Minecraft BUILD SWAP With Mumbo Jumbo

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hello my name is green and welcome back to another episode of build swap today I've got a very special guest you'll never guess who you probably have because of the title is mumbo jumbo hello I am absolutely terrified at this point in time come on it'll be fine you're very talented man thank you that's very that's very flattering but I don't think I'm talented in the building department you know I built a clock tower the other day and pretty much 90% of my comments were saying that you built it so I can't even build things without people saying that you built it having said that there are two there are two fan bases that are going it's happening right build swap do you know what it is I'm kind of I here and there but you might need to refresh me on the rules a little bit very briefly just Whistlestop tour through okay well first of all let me introduce our judges dom rao and pearlescent moon they they will be judging us probably not on our ability to build but probably a lot of other things as well and Jay the style was supposed to be here but Internet troubles so they've obviously they've obviously replaced him here yeah yeah yeah does he still get a vote that's a very good question Dom has confirmed that Jay still gets a vote okay so we're obviously fighting for the ultimate prize of fireworks that's it that's the prize that we get now that's all right how we play is there are some chests here they've all got our names on it you're gonna start on your side I'm gonna start on mine we're gonna both build whatever thing is in the chest and then every round we're gonna swap and these guys will decide who wins each round three points and you get the win right okay okay that makes sense in great tradition we read our names out on your sign so this is the first one what was your name today mum mum nice yeah nice very sweet very sweet next time you'll just be Chum and yeah yeah I think so I'm just gree in the green okay well you know that's pretty cool this like insert whatever word you want there right okay I've seen some weird names oh my okay I have no clue do you want to go first what have you got I've got a goblin with three arms I've got redstone man I don't even know what they're to build something like that I feel like yours is much more specific than my mine's more open to yeah imitation yeah so if you're not creative everyone's gonna be like shaking their heads like no no aah oh no all right okay are you ready I think I am ready too how long do we get to build the first section the judges decide okay right it could literally be very sure it could be long they might wait for us to finish they might not okay ready okay I'm ready yep flower girl tree yep Tanton one okay oh my word this is already I'm already stressing out I've built a clubfoot this is not good this is not a good beginning to my redstone man just the tip make it make it so it faces me so they're like the two builds are okay firing off each other you see the problem I'm gonna have here is that Dom Rao is a bit of a connoisseur for goblins he's a big fan of ganoub Lin's right okay I don't impress him he's not gonna be very happy at all is he a fan of redstone men as well or if I got a bit a free pass here I think I'm not sure in on redstone he is I mean there's something coming together mine's gonna be pretty big yours is gonna be it's very true I actually have high hopes for you for this game because your redstone ability is far superior to mine however you are better at building than I am at Redstone right so like if you have the two skills you have a better average than me right I kind of I get you I get I get what you're saying I still think that you might have me outmatched here if we were doing like a kind of redstone so I did a redstone challenge you had to do like almost like a redstone swap versus build swap type thing I don't know how on earth that would work yeah then I feel quite confident I feel quite confident but this is just right this is just building so I mean redstone man so you've got you've got an opportunity what's going on here it you know what it looks like to me it looks like it's just a steak it looks like well alright ok I'm working on something it's gonna look it's gonna look powerful but just it's it's maybe gone a little bit awry already I'm a little bit concerned yours is looking pretty cool though what part of it are you building right now well this is that's his belly button there the button that's the belly button I see and then I always see now yeah I've kind of made her goblins are like a bit not proportioned very well so yeah he's got very small body and I'm gonna have to go for a gigantic nose now yeah yeah yeah that makes sense that makes sense I mean that goblin is quite I've never I can safely say I've never built a goblin in a Minecraft I've never bought a redstone man either so this is we're both in uncharted territory I've got the the brilliant three arm thing I I don't know if that's just like a throwback to the fact that I always tend to build like three or four arms whenever I do build swap stuff right yeah that could that could be why they've done that maybe that that sounds like it would probably that sounds like it links in quite nicely mine's becoming a mess by the way oh yeah I can tell but it's getting there so you're going it's almost like you've gone for a like a golem out of redstone materials yeah he's kind of I mean it's not quite as redstone II as I was expecting it to be I'm gonna add some pistons and things but I wanted to get like capture the essence of it's always like this guy's gonna be like the god of redstone we're two minutes oh my word why do it listen they say two minutes but sometimes that means like four okay okay I was gonna say excited is so ambitious for two more minutes okay let's see mumbo here we recently went to Minecon and basically spent an entire weekend chillin yeah it was a really good fun actually so it's not Minecon in the traditional sense with the big event it was a the livestream party but it was equally fun and we a lot of people they didn't we yeah no it was it was really interesting it was something that I never really know what to expect when I was going we didn't really I think it's safe to say that we didn't really know what was happening we just knew that it was the live show and if this was one of the first ones so we went along with fairly open minds and it was it was really really good fun and we got to meet well I got to meet a ton of people and yeah I lost it I lost it skywars or whatever that client name game was critically badly as well tournament of skywars and Mambo was pretty much the first to die every single round you know it was telling that the cameraman would come over to me they would start talking about me first and I first thought this was quite flattering it's are they talking about me first is it school I realize it's because they probably clocked on to the fact that they didn't have long to talk about me because I was probably going to die quite soon let's get a jumper in quickly before we go yes I it surprisingly came second despite my PvP skills not being particularly good see you say that but I saw it the way that you were like slotting through all of the items and things I like I swear I I need to I need to work up on my mind crafting skills right because I watched other people play the game is one of the first times I've actually seen other people play minecraft in person and just yeah just to see people that are half decent it's a crazy process Dom says we've got 20 more seconds if you give him a compliment say be nice all right you're a lovely looking man Dom you're a lovely looking man really great-looking and I've heard you just super friendly so if you wouldn't mind giving like an extra minute so I can add this guy's arm on that'll be fantastic Dom now you're an amazing fisherman is he a good fisherman is the best in the world okay right good good I'm just making sure I have to say though if you check out mine mine's actually kind of somewhat coming together ish yeah you just need a head he's got like a redstone wand oh man wait hang on was yours a three-headed goblin menorah three okay you scared me there yeah Goblin with three arms that was it oh one thing that happened at my comm that was absolutely insane was there was someone that flew over from Israel to see mumbo and I so both of us he flew all the way over for five hours to come and see us that was crazy that's that's like a moment in when you go to these events we like well what can I do you know what can you say to make that okay yeah I mean that's like I that seriously when you hear about that sort of thing I mean it happens I'd say it kind of happens every single event you get someone that's like oh I'm from this crazy far off place and they've traveled for hours to get there it's always awesome to hear and it's always it's always awesome to meet them and I know that we we took we spent you know we went out and went on a bit of a searching mission to be honest with you yeah and and for him so that we could head to him for a little bit longer that was nice and what was great about it was that there wasn't that many people there so we had the opportunity to really talk to people quite a lot and it was yeah good fun what do you think of the new update the Aquatic one I think it looks awesome I think it looks really well I live in an ocean on the hermit craft server so I don't have to worry about that bow that one Evo because that updates million miles away yeah that's true that's true I kind of like yours it's a bit messy but it gets the job done yeah we finished finish whoa well I didn't realize that pearlescent moon has been building this whole time again that's the thing whenever she judges he's not looking at what we're doing she's making her own thing she made a dragon wow that's a fun that's me that's I mean she deserves to win so you got taught me taught me through your thinking all right so my idea was I was I was trying to capture the essence okay I was trying to capture the essence of red stone so you know it was it was it would be somewhat predictable for me to build like some kind of redstone contraption or something like that so I thought I'd try and capture almost like the god of redstone and this is what he looks like so he's kneeling down he's he's presenting his redstone torch the only thing I will say is he's got very short arms but then once you know is that they are very what what is the Terra Cotta have to do with redstone or is it just cuz it's red it's just cuz it's red I thought it was like a nice detail to add in yeah very fleshy yep what do you think it's very simple I've just made topless go Noblin with very small feet cuz he's got like a quite a large I don't know what you call a skirt around it yeah and then yeah he's got three arms he's got one on the back I don't know what the next theme is he does actually look like he's got his arm at the back kind of like balances him out because he's that's a good arm no this isn't much more clean and well put together build I would say then for a first Ginobili if you ask me yeah I mean I as I say I I when I think of goblins I just think of the green goblin from spider-man I to be honest I completely forgot the goblins can even look like that but it's not you that I need to impress it's this kind of dough of course he knows goblins better than anyone right I'm a little bit worried like right let's have the judges opinions on who wins the round so this is obviously the base layer mm-hmm I'm scared I'm nervous I vote for mumble yes redstone man would win against the Goblin why you've got three arms mine's only got tiny arms but he has balance oh my yeah just because of his little spin me okay to be fair his legs are a bit far back they probably need to be a smooth criminal' then like behind his bum that's quite yeah oh I see the faceplant technique might win against redstone man so it comes down to Jays vote let's see what Jay thinks this is gonna be interesting Wow Tom Rao is my best friend and is so cool you looking very slim today you can't be getting you can't be getting compliments in alright wait I've yes mumbo because he is new and cool what a win what a reason to it fine you get it you get a ding he Oh Bing you got a sweets so now we swap over so Jimbo your name Jimbo nice yeah mine is Big Boss green MC with the turkey hat you've already have you built a hat on yours no - what weight with a tiny hat no with a turkey hat Oh Oh festive festive mine is a making a tiny build swap Ripley I think that means replica making a tiny build swap replica is that right meant to be a yes ok so he's making a build swap replica if I talk about if I talk you through my original plan yeah I was gonna put I was gonna put like a turkey backside on top of the head I don't think that would be a good idea well you know who's like rubber chickens like that's what I was literally allowed to do that's what that was my plan is to kind of build that on top yeah yeah that could work as long as you get all the the gubbins I don't I remember it's called the you know the the bit that flaps around under the turkey that he's got he's got loads of like little gubbins on him yeah yeah the like with neck thing that the neck thing going at all it's a bottle yes thank you Dom Rao Wow your wattle yeah that's an interesting one I've never heard that before Thank You Dom ralph for enlightening us oh he has a chicken there you go oh there we go ok that makes sense wait a minute Dom Rael you've got a chicken called egg so that seems like that's like a identity crisis way three to toe toe win-win once oh my goodness so they normally take that long to count in sometimes I mean they're special tell you what I think redstone man is more of a magician because like redstone to me is like pure magic that's right come on ok so there's like three different sections right that's building there's redstone and then commandblocks at all of them commandblocks is literal magic to me yeah if you if you had to choose one of them to be Harry Potter style it would be that yeah oh no I agree I like I cannot even fathom most commandblocks there there are occasions where I my audio video that involves like a few commandblock things you know how hard can it be and then it just it turns into like it turns into a mess and it takes me far longer than I expected to so I don't know how they do it but then again some people have that with redstone I suppose but how do I make this to this 1x2 door made of Pistons quite easily and then you're like I'm gonna make this massive massive contraption no but I see some of your bills and I'm just you know where you I kind of get like bills blindness is a little bit strange but I see the stuff that you're working on and I can see what you've done but I have no way of recreating it and it really is really frustrating I'll be like I get I get the idea I understand the concepts and thing and then I'm just like how does he I try and do something myself and then it just ends up looking like a big mess so we're we're clearly like magicians to each other are you liking my days yep that's pretty cool I just I don't know what this is more chicken I think I don't really know what a turkey looks like this is the issue turkey is bigger than a G it's like a big chicken its hen should be okay do you have any like favorite build swaps that you've done in the past I know this could be a difficult question for you to watch yet I keep a copy of every single one right so I don't actually know if there's any that really stand out no the answer's no I don't remember I noticed I've done so many of these now yeah I couldn't probably remember the last one I didn't that's it right okay it's a bit like when people ask me people come up to me at conventions and things they're like what's your favorite redstone contraption that you've ever done and I'm sure you get the same rebuild it's like what's your favorite ever build and you're just like but I have absolutely no clue absolute all the time you like you probably know more about my builds than I do yeah yeah that's true yeah this is difficult by the way I can't tell if mine looks that is definitely a chicken that is 100% a chicken do you reckon I'm gonna get on Google I'm gonna I'm gonna look this up because I need to make sure that I know what what attack is make it fatter Dom now say make it fatter okay I'm gonna come over to yours and steal the blocks here cuz I can't be bothered to game no inventory literally when I'm building I'll fly over to something else and middle-click the block rather than get out my inventory I'm the same with that I'm the same with that I just so take so long oh my word a turkey does not look like this that is I've built a chicken okay needs a tail so he needs like a long thing going to run his chess and then yeah he needs a big tail that's a good point I have decided to sort of do a build swap ception right and I've included our builds I always see oh that now that hmm that's pretty cool are you going to include the bills from I suppose you can't build the clue you could build the the ones from this round because then you could build like an ever smaller build and I give it a shot though that might be worth trying but you've only got a minute and 30 seconds left unless you have to pay someone more compliments oh my god you are a good builder look at that dragon it's got wings now oh wow oh I might just you know forget to forget my build I might just take a look at it missed them can we just get them to build our stuff for us I'm actually struggling to recreate this build that you made slowly is it because it's so good it's above the skill level of even Greene himself yeah I just I can't I can't quite capture it that's the problem that looks like something out of a nightmare like the his tiny little neck thing that's horrifying and I think we're basically there okay I would say I'm there as well my my turkey chicken hybrid I think he's completed I don't think I can go any further with it really okay I think I committed to a chicken too early on and attack yeah I like mine actually it's worked out quite nicely yeah yours has gone well I don't know how I feel about mine I do feel like mine is more chicken like than it is Turkey but I do like the concept to be honest I just like the little lakes hanging down like that turkeys all white though I thought oh no they're not turkeys are brown with like white tips around there yeah and you alright and the wattle isn't underneath that is what makes it looks like a chicken the wattle like goes round the sides it's like a Turkey's head it's actually pretty gross it doesn't look very nice yeah no I'm seeing it now I was only looking at the first image oh my word if you saw that you liked if you saw that and you didn't know what a turkey was you think it was an alien definitely it looks like it's like a feathery predator that's kind of should we start with Jay the star this time since he was last last time all right yeah let's see I vote for green MC because build swap is the best TV show okay go and then pearl what's what is the who's the winner of this round there goes I'm glad I couldn't fit many more build swaps in there I think mumbos take on the tail yeah you like okay can the tech it's straight up a chicken hey hey hey okay don't don't try and sway the judges I'm gonna have to agree with my friend Jay the star nice that's a point to the green oh okay so is this will this be the deciding round or is it the first two three this is the deciding round all right okay decider best of three no side yeah I'm xx agree and xx that is an original username right there and I'm mumble in the jungle very good very good nice with a sheep Naurang at his leg well I'm very lucky that mine has very big legs to Laura so this is this is worked out quite well yeah you lucked out there but you do realize that if you make it on that one you have to make it on the little on the little version oh I see I see what have you got I have got with each arm holding cutlery now I imagine that every single arm on this counts so young goblin and Turkey I'm ready to go when you are I am still gathering blocks doorman pile what's your favorite colors don't come on loud that's okay they build swamp right there play play to the judges that's how you do it yeah now I'm already starting to learn I'm already starting to learn the process go wait for the judges if you start before though penalize yeah I know I know I was about to okay three slimy green okay three econ wait wait come on judges three they're taking the mick now okay too true yep yeah we're there almost we go okay right it's painful it is a little bit difficult it's just you want to get started how am I gonna do this okay that's how they're gonna have to hold it man I am I don't know I have no this is way out of my let the redstone man I can kind of do ish in the it's something that makes sense to me I can I can build them I can build a kind of man shape the thought of a sheep Naurang a leg is way out of my wheelhouse like I have never even thought of building something like that before yeah well that's not that's build top for you it's like it challenges you in ways you didn't expect this is gonna be a mess I could already see it it looks like he's a like a ninja holding holding these ones this sheep is like a snake it can basically dislocate his jaw just remember that when my judging it people have been asking us to do videos together for years and the thing is like mumble and I don't didn't really like know each other that well at all no we talked on Twitter and other like social media mentioned each other in videos but like we didn't actually like to know each other at all no so it was kind of hard to to just jump into it but now that we've spent a weekend together we know like yeah he's cool now we're actually able to do some videos together yeah exactly bromance bromance weekend we went down a slide wound up went down a giant slide to go to do that yeah you don't get much more funding than that really do so yeah that we can actually do some videos together yeah we got we got a secret secret collab coming up that's not not build swap we've got a secret collab it's gonna take a long time to make em we yeah I suddenly had a panic today actually else I hang on that's actually quite close we've got a lot of things that we need to work on before we start work on that one crit pearl because no one knows what it is exactly yeah so but you do realize that you've just you have just fired up the comment section big time there's gonna be conspiracies flying around there's gonna be people getting excited theorizing on what it is maybe maybe we should downplay a bit I mean it's not a good video no don't expect anything guys like seriously it's it's just it's just me and mumbo like staring at each other in a room for awhile that's it yeah just do it super arty it's just really really arty the adventures have done route yeah that's the video where ventures have dharmarao by the way this is the strangest like I don't know if you've caught a glimpse of mine just yet yours is looking very full of cautery which is good it's still looking very interesting he does look ninja risk I have just stumbled across a fantastic idea alright so you keep going just don't don't mind me his face even if I turn my head to the side I can't see it no it's hideous that's the thing though art is in the eye of the beholder and exactly fortunately for me to beholder are the judges and they they like weird and I've not really gone for weird okay I am just about finished I think so she details yeah they have tails tails at a quick tail and I think he's a very square sheep he's a Minecraft sheep obviously yeah he looks almost like a balloon like us not not a balloon but he looks like I don't know how to describe it he looks like a bottle mouth and it's just it's very vicious he's very vicious yeah well you know I'm fulfilling I'm I'm fulfilling the request and yeah I mean is yeah it's it's your build you you do you even I believe so I believe oh no I forgot to add it to no you just do it you can just do really like quick one time okay yeah how does it go you could just put some like blocks near 14 seconds okay okay I hope you real quick but no I think that I think that's just about it really oh you're just gonna do that okay okay so mine's holding all sorts of cutlery yeah got a knife in ER a fork and is his main hands yeah back here we've got some chopsticks which is so technically cutlery and there's a spoon as well of course yeah I thought I felt that might be the case as soon as I had cutlery I was like I bet I bet some funds and that is a very good mumbo face as well hey I look adorable I do a micro one yeah not quite to scale otherwise it would have been massive okay so yeah I got all sorts the cutlery on mine that's perfect well we've already kind of looked at mine very briefly but yeah it's just it's horrifying it is genuinely scary yeah genuinely scary especially if you hold the whole thing in it all right let's hear what the judges have to say though this is this is where everything this is where it all ends up look at that dragon is looking insane have you better foods it's this just is this been freestyle derp is this are definitely freestyled no way ha ha ha ha ha ha very funny nice that is I'm loving the use of the tiny blocks as well dragon heads as the claws very clever judges what do you think let's start with mumbos well I'm genuinely scared well as I mentioned before you left that mouth okay oh it is is terrifying I'm gonna stand in it and it has red and it has red that's very good is very red and we have a mumbo spoon Oh hmm yes thank you I was wondering that I was literally just about to say something like that brilliant always everywhere I look just because my build was creative huh no I'll take that ok that's good so one point for me okay I think that's one point for me I don't know I don't like victory just yet dumb ray I think that's probably point to you I like the colors on the Sheep good choice ah see see what I mean is there a fourth arm I hadn't noticed that yeah had it well I only had three arms of course had just you know is that not cheating no you can do it you can do it like spoon looks nice yeah but the turkey doesn't have any cutlery poop evade the ever they're not they're not arms I get wings yeah they are wings but I would for the for the purpose of sabotage me one point yes does that mean I win yeah that means you win yes I won my first ever build swap don't let it go to your head building toriel's coming soon going oh wait wait wait a stub well I mean you've already won cuz it's two or three but Jay the star what does he think Oh cranes looks nice he's preparing for another figure fireworks go and I leave for a few times okay I mean come on you could have done a little bit of a bad job with the redstone here guys like you you knew that I was coming you could have done level redstone for this channel lever and dispenser dispenser yeah the dispenser yet very good see that they're in so he's insulting our build slippery it's very minimalist in fact dom rep changed a key part of it today he's did he said that it wasn't okay that it like went around the corner like that so he's alright change it to green yet no that makes sense that doesn't make sense but he doesn't look right it is a bit odd but no we'll take it oh I can't believe I won thank you you must be very proud right home to mother okay yeah I'm gonna tell everyone don't don't mark my words everyone is gonna know about this victory I promise you okay so in at the end of every episode we review what we've got we have a goblin holding cutlery which includes a knife fork chopsticks and a mumbo spoon with a turkey hat head and mumbo side we have the redstone man summoning a mini build swap arena whose summoning a mini swap arena and another gun hablen and then he's got a sheep Naurang at his leg so beautiful absolutely beautiful perfect beautiful builds all around very tough melon don't forget we've got the dragon so the last thing to say is thank you to pearlescent Moon and Dawn route and of course Jay the star for judging our rounds and thank you very much for watching now they do another round on mumbos chat oh if you want to go and check out another build swap the link will be in the description thank you very much and goodbye see you later
Channel: Grian
Views: 3,611,351
Rating: 4.9228625 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, build swap, mumbo jumbo, building minigame, minecraft minigame, buildswap, build battle, mumbo grian, mumbo, minecraft video
Id: RGmz280BiYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 17sec (1997 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2017
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