How To Deal With Impossible Situations Part 2 with Sister Ruth

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[Music] uh [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is the whole earth is filled [Music] so [Music] so oh hello everyone dr kevin zayn i with you with warrior notes and welcome to our show tonight we have a very special guest that you all love it's sister ruth sister ruth thank you for joining us we're here in phoenix arizona and as promised sister ruth is going to talk to us about some of the situations that she kind of we just previously came to you talking about impossible situations and how i am so privileged and blessed to have you we all love you and um but everybody wants to hear your stories and i understand there's somebody somebody told told me that um it is possible that the book that we wrote together is it's finally coming in a big palette tomorrow from what i heard so let's believe that the the lord gets that to our house here and then we'll have that for the warrior women this weekend so i heard that you're speaking at warrior women this weekend is that true yes all right there are some things you know these days if you don't speak from the fire i mean it's just not going to work anymore so let's talk about some of the things out you you have the fire in your services and i remember prayer because i just needed a refill after being flying around for a week so i i uh i want you to speak to us and uh all of you out there if you don't know sister ruth she has been a mother and a mentor to me and my wife for for a long time probably about uh i'd say what 10 15 years 10 10 12 years maybe and we we love her um she when i was not known nobody knew about my heavenly experience i would show up in a meeting and she would uh by the spirit of the lord you would stop yourself and sometimes our services would last like like sometimes five hours yes and um you know the sister ruth before she knew what had happened to me she discerned in the spirit of what was in me and you you know i just want to thank you for you know when no one else even knew about it so but anyway let's get back into this uh you had to you had to go through some things where your flesh was completely i don't know what else to say but you you were put on the altar and yeah so let's talk about that because you know i i my effectiveness is based on my yieldedness my effectiveness is built based on god putting his character in me so and i know that we've talked so you feel the same way but um because of that it's it's really not a popular subject when you start talking about the crucified life and walking in the fear of the lord walking to holiness walking in obedience and disciplined you know a lot of people they don't want to hear certain certain subjects anymore i noticed that that people start backing off a holiness these days and you know that kind of message and fear of the lord but when i was in heaven you know the whole place is holy and the whole place has the fear of the lord in it yes you know the whole the whole throne has got the fear of the lord and i mean you're you're barely able to stand in the throne room and uh you know paul said be holy as you as as god is holy and i realized that that was one of the keys down here is that crucified life the power was in the fact that we could choose god's path and so since you were a young lady you you had you had to learn to be disciplined it's that's not very popular is it when you talk about discipline and so talk to us go ahead no it's not popular and when you said the word discipline it is a disciplined life but yet it's not where you have a strength on you you know that order must come for the better things of life always orders have to come so you pull things in and when you say holiness it's an unfamiliar word to many people and also you're talking about the greatness of god how great is our god how great is your praise how great is your life toward god how great do you work toward those things that that finds god you could find god in anything and they're everywhere i mean i had i just had a quick vision coming here and i'm thinking one way and all of a sudden when i had the vision everything went in another direction i thought they're doing something different i'm just not walking in they're going to have dinner they're doing something different and so you prepare yourself he said he's prepared a table for us we prepare ourselves for that table there's a lot of tables god wants to seed us at and there's a lot he wants us to be consumed by concerning his name and who he is and when he said be holy he's talking about i'm holding be like me he's not saying be holy for i am holy that holiness of god that's and in that in his presence there's that fullness and it surrounds you many times it's just around you like a a great cloud of witnesses of what god is doing there's that expectation and we don't want to be people ever learning and never coming to the knowledge of god who really is in your life he's god there's none like him and there's an expectation constantly there's a building up of your faith it's not wandering around but having direction and you know your focus is upon him and there's no limitations in the lord never ever say there's any limitations in the lord i remember saying once to the lord i missed my sister she passed on prayed me into the kingdom and i'm telling the lord how much i missed her i was weeping over her and i said to the lord and i i just want you to know i know she's dead but i just want you to know i miss her and i know there's nothing you can do about it you know i'm just saying it nonchalantly well i want you to know he brought it the next morning to visit me now a lot of people cannot believe that but the next morning i could hear this movement over my head i don't know if i shared this with you or not yeah she's dancing over my head and i said listen i'm caught up with her ruby is that you is that you she's laughing more and more and more there she was with flaming red hair it matched her name oh listen god's got a color chart he's going to show you how wonderful he is how adorable he is and it's a new praise and a new worship is going to come out of our mouth a new gladness it's going to come into our soul it's going to take years off of your life you that are listening today how many want it probably many are saying i do i do i do yes you want you want that strength listen that youthfulness of that eagle the spirit of god moving expecting opening opening open yourself come on open yourself god wants us to come alive come on come on in he says come on in this there's a door that he's we're going to step through and i often see it but it's always a step up it's not just stepping up the threshold you have to step up there's a higher place there's a place he said come up higher he said your ways are not my ways i want you to know my ways i want you to understand my ways and not just be learning but moving stepping into it in my life i'm 83 years old and it's like i'm 38. can you imagine he's turning my age around i feel it i feel it i feel it i feel like i could just move with the angels move with the winds move with the service of the lord he's waiting i see many times it's like he's just his eyes are looking back to see if i'm looking i'm following him so take the limitations off ask god more largely ask ask for what's on his heart ask you're the priest amen i just want to share this because it's important this is merging in for the things that you shared in the very beginning the first time that uh and i want to say this and i want to share this even when the conference the first time that kevin spoke in our prayer meeting when he finished i heard the lord say when kings come in i don't know if i shared this with you or not but it's very important when kings come in and i waited for the lord to open that up to me and then again he spoke to me over another brother jack zimmerman it's jewish and then i heard it over rick renner said his name writer he's in russia and he said god what are you saying you know we all want to claim that scripture we're kings and priests well there's more than just that word god there's a position you take with god there's a place beside him and when he said when kings come in i recognized eternity was on kevin's voice when he spoke that's where i caught it the first time i heard him speak it was more than an apostle it was a man it was raining in a new place and that and then rick renner comes on television and he says remember when kings speak there's power whoa yes there's a deliverance when king speak god's made him the head and not the tail yeah and when and then when god spoke to me about jack zimmerman we were in a meeting and he was speaking and when he got through the lord said again when kings come in the power of god is in every word the power of god when it comes out of our mouths there's not a waste listen there's not there's nothing there that's falling to the ground it's addressing and dressing people it's preparing people the wardrobe of god is coming on you are you listening yes the lord is preparing people that will walk in those new places those holy places those places that we have not thought nor heard but the prophets of old decided or desired rather to look into it they desire to look into it so there's priests there's kings and there's the prophets and so we have the king that is gathering the thoughts the sayings the words of the lord and god's bringing there's only a few he only mentioned these three to me when kings come in and i searched it out and i said lord i want to come into that place i want to abide in that place you've got to talk to the lord about what you want not taking for granted not asking for things but you're asking for eternity to come into your life what's god doing how's god doing it he saved the best for last think about it he saved the very best for last don't look at your age don't look at your size don't look at your background don't look at where you came from but do know this that god has chosen you for this hour and he wants you to make different choices think differently i remember when i talked you know kevin's got this it's not a toy he's got this new plane oh it's going to take him places something he desired probably from a young man and we didn't know that god was going to do it this quickly suddenly i mean this is a suddenly what god has done for you and we want that suddenly upper room come on there's an upper room experience here yeah where the suddenlies of god are going to come and that you know there's those 10 days they waited and there's a this testing and i heard joyce meyer say it's your testimony you're overcome by the brother land and your testimony so the beginning of the word testimony is test oh boy and if you don't pass the test there's justimoni it's just a moaning come on there's a moaning pass the test ask the lord to give you your report i asked him that what's my report card say today talk to him about these things and he'll be real and he'll share it with you and you'll be crying more than you'll be laughing because god will just show you the praise that's in you the glory that he's put in you that he has not yet been revealed who he is in your life and so for the last 30 days it's been like a month on the calendar i've never experienced because a word was spoken when god said he was going to have a conference here this is the place this is the beginning listen there's going to be a washing in this state i'm talking about impossible situations there's going to be there's going to be prayer a river that comes out of this state is going to wash the other states praise god there's an underground pipeline of prayer that's been working and it hasn't been years but i would say for the last 20 years that i know of when i asked the lord to take me where he was going to start in this nation 22 years ago i said i want to be where you're going to start in this country if you're going to do anything i don't care where it is i don't care who it's with i want to be there and he just said like this arizona come on there's volumes in that yeah arizona and in two minutes the phone rings would you like to go to arizona but i like to go i had no idea what i was saying but god in just a little while put things together got me here when it came down the highway i remember thinking how did i get here and how is this happening just follow the lord listen get the blueprint of the lord get the patterns there's patterns that god is throwing out to us and if you move into him the circumstances are going to fit who you are and you'll think it's just my style but i remembered in the beginning i want to share this with you when the lord called me into ministry i just felt unknown i felt that i was limited in my in everything i was just limited i'm a woman for one thing i had a lot of problems growing up uh with my memory but never mind god's going to give us a new mind a new heart he's going to give you a new heart and a new mind get that get that within you and you're going to have strength that you didn't know that you had you think suddenly you run out but you're running in you're running into the pro to to the promises of god they're yea and amen and so god just began to like unfold me like a flag unfurls you understand there was an unfolding and there was a knowledge and a wisdom of god and i realized at an early age that was different it was like i was always last i was never first in line with nine children in the family i was always last but we were in a christian home and i thought that this is the way it should be and i watched the lord as it was like a winding road as he took my life it brought me to the place where i am now and when i look back i i i can hardly comprehend i see the rainbow of god right now i can hardly comprehend how god did it but he did it because he did he did it and you've got to praise him for it worship him for it listen let worship come to your spirit amen and so god would have me at different places and all the time i knew that my life was called unto him but i didn't have to come into the understanding of what he wanted even though i had wonderful parents and we were in church often often our services would start at eight o'clock and end at four in the morning we pioneered work in the interiors of many places suffered a little bit but we were reigning with the lord that's what it's all about he said if you suffer with me you'll reign with me and we saw many many churches many fields gleaned for the lord people that stayed with god they stayed with god that's the wonder of it they weren't in and out but they stayed with god and we never saw a doctor never went to a dentist our father prayed for us we were healed i've been resurrected twice i didn't share that with you but just literally died at a funeral can you imagine i'm going to see somebody else go home and i went home and god resurrected me someone lifted me in their arms and began to sing the dead shall be raised the death shall hear and the blinds will see and i was resurrected right at the funeral you have resurrection life in you and you've got to move toward the accounts of god and what he wants to do and ask of him he said ask of me and i will show you things that you know not of anybody got a mind that's beyond comprehension of what god wants to do i used to watch cartoons and i used to think they were silly no one could no one could be this happy you understand but i want to tell you god has brought a joy and a delight into my spirit that i'm not the person that i used to be the changes have come that his will can be done and that's what you have to go for you have to press for the prize press for the mark press for what you want god to do and everything will be right into your your reach you understand you'll go from one mountaintop to the next from one come on from one mountaintop to the next there is a highway that god wants to put us on and the brink's truck is going to drive up to your house the ups plane is going to be at your back door are you listening someone saw that twice over me the ups plane i'm talking about beyond what your pocketbook wants to afford beyond what you can ask or think of let god take the limitations off of you i can remember when i was very very small that god's hand was on me i didn't understand that calling but i can see from just from my beginning in life my mother shared with me even when i was born she said ruth we thought you were not here she said your navel cord was around your neck and my father prayed for me even when i was three i fell out of a car that's going 35 miles an hour just opened the door and fell out of the car my father picked me up and prayed for me we continued on our journey we're going to a camp meeting can you imagine picks me up in breaks for me 10 years old i'm hit by another car you didn't know these stories taken down the street under the car for a whole block and the end of that they wanted to remove my leg and i had a brain injury and i remember my mother and father said to the doctor listen to this give us a moment by her side and they knelt down beside me i was 10 years old and they prayed the lord would spare my leg and spare my life and from that prayer to the operating room the lord did the work they didn't remove the leg they didn't understand what was happening but god's hand was on me at 10 years of age praise god again and again and again the miracles of god worked in my life the downpour of his presence his spirit prayer going with my father and my mother in the camp meetings in the brush harbor meetings revivals that went on for four to six weeks at a time and after that we were in camp meeting for two and a half months no three-day experience here come on we were more than resurrected two and a half months of three services a day two children's services a day two teachings a day and you look back and you wondered how did you endure because he's the one you're after he gave you strength strength can you imagine this is two and a half months two and a half months of being in meetings until two o'clock in the morning up for prayer at eight every morning we'd we were in prayer at eight every morning for two and a half months for 20 years then in prayer every morning at 8 o'clock i can i'm i can say this before god if you were there in the camp you were in prayer at 8 o'clock in the morning seeking god seeking god's direction and he doesn't put you think your life is on whole no he's holding you and he's preparing you for the great things he wants to do even in small things god is enlarging come on open your heart he's enlarging even in the smallest things of your life and i want to say to you i have i have five great five grandchildren i'm just throwing this in that your life you can have your grandchildren you're gonna have your life and i remember the lord spoke to me through a dream through a person the lord says that when your granddaughter had an incurable disease that he'll heal or she was four years old at that moment and at seven she had a case of cancer but i'd forgotten about it and i was in the philippines and the lord awakened me and called her name and i remember saying to the lord lord let her be in healing and i'd forgotten about the cancer i'd forgotten totally about the cancer and i came home from the philippines and i don't know who whispered in my ear but a voice said your granddaughter's in the hospital with cancer this is the lord listen you don't lose it this is the time to find god know that god is working miracles unusual miracles and i remember i went to the telephone listen we are walking in the ways of god not in our ways he said your ways are not my ways i went to the telephone i didn't know what hospital she was in and i called information remember when you called information and i said i want you to give me all the listings of all the hospitals that's in this city and she started naming them off and i said stop at that one i called it and that's where she was now i didn't hear a great voice but it was just the lord it was the lord and i called and there she was i went to visit her i tell you she looked hopeless i could see it in her eyes but i remember the lord said i'm going to heal her i did not pray for her maybe i should have but i remember saying to her it's okay christina god's going to heal you the story goes that she called upon the lord at seven years of age and he filled her with the holy ghost when she called upon her and the lord healed her at that moment and raised her up and sent her to the nations but he had said to me when she was born you will not live to see your grandchildren grow up and i thought he was talking about i would be gone or that he would take them but both of my granddaughters at the age of 10 and 12 and even before that their mother took him to ecuador come on your grandmothers and grandfathers give god a chance the mother called me and said do you think i should leave them in ecuador how old are they they're six and seven i said honey i'm the grandmother you're the mother whatever you want to do will do it and she left them with a setter at six and seven and they learned the language and i talked to them when they came home i said what did you do oh we witnessed manning we witness everywhere we went we witness god gave them the language both of them both of them the language they ended up with four different languages they stayed in different nations of the world from the time they were six until they were 17 years of age can you imagine if you follow god he'll take care of your family he'll take care of your children you won't have to worry about them wandering going in the wrong direction you follow god you have the promises that he'll save your household your children your children's children all pertaining unto you he'll give you a legacy he will give you what he's promised to you but it's allowing god to do what he wants to do i lived in russia for two years had an apartment there and when i was in the fourth grade of school i remembered when they would pull down that map and they would point this is russia and it always looked red and cold and different and i remember saying these words to the lord if you send me anywhere don't let it be russia i remember saying that in the fourth grade and what happened my heart turned toward the russian people god spoke to me when i was barely just barely into ministry i'm living in a mission camp being trained to go to the mission field we were the sacrifice you said it you discerned it we realized later we were really the sacrifice but we had a prophetic word in that camp that changed history the prophets today you've got only not to know what the problem is but you've got to have the answer that's good you've got to be able to speak the existence of what god is doing let the power of god come upon your voice like you've never felt it before that when you speak mountains move things turn around and i remember that when the prophecy would come forth it was never generic it was never that i'm going to bless you you know what he said to us one morning after we praised him and i've heard this twice in my life your praise has pleased me we don't hear the lord say that and because it has this is what i'm going to do the blessings of the lord came in such a dimension listen to me god sent millionaires in to help us we were not a people praying for god to give us a little hearing a little there you want to know who they were can i share go for it coca-cola budweiser beer of all drinks doesn't matter honey money's money let god spend it where he wants to spend it he sent a man they built houses there i don't mean they came in with millions they came in when we needed them we didn't look up at them as gifted people but we looked at them as the help that comes from the lord these people got saved built a house there traveled with us also proctor and gamble came to visit us i've never shared this with anybody i know it's going all over the world and i know that the granddaughter of budweiser bush is watching me as i'm sharing this and again and again she's kept kept her faith with mine and stood in the midst of her family when all was against her declaring what god has told her and i saw it in dreams where she had to fight a fight to live in her family because god made deposits in her life it was impossible christy you remember and i remember if you're listening she came our way because she read a book on the glory and she came to search out god and this is how ruth heffle's books got all around the world i think she sent about 17 cases at one time 56 books in a case come on the news gets around yeah shipped them around the world that's what she wanted to do for the lord at the same time god got the whole family involved in their calling the mother flew to our camp can you imagine listen we had dirt roads we only had meat on sunday we only had dessert on sunday we were searching out god to see what god would do god wants you to search him with him a little as much and i remembered when her mother came in a socialite we never thought she'd come to visit us but i remembered she came when prayer started it took her four times to get through the door the holy ghost came down up on her just came down upon her she began to weep she went out the door and came in again and i'm watching her i'm sitting here watching her she's come for her daughter her daughter has been with us she wants her to come home she doesn't understand what's happening an impossible situation well i i have to tell you i really wanted the girl to go home you know i could see all that was involved this was a big thing that god was sending us and we didn't realize it when the girl came to see us young 19 years old old enough to be on our own the mother catches a jet that morning comes into our camp looking for her child but before she can speak to her god arrested her heart the mother's heart we're standing in the office and we're trying to explain to her what god is doing and all this is new that's how god got into budweiser come on god's going to get into your drink he's going to get into your meal he's going to get into your car with you listen to me you have to become like a little child before the lord surrender it all and know that you're nothing and now this girl is going around the country blessing people bringing closure helping people sending flowers to people using what god has given unto her to bring her family into the center of what god is doing her father is saran wrap the mother is budweiser i need to share this but there was a calling on the father's life when he was a young boy this is how budweiser got into our camp and he met the daughter of budweiser beer i think she's the granddaughter okay and they fell in love and they got married so when the great-granddaughter showed up in our ministry we couldn't understand how such a person could end up at our place and then when she told me the calling on her father's life listen carefully i knew god had come to collect oh yes god never forgets what he's ordained and he doesn't change his mind he just he will choose someone else listen he will you may not be the first he's chosen for what he wants to do but thank god he chose you and when she told me this story that the father wanted to be a missionary he comes to our camp we don't know who he is we put him in the men's dorm an unlikely place but he put him in there and later we found out we'd put him in the wrong place we got him out of there quickly because it was just the lowest of places that we had there for people to stay but he never said a word but i watched the lord as he brought that whole family into the outer courts of what god wanted to do in their lives i've had dreams and visions of what god is doing he's working everywhere he's not limited because their budweiser beer he's interested in everyone that's right i'm just you don't know these stories i'm telling you procter and gamble came to see me one day i realized there were people of another world when they showed up at our camp meeting this is an impossibility but i was put in charge of interviewing people that wanted to stay at our ministry and i knew even with all of their assets it wasn't the place for them and the young lady came in and she announced that her sister was married to the president of procter and gamble you know it's not names it's the name god wants to bring him into his name and the young lady sit down across from me and i thought she was trying to tell me that she wanted to live there and she's got her purse in her hands and it's shaking up and down like this and i said are you okay she said yes i've got i i i i got something for you it's in my purse and i said well i've never met you before and she reached in and there was a girl i'm trying to put the pieces together here there was a girl in the ministry that wanted to get married but she nor her fiance had the money to buy a ring and the girl was wanting to give me a diamond ring this is what she said to me and she pulled it out and it flew up in the air and it landed in my lap she said you're to take this she's stammering she said the power of god was all over her she said but the ring is not for you the ring is for somebody else that wants to get married can you imagine god brought this girl all the way from new york to bring me a diamond ring and i'm thinking she wants to stay at the camp what surprises god has for you follow the lord listen let him order your steps he's going somewhere and he knows where he's going and he says follow me this is what he said to all the disciples this is what he said to every person it wasn't long conversations he'd say go come follow me and i asked him one day what did you say to the disciples that made them arise suddenly and go with you listen god wants to come into your life in a way that is full measure full measure so that the fullness of god can be revealed who you are in him and i said to the lord one day what did you say to those disciples that made them follow you i'm new in the lord i'm new on the block i've been saved six months and every day i prayed that prayer remember i want to know what you said to those disciples and one morning he spoke to me three words and i sit right up in the bed and this is what he said to the disciples that's what he said to me you must hurry that's what he meant by saying follow me that's what he meant by saying go come get up it's time he doesn't have to give you paragraphs just one word but the exciting part of the whole visitation from the lord this morning that morning is this i heard the voice of many waters and i hear people say that they hear the audible voice of the lord and i don't care who you are i will come and talk to you what did it sound like what did he say what was coming out of those many waters it was like love deeper than any ocean come on higher than any sky it flooded my being and for three days i couldn't speak love i'm telling you love his voice was the voice of a man that i never heard from before the man called jesus when he spoke to me i'm waiting you want to say something else i don't care what you want to say just say anything as long as you say something because i've never heard that sound before when he said my voice is the sound of many waters the floodgates are open folks this is your hour this is your time there's no pretense in god be real to him be real with what's in your heart be real to him what your thoughts are and how you feel tell him you have a problem and tell him what it is he wants to talk with you he wants to talk into you and he's going to bring people out that you know not of today i had the wonderful opportunity of ministering at a jewish funeral and i'm asking god what level are these people on how do i share with them what do i say to them it was a mixed multitude mixed company part of them were saved and i had everything prepared to what i was going to share almost god took all my thoughts away everything i couldn't even remember the scriptures that i was going to give and when i did stand up the casket was higher than i was and the roses were in front of me so i couldn't see the people it was an impossible situation and i'm standing on my tiptoes trying to look around and see their faces because 75 of them were jewish and i would say that 95 of them did not know our messiah yeshua and i began to share it with them the wonderful love of god god gave me opportunity then they of course we had a meal later and i was able to share with them talk with them pour out to them how wonderful god's people are what a blessing they had upon their life did they realize the blessing that was there that was an opportunity of a lifetime that doesn't happen but i have to share with this with you also the person that deceased four days before she departed i'm talking to the lord talk to the lord about everything i said lord where is my friend betty chandler he just suddenly brought her to me and in four days he came for her he was telling me he's getting ready to take her home but i didn't know i was going to be a part of her departure and i get a telephone call did you know that betty chandler has passed away oh that's where betty is and we're wondering if you could come and do the eulogy oh god he's way ahead of us he told me on june the 14th today is what the first day of july but he told me on the 14th that i was going to be involved in her life so don't put aside any word that he gives you write it down get a journal it fits into his plan he's showing you his ways that are wonderful that are good and god spoke to me when i was very young in the lord don't struggle with me i'm trying to bring my glory on your life i thought i knew the word [Laughter] the knowledge of what god wants to do you'll not have enough vocabulary to express what he wants to do and it started out that i had this big hole inside of me that something was missing i'm in a wonderful church there's prophecy this is before i met ruth hefflin we had words of knowledge on sunday morning we had healing miracles a good pastor but i said lord something's missing you got to realize something is missing or you won't pursue the lord you've got to realize it's more it's awaiting you or you won't go after it you've got to have the realization that of his mercy his glory and his name that he's putting on you there is no end of what god wants to do in your life and the lord woke me up one morning now listen to me and he said these words to me when i told him something was missing he said will you marry me i thought who is that i set up in the bed who is that who who is talking to me and two angels were sitting over on the side and one did this to the other said and laughing she doesn't know who's talking to her oh i don't know the great i am is asking me to be a part of his life and who he is this is the real deal come on oh yeah you think you have a husband i want to tell you this husband has everything everything you could one or desire and much more will you marry me in other words will you trust me will you let me do what i want to do in your life will you let me carry you across the threshold come on there's a place a hidden mystery of god that's to be revealed to all people and i said lord you need to teach me of what you're talking to me about and god took me to a place the angels were in the walls of that place i could feel it when i went in there was little and great lack i could see it financially in that ministry but the spirit of god was more than what money could buy are you listening to me everyone in this room is here tonight the presence of the lord was so real in that church i went running down to the front seat and the fear of the lord fell on me and i set back in the next seat and i kept moving back all the way back till i was in the back seat that i could escape in case anything happened and i could see the pastor coming with his hand reaching for my head come on god wants to reach for your mind today reach for your spirit reach for what's inside of you and turn it inside out you've got to get to that place where he wants to turn you inside out and i ran out the door but i was pulled and i came back and the faces of those people i have to tell you this looked angelic i'm raised in pentecost and i thought i knew a little but there was a lot that i didn't understand and these people started to share and declare the things of god the worth of god the beauty of god and he wants you to ascribe greatness unto who he is greatness it's all centered around him everything concerns him it's all about him and i wanted to go there but there was no carpet on the floor they didn't turn the heat on until they got to church they couldn't afford to buy the oil they danced in their coats until they got warm enough i'm telling you something that will help you despise not the day of small beginnings the church had 85 rooms in it and they asked for a volunteer to clean it and i'm waiting to see who's going to raise their hands and god is waiting for me to raise my hand and i put my hand up that i would clean the church i thought i could do it on saturday it took a week god gave me two people to clean the church one had dementia and the other was a nurse we had to push the car because it didn't have gas in it to jump start it we'd get 50 cents to put 50 cents worth of gas in the car to get it there to clean the church god's a good god and i tried to give those keys away many times but nobody wanted them but listen god not only gave me the keys to that church he gave me the keys to the treasure room that i could write checks and i wasn't the treasurer he gave me the keys to the pastor's car and the pastor's house and all the buildings that were on the campground and that was 355 rooms and after he gave me the church he said i've given you the keys to clean this camp i'm telling you something this is why i'm wearing a map the mother of the ministry came to me one day and she said i've looked around and i feel like you're a lot like me and i feel like i can trust you with the keys to all the rooms on this campground we could sleep in house 355 people free of charge and it overwhelmed me and after that god gave me a reign in that ministry where they promoted me to an associate i was became a pastor there one of the leaders there the pastor got a brand new lincoln i didn't have a car and the lord said to the lord said to him let sister ruth drive your car he never had a new car and when he got it the lord told him let me drive it to her next revival i'm telling you impossibilities god's got cars and planes and nations come on you got to come to the place where you want to take hold and shape a nation shape a people know that he's god and nothing is too hard absolutely nothing nothing is too hard most of the people in that ministry were women they climbed on top of the buildings listen to me on 40-day water fast in dresses to nail the shingles on the buildings i'm telling you something on 40-day water fast because we didn't have men to build the buildings it's called calvary pentecostal tabernacle and the lord took me there and i remember surveying 18 acres of hard ground and little did i know that one day god was going to put me in charge of that work and i hardly knew what was going on i didn't understand the ways of the spirit i hadn't been taught these deeper and higher things of the lord and everything concerning that ministry was miracles miracles miracles and the first day that i'm visited there kevin i was scared to go in i stood in the back and i saw the power of god moving i heard a sound that i never heard before and i knew i was going to leave the church i was in and i was going to go there and they introduced that afternoon speaker for the following week and she said before i preach i got a word for somebody in this place just be at the right place follow god and he'll speak into your life what he wants you to know she said there's somebody in this room i'm standing looking in i haven't stepped in yet i'd left the church service that morning and went directly to that camp meeting i just felt a little pull it wasn't a great word i just felt a little just go visit this camp today listen you can miss it by just not turning in the right direction it's just knowing god and following him don't let him have to come with a voice of thunder just know what he wants and three times she repeated her word there's somebody in this room that your life is going to be a life of miracles we're getting to where i am right now she said you will feel like there's nothing under you you're standing in the air there's nothing to depend on and when i heard the word i knew i wasn't going to have to worry about money are you listening i didn't have to worry about money and that was what i was always seeking after i need a little more money i need a little more money she said you're going to have miracle after miracle i don't remember the whole word and three or three people ran down for the word she said you're not the one but i'll give you a blessing she prayed a blessing over i didn't feel the pull but i thought well what have i got to lose i'll go down and i remember walking down those steps there were steps of eternity that day i stepped down those steps and stood in front of her she said you're the one and i'm laying in the floor weeping crying as a puddle like a river coming around me come on broken up inside you're the one i laid through her whole preaching on the floor i never got up just laid there my mother had brought me a new dress that day come on you remember all these details and i didn't want to get it dirty and they didn't have carpet they had dirt floors i just laid there i let god circumcise the heart i let god do a new thing i didn't know i was going to come and live there and be a part of that ministry for 20 years of my life and i went away and i would come again and again and i'd go back not you know i i felt when i walked up that road it was death's road i felt it when i went in it was death throat and they gave me the last room on the campground the very last room you couldn't go any further the fence was there and every morning i thought it was the same old same old listen to me ladies i never saw a new dress i never saw a new pair of shoes for eight years everything i had to pray in everything that i needed i had to pray it in a cake of soap everything that i needed i had to pray it in i could tell you stories i couldn't tell in mixed company of the glories of the lord the glories of the lord of what god wants to do because he's interested in you and they put me in charge i want to share some miracles with you in possible situations we didn't have enough money for a bouquet of flowers to open our summer services and i remember saying to the lord one day could we possibly have enough for maybe one or two bouquets that's when flowers didn't cost a lot the service starts at seven it's six o'clock i get a telephone call sister ruth would you like to have some flowers oh it would be wonderful i think i can find a vase or two for the flowers he laughed huh you couldn't need more than a vase or two the air conditioner went out at the florist and they emptied out 900 long-stem roses come on 900 beyond what you could ask to think they came in different colors we had white buckets and we put them in the buckets and i'm trying to put something around the white buckets i had them across the altar up the aisles in the office in the cafeteria beyond can we have a little lord come on he wants you to ask for more 900 long-stem roses to open our camp he's a god of great impossibilities i told you that he called me to russia it snows there all the time before i went to russia the same man had another job i'm mentoring him do you he calls me up do you need a coat do i need a coat i'm wearing everybody else's hand-me-downs he said come down to dillard's and you can have up to 135 dollars for a coat and i picked out a black one listen to me somebody gives me a black hat and a black purse and a black bear boots and i thought why is it all black lord where you're going to europe first it's 40 years after the holocaust 40 years i'm in black what do i look like a rabbi we're going to europe and we're staying with a friend that's there educating her and children she's rented a big villa her mother's dad and left her an inheritance listen to me i wanted to go to europe all my life and couldn't afford it now god's got a villa waiting for me and i arrived there with four other girls dressed in all of my black makeup she said what do you girls want to do well we don't really know we just have got enough money to get to france she said i'll tell you what i've got these lithographs of israel the wall there's just three of them saint peter's and golic onto where jesus was in prison caiva's house and then we've got one of the wall the most famous place there is in the world to the jewish people and we've got these tubings why don't you take them we had passes on the u-rail train we could afford that that's all we had we didn't have any money for food she gave us a hundred dollars a hundred dollars brother there were five of us girls and we took these lithographs of jerusalem and the wall in cairo's house in tubings and we had a suitcase that held three outfits we get on the trains and we go as far north as norway as far east as portugal we went into eastern europe we went to every synagogue and we gave the lithographs away but we didn't know what we were doing and i realized we weren't seeing one rabbi anywhere this is a great thing and i finally met some men in the back of a a community center they call them all in europe if they're not synagogues i said he said why are you doing this i said we want to bless israel and he said i said to him but i don't see any rabbis anywhere he said oh don't you know they've gone up to israel to celebrate 40 years after the holocaust and we were blessing israel at the same time when the coat was given to me when the scarf was given to me god was dressing me for the journey and what i want to share with you is this the lord spoke to me recently because god wants people to grow beyond who they are and i said lord the people are not growing in my prayer group and this is what he said to me they know the journey but they don't know the process you got to let god process the things of your life you don't know the process what i'm saying to you it doesn't look like god many times but it is god you think you're just wasting your time you've invested your money and what's going to come out of it don't worry god's keeping a good record he told me that he said don't listen to the voice of others for i keep the books and he said books not just one books i keep the books and i will reward every person for their faithfulness unto me so much so i'm going to make others jealous [Laughter] you can say oh oh you got your plane now yes jesus loves me this i know i keep the books and i will make others jealous and i thought would god say that are you listening would god say that god's going to find out who we are he already knows you're going to find out who you are that's it and i live to hear somebody say she gets everything how do you live with those words how do you live with it how do you live with it it's just god many days i don't know who i am coming and going but i know that he's there and he's polishing his temple are you listening to me if you realize how hot it is how how hot the temperature is to make gold anybody realize how hot it gets and we wonder about these little fiery trials he's coming for the gold and the silver the impossibilities we built a hospital in russia i'm a missionary you didn't know this an orphanage a lot of persecution all was asked of me by a doctor was could i just bring him some medicine i'm leaving russia and he finds me he said could if you come back would could you bring me some medicine from my people he had a mental clinic i go home and get out of my car a nurse is introduced to me we're talking about moments here from russia to getting out of my car i met a nurse i said isn't that amazing i met the last person i talked to was the doctor the next day she had been in washington dc introducing me to 10 doctors who formed a client of doctors to go to russia to build a hospital in 24 hours in 24 hours god put them together and they went there for 25 years 25 years i didn't know how to talk to these doctors i didn't know how to relate to them god got me involved with them i ended up in russia carrying we didn't have wheels on the suitcase carrying chocolates tea coffee things that the people there do not have gifts for the doctors to give to them they didn't realize they needed to do this i went all the way to russia carrying the suitcase of goods to give to the doctors so they'd have a gift for the doctors they're working with for 25 years all because the doctor said can you help me there's a hospital in latvia an orphanage in lafayette i went there i said lord i thought you were mean to build churches here but we built a hospital and doctors had took their vacation every year to go to russia god said ask of me and i will give you the nations for an inheritance ask largely and see what the lord will do he's going to disperse you in many places and i remember i was talking i realized i'm taking time but when i first met kevin he came to our prayer meeting i saw fire all over him but it looked more like blood dripping off of you i didn't tell you that it was just he was red all over red just red he thought something was wrong with me i thought something was wrong with him he's sitting in the back and and i'm trying to give him a little sign come on come on up come on up you know we we don't have any certain way we do it we just let god do it we have a wonderful musician he's jewish you know that's why he's so strange he's jewish he is i didn't know that for a long time and i won't say certain things yes to protect all of us see so kevin asked me you know did i realize certain things i said oh yes i realized i realized what's happening asked me three times do you realize now you've got to fill in the picture here i was just trying to help you he was trying to help me yes but i knew it and and you know and for him to know it but i knew it but i didn't know what to do about it and i said yes i know it and i and i don't know if i told you then or not but i said kevin i think i told you this later kevin the lord told sister ruth in jerusalem i want to show you the worth of a soul he wants to show you what you're worth do you know how much gold is an ounce he said i'm coming for the gold and the silver how much do you weigh come on i'm trying to tell you something i figured i'm worth 324 million dollars i'm just telling you this i know it sounds silly but the things of god are foolish foolish he took me and me used me and i thought i was at the end of my rope when kevin walked into the prayer meeting i thought this is it this prayer meeting is the end of me in arizona this is it i've had a prayer meeting for 20 years in arizona four pastors have given me a room without charge this doesn't happen but the lord said i've opened a door for you in arizona that no man can shut he told me that pastor maiden said i'll give you this room you wear it out or give you another one and when he walked in the door i just about thought this is it we're going to keep on praising the lord now i've got to i got to bring this into the picture if we are priest listen carefully if you're kings and you're a priest when the priests pray they're presenting israel to god okay so the word got out that we didn't do a lot of praying in our prayer meeting and they didn't understand it they're being nice so god spoke to a person that said that to the lord yeah or they call this a prayer meeting over here but there's not a lot of praying the lord said to the person that's because they worship me for what's on my heart i'm going to explain to you to what it means to worship the lord in spirit and in truth i got the spirit part but i didn't get the truth part we sing in the minors most people want to be in the majors but the jews sing in the minors and the eighth key is new beginnings it's a minor key so whatever they sing in or they worship it's in the minors and if you want to see a move of god get in the minors so when you if you're a priest like he said a king or a priest you're those lamp stands on the altar we've got to get real here there's more to god than what is coming forth in the church god wants to do the character of the kings and the priests designs wonders and miracles it is not the gifts being used those are for those that are not mature it's the signs your life is going to be signs wonders and miracles god in a moment has raised up our dear brother kevin and his wife kathy and put him with the best people in the world the very best he gives you the best so when you worship the lord the lord told me this recently when you worship me in the minors you are presenting israel unto me and that is the apple of his eye that's worshipping him in spirit and in truth because everything is around israel everything god is doing have you got it if you haven't been there get yourself there you got an inheritance there god he's got an inheritance for you that's that vision i saw that little man with the locks you remember right we were talking i don't know if you caught it all or not but i had this you stopped in the middle of the road i saw all around you the road that was before you but you said i'm waiting right here for my son that's what you said to me and i said oh i didn't know you had a son and he said to me this is the second time i've waited here and when he said that i saw a little rabbi with girls and i knew it was israel it's part of your inheritance god wants you to get it it's no telling what god's going to open for you with the jewish people i'm telling you it's no telling yeah they're going to hear the king's voice i'm just telling you i'm not trying to make you begin it i'm just telling you no i know because god is blessing me after all these years to see what he's created me for that's right you understand he didn't forget you he didn't forget me but he had to bring someone along and so when he came into my prayer room and he spoke several times i thought well he'll go and he won't be back that's okay that's the end of that i won't see him anymore i thought it was the end of it that's it he's gone it's too much for me anyway lord just i'm just telling you i won't look at you they're too much for me he was already down the road you understand he was already there and i didn't understand everything god was doing but every time he would come i'd make a place you know the word would get to me kevin's in town and i would go i'd swallow listen i'm gonna be real i'd swallow i know it's gonna be a long day in zion hallelujah that's what god wants he wants a day in zion in your life i'm telling you no the church doesn't realize this no they don't they don't remember um you know do you remember that that uh we went home we still had our house here we had soldier one in seattle and we had a house in new orleans and i went home and the lord said to me he said you you told me you want to meet jonathan kahn so you cancel your flight for wednesday and you make it tuesday and you show up the airport you're going to meet jonathan kahn and so we went tuesday to come to speak at your meeting to be with you and we got there and i go okay lord so i told kathy let's go to the subway sandwich place before our flight so i walked up to get in line and this guy cut right in front of me and he turned around he goes oh i'm sorry it was jonathan and so the power god hit us and he said i'm cancelled my flight i'm coming home with you like oh no i gotta go i gotta go to phoenix i got meetings i got 14 churches and you were one of those meetings and so the the obedience and then um the next time i came i'm leaving the house and we're running late and uh we're gonna miss our flight and the lord says go back up to your office he said pull up the scripture that says they left egypt with the gold and the silver remember that what happened in your meeting yes so he said i want you to print it out in hebrew on two sheets of paper so i i pulled it up in hebrew i printed it out and you know kathy's down there waiting to leave and i come down with these two sheets of paper and it says in hebrew right there they left he just with the golden store so i folded them up and i put them in a black bag because i had five smooth stones there because my message that week was on the five smooth stones of david when he killed goliath so i had these five smooth stones and i was gonna i did that sermon it lasted five hours because the power of god hit but do you remember that there were people laying out over the floor and i i preached on the and i had those two sheets of paper in there and i'm thinking lord what you know what are you doing so i remember the people were just laid out so i just went to the back row and you came back and you said do you have two white sheets of paper do you remember that yes and you pulled out these vials that you you had in sister roost meetings for years you had gathered up all the gold and the silver dust that would just appear on yeah and you were like had to clean the carpet so you had a vial of silver and a vial of gold remember that yes and you said you have two light sheets of paper do you have two sheets of paper that i can pour this in the lord told me that he's going to impart this to you so i said well remember i pulled them out and you poured and in hebrew as you poured the silver right there in hebrew it says they left egypt with the gold and the silver and i folded it up and then i bought the other one out and he poured the gold do you remember it yes it was a prophetic move yes and and um i folded up and i put them in there and then you took oil that was dripping out of people's hands you had a bomb yeah and you put it you had it in a vial and so you put it on each of our foreheads do you remember that okay so people were laid out all over the place we just left and you so you said let's go to olive garden and so we went to all garden seven hours so the meeting lasted five then it was seven hours at home of course it was a day in his courts so so uh the impartation that day went went on and it's never diminished from that day forth i still have that bag with me right now i carry it everywhere i go it's got the five smooth stones it's got the gold and the silver and it's in my bag and i never go to a meeting without it and um i uh we went home kathy i went home to our house here in phoenix we still had it we walked in and angels were everywhere do you remember who they were angels were everywhere in our house and we just like we just spent 12 hours with you and we're tired because you know we have we have all this the flesh was tired yeah so we went we where did we stand in our living room kathy or or was it the bedroom bedroom okay and all of a sudden we turned to each other and our eyes locked and angels like this just went to where the whole house our whole house was full of angels and they were squeezing in on us and they're looking at us and smiling and we fell onto the ground in our bedroom on the carpet there and we laid there and started laughing and the power of god was so strong we laid there for hours we could not get up and from that day forth everywhere we go that presence comes into our meetings the scene and jelly presence and the transfer of that move of god where that gold in that silver was just appearing in in massive amounts right wow wow all her books i've read all her books and that impartation that happened there it was transferred it was transferred to me and kathy to where now we take that move and keep going with it and it all happened in your meeting and it was all over it was all over that that god speaking to me and saying you know you're about to carry something to the next generation yes so we right after that we had like i'd have gold all over me i would it would be everywhere and it would be it would be everywhere we go we would have like it would be all over us and then the um oil like for did you know for months after that oil would just drip i would have to wipe oil off of my face all the time from where you put it it just kept they were overloaded i could tell do you know it's like the heavens were open yeah and it's never i've never gone back i it's right yeah from that day and now that was years ago because we sold that house in 2013. so for all those years since 2013 when we moved to new orleans and then it was shortly after that this all happened the transition mighty but see all it was was a synchronization where the moves of god they they actually meet and start a new one like it starts it overlaps a little bit there's a handoff and it's it has happened and all god wants like for all of you watching i'm telling this story because all god wants is to hand off and trust you with what he is already stored in and you know how many individuals are we all like all my friends that i know in ministry i mean i can name them you know exactly you saw these young ministers walk into your meetings with with sister ruth i mean we can name them and if you're all watching you know who i'm talking about they're all the big name people but they walked in to ruth's uh meeting you watched them walk in and sister ruth runs say you're preaching tonight yes and then the person not only did he have to preach he doesn't he says no i just came to no you are preaching tonight you got the message and you're going to sing it and you remember who that was because we could name it she said i'm a prophetess i've never heard declare that before and you are preaching and he sang his sermon yeah and you would all of you would know who this is and there are so many of our friends now that we can name that actually just kind of like i guess they were like a stray they just kind of wandered into the meeting and they ended up taking part of that move and that was way back i mean how many years have been it's been 23 years and these all these people now are operating in that move and um so thank you for sharing what you shared and i if you have anything else i just want to share this with the people how how you were able to store that move coming to arizona then the lord he told me he said you know i didn't i thought i didn't have the time to do all the things that i'm doing because i was still flying for the airline so i would literally show up in my uniform sometimes so i wouldn't miss your meeting but the lord just kept telling me go and i'm like you know i didn't understand it but i knew i heard the lord's voice and so that day when that was transferred to me then now i'm starting that along with others you know and uh well the key point i heard eternity on your voice and i hadn't heard it anywhere else i remember that because rachel is one of our staff it was over rachel yeah we were at um at the scottsdale's house yes yeah well you call them scottsdale there's stocksdale dales yeah they're in scottsdale but anyway we were at that and that's where i met you i was talking to her yes when he was in another place talking his back was to me and i'm there speaking to the host of the house i'm visiting for a moment she invited me this is how it happened and i want to go home it's getting dark and i kept saying i want to go home i got to go home but there was this sound that was like even though there's a lot of people oh yeah but it was like a big bulldozer coming down the road you know what i'm saying i heard this sound and i thought what is in that man's voice it's bothering me and i kept listening but i couldn't see him because they were facing the east the couch was that way and i'm in the dining room and suddenly it just leaped in my heart and i ran around to where he was talking i said you got room there for me to say i need to hear what you have to say and he said to me well i i i don't know do you adhere to these things i said oh yeah i know what you're talking about i understand totally because i used to go home from church crying night after night because i was missing those moments in the realm of the glory and i i got so agitated that i got on the nerve of my associate she was my sounding board i have to say this i said i know you're tired of hearing it and i'm tired of saying it but something's got to happen somebody's got to break loose and i knew god had sent me here oh i'm seeing gold now so i'm talking to you i see gold everywhere i mean this is this is the coming of the latter rain right now this is here and i knew it was on your voice and later some friends talk to me just recently they're watching you and she should call me long distance she said you heard it on his voice didn't you i said yes i hadn't heard it since ruth hefflin it didn't matter what she said she would just stand and start declaring because she spent many hours in the presence worshipping the lord and the lord said he's not going to do away with intercession but he said i'm going to show you a higher place the tipping point is the mountain of the lord and he says come into it nothing will hurt you in this holy place where i and he said from out of this mountain it's going to come the wine come on it's going to come the gold the silver which he's coming after one day remember it was in the beginning was prosperity no it's it's what god has made for himself you and me and now he's going to shine when he said rise and shine that's what he's talking about he's talking about that but he's made in his likeness made like him and you come into that holy place tell the lord you want to come there run after him go after him pull on him the bible tells us that in the end days that people run after the coattail of the jew for the blessing we're running after god come on you can see him i see him moving in and out i see his wings here and there moving i'm talking about the winds of the spirit and ruth hepland never studied for a sermon ever the lord said i want you to go into a service take your concordance and gather from the winds the testimonies the songs listen just listen to the prophetic it's in this room today somewhere a word has come out it's the goal that you need the nugget that you need let it open up i have to tell this and i don't like to tell it because it sounds so simple it sounds like three blind mics kathy calls me from washington state they didn't call me very much we knew each other by the spirit and she said sister ruth would you would you pray about our move to new orleans i said i don't have to pray i've been singing for two weeks about going to new orleans taking my bacon and my beans and going to new orleans it's a song of the 70s and it's one of those songs of the time you know but i only know one-liners that's all you need to know the entrance of it will give you light and i'm singing about i took a little bacon and i took a little beans and i went on down to new orleans does that sound very spiritual to you no but it was the word of the lord yeah it was and i'm talking to the lord you are not sending me to new orleans i know you're not this was what was a warrior in my heart lord i i know you got me over here in arizona and when kathy said about going to new orleans but the key was in the line a little bacon and a little beans they were only to take a little you got it only take a little and she said resist to ruth that's what we're doing we gave everything we gave in our car we're giving everything we gave it all away come on at the whole house we gave everything out of well i didn't think it was god yeah but he does that because he told me my heart belonged to judy years ago and he said i'm going to tell you the hearts of people through songs isn't that wonderful just tell you what's going on isn't that marvelous yeah and so before i know it they've moved to new orleans but tell them about the eggs though oh the eggs because you know what happened with me where i found those yeah you found the eggs and so just before this happened about the bacon and the beans i'm singing it to the top of my lungs folks i'm serenade the lord in my house i'm in the operas of heaven about going to new orleans i'm serious maybe you should have but i i knew god was doing something wonderful and in my prayer meeting on friday this all week long i was saying about going to new orleans with the bacon and the beans well i didn't even didn't have the right words in the song i found out later but that's what god was talking about yeah and so this lady comes in cheryl scottsdale stocksdale cheryl and she said she walks up to me with two chocolate eggs let's chocolate eggs for two people she said my sister has just come from new orleans and brought me two eggs and i'm to give them to you and i looked at him i thought oh this has something to do with new orleans it was just the thought came to me but see there's a great cloud of witnesses in our prayer meeting and those living creatures the eyes listen they're revealing things that's going on in the spirit realm and we need to be more downloaded with what god is saying we've got to open more to what's in the heavens he said on earth as it is in heaven sing this song our father who art in heaven just keeps singing it and and suddenly he's going to download you with what's happening so anyway i got to two eggs and i thought these are two people i'm not going to eat them and i carried those chocolate eggs around and about that time that's when cathy called said would you pray and they had this basket it was an artificial basket with artificial flowers it was a tree and it had that the uh spanish moss and we have in new orleans and our trees and and kevin turns in our house it was 300 he sees two eggs down in the basket what a god i still have them i put them in my office they were glass weren't they there they were closing something like that they were actually like a precious stone turquoise yeah well that you know that's my birthday stone i don't want the egg so anyway i reached out in that spanish mosque because the lord said reach down in there i heard your voice in the phone because we were in seattle i could hear you say talk about two eggs and always said das seth or go over to that and i didn't even that wasn't even my tree that was left so i reached down in there and there's two eggs in there you can't make this up and you know you have to hide yourself god's looking for people hidden in the glory amen hindered the glory come on hidden in the glory you got a secret i mean it's all about you people look at you that's why they wonder you're the mystery who are you they look at kevin who are you what are you all about it's because you're hidden in the glory of god you're hidden in the things that's all around his throne it's all around him and god wants sister ruth had a visitation from the living creature she really did they came into a room one night because they wanted to go into our mother's room and the mother said not tonight send them to roost room well it was the changing of the guard the changing of the ministry this is what's happened when the living creatures come into your life there's a change in your ministry and so all this has culminated all this has come together by him coming to the prayer meeting but kevin said to me later he said sister ruth i don't know if god speaks in bacon and beans like that and i said he got you to new orleans didn't it you have to be able to hear you've got to be able to hear why don't you why don't you impart to the people uh just just pray just pray as we close because um i i want everyone to encounter what i encountered and kathy encountered that you handed off to us you spent all those years with ruth aflan as her assistant and you were with her all the time it got on you and then you you imparted it to us but see i wanted warrior knows i want everyone to have this i believe it's for everybody and but i believe that you have to qualify and so would you pray uh because i i see a flesh fry coming you know from the body of christ you know and this is all good but it's a flesh fry it's it's like cookie he does he loves burning flesh oh that's why i keep seeing that pruning pork oh remember the printing fork that went after the the flesh yeah oh my i'm understanding more and more you know that that's a mystery there there's a mystery there but but we we it's a little bit painful at the time but it's so necessary for the body of christ to be cleansed and so we can go through the narrow way and that's all it is god loves us and he knows that the way where we that we are now is not enough to make it through that narrow way but it's all because he has plans for this generation and i just don't want to be behind the curve on what god's doing so could you pray for all our people out there's there's sometimes 13 000 people watching us at a time so there's a lot of people out there would love to have what you walk in sister ruth and you know and i know that you're gonna be ministering this weekend but could you just pray thank you father we thank you we thank you for your ways lord we thank you for the holiness of your ways god we thank you that you've chosen us thank you lord we can never thank you enough that you chose us and for those that are here those that are watching those are listening god inside there's that search light on and they're wondering what it is or but that's to come into the fullness of who they are in you and i'm seeing lord in a vision i'm seeing their eyes that are searching god their eyes that have been washed their eyes that are open their ears that are hearing not four ears but one ear a hearing air lord not an itching ear not a deaf ear not a listening ear a hearing ear of what you have to say lord not just glimpses but you're going to open the heavens god you're going to show us a panoramic view lord quickly you're going to show them lord give them that heart to know you to come after you not just glean a little but be like ruth and get between the feet of boaz lord to get at your feet get at your feet lord god that our hearts are awakened awakened to the new lord we've seen not not just a double portion on the zed eyes but lord you've given them more than a triple lord beyond what they've asked or thought god you've given it to them even they are amazed and you're an amazing god now open our hearts open our eyes open our spirits that we won't limit ourselves by what we want but what you want god we'll have it all god all that we desire there'll be more than enough more than enough god to meet the future to meet today god there's dividends that are awaiting people that they know not of that you want to give unto us the currency of our faith lord let it come down upon us that we can be used of you lord you've saved us for this day and lord we won't have moments that where we're slumbering or sleeping but we'll be awakened lord to the goodness of what you're doing god it is good it's the glory of the lord being revealed in our lives lord i just see your movements all around us the whirlwinds of the lord and lord even as our brother has said there's going to be a burning yes that's what's on the altar that sweet smelling sacrifice god that you want to lord jesus thank you for those that have come today lord those that are here lord they won't be disappointed you're going to meet them in the night with visions with dreams with visitations let them be everywhere let them be sensitive to the slightest movement of your presence as it comes unto them lord that nothing is wasted nothing is soiled but all is taken into the glory of the lord to the praise of your name for eternal purposes lord that they'll find nothing is too hard for their lives lord nothing and too hard for you they'll delight yourselves in you with joy they'll be with pleasure they'll let go of the things that mean so much that they can know the true meaning of who you are in their lives oh god let it be so real that the ease of the glory can come into their lives lord you're wanting the ease of the rest that christ is revealed in us the hope of all of our glory we thank you for it we give you praise god that miracles are going to come we're going to the sower and the reaper are going to move together god we see it we're going to move in the rhythms of heaven into the currents of the glory of god we're going to feel it in the winds it's all around us we thank you for it go go beyond our prayers go beyond our thinking go beyond our understanding open those channels where the heavens are moved and the earth is changed and we give you praise for it in jesus name amen amen amen amen just see visions right now see visions i i'm just seeing oh treasures just treasures being poured out all those things has been hidden for so long but what god can do for you you won't like for finances listen you won't worry about bill's getting paid god's going to even wipe some of them away but he's going to show you how the economy of heaven works how he does it are you listening to me he god's going to come to you in such a measure you're not going to be concerned about what you're going to wear what you're going to eat or who you're going to be with because you know you're going to be with him and he's going to take care of your chariot hallelujah you're going to move in the heavens instead of in the earthly thank you jesus thank you jesus glory to god open their hearts open their hearing let them hear i have to tell you this and please don't anybody get upset this listening a move of god came in our prayer meeting a few weeks ago i don't wear much jewelry and i'm not against it oh i'm not against it we sold it all for revivals and for gas in our car we that knew god and so my last offering to the lord one day was a diamond ring because i didn't have any offering to give to the lord and god has given me back 12 sets of diamond rings but i remembered that morning the lord said to me don't wear any jewelry to the prayer meeting i forgot he said it to me and all i had was a strand of pearls and these rings that's all i had on and suddenly i heard a sound about five rows back it was like thunder and it shook me and i don't shake easily it just shook me and i only opened one eye and a woman is coming down the aisle and there's a sound on her voice and i kept my eyes closed this woman's son had died and she didn't want to live he was 27 so god took her to heaven so she heard about our meetings and she came and as she's coming up the aisles her aisle she's taken she's got a clasp in her hair that's got little rhinestones in it she's taking it out of her hair by the time she got to the front her jewelry is laying on the floor everything and she had on these little slippers so it looks like something you'd wear in the bedroom she's from scottsdale she's taking the shoes off all the rings the hair is falling down and i remembered oh you told me not to wear my jewelry this morning when he comes who i feel his presence when he comes in his glory like that no flesh is to exalt itself you understand he told the children of israel he said to joshua tell the people to take a bath today keep a distance husbands and wives you can't know each other put on clean clothes i'm going to do something that you have not seen before get yourself ready you have not come this way before when he said about the flesh i keep hearing secular the nashes repentance repentance repentance but when this woman stood there a fear fell on me i've never felt before and i really feel fear the lord i want to tell you since i've died twice i thought there might not be a third time for me i've been raised from the dead twice the presence of the lord was so awesome it was so awesome and the lord did also he's instructed moses tell the people to take their jewelry off yes well and he said i'm going to decide what you're going to do with these people he said take their joy he did he said i might kill you he said that to joshua when i read that in the living version i said this is the wrong bible i'm gonna read the one i know he said i might kill them you know he was tired of them playing but they couldn't take that into the holy mountain you understand and listen i'm going to say something there needs to be some downsizing in the body of christ come on there's got to be some downsizing some of this look has got to go honey we're showing off god not man or our flesh we're showing off god amen and i've had him to tell me you know not to wear certain clothes and i'm i'm not picking on you i'm not trying to make you feel bad but i've had the lord to tell me don't wear that if i i've had him to tell me i had him to tell me one day i'm going to change your hairstyle when you're going to a meeting that's what he said to me this is real and don't mess with my hair you understand that's something i don't want anybody to mess with because you don't know how fine it is and how much hairspray i have to put on it to get it to where it is and when i go anywhere and anybody packs a suitcase what did you did you put the hair listen i always ask did you get the hairspray in the moose what are you to do when you don't one bobby ten men will help you put it up you told me that one day one bobby pin will help you how would you like for the lord to tell you that but lord never mind i'm god listen to me the presence of the lord came in that room and i didn't want it to end the king of glory was there that girl looked like a white spot standing in the floor she was burning with the presence of god like a white coal everything about her was just burning burning for god god wants us to burn for him you're the candle of the lord come on he said the spirit of man is the candle of the lord and i believe god wants to let a sound come from the service this weekend miracle signs and wonders just let him do it i was just at a hotel sunday morning my the rhythms of heaven came into that place i had strength i didn't know existed glory to god god people began to praise the lord on another level went all through the hotel the doors were opened god's opened the heavens he wants to come in and bring his presence in a way that everybody's healed come on everybody's delivered everybody's free everybody knows that there's a god they have not known before hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah and he said this weekend we don't know what hank cunaman is that his name he said something there's going to be a sign from the heavens have you heard he said it's going to be a sign from the heavens on the 4th of july believe me i'm going to be looking for it amen i'm going to be looking for it but let god be god and i'm in a service one day i know i'm talking to you but i'm telling you he's going to ask you to do foolish things and michelle comes up to me my friend she said i just had a vision vision of you and you were different and i knew god was going to mess with me he's going to mess with you are you listening god's going to mess with your thinking your doctrine your righteousness he's going to mess with who you are he says in the word of god there'll be those in the last days they'll want their own righteousness and their own doctrine but they want to be called christians for his namesake did you know that's in isaiah 3 they're going to say that seven women that he's not talking about he's talking about the seven churches there there's seven women that want to marry one man that's unheard of but it says amen amen they want to take this man's name jesus you want his name you got to take everything comes with his name you're listening i'm looking at you listen when they saw samuel coming and when they saw elijah coming the lord told me the voice of elijah is coming in the church now where did he live nobody knew where he lived he was just carrying on the word of the lord it didn't tell to say he had a nice wardrobe probably had all kinds of bugs in his beard and smelt badly but when he spoke the heavens opened and closed and i'm telling you we're not there yet but we're getting there amen and when that woman stood there when the lord it was the lord didn't say take off your jewelry i just heard it it came around me i'm talking about a strand of pearls and a set of diamond rings take it off i'm going to put something on you that has not been on you before and that's in the way it's got to move john said this is a way walk in it this is the way there's one coming after me come on he's coming he's coming with a baptism like you've never seen you you've got to realize people you've got to realize not because kevin is my friend and kathy are my friends god has done something in these two people that few people have found you understand he said the day you search for me with all your heart you'll find me it means everything's don't don't be like jacob wanted to keep benjamin in the closet come on but joseph was after he said does any more he wanted to know that he wanted them to know who he was what god had done in his life i don't fault joseph in any way you know why because joseph had the plan for the salvation of all of israel and his brothers didn't know it they thought he was you know trying to find a place to save his life no he had the whole plan of israel in his life and they didn't realize it from his dream you got to realize and everything god gives you there's an understanding of how god works in the earth and in the old testament there are miracles that we've never had come on i'd like to see him stop all the traffic just for me to drive up down the road hallelujah he did during copenhagen for a while glory to god well thank you sister glory thank you glory we are so blessed to have you and all of you if you uh can't make it to phoenix i know we're full and we're still being limited in different states and cities but you know we've been told that it'll open up so next time we come to phoenix we're going to believe we can have the the full 2000 that that would register so this is uh dr kevin zeta with sister ruth and we're inviting you to watch live if you can't come to phoenix you can watch live we'll be having multiple sessions sister ruth will be speaking with us on several occasions and also kathy as well and and several other guests so we love you and we we believe god has touched your heart touched your lives and we know that you have received an impartation so after you we say goodbye you walk away and you know that you're never going to be the same you're not going back this is permanent and i'm telling you that not to make you feel better this is permanent everything god does is forever yes it's forever everything that sister ruth is talking about it was not just for her it was for you that's why she's telling you these things and so god bless you we'll see you next time bye-bye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i am me
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 37,209
Rating: 4.9426384 out of 5
Keywords: #kevinzadai, #theagendaofangels, #warriornotes, #nonproft, #spiritschool, #conference, #schoolofthespirit,, warrior notes tv, kevin zadai
Id: J_YepiIOIOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 6sec (6966 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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