How To BECOME GOD In Hearts Of Iron 4 - 100 Stat Man HOI4

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hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing brit and today we're playing hearts of iron 4. oh my god what is this game it's been so long how does this even work what are the controls anyway what are we doing today well we're trying to find a way to get 100 stuntman into hearts of iron 4. we've seen him destroy crusader kings 2 we've seen him rampage through the rimworld but today we're going to ask the greatest question of all how many people can 100 stat man kill in hearts of iron 4. naturally we're going to need new single-player game and we're going to select the 1936 scenario now there are many wonderful countries that the game is going to suggest to us like france and the united kingdom like countries that did fighting so all of these excluding italy [Music] however i think if you actually condense the fighting in world war ii and you look at really who got through the war the fastest they went into the war and then out of the war so quickly they did it it was phenomenal the speed they did it in of course i'm talking about denmark the country that capitulated in six hours to germany these guys perfected the art of world war ii one minute they were at war the next minute they weren't at war nobody really knew what was going on so to think they got an entire ordeal which took some countries almost a decade to get through and just condensed it down into six hours these guys must know a lot about fighting so yes today we're playing denmark that country that some people can't really decide if it exists or not and as you can see we're into the game and we're greeted by a wonderful option here it's called godsporter we have two options we can either spawn god anywhere around denmark somewhere or we try and fuse with god now if we fuse with god we're going to get our ruler here for bouts downing and we're going to basically infuse him with the power of 100 statman as we know 100 statement reformed the germanic religion somewhere around here however he did easily spread all the way down to denmark so it makes sense that farvault stalling here is a descendant of 100 satman and has just gone through an awakening process of sorts so ladies and gentlemen let us fuse four vowed stoning with god as i've jumped into the midpoint of the video and you weren't expecting me because i've just left it on an interesting note anyway i'm here to remind you to grab a cup of tea because i think some of you might have slipped through the net and are now two minutes into a video without a fresh cup of tea in front of you good lord what are you doing go grab one and also whilst you're at it you might as well give the video a like because it honestly means an absolute huge amount in this modern day and age of youtube and if this video manages to somehow magically receive 5000 likes which i know you guys can do then i will present to you a video entirely dedicated to creating the worst border gore the world has ever seen so let's get back and show off the true power that denmark really has and take over the world so he's now fused with god nothing seems to have changed well that's where you're wrong look at all of these stats that's right ladies and gentlemen we've just taken four of our outstanding and turned him into a literal god there is no way he can be defeated well actually there might be he is still danish after all anyway we're going to take a war which denmark lost in six hours and make the entire world lose it in six hours all we're going to need to do is probably prepare a little bit also i'd like to point out to apparently hire a new commander it's now going to cost us minus 490 political power so yeah we just gain political power whenever we buy a new commander this seems fine this is perfectly balanced the game is working as it should be so there we have it by buying only six commanders we've managed to completely fill our government research and military staff very nice mr forveld next up comes research which thanks to fourvalt being the son of 100 steadman is now down to 80 percent oh and also i've made a few modifications to the game um you might notice that judd lantay is producing tea yes jutland produces 11t but it gets better because of course when you think tea who do you think of certainly not these people over here you think of the united kingdom and the wonderful splendid british empire [Music] which is exactly why the british empire produces oh so much tea oh look at it all of the glorious tea it produces lovely and something very strange has happened apparently germany's become 100 socialist i'm just not going to ask questions about that that's fine we'll keep that the way it is you have fun over there socialist germany my goodness you do produce a lot of tea oh my goodness 412t we're definitely going to need to invade that oh no for no pound reason every country's politics are radically changing help us baby jesus oh no we could rapidly switch to a different oh no we've rolled 100 democracy yeah we've got the soviet state of norway to our north i always knew they were communists it's all about the oil and fish with those people very communist hmm oh my goodness and apparently a soviet expansion to europe has occurred um the soviets have just completely annexed all of finland right you know what it's september 1936 romania is currently invading hungary due to some kind of puppet war goal i think i'm finally ready to show you off my decisions so you see right down here at the bottom we have a decision called everyone declares war now this saves me a ridiculous amount of time and basically means everyone in the world declares war on denmark so let us begin the chaos my god that's a lot of war as you can see the entire world bloody hates us and we're gonna have a fun time without further ado i guess it's time we activate our motorized invasion of sweden yes that's right sweden has been holding onto this land for far too long as some of you might remember from ancient history books basically all of this belongs to denmark in fact i'd go as far to say all of this probably historically belongs to denmark so we're just going to activate our attack plan on there and our attack plan on germany now let's see how successful it is because remember our troops have been infused with the unlimited power of four votes stoning so let's see how this goes instantly the forces towards the north are moving at a ridiculous speed as this particular unit appears to be going at 60 kilometers an hour which is the fastest i've ever seen something going game and we've encountered our first german communist division it's an infantry division it's got 342 defense just one slight issue we have 1 000 attack oh and sweden has now just capitulated so all of sweden now belongs to denmark now onwards to norway but the attack on germany has gone interestingly we are apparently cutting sideways through their nation instead of advancing where the actual objective was to go to yep you go sideways instead of forwards you know whatever floats you both as long as we get there in the end i'm fine with it these infantrymen they're not even trained and ready yet for the front line come on what are you doing just standing around waiting to be trained just grab a gun run onto the front line and fight the germans it's lovely and easy don't you worry go and do it for denmark also due to the ridiculous speed of our boats as you can see our boats have an interesting attack pattern of jumping back and forth they jump forwards fire a few volleys and then immediately jump backwards out of fire from the various planes in the sky my god what have we done to you i'm placing bets there's gonna be a lot of people in the comments section questioning the historical accuracy of a super overpowered denmark but trust me it's not too far from the realms of possibility this guy's got a really long beard science says the longer the beard the more power you have the exclusion to this was the scooby-doo tv character shaggy who actually had only a light bit however he had to shave his beard regularly to stop his power from becoming too much whereas for fourth out here the beard is where he stores the power of 100 stat man and it almost allows his communication with god allowing the unlimited power apparently our invasion of russia in the north hasn't gone well the main reason being that these motorized trucks decided they would sail on a port over to here which guess what we don't control the russians control so we've sailed out on over here with no naval protection whatsoever why the ai decided to do this i have no idea but it's just sailed off some of the most expensive divisions we produce into the middle of nowhere to get sun by two destroyers and one submarine thank you ai thank you and this is exactly why i left before behind don't do this to me game please ah nonetheless the danish are currently on the border of berlin i think it's time for our final push let's take berlin berlin is being defended by a mix of swiss german and french divisions but not anymore it's now properly danish yes the viking invasion 2 boogaloo has begun ladies and gentlemen right great the italians decided to land three divisions on this tiny island here with a population of zero don't know why they did that but nonetheless they've decided to capture it thank you very much italy for your attempt at partaking in this war but please do just go home i've just discovered something fantastic the fascist leader of cuba is known as jesus you know we're actually managing to lose on the northern front now apparently motorized tanks were designed to fight in northern finland something to do with all of the ridiculously cold snow i predict so well i think we're going to find a way hopefully i think what are the italians doing up here why are the italians fighting up here in bloody northern finland what are they doing go back home italians oh communist china has capitulated that's great news for us um we didn't capitulate them but nonetheless it's great news for us of course the important fact is just how many kills can this brand new 100 stat might get as we can see we've lost a hundred thousand men but in return killed two hundred thousand you know what i'd say that's a pretty decent exchange rate but we can certainly improve it well and we finally managed to do it the socialist republic of germany has capitulated very nice i thank you for your contribution germany of course a very famous battle of world war ii the naval battle of the baltic sea between of course carl donets and aged danemand of course the german navy vastly outnumbering the danish navy with various tactical bombers and naval bombers and of course light cruisers have the danish navy only needing 28 destroyers to win by hopping backwards and forwards out of range of the guns in a matter of seconds even their battleships were not enough to stand up to the might of denmark oh good try yes you can give it an attempt trying to defeat these destroyers but trust me there's just no way to stop them oh we've managed to capitulate belgium as well which for some reason left behind a massive group of italian horse warriors what are you doing here italy please don't you know there's a war going on go defend your own borders speaking of which that actually gives me an idea oh and the invasion of france has begun and it would appear france yet we've managed to go around the imaginary line again the french forces were somewhere evidently not on the borders they've got roughly 96 divisions which is an absolute ton yet for some reason they've only got one division sat over here near luxembourg right okay that's fine we'll take paris it's not like you were defending it anyway there we have it luxembourg is sadly capitulated but alongside it so has france thank you france apparently the french military was nowhere to be seen possibly over here somewhere maybe fighting in finland yep there's one of them it's a french infantry division for some reason they decided to send a few thousand men over to northern finland why not now the question is what to use with these 24 divisions that just capitulated france i think it's only fair we do the same strategy and just take out italy because their army appears to be elsewhere in the world so yes let us set a line straight down towards naples assign all 24 divisions here we go all divisions assigned and whilst the italians have just suddenly tried to bring up a garrison force don't think that'll be enough activate the battle plan and away we go look at all the tea that's lying around here so much tea to be had so i think i've managed to break the kind of like battlefront drawing tool go like this and then up like this and then down like this and up like this and circle on round and that's our russian invasion plan oh goodness right that's the plan just you attack there if you think you can the game is really starting to chug now the lag is actually starting to show had to drop it down to free speed to stop my computer from chugging its way to death and i think it's mostly due to the fact that all of the south american nations are now suddenly deciding that because they're in war they're going to mass produce 40 divisions which causes the game to break hence why the game is not running very well at the moment on the topic of this i'd actually also like to bring up the current issue i have with the ck2 100 statman series there is one more video coming out for it soon but i'm afraid the current 100 man save file for ck2 is basically dead the reason why is my computer is quite simply not powerful enough to process it and the lag is too intense to the point where i am getting about six frames per second whilst playing so yes i'm afraid it's not really possible to record on i'll try and see if i can somehow manage to get a computer which is powerful enough to run the ck2 file but i doubt that's going to be for quite a while so i'm going to need to save up some funds for some kind of monstrosity of a processor also if you're enjoying this wacky hearts wine 4 video like would be massively appreciated anyway back to the chaos italy for some reason has not capitulated which is quite impressive we've taken a total of two cities from them and the fact that they haven't written us a heartfelt apology honestly makes me wonder what they're playing at but alas don't worry we've managed to break through their defenses and they only have two division oh no they only have one division defending their homeland yep just one just three horses that's all they've got how many divisions do you have in total republican italy oh you got 63 somewhere out there in the world probably over here in finland instead of here on the front lines of the nation that's currently eating you so you know you do your own thing so let's just march down to rome oh what a shame no one was defending rome i don't i mean just gonna walk in there what about anzio anyone in there no no one's in there what about naples is anyone hanging out in naples no it would appear everyone forgot about naples too how about we march all the way down to pomero certainly there's gonna be someone hiding down here in palmeira what's this absolutely no one oh no there was someone we just sidestepped around them though so rest in peace pomero thank you italy for your time in this war i'm afraid it's probably come to an end and uh that's italy cafe related we've captured 5 000 pasta launchers and 113 what i can only presume are probably ice cream trucks and this game is basically a race against time because i am at war with the entire world the world is just mass producing units and the more units it produces the more the lag gets worse so it's basically a race to try and knock out and capitulate as many nations as possible hence why we are now trying to take out yugoslavia whilst also advancing behind yugoslavia it's just a race against time ladies and gentlemen oh my goodness what is going on up here we pocketed a huge army yes we've got representatives from belgium and turkey and poland and oh look here's an italian division yes for some reason they're all deciding to hang out in northern finland so i'm afraid the soviet winter is going to kick in a bit early for you guys why are you still even fighting it how are you even getting supplies i guess there's a port here but this port freezes over in winter so how are the supplies coming in what have we done here all the border gore we've just sliced through austria and gone through vienna to just separate ostros a separate landmass which doesn't really look like austria anymore what have we done to you come on it's time we put you to sleep come on grab munich and they're suffering please for some reason we have this massive front line going on here yet it's only staffed by one bloke here and his friend who i can only presume is jerry up here in the north no idea what they're doing um hopefully we can get some reinforcements for them eventually apparently most of the forces appear to be tied up in circling tiny pockets instead of actually fighting oh and to apparently defeat the romanians all we had to do was just fan or snap their country in half so that basically who knows what side of romania you belong to or even if you're in romania anymore you could be part of greater denmark and we've just capitulated ethiopia and they've decided to hand over two convoys this is ethiopia ethiopia the landlocked nation in africa has two boats to move so why do they have boats why are they owning boats what are they gonna convoy they don't have access to a port oh well gabe i'm not asking any more questions okay you do you i'm gonna do me stop breaking it oh my goodness we've actually done it we've managed to cause the ai to capitulate allowing me to craft some beautiful borders now ladies and gentlemen vote in the comment section below do you want a borders which are completely destroyed b borders which look normal and obey historical settings or c a figment of your nightmares created by the spiffing brit himself vote now for this may be your only opportunity to save yourself and here we have it ladies and gentlemen is it not glorious the figure of nightmare fuel something to keep you up at night and something to make you regret even existing also if you're wondering what music is playing in the background it's the danish national anthem this is a proud day for all of you danish people out there a very proud day look at your mighty nation all of this is possible with the assistance of the spiffing brits and a couple of very bad night's sleep my home by oh bye good lord what have i done oh it's good to be back in hearts of iron four isn't it anyway i'm afraid this is where i will be calling an end to the video if you've enjoyed it please do give it a like and if you'd like to see more then do consider subscribing and joining this wild community a huge thank you as always to some of my majestic patrons these are fabulous people who make these goddamn stupid videos oh so possible if you're wondering what video to watch next then i strongly recommend you take a look at this one on screen now and i will see all of you in the next one remember uploads every other day at 6 30 pm uk time farewell
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 871,418
Rating: 4.9246306 out of 5
Keywords: how to become god, how to become god in hearts of iron 4, 100 stat man hoi4, hearts of iron 4, overpowered hearts of iron 4, OP Hoi4, the spiffing brit, spiffing brit, perfectly balanced game, funny, comedy video, indie game, funny clips, hoi4 memes, cities skylines, cities skylines memes, spiffing brit ck2, rt game, valefisk, bokoen 1, denmark, hoi4 denmark, grand strategy, tropico 6 is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits, paradox interactive
Id: gzBAoTCoLDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2019
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