How To Get And Use The Pal Essence Condenser In Palworld (Full Guide)

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in today's video I'm going to teach you how to get and use the power condenser in power world now this is it right here and I'm going to show you everything you need to know and before I get into it I just want to say if you want to learn how to make money playing video games click the link at the top of the description there's a free guide on exactly how to do it so let's get into the video so to go ahead and actually get the power condenser it's not as obvious as it might you might think you actually need to go up to technology and you can unlock this when you get to level 14 but it's not on the usual section here it's quite easy to miss it's on this section here and to be able to unlock this you need ancient technology points and I have other videos about how to get ancient technology points but essentially you need to um fight bosses I believe to get them so what you need to do once you've actually got to level 14 you've got the points you click on that and then you can unlock it and then when you press B I believe if you go to the PO section it's over here the PO Essence condenser and you can build that with 20 palum 20 ingot and five ancient civilization parts so you place it down and this is what it looks like it's actually very big it's kind of ugly but yeah so to go ahead and use it what we can do is we press f on it it's going to open up a UI that looks exactly like this and we have a few different options that we can do here it's basically going to combine your powers together to improve the abilities of one or more pal so let me give you an example here if I go up to um well first of all you need five of the power I believe it is you need five to actually go ahead and do this so find one that you have five on um let me find one so I'm going to use the chi here and I have I have a few here what you want to do is first locate the one that is the best so which one has the best stats on it um for me I think it's going to be this shiny one here and this is going to be the base one so this is going to be the one that um that gets improved upon basically and something else to take note of is what um passive skills it have has because this is the passive skill that will um get brought across if you look at the other skills as well those will also get brought across but yeah so I'm going to click on this is the base one and then I'm going to just add these guys to it as the extra ones and and then uh that one as well what you don't want to do is you you don't want to um add too many ones that have good passive skills because basically when you uh add them together they will be sacrificed so let me show you how it works here if I click begin con condensation let's condense those together so now somewhere we should have that one we've just condensed so you can see here it's improved its skills and it's its partner skill is now level two um but we've lost all of the other ones so we had to sacrifice all the other ones to get to this point now one of the ways this is actually super useful is it can actually increase the partner skill on it like a ton um so if you look at the partner skill these guys have for example these Lambos have fluffy Shield so it's going to increase that partner skill um and this is really useful for you know different things it depends it depends what you're doing so if you're farming if you're farming something then Vixie are a good one if you're farming um pal spheres and arrows that's a good one to do because that will allow you to increase the level of what they sort of farm as we go along here you can see we can do this for any of them so let me let me show you some more we can do it for these guys here we want to find the one that has the best sort of like base stuff so Vanguard I think we'll go for Vanguard yeah so we click that as the base one then we can just add four different ones to it and you can see cat helper goes up to level two and then if we wanted to we could grab this level two one if we wanted to upgrade it to level three we would have to get 16 of its of the same pal and that would then move that up to level three so you can see that very quickly this can become really op and if you do this for you know obviously some of them have better traits and some of them have worse traits if you do this for someone that has really good traits you can get some really op um PS out here that are like really low level but they have like a lot of um usage this is also especially useful when you're trying to farm stuff a bit later game so I'd recommend giving it a go now one thing to note as I said be aware of this if you do go ahead and actually um sort of uh condense them you're going to lose lose a lot of them so make sure they're not doing anything make sure they don't have any skills that you really like that you use a lot it's a little bit complicated to know what all the skills are so make sure you have a good understanding of how it all works and that kind of thing that's basically how to use it how it all works if you enjoyed the video and found it useful be sure to like And subscribe and also comment down below that the video did help you out so people can watch the same video and get the same advice and also if you want to learn how to make money playing video games click the link at the top of the description and there'll be a full guide for completely free that teach you how to do it so thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Easy Earl
Views: 4,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld guide, palworld tips, palworld gameplay, palworld tips and tricks, palworld pal essence condenser, palworld best pals, pal essence condenser palworld, palworld early access, palworld how to, palworld news, pal essence condenser, palworld tricks, palworld pals, how to get and use pal essence condenser palworld, palworld essence condenser, palworld beginners guide, pal essence condenser in palworld, how to use the pal essense condenser in palworld
Id: 7UGZ9XhkD4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 35sec (335 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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