place see lanterns going up to the top like that and see lands on this side as well just because I think they look really cool and then against place at sea Lansing's going right the way across like this just on top of all of those and then in between those sentence we're going to have a white stained glass now the idea behind this one is that when you want to enter the actual testing facility of our laboratory this entire glass wall lift up with allowing you to pass on through which i think is very scientific and very cool as well I mean I'd love to have something like that inside my house so that's it is going to be wired or actually looks like then above that we're going to have to leave a tuple gap so that's 12 and then another two blocks 012 again then place a block up like this and place a bunch of regular pistons are facing downwards across is now you may notice we've sort of going out into the landscape right here you guys have to do some terraforming cover this up but now I've just got to do the full line of WC extenders all the way across the water up your top double piston extender that she quieted simpler you just want to take out all of these books right here and run a line of blocks going across the top like this placing redstone dust all the way across that and then we're going to do another one of blogs are just underneath which we probably should have done fast because now we have to place the restaurant every now and again but just to along lines of redstone dust which again is powering all of our pistons and now we need to connect them up using redstone so the first thing we're going to do is place a rip Setsu three tix and then we're going to places some redstone going across like that and we need to make sure that we actually have a repeater input into this thing against place a repeater running across like this up into this book right here the redstone dust going into that now we have to connect up this circuit into the bottom section as well so that all functions i would say this looks like a pretty good spot for inputs against place a lever on that blog and then I'll back we're going to probably seen all of our blows going up like this so redstone dust right there and then we're going to use some upside down half slabs and snake a redstone going by the way up to the top into this second here so that is our top double peace and extend all connected now it is time to do the bottom double piston extender which is a tiny bit more complicated because you have to use what's known as a falling out from the stable circus you want to place a redstone torch on the sub this block eyedropper facing in this direction with a hopper running back into it against place any other item inside that dropped their take a comparator output from the hopper and that's against running into this block with a repeater and then a block over here and redstone dust running across like this so that should be everything connected just double-check everything is correct make sure there's no red star running into somebody shouldn't be but we think the sleeve you should see all of these crystals extend my flickr again we get our full double extension and that is pushed up our glass window so we could walk on through once again I've made some pretty serious changes since the previous clip so the first thing i've done is i've placed in a court ceiling this is an upside-down slab court ceiling which I think looks very nice especially with Rin skirting go around the top that looks really very cool then of course we've got our piston door this in the middle and then over here we have got a five-block deep section there goes into the back here now inside this wall we've got a bunch of windows and that is because of that is where our testing facilities games we going obviously this is a laboratory it's a sort of evil laboratory so we're going to be doing some animal testing in here which I know is not a very good thing i'm i'm pretty against that but this is an evil science laboratory in Minecraft so I suppose it's not really affecting anyone so this is where our evil animal testing is going to be happening now it's time to start work on the red stone for it so the first thing i want to do is play see lanterns underneath each one of these windows because he's looking at fairly dark out the back here then we're going to check in at some white stained glass panes just like this way it's really just pulls everything together that looks pretty awesome and then I'll back we're actually going to create the area for these things so the first thing you want to do is just place a sticky piston facing in this direction with a block on his face now that's going to create the killing chamber basically so against place those going right the way across like this with box and all of their faces and then up here against place a block up by this with a dispenser facing in that direction and once again that we're going to do the same thing or all the way across just over to the other side and then finally we're against place a line of blocks came across the top here and we're going to have dispenses of facing down with soap dispenser they're expensive they're expensive they're and the dispenser right there now these are going to be dispensing the potions these are guys were dispensing at the bunnies and these are against be killing the bunnies it works quite well I've now placed in at three buttons on this wall over here which against we connecting up to the various different elements of our circuit so the first one that we're going to be constructing is the bunny killing circuit which is going to cause our Pistons to attract and it's going to cause the bunnies to fall into a lot of which is a real shame as I said and you're on that this is an evil science lab so that sort of thing needs to happen guys just running register online all the way across here from this redstone torch which should cause all of our Pistons to extend and that's what happened right there and the piston signal strength is just about long enough to reach the other end when we hit this button all of our pistons were attracted exactly the same time the next one is just a simple we want to place a redstone torch on the back of that bathroom right there Brock like this and another redstone torch them again to run the output from that all the way across here and into all of these dispenses now you may want to throw in a repeater into this restaurant at some point because it is relatively long there is a chance it will actually be long enough if we quickly test this out breaking this restaurant or we should be able to tell yes it isn't long enough so we can actually leave this be and not have any repeats inside the circuit and that is going to cause all of our bunny dispenses to dispense their bunny so now what you have to do is fill in these dispenses with that your rabbit spawn eggs if you're playing in survival mode and unfortunately will be able to do this you're going to have to come up with a system to take the rabbits from your bunny farm down into this area here can't wait to see what you guys come up with for the final circuit is a fairly similar story redstone torch on the back of the button it look and then another redstone torch with blocks can write the way across like this and weekends one redstone dust on top of all of these blocks so resident asking other way across here and then we're going to run into a blog where they repeated like this and register and ask oh right the way across like that and that will power all of our defenses and now what you want to do is get any potion that you really fancy it could be a potion of harming it could be a potion of leaping whatever you really want place it inside these expenses and this is going to be our testing facility pretty much done at least in terms of the right thing time for the final details then you want to fill in all of these blocks to make sure that none of the bunnies escape is all of these boats going by the way across here and just make sure that there's no partitions between all of these just those books there and that there we go so now we've got two little cubes for all of our bunnies and then down at the bottom we want to place in a gigantic lava lake which is where all of our done bunnies are going to be dropping down see once we're finished with the bunnies we've done testing on them we're going to drop them down into the lava before you test this thing that's just one quick thing i want to mention i made a slight mistake you need to break this book right here and replace it with a slam to stop that redstone torch from powering this redstone dust but thats is believe it or not your entire redstone circuit done your laboratory is now all finished and it should be good to go to replace all of the Block C broken it should look something a little bit like this and if we hit this button over here we'll get our bunnies drop down into the system then if we hit this button right here that will dispense the testing facilities and you can see that they are looking very tested on and we hit this button that will kill off all of the bunny so there we go ladies Jen's that is the testing facility now we can just pop back inside and closed off our piston door and go back out to the outside because unfortunate lady and gent that is all I've got time today i hope you enjoyed this video if you did visual to that like button and if you really loved it to make sure to subscribe thanks for watching guys this is the mumbo and I'm a ceiling ProleteR - April Showers
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 3,099,135
Rating: 4.9018741 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, survival, island, song, mods, hunger, games, parody, herobrine, houses, redstone, multiplayer, 3x3, 4x4, 5x5, 6x6, piston, lamp, swapper, combo lock, tnt, player launcher
Id: -JzbXlFgWBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 25sec (925 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 03 2016
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