Awakening to God’s Normal - Kevin Zadai

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home and not get it but if i come here i'm going to get it right are you going to get it okay so when you pray jesus said believe that you receive it and you shall have it do you know what it says in the greek same thing all right so we don't have to do the word study on it we just have to believe it right right do you understand the words that are coming out of my mind okay all right here we go all right let's pray in tongues they already know you're one of those crazy people so just pray in time foreign established authority in the spirit the throne of god bore me corner ancient of days both we're going with the flow we're going with the flow the flow of the spirit from the throne of god there is a river hallelujah that flows from the throne of god pauline menika the river of life that wells up within us a river that wells up within us we're full we're full of the spirit we're full of the spirit and we speak by the spirit we walk by the spirit hallelujah yes father you've established your throne you've established your authority absolute truth you speak from your throne it goes forth and it comes back to you accomplishing what you intended for this world basically your word your word your word your word over this nation your word over this group in jesus name the word of the lord over this land the word of the lord breaking every curse we repent father of the sins of our fathers we repent for the sins of this generation we break the curses we are your people you are our god you hear us you answer us because we pray because we repent father god do not hold the sins against these people who do not know you lord god but forgive us forgive us and cleanse this land we repent we repent lord you'll do it lord for fifty righteous you'll do it for the few that are in this nation there's many more than 50. we repent nineveh repented and you accepted their repentance we lay we lay the acts of righteousness we lay that ax to the root of evil in this country in jesus name hey everybody in the overflow rooms join us too please hallelujah hallelujah one voice one voice saba shaba shopo shama shamande shamande shimande shono ramase konopo papala pote hallelujah thank you father we give you the glory lord we give you the glory we thank you it's your story it's your story it's all about you hahaha we give you preeminence we give you preeminence in all things jesus has preeminence in all things hallelujah hallelujah aviando lord we will rule and we will reign in this generation with you father we will take our place we will stand in our prophetic priesthood in this hour we thank you father we're of dominion we've been born out of royalty we thank you we are more than conquerors in jesus christ we declare victory this november in yeshua's name [Applause] lord we release those colds on the city of wapod let it not be the same let those religious devils burn on fire hey let those religious structures collapse and let your reign and let your rule come into fruition for such a time as this oh release your debras release your esters release your debras release your esters release your davids release those that will play music and slay the enemy of our enemies in yeshua's name [Applause] you were brought into the kingdom for such a time as this father we thank you for this pivotal weekend right now right now this is a kairos moment this is your kairos moment step into it step into it step into it step into the glory step in step in step in go up go up go a little higher yeah no hesitation no limits no limits to what our god can do we break the spirit of limitation we break distraction we break compromise right now we bind in the name of jesus and we thank you for the fire we thank you for the the fire of god oh the very glory the very shekinah glory in this place and in our hearts christ in you the hope of glory oh jesus you're exalted let fire come let your movement that you're beginning your people begin now you are the next move of god you are the next move of god you carry his presence you carry his fire go into all the world and preach reproduce reproducers who reproduce your glory reproduce reproducers who reproduce your glory that jesus is exalted jesus said jesus is exalted jesus is exalted he is lifted up he is high and lifted up and the train of his temple fills the place with glory with glory oh every increasing glory ever increasing glory go up a little higher come on people push up a little higher a little deeper fire lady fire lady come here [Applause] whoa how [Applause] [Music] [Applause] or talk about the foolish things that god uses oh whoa whoa as kevin said last night it is so important people [Applause] that you not try to fit into this world but that you take a stand for what god showed you oh whoa whoa whoa whoa from from the very beginning when i was touched profoundly by the spirit of god i've had these strange strange strange whoa manifestations many people thought i was demonic had a lot of spirits that were not of god oh but i believed wow i believed i believed that it was god and it really whoa it really rattles rattles a lot of the religious spirits oh whoa whoa whoa and i remember i try to follow god do i succeed all the time absolutely not i'm like any of you i fall short and you listen he brought me to this church a few years back being brought forth oh an incredible move move of god come out of this place and you think how could such a place is this be used it uses the foolish things the foolish things and my prayer is whoa whoa whoa is that this house would be a pure and a holy house that would honor the holy spirit and let the holy spirit whoa whoa be the one that's in control here oh and that they would always honor honor jesus and god the father oh in the name of jesus be blessed as you receive oh as you receive the mighty word tonight whoa whoa whoa and let there be the fire the pure holy fire of god whoa that will burn out every evil thing that might be in this place that it cannot stay that it cannot stay and that the revival how the revival would come the revival would come recom come come come holy spirit more more of you and less of us oh in the name of jesus we just thank you right now that we are coming to that place where we are seeking more of you we are seeking more of you on a deeper intimate level we are seeking more of you on an intimate and deeper level we are seeking more of you on an intimate and deeper level we are not going backwards but we are going forwards and we are seeking you on an intimate and deeper level we want to be purified by you father god we want to keep going in as the oil is pressed we want to be purified by you father god as we're seeking you on an intimate and deeper level and we are thanking you father god that we are going to have the revelations that we need this weekend and forward knowing you on a deeper and intimate level so i just speak over the body of christ that is here right now that they will have that revelation that they need that they will get to know you on an intimate and deeper level father god that they will be able to apply it in their life and they'll be able to bring it home into their families and to their friends and to their co-workers that they will be able to have that intimate and deeper relationship with you father god that they will be able to apply what they've learned here at this conference and they'll be able to spread the gospel because we love you jesus and you are what we're here for because the name above all names is jesus jesus jesus jesus we glorify you we lift your name up you are holy jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus that's why we're here it's about you it's jesus jesus jesus the alpha and omega the beginning and the end jesus jesus jesus we thank you for the intimacy that deeper understanding that we're going to encounter you on that deeper level so we thank you jesus jesus jesus that intimacy and that deeper level of encountering you thank you father god for all that you're doing here thank you for dr kevin zadai and the words and the powerful ministry that he's doing through warrior notes father god thank you for him thank you for all that you're doing jesus jesus jesus [Applause] ah foreign thank you father thank you father thank you jesus thank you jesus you are the almighty king of kings and lord of lords we worship and we honor you and we pop before you jesus we give you our lives and we give you our hearts it is a privilege and honor to lay everything at your feet you are healed in this place jesus we're here for you and we're here because we honor you we love you lord god not only do we dedicate our lives unto you but we dedicate this whole weekend unto you lord jesus that you being revealed you'll be so real in this place to every person jesus lord jesus this night and the whole weekend may we father god captured your gaze jesus i pray father this whole weekend jesus that may our hearts beat completely father god so that do you be consumed by you that our eyes will behold your glory that we will behold the beauty of the lord that our eyes cannot see in the gaze unto others but your face alone jesus you alone we love you jesus we honor you we desire you more than anything else jesus so this night i pray lord jesus like a paul prays for ephesians that you will grant each and every one of us the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of you that the eyes of understanding being enlightened that we may know hope of your calling we may know that what glorious inheritance you have for us in the saints and we may know that exceeding greatness and your power toward us who believe which worked in christ raising from the dead and sitting at his right hand in the heavenly places fall above our principle of the empowered mind and dominion and every name that is named not only in this age but also in that which is the calm and he placed all things under his feet and gave him to be head over all things to the church which is his body the fullness of him who feels only know fill this place tonight and this weekend and from going forward fill your presence with the united states of america we dedicate ourselves to you we thank you father fill this place with your glory we give you honor we give you honor jesus thank you jesus magnify your jesus bless you jesus [Applause] father we thank you you are good you are a good father and lord we love you so deeply lord we thank you for your presence that was here before we got here we thank you for your love we thank you for your glory lord we thank you that every life will be touched and changed and radically transformed those who are watching all over the world lord i thank you that lord i see to my spirit that they're receiving the very touch of god right now even as we're watching father we thank you that you are here and if you believe that jesus is in the midst say amen amen you may be seated my name is pastor ryan bruss i'm pastoring a church in concord north carolina just north of charlotte called antioch community church and uh kevin has asked me what a privilege he's asked me to travel with him when i can to talk about warrior churches and everybody say amen you don't even know what i'm going to say yet but uh it's going to be good because kevin's got his hand in it but uh he's asked antioch church why pastor he has asked us to help him partner with him to plant these warrior churches all over the world and here's how it works if you are a student in the school of ministry in our the dean of the schools here and he'll be talking in a moment if you're a student in the school of ministry those of you who are watching we're going to start using your uh your life your house to to uh as a center for a move of god and we're gonna right now kevin is creating a bible study teachings uh mike cohen and i will be involved and we're going to release the bible school students to start planning churches all over the world right in their home starting with a bible study it's going to be an easy bible study but hey why don't you call a few friends why don't you talk to your neighbor and all sudden 3 4 5 10 15 people are gathering all the time to talk about the goodness of god and learning and discipling so how many want to be part of this warrior church movement i am telling you you need to sign up it's going to be awesome and so we're partnering with kevin and i'm happy to be a part of that and i just i want to play at churches all over the world give the devil a big black eye nope he he he can't go down that block he can't go down that block to the church over here there's a church in that city there's a church in your city so devils don't devils don't go down down blocks where there's churches in the power of god amen amen so we i want to also help kevin take an offering tonight so if you want to hire you act like you're getting ready to take an offering just do that and uh those of you who are watching there's information on your screen on how you can give and if you want a text to give you can text to give to 985-633-1772 but we want to bless warrior notes ministry and as you know every conference that kevin does is for free and uh you don't really hear of that free conferences you know kevin was just at our church in concord and we have a senior in our church and when kevin came kevin and cathy came uh some angels came with him now not his uh uh oh his came too but some extra angels came and guess what they haven't left our church yet so the seer every week is saying they're still here and uh and uh so you never know what the pause that you're going to get not only in this church not only those who are watching but you as a visitor a guest but everything that kevin does like this is for free and that's unheard of in this 21st century so i want to be part as a pastor i know what that's like so i want to be part of helping him take up an offer because he doesn't do that he doesn't like to do that he has no part of that so we want to we want to bless them if you're making out a check make it out to warrior notes and i guess there's ushers that are around to help if they would come and be a part of that and again online you can text to give and you can donate to the ministry awesome are you guys ready to give or what [Applause] there's nothing like giving in the house of god ushers whenever you're ready just start going for it and let's welcome pastor mike cowan well well well here we are again i hope you're ready because if you weren't here last night i'm still recovering from last night and actually i'm hoping that i never recover actually now that i think about that how about you amen so you know all these conferences are completely free and we kevin and kathy want to always take a moment to honor our partners because it's because of them conferences are free it's because of them we give stuff away it's because of that warrior churches is going to be free zero cost when other ministries and others are are having to add cost to that because of our partners we can freely give out and literally be a part of changing our complete generation amen and so if you're a partner would you just i know they're passing but if you're a partner would you raise your hand real quick we man you guys are awesome look at all you guys holy smokes we would clap while we're passing the offering it would be awkward right [Laughter] so partners thank you thank you so much and when you get to heaven and and they roll out the scroll of all these things that happen because of you and us together i can only imagine the rejoicing around the throne that we're going to do amen so the other part of kevin and kathy asked me to talk about is warrior notes school of ministry and if you are not a student yet we have been waiting for you and where have you been because you have a call on your life do you know that when jesus began to imagine who he was going to create in you he imparted so many beautiful things inside of you and you are created to change the world you are created to change your community and warrior notes school of ministry is designed to equip you and to prepare you to do that right because you want when you do things for god you want to do things with excellence amen you want to do it with excellence and so if you're a student raise your hand let me see all my students real quick holy smokes we're taking over the world that's awesome listen for you students i need you guys to seriously you need to get ready for warrior churches okay you need to keep going on your courses you need to take notes this weekend you need to you really need to dig in because god's going to speak to you god's going to give you strategy god's going to give you a plan and if you're not a student we want you to join us because we want to change the world for jesus and the last time i checked in the bible it still says the great commission is go not sit at home and eat potato chips the great commission is go and guess what that's me and that's you and we want to do that together as a family amen so i want you to join us because it's time it's time we are not going to let the devil try and steal our country we're not going to let the devil steal your family right uh-oh and guess what if you're a teenager i've got some teenagers in my house if you're a teenager god's got a call on your life god's got a huge call on your life you're gonna rock this world for jesus and so if you're a teenager i want you to come see me this weekend i want to look you in the eye and i want to tell you what jesus hasn't planned for your life amen thank you pastor mike how many are ready to go don't don't ever forget don't ever forget that two-thirds of god's name is go so we so he means business hey let's welcome dr kevin zadai huh [Applause] thank you all thank god thank god thank god for jesus christ he came and he is going to overthrow he's going us putting us into overthrow praise god do you hear me jesus christ came not only to forgive you of your sin he came to put us into overthrow we need to overthrow what he's overthrown we need to enforce what he's done do you hear me it's time to enforce what he's done he made a fool of satan on the cross he came to destroy the works of the devil the bible says and then he said you go and do dude likewise and you do even greater works than these that i do didn't he even the nearly inspired version says that okay so so we're going to go into overthrow this weekend yeah yeah we don't we don't we don't need we don't need anyone else we've got jesus we don't need barabbas we got jesus we don't need to go back to religious ridiculousness if that's even a word we don't need that anymore we have jesus and he is in overthrow and i i've met him and he's he's he's he's a warrior he's a warrior amen well listen i gave you a cd series because they could not get me the 750 manuals i needed because i just finished this uh like a week ago this this course was just finished and it's on amazon if you want to get it and actually uh actually if you order like one or two they can get it to you in a couple days but 750 they couldn't get it to us so i gave you the cd series i hope you enjoy it that's right thank you thank you partners thank the partners for for that because i want you to have something to take with you so so we're going to follow along uh we're going to put the scripture verses up there and i'll follow along i i got my manual what yesterday i finally got mine and i wrote it so so this is what it looks like it's really cool it looks like your cd series and and we're going to get right into it because i i really am about the father's business right now and i know you are too and and so do you mind if i just get into it and let's let's get this done right okay because we're on assignment and there's there's those who know this and those who are going to know this but we're on assignment and jesus loves people and he he he told me a couple things in may when he appeared to me and he didn't let me talk for five hours he did not let me talk at all i was fine with that because i already know everything i know but i don't know what he knows so he talked and talked and talked and it went on and on and on he kept pulling back veils so you can picture like something that was like a drape but it was kind of see-through like this queen just kept pulling back veils and showing me the future just over and over again he kept pulling back veils and talking to me and he went through ephesians with me he went through corinthians with me not all of corinthians but he went through most of ephesians with me and a lot of corinthians and then he went through with me some of the things that he wants me to know so that i can tell you and this is what he told me he told me he said you tell the people that we are not doing any of these terrible things on the earth right now he said me and my father love people we want everyone to come to heaven and it was it's really strange when you hear these kind of things because you realize how off we are as a as a in general if you listen to what's being said out there you don't know what you believe anymore but see you have your bible and you you have the spirit of god and the teachers inside of you you should be able to bear witness with what's really being said if it's if it's correct or not and and that's why it says that that the anointing of the holy one is in you you don't need anyone to teach you that was because of false doctrine that was being preached that's why that was said we have one of the fivefold ministries of the church is a teacher so you know god's not like like uh fighting himself by saying you don't need anyone to teach you and then and then saying that one of the fivefold ministries of the church is a teacher no that was said so that we can combat false teaching you see there's a lot of people out there and you've run into these hybrids they're they're unbelieving believers the hybrid race is coming into the church they portray themselves as being believers but they are not believers they have no fruit they are clouds without rain they have a form of godliness but they deny the power of god and anyone who claims to be a christian and denies the power of god are they really a christian because paul preached christ him crucified that's all he knew he he knew about the resurrection and the jesus was raised from the dead that's the power that we believe that's our hope the resurrection that's why we believe it's because of resurrection power see jesus died but don't stop there and there's there's there's full authority been given to the church and now i met jesus and he is a commander and you aren't going to be telling him your opinion you're going to you are he's not going to even ask you for it now listen to me he has full authority on heaven and earth but it's through the church he made it that way so if you want to do anything for god you got to do it through the spirit and it's got to be as the body of christ on the earth the church because that is the organization that the gates of hell will not prevail against is the church okay it's the word ecclesia so we are believing ones and because of that signs follow us period not the fivefold the signs follow those who believe so you can see how we get we're getting off because we're waiting for the apostle to come to town you don't need you don't need the apostle to come to town to hear from god to get a word you can look in the mirror and tell yourself to repent that's your word for the day you can tell yourself you can tell yourself your word you wage war with those prophecies you received you you do warfare okay so uh jesus when he commanded me he at first at first i thought that i had access to certain things in heaven and when he would stop me he would put his hand out and say you know whoa and um he said you can't you can't come in you can't do this unless i bid you to come and i started to realize that i was that i had some things that were wrong in my thinking because i thought that i had access to everything positionally you know and we we have been taught you know that we have all these benefits through jesus christ but he explained to me that there was a positional and there was a relational so through jesus christ through the blood of jesus and that work that he did on the cross he gave us the these abilities to go into the holy of holies through the blood he's made us righteous he's made us holy positionally but there also is the faith of abraham and the and what david had was a friendship abraham had a friendship moses was a friend of god and there's this idea of relationship and jesus explained to me that people will come to him and say lord didn't we cast out demons and heal the sick in your name and he says i never knew you well what does it mean to to know somebody that is more of a relational type of of word than positional because you can you can uh you can work for a company but you don't have a relationship with the president of that company and he might not even know who you are but you were hired by that company okay but to know the ceo it's more than just position right it would be relationship okay so jesus brought us back a relationship with our father and he said i would now call you friends not servants i call you friends friends he said have an intimate knowledge of what the father is doing children have an intimate knowledge he said slaves in the house do not so we know the inner workings of what god's doing through relationship so jesus bid me to come on that sapphire stone he said because enoch earned the right to do this because he walked in a holiness on the earth in a time where he where it was very hard jesus told me it was very hard on the earth right before the flood and enoch was a preacher of righteousness he was a prophet according to jude and he prophesied he went from city to city and he called people to repentance but god saw that no one was going to repent and so he grieved that he had even made man and it got so bad that he had to cleanse the earth except for noah and his family and he said because enoch walked in the fear of the lord he was able to walk on this sapphire stone and halel who became lucifer used to walk on those stones until iniquity was found in him but jesus said i never knew you you workers of iniquity same word as he said about satan hello and what would cause people to to be in that position well i don't understand everything and i know that none of us do but i know that jesus said that and i know that i can't cast out a devil unless i use jesus's name i can't heal the sick unless it's the lord healing and i know that the seven sons of skiva could coach us on what not to do so it means that the devils were leaving because they were christians because if the devil doesn't know you they'll name all the people they know like lester sumrall but who are you so they're not going to listen to you right okay but jesus said that these people cast out devils they healed the sick but that he never knew them okay so we need to get ourselves in a place where we receive from god now how we do that is we have to shift our perception which is what warrior notes is all about it's about bringing in that that glory into a meeting and teaching from the word of god to where i don't have to lay hands on you you sit there and you encounter the glory realm and nobody gets credit for it except god himself and and it's free in fact i'm pretty much paying you to be here and and you walk out of here and what i want is i want this to be a domino effect all over the world and i don't want to get any credit for because i i already got the highest credit jesus christ himself within three feet nose to nose with him he said you have been faithful he said you have done everything i've ever asked you to do well done that's what he said and then i noticed that he didn't finish the verse that he quoted enter in and that was my first clue that something's something's not not right here so i'm like finish your quote jesus no but he never did he started teaching me about how to walk in this life and he went through all these amazing things and i can remember at least seven things he went through with me for the next 25 to 30 minutes of the 45 minutes most of them were about words most of them were about prayer most of them were about believing and he coached me and then he told me that i needed to go back for this generation and i didn't want to come back but now i realize what plan he had but i want to relay what i saw on the other side so that you can walk in it i really want you to increase and me to decrease i'd like to just stay home i really would i'm enjoying myself but you know i did 30 years at a corporation i did all my education i've done all my training for other things that i'm going to do i'm still i'm still doing things now for training but you are the body of christ you are my family i love you god loves you but because of that love it drives out fear so i can't on my post let anything the devil is doing in this earth right now because this is he thinks this is his earth and he's the spirit of the air the powers of the air right but jesus said every time he talks he's lying and he's the father of lies and he called the pharisees liars and they he called their father the devil okay so the religious system is the system of the devil and no one's brave enough to say that because they're afraid of losing people in their congregation but my congregation is the is the earth whoever comes if you don't come you don't come you know i'm just talking to sheep i'm not talking to goats i'm not talking to tears i'm talking to wheat i'm not talking to the unwise version i'm talking to the wise ones you know and i figure 50 50 i want a hundred percent but you know what 50 will do jesus said that when he preaches when he when you sow the word of god you only are going to get 25 only 25 of the soils there are four soils there was only one that produced a crop from the word so if i tonight i believe 100 return on on on my sowing of the seed of the word of god but i'm not talking about just one quarter and getting the hundred fold on one quarter of the soils i am preparing your hearts so that all four soils have converged into the one good soil so i'm taking out the thorns i'm taking out the stones i'm getting rid of the cares of life and the deceitfulness of riches i'm getting rid of all that stuff because i'm preaching the good news of the gospel and there's a migration jesus said he said there's a migration out of the religious system right now and people are going to come where the word of god is preached and where the signs and wonders follow and the signs and wonders are not specific to an individual there is only one who is our head his name is jesus his body is to be one we have one head and we have one body but there are many members if it sounds familiar because it's in the bible even veggie tales talks about this okay so i'm thinking of angel pizza right now pizza angel right now all right no okay all right so the reason i did this course and while uh i'm launching this this will be a book next year uh and called encountering god's normal and it seems as though the lord chooses this particular church in this particular conference to to launch these things so i want to i want to get into this with you and that was a good introduction but the lord's among us right now and he is he is wanting you to realize that your dreams are still going to come true the good news of the gospel works anywhere on the earth anywhere if you check it out you can go from country to country you can go down to states and districts and cities and you can determine why certain certain cities are not blessed certain states are not blessed certain countries are not blessed it's all because they have denied god they've denied god in this the people have allowed leadership to be elected and because of that they do not represent the people correctly and they take the people off so a demon is not going to get in to a bunch of people in a neighborhood a demon is going to try to get into the mayor or the governor or the president do you get it okay because that is the hardest that is the hardest hitting that is the best result if you are a disembodied spirit and you were going to hell and you knew it and you couldn't have any repentance you are going to do the most damage you can because you're upset you're mad and that's what these demon spirits do they they look for the hardest hit they get in people to do the hardest hit and they take people off so the reason why countries and states and cities are not blessed is because they have not acknowledged the one true god and it's probably because they have elected officials that will not acknowledge okay so it really comes down to us so there are enough believers here that we don't have to worry about judgment coming to america like you think because of the righteous okay we're actually stopping it however jesus explained to me because of a separation that is occurring right now he's taking us into goshen as a body so the body of believers will start to migrate where you'll see yourself being protected if you make the most high your dwelling place you'll you will slip into the secret place where every believer is supposed to be anyway and from that place nothing will by any means hurt you jesus was quoting psalms 91 when he said you have been given authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and by no means shall anything hurt you he's quoting exactly word for word psalms 91 because the new testament wasn't written yet so paul quotes the old testament they all do they were writing the new testament at the time so the old testament is still holds true because there's many mighty prophets who prophesied and those prophecies have not all come true yet okay so god's not judging america he's judging individuals are you in are you out period because if you're lukewarm he's going to spew you out of his mouth jesus told me that the judgment is already upon the wicked because their god is satan and he's he's a dictator now think about your city think about your state think about your country think about other countries what i just said you see everyone who is not in christ is under judgment the world's already been judged jesus said they've already been judged but see their judgment is also coming even and paul said this he's talking about christians he said some their judgment is evident right away it's quick he said others it follows them till the day of judgment so jesus told me to tell people that we're not doing any of this jesus told paul in 2nd corinthians chapter 5 that we have a ministry of reconciliation we're supposed to go out and tell people about the good news that the price has been paid and that there there is no more penalty for their sin if they come in except the way jesus christ come in repent and give your life to the lord and call him lord and then walk in the spirit how hard is that see how hard is what i just said it's so easy but yet why is this message been messed up okay so if you do not do that then the people out there are under judgment because it's already been said if you don't judge yourself you will be judged so christians are to judge themselves by the word of god you see if you want to relieve the fivefold ministry from all the work they have to do to build you up in the most holy of faith they're building you up and uniting you to maturity that's what ephesians chapter 4 says they're uniting us they're bringing us together and bringing us into maturity if you want to unload them you can judge yourself by the word of god and it's acceleration into the spirit realm i mean where you have the glory of god on you and wherever you go no matter what because you're separate but god's not going to come in when you are not separate that is why he fights the messages of the fear of the lord he fights the the message of of repentance the crucified life so encountering god's normal is when his personality shows up when he shows up and his person the glory see when the glory hits you you encounter him but you haven't even got to him yet moses could hardly stay alive and god just walked by so he didn't encounter him face to face god just walked by but yet even peter who had the foot in the mouth disease even his shadow when it touched people they were healed so if peter can be changed and if he was here he would testify about how faithful jesus was and that he finished his race and affected so many and we enjoy his letters right that he wrote but he walked to where his shadow healed people and he even talked about being partakers of the divine nature being partners with god but what you're sensing in this room is god's personality it's it's his glory it's the cloud and he's come to abide with us forever and from this point on it's just going to get stronger and stronger and eventually you won't need me anymore you have everything you need for life and godliness that's what the bible says okay so encountering encountering god's normal means that he shows up and he introduces himself to you but you might not be standing when he walks by anymore you might not be able to talk anymore you might walk away from the experience completely different that's called transformation now see when jesus allowed this to happen in front of peter james and john peter misinterpreted what was going on which is how we are and so he thought this is good you know we're going to build some tents but jesus was just giving them a peek at his pre-existence as god the pre-existing christ that's all he was doing was giving him a peek of who he really was he didn't have to do that but he did it didn't he okay he did that to the three there was one that he that he loved and he trusted more than anyone that was john but even john said that jesus didn't commit himself to any man because he knew what was in a man he knew that they would all throw him under the bus so he didn't entrust himself to anyone but he loved john and then the three peter james and john were trusted even more but if you notice when jesus would go to have to raise the dead he would he would he would go by himself and he'd get everybody out of the room because of the unbelief because even even the disciples couldn't handle it are you following me okay so jesus knew how to get things done but it meant thin in the herd okay so awakening to god's normal is is chapter one i want to get into this and here's how god does it he says some things and all of a sudden if you take the word into your heart and your soil starts to reproduce from that word it expands out into a crop and it starts to change you and then people know you by your fruit they don't know you by just what how they knew you before your personality even starts to change and become you become like god you actually do you become like jesus you start to act like him you start to make decisions like he did because you leave your way your old ways and you become more like him you make the right decisions even if it hurts and this is what god did he inserted isaiah 55 and i'm going to read that and this is god's normal but this is how it starts now everybody please listen to me because the glory cloud's already coming in i don't know how long i'll be able to stand up here but i'm going to do it best i can this is what god does to you every day if you let him he will speak something to you and that word will change you forever it could be one word it could be a sentence it could be a paragraph but i guarantee it's not something that said on znn okay for my thoughts are not your thoughts nor are your ways my way says the lord okay thanks for clearing that up because that's the truth isn't it okay for as the heavens are higher than the earth okay so you know how high that is if you look at the stars that's pretty far away that's a lot of distance okay he said so are my ways higher than yours oh boy houston we got a problem right okay so his thoughts are higher than ours his ways his pathways his personality the things he likes are higher than ours so what he likes you don't even know because you don't ask him but if you ask him he would tell you what he likes he would tell you what his thoughts are he would tell you his ways now moses knew his ways but the people of israel they just saw his acts they saw the mountain burning they saw the lightning the thunder they heard the voice they were afraid but moses went up and he he knew god's ways right that's what the psalm says right okay so the most important thing to understand god's normal is what god says because what he says he does it's just like now i'm i mean i'm in jet training that's a lot faster than the planes i've flown now no what happens is everything's fast so as soon as i put that gear lever down if i don't hear that gear come down if i don't have three green lights if i don't have that then i've got a problem but it's it's instant now because i'm going four and 500 miles an hour i'm not going 68 miles an hour things are going fast if you want to walk in the spirit you've got to be ready to listen to god so when he speaks you got to know that the next thing that's going to happen is is manifestation the delay is the war down here the delay is you it's the war and it's you but as a commander of the lord's army when god speaks when jesus speaks to you you are to implement what he says period now you can see where we don't have this edge but if you're going 500 miles an hour and the city is below you because you're still wondering what you're going to do you're already too late when you land you'll be in the next state well it's the same thing when god speaks isn't isn't faith really obedience isn't it understanding that god says something and that he means it so it's really about hearing god but you have to be in a place where you hear god which is why the media bombards us right to keep us out of that and then our families start acting up and if you don't take care to create your boundaries that there are certain times you're going to a secret place you're not available in the angel might not allow you to take your phone in the secret place no electronic devices you know like the sign says no shirt no service or no shoes what what if what if you're just supposed to go in there and says no god wants to talk to you so there's this big bombardment right now and there's this war going on for your soul not your spirit you're so you're saved you're born again but your soul needs to be transformed by the renewing of your mind by the word of god so your mindset has to change so you've got to realize that god's normal is not your normal but it could be if god starts to hang out with you it's really not hanging out because it's going to be very holy and you're going to be crying you're going to be asking god for forgiveness all of a sudden the sins that are piled up between you and god i'm not talking about the sins that that you had before you were saved you're forgiven of your past sins i'm talking about transgressions i'm talking about omissions things that you didn't do they pile up now this happened to me when jesus appeared to me and my roommate in college and he walked in there unannounced and we hit the deck and our beds actually bent the metal frames bent from the glory of god and this and my roommate was crying like a little baby and i was too and everything that i had done since i was saved that i had not repented of i was it was coming out like a machine gun bullets out of my mouth i was repenting why because there was all of a sudden it came to light what was between me and my god that i had let these things piled up i had not taken care of these things they were transgressions they were they were omission sins of omission and sins of commission and we need to take care of these things every day we need to repent when we wake up we need to repent when we go to bed we do now see if you notice there's people coming against this message of repentance because they say well you've already repented well if that's the case then then i could quote every apostle in the bible who said you know take care that you're in christ don't find yourself outside paul paul warned them all the time and jesus said you know if you're if you're lukewarm i'm going to spew you out of my mouth he said can you imagine that's a message sunday morning in a church do you think the offering is going to be big do you think that people are going to come back to that church but see isn't he the head of the church so if he goes around oh that pastor is like you know what jesus uh we'll call you our you know last time you were here you reduced our membership by half and the giving's down see certain messages even though they're right they're not money makers but when was this when is this a business what is it about what how does it become about money okay so jesus christ comes and he gives you the word but you still have to accept it but if you can't that's why jesus said if you have ears to hear hear what the spirit's saying he said this is a hard saying he said this too hard saying he said if you can accept it receive it he said it's because of the hardness of your heart said moses had to give a certificate of divorce but it was never the way that way from the beginning but but those who can accept this should accept this paul was trying to talk everybody out of marriage i i think he needed some healing what do you think i think he had a bad experience what do you think okay so god speaks to you and when he does if you receive the word humbly and you judge yourself by that word then god doesn't have to judge you and you don't need a prophet to come to you in that way because they they're not supposed to be coming to you in that way please do not email me i'm not available listen to me prophets are supposed to build people up they're supposed to bring correction apostles bring correction too but we're talking about doctrine we're talking about the unity of the faith believing the same thing not compromising because i'm not i'm not taking out pentecost so that my baptist friends will be will be in unity with me that's not what i'm talking about i'm not going to worship mary just so the catholics will come to my meetings do you get it that is not what i'm talking about the unity of the faith is about correct believing what the word of god says i didn't even see mary she didn't even she didn't even she didn't even introduce herself to but i met steve hill please do not email me please please unsubscribe we are the church we're not acting like the church we are the church we're faithful we're not trying to we are accepted i'm not trying to try to get god to accept me do you hear me you are accepted he's already proven so how many of you are going all over the world have you seen have you seen my i'm just i'm going to keep doing it until we get everything back i might even i might even have to visit some senators and some representatives high places and take communion and take it take it back you're waiting for jesus to come back well he said he isn't coming back until you're waiting for him he's waiting for you and that's why we have nothing happening in our churches anymore because we're both waiting on each other i don't know where he is why are you waiting on god he's already told you ask and you shall receive seek and you shall find knock and the door shall be opened to you he said in mark 9 23 he said i he said it is my will to heal do you believe all things are possible to him that believeth so he throws it right back at us so if it's not guess who's at fault we still have to believe even on our deathbed we do not ever give up we die with a sword in our hand where are you going to hear this kind of stuff but that's the way jesus preached that's the way the disciples preached they became apostles then they became dead for preaching it i just got a word for somebody the lord said there is no such thing as fixed income he said i'm fixing your income praise god [Applause] okay moving on nothing here nothing here moving on moving on okay okay so there's a couple bullet points i want to go over because i got to pretend like i'm teaching here i heard zinc works okay encountering god's normal is going to be normal eventually for you okay but at first it's going to be kind of shocking to you when you see god's personality and how he truly thinks okay so it's going to be revolutionary when you hear his voice and he says something to you that you never thought of and you didn't think you could ever have and then he says well it's already at the door if you look out amazon just left see angels are delivering things to your house but you're not going to your door i'm telling you the truth what did what did god say to cain he said don't you know if you do right you'll be accepted he said but sin is crouching at your door like a lion is what it says in hebrew it's like a crouching of an animal and it desires to have you but you must master it god came in person and coached cain in a fallen state he came to adam and eve in a fallen state god came anyway i wanted to talk to you he wanted to talk to them he wants to talk to you in your fallen state he wants you he wants your mind he wants your will he wants you to be full of the joy that comes from that river that flows from his throne there is a river that flows from the the it's from the throne i saw it there's even fire in it but it is a river of life and it wills up within us and the most supernatural thing you can do is yield to the spirit and let that river come up through you where you're speaking mysteries you're building yourself up in the most holy faith and remaining in the love of god and you become like these prophets of old where you go you know what we're not going to have it this way um i'm going to bind on the earth and it will be bound in heaven and certain people are going to lose their jobs in leadership why because the last time i checked this nation was built as a democracy which means you're the voice you the government works for you according to the constitution no no i'm serious did you ever read the constitution do you ever read the amendments the government is for to protect and serve us instead they put it on police cars which has become an oxymoron too but they still they're still good police officers they're still good senators and representatives they're still good presidents there's still good leadership but they are working for you so when you go to the polls you are supposed to vote so that they work for you and they protect you but they don't okay so they they got to thinking about this when they wrote this and they said you know what what if the government goes rogue what if they go crazy and turn against us we've got to write the second amendment did you ever read the second amendment it is so that we can protect ourselves from a rogue i still in the air did they take me off am i still on still on okay now listen to me jesus came bought everything back for you and then gave it to you because he's for the people the father is for the people jesus is for the people ministers are supposed to be for the people when is it about them when does it become that ministers are supposed to be ministering to the body okay the body is supposed to be going into the marketplace and prospering can i still say that in church paul said i wish above all things that you would prosper and be in good health do you know what the greek word for prosper is there prosper well that's old testament well not that that's paul so paul understood the benefits that are in christ that's why he wrote all his letters so encountering god's normal means that you're going to have to change the only way you can change is by yielding to the word of god and you don't listen to teachers who are clouds without rain because you're waiting for the manifestation clouds are supposed to have water in them so paul said listen when i came to you corinthians did i come with enticing words of man's wisdom he goes no i came to you with power and demonstration in the holy spirit he said we do not rely on man's wisdom he said but we speak mysteries in the spirit spiritual people discern spiritual things and he said a spiritual man is not subject to any man's judgment a carnal man's judgment it's what what it really is saying so a person the world can't judge a spiritual person because they don't understand anything it's a mystery to them and even if you mention the name of jesus they get all upset you can say god but don't say in the name of jesus because that is the name above all names and demons who have infiltrated their life are freaking out and that's why they act like they do people react because their personality has been infested with these demons and so god's normal will cause this to happen so my my prayer my prayer for you is that you align yourself with god's normal that this weekend you start to realize what our heavenly father has given because i've come to do his work not my own i'm representing him he asked me to defend him to the people he said we're being slandered i mean he's three feet away from me jesus said this in may on my birthday he appeared to me for five and a half hours he said to me he said we're being slandered by the the evil one he said we're not doing any of these things we're he said we're good we have good news we have a good gospel we are good we only do those things which benefit our creation we want everyone to come to heaven if people die and go to hell it's because they decided to because even creation speaks of a god oh he explained the whole thing to me even the creation is preaching the gospel people know that there's a god they need to seek him jesus appears to muslims nightly we know people that jesus has appeared to and they were converted but jesus really said you know what i shouldn't have to do that you should be doing that but he's kind of messing with the system isn't he just appearing but really the church should be doing this okay in john 16 verses 13 through 15 i'm reading from the nsa nasb one of those abbreviations you know but when he the spirit of truth comes he will guide you into all truth for he will not speak on his own initiative but whatever he hears he will speak okay he will not speak on his own initiative but whatever he hears he will speak and he will disclose to you what is to come now he's speaking to believers here not just the prophets okay so every believer can know what's coming so jesus said because of the condition right now of the body of christ he said i'm telling you i'm done with lukewarmness and i need you to tell the people that i'm done so he i'm telling you he's done with lukewarmness he wants us to be on fire we need to speak from the fire we need to walk with the fire in the fire everything we do we go to work and we do it from the fire we we walk in the fire we're not lukewarm we don't deny jesus before men because guess what it's still in the bible he's going to deny us before the father is there anyone in here that has heard that lately on tv you see i think that we have been hoodwinked into thinking that god is a certain way but he's not the way that men have portrayed him when i met him it shocked me that he was just like the bible that's bad that's not good right okay so he said he the spirit will glorify me not glorify the minister not draw attention to the minister is there anyone else on this earth that's going to say this does it take a flight attendant to do this but think about it someone's got to stand up and not be afraid if people pull their money i don't care i'll still show up i'll still show up do you hear me okay i will not be bought this message shall go forth that was not me saying that he will glorify me for he will take take what is mine the father the jesus and disclose it to you he's not talking to prophets or apostles or pastors or teachers or evangelists he's talking to the body of christ jesus is talking to everyone that believes okay therefore i said that he takes of mine and he will disclose it to you all right this is what you need to remember i i want you to stay in there with the lord no matter how hard it gets because he has a plan no matter how bad it looks or how bad it gets it's just momentary it's not over until god says it's over you know the fat lady's not going to sing god's going to speak i really don't care about the fat lady singing i care about what god says i'm not i don't care about the man on the on the white house lawn or the situation room he's being told what to say what i care about is what jesus is saying and the holy spirit is taking that and giving it to us that's what i care about okay so we got to keep our focus no matter what and we know that through this month we have the chance to make september free of any event any event but but we need to be diligent i i sense in the spirit i will tell you that i sense in the spirit that things are starting to change and move and i sense that if we continue we can delay what the enemy plans on doing amen [Applause] but i want you to know that if we do not do our part and bind and lose and take authority that i saw cities burning i i saw a lot of things happening that that to beautiful cities that i love and it's just not it's not correct on our watch to let that happen it's not correct but do not be discouraged if it does some things do come through because you just keep praying amen and pray this is what i want you to pray for we need to pray for the distribution system in this country because that is what is going to get hit i'm talking about delivery where there's supply disruption where they're they're gonna they're gonna they're gonna aim at that i'm just telling you ahead of time but see you can do this too you just you could actually just lock yourself in room pray in tongues and get the same thing but i saw people disrupting supply to where workers at certain delivery companies wouldn't even come to work because they were getting shot i saw i saw the enemy buying hats that represented our president and they were on the other side and they were going out and doing terrible things with the there's t-shirts and the hats on i'm telling you what's coming i saw people burning cities and they had nra hats on misrepresenting do you get it we still honored they knock us off we're still on okay all right moving along nothing here all right so god's perfect will let's get into that god's perfect will for your life is whatever he desires and he never asked you for your input in it he wrote the book about you before you were born because he doesn't need you on the board he made decisions about the human race and everybody that would ever live he already knows them and this is the biggest problem that i have to put up with everywhere i go is that people can't grasp that because they have the standard u.s system of wrenches and it's metric and you go to put that on your lug nut and it doesn't work it doesn't fit your measurement but god determines the measurement god determines the standard if your wrench doesn't work throw it away because it's not about your wrench it's about the setting that is on that nut and we're all nuts and god says this is the system this is the way it's going to be now this is the hardest thing i get pushback you wouldn't believe the pushback i get in the spirit i'm not talking about people writing me or anything i'm just talking about in the spirit it's hard for us to grasp god's normal but god already has determined what he wants his will is supposed to be our will when we got saved we gave our will up but see no one tells people that because then they like you know what i need a couple days to think about it because see you're going to be drafted into an army that is at war and you are not your own anymore you've been bought with a price but i was never told this so when my body started acting up the next day i thought i'm saved what's going on here and my mind had all crazy crazy thoughts i said wait a minute i'm saved i didn't know that only one part of me is ruling and reigning why are we not being taught this i've been robbed years i've been robbed so we need to find out what god's will is and we don't need to question it i never have to go back to god and ask him for certain things because i already know i have them it provided through the covenant god's will has been displayed through jesus christ he never made anybody sick so it doesn't matter if i'm not healed his will is for me to be saved his will is for me to be healed he never made anybody poor he helped people so it's not god's will for us to be poor because i want to help people right oh man okay oh my giving button just went off shirley talk to my wife i'm going to pay i'm going to pay your mortgage i'm going to pay your mortgage for the month i'm going to pay double what your mortgage is out of our own okay kathy now no don't push me because this will turn us into a giving when when is it god's will to be poor okay because it says that there shall be no poor among you says the lord because i am the lord who god has blessed you it's in deuteronomy 15 4 there shall be no poor among you because i am the lord your god who has blessed you and has and will bring you into the land that i promised you okay so it's never god's will now we have to pass our money test which means we're the numbskull not god god doesn't have a numbskull he's he's fine but we're fallen we need help we need him to come into our finances we need him to come into our bodies we need healing we need help we need him to talk to our family members maybe even slap them around a little bit but see we need his help but we cannot help others if we don't allow god to help us first did you hear what i just said hey i want this cd that was good man that was a good one think about it okay so god wants to help us so that we can help others it's not about us the gospel is good news to the poor it is good news to the sick it is good news to those who are bound by the devil they can be delivered when did jesus conduct a healing service and then pass the offering plates but see in the revivals i was told by someone you would all know that that every time somebody got healed in that healing revival there were certain ministers that you would know would pass they would take an offering just to milk the people because they saw a miracle taking advantage of of us we need to repent okay all right so we want to manifest god's perfect will which means that god is living and moving in heaven and his being in us he's manifesting through us which means we need to get out of the way now this used to happen to me all the time when i would get messed up in my instruction the the instructor in the in an airplane would tell me i got the airplane he says get your hands off the yoke because i had just put it into a situation where he's going to save our lives now because i think i know something and i don't know a thing why because it manifests what you know now he watched me make mistakes until he got to the place where he is not going to die with me do you get it and that's what god does no he's not worried about dying with you he's already done that he's done he's died for you he's not going to do that again but see now we're to be children that are obedient and love our father and our father wants to preserve our life not just not just give us salvation but now he wants us to live down here in that glory to enjoy his glory in these last days and to minister healing so that no virus no disease could touch the lake experience this he completely stopped the bubonic plague listen i don't i really i really don't correct i want to hear what god says we've seen what opinion has where it's gotten us with people and god has walked in and we were face down it has happened so many times and then you realize at that very moment that god was listening to he shows up and stops the whole thing you have no idea how many times it's happened i mean are there stories i've never told anybody free mid or post and at the end of the conversation you're so tired they have thoroughly convinced you that it's post and then you hear the trumpet sound and you're in heaven and the raptures happened and it didn't even fit into any of those it was pre-pre no i'm serious all of a sudden god just says you know what i i can't listen to this jesus get the horse i've had it you see we don't know anything unless god tells us okay now what god has already told us is enough you don't have to go out and experiment i'm not testing the borders okay so god is going to lead us into his perfect will by the holy spirit because the holy spirit is the spirit of truth that word is the greek word for reality he will lead you into all reality he's the spirit of reality he will lead you into all reality which means i am not going to get that from wolf blitzer on the on the white house lawn or in the situation room even if they gave me a pass to this situation room i wouldn't go i go well that's the wrong address i know exactly where the situation room is but you will have to bow because jesus is the name above all names and you will have to bow if you go to that situation there won't be a lot of discussion there i know i've been there there's not a lot of discussion in the throne room there's i am you are he is and that's it it's a very short broadcast okay so god is renewing our minds to the word of god so that we can take what god is saying through the spirit and actually manifest it can you imagine it's come to that okay so we renew our minds through the word of god romans 12 verses 1 and 2 and we make decisions based on what god says not on what we think i can't do that lord i'm sorry no you ought to look at the ingredients on some of the stuff you're taking that's supposed to make you well that's all i'm saying lord is that okay is that good enough please do not make me go there okay now listen to me it's very interesting that the thymus your gland it starts to contract at a very young age in comparison to how long we're supposed to live it's very interesting that your immune system needs to be boosted and healthy all the time and if you check it out you will find that your immune system will not allow anything to touch you if it's doing its job so you've got to be careful to do the right thing with your body to keep your immune system up you don't need to introduce yourself to one of the devils diseases to become immune to it oh my god i can't believe i just said that the devil is attacking your immune system all the time so you put into your body those things which boost your immune system not introduce it oh i mean so much word of the lord could come to you with me what god's will for your life is so doctors are are supposed to be helping your body heal itself but he says we're to assist the body in getting you well okay that is why disease can attack you did you know that that your body is always trying to heal itself why because have the ability to heal but if you're compromised so check start to listen to the lord and eat right and and create an environment you will live longer but i'm not a doctor but i know one his name's jesus and don't you think if he knows i mean he was in this fallen world i don't know one day that he called the father and said i'm taking the day off i don't feel well i don't know any time that he asked the disciples for money do you have some change i don't believe in that prosperity stuff you know no he didn't say that to his disciples it never says that any money went into that bag but money was coming out of it pretty fast wouldn't you like to have that bag well judas thought he had it so you have to pass your money test but you have to pass your health test your body's the temple of the holy spirit don't you think the holy spirit will take care of his temple okay so you've got to let the truth of god prevail he can tell you what to do i'm not here to tell you what i know about that because i'm not a doctor but i'm telling you you can receive the same information i heard zinc works by the way romans 8 1 moving on nothing here romans 8 1 there is therefore now no condemnation for to those who are in christ jesus who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit okay this is the sticking point when you start to encounter god's normal and you want to encounter god's will which is his normal the disconnect is this is is this verse right here there is therefore now no accusing voice against you your case is closed do you know that this is the hardest step to take for every christian now i'm not coming to you as a flight attendant praise in tongues right now i'm coming to you as a prophet and i'm telling you by the spirit of the lord if you get this right here you will never be the same and i will hear about you and read about you in heaven because you will change history if you can get over the fact of all the things that you did wrong that don't exist in heaven anymore if you could get over your past because god already has it will never be mentioned i was treated in heaven as though i'd never sinned did i hear is this on i was treated as though i never sinned jesus talked to me as though i was one of his right-hand men he told me he said you're going to rule and reign with me in eternity forever shoulder to shoulder kevin because the case against me was closed i looked into his eyes he did not ever see my file it was gone he did not know about my file the father chose to expunge it no judge could ever access it this is the way it is with you now i'm telling you this is the main sticking point when encountering god's normal is there is no past sin when you're forgiven you're not just excused it never happened do you hear me do not let any cloud without rain tell you otherwise i'm done with these false prophets i'm done with these false ministers you preach the word of god if god says you're forgiven then you're you're forgiven which means it never happened greek hebrew hombre whatever it's gone now the devil will bring it up because he's the accuser of the brother and he's just doing his job but he's been made a fool out of made a show of openly jesus triumphed over him jesus did that for us jesus didn't need to do that for himself he'd already triumphed over the devil he's he's on the throne i think last time i checked satan got kicked out in fact jesus said i saw him fall like lightning that's pretty fast that's not just a kick out that's a throw down come on come on it's a smackdown [Applause] that's crunchy crushing i hear those demons now under my feet mumbling i can't hear you crunching crunching um so jesus has full authority just write uh matthew 28 28 down and that's verse 18. okay going on so there's no accusing voice so so when when you get to heaven you will realize that you were robbed down here because you had false information about yourself and i don't want you to have to go through that because i went through that jesus gave me a chance to do it right this time so i really don't care what people think but i do care about where they end up and that's all i care about i just love people and i want to help people but if they don't want my help then i'm just going to focus on the people that do i'm not going to waste my time on religious people know-it-alls clouds without rain jeez this is fun okay so there is no condemnation against you so now you are free free indeed the son has set you free where the spirit of the lord is there's liberty there's freedom so you've got the son setting you free you've got the spirit of the lord now in you he's creating this atmosphere of freedom for you and you're walking with god your creator your father he loves you he has great plans for you and it doesn't involve the devil's diseases or anybody else that's in leadership who has bad agenda they're of their father the devil dear lord everybody in heaven has this kind of spirit about them that's why they lived a short life down here because people killed people that talked from the other realm jesus said i sent you prophets and you killed them he said but now you celebrate him as your heroes he said you're going to kill me too yes what he said john didn't last long john the baptist he said hey you can't have her as a wife next thing you know he's in jail he loses his head many of you have encountered this in churches you can't speak that you can't do that so when does it become about control what did i tell you our government was formed to serve and protect us not to tell us what we believe and the fivefold ministry of the church they're not here to control you and manipulate you they're here to build you up so that you are in unity in the faith and that you are perfected to the point where you're eating meat not milk you're mature you don't need to be watched all the time you don't need a leash or baby cam get the car ready i'm gonna i gotta get out of here oh my god dear lord no you all are fine i know you are okay second peter chapter one verse two and three the passion translation says my grace and perfect peace cascade over you as you live in the rich knowledge of god and of jesus christ our lord everything everybody say everything we could ever need for life and complete devotion to god has already been deposited in us by his divine power oh my god i know you all are looking at that like does it really say that yeah it does and just because i haven't heard all the devil's scream yet i'm just i'm going to read it again may grace and perfect peace cascade over you as you live in rich knowledge of god and of our of jesus our lord everything we need could ever need for life and complete devotion to god has already been deposited in us by his divine power for all this was lavished upon us through the rich experience rich experience rich experience experience experience experience so you've got to go the next step faith is an act that's what smith wigglesworth said faith is an act so it's experience of knowing him who has called us by name he knows your name and he's invited us to come to him through a glorious manifestation of his goodness manifestation manifestation manifestation of his goodness not his judgment can you believe we've got prophets speaking out of their mind imagination we're not the the children aren't appointed to wrath are you kidding me so the slaves israel slaves they don't get judged by the plagues of egypt which is the type of the world they don't get judged by the ten plagues but poor poor us you've got to be kidding you think that the blood of that lamb is more effective than the blood of jesus on your doorpost is there anyone else is a little upset right now because i am i want the pure message of the gospel preached in all the world either we're forgiven and we're kept pure and we're protected or we're not because if not i'm getting out i'm going to go find something else but if this is it which it is this is that which was spoken by all the prophets not just joel this is that the blood of jesus is effective and it says here that it's going to cascade upon us and we're going to enjoy we're going to enjoy and experience his goodness his rich experience his goodness glorious manifestation is it still up there glorious manifestation glorious not just a manifestation a glorious manifestation i mean like where god walks by and we're still talking about it where god walks by and you don't know what happened but your house is different your job is different the job you don't have is different because now you have one you don't know what happened but now you got favor because the god of favor he's good just walk by hallelujah when does it start to happen this is the word of god if we don't judge ourselves we're going to be judged by it anyway so you might as well turn yourself in right now oh yeah we need to turn ourselves in oh we need to turn ourselves in it is time here's where's the band at come on up here we're now listen either we are the manifest sons of god or we're not the whole creation is waiting for us to be revealed now we're going to see him as he is one day but we're going to be like him don't forget the second part of it okay oh yes and oh and you i'm gonna i'm gonna pay your mortgage for the month too yeah kathy i'm gonna pay her morty's too yeah her and um the fire lady okay well we're just getting started [Applause] okay someone has to start to live the gospel come on [Applause] okay so what does this say in psalms 23 verse 6. i'm just i'm just finished my introduction here okay it says surely even surely have you ever met shirley surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life this is old testament what do you think the new testament is it's based on better promises than a better covenant i'm feeling that better covenant right now i'm feeling goodness and it's not me it's him he's he's taken me over i just got over myself how about you amen okay so goodness and mercy is gonna follow us and tackle us okay but it we shall dwell in the house of the lord forever what part of that do you not understand i don't stand in line i know the owner i mean why did you come here did you come to see a reed bending in the wind no you came to hear the word of god preached with power power that transforms power that heals your body power that causes devils to leave you need blown on you don't need to give an offer and you just need to be delivered you need to be healed you need to see your father he is good i don't know about you but i'm drinking right now oh boy oh boy drink everybody lift your hands drink oh my god it's the first night oh my god now listen to second peter chapter one verse four says this as a result of this he has given you magnificent promises that you are beyond all price so that through the power of these tremendous promises you can experience partnership with the divine nature which is in this room it's not just in this room it's in you by which you have escaped the corruption and the corrupt desires that are in the world okay and it says in in numbers 23 19 says god is not a man that he should lie so if peter is still an apostle and he spoke by the spirit of god because he was holy men of old were moved by the holy spirit and wrote and spoke then this scripture is irrevocable and it says here peter says that we are partners with the divine nature so from now on starting right now we are going to live in partnership with the divine nature well how would you act if you were in the divine nature how would you act if your sins were really forgiven and there is no file against you how would you live if you are a partaker of not just his promises but his actual personality it's god's normal and it's in you come on let's worship him let's worship him will you are you ready to take us we're already there let's just let's go on that sapphire stone come on now [Music] the spirit just said are you ready spiritually said are you ready the spirit is wanting to take us assure our sin mysteries being revealed tonight i'm going to give you strategies says the lord show you the way that you should go all is well with me says the lord and i'm about to make it well with you [Music] i'm going to change i'm going to correct [Music] you're ready you're ready says the lord you're ready let us reason together [Music] drink [Music] come on manifest him manifest him let him manifest come on sing in the spirit come on i am i am [Music] receive your healing right now receive your healing the healer is in the room right now he's healing people he's healing you he sent his word he's healed you i have the lord who healed you oh hey [Music] i am [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my [Applause] [Applause] ah [Applause] bye [Applause] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wow [Applause] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] how high [Music] ah oh ah [Music] [Applause] hey is my lips shall [Music] [Music] oh oh [Applause] you
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 67,556
Rating: 4.9035249 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 12sec (7512 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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