Cheap Healthy Grocery List For Losing Weight

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I'm just trying to take away any excuse you guys have for not being healthy let's talk about grocery shopping the cheap but healthy way hi you guys Michelle McDaniel here from my thoughts will public thank you an owner and creator a proto the protein doughnut and by the way make sure to follow me on these two instagrams and don't forget to hit the sub in turn on post notification it would be greatly appreciated plus it would help me be able to make more videos like this one so when I saw health with just the average everyday person someone who's not my client someone who's not educated in fitness and eating healthy the top thing I hear as to why they don't need healthy is because they don't know what's by at the grocery store and it's so expensive for the same people who are telling me that eating healthy is expensive or the same people who are going out on the weekends drinking alcohol and what they don't notice which is pretty expensive is eating out on their lunch break the average American eats an average of four points you commercially prepared meals per week in other words as a nation we eat out between four and five times a week on average and that is pretty expensive and eating out even when there is healthier options still can be very unhealthy just because option a is healthier than option B doesn't mean that option a is still healthy it's just healthier than option B so I came up with a basic grocery list that's cost effective and if you get a little bit creative you can have some very tasty meals so I'm making these visit I found and these prices off the place that is basically a universal Walmart so Walmart has a ton of off-brands that are cheaper because they are not the brands that are advertised all in our faces they are literally the same thing and this goes for any other grocery store there's always an off-brand but they are not expensive because they aren't as popular so pull out your trusty iPhone open notes and jot these down and go out and get you some healthy food to embark in a nice healthy lifestyle starchy carbs potatoes rice and oatmeal ice potatoes two cuts of french fries stir fries baked potatoes soups rice I also use for stir fries or a side dish oatmeal is normally just before my breakfast or I can make a healthy alternative oatmeal cookie protein whole chicken now I know a lot of fitness enthusiasts will say oh god do not ever eat the dark meat too much fat blah blah blah I'm just not your average everyday fitness enthusiasts take individual I guess because I get the whole chicken is always cheaper than just getting the boneless skinless chicken breast so all I do is just take off the skin and I mix all the dark meat and the white meat together it tastes better it makes this eggs fat chicks stick to eating healthy rather than eating and dry and that's the chicken breast so do as you will the whole chickens cause less they say better and lasting for about a week and a half eight and ground turkey fats olive oil avocados peanut butter veggies lettuce and purple cabbage green beans and spinach no I bought two salads but I do like to dress it up I do not like plain things so that's why I get the red cabbage and I'll even chop up some of my raw green beans and toss it in there for some added crunch and the spinach I freeze to add it to my smoothies if you don't know spinach does not have a very distinct taste like kale don't ever have kale to smoothies tastes like butt cheeks don't ask how I know but cheeks tastes like butt it tastes like butt cheeks so I decided ton of spinach with my fruit smoothies I'll do this about twice a day so getting a big thing of spinach and freezing it really helps this chick who hates vegetables eat more vegetables dairy cheese and sour cream I know another thing that fitness enthusiasts are gonna say is the stay away from Dairy I personally do think it's bad but at the same time is a tablespoon of sour cream on top of my potatoes really going to murder me vegans don't answer that fruits my sauces that I like it's bananas apples and strawberries frozen strawberries and spinach is what I usually have twice a day it really just tastes like a strawberry smoothie that looks like diarrhea bananas are great for my pre-workout when I don't have time to have and apples are pretty much the same I don't take pre-workout if you guys didn't know but do you like to have some fruit or something before my workout before I go lift weights and apples and bananas are pretty quick plus they taste great with peanut butter condiments low sugar barbecue sauce sweet and sour asian-type sauce and salsa so remember for condiments get that offer in stuff it's going to be so much cheaper than the expensive popular items so remember I do a ton of stir fries and it salsas like barbecue sauce and the Asian sauces do really well in stir fries and they don't taste really bad cold at least in my opinion when I'm on the go having these things with me spices up just rather than having plain you know chicken and vegetables and then a salad so just adds a little more spice into my life keeps me you know on track if I like my food if I like the taste of it then I'm not going to try to linger some examples y'all know McDonald's tastes good do not judge me I haven't had in years but I still I'm not afraid to say that that was good an extra stuffed ham so your food does not stick to your pins and stevia or just an added sweetness when I'm feeling a little sugary I want something sweet than all of these stevia in my smoothies if I'm not feeling I need something super sweet than I can kinda buy stuff but senior is always something that I would like to use in my diet if I want something a little sweet like me so guys that was my basic pretty cheap cost-effective grocery list simple things that you can get pretty much any store that can keep you on track and if your wallet isn't struggling don't be afraid to get more no I normally do all of my shopping at good old hospital but I do understand that not everyone has a Costco membership but if you guys would like to see my shopping list for Costco I can do another video like this one just let me know by leaving a thumbs up and a comment below now remember people losing weight is not rocket science it's really not hard what's hard is sticking to something consistently for a long enough time to see a good amount of results also I want to say congrats to our first ever winner of my go away who was winning a box of my product proto the protein donut the test twelve grams of protein and only two grams of sugar a one-year membership to an online macro pounder and meal prep map fit hacker life and a free isolator fitness lunchbox congratulations I'm so happy for you to get these products so that you can either continue a healthy lifestyle or help influence you to have a healthy life so I'll be doing another giveaway once this YouTube channel reaches 10,000 Palmer gets to share and it's attacking people until next time people so remember be a beast and stay healthy [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 15,018
Rating: 4.986577 out of 5
Keywords: Grocery haul, Cheap healthy grocery list for losing weight, cheap groceries, grocery shopping, Cheap food, Walmart groceries, How to shop healthy, how to shop for healthy food, grocery shopping on a budget, My thoughts will probably offend you, losing weight on a budget, how to lose weight fast, how to lose weight, fast weight loss, cheap, shopping list
Id: R17Wn7HV3Ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 1sec (421 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2017
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