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[Intro Music] For those of you who haven't seen it... A couple weeks ago... I did a video called the one-hour piston house where I challenged myself to create an entire piston house Filled to the brim with loads of different redstone contraptions within one hour. Now, you guys seem to really enjoy it. I personally really enjoyed it as well, so I thought I would do it again, but this time I've given myself three hours And I'm building a bunker filled to the brim with tons of awesome Redstone contraptions This one's going to be fairly exciting So I think the first thing I want to work on Is how we're going to be getting Between this level right here and the level down underneath Now as you can see I've added a bit of a staircase Which is, y'know That'll be perfectly fine for most people But of course I like my redstone And we want to do something cool with this And what we were actually going to do is turn it into a hidden staircase Now hopefully, this works Okay, that looks like a solid block, and if you place this staircase going across like this That will also look like a solid block And what we can do then Is we can retract those back into the wall And we'll be left with this, so we can kind of like, pull back the wall and reveal this staircase right here Which will take us on to the next level anything is is that I think it should probably go in These blocks right here that will just look a tiny bit better now I imagine that wiring this thing up should actually be extremely Simple all we're going to need is a slab right here to split up this redstone signal and then we can kind of run that Up and across just like this and that should power and unpower All of the pistons that we have in this wall right here which means we'll be able to retract and extend all of these blocks let's Give it's first tester. We flick this lever right here, and That's a pretty good start We've got a completely solid wall, and then we flick the leaver once again and the full wall retracts And we've got ourselves a staircase now if that isn't impressive, I don't know what is. I love these things I mean this this was one of my first successful redstone videos except it was the opposite way around The stairs would extend out of the wall, and it was uploaded it must be like five years ago now I mean it is getting on a bit, but It's still pretty cool. I've done some extra clearing for the redstone We've added in a T flip-flop circuit out the back right here Which will retract it and then if we go down to the bottom right here We hit this button and that will extend everything and then we can do exactly the same thing Once again, I like this system. This is one of my favorite systems anyway We still need to work out a way to get in now. I'm thinking maybe less staircase more Trapdoor so this is the first draft of the quick exit system So we've got a slime block down on the bottom here you hit the button I did say it was a first draft. Second draft of the system now without a block that is stopping this slime block from moving we hit the button and Well I would consider that a massive success! We have built it pretty much first time and the redstone behind that actually isn't too complicated Just a little bit of flush piston trapdoor action, and then a small slime block extender mixed up with a monostable circuit That sounds a lot more complicated than actually is. Anyway we need to create some form of hidden activation device To actually open up this thing so that we can get it open from the inside And I'm thinking. I don't know I'm thinking. Now in theory this should work So we have got a pulse extender hooked up into this system down here now this block right here is the one that we have to use the hoe on and Everything should now be fully closed up, so cover up all of the redstone that we've got going on. It's currently dark I do apologize for that, but if we do that And then that opens up that we can drop down to the bottom and then eventually That trapdoor should close meaning that we are completely shut in here And no one will be able to find us then we hit the button again and bop we pop out on to the top Now I cannot remember where I meant to be hoeing So I guess our hidden entrance hidden activation device has worked perfectly the way. I've done it is created What could be considered a fairly daft system, but I like the thought of it because of course we're in a bunker We might need to send out messages up onto the surface and we want you to receive messages We can hit this button right here, and that will send out an item so for example we could put a book with a message on the inside we hit this button and it will be sent out onto the surface for a player to pick it up and It could respond to the message by throwing at the item onto the floor next to it and if we pop down underneath You can see it drops down into this chest It's just quick and easy message send and receive like a little strange post box now this system right here works perfectly in my head So let's see if it works Yes, okay. We can do. Oh my word. This is going to be epic So here is my idea for the system We've got ourselves a minecart station or we're going to have a minecart station on this block right here And when we hit the bottom we'll be transported across Get geared up with armor and also a shield and then eventually make our way over to this powered rail right here which will stop us for a little while so that we can get all sorts of other items like food and arrows and bits and Pieces like that and then eventually this powered rail will power will travel on and back out the other side fully equipped Ready to do whatever. We really want to do don't say I have never seen one of these things before I don't understand Why I've never seen one of these things before because I think it's awesome I think it's such a cool idea part one should be completed I am currently completely naked if we probably side the minecart hit the button Why do I keep saying things part one version two should now be completed and we hit this button right here We can travel across we get fully equipped as items and then make our way out here beside the Minecart gets broken and should be re-dispensed on the Other side so that we can use the quick kit once again and boom I am looking sweet and I have got myself a rather lovely looking shield This is this is really great stuff. I Suppose we can actually put droppers underneath these minecart rails here to allow us to get our pickaxe our sword and all that sort of thing I've been working on this for a little while now if you take a look around the back you can see we have got some Redstone going on we should hopefully pause our minecart allow us to get a bunch of items And then make us travel off a little bit nervous for this one. Don't we know why we hit the button and let go Okay, see what it seems to be working. Hopefully we pick up those items How good is that? Seriously how cool is that? That's one of my favorite Redstone circuits. I think in General It is a bit of a shame That we've got just over one stack of most items. I'm going to try and mess around with the timing I don't know if there's anything I can do with that one though with my latest test. I would say we've nailed it we've managed to get sixty of each different type of item and we've also got obviously all of the tools and Are fully equipped in armor now this quick kit is such a cool system I'm really really happy with it, but it has eaten into our time quite substantially And we still have a whole ton of things that we need to do We've still got half the room. We've still got another floor the next thing. I want to do is create a sorting system Just a small little sorting system in this area right here Which is going to be dealing with all of the items now if we have enough space I'd like to have two different modules of this by the look of things we kind of do But this is going to be similar to the Tango Tech style in that it's going to use locking hoppers and droppers and things like that now it turns out This is actually going to be a little bit more complicated than I first thought We have got to have the two item elevators right here. We've got the system in place Which stops the items from just falling straight to the bottom that's all good That's like a good start, but item elevator wise I really don't know what to do I Kind of want it to be silent. I think having it having it be silent would be a good idea But I mean we're going to have much space we've already taken out one of the modules Now then. I am very interested to see if this thing actually functions it's a little bit bootleg And there is a chance, that I've done everything wrong, but what we have is a bunch of items inside this chest right here And I'm going to throw in some redstone dust and in theory it should go into this slot Okay So part number one is working and then we see Okay, okay. That's very good. That is very very good This is a trap chest so I don't know if I can actually touch it while this thing is working We seem to have an even split Which is very odd I refuse to believe that that's caused by me opening and closing the trap chest I'm gonna try slightly different item though. This is even stranger. We don't even have an even split now. Oh I don't know I genuinely don't know on this one It's so strange maybe I need to slow these things down? maybe now it certainly isn't the fastest thing in the world and Also, we still need to clean up some of the holes that I've created by making this thing taller But it does seem to be functioning Finally we have managed to get this thing up and running and we do actually have ourselves a sorting system inside this area right here There we go everything's going in place. This thing is functional, okay? I think I Mean we do still have that back wall left to do And now we don't the back wall is done this area is now completed I filled it in with all of the details you could possibly want in some form of hidden bunker So we've got ourselves a nano farm which allows us to get wheat carrots potatoes And of course that does use a whole bunch of bone meal which I'll put inside those dispensers But it's super fast and working very nicely then over here. Just in case you don't have any bone meal We have got ourselves the melon and pumpkin farms so say for example This were to grow then there we go it gets pushed off and gets put inside this chest finally we've got the enchanting system That's right there. No redstone involved with this one We also have some anvils up at the top and we have got a bed because a bed is pretty essential And I always seem to forget these inside my bunkers so I can't think I Personally can't think of anything extra that we would need in this top section. I mean we've got a lot of things going on Up here, so I would say we're going to hit this button. Hopefully this still works. I'm broken any of that and We're going to head down to the next level and I have got something pretty special planned for this place What I want to do with this bottom section right here is create a bit of a security system So you can see we've dropped down to this bottom level obviously we've got the hidden staircase there We're then going to add in a few little security bits and pieces inside these walls Which will open up this area? Which will take us through to this chest now this chest is going to have some very important items on the inside and in theory This piston door right here should be the thing that's protecting it and I think It is working okay, so that's very good So that is the piston door that is going to be stopping anyone from just walking inside here, obviously we've got a hidden bunker We then have a hidden entrance to get down to a lower rammer of the bunker We're then going to have security systems, and then we have this big iron piston door just imagine We're working in real life right here. We've got this big iron piston door which is protecting this chest I mean they've got to be very special items. Here's the deal We only have about ten minutes left on our timer to get everything finished, and I really really don't want an unfinished project So I think for the time being we're just going to have I would say a leaver combination lock levers on either side I mean that would give us two four eight 16 possible combinations. Oh That's not really that crazy uh-oh What can we do here? I mean, that's the button to activate that so we can't really get too much closer there I mean, we could put lever there, so that's 16 32 64 possible combinations, that's not so bad okay, so it's connect all of this up And everything is completed with two minutes left to spare We are all done that we have got our extremely special item inside the chest right there For those who who for those of you who don't watch my hermit craft series. You've probably sat there very confused And I'm not going to explain it. You should just check out my hermit craft series I'll put a link to it down in the description But anyway We have got ourselves a fully functional lever Combination lock with 64 possible combinations not the largest number of possible combinations in the world I've done most of many trillions of billions of gazillions of combinations But this will do for the time being and the combination is just that there and that drops our Piston door down into the floor and it gets us into the ultra secure chamber that you can see here now That is really cool I'm very very happy with it, and I'm actually extremely happy with how much we've managed to get done in today's video. I Mean check out this place. We have got a serious bunker. This is some serious serious stuff Like we have we've got all sorts of things going on and it is completely ridiculous So let's quickly do a summary because I know you guys like that to get into this place We just have until this soil right here that will activate our hidden entrance which allows us to drop down inflation as you can see Everything closes up behind us as well to keep this place super secretive now the first western contraption We've got here is their message send and receive system? Allowing us to communicate with people who are standing on top of the bunker a little bit strange But I personally think is really quite cool but then we move on to Arguably my favorite redstone contraption in this entire place as you can see I'm completely naked at this point in time But if we pop inside this minecart and press this button We will get fully equipped with all of the items. We have got all of the armor on you can't really see it, but we do have armor on and we also have a Replenishing Minecart above an arrow we've got all of the tools. We've pretty much set to go. We've got food torches We've got some building blocks as well. This is like a full-blown quick kit system Which will allow us to take on enemies and just do all of the standard Minecraft stuff I absolutely love this thing, but then we've got an enchanting system. That's in that area We've got a nano farm which will now sing at wheat carrots and potatoes. Which is Brilliant We also have a Melon farm and a pumpkin farm which have been Harvesting while I've been building which is you know it's not fast. It's not particularly quick, but it does function then over here We've got a fully fledged sorting system which will sort out items into the correct Zones This is similar to Tango Tech's design if we chuck in some items inside here you'll start to hear it kicking into action and we should begin to see some droppers making their way into the So that thing is is totally functional as well And we've got a whole bunch of different redstone items inside the system that it will sort out. It's pretty cool That's pretty cool for such a tiny little bunker What next so we've got the bed? We've got all of that stuff Yeah, I think it's about time that we head down to the bottom and the way that we go down to the next floor is Using this hidden staircase right here which takes us through into this area now. This is a super secure storage system for one very special item Now this has got 64 possible combinations new flick all of these levers that door will drop down and we reveal Send your bump. Okay. Tony the most important thing in all of Minecraft. I hope that you have enjoyed this little redstone video It's been a ton of fun to create I'm very impressed by how much I've managed to build within the three hour time period Let me know down in the comment section what you want me to do next I will be reading through all of your suggestions because you guys are extremely creative But unfortunately ladies and gentlemen that is all I've got time today I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please rose to that like ban, and if you really loved it Then make sure to subscribe, but thanks for watching guys disagree mumbo. I'm out of co later Oh and because I've now got access to the filming channel back once again finally I would highly suggest check it out the latest film. I just released. It's pretty cool I put a ton of time and effort into it. I'm sure you'll appreciate it link will be on the end screen you
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 3,977,999
Rating: 4.933763 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: Y02ggD83Y1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2017
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