CRUSADER KINGS 2 BUT I HAVE 100 STATS - The 100 Stat Man Highlights / Funny Moments

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hello there ladies and gentlemen I am the sweeping Brits and today I have a video for you it's a very long form video it's basically a montage of the current 100 step man series that's right this is 100 stymied the immortal of ck2 if you have enjoyed the 107 series or you haven't seen it yet I strongly advise sitting down watching this with a cup of tea it's gonna be a long one you want to watch over several sittings but hey a lot of work went into this and it's all of the greatest moments of the 100 step man's story so far so sit back relax get comfy hit the like button if you're ready and I'll see all of you at the end of it farewell have a nice time hello there ladies and gentlemen I am the smithing Brit and today we're playing some more Crusader Kings - but we're back with a hundred stat man like you've never seen him before it's Juke 100 of Upland but this time he has something on his side he's an immortal last play fruit he killed so many people he went to the afterlife jeweled with Odin himself and Odin was like you know what mate I need to send you back down to earth but this time I'm making you immortal so that I don't have to see you again this guy is Valhalla Bell he's also a Viking a von Aegean he's an adventurer he's brawny he is a renowned physician he's left-handed he's of course a giant he's a genius the Duelist hunter Impaler master seducer hmm as you can see all of his statistics are phenomenal and all over a hundred including his personal combat skill which at the start of the game is a hundred and sixty five Jesus Christ that is amazing we've naturally gone for the war focus and we want to become the king of Sweden who style with a strong claim on the kingdom of Sweden I'd be looking really war he differ as the king of Sweden right now because I know yeah we've only 2,700 troops mate you got a run and you've got a run fast so how second I can buy a court physician who is quite simply possessed by the devil himself and it costs me 10 pounds you know what that sounds like a good deal well my king wants to appoint me as a steward why not oh the king of Sweden literally just immediately died of ammonia some historians would later comment that it was suspicious that the king of sweet last act was to a point 100 Stedman as his Chancellor with his possessed doctor working as an assistant however that's just a theory okay God some random bloke wants to get me to join the creepy cult no thank you we shouldn't speak of this I want to join the wolf warriors when I'm gladly gonna prove myself against who's this some random marshal 26 combat school I don't mind proving myself Azhar and he gets wounded poor little sword her work so what are our opening moves immediately taking over the kingdom of Sweden and then purging all of the pesky little Catholics from our lands because I mean look at these pesky Catholics are disgusting and then we want to immediately proceed to the larger empires where they have vast amounts of people in their Court and the reason we want more people in courts is because it means when we raid the courts we're gonna get loads and loads of people in our prisons and when they're in our prisons where you can sacrifice them oh my god hang a second oh god I'm not the leader of the wolf warriors it's only ten sixty-seven how am I already goodness sake okay sure I guess we have only got seven members I'm fine I'm now the leader of the wolf warriors that means I now physically can't die in the field of battle my character is now 100% immortal because previously the only way to die with the immortal trait was to be slain in the field of battle sorry I've just been given a mission to impress the wolf warriors by declaring war on France for this region here you know what they seems like a brilliant idea for a hundred step man ok the defensive pact opposing William the Conqueror has been disbanded I think that's mostly because all of the United Kingdom has come under the control of Norway including Normandy what has happened here King holiday of Norway what have you done I'm gonna jewel you I want to create a bit of chaos perfection he's chosen to accept the challenge even those of miners to personal combat skill oh my Poland seems to be getting tired his moves becoming slower at first my bastard sword hardened to his chest the surprise is clear on his face this blood fills his mouth I must have hit something rather important and important it was indeed because he's dead oh goodness we can host a legendary gathering it seems like a great idea to already get started on a legend in only 1068 why not oh wait I just realized I can actually fix my recruitment thing by just doing inspire warriors it completely refills a garrison for 150 renown and now I'm up to my full levy for only 300 renown God the society system is pretty broke let's just raise up our army make sure I'm in control and just immediately march on to their capital what an absolute bloody success and I think we could take Sweden in just a matter of days hang on a second did we just capture four people in that one siege we have and the best thing is they're all enemies so we'll ransom off one of them but the people we can't ransom we can just uh sorry do you guys you guys didn't I promise that wasn't just a two-year-old I murdered Jesus skids a bit brutal there we go that's our first free kills to the list nice good job there oh wait we're on four oh yeah cuz of course we killed the kids picking up the king of Norway and let's move down to off state land but there are some really funky names for these places there we go that's a success a hundred percent water score we can now perfectly peace out success we are now the king of Sweden we've got a new heir seed born sigh his name no no no no so we have a hundred stat man it's gonna be 100 stat son of the hundred start dynasty this guy who I clicked on because he was unhappy and he owes me a favor he has a Treasury in the Treasury he has mule name now for those of you that don't know this is false hammer I'm just saying I want this I very much need this you're the Grand mayor of Gotland you're Catholic can I raise up an army and raid you release you grant independence and then declare war immediately yes and now can I rate yes I can BAM there we go first you grant independence and then you immediately proceeded to sack to their lands just so you can get me on it there's the little pesky Danish army let's jump on that because you know why not oh I gained the trake Berserker for an extra 25 personal combat skill which now puts me at 210 combat skill perfectly fine as all things should be about hunting one afternoon and a bearded elder approaches donning a simple travelers cloak and a wide-brimmed hat that conceals his other eye he greets you with courtesy requests a horn of Mead and then informs you that just yonder a world lies forgotten filled with gold he wanders off chuckling as he goes leaving you struck with the familiarity of his presence ah natural he must have been Odin of course this was Odin's next mission to me and yeah we're gonna go find God's treasure and we're also now zealous Thank You Odin you know what the king of the HRE he's got a ton of people in this core like literally an absolute ton I'd say that the capital of the HRE Magdeburg there's a bit of gold lying around there there's certainly a lot of people lying around there Raisa our men here and we turn on raiding and we just walked on down to the center of the hey Chari we should get some fun things out of it who knows what we're gonna find on here we go victory what did we get what did we get zero gold nice but we successfully captured some people in a siege but how many did we capture six people in one go oh that's very good you know what you know we can do what a great vault yes best thing I can ransom you because you're the daughter of the HRE leader for a hundred and ten gold you're getting a ransom so the rest of you can get sacrificed how many kills is that now takes us up to 24 very good two people are they worth any gold no that's one sacrifice and a second sacrifice totally the king of Norway you've got at least yet a king of Norway you've got a lot of stuff in your court so we'll take the lute home and then we're gonna go raid the king of Norway okay you know we're gonna raid the Norwegian capital by bonus we're literally gonna use Vikings to raid Vikings it's a great idea all right I think it's finally time we actually go for the conquest of goulash against France they have 7,000 men so you know I feel like this is a great opportunity to finally test the mettle of the Swedes against the French but if here's the French who are already sending a navy over towards us who knows what is on this Navy I think they might be in for a fun little surprise where you've got the French King with you as well and you've got no morale oh my goodness what are you doing the King of France is in my lands once more but he only has eight men with him what are you doing King Philippe I just have oh my goodness England is free and they've taken this part of Norway with them but they've also created horrific boorda Gore in Normandy thank you and also Cornwall decided to stay with Norway okay I love you gay but you're just a bit odd sometimes but housing and so the French army rode a boat all the way over to Sweden and is now currently walking back through the hey Chari to get to me because I'm seeing Paris there are parts of the AI in this game that I I love but I just feel like I can never truly understand oh and I can find a short sword on the field of battle was this short sword like masterful short sword incredible leading from the center modifier and an extra 15 personal combat skill what I can rename the masterful short swords I'm gonna rename this 100 stat BAM because you know when you get hit by it it's like whoa BAM you've been 100 statment where literally there's nothing you can do because he's a god who walks the earth no we've had a really successful time in France we've got 20 prisoners somehow no idea where they've come from yeah let's just execute everyone no one's gonna object so we only have 11 prisoners left now right well you can get executed you can get executed passing the king of Norway's in our prison hang on a second okay so because the king of Norway is in my prison I've just set his childhood focus to faith meaning he's now going to pick up the wonderful religion of germanic s' and that means he'll love me and then I'll release him into his kingdom and yea everyone will be really confused by the fact that he's a Germanic also he has a pet rat in my dungeon ah there we go look at this I've got so many things on my hands I've got a temple what do I meant to do the temple over the English are having a revolt this kingdom was literally made just moments ago and you're already having a revolt so unstable yes the king of Norway is now very interested in learning about our Germanic culture as well as the Swedish courtship thank God we are actually converting the King of Norway to being Swedish the old switcharoo who saw that one coming teach him about Odin yes little Olaf the forth of Norway is now Germanic eat that you bloody crazy bloodline have fun ah there we go he absolutely loves me oh goodness you know I feel like I should release you I really should but now Germanic oh we can hold a great boat this is a great way to get rid of all the people in our dungeons who we can't execute without incurring a bit of sadness by actually wait we need to make sure we don't kill Olaf right now I think it's reading time and that means I'm gonna raise up some levee fleets and we're going to go and loot guess what the capital of the Byzantine Empire we're gonna sail all the way down to Constantinople and we're just gonna loot the entire place because surely there's people hiding in those castles we're just about to we're about to take oh did I forget to i've got bloody turn on looting din aye here we go it's time to land on into Constantinople and that's a siege here we go the siege is about to end ah my warriors are already sprawling through the streets of Constantinople to take their hard-fought loot when I receive news that there is a still a pocket of defenders hiding in the area it is a small band of mercenaries led by a man called andreas of handle sir their leader claims that he has no quarrel of us and would in fact be ready to join my army for the right price so I could give him 250 gold and I'd get a maintenance free troop these troops will always be ready for raiding they'd be great however um I could just jewel you and probably get your men for free I mean that's a thousand free men that don't even need maintenance so I'm gonna draw you mate because I'm sorry andreas you're just not very good and now we get a thousand free men away from that one siege of the capital city we gained over 200 gold like genuinely siege in Constantinople with looters I didn't realize it was this profitable like literally this is gonna prop up our empire for years to come I found a strange chest just somewhere randomly okay and one day this chest will be opened who knows where it's from but um yeah I'll add that to my Treasury honestly don't know what happens I'd love to see what's inside the strange chest because maybe it's Mjolnir maybe this is how we get it oh my god we've we've got almost 600 gold from this looting trip already oh and they're attacking us again we've got the men back it's time to return home and absolutely flood the streets with infinite amounts of gold we've returned home with nine hundred and thirty gold giving us nine hundred and thirty prestige and we get an influx of loot lovely good lord what a successful raid that was okay right I feel like I've missed a ridiculous amount of stuff for a start the Crusades just won and we now have a king of Jerusalem who's got an Italian Crusader sphere also rum I have no idea where this has come from this is literally just happened what the heck is going on and now what you had has just happened you know this is actually the first time I've decided to take a look at what my family has been up to and I didn't realize I had this many children like me even is this person killed by a wild beast my son was killed by a wild beast since when did that happen well it doesn't really matter what fertility score like me you can just make more besides I'm never gonna die of old age although this lady here might cry she's one-legged and has an infection wait since when did my wife stop becoming a duelist and we told her ha the only way to set a relationship disputes I think you'll find your do the washing up today oh good lord I win the jewel and she gets disfigured and civil hinge it Oh No Oh what have I done to you I'm so sorry senses sorry you curly -5 health you're gonna die any day now the King of Denmark his hospital rifle meaning we can declare war on him that just puts him in my dungeons for no legal reason so why not I think this is a brilliant opportunity to just raise up the levee and throw the King of Denmark into our dungeons yes and of course I'm currently in the process of abolishing all council powers because I mean who reads democracy anyway wha-bam so we're on a way to trace down the King of Denmark which we should be in this castle somewhere ah it ended in conclusively the bastard went and died died of gout that's not even a impressive or anything you just had gout and died of depression and was missing an arm and severely injured what did I do to you I'm so sorry your existence must have been horrendous but it's okay because he's got a son and we can make his life even worse right I'm summoning the levee we're going to take Scarne because you know why not I think it's a great idea so we've decided to declare war on Denmark once more mostly just to make this guy's life absolutely hell because I mean his dad went and wimped out and ended up dying of gout Jesus Christ how many sibling does he have God you were one busy man Kings fed the second we fabricated a claim on the county of Magdeburg now if we did this it means we get to go towards all of the hey Tory for an absolute laughs and they have 25,000 men so I mean it would be great fun let's use this claim Kabam 100% water score I'd say this was a successful victory look at this now our lands are united soon we'll be able to create a wonderful line all the way down to Rome being of which can we actually declare war on the problem oh we can all we've rose his why not Oh the Duke of Barcelona has joined the war against us okay I don't really think no matter how many people you call in to the war it's gonna make a difference okay actually a lot of people are joining the war now look it's the papal fleet 83 galleys I wonder what you've got in store for me because my main can't wait to face you on the field of battle oh is it that the Pope himself no it's not but it's his men who are all about to die Oh who's this it's the son of the King of Denmark who's in my prison great news everyone he has become a skilled tactician well done there glump well done there it's lovely to have you with us oh we've actually got the Knights Templar themselves have turned tough to fight I'm afraid it's not gonna make a difference cuz I'm 100 step man you know what I think it's actually time we wander all the way down to the papacy itself let's go take Rome it's all Jesus Christ it's all I didn't realize they had this in the game look at you can't we do live on what guy I want to sway you I want to be your friend can't we dough join my cause we might be different religions but that can't mean we can't be friends no it's time to seat down Rome yes Wow it's actually fallen in literally just a month all my ambition is now to strengthen the Germanic religion well actually my ambition is to kill 1000 people but you know strengthening oh sure my wife died oh oh oh no oh I actually completely missed that Wow understand man do you not even care that your wife died to be fair it probably didn't help that we cut off half of her face and severely injured her and then she died I feel like that might have played a role in it but either way it's time to go wife shopping and that means we should probably avoid all of these 12 year olds so in order to avoid all of those 12 year olds we're gonna go with a 13 year old who's a genius you know it just kind of had to happen oh my gosh my heart burns with fervor upon hearing the poor Germanic souls are being oppressed oh it's incredible I was liberate my dramatic probe room oh this just allows me to liberate religion this is incredible I want this we've achieved 88 kills you know what I think we can do more Jesus Christ when did we have 20 prisoners my good god well thank God someone told me we have an execute all prisoners button were bad oh god the screams robe is ours ladies and gentlemen the Germanic Swedes control Rome we couldn't live in a better world even if we try you know what I actually want to set about converting this almost immediately you know I've really think we should probably get some money by looting and burning Constantinople again I mean just look at it they've got an infidel tax at the moment what the heck even is an infidel tax now how are we going to even get the men together to invade Constantinople well good question we're gonna right-click on the Capitol and just inspire some warriors to appear out of nowhere that's five thousand free men yeah city of world's desire it's beautiful and it's also full of gold even more gold now that there's an infidel tax it's great who wouldn't want to loot it you know we could either go and burn it down or we could just take the city for ourselves and I've gotta be honest might as well do the latter is that seriously all your army has to offer just one thousand men okay right come on we're on our plot to kill the high chief of caroler blah blah blah under there oh you over here you're the bloke who controls this land oh I don't mind killing you anyway it survived unharmed great I'm gonna have to kill him and he's gone into hiding makes it harder to assassinate well oh bloody find away have it we've successfully captured Venice wha-bam oh my oh my god okay we have to make a tough decision my good friend chief Patil also known as the cleansing flame of Halligan's art he's my vassal he's been with me for a long time and he's also a great carouser we've been friends for going on probably about 20 years now he's been with me for the good times and the bad times late into the third day of feasting I sit awake alone contemplating reveries next to me on a couch lies one of my companions sleeping a deep drunken sleep defenseless and beautiful skin glowing in the candle lights how peaceful this is oh I think I'll try some Oh God I will gave the trake a taboo but I will I'll kill my friend oh no I don't think we should do this one yeah so we're not gonna do this one we really really shouldn't do this one ladies and gentlemen please we should have been doing this one oh god he was so tensed oh God the reveling and carousing is over for now time to get back to the real life oh what a lovely man you were you were too good for this world Oh God so I've decided to change the names of few of our problems who's starting with of course slow up here Grimsby Skegness what is and of course a planned way BAM I got you there didn't I ladies and gentlemen anyway so what's the plan now well as we can see King 100 ironheart he's 51 years old now he's kind of an old boy now naturally we want to strengthen the Germanic religion as a few ways we can do that we could declare war on the HRE and take this wonderful province of Zeeland named it New Zealand alternatively this bloke here who yes we tried to murder but it's very important to mention he has a concubine who's my lover she's great she's amazing this guy however he's not he's also got syphilis so I'd like to murder him before he can give it to my lover and then item to Mario now we have tried murdering him but he's just gone into hiding however there's a new option here a religious liberation war now this gives us more moral authority gives us prestige impiety nearly negative is nearby rulers of his faith might also join but honestly who cares we're basically God already apparently is caught in a few people but honestly just looks like we're all with Finland and I've gotta be honest that's nothing difficult a plan prospers I can lose a thousand gold but add one holding yes let's make Upland even bigger we can build more castles it's gonna be a ridiculous fall to plan once I've finished oh my goodness they've caught a ton of tribes into this of course it doesn't really make a difference at the end of the day cuz we're gonna wear 13 k stack god we haven't seen one of those in a while I think it's time we've raised up the men of Scarne great news in the siege we've managed to capture our lover and seal him she's in her prison but also she's given birth to a bastard of mine that's right chief Carver get cooked boy and I can just recruit her and she'll no longer be concubine the chief wort Oh brilliant you're recruited now amazing and we can be married the chaos surrounding the Battle of Slough by men quartered Kavala who bravely resisted according to reports but then he tripped on his own axe good riddance my boy has it what what has happened sorry what so I finished the war and it's liberated the province yeah it's liberated it to King bro Vienna of Sweden but I am king 100 iron heart of Sweden there are two cases of Sweden what what what do you thank god you're not a king of Sweden well you really do hate me reasons why attempted murder dishonorable declared war cuckolded executed by child defeated me religious differences I'm a cannibal Anna King Slayer my god wow you really like perhaps it is time for us to go and declare war on the hey Chari they've got twenty six thousand men which is actually quite a large amount of men what I can also do to make sure we have an even higher chance of winning is to just do a war sacrifice so let's do one of those new son folky my son is a genius of course he is of course he would be is this ever of a hundred stat man the single greatest person in the world to go 100% war school we've done it our beautiful the province of Zeeland is now under our religious control now we just need to take this place over here in Norway that would involve declaring war Norway and I do like my Norwegian friends hmm I prefer them to just simply convert yes I've turned on the rating let's embark the army and let's sail down to Constantinople because they've got a brilliant deal on gold at the moment and I'm in the lookout for about 2,000 of the stuff oh my good lord umm it would appear all of Norway has gone into revolt against my good friend King Olaf son of Loki you know what I think I should probably step in and help you I'm afraid I can't lead these men because I'm kind of busy down looting the capsule of Trebizond Constantinople oh the reserve armies under attack this guy here with eleven thousand men is coming along well it's a good thing we can teleport 100 stat man over here immediately and he can probably win this battle no problem no no no no no no god no okay right so I'm just gonna quickly save the game it's quite important if some of you remember from last episode we discovered a very interesting artifact known as the strange chest now I did a bit of research strange chest can sometimes be that chest that they open in you know the first Indiana Jones film that melts the face of everyone yeah right let's open the chest and find out the key fits a lot only contains a few parts girls the crumbles into dust when you touch it ah thank God I walk away disappointed but at least I walked away alive let's look on the plus side now let's loot Sussex success we've looted and now it's time to attack the king who knows what we might get we might get may erection hood oh no it's actually Mayor Reagan what a lovely guy sacrificed oh wait now I get to jewel him okay let's actually kill him though now a hundred and seventy four kills good lord this is good robust twenty percent of the way there looting spree so far because we've got what is this one thousand five hundred gold on a boat yeah I think we should probably land it we've burnt down a lot of the English countryside and even better we are have nineteen prisoners now a few of these are actually valuable and we could ransom them for money alternatively we could just hit execute all that's good stuff wait no no what happened to the king of Norway oh my friend King Loki died of severe stress Olaf the fourth Olaf you died of stress Oh son it was absolutely lovely to know you you had a great life I'm so sorry you died when all of these guys were being foreign Christians but now that they're Christians I feel absolutely no worry in just attacking them religion can be reformed yes yes ladies and gentlemen we have changed our nature to dogmatic we have included divine marriage which allows close kin marriages yeah basic this legalizes incest and if anything it's meant to be a good thing we also have very bloodthirsty gods so basically we're gonna have more opportunities to sacrifice people and get more rewards for sacrificing people and our leadership is temporal meaning the reformer will become the head of the religion we are also an immortal king 100 iron heart stat man is an immortal character with 100 starts meaning he is not only a God to play us but he will actually be regarded as the god of this religion this is certainly going to help us on our quest to getting 1,000 kills so let us write for success are suddenly all these people have had their temples usurped by true Joe Mannix we've done it ladies and gentlemen we've done it we are a reformed pagan oh no the bloodied pesky tribes of you tinker of Justin verted the Catholic faith that's quite annoying oh don't worry I'm sure we can convert them back with some good old crusading know that we've reformed our faith we have so many more opportunities for war for example when we click on Denmark we can right click declare war and we can just have a holy war for the entire thing oh my god I love this game but without religion now reformed into something even more powerful I feel we should have absolutely no problem conquering the entire world for example let us take a look at the Holy Roman Empire we could just have a holy war and take the entirety of Bavaria if we really wanted or perhaps the entirety of Bohemia maybe all of Burgundy or my personal favorite take the entirety of Germany you know what we've just we've just got back into the game we might as well take the entirety of Germany what could possibly go wrong at you just to get ourselves started I think we'll have a quick holy war for the rest of Denmark you can conduct a war sacrifice ah ladies and gentlemen we're doing one Oh some guy called toward literally just join my court I've just married him to one of my daughters but apparently we can sacrifice him now it does increase the speed of our armies and make them an absolutely incredible okay fine sacrifice it is I'm afraid a life for a victory I'm terribly sorry toward as this perform a mass sacrifice sacrifice a considerable portion of your subjects to improve morale I can get Upland to do it that way Upland gets rivers of blood for the next ten years they're not going to be very good alternatively scouring every village that makes all demise very bad but we get an extra 10% morale or all of Sweden will run with flat gain moral authority and everything becomes a field of stoves oh my good lord we can ransom 12 characters for 443 gold or alternatively we could just execute all of them yeah I think I chose the better option that fine I will accept your peace offer King of Denmark Kingdom of Denmark is mine I just need to defeat this Danish revolt against this guy who's now King you don't have the King of Denmark my friend what happened to the previous King of Denmark he was just like you know what bugger I'm out of here I don't want to deal with this and he's just given up and now you have to face off against the Danish revolt God what has happened today Chari since when did you know aget this big what's happened rum is split in two we have trebizond here and of course Trebizond here and trebizond here all different types of Trebizond there's a horrific set of borders going on here with some of the tribes Khomeini is no longer existing the Chinese are starting to invade most importantly Spain hasn't been retaken by the Catholics which means it can be retaken by the Norseman wait a second France controls Devon and Cornwall what's gone on there Norway is in control of the wonderful Normandy this is five lovely regions of immense wealth but most importantly they're Catholic and really they shouldn't be Catholic now now sadly we can't do huge great Crusades for entire nations because the pagan great holy war era has not yet begun as a result we're gonna have to settle for just quite simply taking the entirety of Normandy but you know I think that's fine now I'll settle for that these men are from England they've landed in Sunderland right that's fine which is gonna have to attack them you know they've had an absolutely wonderful time they've gone on a wonderful cruise all the way from Middlesex just round Denmark they've had a wonderful time let's come on down here they've landed and they've arrived on the coast of Sweden now yeah finally we're gonna be able to join the war and then no immediately over a quarter them are just slain in combat and rolling around in the field of battle looking all your dead friends it's like okay right this was a mistake we should probably go home now plus I put my wallet now okay all the HRE all of England and the king of deadlock I get the feeling that France might start getting a little bit worried Oh yep they've they've just got to worried and they've now joined the against me yep yes King Philippe the Confessor who's incapable in a crusader he suddenly noticed that the rapid increase in Swedes on their border might be a cause for concern and so he's suddenly gone right let's join the war I'm gonna whip out the French crusading mace and it's time to defend Normandy but in the meantime it doesn't matter because I can just quite simply assault my way through Normandy and we've actually done it that's the wall completed have we captured enough people in the procedure so we've caught 15 you know I think we can do a little bit better than that I'm going to go down to Paris and finally there we go that's the final one how many people are not dungeons now 23 people now we have a few options here we could ransom them all for 272 gold or we could just quite simply hit this button here glorious noises glorious Normandy is now ours it's Sweden so what's our current fright at oh it's a 12% right oh that's not too bad I'm sure it won't really make a difference then the leader of the hey Tory has died so it's moved and guess what it's even closer to us now it's over here what do you actually offer 19,000 men and if I were to declare war on you I could have holy wars for the entire team burgundy Bohemia kaffir could I take Germany I'm actually now allowed to take Germany because the pagan holy war era has begun ladies and gentlemen should we take the entirety of Germany it's the great holy war for Germany the mighty fakely r100 has decided that it is time to teach kaiser henry v another lesson in humility or free germanic men are invited to partake in the scouring of the kingdom of germany the all-father is with us yes apparently the Pope is feeling a little bit threatened by our glorious crusade for the entirety of the h-hurry and is decided that they're going to have a heat crusade for frase why not um the phrase isn't that friending but have fun on your little crusade it's time for my glorious crusade yeah that's right it's the Germanic great holy war just march on down to their capital and Lewton Burnett the other army simply distract Norway and stop them from seizing our beautiful lands many people with war with it's uh it's quite big oh the king of Hungary is joined in the war against us oh we've got a hundred percent war score already why have we got 100 percent war school we captured the king of a HRE oh wait now we've captured his wife and also your son how many people would go in our prison sixteen or we could do way better than I really do enjoy sack in Paris it just gives us so many man there's just endless bodies in Paris oh we've 271 kilos good lord now we're a hundred percent Wars king of the HRE just died how did you die you died of scurvy what how oh my god right fine but he continues to flow through the trade post of Venezia but your relationship with a merchant family that owns it is sour the van tiga family wear bars are you situated mr. patrician oh you're all the way over here right assemble the angry mobs I'm about to lose a thousand gold but our plans gonna get a glorious monument flourish the game there's gonna be a huge statue of me here what I'm able to cut down juke-r Dino the man groans and tosses something into the dirt I hesitate for a second and my enemy uses the opportunity stop running away leaving me staring the item on the ground sword from heaven has made out what a sword from heaven of metal that fell from the sky some set is a gift from God represent you see a guy's firm offer peace enforce demands the Germanic holy war for Germany has ended bokya 100 is one successful great holy war o sacred boats without moral authority for all those Christians there now down to 62 moral authority whereas we are at a glorious hundred percent so I can create the Kingdom of Germany make sure we'll take that I am now the king of Germany 50 percent fret right yeah we're gonna need to wait for that to decrease a little bit Oh God great news guys the Mongol hordes have just arrived look at those equestrians hope to accomplish who knows but um they're probably gonna get a bit close to my land we're gonna actually need to summon even more Lodge commanders even more Lodge commanders oh great there's been a Catholic up right whose bloody pesky infidels well it's a good thing I can summon just some nearby men oh my god there we have it finally I've got the main size down to 26 my god right I've just inherited a title from this bloody guy dude toasty I've seen how these two lands and I've gone immediately of my domain size because we are now a frigid 22 perfect house not religious conversions going on we haven't converted a single province yet to being germanic but we're making progress okay or how much money we're gaining a month that's where a hundred gold a month far rest in peace the Blessed Virgin it seems does not favor the Christian faithful hope in a census the third has called off the crusade for free as Catholic moral authority like at the moment then I was only at 52 Oh Catholics I'm going to plunge you into the ground there is going to be absolutely nothing left it's gonna take 180 nine months for its DK to zero percent but we'll get there one day I'm immortal after all so we'll get we converted so demand perfection right it's time to get on with converting I guess Rome why not let's convert room anyway we've defeated the Hedgehog army they lost 7,000 men we lost basically nothing and they can of course have a ton of sacrifices anyway it's down to natural capsule of the hey sorry this is probably one of the most important things to grad the battle v-loc some bloke dies all the hedgehogs are some pretty sure we've captured yet we've got all of your children excluding one oh god I love the dancing plague oh okay I actually saw a YouTube video on this recently so the dancing play is part of like a group thing where some guy starts dancing and everyone started dancing it's a truly unprecedented situation apparent is happening in Gotland have increased our kill count up to 326 so actually I think we can do better because we could ransom off all of these people how much is that fringe on 26 gold that's probably what they'd want us to do or we could just execute all prisoners anyway xq1 there we go what if we don't attack people per se but instead we just raid everything I want to spend an entire episode just simply raiding to see how many prisoners we can get and of course at the end of the video we will then try and execute this vast number of prisoners and see what happens to the game because I'm pretty sure the audio will have never experienced I don't know let's say a hundred people all dying at once so what are a few of our possible raiding targets well as always the capital of an empire is always a lovely place to start is also the head of the Catholic Church that's a nice place to raid Paris is also great so is Luxembourg of course and my personal favourite Constantinople now ruled over by Duke proceedeth the cruel of kvarner who is scarred proud cruel lustful possessed and has worn I also I have the feeling that perhaps going all the way up to the ROM dynasty we're likely to find quite a few people over there Oh letters quite simply waltz down to the capital of the hey Torre and see what we can collect in today's raid it's wonderful bugs were attacking all these people and yet we're losing Fred but you know we're not actually at war with them all we're doing is simply borrowing some of their people oh and my betrothed wife has finally turned 16 meaning we can map legends about Alexander the Great and his epic campaign across Asia are told throughout the known world Karlis young rulers have wasted their lives in their hopeless attempts to emulate the immortal achievements of this legendary figure having died young after fathering only one child Alexander was unable to establish an imperial dynasty rulers of all creeds and nations claim to trace their ancestors to fleeting lines of Alexander yet none have been able to have such a prestigious claim be recognized by their peers and subjects so I could actually claim to be part of the blood of Alexander myself fighting a 100 iron heart of Sweden fight I'll be the first to it's exceeded tempte forgit claim here we go the tomb of Alexander the location of the hallowed grounds where the great Conqueror was put to his final rest has been contested topic for millennia many Roman emperors of old have claimed to have visited the tomb of Alexander Jura in their rise to power yet it's true location still eludes modern scholars the recovery of my my ancestors sacred remains would surely strengthen my claim so I can use my high intrigue and spend money to find the tomb or establish a valid claim using learning and wealth or just leave and get the trait depressed and lose a ton of prestige well you know I think I actually would like to have his remains I think that'd be great fun so I'm gonna spend some intrigue and wealth right I shall spare no expense which is 2,000 gold 1500 gold or 1000 gold we're gonna spend a large amount of gold I want to get the remains of Alexander the Great let's go oh my good god I think we've actually done it we have actually gone and done it my goodness ladies and gentlemen we're converting parts of Europe look these lands have converted to the Germanic faith and also we've got Rome when I have a new son he's a genius oh of course you would be if you were born to stat man here it is the tomb of Alexander the valiant members of my expedition have finally returned to Upland they bring a marvelous gift with them a mummified corpse covered in ancient jewels that they claim to belong to my distinguished ancestor after a consultation with my scholars who carefully examined every detail of the body I am certain that the expedition has been successful after having been lost for so many centuries the body of Alexander the Great has finally been found and I am the one responsible for its recovery the only thing that remains is for my claim to Alexander's ancestry to become our objective all send out every messenger and inform every crier this is going to cost me 10,000 prestige let it be done I think it's also quite important we actually reflect on what an incredible adventure it's been 100 salmon here is now aged 83 over the course of that time he has collected a ridiculous amount of incredible artifacts which are quite simply astounding he's also reformed the entire Germanic faith he's managed to also found five separate bloodlines and he's killed 453 people he is quite simply something out of this world and I can't wait to see where we go especially now that we've basically discovered that he is the son of Alexander the great Catholic revolt has just been declared there we go the Catholic revolt has been finished the guy who led the Catholic revolt he looks like Jesus its Jed religion ruler it's basically Jesus and he's in the dungeon he has broken spirits and is currently suffering from a headache oh what a poor guy and you're getting sacrificed I had to come on let's loot up Kent this is gonna be the final ransacking after we did start with about 18,000 men and we're now down to 6,000 so I think it's probably time we eventually call it quits oh and great another bloody Catholic uprising in the exact same place as well then it's time to hop back on the boats and go home then we've got a Catholic uprising to put down oh wait it has been put down let's publicly humiliate you because you're an absolute idiot for leading a Catholic uprising oh my god and another bloody Catholic uprising is being declared I've just done a quick check and I think I've worked out why our mercenary band isn't getting hired our mercenary band contains 31 thousand men and will cost you 206 a month to rent but also requires three thousand to buy I get the feeling that's why no one's bought it yet so I think it's definitely time we dissolve our mercenary company because there is no way anyone was going to buy that there we go we've just done it we've hit a hundred and four prisoners with the siege of Tangier lovely right let's just do a few more mini sieges and then I think we'll move on to the next province so no my wife's died she was slain by Chief Rourke Hallberg in personal combat you killed my bloody concubine and you're my marshal and you my friend why did you kill my bloody wife she was my spy master oh my goodness oh good lord right we're gonna need a new wife the position of wife has just opened up don't ask what happened to the last three of them could marry the Duchess of Gotland this doesn't seem like a bad idea she's got a large domain size and she does control a large amount of my kingdom so almost makes sense to marry her so I have more titles to pass on when we've captured the UN armed protector is this something that I can actually bolt onto my arm no it is quite simply an elaborate decorated armband and it increases sex appeal why not only people do have in our prison 212 good lord this is proving very successful and we've now gone up to 222 prisoners what a glorious yes I think that's enough prisoners and it's time for us to return home there we go we've returned with 3500 loose and gained 3500 prestige excellent right I'm afraid it's time we've returned we have two hundred and nineteen prisoners a few prisoners have actually even died of old age in our prison yeah that's right there's a lot of them in fact so many in fact the games starting to lags so we need to make a decision we could release all 219 but that would be terrible we could ransom 156 of them for 3500 gold or could just execute them all execute 219 people I don't think this has ever even been done in the history of ck2 I will send a video by someone saying look I've executed 20 people at once aren't i incredible well I'm afraid you're not because we're about to execute 219 people ladies and gentlemen let it begin well now that Jesus Christ the games [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 547,748
Rating: 4.9428792 out of 5
Keywords: crusader kings 2 but I have 100 stats, 100 stat man, 100 stat man ck2, crusader kings 2 but i have 100 stats - the 100 stat man highlight, funny moments, highligts, ck2 holy fury, ck2 100 stat man, the spiffing brit, holy fury, how to become immortal, rts, spiffing, british humor, funny clips, ck2 meme, ck2 multiplayer funny, ck2 mp in a nutshell, montage, spiffing brit, rt game, mow2, grand strategy, hearts of iron 4, matn ck2, let's play CK2, alt history, valefisk
Id: MOeOKBjiu28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 38sec (2918 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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