How to make A TRAP HOUSE in Minecraft!!

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there we have my lovely little house at this point in time is nothing particularly special just horrendously ugly let's be honest tell me miss this certainly isn't going to win any awards but that's not the point of this thing the point of this thing is to turn it into a lethal weapon what we're going to do is fill this to the brim with traps to make it absolutely deadly for anyone on the server who decides to come by it this is going to become interesting so the first thing I want you to do is head down underneath your house and clear out a space that is 10 blocks deep so it's going to be the size of the house itself but then you want to go ten blocks beneath the ground the reason for this is we're going to have 9 blocks above our Pistons and then we need to make room for the Pistons themselves and you need to clear out the space in the center so that we make way for all of the redstone and also all of the TNT right now that we've got something that looks a little bit like this we're going to place in a ring of Pistons where we skip the corners and also the block underneath your door now the reason that we're not using the block underneath it all is because doors when they're pushed by Pistons will get broken now just compress and break and then all of the blocks underneath can be moved because that's what we're going to be doing going to be pushing the blocks underneath now if your door did break once you've activated this trap and you've got your TNT in place then you'd set off all your tin fee and you'd blow up your trap house and probably kill yourself yeah that wouldn't that doesn't sound like a particularly good idea now just as a quick heads-up on the inside of our trap house we have this sort of setup going on so you've got a 5 by 5 floor we've got staircases dropping down into the chest area and we also have a handful of furnaces and crafting benches going around the outside but the chests are where things are important first off we've got solid blocks going all the way around there's no visible areas in which you can see through and there's definitely no redstone components and there never will be because we don't want to give anything away but also we have trapped chests on either side and then regular chess going down the center it's very important you get that correct because all of these are going to end up being trapped in some way now the actual heart of this redstone mechanism is going to be placed on this block right here so directly underneath our regular chest that is in the center there we are going to place a block and then we're going to place a block down on the bottom here we're going to have some redstone dust there and then we're going to have a block up like this on all four of the sides so we should end up with this sort of shape and then on top of these blocks we're going to be placing in powered ramps you want to make sure that all of your powered rails are facing outwards from that block because on top of these powered rails we're going to be placing TNT mine carts which ignite instantly once they go off the end of these powered rails which means that they cause massive explosions very very fast and that's exactly what we want so let's create a way to actually activate them the first thing we need to do is we need to go behind our regular chest right here so there's the back of the chest you're going to go behind it and we're going to place a comparator running out from there now we're going to be leaving that behind for the time being because now we're going to start placing in all of our observers and there are going to be a lot of observers the first thing we want to do is you want to place three observers in like this those are going to detect if any of these blocks get broken and we're going to create ways in which these observers can power these powered rails by just placing in redstone dots going all the way around like this so we should have something that starts to look a little bit like that warning things are about to get very messy prepare yourselves so the first thing that we want to do is you want to place redstone dust up like this and redstone dust up like this on either side of our comparator that seems simple enough then we want to place observers on either sides of these blocks right here so that will detect if either of these blocks get broken because of course you don't want any players to go through our floor that would be very bad now on each of the corners of our house we have got our furnaces so you want to detect if those get broken and we're going to do that by placing two observers down like this and a block like that and then two observers facing downwards like this and a block like that on its face as all looking pretty good so far now we wanted to take if these blogs get broken we're going to place two observers and then a block on its face once again that will power those two bits of redstone which will run into the powered rails and do the same thing on the other side so that is two observers going down like that and then a block on their face now these blocks these blocks very simple just an observer facing down into the redstone and just an observer facing down into the redstone on this side once again it is just observer with blocks underneath each one of those then we want to have three observers facing downwards just like this which was attacked if any of these balls get broken and power all of the Redstone and the powered rails so that's all looking pretty good then we want to place the so that's the two observers and then the block and then the two observers and then the block that's all good observer and a block that will detect if that block gets broken and then of course power this redstone and then finally for these two corner blocks which are near to our door so we need to place in observers and then we're going to place in a hopper and then an observer and then a hopper and then an observer and that will chain that update downwards like this and into this redstone dust and then we can do the same thing on the other side that is observer and then a hopper and then an observer and then a hopper and then an observer running straight into this block so with this setup we'll be able to detect if any of the blocks in the floor get broken pretty much about 99% now I've also rearranged the set up on the inside of our house just a tiny bit just to make it a look a little bit more symmetrical this is actually quite nice but B to make it less likely that the player is going to find the only block that is vulnerable so the only block that is vulnerable in this place there isn't going to have an observer underneath it is the one underneath this crafting table so what I've done is I've placed the crafting table on top of it because it's very unlikely if a player knows that this place is going to be trapped it's very unlikely that they're going to start breaking blocks like this one because it's quite obvious they're going to have observers underneath them so hopefully the vulnerability isn't found by the player anyway we are nowhere near finished yet there are still a ton of tramps so we need to add in most importantly the one underneath our door if the player breaks the door then that will update this redstone ore which of course we can detect if the player walks over the redstone ore then that will update which of course our redstone will detect and also if they place a block on top of the redstone ore or try to break it then of course that will update the redstone or meaning that we will be able to detect it basically this is a good way to help protect your entrance and the way that we're going to detect it is of course two observers running down into this block which will power the redstone which will power the rail and yet you guys know how that ends moving on we now need to go back down to the bottom and take a look at these Pistons we've neglected them for a little while but now what we want to do is create a square of blocks going around like that and then some redstone dust running around the center and then to power all of these we're actually going to be using a redstone clock so you just want to place in a repeater and then it's just going to be a standard hopper clock just like this as soon as we activate it and place an item on the inside then it will all start making a nice loud noise but that means that is working this is good the time being though we want to make sure that is turned off so that we can actually work so what is this going to be used for well it's going to detect if any player decides to break any of the blocks that we have in our walls you see on top of these Pistons we're going to have nine blocks and our walls a four blocks tall which means that these Pistons are trying to push up 13 blocks which they simply can't do however if a player breaks one of the blocks in the wall and suddenly they are able to push the blocks they'll push them upwards and we're going to play some observers in the wall which will detect when they've been moved and as soon as they move they will activate our powered rails and you get the pitch everything's going to go sky-high so the first thing we have to do is we're going to place in some blocks down on the bottom here and then we're going to place all of our observers going around just like this so that's all looking pretty good and then we're going to place a bunch of blocks on top in fact we're going to place blocks going right the way up to the top of our house I'd suggest doing that in a couple seconds and I'll also suggest using something like stone because if a player decides that they want to minor underneath your house and get into it that way then they might still break one of these blocks which of course will still activate the trap which will blow them up anyway so we're going to play some books just like that and then up here we're going to place a line of blocks once again everything's getting a little bit cramped here but we're going to place blocks in like this and then redstone dust running around just like that and then somewhere we're going to place in a block with a repeater running into this block right here and that it's going to power the redstone dust in the center which in turn will power all of our powered rails this is getting tricky to navigate so now as I say it is time to fill in all of these blocks right the way up to the top so that we have got plenty of blocks for these Pistons to push we're getting there it's getting incredibly cramped in there too I don't think we're going to be able to move around any more and now that I've got all of the blocks in place I can actually activate my redstone clock this thing is now pulsing but as expected nothing is moving because of course as I mentioned earlier on these pistons have got too much to push okay let's cover up with that hole there which is underneath our door and let's make our way back up to the surface for some of the finishing touches so remember earlier on we place that comparator behind this chest and then didn't really do anything with it well now we're going to be working from it what you need to do is you need to place some items inside this chest I'd make them relatively valuable aka good enough for someone to steal that's relatively important and then we're going to go around the back out here and on this block that comparator should now be putting a register an output out because that comparator is detecting that there's items inside that chest and it's sending that output through through that block and into this redstone dust right here so two blocks underneath your wall then what we're going to do is we're going to place in a sticky piston with a redstone block on its face so that's going to go in right there and then we're going to place a repeater and if we just pop through into spectator mode we should be able to see that this repeater is going to power this redstone dust if the items are removed so if the items are removed then this thinkyou piston will retract that redstone block when the power that redstone dust and you guys know what happens next so the only part of our house that isn't trapped at this point in time is the roof now the roof is a bit of a tricky one but I do have an idea to sort of semi trap it in a way that could be effective so all you have to do is we need to place in slabs just like this then we need to go up to the top and remove all of these slabs temporarily then we're going to make a grid of pressure plates up at the top now this goes 3 2 3 2 3 and that's maximizing the number of pressure plates that we can fit in this space and then we're going to grab some tnt and we're going to place it in the gaps now the thought process is is that generally speaking when a player is breaking something like a roof they're not going to be standing close enough to the slab to actually pick it up as it falls which means it's going to fall on the pressure plate if we get lucky and they break one above a pressure plate which means they'll hit a pressure plate igniting the TNT blowing everything up which could also potentially I mean there's a lot of TNT hub here it could potentially explode the TMT minecart so you have underneath which would probably kill the player so we need to be very careful here to cover these back up so now the roof is all fully locked and loaded speaking of things being locked and loaded it is now time to start placing in all the TNT so the first thing you want to make sure of is that your redstone or isn't lit and doing all of the particles and things because once that unlights which can happen at any time it will then send a pulse through the system and you really don't want that to happen once you have your TNT in there so we're going to close up that door that won't cause an update on the redstone all and then we're going to head down to the bottom and we're going to start placing in the TNT minecarts now you might need to temporarily remove some blocks around here but you should be able to do it and what you want to do is place for TNT minecarts on each one of these minecart rails that's one two three four and then one two three four one two three four and also you're gonna have to pop round the back I'd maybe suggest turning off the redstone clock down at the bottom before you do this okay so now that I've made about fifteen backups of this world let's give it a quick tester so first things first player just walks through on the redstone or okay that was relatively successful what about if a player decides to break a block in the wall okay oh that's pretty successful what about if a player somehow manages to make it inside the house but then decides to break one of the blocks [Music] well that one definitely works treat wafer player somehow manages to make it inside the house doesn't break any of the blocks but decides to check inside one of these trap chairs yeah everything looks like it's in order okay okay okay why if the player somehow manages to make it inside the house doesn't break any of the blocks sees the trap chess and thinks I'm not going to open one of those but it's decides to open up this chess right here and think to himself oh my word there's 30 diamonds there oh man this is never gonna get boring what if the player thinks to themselves I'm Way too smart for this house I'm not going to go under the ground because that's stupid I'll get blown up I'm not going to take out any of the walls because that's stupid I'll get blown up I'm going to go through the ceiling and takes out one of these blocks ah should he use wooden pressure plates shouldn't i well despite that anticlimactic ending which I can't believe it I mean when was that I wouldn't pressure plates and stone pressure plates have been in the game for years it's not like I can make the excuse this a new feature added into the game they were in the game before I even came along they've always been like that I can't believe it either way despite that I think it's safe to say that this house is a force to be reckoned with I actually can't think of a way that you can get inside without causing some form of explosion or at least without there being a high chance of you blowing up and dying so on that note I hope that you've enjoyed this video if you have please also that like button and if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is the mumbo and I'm out I'll see ya later oh stand of film channel stuff you know what [Music] you
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 570,962
Rating: 4.942029 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: BbnehA4caSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2018
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