MINECRAFT WEAPONS: 10 Minutes, 1 Minute, 10 Seconds!

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ladies and gentlemen it is time once again for another 10 minute 1 minute 10 second challenge we've already done bunkers we've done houses as well and now we're going to take a look a weapons I think with everything that's been going on with the hermit craft civil war and then green designing some traps I'm just I'm well and truly in the mood for some killing that sounded a lot more sinister than I was expecting it to so police if you're listening to this please don't come to my house anyway I think the first one that I want to construct and this is going to be the ten-second build is it's going to be a TNT cannon of Soares now whether or this in 10 seconds I'm not sure but I'm going to try my best I'm gonna have to do some stretches here and I have to just really work hard on getting this correct in three two one and go so that right there is going to be our input then we're going to have a block in this again to be our other dispenser and then these blocks need to wrap around like this we need to have some water right there and we need to play some TNT on the inside of this one that's everything done that should now be a fully functioning tnt cannon should we give that another go then and go now this should hopefully give us a tiny bit more firepower in the TNT Department so there's this that slab block and then the rest and the water I think we might have just about done it redstone dust we have everything so if we now give this thing a go hopefully it shouldn't explode the entire area around it I mean that works doesn't it that is a functioning TNT cannon and not bad for 10 seconds I've got to say I mean I've definitely seen better but I'm quite impressed anyway let's move on to the one minute design and you know I think because clearly that wasn't frustrating enough already I'm gonna try my best to create another TNT cannon for a one-minute challenge but it's not going to shoot in one direction in theory it is going to shoot in a bunch of different directions I want to create some form of scatter cannon now I've never actually done that before really so this is gonna be my first time doing it and I've got to try and do it within one minute which is only six times the length of time that I had for that first - I might bit off more like an - here hmm why do I keep using two teensy well despite that I think we're gonna stick with it and we've got one minute to create this design so here we go three two one and go okay so the first thing that we need to do is we need to create a 3x3 platform then add some side bits to it with pressure plates on those to stop all of the water from flowing out in all directions so that should be nice and simple then we're going to need four dispensers in the center here all pointing inwards against me to remove all of those blocks and place in all of the water which is going to be round the outside now we're going to need redstone dust on top of all of these they block here and that right there is going to be our inputs then we're going to need a block up like this a redstone torch on both sides of it same thing on the other side as well and then we need to place our dispensers facing downwards and that will be everything no don't do this I've got 10 seconds left I can't believe it I hate these things I hate them come on right that's that and then this and then that I don't know if I did it I did one minute four seconds yes oh I was I was ready to actually blow that thing up but just then I was well and truly ready to just pour tea and tea all over it anyway we managed to get this thing sorted so as you can see TNT pops out in the middle then TNT on the outsides and boom it fires off in yeah all the directions that is quite the force to be reckoned with very very cool okay now we move on to the slightly less stressful but always slightly more impressive ten-minute design now I do have some fairly ridiculous ideas for this thing I'm hoping to involve some guardians I want to involve puffer fish potions arrows fire charges the whole nine yards and hopefully we can create something pretty powerful here although we do still only have ten minutes that's the only ten times the amount of time that we just had for the previous challenge and that was stressful enough and three two one let's do this so I'm thinking that we build up kind of like a fortress type thing so I'm going to have blocks probably placed in a little bit like this and then they're all going to go up and around like that and it's going to be just kind of a big square where we have all of the traps and weapons in place now the first thing that I've actually come up with which totally wasn't in my original design idea but I think it's going to be amazing will be proximity detectors making use of blaze and then arrow shooters but actually first let's do the pufferfish if in fact we can connect that in now what I'm hoping is is that this blaze right here he currently isn't that bothered by me because I'm in creative mode but if I pop through into survival he should spot me and then go up like that and that should deactivate this pressure plate and then he comes back down onto it okay that's amazing now in theory all I should have to do is add in a nice little redstone clock that is going to be super simple like this and that should activate everything when this place drops down so let's give it a quick test and now unfortunately I think there is a chance that that cow might meet a bit agreement oh my what oh my word that's that's crazy and it's still killing me now that I've respawned i respawned it afire holy mackerel so I guess you could argue that that was a bit of a strong start but we can continue this on I think some close proximity weapons such as puffer fish is probably a good way to go now I'm going to need a dispenser right here this is going to be dispensing out our puffer fish from the water buckets and then they are going to pull out the top and I guess if we set ourselves up with something like this then the water should blow out kind of straightforward so we'll shoot them outwards I completely changed up that design but I've come up with this and hopefully I'll be hey Thank You bear fish yeah they don't move in water quite like other mobs do right okay we have to do something completely different then it's how about this it was shoot out a puffer fish you know it may not be that lethal what it would be pretty lethal but it's also just hilarious these little things are ridiculously strong so if the player was stood up here and we was just firing down puffer fish I mean if I stand in the mix here you actually get knocked around a bunch and then when that blaze kicks in I mean it means business doesn't it the next line of defense is to stop the player from Anstey gaining access to those dispensers so we are going to need I guess more poison I guess poison is probably the way to go how long have we got left the answer is really not very long advance there is one more defense system that I think is incredibly useful for this sort of thing and that is the moat having seen how effective team stars the moat was outside their build I can't build a weapon without it I mean seriously those a day it's just ridiculous I mean of course it can be defeated by placing a bridge of blocks I don't know why I never thought of doing that with team star but still I mean it's it's a pretty powerful thing and yeah I am just doing a terrible patch up job on the walls because we really don't have much time to play around with here but of course this isn't going to be any old moat now this is this is filled to the brim with guardians or renamed subscribe of course because you know that's that's how things go here but if the player falls in here they're going to be in trouble they're not going to be able to get out and most importantly they're hopefully not going to be able to get anywhere near this thing I don't even know what we meant to be protecting I mean I guess diamonds back here what could we protect what what requires our weapon this powerful and as we had a little bit of time left at the end I mean it's only right that we create some form of TMT type cannon and thankfully it works properly because I just accidentally activate the thing and if it hadn't worked properly I haven't made a backup of this thing so that really really would have eaten into our 10 minute time limit anyway this thing is now all fully constructed we're now our time so I think it's probably a good idea that I start off by showing you all of the manually activatable devices so we've got ourselves a tnt cannon as you can see right there that will cover some issues for anyone just walking up to a hits that I mean that's that's not going to feel good we also have the potions they get short out the front so there is potion of poison once again that's really not going to feel particularly very good and of course we've got the pufferfish shooters which I actually haven't yet they just falls straight into the baster they've all straight into the moat which I suppose could be useful but then they land in the magma maybe that needs that could have done with some some thoughts I don't really think that one through anyway to wrap things up we also of course have got the little blaze setup right here so eventually when this guy spots us it's not going to be good news I mean that's so crazy it's so funny the blaze takes a little while to kind of pop up but then eventually when he does it just I mean it just a blip erase the entire area anyway I think it's safe to say that I haven't done too badly for a 10 second one minute 10 minute challenge I'd say I've done pretty decently these weapons are really quite powerful and oh here it goes again didn't even think about it I didn't even think about it let give me okay so there we go I hope that you enjoyed if you did cruisers of that like gun and if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is bimbo llama I'll see ya later [Music] Oh
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,888,871
Rating: 4.9335084 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: yFlRU5jBPSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 09 2019
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