Self Building Nether Tunnels in Minecraft 1.16

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The hermitcraft server probably won't be updated to 1,16 for at least a month, if we don't get 1.16.1

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TrekGineer22 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

That would be like the story of John Smith. I think that’s the name of who I’m thinking about but I could be wrong. If I am let me know.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bjorge_David πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Pretty sure this was a little while ago (not recent)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bukie333 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 18 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
self building bridges are awesome there's just something so satisfying about watching a redstone machine travel across a lava lake leaving a perfectly formed bridge behind it now in the first video that I did on self building basalt bridges I did a decently fancy design I mean it was okay it looked pretty nice it had some kind of decoration on the sides it was cool you guys really liked it but I definitely feel like I can take things a step further I really really want to just build a hub a super over-the-top fancy version that is going to be ridiculously complicated but end up looking really really cool so first I have to actually work out how I want this thing to look now I kind of have this design in mind which don't looking at it I'm a tiny bit terrified that I now have to reconstruct this making use of slime blocks and things but if we look at it look we've got we've got light sources coming through we're pretty well protected from ghasts because normally they're floating around somewhere up there no gas can actually spawn in this area which is a bonus I mean it seems like quite a cool tunnel and now that I've dropped it down by one extra block it's got a lot easier to build and also I think it looks a little cooler I mean look at this from the outside that's a nice design so I guess now we actually have to build the thing and the first thing that I have to do is kind of work out where these blocks are going to be coming from so you can see I've laid out some basalt here this is basically this laid out flats so these three blocks here make up this wall and then these two blocks make up these two blocks right here for the roof and then in this section we have a block that goes there this block goes here and then this block goes up at the top right there so we have to fold these blocks basically upwards from down at the bottom here up into these positions making use of flying machines I am very curious as to what's about to happen here so if I update this observer everything should kick into gear we've got two sets of flying machines one above the lover one below the lover and this machine actually works this machine actually works is like a gigantic steamroller okay okay that's a hugely hugely positive start but there is something important that we have to do we need to make sure that we cut out this block and cut out this block on each one of these things so we kind of need to go across right yes and that will allow us to create that shape and we need to do that on both sides because if we don't do that then we're going to have a surplus of blocks and that's gonna be a problem now I'll be honest I am not quite 100% to how I'm going to do this just yet I actually think after being sent here for about 20 minutes making zero progress instead of doing the punctures I think I can actually reduce the size of this thing and then just move the blocks around maybe I mean I've got my fingers and my toes crossed right now so if we aren't going to go down this path then this would be the first logical step okay it's pushing the things down and pulling certain things up all right okay okay it's actually quite a good step so then next up I guess we pull each one of these upwards how in a minute if I built this wrong no no no that's exactly right so I need to pull each one of those upwards yeah because I can't fall into that gap and then we move this one from back here and that kind of creates this solid wall all right now at first I thought this would look really bad because the lava is being taken up around it but actually look a bit I think it looks way cooler but the fact that this kind of has like a lava dip going all next to it I think it looks awesome trying to make this alternating system is proving to be a tiny bit difficult so as I say I need to do intervals and that means that on every other block that these Pistons move they need to pick up the block trying to find ways to do that is challenging but I think with some honey block action and a little bear wizardry we might be on to something I mean honestly this is a bit of a shot in the dark here all but that totally looks like that works oh look at this I love it when things just work that is fantastic but it's a really really smart little system that we've created here okay we can use that multiple times throughout the circuit so this is incredibly handy this build is starting to look like a strange slime block and honey block stick figure now I've been looking at this thing a little bit more and I think it might actually be smart for me to pull this block right here all the way up to the top yeah go all the way up to the top and then this area here we can actually pull up in a full section and then just kind of punch it in and then we only have to worry about these sections at the end which are actually gonna be quite simple he says it's probably not gonna be simple to be fair though everything has actually gone quite smoothly so far like so far we actually haven't had any major hitches or anything that's been totally impossible anyway I've now built up the circuit that is going to build up the roofs and if this is working this is gonna be one of the most satisfying things in the world you ready pull up pull up pull up push across that's it I love watching these things work check this out that is fantastic the only thing that we do have to be slightly concerned about now is the fact that I cannot build any part of the flying machine now that will interact with this area here so I can do no redstone in this space anymore because obviously those blocks are in the way and we don't want to crash into them so that could potentially add some complexity into the machine I guess we'll see if and how that affects us in a little bit I really don't want to find out that actually this thing is impossible because of that sort of thing anyway I'm now working on the system and there's going to pull the blocks from this area here into the walls and it should be simple ish so I think that gets pushed across that will then make hah that doesn't need to be okay so then we need this and then this here and that should create yeah that should create a - hi basalt wall like this and that is the correct height my brain is firing on all cylinders as you can see I do however think that this piston setup right here should potentially do the trick I mean it seems like a lot but yeah that's what we have to do to get the blocks from out here into position I've actually overachieved I've overheard chief from a system I've pushed these blocks one block too far in but it's promising things are going well I have a huge gigantic smile on my face there's just something about block conveyor belts and especially blocks that are being formed of the floor that weren't there before like self building stuff all of those things combined just makes me so happy to be working on the thread stone contraption that is a little bit more like it but this piston is actually a dud so it needs to go on the end and this is not something I'd realized I've also put it in the wrong place huh now it's left the piston behind what we'll be doing with that system up at the front there that allowed that to work because that is so strange it's working in one example and not in another I think it could be the fact that the observer face is actually facing the piston let's see if we can do something with that there it is I think that's the key okay it's out of order it's the wrong order but that is spot on that is exactly what we need guys we're on the home stretch right now seriously all I have to do is take the blocks that are on this last layer right here I need to get it so they're next to one another which is actually gonna be a little bit more tricky then I guess I was expecting because I haven't actually pulled something along just yet in this build so that'll be interesting to see how I can do that and then I need to move them from here all the way up to here so they need to go from down there up to there lots of piston action happening one hour later we really haven't made much progress and it's because of this getting the blocks to go from here to go to here this for some reason I just can't make it work in my head now let me quickly explain why it's confusing because I'm sure some of you are just not here thinking it seems really simple so I have to pull out every other block like this I then need to push those blocks along somehow now I can't do this making use of pistons or Steve Pistons dragging or anything like that because well it's a flying machine they're just going to get pushed or pulled along the entire length of it so instead I have to drag them along making use of slime blocks and things so then each one of these would make their way into this position like this but they'd have a slime block on top of them I then need to detach that block from the slime block and to do that I'm making use of a piston that is pushing it across like this so that needs to fire but it needs to fire every other block because otherwise everything is going to break but then eventually that is going to pull box like this and then I need to pull those blocks up from there so they're next to one another and then from there it's kind of simple but the problem is is that currently I'm having pretty serious issues with doing the every other piston pullers for some reason one just aren't working I can't make a working design nothing I do with these downwards facing pistons is working nothing I do even if I replicate what I've got going on up at the top here another hour later I am totally lost here cuz look this circuit here is exactly the same as this circuit they're both identical why is this circuit this piston is working and this circuit the piston isn't why why I don't know I've made some further adjustments yes yes okay ah that's so good so for some reason it is to do with the the order of where the slime blocks are originally I have the slime blocks on the other side now I have them on this side this actually functions and it's doing the right thing yes that may have taken two hours for me to reach that point for me to be able to do that but I don't even care because now we are on the home straight one hour later this is huge news I have been stressing out over this okay but this back section here so now I can drag a block oh gosh oh gosh I can drag a block and then I can push it yes look at that look at that there next to one another we have got blocks next to one another we've done it now it's plain sailing all there is such such a huge huge jump in progress and it's a smart system - I'm gonna be totally honest I mean I knew this machine was going to be decently big I kind of wasn't expecting it to be quite this big though there's there's quite a lot going on here and it's gone from looking like a stick figure to looking like an earwig do you know what any wig is so I have one of those bugs with the pincers out the back I've just thought that could be a really British name for it I'm sure there's an actual name for it but we call the mere weeks because they go into your ears or they don't but that was always the fear I'm sure all of you will let me know down in the comment section once again I'm overachieving I'm lifting my frocks far too high or I always do this but now finally it's all fully bleeped it or at least so I thought IIIi thought it was finally done the Builder is finished the build is all completed it is now working and I think you can all sense a sentence coming inbound I mean I think I think you know tell me what I'm about to say this might just be one of my favorite redstone contraptions I've ever made and I know I keep saying that okay but it's because I keep building a bunch of cool stuff lately I don't even know what the best angle to watch this is maybe here I do quite like watching it all the blocks move I mean look at this look at this so here come the walls walls are now being pushed in it's just so satisfying to watch so now we basically have a roof but the roof is the complicated part the actual top of the roof is all gradually being constructed so now the blocks are side by side they're now being pulled upwards and now here we go they're being pushed into position and there it is nether tunnel all up fully covered over we have got ourselves some lighting from the sides but the most part is its protected from ghasts and this is just a cool looking tunnel this is just a really cool looking tunnel and it's been built from nothing this side is nothing it started as just larva the larva has been removed and we now just have bath salts and just a fully protected tunnel I'm so impressed this is the coolest I'm super proud of myself on this one I honestly I wasn't sure if we were going to be able to build this but we have managed to build it and it looks nuts definitely yeah it's it's probably my favorite redstone contraption ever just stop saying that but I mean it this time all right I seriously mean it all right I hope you enjoyed the video catch you in the next one see ya that's honestly not only is it my favorite redstone contraption ever it's also just one of the most fun redstone problems I've had to solve in a long time there was also so unique problems that caused my brain to actually have to work really hard it's fun I love the redstone problem-solving I love it god I want to do more of that sort of stuff I really do
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 4,559,186
Rating: 4.9715271 out of 5
Keywords: Self Building Ghast Bridges in Minecraft 1.16, Self Building Tunnels in Minecraft 1.16, Self Building Nether Tunnels in Minecraft 1.16, Self Building Nether Tunnels, Nether Tunnels in Minecraft, Nether Tunnels, Minecraft 1.16, Mumbo redstone video, Minecraft, Mumbo redstone, redstone video, Minecraft redstone, Mumbo Jumbo redstone, Mumbo Jumbo, self building bridge in Minecraft, self building bridge, slimeblock flying machines, Minecraft nether update
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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