Making a WORKING TANK in Minecraft!

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so as you guys know over the past couple weeks I've been having a lot of fun with slime block based flying machines I haven't really played with them too much in the past but just recently I've really gotten into them I built missiles I've built carpet bombing machines and now I'm going to try my best to take the knowledge that I've learned from those two things and create a tank this is going to be interesting you see when I built my carpet bombing machine we actually built a piston feed tape on the inside of it you can see this is actually cycling around and that's how we dispense out our TNT after building this thing I later learned that of course I could have just used TNT duplicators which would have been much more dangerous but this is a really really cool contraption and I can make use of this piston feed tape to create tank tracks at least that's kind of the plan so what kind of looks like a tank track block that's a question that I've never really had to ask myself that is perfect okay right I guess we should start trying to wire up the piston timings for this thing which have already gotten me confused so what I need to do is I need to power this piston here retract this then push this across and then this entire mechanism will have to move and then we'll have to extend this piston again so this piston will fired then this piston fires then this piston fires again yeah because this top layer has to travel twice as fast because obviously the piston feed tape is actually moving it's actually moving along with it if that makes sense oh my god my head my head my head is not working right let's give this a go what we should see here is this piston extend across then this sticky piston extend and retract and that would be almost like the first part of our little circuit and no that is not a good start but this is considerably better okay so if we were to have say for example a block here I I think that's good so we just need the second pulse of that piston but know if that's actually time correctly it's so difficult to tell well I've done something crazy I've split I've never done that before I've split these Pistons from their slime blocks how is that even possible anyway now that that's all fixed this is actually working so as you can see now I've got the timings correct hold up yeah I thought that might be the case okay so we need wait what yeah so the reason that we need that piston to fire twice is because otherwise this little part of the flying machine just gets clogged up with blocks you'd be really limited with the number of blocks that you can have in the piston feed tape but what that means is is that as this thing flies so this will push across the block dang it out the way and then this piston will push up that block and then it will push these blocks along so that this flying machine can then move forwards and match up with this and then this will fire pick up this block and so on and so forth and this might just about do it let's see Oh how's that happened how do I keep losing Pistons so it's firing at the perfect time to separate it from the that shouldn't be possible what that's ridiculous clearly I still have much to learn in the ways of flying machines now that I've slowed it down a little bit though with our motor it is actually now working and it is actually picking up blocks so if we take a look here yes this is what we want it looks messy but it actually functions and is working this is a really cool thing to watch but this is huggably more satisfying so we have got one side of our tank tracks going down onto the ground and I mean I I could wash this all day long I seriously could watch this all day long fat's of course we can't just come up one side this is a very lopsided motorbike tank at this point in time we need to have our second side which hopefully should be quite simple he says with some trepidation and it definitely deserved said trepidation because I have had to do a lot of redesigning here I've had to redesign the entire back section and the entire front section of the piston feed tape so basically half the machine but now it should be working for this one side which is now copy and paste ball to the other because we want our tank to be fairly symmetrical so after making many backups it is now time to boot this thing up for the first time now I don't think I have enough blocks in my tracks but this is very promising so we just need to fill in this gap here okay so that's one of the tracks done and then if we take a look at this side you can quite clearly see how many blocks are missing which is quite helpful so that is our other side both of them are fully in sync because that's something that I was a little bit concerned about and we actually have ourselves a machine that looks like it is using ten tracks it looks like it that looks like it's moving using those stairs okay so that is part one of our process are all completed now we actually have to start work on well I guess we can do some decoration but also we need to start work on the actual weaponry because we want this thing to kind of be functioning as a weapon now I would say the chances of this thing working first timer are about zero - quite frankly honest of you but what I've done is I've built up the entire central section so that it actually has more of a body to it so beforehand we just kind of had the chassis like the running gear now we actually have a place where the player can stand in this thing so if we drop down to the bottom and activate this piston somehow I guess something like that it stops working the bottom the bottom of the tank it's just left it's just gone now yeah we can leave this behind you know what this is almost like the motorbike which comes out the front of the Batmobile when the Batmobile gets all smashed up in a way I would say that's kind of a success all right back to the drawing board then thankfully though that's all fixed it turns out there was a little problem with this back section right here and I would say that the improvement I've made has actually made this thing look cooler I mean look at that that looks like a monstrous little machine and if we just stand inside this slab here I'm riding in my tank all right I love it absolutely love it okay let's start work on I mean I'm in two minds here I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to create a decorative weapon for the time being and then once I've done that I'll see if I can actually make a functioning weapon that seems like a good way to go for me well I think you're safe to say that the decorative weapon has worked a treat I mean that is a tank there's there's no denying the fact though that is a tank if I had never played Minecraft before I would see that and think it was a tank and also think to myself I really want to play that game that looks incredibly interesting so that is okay so that's the tank completed but now I want to do as I mentioned earlier on is I do want to see if I can create some form of TNT launcher in this thing it's gonna be difficult though I mean we could launch it straight to help I feel like the tank would actually catch up with it so we kind of need to launch it up and out because otherwise we don't want we don't want to launch TNT and then drive into it that seems like a pretty bad strategy but I mean I don't want to rule anything else if it is actually going to work so let's see if we were to do this yeah that's not gonna do the trick is if we will literally run over our own TNT I don't know what to say about this one so I've built a prototype and it is ugly I'll give you that it's definitely ruined the nice lines that we had in our original tank but it could function we've got we have something that could end up launching TNT maybe all right the idea is there the idea is functional because look if we take a look at that you can see that we get the push up and pull down the only thing that I didn't think of is that slime block also needs to be pulled along how am I going to do that could that just be done using a block on the back here so we don't actually need those so you can get rid of those you can put this back so that still works if we place a block at the back here okay no we're quite close though this idea is pretty stupid but it might just work let's see if it does it does it does it does it does look at that okay so we have got that is our TNT launching mechanism right there that's the one so if we were to ignite this yes that's not so good but yes I think it's safe to say that my gorgeous-looking tank has been ruined but there is a chance then it now actually functions say it goes take that one as a No the good news is that the the tank can beautify itself by removing its own gun if you place the blocks in the great order right this is this is taking me so long but I really want to get this and I actually have a pretty good feeling about this design not only do I think it will work and keep the TNT in place but also it should be Auto igniting so if we just take a look here it's quite difficult unless you place in the TNT I have to say yes it functions it works it actually works so there we go we've got ourselves a working at tank finally oh my gosh this is taking me so long I wonder oh no no no no no okay see look look it even protects itself from that sort of thing but I wonder if we can create some kind of magazine here I mean surely if we were to place in this is gonna be really really tricky well that idea didn't quite work out just because the machine actually works oh no it does yeah that idea didn't work out anyway we got there in the end this thing does work it's functioning system it launches TMT out the front obviously is nowhere near as pretty as it was without our gun mechanism but that's life I just I wanted to get this working I wanted to complete this project and in my eyes it wasn't complete without some form of TNT cannon on the inside there so there we go that is my tank are all done and dusted I hope that you enjoyed this video if you did be sure that like ban and if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe for thanks for watching guys this has been mumbo and I'm out I'll see you later [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 4,070,214
Rating: 4.9377503 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: OLfA5V75AA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Tue May 15 2018
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