Get Out Of The Way - Kevin Zadai

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[Music] buildings did all these things by faith and uh with nothing happening at all and uh in fact there was things happening it was just not good things in washington but um there's people falling upstairs onto their airplanes i'm very careful when i walk upstairs i've only got what three like i think how many steps do we have four you can't mess that up yeah okay but anyway i want to thank richie and ronda for for everything they did is that not amazing at kelly's this is kelly's okay i um want to thank uh david myra too um for everything they've done and uh we we uh they have watched since since the first time we came but we were this is one of the first places when when the lord told me to quit at southwest airlines this is one of the first places that uh we came there was a there was a certain things that happened that the lord how he did it and this is one of the first places that we came and so you know the story uh we got filled up for we just we were booked up forever but right away so we we we don't even take new we don't we don't do anything anymore with anybody we just we book ahead by a year but we're booked forever because we're just we're just targeting cities we just go in and run a convention center so we don't we don't um pray about uh god opening up doors in in certain places because we already know we're going there and so i don't pray for that kind of thing i just wait for the lord to tell me but he preempted what we're doing here with no way to do it really scheduling wise you know so now now with warrior jet and everything is going on with that um we can do anything we want as long as lou here is off that day because because he is the master trainer and um anyway the lord has worked that out with with uh with with the training and everything so anyway getting into what the lord has for us tonight and uh all of you online um there's there's thousands we had i got home it'd been an hour we were in concord uh north carolina last night and uh when i got home it had only been an hour we already had 16 000 views for that one there so i don't know how many thousands of people are watching now but thank you for joining us and let your friends know um the reason the reason that the lord wanted to do this was to to provide a platform for me and my wife to thank you for for your support uh prayerfully and financially and just being family to me because i need that you know i need i i need more than anything else i just need family it's so important to me to have relationships so i'm a relationship person and you know i function better in a trust sort of situation so i i can go and i can tolerate certain things but it's nice when you can just kind of trust people and you know that they have your best interests at heart and that's not always common these days so there's so much i want to talk about tonight but i just wanted to share my heart with you is that the lord preempted all this he had this all fixed up he's been working on it for a long time and so what you're seeing happen at warrior notes is actually years and years of of the lord telling me what's what was coming and one of the biggest things now listen to me really carefully so that you understand what's going on is that partners partners like you are assigned to do this before you were born you're you are assigned to be part of what we're doing and you might think well you know he's a nice guy i'm a nice wife i'll just help him no it's because i know you you're not like that you pray about everything and if you're if you're partnering it's because you're like me you you want relationship and you and trust so what what the lord has told me to say to you tonight is that the church the church did not pass their test okay now there was a lot of warnings given i gave scenarios two different scenarios i know you know what god's will is you know what what god wanted but it did not happen the reason it didn't happen is for the very reason that israel didn't go into the promised land even though it was a 14-day walk it was a 14-day walk and in 40 years they still hadn't figured it out okay but god was wanting to keep his covenant he had made a promise right he waited 430 years to fulfill the promise [Music] remember when he put joseph down there in egypt so the promise for them to leave egypt came to pass but there was a battle but once they got out into the desert it was 14 days but it took 40 years and that's what's that's what essentially has happened people who say they're christians who say i believe this people are like oh yeah i'm with you and what when the shaking happens when things happen i've noticed i've noticed that you find out what people really believe and you find out that what you know might not be what you believe because to me faith is of the heart and faith is a manifestation of what's in your heart so if you say okay well you know i'm i got my training and then this is you know i'm trying to do this this is this well okay so let's put you in that situation and see how you do because you're going to become a totally different person in that emergency situation so that's why that's why it has to be part of you so that in an emergency you still react the right way you just go through what you've been trained to do there is a you might think it's this big of a step it's not it's a huge gap the size of a gran the grand canyon when you get in an emergency you have to be a leader you have to act and you have to do the right thing when everything is is causing you to be paralyzed with fear but see if you are trained and it's become part of you you skip the fear part you you you know like you're like king david you just say i'll take out this philistine so david like right away like oh no i've already done this with a bear in the lion he's 15 years old did you know that it took 17 years from when he was anointed as king so when it happened and look what happened everything went the other way okay so the what is happening now is that the church has been tested and probably maybe half according to scripture according to how jesus spoke parables um the soils the parable of the soils which is you call a parable of the sower but it's really the parable of the soils there was only 25 percent that actually produced a crop out of the four soils you had one soil that produced a crop okay so out of that there was 20 there was 30 60 and 100 full return so not everybody got a 100 full return out of the 25 that was there so you can divide that up and then you've got out of 100 people you got 25 to get it if i sow the word in a room you get 25 people according to jesus if you want to bring him into it you got 25 people out of 100 that actually went into their heart okay out of that 25 you've only got if you divide it up three two ways you get a little bit over eight a piece you get eight people that get a hundred full return on that word that was sewn so out of that this this room of a hundred you know not not not specifically you but in any room i know that your hearts are different because you you've been partners and you've listened to the biblical teachings and everything but really there should be eight people according to what jesus said at least to god get a hundred fold return on the word that's sewn into you but we can we can mess with those figures we can jimmy with the math by helping people to get healed get their soil right get the cares of this life the the hardness of your heart and the the love of money get that all out to where money chases you you don't chase it it wants your attention but if you don't look at it if you look to jesus then it's attracted to you but it's always going to stay about three to six feet away from you you're always gonna be reaching for money but it it will never be within reach because it's satan designs it to be something that it seduces you whereas god wants it to be something that's a tool to have his work done okay so the church is in the desert but joshua and caleb is who i identify with now in this situation because i've always said we can do this we can take it we got to pray for righteousness and justice in this nation we've got to pray and get people to repent that that it turns and the lord favors us but of course you've got you you've got in any group in any nation you've got you've got goats you've got you've got sheep you've got unbelievers see a nation is full of a bunch of groups of people so it's not really a christian nation in the sense of the people it's a christian nation and how it was birthed but do we adhere to that in other words when the shaking comes is it one nation under god obviously not okay but it is god's will for that of course it's god's will for for a lot of things but it doesn't happen jesus couldn't even perform miracles in his own hometown because of their unbelief so the son of god was actually hindered by unbelief and he had to get people to get on his page with him he had to essentially talk to people and win them over okay all right so with that being said then what we're in now is that it's the remnant the remnant stage so what happens is as is just like in the cave of adalam david went there he was anointed to be king but saul was after him so he hid in the cave of adam which is the word for justice of god or god the god of justice is what abdallah means in hebrew so david went into the cave of justice of god and 400 people came they were broke it says broke busted and disgusted discouraged that was the qualifications to set up the new government saul was killed in battle and david went in to reign as king it started in a cave with 400 people that were in debt discouraged and disgusted they were the ones that he picked from got his fighting men and he established his kingdom so we're in that phase okay now with with all of this now i want to tell you that how we operate in this realm right now and this time is that we we let god give us strategies going forward so i gave you this book it is our vision it starts out with some of the things that happened to me in the operating room and then i i go into the different departments of warrior notes and they're already being ready for launch if they haven't been launched already but in this remnant phase i just want to tell you that what you as a partner what's really happening is we're starting our own homeschool curriculum that will take you from kindergarten to grade 12 and then they will get their associate degree through the warrior notes school of ministry which will turn into a bachelor degree and specialize you and so there's all these programs that are going to take take uh what what god would want to do with the people and still get it done even in what i would call a desert experience because i don't believe that joshua and caleb should have suffered but they were the only ones left alive after 40 years but they had a good report they said no we can take this we don't want somebody that falls up the stairs when they go to their airport we would we want somebody that eats at mcdonald's like in is like us he says it makes his hair grow back did you hear that so that's why he eats the fries in it so anyway just trying to get you to laugh here it's not that serious but the thing that is is you're you really pass i just want to tell you you passed your test but you're joshua and caleb and now you're amongst a people with unclean lips you're you're like isaiah isaiah was fine he was fine he was a major prophet and everything was good until one day he got caught up to the throne room in isaiah 6 he writes about it everything's fine he's major prophets got a great position good pay profit in israel and he sees the lord high and lifted up says that his train of his robe filled the temple and he and he talked about the angels crying holy holy and he became undone well what happened he encountered the higher standard of heaven he encountered perfection and it caused him to be undone why did it because and be undone he was always undone he was always deficient like we are but we don't know it see the problem that i have is when people don't know they're deceived i mean it's it's bad to be deceived but when you don't know you're deceived that's that's this that's this deception on steroids when somebody walk around like a peacock with all their feathers spread and they ate all that and we've all we've all been there so we lose a couple feathers and then you get older you realize you're not all that and and if you you know and on god will tell you he will tell you by not saying much he will reveal himself to you and you're going to become undone all of a sudden isaiah was fine and now he's not so god had the perfect prescription for him one of the angels went and got a coal from the altar there put it on his lips and cleansed his his lips because he said i'm all of a sudden isaiah realizes i'm unclean i'm among a people is unclean what what happened see the bar he experienced the higher bar i'm not talking about happy hour talking about he experienced the standard of heaven and then he was changed and that immediately this is what he said he said send me do you get it all of a sudden now he wants to go and help god and that's what happens when somebody has what's happened to some of us you experience this you experience the other world and your your change but the change is is that you realize you aren't all that you thought you were and you realize there's a need and so isaiah went back and he wrote 66 amazing chapters in his book of isaiah that was forward-looking but it also reveals the heart of god toward a people who were rebellious disobedient and and and were completely in in a fear and living outside a covenant that god had cut with them through abraham okay all right that's all the serious stuff that i have okay so that's where we are if people ask me all the time where are we right now you haven't said a lot about that it's i can't because i can't mention anything where the algorithms are going to knock me off okay so we're gonna fix that we're going to start our own our own um social media warrior chat which is you know i'm waiting any day there's just some coding that has to be that's like a glitch so that all of you can log on as partners it'll be just like facebook but it'll be better so you'll be able to post and and you will not be censured you will be not knocked off and um it's just going to be all of us our family 35 000 of you and that's it and uh you know if you you'll be protected okay then we're going to get our own servers so that they cannot take us off we already have our own tv channel but it'll be run on our own servers and so we'll be protected with that too now the reason why we're going to be protected is because these departments that i have in this book are going to be called warrior health where i talk about boosting your immune system with professionals i'm going to talk to you about different things that we would get knocked off because of the way that the curriculum and the the way that they determine if you speak against certain government agencies on what they've already put out if you say anything contrary to the statement then you are considered a in trouble which is not that no longer freedom of speech okay so that's what we're gonna do for the partners now i do everything that i can for the partners because of this because you guys already are called to support what we're doing so i make it so that you get to be on warrior chat you get to come and eat dinner you get you get um discounts at the store and at the school and things like that and i put out programming i enter put interviews on on the channel that you you you won't see anywhere else now the outreach of warrior notes which you're part of is when you see me give away a bicycle a violin if we give away rent money that's because of you and all all the churches that we support and we help so some of the outreaches that we're going to do are going to be like the warrior notes pantry where we're going to have pallets of food shipped here to dalton and everywhere we go and so on a thursday we're going to give away food as an outreach and tell people that god loves them we do that in every city we're gonna and then we're gonna invite them to come to the spirit school that starts on a friday we're gonna we're gonna ship pallets of food to places like puerto rico and we're gonna we're gonna ship it ship it to places that the poorest places we can find and we're going to do what we're supposed to be doing as a nation but see really the church is supposed to be prospering and doing this so it's the same with homeschooling it's like i'm not going to let you as parents subject your children to the agenda that has come forth okay i want to groom your kids so that they find out what they're called to do and then do that on a fast track and make it easy for them it's the same thing so i there if you look through your book um i don't have the time to go through i thought i would but that was just wishful thinking because i don't have time i tried it last night it didn't work i tried to go through 36 of those and i can't so anyway um you all have made this happen we had six partners two years ago we had now have 14 000 of you and i i didn't ask for it i had i don't you know me i don't push for anything i want you to be a cheerful giver i want you to give not under compulsion i want you to give because the lord tells you to and you know what i told you this i will go back to work if i have to i don't it doesn't matter to me i believe in this anyway i would be doing this even if i didn't have what i have i would still do it we me and kathy have done it for 28 years together we bought our first tv cameras because we worked and actually i worked an extra trip at southwest and uh a couple extra trips and then kathy cut a lot of hair and we bought our first tv camera that way and i wrote my first book i paid for it yeah now everybody wants to publish my book and pay me for it but then i had to pay to have my book published until they saw the sales and then they're like what have we done to this guy i go well it's too late now you've already shown yourself you know but see that see the thing of it is is that i want to go to your home and minister to you but i can do that with the media i can do that with with with the school ministry with with the homeschooling with warrior chat you know all the things we're going to launch so if you need food if whatever you need food or water um you're that's going to be provided at the conferences if you if your kid needs a bicycle you know i want to give them one if they need a violin why should they wait till christmas that's like for christmas to get a violin but but you know what i'm saying so anyway i want to be a solution so what you all do is you caught you caused me to be able to give out everything for free i can i don't charge you know that's why i don't go to a place i found out people are charging to hear me speak when i so i just said no more that so we're just going to rent our own place and and i'm i'm going to give out the study guide in the cd for free you know and and if i told the devil if he doesn't stop i'm going to start paying people to come hear me i'll start hand i'm serious we know you know just don't be surprised the we're going to call for the ushers to come forth one day and we're going to hand out 20 bills to everybody so because i'm not going to let the devil make this about money this is about people okay so you do that by you by by your support what we do is we we give this the study guide out for free and the cd and then just tell people if they want to give they can if you don't you know don't but you know god loves a cheerful giver and you you really should give i mean you know as a christian you should i mean we're we're actually addicted to giving and and god supports our habit [Laughter] okay so we we're happy people we we we give because we want to and we know that god is a rewarder okay we know that we know that we're hooked up so you know a lot of people don't understand like what's happening with us so that you see all this stuff i talk about something then it happens and you're surprised but see it's it's predictable because when the seed is sown we've sown seed when it's sown we know we're going to get a crop it's a mystery but it happens okay so you all make this happen and then we've got warrior fellowships we have over a thousand in in six months we started with 760 or 680 the first month okay that's because we're just meeting a need where there's countries and places here where people they can't meet in a church anymore for whatever reason or maybe they don't want to you know i had one single mom said you know because we paid her rent for the month she's crying she goes you know in my church my pastor never once this whole year asked me if i'm doing okay he knows i'm a single mom not working and i have a baby not once did the church ask for and and and she she says you come to town and you pay my rent i well that's what jesus would do and so you all do that you're making that possible okay so anyway i felt that the spirit of the lord was saying a couple of things tonight and i was asking how do i how do i how do i tell people this and he said well the title of tonight's message is get out of the way move out of the way get out of the way make room for the lord what does this say it says it is mine to repay make room for the lord it is mine to repay i will repay and he's a god of righteousness and justice my last name is from the word zedek which means righteousness the word righteousness is the same word in hebrew for justice okay so it is the cave of justice adolum where david started his reign okay so if the balances are always accurate but people call evil good and good evil if they skew it and they shift the perception to make something that is righteous unrighteous and they change the whole system of how you measure something it isn't long before the remnant starts to push against that there's people that say wait a minute and there's such a frustration now watching what's happening but see you're the answer you're the answer in this generation because it was all rigged it was all set up for you to be here and to know this because i didn't need to be sent back in the sense of you know when somebody dies they die they go to heaven you know fine you know you go to the other place it's very hot it's just two item menu you want to live forever in heaven or do you want to live forever in hell you know you choose this day who you're gonna serve you know so we we know god that way but in the new testament there is this idea of grace there's this idea that paul talked about where we develop a relationship with god and we receive favor to where we diligently seek him and because we diligently seek him he rewards us he's a rewarder of those who diligently seek him so it's not just your status it's not just your position there is a relationship and in a relationship you do not take advantage of a person so yeah i might have position with somebody you know i i could be higher with southwest airlines but herb kelleher he didn't call me every night and ask me how i was doing he was ahead of southwest airlines but he didn't i didn't have relationship with him i had position as a flight attendant which means i had no position it just did what i was i was told and i was happy all the time no matter what my job was to apologize for the weather for broken airplanes that was my job i'm sorry i broke the airplane i'm sorry that i brought that storm in we're going to be delayed for two hours and they're like why why did this happen you know what if if i had that answer trust me i'd be on a throne somewhere i tell people that they go well you know no i want to go i go okay so you want to go with a broken airplane okay let's go i'll tell the captain we'll go with a broken airplane oh no that's okay oh no you want to fly it just so you know it's going to be a lot of right rudder on takeoff because you don't have an uh you have a bad engine so you ready for that you know and all of a sudden they back off see but they blame you know there's this this thing going on where people are not thinking through they're not thinking through the scenario that we're going through right now and you can't blame god for this okay so all of you are not part of the problem but we've we have to tonight you have to promise me that you're going to allow the holy spirit to frame your mindset so that you have the mindset of the spirit and what is the spirit saying well what was the spirit saying to the seven churches that are in northern turkey in the book of revelation in chapter 2 and chapter 3. in about you know 70 80 a.d jesus said you're lukewarm i'm about to spit you out of my mouth he said he said that each of the churches you know here's your correction you better correct it i'm coming he who has ears to hear hear what the spirit is saying to the seven churches okay so where are those churches now well you can look them all up they're all gone some of them are mosques which is not christianity just ask siri just some of them are rubble okay what happened jesus warned them so is it god's fault that that happened but it did happen right but they were warned this is where we're at so you've got to readjust now that you are not part of the problem and and you're not going to necessarily be punished for the disobedience of others but you're going to be inconvenienced in the sense of you're going to have to put up with a lot of executive orders and and you know on we go okay why because we're in the desert and clicking your heels three times and saying there's no place like home is not going to change that it's not going to be anything that you feel in your emotions is going to change that it's happened but we were warned it was a two-item menu choose this day well you know the nation didn't listen to those who are called the body of christ it's not god's fault but now what do we do from here okay well what we do is the lord warned me that this was going to happen and so we i went to my staff and i said we got to start these programs we've been working on them for a year and so one of them was the big one was the homeschooling and he told me he says you know you got to get this this is your top priority and he said you're going to have to get your own tv program you know your own tv channel you're going to get your own social media you're going to have to get your own publishing company you're going to have to own everything you follow me okay so this is what warrior knows is all about it's about getting to all of you and helping you in a situation that's unfortunate but you know what it's just time you know you don't sit there and wait for somebody to fix it you you pray and then you fix it you fix it with your faith you fix it with your prayers you fix it with your actions and so immediately we kicked into gear and we said we just did everything we bought up all the cameras we could buy before the chip shortage happened so we bought all our tv cameras already we built our studios so that we can film multiple multiple studios at the same time it's all paid for so this is not a this is not a an offering message it's all paid for already i i'm what i'm saying is is that this is already done before this happened except for some of the the the uh you know the some of the uh programs we've got to launch okay so the music's the music the school music will be launched the school of evangelism the school of the pastor all these things will be being launched where we'll be training individuals an additional two years to specialize we're going after the kids you know while you put them on a time-out i'm gonna i'm gonna get them in a simulator i'm gonna i'm gonna teach them how to fly i'm gonna i'm gonna bring godly principles into it and we're gonna we're gonna have a simulator in every city and kids on saturday are going to come and they're going to be go to school and be tested and then they're going into the simulator and then they're getting their wings and we're going to teach them godly principles and this is going to blow up because i just had a call from an astronaut because i wanted to move this into the space program somehow so i said lord you know you know what to do so i got a call from one of the astronauts who watches us he's probably watching right now he said lord told me i'm supposed to join with you he said i've got everything i got my space suit i've got moon rocks he said i have space camp he said i want to i want to take the kids i want to do whatever you want to do and i said well i'll need some time to pray about it and so he told me he's he showed me he showed me how to do it so i call i talked to him this week and i said okay here's what we're going to do so i said this is what we're going to do we're going to take them from up to their pilots and then the the air force takes certain pilots that are test pilots and they qualify them and they transfer them over into the space program so that's what we're going to do with the kids so they're going to be able to go through to space camp and and and learn about creation he's got all these science projects he does he actually one of them he told me he said kevin he said i even had the kids design their own airport for their city they they get the software and they get to design everything and i show them how to run a business and i teach them what what they need to do so they get to choose where they're going to put the airport and then they have to like work together to get it done is that amazing and he does this with all these different these different avenues and different things so this was something that came to me just like everything every month i i come to you and i tell you what's going on and i never have any bad news because god's moving but he he i'm not having to work it so you're you've made this possible so now we're doing these meetings every month we're going to do this we're going to go to different cities on a on a four-day trip one a city every night and then we're still going to do our conference every month you know our spirit school but you know i need i need your kids to come as well as you to the conferences so that i can i can teach them i've already hired somebody to run that so the kids when they register with you for a spirit school they will also register for warrior jet and and at the end of that weekend they will walk away with a certificate and wings and a patch and then we're starting the tv program called the adventures of warrior jet which is a kids show like mr rogers on steroids because because i'm mr rogers and i'm a captain and instead of won't you be my neighbor i'm gonna ask the kids won't you be my co-pilot and they're gonna fly with me on this show and the kids will be taught how to clean the plane work on the plane cook the food for the plane and serve the food on the plane for the people it's all going to be it's all the studio has already been built warrior jet has already been built and we have a real one too but i'm telling you this has been we've been doing this secretly for about a year but i'm telling you partners this is what we're doing and this is because of your help okay so you come to the end of yourself and you know what your limitations are physically but the grace of god will take you further so you have the grace of god will come in and carry you when you are done okay now what you have to do is you have to quickly get to being done where i'm just fed up and i'm done now a lot of us struggle some of you have one nostril above water right now and the grace of god will lift you up and cause you to see your purpose in what is a seemingly destructive mode that you see maybe yourself your family your nation everything about you might seem hopeless you might have felt like you've lost everything you don't know how you're going to get out of what you're in but see that is the perfect setup for a miracle which is the grace of god so paul paul talks about this to the galatians and i want to read you something about getting out of the way and um you know it's just like uh it's just like as you get older you realize that there's times to fight and there's times to walk away but as you get older you find yourself knowing the the difference and what to do there's times as to walk away but i realize as i get older that i i don't go into the devil's arena to fight him i make him come to me which he won't do he won't fight me in god's arena he can't win in god's arena but this is this is interesting because the grace of god has provided this place i want to read this to you paul's talking in galatians chapter 2 verse 19 he says for when i tried to keep the law it condemned me okay so i died to the law what so i just i just gave up i gave up trying to be good enough stopped trying to meet all the righteous requirement uh meet the all its requirements so that i might live for god what so live is gain to you know you you you die but you really live so paul says so i live it's no longer i that live but christ lives in me he said my old self has been crucified with christ he said it's no longer i that live but christ lives in me so i live this earthly in this earthly body by trusting in the son of god who loved me and gave himself for me then he says something profound that nobody emphasizes so i'm gonna do it i he says this right after all this he says i do not treat the grace of god as meaningless okay now this statement here is not positional everything he just said is talking about position being right being good and being good enough and then giving that up the fight to be good enough and this live for god he says it doesn't sound because see our frame of mind but then he says is i do not consider the grace of god to be meaningless that's relationship and he it says that that that we do not give any provision to the flesh in other words we don't feed our flesh according to the spirit in romans 8 1 through 6 verses 6 it talks about that that now that there is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in christ jesus who do not live according to the flesh but according to the spirit the passion the aramaic translation says there is no accusing voice against you the case against you is closed he said now we have an obligation but it is not to the flesh or to our selfish desires but it is to the spirit it says the person who is spiritual has in mind the desires of the spirit whereas the carnal person has in mind the frame of mind the mindset of the of the flesh to live by it but it says if you live by the desires of the flesh you will die but if you put to death the misdeeds of the body you will live but the mysteries of the body is through the spirit paul says okay so this is christianity 101 but it's not being taught everybody is thinking well you know i'm i'm a christian i'm saved so god should be taking care of my disobedient body and my mind but god does not transform your mind that your mind paul said in romans 12 it's transformed by the renewing of it by the word of god but that's your responsibility okay it's the same with the with the body paul said i'm an apostle he said but if i let my body rule me if i didn't discipline my body he said i actually discipline my body so that after i have preached christ i myself may not be a castaway and lose out so he had to discipline his body in second corinthians he talks about this and then he said in romans 12 that he said i have to renew my mind and i have to set my affection on things above where christ is seated at the right hand of god is what he said in corinth in uh colossians chapter three okay so i know this is a lot of information but i'm trying to tie this together with this is the remnant this is what the church looks like in the last days it's a smaller amount of people that are relational not just positional so they don't they the the remnant does not have a form of golliness and deny the power of it they have the power now when you get to heaven you're going to find out something that was so important that is that is the key but it's not emphasized at all and i've i've chosen to unleash this idea early which i was going to wait but i'm starting now because i'm really having a good day i feel really good right now because an airline an airliner can't pin me to my seat like i was pinned to today i experienced power and i found out in heaven that the secret the secret you know we talk about the blood of jesus we talk about the cross we we talk about death we talk about putting to death the mysteries of body we talk about that but how many people do you see around their neck a pendant that is an open tomb we see the cross if you go to some churches jesus is still hanging on the cross but do you when's the last time you saw somebody with a with a pennant with the open tomb on it he's not on the cross anymore he's not in the tomb anymore it's part of the message of the gospel okay but it's there's a step further paul revealed this in ephesians chapter 2 verse 6 and also in colossians chapter 3 the first couple of verses he revealed that we're seated with him in the heavenly realms now jesus revealed this in the second and third chapter of the book of revelation where he said that he who overcomes in his and is victorious will sit with me on a throne read it and weep even the scholars haven't taken it out yet the nearly inspired version hasn't taken that out yet okay so you have three scriptures i give you three witnesses that say there was another step besides the empty tomb okay so now really honestly when i was in heaven i experienced this and i saw that everyone is seated with with christ in the heavenly realms just like paul said but also there's a relationship it's not just positional so like like with me i i can't get into the pentagon not that i would want to go but if i could if i did i would i can't just walk in there i mean i could be the last thing that i remembered right because i don't have the clearance to be in there and sometimes it's better not to know what's in there these days i don't know a thing you know what nothing here just keep moving okay but relationally if i if i know someone that works there which i do i can piggyback off of their badge because they because of my relationship they can vouch for me and do the paperwork and i can have some pentagon coffee and go home but i don't get in there by my own qualifications you get it i get in there because of a relationship with someone vouching for me well that's what jesus has done he's vouched for you and he's you got access not because of position but because of relationship okay so in these days this is where it's going it's going to this relationship type thing and it's also gone to the key which is resurrection see it's not talked about but when i was in heaven i found out that this was the key the key is is that there is a resurrection but the scholars if you look up these verses that i mentioned if you ought to try it sometime all these verses i talk about it's because when i was in college i would go to the commentaries because i was taught you know you just learn from everyone else then you become a good minister and then after a while i'm thinking yeah this is like in the box predictable i want god to show me some things in the bible relationship okay well all these hard verses that that everybody has questions about no one's no one is brave enough to answer them in a commentary if you notice no one will address certain hard scriptures because they would have to commit to the supernatural power of god they would have to commit to a miracle-working god and that messes up their world well god messed it up anyway it's messed up now but he didn't send the disease but he used the donkey balaam is a prophet he didn't listen to god so his donkey talked to him right in the bible so don't let your donkey talk to you you should be hearing from god for yourself okay so resurrection power it transfers home this is the synergy this is the catalyst is paul said that the same spirit that rose jesus from the dead he said it in romans 8. he said the same spirit that rose jesus from the dead will quicken your mortal body the same spirit that rose jesus from the dead is dwelling in you is the exact wording and that spirit is going to quicken its word quicken is referring to resurrection power okay so my faith is based on the resurrection you see i my faith is that one day i will be resurrected i saw in heaven that even though we die physically spiritually we are who we are forever and we can we can we can live in two different places and some religions believe in three different places but i'm not going to purgatory i'm going to go to heaven heaven's my home but see jesus came so that everyone could go to heaven his plan was everyone goes to heaven but that doesn't happen okay so resurrection is the key to these last days the power of god the power of the resurrection is working in you it's quickening you inside of you and everything you need peter said peter said this he said everything we need for life and godliness is already in us that's the grace that's been deposited it's god's grace that deposits in us the ability to function so there is a scenario in your life that looks like you can't win but that has been groomed it's a test there is a way out there is a testimony there's good news you make the choice now think about this at 10 years old i had something happen supernaturally that i still cannot explain i did not become a christian until i was 19 but i had a supernatural experience with god at 10. my whole life was shown for the next 21 years i was 10 years old and at 10 years old i was in my church at night as a kid helping my mom clean it and i didn't like to do the toilet so i would disappear so she would do it i would pretend like i was cleaning the sanctuary which was already cleaned well i found myself sitting there i'm thinking oh she ought to be about done i'll go back down hey mom you know i got to where i just started praying at 10 years old i just started praying in the pew because that's what you do in church you know in this nice presbyterian church all of a sudden everything disappeared that i was seeing and i was on the mountain with this guy named moses like i got like a visioner you know but it was real to me and i heard the voice of god speak to me about my next 21 years in three seven year segments and then everything came back and i could see the church i'm like what just happened that macaroni and cheese we had for dinner must have been bad but there's nothing wrong with macaroni and cheese it doesn't spoil because there's nothing in it that's real it's just all [Music] so are you ready for this i get saved at 19. okay so what is 21 plus 10 at 31 years old i died on the operating table i only saw the next 21 years and then the voice said when that is completed you will come and be with me on the mountain of god well i'm 10 years old i'm thinking okay it's cool not i'm thinking i'm watching tv or something okay at 31 i died and then i was sent back and reset my whole meter was set back to zero and i started over again and the lord gave me another chance to do it right this time and he said you might want to make it about people you might want to make it about my people he said you take care of my people and i'll take care of you and so he showed me what we're doing today and i just played my part being at southwest airlines and then i quit at the proper time the last four years have been a book a day for me just like a book of information every day discovery like i'm like i feel like i'm 16 years old this is what god has for everyone however there is a broken world we live in it's not fair that people get sick that people have terrible things happen to them it misrepresents what god's intention is because it's a fallen world but i do not judge god by what happens to me i don't even develop doctrine over what happens to me i develop the doctrine by what is already written and i have experience because it's experiential knowledge based on the holy spirit performing the word the word and the spirit agree okay so why would not christians want to live by the spirit because they think it's that there's some ethereal goofy thing that happens people think that being spiritual is weird but you you don't think that way because spiritual being spiritual is being led by the holy spirit paul said i talked to you corinthians as mere babes carnal he said when when i want to address you as mature adults but i can't you're still on milk right that's what he said right okay now warrior notes is about building the body up in the maturity and unity in the faith which is what ephesians chapter 4 says that the five-fold ministry of the church is supposed to be doing but do you realize i know you do but do you see the separation that has happened where people are realizing listen i need to be more spiritual because i don't know what's going on right now and i've been working this thing and it's not working anymore and then i they're so they're they're looking and they're behind the curve now okay so spiritually you you it's just like what paul what god said to moses he goes me and you are fine paul i'll be with you he said it's those people they're stiff-necked i can't be near them well moses said well you know if you're not going with us then we're not going he goes no no me and you are fine i'm going to make a nation out of you they're going i'm going to kill them because you can't kill them you made a covenant right he said my presence shall be with you the word in hebrew does not say presence there is no word for presence in hebrew the word there is panayim which is the word for faces plural i am panayim penai is singular he didn't say god didn't say my face shall go with you he said my faces shall go with you referring to the trinity let us make man in our image not i will make man in my image he says let us plural yeah put that in your pipe and smoke it see all of a sudden like wait a whoa though the word there is paniyim my face my faces shall go with you that is the word is used for presence now you know you think about the table of show bread right the show bread what is the show bread show me the bread what is the table of show bread right in the bible in the in the temple tabernacle the word when you look it up it's not there the word is the table of panayim the table of faces this is too much i can back off okay so all these things are there they're but they're hidden but you got to dig what i found is is that we're supposed to be focusing on resurrection that our our bodies may be dying because of the fall we we age and we die okay some people have terrible things happen to them but i see that god is always wanting to be there to help but we don't we don't open ourselves up to that so this is where relationship and grace comes in they listen to me let everybody listening right listen the biggest the biggest thing that nobody knows about the biggest thing that i do that has caused me to leap forward in my life has been this prayer and kathy has heard me say it i've prayed it for four hours wearing out my backyard i said lord have mercy on me do you know that that is that is the prayer that i pray the most the last couple weeks i i prayed it all the time i get to the place where i can't do what i know i've got to do i've come i've come to the place where it's got to be a miracle for me to go forward another day not because of the things that you think it's because there is such a need out there and people don't know they they even have a need so you have to spend time informing people hey listen you know this ain't gonna work i can help you if you want help so they have to have ears adhere then when i tell them listen there's something greater than presence moses knew that god was holding back so this is what he said he said we're not going anywhere if you don't go with us that is the perfect prayer to pray that's that's a prayer i don't pray for money i pray that prayer every morning before i leave if you're not going with me i'm not going and i pray have mercy on me okay then i allow the holy spirit the power of the holy spirit to well up within me and cause me to go into the glory of god now what's the glory well moses knew that god was holding back something about him he said no not not paniying not presence i want to see your kabode in hebrew is the word for glory i want to see your glory and god says do you want to die you can't see me and live so it had to you cannot see his face and live right so the glory had to do with something that was coming from his face what is the prayer that the hebrews pray may may god shine his face upon you that is when he looks your way and he favors you and you don't deserve it and he smiles and when he smiles beings come from his eyes from his face and it's it's undeserved favor and then all of a sudden he sets you as a trophy on display and people get jealous because you caught god's attention not positionally but relationally i ask for help all the time it all has to do with resurrection it's the power of the resurrection that placed christ at the right hand of the father also he took us with him it says and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in christ jesus i super glued myself to that seat i chained myself so that i cannot leave the secret place there is no other place than being seated there's nothing higher you can't appeal beyond jesus you can't appeal your case there is no one to appeal it to he has already gone to the father on your behalf the whole court is rigged up there god's son is the lawyer and he's the son of the judge the lawyer is related to the judge it's rigged did everybody get that so jesus turns to the father and he says they're one of ours case dismissed or give them what they asked for that's what it says in john 14 ask what you will john 15 you're in me i'm in you ask what you will what that word is desire what you desire not what you need what you desire and it shall be given to you i don't come on my own merit i come by the grace of god and that grace is resurrection power it's very powerful it's very aggressive it's an aggressive message it's not something that will go well at a tea party in a church because there will be alter time if you preach the gospel people will want to repent imagine that they'll want they'll be they'll paul said it's the goodness of god it's the revelation of the goodness of god that leads people to repentance it's not preaching hell people know they're going to hell there's some people that are excited about it i worked with them they're like lightning rods you just never know when lightning is going to strike they're like attracting do you understand do you have family members like that you have to put orange cones around you know don't go too close to them off during a thunderstorm you know first thing the lightning goes for the big bertha driver up in the air why would you do that but it happens all the time so why do christians continue to do the same thing that fails thinking if you do it again maybe it'll work this time did you read your manual maybe that would help you you got your bible there you got six of them in your house just one of them will do okay so you go by what's written okay so if the gospel the word gospel means good news jesus came to preach good news he didn't have any bad news so would i want to pray if god didn't hear me if i knew that god was out for the day he's not taking any prayer requests today he's taking a day off why would you show up and pray okay so jesus said this father i know you always hear me and you will answer me everything he did was in he in view of the disciples or the public as an example he said you're gonna do the works that i do and greater works the scholars haven't been able to take that out of the bible okay so what do we do with that well christians will argue about doing the works of jesus while they're arguing about doing the works of jesus i'm going out and doing the greater works i'm making it a nation i'm going to make it a state a nation i'm going to change a city by giving them good news preaching good news the devils you know you might not believe in a devil until one manifests but i've had plenty of them i've had men men speaking out of women that's very alarming i've had women talking out of men i've had them levitate fall back and levitate in front of a whole church my friend was preaching in florida he called me a couple weeks ago he said i'm down there he said you've never been down here to this church he said but i called up people he was an ex-warlock the top that he was called satan's son and became a christian he said there were people lined up and all this stuff was happening that we don't believe in church or should it happen you know it was happening and the demons were coming out of people throwing them down just like in the bible and he said one of them said i hate you and i hate that kevin zadai too like what the devil knew who i was never been there i started to realize that just because you don't think and believes something is true doesn't make it go away problems don't just go away because you ignore them they end up biting you so why don't you i know that you're there and i know that i'm there why don't we as the remnant now just own it take accountability with the spirit of joshua and caleb and say we can take this mountain we can do this they got to go in you know 40 years later i don't think it's going to be that long i don't have that long so the gospel is good news so we don't heal the sick we pray for the sick god heals the sick i don't cast out devils i command them to go and jesus is standing behind me and they're afraid of that's him it's who i know you get you get this okay so i believe in prosperity why because you didn't pay for this meal somebody's got to believe you didn't pay for this somebody's got to prosper i want to give to children i want to do things for for kids i want to do things for uh single parents i want i want to create an atmosphere where people can grow spiritually and not have to pay for it so somebody's got to believe somebody's got to stand up and i know that you're part of that that's why i'm complimenting you because you're helping me do this okay so now wrapping this up jesus does not know when he's coming back he told us that he said i don't know the holy spirit doesn't know and the angels do not know why has that slipped by so many prophecy teachers he said only the father knows okay what does it say in the first chapter of acts it said it is not for us to know the times and the seasons only reserved for the father who will reveal those things at the proper time but paul said that we can know the deep things of god for the spirit searches the deep things the spirit he said isn't it written eye has not seen here has not heard neither has it entered into the heart of man what god has for those that he loves we stop there but if you read there's a but so you bring your butt into it but it has been revealed to us by the spirit we have what's to say the mind of christ wait a minute who do you think you are what the word says i am the word says i have the mind of christ so don't you think if i have the mind of christ i should be acting like him what does this say in ephesians chapter five i'll tell you thanks for asking it says be ye imitators of god that doesn't stop there it says as dearly loved children okay so a child wants to imitate their father maybe not these days as much but it that's why satan tears at the fabric of the of the family that's why he goes after the head of the family that's why he goes after authority satan wants to rule over people and if people are rolling and reigning down here he's in a pickle so he has to get you to turn over your birthright yeah you have to give it up did you know that demons when they look into your eyes and you go you know what not on my watch and when you say you know that ain't gonna happen you're not having my birth right you're not having my rights and privileges in christ jesus you can't have me or my family well a demon doesn't know what to do with someone like that because they hardly meet christians like that you put your foot down and you say no i'm going to be an imitator of god i was made in the image of god at the beginning of this all before it all fell god's intention was that we were made in his image we were never to die we're never to be sick never to be poor never to even have a devil problem but obviously someone sold us out okay so we're sold out okay so now jesus comes and he conquers he achieves his goal and sits at the right hand of god now seated and it says until his enemies become his footstool through the church he doesn't have the keys it says the keys were given to the church what's to say the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church right so why did the church not pass their test why does a single mom not get taken care of for a year in her church well you could say well it's because of that disease okay but someone has to believe in prosperity because isaac sowed in famine and reaped a hundredfold that year joseph was sent to egypt and prevented egypt from going under because they saved for seven years and made it through the seven years strictly because abraham needed to come down and get food from abraham i mean excuse me jacob isaac they came down remember the story that was a provision to keep the godly line during the famine so joseph was right there so when israel jacob came down there was that provision that was all planned so if jesus said up until now there's never been greater than john the baptist but from now on the least in the kingdom of god introduces this idea of the kingdom of god the least now is greater than john there's another scripture that no one will touch silent crickets you see what happens is the responsibility is being placed back on us the accountability is there the it's it's uh are you known in hell are you known in hell do they know who you are down there do the demons know who you are you know we grew up we're watching movies like wizard of oz i'll get you my pretty and your little dog too are you a good witch or a bad witch you know we get all these things that have nothing to do with anything but it it it does influence us when god says choose you this day who you're going to serve there are many people in here all of you i believe are called to minister because everyone that works for me they might not know it until right now but my whole idea is to or get them ordained and place them in the ministry i don't care if they're doing cds camera or editing my books they are called to the ministry in these last days we're all called to stand up for what we believe in how we do that is we start in our hearts with our our attitude our mindset so the spirit of the lord is always willing now this is the final word to you the spirit of god is always willing at any one moment to act so jesus when he went to a house it was full to where they had to lower the man through the roof okay but this is what it says no one will touch this either it says this the lord went into that house it says and it says this so jesus went into the house he said he entered into the house and then it says that the presence of the lord was there to heal as though it were two different things you guys aren't flipping out enough i'll tell you another one that'll flip you out paul the apostle said this he said i have gotten word that what is happening in your church is worse than what's happening in the world you have a son who is living with his father's wife he said when you meet together in the presence of the lord and i paul's my spirit is with you as well whoa wait wait a minute rewind listen to it again what did you just say paul you're many miles away when you gather together and the presence of the lord is there and my spirit is with you turn this one over to satan did that happen in your church this week did the pastor say you know what you are out of here no we don't want to we don't ruffle anybody's feathers especially if they're big tithers or big givers my point is is this there are things in the bible that we cannot explain but paul had the authority to say listen the people in the world are watching you and you're allowing this to happen so from now on just like i tell you all the time i'm telling you all over the world listen to me god wants to show up in your house he wants to show up in your job he wants to show up in your family he wants to visit but he wants to stay with you he wants to have a relationship with you i don't paul well now paul moses was known as one who knew god's ways it says israel saw his acts but moses knew his ways so you do a word study on that and you find out that his ways are actually his pathways that have been established that is his predicted way of reacting his personality moses knew his personality god's personality he became predictable to when god said you know what i'm done with these people he goes no you're not because he knew god's character and i was sharing this today with uh with um um you know the group before we came here and it's it's interesting to me how god can come into a situation and then all of a sudden your perspective changes and then all of a sudden something's possible that was impossible and it's it's a move of the spirit where god comes in and there's no way to explain it but he rescues you he gives you hope he gives you purpose he gives you a pathway what he's doing is he's revealing his personality to you in the aramaic it says this in psalms one thirty nine five it says he says you have prepared a pathway to my future you've established each step and you're standing on my future so jesus wants you just like when he walked on the water he's bidding you to come to him on the water but see where he's standing is your future he's on your future and he's not coming to you anymore because he's already come to you he's bidding you to come to him but where he is standing is your future but to him it's your now he's standing in your future but there are no clocks there are no distance and there is no limitations it's just you and him now right after i had that experience i went on the church outing at 10 years old when i was just right after that i went on a whitewater rafting trip in pennsylvania with that that same church i was thrown off the raft into white water i went under the water it was so powerful that it wedged my right leg into between two rocks under the water and i was within one foot of the surface and i sat there trying to free myself with about you know 30 40 mile an hour water pushing me into the wedge so there is no way to free myself unless somebody turned the river off i sat there and slowly died and and started to lose consciousness knowing that i was just going to have to let the water in my lungs and die it went on seemed like forever it was probably two seconds you know being a 10 year old or you know but at that very moment under that water i looked up and i could see through the water just a foot away i could see life i could see oxygen i could see the clouds in the sky and this is what i said to god i said number one is i'm too young to die number two is i don't want to die this way and i said have mercy on me i i want a miracle and i don't understand how it happened but i became free and i washed up on shore i remember competing and diving in getting ready for a competition for states and i went off the board went up and started spinning and twisting and when i opened up to look for the water i saw the board they pulled me off the bottom of the of the pool i was unconscious someone jumped in and got me one you know my spotter i could go on and on where i should be dead and i'm not and then i go in for an operation just for a surgery oral surgery they put me under and i don't come back and i don't want to come back but now that i'm back i just want to make the devil miserable amen so i want to pray for you i want to pray for you all i want to pray for you all there is a way there is a way there are higher laws than the boundaries you're encountering right now there are higher laws that operate at a higher you know what a fighter pilot told me there's this there is this thank you there is this airplane called the f4 they he he flew that airplane but he said this proves this proves that anything can fly if it has the right thrust it was like called a barn door with engines on it this guy got turned around in a dog fight to where it must be time for me to quit because the battery's gone he got turned around backwards in a jet where the flame the exhaust was coming out the intakes instead of the optics and he said i'm in trouble he said that proves that anything can fly if you have the right thrust and the right lift and so we're we were bound to this earth until we found a way to overcome the law that was keeping us here which was gravity someone realized there was a way to overcome that limitation it's the same with a four-minute mile couldn't be broken until somebody accidentally did it and then the next week everybody was breaking it four million miles nothing now so what's next you see it's science is really observation and discovery it's observation the facts are not actually absolute because it could change as we learn through observation we develop right we so isn't the same with christianity isn't there more in the bible than we know isn't there a higher law at work within us that quickens our mortal bodies that causes us to live this is the most important message that i have ever preached ever you're hearing it tonight this is by far the best thing i've ever said i'm going to buy this tape myself because we've come to this place now where the boundaries are not the right boundaries god dictates our boundaries but david said my boundaries have fallen in pleasant places okay you follow me okay so one of the most powerful things about the resurrection is communion because jesus predicted his death but also told them if you will do this as often as you can until i come you're honoring him but it's actually attaching yourself to a promise of the resurrection now some of us may go on to be with the lord some of us may stay to where we see him come back but whatever happens and how it happens it will happen to where we're all together again but down here we should celebrate and be a family and have relationship with each other and we we should realize it is very special that god could do this for us that we could do this tonight that we could be together eat together and hear a message about good news and then take communion and we're permanent family forever amen okay so ryan are you gonna help me and um we're gonna have to yeah because this this is going out there we go okay this is pastor ryan he's also he is also the one that that uh the lord the lord spoke to him and said you know the lord told me that i'm supposed to work for you and it has been a miracle after miracle ryan has come on board and helped me and then there's so many others that are being called to help me and i want to make more your notes about people and all the people that work for me are people people so ryan is one of these he's pastor in charlotte in concord and um i really appreciate him a lot because he's he's been with me ever since i started he was the first person i met when i was launched amen so here let's go ahead and take the bread jesus you are more than good you are amazing and wonderful and we encountered such a privilege and a pleasure to be your child your son and your daughter and lord all night that verse has been in my spirit for the joy that was set before you you endure the cross you despise his shame and you're sitting at the right hand of your father and lord i thank you that because of communion because of your body we can be there right with you right now we are there with you as your sons and daughters thank you lord for taking your body from glory and making that precious decision to come and be with us and walk among us we thank you for going all the way we thank you for your body that was broken for us lord together we sit here as one body saying thank you and we remember what you've done for us let's partake in the bread lord we thank you that you are the healer the miracle worker that has never changed you're the same yesterday today and forever lord and even as we take this that bread to represent your body we thank you that the healing presence of jesus is flowing through us right now with the top of our head and the souls of our feet driving out of the race every bit of sickness and disease i thank you lord that you are the healer of the brokenhearted you've healed my broken heart and i thank you that you are the one that makes us whole we thank you for your blood we thank you for your blood that cleanses us it makes us white as snow lord like david prayed and as kevin was sharing tonight we pray lord have mercy on us have mercy on us washington will be whiter than snow purge us with hyssop and we'll we will be clean creating us clean hearts oh god and renew a steadfast spirit within us lord i thank you for your word that says if we confess our sins you are faithful and you're just to forgive us and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness lord thank you for going all the way we don't know what was going on in your mind and heart when you were being big beaten and those thorns on your head but i'm sure we were on your mind and lord we thank you for the blood we hold this cup up to you and we say thank you for every chop that was shed for the forgiveness of sins in jesus name let's go ahead praise god okay two things two things that happened to me i gotta share this because the lord wants to provide for you supernaturally when i was in college i had no support whatsoever my parents couldn't afford to send me a college i had a huge school bill and they had notified me if i do not pay my bill i'm gonna have to sit out a year so i got another notice to go see them which i knew was this is it so that night before i went in i looked at a picture of jesus on the wall and i said lord i gave up the air force academy i turned down my slot because you called me to the ministry and now i'm at this school and i told them i said you know at the time they had calculated there was five and a half million dollars it's like 12 million now that they put into each person by the time they get in their fighter jet that's not including the jet that's including all the equipment and all the education was five and a half million at the time i said so i turned that down and i'm serving you and i need a miracle and i know you want to pay my school bill so the next day when i go in i sit down and the guy the guy the registrar the registrar is crying he starts crying i'm like man even he doesn't want to kick me out he slides he slides i'm not going to cry but he slides his paper over and you know in greek the romans the romans said that jesus announced when he died see he said telesty which in greek means paid in full is what they would stamp when you paid your taxes it's telesty so it's translated it is finished but it the word is telestyle clearly paid in full means the irs is happy okay when he slid that over it was a school bill with this huge amount and stamped diagonally was paid in full a huge amount of money he goes we have never seen anything like this he said but we got a call yesterday we were we were we were to tell you you're done we got a call yesterday from a businessman a well-known businessman in the city where i went to college and he said you are the seventh college i have called do you have a student with a last name that starts with a z like zoodai or zippity do whatever do you have some kind of middle eastern guy there zadai or zhu pop or something you know and um they said well we have a zeta he goes that's it he goes does he have a school bill he goes oh yeah there's more zeroes than we've ever seen he said do not kick him out i will be over i'm writing a check for his whole bill they said do you know this man he goes no i was in prayer and i was given this last name he did never he never wanted to meet me so i just wrote him a little thank you note and the register gave it to him i still don't know who it is to this day my my school has been palliative so i know when they say oh mr zeta you know i get these just like you do mr zeta we can take care of your school loans you know just call us it's like no way jose i don't have any school loans okay so i go to the airline and the lord tells me oh you're not going to be a pilot you're going to be a flight attendant i go you know what you're having a bad day lord i am not going to be a boy stewardess i'm not kidding you i'm like you got to be kidding me i gave up f-16s and now i'm going to be a flight attendant so six months in i'm i quit every day i said lord you know what anytime you're ready for me you know i passed all my tests i get it we're fine can i can i quit i want to be a pilot i said i gave up everything for you i said i am believing it's coming back to me well at the time it's like a quarter of a million dollars it's more than that now but to get up to the commercial and all that the commercial classified everything is like a quarter of a million dollars captain jim webbington from southwest airlines comes up to me goes are you kevin zadai of course he didn't pronounce my name right because nobody does he said are you the one that wants to be a pilot i go well yeah if god will let me he goes i need to talk to you he said when i was 16 years old i would go to the airport outside the fence put my hands through the fence and watch planes take off and land at the fbo and he said one day the owner of the fbo came up to the fence he goes would you like to fly he goes well yeah of course he says can you can you wash planes if i show you he goes yeah so he started washing and cleaning the planes when they came in and then he said i'll tell you what i'm going to do i'm going to give you up to your commercial pilot's license i'm going to pay for everything the only thing i ask is that when you retire before you retire that you would give this to someone else before you pass away he said kevin you're that man i'm retiring and my sons do not want to be pilots you're the man and i'm looking at him and he hands me the keys to a car at the his airport car he's a pilot so he has an airport car which no one else would want to drive because it's an airport car but he he gave me an airport car and he said here's the keys to my house he said i want you to move in he's he said you got a car now you got a room at my house he said uh let's go fly and get this done and i'm looking and i'm like you can't make this up now what if i had not become a flight attendant at southwest airlines i said well how fast can we do this he says as fast as you want to i said nine months he said done so we got everything in nine months didn't cost me a dime i finished in 1990 and then nothing was said to me to do again until recently so i share this with you to leave this with you is god keeps track of everything and it will come back to you so i'm prophesying i'm speaking over your life listen my wife knows that everything i've told you is true i have no school bills i have no pilot bills it's all paid for and just so you know this man that did this is not a believer but he kept his word did you hear me so there is someone out there that god will use amen let me pray over you okay and then i want to spend some time just meeting you let's keep it light quick i want to pray for you i'm going to come by and shake your hand i don't have a lot of time but i want to meet all of you there's no easy way except for me to come by your table and shake your hand but let me pray over you father in the name of jesus cathy thank you for this gathering tonight thank you father that we can come together and fellowship one with another that we can enjoy each other we can enjoy your presence and we thank you father for the word that was spoken tonight and we know lord god that you are well able to put every one of us over in life you've given us everything we need for life and godliness through those precious promises that you've given us that through those peter said we can be partakers of the divine nature and escape the corruption that's in the world through lust so father i pronounce over every partner right now every friend of mine the blessing a partnership the blessing of relationship the blessing of fellowship the blessing of being in christ together one there is nothing impossible if we'll believe we trust and we believe father that intervention is already occurring right now in the spirit everybody raise your hands right now and receive from the most high god right now we don't have to wait the spirit of god is here the spirit is willing the angels are here every angel that has been assigned to your life is here destiny is in this room come on now [Music] raise your voices to the most high god right thank you father we worship you holy god hallelujah do you want to pray you got to hold it pretty close because the batteries if you don't have anything don't worry about it strongly what kevin said about if there's some things you've sown or given or things that have even been stolen if you turn that if it's stolen you turn it into a seed you release it and ask god to bring you the recompense like [Music] it abides alone but when it dies it brings forth much proof so the dying process is not always fun but there is resurrection coming lord we declare resurrection power over every stolen thing in this room every lawsuit [Music] glory for all the testimonies of all our partners and friends [Music] okay all right i want everybody to take each other's hands i want everyone in here to be connected somehow from table to table as well and i'm going to do this because i feel like you're at the level where you can you can receive this way rather than me try to walk right now because i feel the power of god so strongly i'm not going to hide i'm not going to hide this we've had so many miracles happen that you just can't hide this god's not just favoring one person here you know in your city right now there's a room the room the room downtown in the store that i've been in there's more power of god in that room and it's in the back of a store you try to figure this out but i'm telling you it's like heaven in that room how do you explain it's in dalton georgia and god's in that room because a lot of prayer has gone up there right you know what i'm talking about but guess what one greater than that room is in this room amen so i'm laying hands on brian here it's going around the room receive it i'm placing my faith with yours we're one body one spirit we love each other we agree that we're going to finish our races we're going to finish our race with joy we're going to be happy about it david said no good thing will you withhold from those who love you and fear you i transfer this right now in jesus name we all agree as touching this one thing jesus said if you could agree it's touching any one thing it shall be done for you we agree right now that justice shall be served justice shall be served in our lives in the name of jesus deliverance has come to your house miracles in your house [Applause] in your business in your business that's it in jesus name jesus name drop the mic [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 43,995
Rating: 4.9304733 out of 5
Keywords: #kevinzadai, #theagendaofangels, #warriornotes, #nonproft, #spiritschool, #conference, #schoolofthespirit,, warrior notes tv, kevin zadai
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 8sec (7088 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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