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earnest listen up we got two episodes for y'all this week that's right the one you're about to watch right now with our brother Dave shins that's right sleep is for suckers he's gonna break down his social proof online summit it's an amazing episode and then Friday we're putting out part two of our Atlanta live podcast event so don't miss it tune in make sure you like subscribe and comment peace y'all [Applause] alright guys welcome back earn your leisure yeah yeah we got a very special episode today the ladders always been good with Alain is like a second home that's the fact everybody knows that we from New York but we travel a lot to Atlanta and one of our partners shot the mic is in Atlanta Mike you know yeah so we got a direct pipeline to Atlanta so we got one of our land is are you from Atlanta originally I'm from New Jersey or is near willingboro okay but you live in Atlanta yeah all right like everybody else nobody from Atlanta so David shins interesting guy he's an entrepreneur he's an author he is the head of an event that we're actually gonna be a part of yo and real social pool conference he teaches people how to become entrepreneurs he has a podcast he does branding he's always on social media mindset tailoring like yeah we call that he's a real renaissance man and if you are a social media and you've seen them with the director's chair eating Doritos know what that you chill you had like Cheetos I said yeah what you doing yeah but here's the thing what am i homegirl she said yo I know somebody at Cheetos just make a video I'm not married to smoke rap snacks Hollett relays anything look if it's a if you got a black on celery company I got the same crunch yes so David he's a entrepreneur and a true renaissance man so before we start thank you for joining us appreciate it thanks for having me it's kind of coming up really welcome to the green room waiting to be Y alumni ah y'all made better thing guys we lay that little a style you like though I'm gonna be alumnus man oh yeah I just wanna be in the conversation I'll listen and all that but I'd like cuz everybody's like yeah we got this alumni I just want to be in the welcome so yeah so before we start I'm gonna get your backstory because I think it's interesting especially for people that are struggling as far as we talk about business a lot and a lot of times people feel like it's a pipe dream as far as become an entrepreneur business owner you know you working on a five job you're just barely making ends meet being entrepreneur it seems like a million miles away but that's kind of your story you working the Cheesecake Factory right anything you became so can you outline that absolutely absolutely so um when I've been trying to be an entrepreneur for a long time I mean since I was a kid where I was raking leaves at my house and I look across the street and my neighbor has leaves on the lawn and I'm like yeah I really like the fact that the leaves look real pretty on the lawn but for some reason my dad makes me raked my leaves but I go knock on the door I'm like you know I like the beauty of the colors but do you not like the fact that leaves are on your lawn she said no I mean I just don't feel like doing it I'm why y'all got a wrinkled son so but fast word you know Trifield so I don't want to say fail because everything that that didn't work out through my journey helped me in this right here so um the the final straw was working at the Cheesecake Factory and is what happened it's cool story I'm uh my birthday's coming up and I've been at Cheesecake Factory for a little while and I'm cutting bread for my table and this girl comes up to me says yo what are you gonna do for your birthday this year so my birthday was coming up I was like I don't know anything about it she said let's go back to the club we went to last year and I'm like she's like everybody had a good time or you might came out I'm like all right bet let's do it so just weekend let's go but she walked away you ever watched one of those movies where like the the the whole room gets dark there's like a spotlight on one character yeah I'm saying it's the music starts playing and I'm like reflecting in this moment I'm like yeah I'm about to celebrate my birthday with the same people at the same place working at the same job but nothing wrong with those things Yeah right but I get home and I'm driving home in the same car it was a it was a to 9600 yo to Corolla I want to say and I take my money my tips for the day put it in the bank and I realized that my bank balance was like a little bit over negative like me putting the money in got it over negative just cleared it but it was a moment from the year before where that same I had like deja vu I'm like y'all around my birthday this year the same exact thing happened so for 12 months nothing's changed with my age I was in the same exact position and I say you know something's got to change something's got to change but my problem was how old were you I was 25 when I started I was 25 when I start my business so I think looking back I've always been ambitious but I never sit long enough to let something grow I'll try something it starts a little bit then I just get like the shiny object syndrome and start something else and there's the first time I say you know that's enough and I was trying to really build something so all right so you get to the PIFAN II and then so your first business that you started the kiosk hmm so I was I was building a t-shirt brand called sleep is for suckers gear I still have it I'm still doing well but sleep is for suckers geared towards entrepreneurship and people that lose sleep doing what they love I'm trying to figure out what is the best time to build this business I'm working 8 to 10-hour shifts I spill still you know I have some church obligations with my mom stuff like that and I'm like the only time that I could really build his businesses after work so I work all day on my job and all night on my dream trying to build something and just came out the phrase sleep is for suckers cuz that was the time window I had to give up sleep I wasn't gonna give up my job I wasn't gonna give up time my mom I was gonna give up time my charity it was that time window that I'm sleep for eight hours instead of eight hours I can sleep six and for two hours I can build this business and if I do that over a week I'm putting 14 hours into a dream every single week so it was a t-shirt business t-shirt brand we're moving out of the back of the Corolla oh we had the backseat boutique yeah so you just so in my mind I'm envisioning this this is in Atlanta Atlanta you just drive so houses where you're just driving around pulling up on people that yo you gonna Barbara's puzzle how you marketing this I mean it first started with you know like wristbands so I got these wristbands to say sleep is for suckers and I'm trying to sell people on the idea if I can sell people on the philosophy and this regular I mean any risk manager you can get but I'm trying to sell people on the concept and then I put sleep is for suckers on a t-shirt the designs were wack but people felt the story but yo I don't sleep either yeah I'm trying to build something too so I started with t-shirts and you know I started with my my co-workers my friends family who say yo when that drops i'ma buy it and they don't oh right so at that point I started just cool story and I got a lot of story something stopping a minute I'm not gonna make him that long but even in my book I wrote this part called hundred dollar off days where my goal is to build my business on my off days just my off days because I was working five days a week at my job two days a week on my dream every single day my goal is to go out and sell for t-shirts I'm selling t-shirts for $25 so I'm trying to sell for t-shirts I'm trying to make a hundred dollars on each off day so my boy is like now you got a grime and you got to work every single day I know myself I'm low-key lazy I work hard cuz I'm kind of lazy I want to get to a point where I got denied we're exploring oh yeah yeah that's what lazy people say okay my goal is I'm focused on whatever happens throughout the week is extra but my goal is on my off days Phil it will work if I can put time into my job I can put time to mop my business so I started hitting these these hundred dollars each off day so I call my boss like yell he you only put me on four days a week instead of five because I knew if I can make $200 on two off days if I had three off days I can make 300 mm-hmm and that joy started to hit so long story short by the time I quit my job I was like working at day a week so I like trance so I teach people to transition out of their job let's set these small goals and build from there so can you talk about that cuz that's important as far as sold off strategy and like Fitness like you never just want to jump out the window with anything so can you break that down a little bit to transition out of your job I like that idea was it looks like I'm thinking myself like was there any fear in that like or how did that play on your mom I'm doing this I'm out I don't know it wasn't really it wasn't really a fear because it happens so gradually you know me it's like the with this podcast you drop one episode then two then three and it starts to build so I'm trying to make all my just the two time my goal is to make $200 a week if I can't sell eight t-shirts in seven days you don't really like so it was it wasn't like a fear of oh I gotta go quit my job that would be scary I'm just trying to make a couple more dollars to like go to the club and hang out and put something on a bottle no one gonna buy it myself but I want to be a person that could chip in so it wasn't really a fear especially because since I was a kid I've always been trying the hard part sticking when I'm only making $200 a week like or or sticking when I'm not really making any money instead of saying yeah you know what I think what's wrong real estate cuz t-shirts don't work it was just me so the hard part was just staying in my lane and you know just stay in one course for a while yeah it goes back to you I looked at your page the lifecycle of a good idea yeah this sounds like the like everybody else thought so you know I mean like can you break down that process because I'm sure there's a lot of people that have ideas and they make it to the first stage of excitement but they never make it to the last thing ah never so I came across this freezing tation I was on tour with et 2017 and I think like a few hours before I was supposed to turn in my presentation I just like y'all got it the lifecycle of a good idea is excitement everybody gets excited about the idea but then you got to move to evolution or you got to start evolving the idea which is not as exciting as when you got the idea you get to tell everybody and you see the vision you know this goal was take me out of my job so excitement then evolution that engagement so after you evolve it you got to engage people that get scary mmm cuz you got to actually approach people and make a sale and try to get the buy-in you got to get people to buy it but then with engagement comes resistance you'll automatically have those people to say yo I don't want to buy it and then you have to make a decision and the decision is either get excited about something else or move into expansion but the trick is taking each stage with you so if you're excited and you move to evolution you got to be excited while you're evolving the idea and some people move from evolution to engagement but they stop evolving the content so once you start to hit resistance if you're still engaging people and evolving you're asking people okay why aren't you buying this because you're still evolving it you're still trying to get better meaning you're still engaging you're testing it and then you make a decision to just don't get excited about something else fight through it take all that data get re excited about the same concept retool it keep engaging go through the resistance and do you expand you know you said I'm important and shotty comes from a sales background and you come from a sales background you said our sale starts when somebody says no off for sure in my mind I'm like yeah somebody said no eyes next to the next what was the importance of that like what's the philosophy Barnett I mean when you go into a shoe store obviously somebody comes up to you and you're like can I help you and you always say no good we're trained to say no yeah the actual sit the game starts when they say no first and so I was expecting yo you want to buy this t-shirt and they say no I'm y alright man well I got goes to the next person but then I realized that one of my mentors said you know make them tell you know twice so I might yell would you like to make buy this t-shirt and they say now I'm good and I'm like yo are you sure look at this like look at that like this this this would be dealt with your shoes and for some reason I started converting I'd be like all right yeah you're right let me get it right so now you know fast forward I was able to leave the Cheesecake Factory and jump into the kiosk I make you tell me notes you walk away because yo I've converted on the third sale that I mean the third no the fourth no and sometimes people buy because they tired of you asking they may know you're not gonna let them go look I got alright cool just give all right give me that one here ticket so you know more than once yeah now the sales is we talked about that a few times on the podcast is something that most people are extremely afraid of because nobody likes to talk to strangers like wait condition there's kids not to talk to strangers that's the person they tell you don't talk to strangers and that carries over as an adult and it's like to walk up to somebody especially try to ask them to buy a product and they spend money what she was like is terrifying for most people but I always say like if you can actually sell do sales I recommend anybody that wants to be in business to do at least one year of sales oh yeah selling something okay well there's life insurance whether his knives what is the cell phone cases you got if if you could sell something a it takes a fair way yeah and you'll realize that the worst thing in the world is not know yeah it's not like people say no you're still living like you know I mean it's like you got to develop stick-thin to be entrepreneurial yeah I got a clash outside up my man Sam he came on our coaching call I have a call in the mornings and he said man what how do I take my business to the next level and my question was like yo how many people do you ask to buy your service he said man not that many I say you know how give me a number like how many people do you actually ask he said well uh I don't know not a whole lot brother how many did you ask yesterday he said none I said that's the problem so this is what I want you to cuz he's afraid to ask for the sale I said or he's either he's afraid to attend he's afraid to like like get into sales but what I told him was I just want you to ask three people a day that's your goal I don't care what they buy or not because the pressure is in their answer and but if you condition your mind and say yo my goal is not to make a sale my goal is to just ask five people every day so I can go to the store say you know I want to bother you my coach make me doing this um would you like to buy this t-shirt okay that's one hey mom I know I ain't talked to you a little while I never I never like try to sell you anything but let me get my number out and if you can start to get your number out three sales five just make five calls make your goal make your goal the work not the reward because the reward is scary because if you don't get it you're disappointed but what you can't control is the work that's the only thing control mm-hmm so is it uh it's like a fine line between persistence and annoyance because I could imagine like y'all get this get this get this and it's like I is there a fine line there so make a sale you got to be kind of annoying a little bit okay I mean at the end of the day you gotta ask for it be who's gonna be somebody you want to get on the podcast they say no next time you see him you need to ask him again it's only our insight we feel like we're being annoying yeah but sometimes people just forget or and I learned this at the Cheesecake Factory so dope people want to but they want to eat cheesecake but they want you to convince them they want to do it but the right thing to say is no because it's high in fat calories but they really want me to ask they really want me to convince they feel good strong will cuz they're saying no because they're on a diet we got there's no 100 that be happy when I convinced them no it's the note thing is extremely important and it's important for people understand not to take things personal yeah and you know I just living in New York I was on the subway years ago and I just did like observation there's like people these guys handing out like free newspaper they're free to any anybody that's like coming through the turnstile and every single person was I no I'm gonna look they was just and I'm thinking to myself like it's free it's a free newspaper right why not take it but it's like they're just conditioned with that he's trying to sell me he's not even trying to sell she's giving it away and it's like no it's like the same thing it's like a pretty girl like you might want to dance with a pretty girl before you even she's like no it was like you didn't even look she's conditioned to say no so I say I have to say like people in general are conditioned to say no so peeling back that layer and they're like whoa why it's free it's a free newspaper you want to take it I mean like let me get the know out of the way and you're not gonna convince everybody but some people once you just get that first layer like if you can get past that first layer it's like a homerun after that yeah I think how you how you do anything is how you do everything so if if you're attempting to make a sale and they say no if you're working on a product you just can't figure it out like these mics you just couldn't figure out how to get it working you'll probably stop at that too and just get another mic right but once you develop a certain a certain level of persistence you once you develop that trait that carries to everything and I mean like if you can be if you can be persistent in a in a sales transaction you could be persistent in getting that person interested in not enough to date you or trying to close that deal really how you do anything is how you do everything so you sound like you gonna beat a wholesome bachelor man so what are some steps like you said you coach people to become entrepreneurs men and 9:05 what are some steps I'm sure there's a lot of people that may listen to this podcast that have nine-to-five jobs and want to become entrepreneurs like what are some practical steps that people can take I think the first step is just set a goal and I don't care what the goal is ideally if you're new and entrepreneurship you don't want to set a sales goal or a reward goal you want to set a work goal so your work goal might be starting out from 6:00 to 7:00 every single day I'm going to work on this product or this project whatever it is I'm doing from 6 to 7 if you got a podcast from 6 to 7 I'm reaching out to people to be on my I don't care what they say their answer doesn't have anything to do with me for me to hit my goal from six to seven because that works on consistency you get more comfortable reaching out and you're putting a whole bunch of people in your pipeline this for this particular scenario guess what podcasting but the first step is to set a a consistent goal that you can hit but you can't control if somebody buys or not I mean so I think the first step is if you have a business you set some work goals in out of those work goals if you get comfortable in that long enough then you set some small reward goals and you just do that consistently my goal is to sell one a day whatever the product is let me just sell one a day and you do that often if you'll get tired of that now you know what I'm glad you said that because that's something that I learned early on in business when I was first came in the business right and I learned that you can't people make the mistake all the time I still can't want to make a hundred thousand dollars and in order to do that I need to make two thousand dollars a week right and it's like okay I'm gonna make two thousand dollars a week I'm not gonna work two weeks out of the year so if I make two thousand fifty weeks I make a hundred thousand dollars but that's not really an attainable goal because it's like what does it take to make two thousand dollars a week right you don't know it's not ever done it so it's like if you're selling a product right you might say okay I need to sell 10 of these whatever they are in order to make 2,000 but but even saying alright imma sell 10 products that's really not a good goal because how are you gonna sell 10 products you got dig deeper to say ok and know that this sell 10 products I know I need to speak to 100 peelings Zack so the goal is not to sell 10 products the goal is to speak to 100 people exactly so now you dig it down even deeper like okay well how do I speak to a hundred people I need to get 25 referrals I need to go to five networking events I need to cold-call 100 people that's the formula for me to speak my goal is to if I speak to 100 people I'm gonna sell 10 products I'm gonna make 2,000 but a lot of time people do it backwards they say imma imma make 2,000 they get frustrated because it's June and they haven't made any money alright and it's like they just quit yeah the questions like how long did you think it was gonna take me successful right and I mean that the things that you're saying the numbers are so practical like one you're not saying ten like yeah one okay that's practical like if I like I can reach that if I didn't hit the fur we I let me try that one right next week yeah like if I make 2000 if I make a hundred like you made a hundred now you might even overlook that like hell you did a hundred it's not 2000 right it was something right there the goals that are not so lofty and as a distraction I think just people remind themselves you know a year from now is gonna be here so we just start this process a year ago and we start this process let's say a year ago and you were on this journey of selling one every single day you've sold 365 products to this date and you imagined the personal development what you've learned about yourself the skills you've acquired by selling one every day so let's not let 12 months come like like my story I felt like I was sleep for 12 months nothing's changed about my age let's say it's like something in this process is going to change 12 month from today yeah that's crazy because I'm thinking like how many people have gone through that like every year is the same but the age now we're in the same spot same girl same guy good job cuz you setting a goal and you know it's like losing weight it's like I'm gonna lose 10 pounds this year no you really not it's like before you know it the years over right right let's just say you know I'm not gonna eat I'm not gonna drink sodas let's start there yeah it means something you could because you you can't Okayama go raw vegan I'm just fried just think it's good - I read a book called the 12-week year and so the theory is that they break the the year into 12 weeks and it's like instead of setting a goal for a year 52 weeks sort of go for 12 weeks you can actually break it down I talked about this before like weekly monthly but smaller things are much more attainable like you say okay I want to make I want to do this per month yeah this is my goal for the month I might be thinking about next month because next month are we I might have a different goal yeah but if I set a goal for the year it's too long of a period for me to actually track that and you get discouraged and then you just starve in discipline do that yeah I want to think is about like the external that the whole game is in our head and who we are the whole game yeah for all my chores watching right now you want to start something you're not being consistent in your business let's see if you can make your bed every day let's try to be consistent right so what happened first day just like anybody's diet y'all moan it make my bed about dang I'm good second day third day fourth day you'll be getting to the door rushing out and you're like ah I forgot to make my bed you run back in like alright cool I'm back at my got my joint goin we did that for a couple days next week you leave out the house you only on the highway ready to work now you forget oh crap I forgot to make my bed now we got a decision to make do we like go back and do it we say we're gonna do oh we be like oh I'm gonna do it tomorrow like we do everything else in our lives and endurance yeah I learned that from sports is like you learn about endurance and it's like I said all the time entrepreneur endurance 90% of people's not gonna last they don't have the endurance the fact it's like I you know what you need to do you need to make these calls you need to do this but in order to do it every single day for three years every single day that's a different level of commitment so I was like people might fall out the race after a week after two months even after ten months you might just tap out yeah well I Nipsey said it's America just do something just something consistently one of them ideas gonna work yeah sure you just developed it a process and I mean how do you how do people know when it's a good idea to quit their job obviously when you make enough money but most of the time people quit their job where they're really still not sure financially right so like what's your advice for that you might be making some money but it's kind of a risk if you quit your job what if you quit your job you can focus more time and potentially make way more money yeah good point my advice is to set a quit number so the quit number is I will quit my job when I hit this number if I don't hit the number then I don't quit but some people say yo if I can make a hundred thousand dollars a year outside of my job I'll quit well you've never done that before ever right so my goal was if I can match my income if I can if I can get to like I if I can get to $1,000 a week I'm gonna quit my job that was my goal and if I can do that consistently for four months I'll quit my job when I quit my job I was doing about $1,000 a week yeah you don't mean like so that's the first step like this let's see if you can hit a goal it's something like yeah I just if if I if I had more time for my job I'd be successful but those same people that say something say that if you look at their day in their time windows where they do have time to build they don't build and they think they got to get rid of that eight hours at their job to do the same thing they're doing now which is nothing in their free time yeah yeah that's what's that B I argue with there's a my colleagues all the time they're like how do you have time how do you have the time I'm like oh we all have the same 24 facts we all have the same task well even if you spent that hour like I talk to teachers all the time like yo listen you guys advocate for kids better than anybody else seen imagine if you wrote a book about that like how many people you could help parents you could X underserved families you could help I don't have the time we're talking right now for how you could have been recording this conversation it's like oh we have to find the allocation for in there that that that book could sell a thousand books and now that's your whole your salary yeah it's like well she trapper said dad you have to have your freedom price and that's something that's very powerful and it's like a lot of people don't know you don't know anything like you just doing stuff and you don't have an idea don't have a blueprint right you guys sit down and map things out see okay this is the amount of money that I feel comfortable with leaving he calls the freedom price you just call it whatever you want but it's gonna be different for somebody everybody so it's like one person's freedom price might be forty thousand a month another person's freedom price might be two thousand a month whatever but you don't really how can you even a gauge what to work towards if you don't know that and B you're not gonna know like when you're gonna be comfortable if you don't know that you got to map out all of your bills sure you got a map out like you know a contingency plan all that and say okay this is a nice cushion five thousand a month I should be good yeah but most people never do that they have no idea and they just comment just winging it I got a question for you to shock because I was telling true you're gonna add a client years ago where she had like like she was selling solar products right like stuff that goes on the house phone charger stuff like that solar products and she was like really built nurse knowing she had a job she's making like 3040 thousand dollars a year but her business started to make twenty five thousand per month mm-hmm right so but for some reason she she never quit her job right she want that security of let's just say forty thousand dollars a year but she was making twenty five thousand a month with this business I never she had quit her job she was focused on that she built it but she was scared so I want to ask you a question why do you think that happened um fear fear she tried fully never believed in the business a lot of times it's like you start up you start a business and it's going successful but you still don't fully believe in it and it's like okay if I lose this this can go away tomorrow at least I have this to fall back on yeah I was doing the same thing like I don't think people even think of the freedom like so we said a freedom price most people wouldn't even know I have no idea what it is right never even thought of it it's not obtainable but you axe those same people are you happy at your job you know I don't I can't do this forever and it's like what what do you plan to do I don't know never thought of it it was like I'm a sky dream yeah that are not working towards for sure exactly well there you have it ladies and gentlemen what's your freedom price that's the so in the next segment we're going to talk about econ flex we're gonna talk about branding and a bunch of other cool stuff all right so in this segment I want to talk about a few things but first thing I want to talk about is branding so you branded yourself very good I think I'm 64 thousand followers on Instagram yes um I checked today by Tommy's episode comes out even more so so yeah if anybody's not for me your name on Instagram and sleep is for suckers right for the number four and you have a thing where you you like duties um these clips in the high chair eating Doritos right and I mean I watched a clip of you saying like the reason why you do that they can sista can you talk about that like how that where did that come from and like why is that part of your your brand you know here's a crazy thing y'all watch plies on Instagram sometimes yeah I was so fascinated with how he was getting out a whole message a whole story in 60 seconds I was watching I'm like yo this is so entertaining I feel like I watched a movie for 60 seconds right it's like before you know we had a GTV and all that and I was like yeah you know what I want to see if I can get a message off in 60 seconds and make it entertaining and fun cuz that's what applause did he made it entertaining and so I was like yo but how am I gonna do it cuz I don't want to be corny like anybody you know what's up man [ __ ] boy David [ __ ] I got three points for you today I wanna do that it was there some real big in just having a thing or a gimmick so I was watching this show shouts talk about my mentor CJ yeah he showed me this video called hot ones where you seem to start the show hot ones know all this joints fire so he interviews people but the only difference between his interview he's asking basic core with the hassles and a wings oh yeah that joints crazy yeah but the lining the line of questioning isn't the the centerpiece of the interview the the interview is what is their reaction to the hottest wings yeah those are crazy I thought that was genius yeah yo he he just put interview around finding out how an interviewer react to hot wings some people don't finish the interview right short for sure so I'm like okay how can I do it and I was like art I'm uh I'm gonna eat something I don't know what it was because before that I was doing these videos where I was eating cereal and I would like give some bars and people hated that joy because they hear the slur at all that there's like your I hate it but the effort makes is so good I would keep watching it some of my art and I stopped that for a while and I was in the studio and first if you go back I was eating gummy bears first and then I think all we had was Doritos after that and I started eating them people's like oh I love the Doritos video so I kept don't three toes maybe three no Dave oh yes it just happened that way and I I'm really authentic in Who I am because if say I'm eating some some chips or something and you come to talk to me I'm not gonna put the chips down and let's have a conversation I'm gonna keep eating them joints right so no for now I wanted to be all I wanted to be like this is just how I operate I felt a little bad today I was like when you came I was like I only got kringles bro Ryder I need the rito-san guys the cool Cool Ranch guy no not a Cool Ranch guy I never seen you with the cooler yeah Ross the Koran but I be trying finding the different flavors but it's good even when we interview while I was saying like anybody I well you know he's always doing especially in the early stages he was like doing push-ups in the rains thing like jumping out a garbage can a camera yeah so we asked him like yo watch you do that and he was like you know I realized that coming out of jail and just being know somebody nobody knew I had to separate myself from the girl on instagram and lingerie to do with the muscles to like I'm just a regular person like how do I separate myself on a world full of everybody that's doing concluding definitely like not with my thing I was my niche and it's like no matter what you do you have to be unique yeah so it's like just something like that you eating Doritos and you're constantly doing that while you're speaking it catches people attention that's right I just got to read oh yeah and it creates that conversation because some my boy at my church he was like y'all I cannot watch some Joyce cuz of the crunch it's killing me and that's what made me do it more because some people love it some people hate it and any anything that's ever been big in history some people love it some people hate it think of something that everybody loved that just became a thing yeah posters I mean they talking people talking ugly they talking posit it had a conversation yeah you'd be watching to do with the Doritos I hate that yeah I love that I need that conversation so CJ that's et's partner yeah yeah is that yeah man he was so many a lot of people's everybody everybody talks about it we've never met her but she is that way you're marketing like genius starts or under percent yeah he's a brainchild behind absolutely he just he's always he always pushed me to think unique like like deuce what's not happening and do that he was like I was at his office one day he's like yellow man I just can't figure out why cars still have four tires bro I'm like what are you talking about it's like yo you mean to tell me at all the technology they invent a car where it's just like one wheel and it just moved he's like yo that's where that's where my head is so ever since that conversation I'm like you know I got to do something that's that's different everything I do I just want it to be different like right now I'm doing the videos where I'm like riding out principles mhm and you can't even really read what I'm writing but it gets so much engagement because it's just different like I'll draw a little smiley face and you can't read the words and I'll misspell some stuff and I can add that into but I'm not saying anything that nobody else is saying it's just I'm putting it in a different fresh entertaining way one of those videos that I caught my attention was the human bingo he talked to us about the facts yes sir um so I had this idea to do this event called IG post exchange and shouts out to my girl Bri Renee my partner she's killing in Atlanta radio host follower pretty brunette but um we the the core idea was I G Post Exchange where I get a whole bunch of people in the room and we just shot each other out so I'm like y'all I'm here at the IG post exchange with Troy he got a podcast um about your podcast right yeah it costs nothing to shot somebody out because like a candle doesn't lose something by lighting another candle you just like that joint and I'm still good so that's my concept getting a bunch of people in the room but then I'm like all right Bri how we gonna execute on this you know we can't it can't be just a G post-exchange so we got around the table he's like you know we're gonna do human bingo so when you first come in you get a card and in this card there's nine squares and then the nine squares you write out what you need I need a videographer I need somebody does PR I need somebody in the music business I just this is what I need so we're not just networking as stupid because most people I'm going work you just go in there you talk to whoever you can and you leave but networking is really about getting what you need so if we identify before we walk in I need to jump on a podcast I'm gonna ask you my yo sure you got a podcast oh yeah you do oh great my name is so so now I check show off my list I found what I was looking for so human bingo is just that you identify who you need and you try to fill up your car Wow yeah I mean that's not gonna still this idea we're gonna see IG post across the world now and it's all good though that's just invite me yeah I mean it's it's the whole point of networking is to meet people right that you can add value to when I can add value to you sure so it's a lot more efficient it's like kind of going up marshals and you're just sorting through racks of clothes and you don't want for one piece of item that's right it's like good because people don't know what they don't want so say I'm I'm looking for a web designer and I'm at a networking event and why you know joy what's up my name is David I got his clothing brand doing this event do you do web design and choices no I'm like yo that well do you know anybody that does that and he says no I'm like Iron Man Troy nice to meet you yeah I'm moving on because I like this there's something that I'm looking for but some people just walk into a building and they just hoping to have a good time my networking is super intentional because like in my mind I'm thinking like if that web designers in that room he could be leaving in five minutes right and if you missed that five minutes now you've missed your web designer yeah so it's that super into I like that and also with the arm I know you said that you do it so you have a podcast mm-hm and you said one of the things about the podcast you like to interview people because the great networking relationships of Twitter that you talk about that cuz it's true even like what our podcast is like one of the good things is that we meet so many different people and the interview is a really good way to network with people because everybody wants to be interviewed you'd be surprised even if you have a small platform as long as it's not taking too much of their time like they might not be able to meet with you physically you know if you said I wanna I wanna do it right up on you I wanna because people especially successful people with maverick artists had dislike they always want to tell their story right they want to tell you how it's not enough people has acted I'm especially if they're not like celebrities and there's a bunch of everyday millionaires who nobody knows right and it's like instead of trying to say hey Can Can you mentor me like no let's what's in it for me like no I'm saying I'm like King can I have coffee with you know like hey I wanted to interview what you write on something like I do it right up even if you don't have anything like an outlet yet you got Instagram that's your outlet right there and it's like that 9 times out of 10 they'll be willing to sit down with you and then from there you develop a rapport relationship and who knows what could happen absolutely I mean if if there was say I didn't have a podcast it was your name Abdullah so Abdullah doesn't have a podcast but he sees somebody that's really successful right what would you say to him yo I love what you're doing you can I take a picture those are the two lines right all for sure but we're earning your leisure you like yo you saw so yo we got this podcast look at the numbers or without even the numbers like y'all I got this podcast I want to interview I'll put some clips together you could post the clips of your interview on your page and I just wanna I wanna like I have a conversation and what happened was it's crazy the way I got Alex so shouts out the Alex I'm not brother my brother now we home we spoke about that the importance of your interview with Alex to the Ernie ELISA interview where I was Alex man I watched his shotty watch it and when we came together I'm like yeah you watch that interview and we use that as kind of our blueprint set to talk to him yeah Alex thank you he's lucky to plug dude like I wouldn't know y'all but what's rally missouri's right but I interviewed problem I think I interviewed G Brian who's seven figure fitness company just just amazing entrepreneur who's had a large impact on me but I interviewed G Bryant that I interviewed I think Kenny Khan well and they're all in that same circle and what happened was boniface Ogun t who's a king of marketing big though he called me he'd be at me like yo I'd love to be on your podcast I'm like word I see him all the time he's a genius yeah so I interviewed Boniface and then for some reason when I was just talking to Alex somehow he's like yo man I'd love to get on the podcast right and then Alex came on the podcast in that network because I had it their friends started to see like y'all I want to be on that podcast too so I mean probably from this interview there'll be some people in your network that will reach out like yo I love to be on your podcast and lead them over tomorrow so if there's a successful product man I encourage everybody if you want to build a brand company whatever just have a podcast so you can at least have something to say to successful people other than can we take a picture yeah and that's something that I actually it was funny that you say that because I ran into Ange on and uh Miami Super Bowl and I walked up to him and I know like you said if you don't really have anything to say to somebody only thing you can say is like here's my business card right that's getting thrown in the garbage every time hey how's it going I'm a big fan of your work I appreciate okay so it's like I walk up to him and you know in this case I actually did show the numbers but even if we didn't have numbers to show him like you know we got a podcaster tada and then I mean when he saw the numbers he was impressed but long story short that opened the door for a conversation and he's like I let's connect the dots let's do this I actually had something to bring to him yeah and then who knows what I really should can go so yeah and that's kind of like my thing now with anybody like if I if I meet Mark Cuban cuz I yo sup man we got on the top faces podcast what's up to the job we did that to arm guy be jointly doing wait yeah it's a door opener and it's like oh okay you got something that for sure and there's some people that looking like y'all I'll never get to those people but my philosophy is it is um if you can interview some people that are on the level that you're on let's just say their level two right they're not super successful but they maybe got a cool story if you interview enough twos you can find a three because of all the interviews of the twos mm-hmm make sense so if you get enough people that's on level three of success business whatever you get enough of those you can at least get a number four that's connected to a three and you just move up the scale so I started with my circle and my circle has grown into like bigger circles but it wasn't like you know I'm trying to go get Mark Cuban yeah I'm saying like I'm trying to just give me give me all the people that's doing something dope in my neighborhood that's that's important too because it's like a lot of time especially you you actually might be better off interviewing because a lot of times they actually have more money than celebrities and they're more useful to you like I used to have a public access show I just stopped it because it was just I didn't have enough time but I had it for years and the reason why I did the public art a it helped me I was a good yeah it was it was a great networking tool in my community because it's like now like let's say was like a local CP I wanted to network with like locally and it's like you wanna come on my TV show who doesn't want to be on TV especially you're not a celebrity nobody's approaching you about interviews but you're successful you got yourself a real estate developer you're successful CPA whatever a lawyer and I did that a lot that's like four years and it was a great night use it pretty much as a networking tool each month I was gonna be able to network with somebody and build a relationship yeah and it only had to be about success everybody has a cool story hear the stories of the way makes it dope cuz I've even the person with the like was saying like a level 3 the beauty is watching that level 3 like you interviewed them and now they become like in level 10 yeah cuz it was like yo we saw you on that pocket yeah you sure it was so powerful well now we want to support everything you do like there's so much beauty in there I think that's and that's why people resonate with us lies like yo we're happy and it's excessive to people that come on it was like oh we helped each other right came on you told your story you didn't have to come on and like now like everybody wants to story I was a little bit though I think I think it I'll just throw some ideas I just love like helping small business entrepreneurs but my boy Tommy hawk junior he's gonna do a podcast interviewing he does real estate with max Maxwell and it's going to interview people got their first deal ain't that crazy like all people got their first deal in real estate I'm interview those people or you interview everybody who has a job at a dream name start building it yet but it's content like yo what is your story what is holding you back yeah I I'm waiting for the podcast where people go around and review homeless people hmm like I talked to any if you if you Homans come up to me and ask me for $5.00 or some cash I'll give it to you but I interview all the time I want to know how you got I want to know the story yeah are you interview people who just got out of prison or people that's actually on trial and he might go to prison you got to figure out where they at in this space and their trial isn't over but they could go to prison they could go home like it doesn't always have to be about successful people idea yeah and that was one of the things that and I was telling the people in our summer program right we do a homeless outreach and I'm like the first thing I tell them is like no one ever thought they would be sitting here mmm no one ever grows up and says I'm gonna be homeless but something along the way got them here I'd subscribe museums and so it was like yo we're gonna treat everybody the same because everybody is the same and we're gonna give to them because that's more important than anything else Christ and they appreciate it so I like one of the things we tell them is like yo there's no need to be afraid sit down have a conversation because think about how many people walk past him on a daily basis and don't say a word one of the one of the best shows HBO ever had was back seat Chronicles remember taxi taxi taxi cabs out and now was yes back seat Chronicles regular everyday people and now in this day and age of social media where everybody's trying to chase celebrities and all of that and it's like you might find a niche with just regular people that nobody knows because way more people can relate to that and that's why that show was so successful because it was New York City back of a taxicab before over before it was just regular people just saying some crazy stories doing some crazy things to by Soho it was right people was crazy welcome to New York so I think I think people understand it's like it's cool to find celebrities and like you said but sometimes you gotta think outside the box you might be able to just really hit it out the park with people that nobody knows mmm and a series like that I can understand that's a prime example of a series that was gonna make your TV network with random people that was extremely successful absolutely I was I was at a school last week and I was telling that this is me and my friends we we were like downtown Atlanta the sky comes up what really spoke and he said would you gentlemen have to happen to have any money just trying to get something to eat I'm like sure no problem but I'm asking I'm asking questions I'm like oh because he's so well-spoken you could tell he's like educated and I was like you know yeah I'll give you the money but I just need a conversation how did you get here so long story short he was like yelling me I was he didn't say yo man he was like a professional he said well actually I had a really really good job and what happened was my co-workers used to asked me to come out to hang out with him and party after work but I don't always say no you don't go home my family things of that nature but one time he asked me to come out to a party and I say yes so I'm hanging out and it just surprised me all of them doing cocaine mmm he's like yo wow this is this is crazy not to try it then well I mean I think they asked me but you know I'm not doing it was like you're not doing it in look they kept asking my man she's like you know every time you go out he like yo you want to try to just just one hit like well I'm good and he said man this went on price six months to a year and one time one day I said I'll try it and I went that bad cuz I'm looking at these people they do cocaine everyday it is a regular life yes social like they still got that job date they ain't no stressed out how I see it on TV and he said what happened was you know I tried it at one time it was cool so I started hanging out with him more now that I tried it yeah I'm saying I never oh D but I just I did it again and what happened was I started I enjoyed it I started doing it by myself just as a recreational thing I'm sure they did too and I guess his work performance started to slip a little bit and he said you know I kept coming in late things that I nature and they fired me and my wife knew exactly why they fired me so she left me so what happened was the long story short I couldn't get a job cuz I couldn't keep the habit and I found myself here asking you for money well so I asked the kids in the school where did it happen like at what point did he make the mistake and some kids like oh when he tried it it wasn't when he tried it it was once he got in that environment and you can't it's hard to do the right thing in the wrong environment conversely it's hard to do the wrong thing in the right environment hmm if say you drink and the people here don't drink it's hard for you to just order a drink yeah you feel uncomfortable you feel uncomfortable but conversely it's hard to be the person that doesn't drink in a room for the drinkers it just doesn't not saying drinking it's wrong or anything like that but for the kids that was my example but it was the environment so I gave this whole presentation on environment and it was real but I wouldn't got it if I interviewed a homeless guy that's powerful very deep very deep wish I would have tried so I can we talk about II complex cuz yeah thank you we actually did it we did our workshop at your very sorry don't know and the thing about it was actually in DC and we was talkin in DC and I was telling somebody about you you're the thing anyway oh yeah he got an interesting thing this before I saw it and he like you know it's a warehouse that he converted into an event space and I didn't fully understand like the concept until I actually saw it and I'm like oh this is a warehouse that's actually converted into a creative workspace like how did that come about how did you get a pretty big location like we were looking for I mean here's a great thing I do I was doing vision board parties every year and I drew out this like thing called entrepreneurship complex it's like years before I actually built it and what happened was I was doing this coaching program I was like charging maybe 300 hours a month and I'd like eight clients and I was like you know I'm getting tired of coaching so this one young lady janae came up to me as I go I want you know I'm thinking about being entrepreneur and I just want to like be around entrepreneurship she came to my kiosks at a kiosk at this moment and we just art working together on my nonprofit she's like yo I'm I work in finance I can help out oh my gosh so we just start working together and then another guy Brandon came to me say y'all I've been watching all your videos and I'm a videographer I don't know if you need video help but I mean I'd love to be a part like anything I could do because you helped me quit my job watching your videos all right bet you want to squat so we just got together and I'm like y'all I'm gonna I want to build a coaching program I just don't want to do it myself so if you two would help me build it we could split all the money mmm so he built it and split all the money then I'm like yo the next thing we got to do is I want this event space it's a dream of mine I've wrote it down three years ago I'm like let's start looking for it and I said well let's just take the money from the coaching program and put it into the space so for awhile and we got like 150 people in the coaching program for months we didn't take any money for ourselves we put the money into the space so it costs about $90,000 cash okay cash flow absolutely absolutely I mean we're leasing it but it was open nothing there yeah so but the build-out was so expensive and shouts out to lead a landlord he kind of helped out with it but we came together it's about a coaching program rolled the money into a event space and now we all equally own it together that's dope and that's to foul up working together Thanks Oh money into yes yeah all right well in the last second we're gonna talk about what we everybody's waiting for we're we're waiting for yes yeah so and before I go ladies and gentlemen just say no to drugs announcement yes a good folks over and responsibly act accordingly yes that's all model all right so in the last second we're gonna talk about real social proof conference and this is something that you are CEO that title yeah I mean so you put the everyone friends and in Atlanta and you got a lot of heavy hitters you got a lot of ayo alumni max max well mr. two weeks out Alex good energies or Nehemiah Davis we will actually be there as well I got so many questions for y'all yeah yeah we teaching a workshop on how to build a podcast so we know Eric Thomas is headlining yes sir so you put together some EU how many people do you have presenting this we right now I have sixty three sixty three presenters yeah 63 six-figure seven-figure multi-millionaire and a black billionaire coming to teach who's the billion his name is Melvin nunnery okay so I mean you know he's so jeans he built the company and sold 30 percent of the company from one point four billion dollars to the Chinese government but you gotta watch the interview was crazy so he built a company called Scala me where it's a recruiting it's a recruiting app that connects like kids to college scholarships so I guess he was having a conversation with the Chinese government and he built a separate entity Scala me international in Seoul 30 percent of the separate entity who 1.4 billion mm-hmm so Chinese kids get scholarships to come hold on how's this work he built a company yeah that he owns a hundred percent of yeah then built another company and sold a portion of that for 1.4 billion but still owns the national company so it's like a replica of the original company that's amazing that's amazing yeah so easy like the bridge for a Chinese kids to you know for the States and vice versa things of that nature and yeah brilliant the second business did a billion once point that's beyond the present that's impressive beyond come on he's yeah he's in a builder oh cars in the Phyllis so from me asking yeah you want beyond the pocket here's a great here's what's Wow Knoll I can't make this up he joined my coaching program it was $97 a month and uh he joined the coaching program so you were coaching him he was just here so it's like morning calls but he jumped though he said y'all love you stuff and he just came on and I thought it was another person he's like yo man I just sold more company for a billion man you gonna follow me back so what of course I don't know he was and um yeah so from the content he loved to rate three today's videos he loved the podcast things that nice well I'm telling everybody just be active you never know who's watching and he joined and I realize yo this guy is amazing so I'm like yo you need to come on the podcast from there like the relationships just fit amazing sounds like somebody we need to know about thanks thanks so how does it work as far as putting together a conference because it's like conference is a real big right now seminar stuff like that so this is really big you got 60 presenters two days you got a huge space in Atlanta so what's the finances behind that like how do you put together a guy have insurance you got a pain store mints like would it how do you do that um first off I would definitely give it to you but first I don't recommend conferences man cuz it's like it's literally that what are the only things where you will incur a public L hmm like if you start a podcast nobody really knows how many subscribers you have or you have a product nobody knows how many you sold but if you put on an event and nobody's there you take that l publicly yeah it's a scary thing but um so just to run through the numbers last year we did it I think I might have spent fifty eight thousand dollars on the venue I spent fifty five hundred per day and I gave like the speaker's like a little bit of money cuz I mean how do you pay that many speakers to come but yeah the the biggest thing is the venue all the stuff that comes with the venues and you got to watch the venue because they'll give you the space but they're gonna charge you for electricity they're gonna charge you for Internet they're gonna charge you for like different drops they're gonna charge you for everything they charge you for staging things of that nature so you got to find a venue that works well but this one right here the venue was it's eleven thousand dollars a day so it's 22,000 for the two days but I'm coming in early to set up and they're charging me half a day which is 5500 so 27:5 just for the venue the production I can't even say how much the production is because the guy that's doing the production one stop production shot on it they do huge events like a three C up y'all heard of yeah so he produced a whole a three seconds of it yeah he doesn't miss for coca-cola everything like huge outs all my lights camera action smoke all that kind of stuff he does the whole thing but what's interesting he gave me it gave me a really good number but I just say it's over 25,000 okay but what he's doing for me is you know $100,000 production but the crazy thing is this is the same guy who when I was working at the Cheesecake Factory will come in and buy wristbands while I was working there well yeah so like it's impressive for him to see like the growth you know i'ma work with you because I want to see you girl it's the story and the relationships behind it but then I had to I had to book et at the book the big homies and that's my guy but it's his business that the other day and it feels good because I was on tour with him 2017 and he paid me every city that we went to so that relationship working at the Cheesecake Factory came in there too sick notes on J also see J it's crazy alright so I want to I want this college with a guy named DJ infamous huge DJ in Atlanta from Lansing Michigan and he him and CJ went to school together but me and infamous went to college together we moved from Alabama and him to Atlanta together right so this he was working at media play still on the media players like a little um you know as well almost like a Circuit City right one man's working making like $8 an hour's crazy but he's on the radio every day too so his story is amazing but he you know started building in his career and he bought a house and CJ would come to his house and I would come to his house all the time and we'd see each other over there and CJ would see me wearing my sleep is for suckers gear and always talking about it always grind and like really you never knows watching always Brian like always positive never like getting drunk and all that kind of stuff so one day he called me like yo man I'm working with a guy named Eric Thomas and he has some of the same messages that your t-shirts portray and I want to give him some shirts I'm like all right cool and at this point I never heard of them but he said he sent me some of the videos I might he understood Oh mmm awesome so I gave him some shirts and he actually pays for him like is it I eats he impacted me so much through the videos I was like yeah I'll just give them to you like yeah it's it's on me but CJ actually gave me some money for him so me and CJ still cool but I forgot I gave him the shirt one day I was I went to the club and I came home it was like 5:00 in the morning coming home four or five in the morning you know Atlanta gets down my boy called me like while I'm going to I'm just getting in the big one asleep he's like yo did you see the video 280 drop I'm like bruh it's 5:00 in the morning I don't write when he said it I wasn't even thinking who eats he was my relationship with each other but I woke up the next morning and my website had mad orders and they were still coming in like every couple minutes another order ding ding ding I'm like what is this video so eetzi made a video called sleep is for suckers and war one of my hoodies and from then on it's just we grew that relationship that's dope yeah so the conference it's gonna be houses look it's 63 speakers are people in different rooms houses conference going where so I go to a lot of conferences that's why I feel comfortable charging people for conferences because I pay right there are a bunch of people that they want to charge people for coaching but they don't pay for coaching which is strange to me you know man but I go to conferences and a lot of them are a bunch of people who say a thousand people in a room there's some money on stage they're gonna speak and then when they get off the stage somebody else goes on stage then somebody else but that thousand people may not need the third speaker's information right and they're waiting for the next person alright so we're allowing you to customize your own experience so there's a huge platform in the beginning we're gonna start it off all together some games fun networking things of that nature but then it breaks off into different workshops breakout sessions so we got 40 no we have 52 different sessions now well so whether it's for people who want to start grow and scale their business so for people that want to start they don't know what they want to do but do you nobody will they want to be entrepreneur so they might listen to the UIL works out where yeah I'm thinking about starting a podcast that might be a way to start I want to go to Alex's workshop where he's gonna teach me how to get into the trucking industry max Maxwell on Tommy Hill jr. real estate so people that want to start their business the next group of people that want to grow their business they might be an author or they might be in their business but they have no idea what you're doing and reaching the ceiling and they just can't get past it so they need to learn the fundamentals of branding marketing how to run Facebook as boniface no guns he's speaking on that the the the mindset of getting past your current level of success or just starting to grow so we got a bunch of workshops on growing and then scaling where it's a little more in like detail stuff for getting your website to convert or copywriting that's really huge or how to put together a fun funnel system now somebody to starting a business they don't necessarily need to be learning funnels right now or the psychology behind funnels or even ads but so that group of people start growing scale 52 workshops one two three I think for keynote for keynote speakers here so everybody just draws up a schedule and that and they go they follow you don't you like running concurrently each other for at the same time or any time yeah so first day two keynotes then four workshops going on and then the next day one keynote workshops all day four going on at the same time and then we got CJ doing a keynote in et what's your goal as far as people 17-under its 1,700 but the problem is the tickets are only $200 so some people may look at it is it's only $200 how impactful could it be how much I went to click funnels the joint was a thousand dollars it was a raising conference but I I came what my notes took it really seriously because we invested a thousand dollars but sometimes especially with our people low price-point doesn't necessarily they don't look at it as value so for two whole days you get to be in the room with six-figure seven-figure multimillionaires and a billionaire for two whole days amongst 1,700 other ambitious people that you can network with offer a price of Jordans yes yes that's crazy like I said any of my data said the other day is like you know what would it close you if you're not there yeah close your business brah right cause you ten years facts I mean like you can stream on your business in a day people out there investing education to invest in your education is not just paying for college but well paying for a textbook invest in your education is going to workshops going to seminars yeah paying for coaching these are all things that you know if you're serious about taking it business to the next level in their holy life is just a series of decisions that we make like whoever wherever you are right now it's because of a bunch of decisions that you made yesterday preferably like you know over the over the years where you'll end up tomorrow is about the decisions that you make right now so I was talking to somebody who lives in Atlanta now we got people coming from Hawaii Alaska Canada all over the world New York New York that's fun yeah out here yeah we got it we got a lot of people come to New York exercise but this guy in Atlanta he's like man I don't know if I can make it brought us up the street from your house like you're either going to be in a room where the success in wall two answers in the network you're either gonna be in that room you're gonna be at the crib or you're gonna be at work or you're gonna you're gonna make some sort of decisions where I can almost guarantee it's not going to be as valuable you're just making a bad decision really oh hey oh that makes sense Oh in advance yeah well you don't even know what you're gonna do a mafia like I might not know you're making a bad decision now yeah I know ya know and we can see like the decisions that are being made I can I can see why you're at that not not judging my man but I can see why you're in the position that you're in struggling because of the decisions made how you do anything is how you do everything like of course you're not gonna make a good decision to come to a valuable conference because you don't make good decisions I want to do with your money you know make good decisions to do with your relationships it's just a habit David appreciate you bro and I was a powerful man can you tell the people how to contact you how to get information how to buy tickets to real social proof all of that information absolutely real social proof calm get your tickets right now my Instagram is at sleep is for suckers with a number four you can file an Instagram page of the conference and see who's going to be there at real social proof everybody at this table will be there oh sure make sure make sure you come to our workshop pull up we need to have that fill we don't want to have one person there while we present that I thought sure that how do you make it I just watch all on my podcast because how do you start with an idea none of y'all got a background of podcasting and grow it to over 60,000 subscribers there are some people right now that's listening like y'all I would love to do what they're doing well they're gonna tell you our secrets off Michelle poop conference and it's gonna be and it's gonna be a lot of ayo alumni know people that listen to the show if you follow the show and you're fans of earning Alisha you know about max max well you know about I was good energy you know about me to two weeks out you know about Nehemiah Davis and there's a bunch of other I think there's some more or Alesha alumni that's gonna be on the bill we got future a while networking I don't be networking for sure I need to get on ur face yeah look for it I got a cell for me it came out with me a Khasra the only the only African American owned payment processing company on the planet like started like I'm so hundreds employ 100 of employed 100 employees like in going through and I interviewed him to going through how you navigate these waters with the name of the company EC processing electronic commerce who's just networking now it's all about those are Network infidel be there and here's the crazy thing he's an african-american in in like a business model where blacks don't trust blacks so used to telling me like yo 98% of his clients aren't African American and he's fine because he's running a business but it like why everybody else trusts us but us like he's processing billions of dollars he filled me so mindset inhaler II III have a good plug my man cause it's like coming up there he's like yeah you flying up to New York he said I'm coming I said sure it's gonna be about me I like I said I'm looking forward to seeing all our previous alumni and then making relationships with new people there's some people we got to connect you with out there in Atlanta is always home so all right Troy housekeeping yeah shout to everybody on y'all notice how proud to pay program the support has been amazing man and like I said it allows us to do a lot of things allows us to go to conferences it allows us to go all over the country man to spread the world of financial literacy and it's a shout everybody that's been supporting our name and so everybody that's supporting the merch you know assets or liabilities daddy's ours that is ours we have seen hijackings where a lot of people say we ain't on mention names our lawyer will be in touch but South everybody that has supported the merge he yl university as well and everybody that has been using a while experience to get in contact with us as far as our events we appreciate you all we love y'all and everybody on YouTube to shout to everybody that's on YouTube we read all your comments we love it keep liking keep subscribe and keep comments and we appreciate it yeah if you see anybody where is over let us know DV says shame on a lot of people man it's unbelievable my thing is just be original then you'll be respected for it don't take somebody else's idea but good thing that we practice what we preach and we do have it trademarks so don't play yourself you will be a letter from our attorneys as being a purpose attorney but yes so the book tip of this week is dreams are built overnight and I know that yeah okay yeah you want to talk about that book for me absolutely so called dreams are built overnight how to create a bridge between your day job and your daydream so it's all the nuances that I use to make that transition like the hundred other off days or free lunch where my goal is just take people to lunch I have much but I needed the information so I take people to lunch there's a whole bunch of gems in there practical steps on how to make that transition for me a job to your dreams so I've had literally most people who read it does something like y'all I've never I haven't read a book since high school I'm talking about grown men is like y'all I finished a book in the night it was crazy so welcome Travis it that's me oh he's like no one I read his book he's working the Cheesecake Factory oh you know you know say you're brought read that book I was like nah he's gonna be all over with us oh nice nice oh that's just South Charlotte Street rapper all right well that is debt we'll see you next week thank you for rockin with us pieces [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 53,650
Rating: 4.9543796 out of 5
Keywords: Start a business, How to be a business owner, Business, Entrepreneur, Business coaching
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 18sec (4278 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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