INSANE SELF BUILDING Redstone Contraptions in Minecraft!

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a couple of weeks ago I uploaded an episode of I build your silly redstone ideas and at the end of that episode I said that every single time I do one of these someone challenges me to create a self building redstone contraption and every time I get one of those challenges I can't work out how on earth I'm going to do it so I decided to challenge you guys to build them for yourselves and I honestly didn't expect anyone to take on the challenge I thought no one was going to do it but I was wrong and I got to say it's probably been one of my best decisions yet in terms of the challenges because I've been sat back looking into some of the submissions in sheer amazement at what people are managing to create the first one comes from Oh per sec and this is the self building 4x4 volt or now I'm very proud of my 4x4 volt door you know I always bang all about it because it's probably one of my favorite redstone contraptions I've created on my youtube channel but just watch this watch this look so we get we get this going on and then look it's just comes in from the walls I don't even know what to say I don't even know where to begin with this thing and the amazing thing about this is is that look the Wolves close up behind this redstone contraption as well so it's kind of it all fits in all fits in in this area and it looks great it looks fantastic you have this this beautiful presentation here and there we go I think I think that's all of the redstone in place so this has all been fully built up obviously we've got a lot of observers we've got a lot of fence posts in here we've got a lot of Pistons and sticky pistons if we hit this button we can see that the door opens up and it's not even slow it's a fast fast 4x4 piston door but we can close it and you know what if that's not good enough okay if that isn't good enough something that surprised me even more is the fact that we've got fun on this side that's all impressive but we also have an input on the other side that totally works as well it's just it's totally ridiculous oh wow I mean yeah okay very very impressive as I say links to all of these videos will be down in the description let's move on to the next one so this next build comes from r2b e18 and that she submitted a number of different redstone contraptions to this contest which is brilliant and this this was my personal favorite it is the self building flying machine so we hit this button right here and we should begin to see some redstone going on so we've got some moving of things we've got some bits pieces happening and there we go there it is constructed and there we go it takes off it's now flying but the cool thing about these self building flying machines is that this machine kind of has like a magazine of them okay so you can see all of these Pistons here you can see all of these observers here and all of these sticky pistons these observers everything like that there's a button there's a bunch of different flying machines that's stored inside this thing so if we hit this barn again we should see that everything will kick into gear once more and we'll get ourselves another flying machine here he goes there are the blocks they get pushed down and then we have another flying machine so that's our original one and then look we've just built another flying machine this flying straight after it this is genuinely useful this is like a genuinely useful redstone contraption and there were a decent number now one thing that's really interesting about this is uncurious as to how he is separating those slime blocks from one another it looks like is to do with some pushing back and forth going on and then something pops down from the top and kind of breaks off the slime block from the other ones but there we go there's a third one there is this is this is a genuinely useful redstone contraption I never thought I'd be saying that in a self building redstone contraption contest but I mean this is fantastic and before someone goes down to the comment section and says that this one shouldn't count because it involves command blocks these command blocks aren't be connected up to the circuitry all they do is refill all of the pistons and observers and things like that so that if you run out of them say you build tons upon tons of flying machines and you've actually run out of Pistons and observers you can replace them easily using the commands so they're not actually being used anyway this next redstone contraption is created by Davy ATAR and I have to say I was really impressed by the redstone video that they made it was interesting it used a replay mode showing all sorts of different angles of the contraption actually working but the way this thing functions is we need to place in observers then we need to place in some locks in this area right here we need to place in a redstone lamp a fence gate and then another observer in this slot and then I guess oh we need to place in a sticky piston so that goes in there and then I think we're ready to kick start the machine I'm fairly certain I filled in all of the holes so if we hit this button we should see in this area this is like the building zone if we try our best to watch what's going on here okay there is some stuff and and there it is it's just built and we have got ourselves a working T flip-flop based lights fully constructed by that redstone contraption that we just built by placing in the items inside these holes now that's cool that's really cool is like a pipeline of blocks being pushed around here to all be constructed in this area and I especially like this guy that's fantastic I've said fantastic far too many times in today's video which I guess could only be considered a good thing anyway moving on from that one stubborn stingy has built a self building self building machine I mean to start off with that that's completely ridiculous all we have to do is hit this button right here and that will activate this thing and as you can see it is it's it's quite a big redstone circuit so what we have is we've got a cobblestone generator which is generating the blocks which are pushing all of these Pistons along and these Pistons all need to be pushed across into this area right here so we should see that when these pistons fill up these piston walls they will extend pushing those across now what we need to do is we need to fill up this area here with glass and pistons so once that's done I'll catch you in a sec although I gotta say it's it's not exactly the fastest redstone contraption in the world it takes a long time to fill up a big area with hundreds upon hundreds of Pistons relying on a cobblestone generator is your best own clock anyway here it comes the last Pistons are making their way through so once that piston reaches the end these pistons will push across and then everything should kick into action so the water is flowing out these carpets should all explode off in the next couple seconds yep that's looking good and then here goes of hip-hop's I'm sure you're starting to recognize a familiar face here and there we go so that was let me just reiterate that was a self building self building Mambo we've got two levels of self building there which I mean let's be totally honest that's got to be applauded how could I not applaud that that's that's brilliant this one I just applaud for his creativity I just think it's a really funny redstone idea here we have my t2 VW campervan it's a little bit less blocky in real life but this is a fairly accurate representation and here we have the Laughing duck lips self building redstone contraption so if we hit this button right here the entire replacer machine builder 20,000 not 2,000 20,000 sure to kick into gear so there we go this thing is all coming together we should see some observers are going to get pushed across at some point and we kind of have like a claw sort of mechanism being produced but that's what it looks like now to actually activate the tyre replace so the first thing I have to do is I have to put a spare tire into the machine so there we go there is my broken-down tire as you can see it's not looking particularly good and the way that I activate this thing which is going to make it scale very happy is to break this down right block and there we go old tire has been replaced new tire has been fitted and now the t2 is ready to head off on adventure and travel everywhere last but most certainly not least glowing golem has created probably one of the most ridiculous 3x3 piston doors I've ever seen as you can see here we've got ourselves a completely flat area when we hit this button that will changes pistons pop up but most importantly a flying machine comes up and just delivers the top half of the circuitry and that just flies off into the distance I personally don't fully understand how they have managed to pull that off but it really doesn't make much sense to me but what is cool is the obviously it functions perfectly look here is closing there it is 3x3 piston door and then when we hit this button once again everything opens up now if it's not 100% perfect obviously we do have some slime blocks and debris leftover from the flying machine itself so I guess you could say that it's only a 3x3 door in this area we do have some blocks behind it but I don't care because that is such a satisfying thing to watch when I first watched this on YouTube when I saw this video come up I actually started laughing because it's one of those things it looks so strange seeing something like this just pop up out of the ground I just didn't expect it I didn't expect it to work it's crazy so massive massive thank you to everyone that submitted their builds into the self building redstone contraption video contest type thing it was a lot of fun that I seriously was not expecting the response that we got with it I have been I've been completely blown away so I can't wait to do more of this source stuff in the future but anyway I hope you enjoyed this video if you did visuals of that like button and if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is Ben mumbo and I'm out I'll see you later [Music] you
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 3,471,403
Rating: 4.9462032 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: OymzG-m49Q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 31 2018
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