Understanding Cryptocurrency with Hill Harper

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let's do it let's get it let's get it welcome back ladies and gentlemen market monday let's do it another glorious let's get it got the feedback uh yeah welcome back ladies and gentlemen market monday let's do it another glory all right let's do it um all right guys this is it legendary legendary moments as always um we're gonna have a very very very special episode today get ian in here and then uh get the good brother hill harper in here as well um so yeah shout out to everybody that this might be your first time checking out market mondays and shout out to all of the dedicated market monday supporters who's in here every week with us um we appreciate and love you all the same so uh yeah okay i see hillary's in here early shout out to the hell oh what's going on bro what's up man i'm good man how are you good good good good good okay okay yeah um i can't see you though you got your camera on there we go there you have it hey what's up brother what's up man how you doing hey man how's new york how's new york new york is new york man you know no it's no place like new york especially in the summertime yes yes where you at right now man i'm in seattle i'm in the pacific northwest uh you know i'm working out in the pacific northwest out here in british columbia and in in seattle so it's good but it's good you know seattle's a tech hub a lot of great tech people uh my cto is here in seattle a great brother and um and then a lot of other folks so the the whole a lot of the black wall street crew is is are all brothers and sisters based out of seattle which is nice shout out to seattle man i made my way back up there i've been up there one time in life but i got some good friends out there shout out to my man mike knight few other people out there so seattle the what do they call that again the um the city the rainy city it is rainy man but the way the weather's changing these days you know it seems like uh everything around the world is about to be on fire so maybe seattle's got a right you know it's it's it's called the evergreen state because it's rain so much everything's green but that's not true right now man it's hot and and everything's turning turning brown so i have a feeling you're gonna have a lot more fires coming beautiful artwork too in the background thank you that's amazing yeah yeah the doctor coming back soon good doctors coming back september 27 man my first day on sets tomorrow uh that's why i'm out here so it's it's good it's good trying to work on my industry segway so i love the show too so thank you i appreciate thank you how you feeling brother i'm good man how are you i'm good man today you're going to turn to guru it's like guru today i like that everything like that like floral floral yeah just trying to mix it up a little bit i gotta wait till i get a haircut on the 27th you know and then i've got to save the suits for invest fest so yeah yeah hoodie okay the emerald city that's what they call the emerald city um so yeah shout out to everybody if you notice that it looks a little different today that is because for the first time in market monday history my co-host troy will not be joining us um has some family uh issue that he had to attend to so you know the show must go on but uh shout out to troy he's here in spirit and um it's just like a basketball team where one person is down other the other players on the team has to step up so um yeah shout out to troy i'm sure he'll be back next week the band is not breaking up don't worry we're not pulling yeah that's going to be the room a shower is a dykeman i am it's not the beatles it's not the beatles it's not the beatles it's not 112 it's not another guy diplomats shout now we're staying we're staying together man so yes this is going to be legendary episode so i'll get the back story for this so hill harper good good brother um this is actually his second appearance on market monday if you didn't watch the first appearance we on the 100th year anniversary of the massacre at uh black wall street in tulsa oklahoma we had the privilege to go to um tulsa oklahoma because he was invited to buy hill harper and uh we did a live podcast uh in tulsa oklahoma so that was crazy for a variety of different reasons a i mean it was the 100th year anniversary literally on the day almost to the hour and um it was a live podcast uh hill harper joined us we had a live studio audience so it was amazing um we had a little technical difficulties uh you know technical stuff always happens especially during a live podcast so i wanted to to run it back with him um for a while and it just so happened that now is a perfect time for a variety of different reasons i think he has some updates to his app but also he's going to be at invest fest as well so we just we spoke um last week and uh just thought it would be a great idea for him to come back and to talk about cryptocurrency to talk about wealth building and to talk about his platform which is called black wall street um which is a crypto wallet the first ever black owned crypto wallet in north america i believe so um yeah and hill harper uh very accomplished you probably know him from acting um but he's more than that he is a very smart man he's an entrepreneur he's an investor he's a philanthropist and um most importantly he's a great father family man so hill it is an honor my brother and he's very very super gracious yeah he's very humble exactly very down to earth very humble so um you know i always like to work with people that you don't have to go through 10 different assistants to talk to them so um thank you thank you for joining us again brother i appreciate it oh man it's great to be on it's great to be with you brothers um i love the fact that you are educating us and building community man that's where we're at we we have to do it and we have to do it for us and it has to be by us and and so uh i just you know i support you all down the line no matter what and so uh absolutely thank you thank you all right so before we start let's let's get this out the way troy usually does this but um like i said i'm pitch hitting for troy so we have to uh give an acknowledgement to our sponsor um so this episode of market mondays is brought to you by ally financial ally is an option if you are looking to bank or invest ally financial is a leading digital finance services company with passionate customer service and innovative financial solutions they are relentlessly focused on doing it right and bringing trusted financial services provided to both customers and communities get with ally to make the most of your money you can save invest spend and on the things that matter most to you how did how did i do that read oh i got it i did great korean house good man that was good well maybe the next time just put it up on your screen so we you know the people can see the face i work on the teleprompter situation kudos to ally the crazy thing their stock two went from 12 last year to 56 this year so on investment side it's a great tool so yeah yeah yeah and now the disclaimer um do your own research our content is intended to be used and must be used for informational purposes only it is very important to do your own analysis before making any investment based on your own personal circumstances you should take independent financial advice from a professional in connection with or independently research and verify any information that you find on our show and wish to rely upon whether for purposes of making an investment decision or otherwise yes please do your own research ladies and gentlemen so after this i will be headed to hollywood to you know do some reads and hopefully end up being a good doctor you know i don't know man you know what you want to be a patient on the good doctor man it doesn't usually end well so this week before we start this week we have a dope episode of uh earn your leisure tomorrow east side golf so you would appreciate these brothers they have a golf company they're from atlanta one is from atlanta and one's from delaware and they started a golf apparel company and um they teamed up with jordan brand so they released a limited um michael jordan so the jordan force um they they made them into into golf cleats it's interesting because now that you know golf for a long time you know it's very conservative it's mostly all white so they're bringing a flavor to it so they got a logo with a black man swinging a golf club like he's swinging it one way and then the chain is flying the other way so their whole thing is like to kind of you know bring the culture and golfing right michael jordan partnered with them so um we get a chance to highlight them and tell their story it's really really uh dope from a variety of different standpoints so guys check that out tomorrow and then i'm doing my financial planning call for saturday for ewl university so all right um we got that out the way and do you have any announcements before we get to the show no let's get right to it we got the great brother here so i've been a fan since he was in skulls in 2000 i told him in person love the good doctor so let's get right to it all right let's do it so all right so let's talk about crypto i want to i want to talk about a variety of different topics but we're starting with crypto because i know you're a crypto enthusiast so i don't know if you guys um saw this but today microsoft announced that they're looking to use ethereum's blockchain to fight uh piracy so um ethereum is is one of these coins that i was always very bullish on um for a very long period of time and i said it before that i think that it's probably the most important crypto bitcoin is the biggest crypto in the household name but i think ethereum is the most important crypto so ian and hill um does this news mean anything to the crypto space does it give it a little bit more legitimacy how do you feel about this you know i i think it's important news i think you combine that news with the fact that the coinbase announced that that uh ethereum trading bottom was higher than bitcoins in q2 um obviously that's big that's big news when you talk about trading volume um so so you know we can get into uh what i believe about the the the different value propositions um of the the two between ethereum and bitcoin but but ultimately they're both important and they're both important for different reasons and different ways and different use cases um but you know there there's still some fundamentals you need to need to understand as you go on the journey there's a reason why we don't offer ethereum yet on our wallet and exchange we don't offer it yet we will at some point but we don't offer it yet we could but we don't and and wouldn't get into why that is but ethereum is very important and it's critical let's let's get into that but i know ian i'm charming but before we uh yeah since you have brought it up why don't you offer ethereum uh on your platform because you know our platform is is geared towards folks that are entering the space if you look at the adoption rate uh of of of folks in crypto in our community um you know it's very low community wide obviously i think you get a large percentage of folks that that are well educated on your platform so that doesn't necessarily count but percentage-wise for our community across across the country it's you know people argue it's either less than two percent in some cases say less than one percent some people say you know 0.5 no one knows exactly but it's a very low adoption rate and so to me we want to emphasize people learning the fundamentals first and bitcoin is the is the fundamental crypto you know out of the two trillion dollars that are in the entire crypto asset class one trillion is in bitcoin you know and so there the the it there's there's a reason why and also i truly believe in in the fundamentals of what bitcoin represents is an opportunity as a store of value i always talk about um if we're truly going to build wealth in our community particularly across generational wealth then we have to own assets that we can pull equity out of as the value of those assets increase and bitcoin is a perfect example an opportunity for that it's like buying real estate on the blockchain there's only going to be 21 million minted you're buying real estate on this block and and and that's why you know we say buy back to blockchain by real estate on the block as that asset value increases my i've always said my goal is for every black person in america to hold at least a million satoshis a million satoshi so if you have two parents in the household three kids that's five million satoshi's in that household once you hit that baseline and hopefully continue to dollar cost average after that go on and get into other coins um and we can talk about those other coins uh but to me you've got to set it's just like building a house set a foundation with bitcoin first and establish that foundation before you go into other assets hill do you think ethereum has a liquidity issue or is there another reason outside of the uh fundamental reason that you gave i think i think ethereum has a couple issues number one it has a competition issue has a gas fee issue um it has a use you know the use case with with see see bitcoin it does what it does perfectly ethereum does what it does well but the problem is there are other competitors to ethereum that and we don't know what the technology holds moving forward so therefore we could see a future where the bottom falls out because other other you know whether you're talking i'm not it may not even exist yet and that's the point ethereum may be myspace bitcoin is not my space ethereum may be my space and and but we don't know that i am big into risk management and and mitigating your downside risk absolutely if if if if the bottom falls out on ethereum it's going to go the thing is is that i'm in ethereum and in fact i mine a theory so clearly i believe in a theory i mine ethereum instead of bitcoin so i'm not going to sit up here and say that uh uh that i'm i'm not pooping ethereum at all listen let me be very clear i am mining i am actively mining ethereum and i am not mining bitcoin okay that said but i still think bitcoin is the foundational asset in crypto let me ask you this um we spoke about it last time but i think it would be good for anybody to get a refresher or if they wasn't here you said that your goal is for every black family to have how many satoshi's every black person to have a million satoshis so if you're a five person family that's five million in the household can you can you explain with satoshi's sure sure so every there's there's gonna be 21 million bitcoin minted uh that's the that's it that's it so that's what what drives value is scarcity obviously and the there are a hundred million satoshi's within every one bitcoin so i truly believe i don't know if it's three years from now five years now ten years from now we actually won't even be using the word bitcoin because the the the actual price of bitcoin people won't be trading a bitcoin they'll be trading satoshi's uh in the future and people will be talking about satoshi's and they won't really be mentioning bitcoin it's just like think about a bar of gold there was a time when bars of gold were priced the price of the bar of gold got so high that they said we we got to cut it into ounces and that's what we're going to price and so we don't price bars we price golden ounces now we're going to there'll be a point where you know bitcoin will be so high that you'll be pricing it in terms of satoshis and so every black family should hold at least a million satoshis per person in that family that's to me that's the base that's the base minimum but the beautiful thing having almost 40 million black folks in this country if we did that if you just do the math we would literally control bitcoin and and in the world would have to come through us in that asset class that's what creates leverage and power and and that to me is what the real opportunity is with bitcoin is for us to be first movers into this space people keep talking about us late it's ladies ladies not latest 12 years in it's super early super early so so that's it do you think um this is your primary goal because we missed out on the mutual fund movement of the 1960s we were pushed out of real estate and we missed out on the index craze is that why you're trying to get people primed now absolutely you cannot it's you know i talked about it before when we talked before the greatest wealth transfer in the history of this country happened when if you were despicable enough and you were such a despicable human being that you were willing to hold other humans uh in bondage and and and literally create wealth off of free labor massive wealth transfer and not just the folks that actually held shadow property it's the folks that transacted with the people that held shadow property right so you're part of that benefit so-called benefit and so and in every juncture along when there's been wealth transfer opportunities we've we as a community have never been first movers um um and and so we have an opportunity here as we're moving out of fiat and hard money currency into digital currency and cryptocurrency to be first movers you know a uh uh uh you know i think about rashad in in new york you know i have a place in brooklyn myself and when we think about being first movers into an asset class or area that creates leverage think about what the jewish community did in williamsburg and think about how uh uh there was this concerted effort to buy up on mass in the community part of this asset and then what's had to happen since is that you've had to go through that community to get to gain access to that asset it creates so much leverage that the community has and it's created so much wealth community-wide for that community there in new york it's incredible and the power and leverage they have is incredible it's because they moved on mass it wasn't one person buying this and one person buying that it's that they controlled it as a community and to me that's the same opportunity holds here in this digital space you brought up a good point and uh we had mike novogratz on the show a few months ago and you know him i do i do i've been to his office i've taken some meetings he's got an amazing art collection yeah yeah so one thing that he said that really um stuck out to me is he was like this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to invest in an emerging asset class there's only there's only a few asset classes like your stocks real estate you know commodities precious metals um but asset classes don't come along like the stock market was over over 100 years old like they just don't pop up so he's like you know i think crypto represents i don't know a half or maybe like one percent of um you know the money or the wealth in the world so he was like you know what if it when it gets to four to five percent not like it's going to get to 20 but it just between one percent and five percent is is a huge difference so he was explaining that you know this is like a once in a lifetime opportunity to get in on a ground level because like you said it's still relatively early um absolutely let's put that in context real quick gold has been around as a store of value for 5 000 years and the market cap on gold is 10 trillion dollars crypto's been around for 12 years and the market cap on crypto is 2 trillion 5 000 years 10 trillion 12 years 2 trillion what does that tell you it tells you there is money moving into this space and it is just starting and so we you know we can't ignore it and and and the beautiful thing it's there for us to move into because and that's what's so important you know ian pointed out early on there's always been massive systemic and institutionally racist barriers to entry for us moving into certain valuable ascending value asset classes certainly real estate tons of different systemic and institutional barriers to entry there's been it's been across the board in this case and the reason why we created the black wall street digital wallet is that the barriers to entry are very low you got to do a kyc which i know people don't like to do you got to take a government id and put it in there then you got to link a bank account and then you're buying the asset class that's the the friction level going through that funnel is very small and the the beautiful thing about that satoshi you don't know if you're black or white or whatever and so it's the most powerful to me the most powerful asset class because the inherent unfairness of of the us dollar in the actual money is that the more money you have the cheaper access you have to more money you see what i'm saying in other words it's inherently unfair right so if i got 10 trillion i mean if i got 10 million dollars the bank will loan me a million dollars at three percent or less interest but if i got if i only got a thousand dollars i got to go to the payday lender to get my money and and he's going to charge me 22 for 200 and so the it's this market in of of money is inherently unfair the and this is the beautiful thing about us as a people we've never wanted extra special treatment we just want fairness because when it's fair we win we do right when it's a level playing field we tend to win and all and the beautiful thing about bitcoin is that is a the the blockchain technology offers a very level playing field it's agnostic to who act how much you hold one satoshi's the same no matter if you're holding a million satoshi's or wants to sources exactly the same purchasing power buying power value and for context the first mutual fund was made in 1924 so imagine if your great great great grandfather grandmother was invested in 1936 this would be the equivalent that's why i always tell you guys like five years even though if you're new it may seem like forever it's really small in the landscape of time if you're looking across your family history as well so i mean like rashad pointed out when mike said that you don't get a chance to invest in asset classes when they're new or emerging that is very true and that's why i've been pounding the table like you guys have to invest along and back to your point about microsoft um i think it gives ethereum some mass credibility and the exchange is now microsoft can play in the next 15 or 25 years and have a safe haven if the digital workspace changes dramatically that can also be their hedge to get into crypto and a couple other spaces and also what they're going to be able to do when they combine blockchain with healthcare and blockchain with genetic cloning and a few of those other things as well in the future so they have the next 25 or 50 years already mapped out in that space um by doing this merger well plate let me ask you this question ian i got a question for ian um stocks i know you know you are the master invested when it comes to stocks um so we're talking about crypto today but crypto kind of go ahead and they're starting to go more and more hand in hand so when we see uh ibm which year they made a large investment in stellar and then now when we see the news of microsoft um using ethereum blockchain you see a lot of these publicly traded companies um integrating not only blockchain technology but actually integrating some cryptocurrency even with amc uh and i want to get his perspective on that now allowing um you know people to use bitcoin tesla we know about you know they brought all of those bitcoins so how do you speak um ceos um using cryptocurrency to increase stock prices we're the only group of people that does not plan our business in 100 year cycles so ibm ibm's going to be dead in the water they have no competitive advantage over amd nvidia microsoft apple i can argue striker but they have to do something to stand to the game and also politically the ceo has to do something to even keep his job because if he if he's not driving enough shareholder value they're going to vote him out i think the ceo is doing a pretty good job but what people are going to do because this is like the hot thing right now and they're trying to get ready for the future they're going to lay a strong foundation so in 2035 2038 the foundation that they are laying now is going to pay off in the 2030s so you're going to see a lot of companies use this as a like elon was doing it for a hedge because there's a certain part of the industry that wants to get him out of the space we have to remember he is competing against ford gm exxon he's fighting against a huge conglomerate but for everyone else when square does it when apple finally announces that they're doing it um square they they're just poisoned for the next decade to be dominant and those that are going to be laggards and in their regard their company's going to suffer and as a result stock price is going to suffer like you notice like bed bath beyond didn't announce anything in the crypto space and as a result they're like pier one then tai lopez acquired it you have to move with the change when we have these generational changes and that's why last year was so important when we started doing the show i was trying to tell people like look we are living through history this isn't like some fluke that made the economy drop we have a pandemic that was caused by a couple of reasons you guys should probably do some research around who owns some of this stuff and the companies that are you know solving some of the covert issues um follow the money trail but yeah the next 20 or 30 years is already laid out and then the big tech players are already going to be the most preeminent and dominant players in that space for sure i want to come on i'm i'm double down on what he ain't saying and you know i guess i i even take uh a more socio-political worldview in a way because you know ian is the master investor and and and he knows that stock world you know i s that's not the world that i know um certainly i'm invested but i don't know that world the way i know the crypto space and in that world but when we think about this world right now the world we're living in y'all unprecedented pandemic you have the literally the the world's on fire it's just getting hotter and hotter it's going to burn more and more and more yep so air quality is going to go you know it's just then you look at political instability like look what just happened in afghanistan look and then look at natural disasters like haiti look there's a lot of uncertainty and problems happening in this world and no one's coming to save you no one's coming to save us we have to be self-sovereign we have to build our own tech we have to own our own platforms we got to stop letting other people we got to stop supporting other platforms that aren't owned by us we keep making these these these tech platforms billion dollar platforms like clubhouse twitter you name it cash app all of the all of these other platforms not owned by us we make them billionaire multi-billion dollar companies when we have the power to do it ourselves and we have the technology that existed where that's why i love what you brothers are building with eyl you're building something that is self-sovereign and that's the future to me y'all that's the future and so yes we need to be extremely diligent and smart with our investing and use of capital but we also have to start building our own infrastructure and supporting each other down the line and that's the real leverage that's the real power and that's why when the rest of the world is burning we going to be all right to me yeah and i'll say this really quick collaboration is the only way to build that infrastructure because if we don't have enough people absolutely enough revenue we won't like i've never said this publicly but these next 15 years are going to be the era of the investor like every ceo that i talk to every president of any mildly major company they are trying to do whatever they can with ai to eliminate damn near every job on earth they can and i'm not saying that to be salacious like everyone it's like how can we cut our workforce by 60 but drive revenue 900 i mean their top conversation there's six amazon gold stores here in seattle and and they're testing them here you know what they are you literally walk into the store you fill up whatever you want and you walk out and you know there's nobody there to check you out there's no way you just get automatically charged right so the future of even shopping they're getting rid of every single service job they can he's absolutely right there's no question about that yeah amazon gold is something that we covered on the podcast over a year ago if anybody's not familiar it's um it's like a grocery store with um no cashiers but even bigger than that it's a lot of ai that's built in um and you go in there and you uh you get what you want and then you kind of just leave the store you don't even like bring it up like a lot of grocery stores have like the thing where you just ring it up you don't even bring it up you just literally just walk out and then it just scans um so i see a world even more advanced than that where you know they can actually read your thoughts or know your shopping patterns um and you don't even necessarily have to even look for something like as soon as you walk in they already have what you want kind of like waiting for you so when we when we look at these things the technology that we speak about um it may sound like we're fantasizing but it's something that's very real and um you know all of these things that we've been speaking about for a long time with the oculus and um all of these different technologies metaverse virtual reality um it's coming it's coming it's it's already here but it's coming to fruition and all of this plays together with the blockchain i wanted to ask that's my next question he'll um i want to kind of because you know a lot of people could we could just say all day like buy this crypto buy that crypto we can we'll you know we'll say some couple of cryptos that we like at least i will but i want to kind of give people a broader range education because i don't think people still have really educated on so we talked about satoshi's which i'm sure a lot of people don't know what satoshi's are um blockchain technology can you try to give a uh easy explanation on what blockchain technology is because i feel like a lot of people still don't really understand what the blockchain is well you know the way i try to describe describe it is um it's it's trustless which means that everything is put just think about a ledger like if you're writing out a ledger and you're saying you haven't an exchange of goods and services for this someone's actually writing a ledger but in this case um it's not changeable you can't go back and erase it you can't go back and say oh that that that that that transaction or this this exchange didn't actually happen and its uses are are innumerable innumerable where i like to talk about for people to kind of wrap their heads around it is the idea that things that have been heretofore had barriers to entry like you need to get a real estate license to sell real estate with smart contracts and blockchain technology and tokenization of real estate for instance you can use that for instance if you buy let's say i tokenize the house on there no no better yet i tokenize i'm not talking about an a an nft or a digital artwork but i take this physical artwork this is visa butler amazing artist i take this and i and i and i create an x number of tokens for ownership of this artwork where i take the empire state building and i tokenize that and i sell those individual tokens the the way that token moves from owner to owner to owner is immutable and it's registered and it and and you can exist on the blockchain and that's the way people need to think about it it's just it's basically and the reason why it takes so much computing power um oftentimes to register these transactions and many computers around the world and that's why for instance i mine ethereum and and so the it takes a great deal of computational power to continue to register these transactions and so but it happens on a chain then the chain cannot be broken unless it's hacked now let's talk about that real quick there was a d5 hack this past week of the poly network 600 million dollar hack right so the danger is still there right the danger is still there it there you know but the most most of it was returned by the hacker hacker just wanted to prove that they could do it and help them learn to make some changes but the point is is that ultimately um the the chain is in theory unbreakable and everything is registered on the chain if folks want to think about in terms of a chain they want to think about it in terms of a block whatever helps you mentally understand that once it's set it's set and it moves uh along the line of transaction and it also um helps things move a lot quicker um because we have said before like you know previously the quickest way to get a million dollars from new york to london um was to get on a plane with a million dollars and fly from new york to london because like you know if you do a bank wire it's going to take a few days for it to even clear um with the blockchain it can be done within a couple of minutes depending on you know which platform you use so the speed of execution i think is extremely important and then like you said also the record of it so this is extremely important for you know not to be um forgerized or plagiarized um that goes back to the nft conversation so all of these things it's like pieces of puzzle they all kind of come together so now you know if you study art like you know i watch all these shows like 60 minutes and um in the high-end art world um plagiarism is a huge thing there's like hundreds of millions of dollars that's lost every year from people that buy paintings and these paintings are like half a million dollars two million dollars and they're like very very detailed but there's like whole people like factories that make fake paintings so some of the the best um houses have been scammed because they they thought that it was real and like southern bees and all of these places so art the art world has been taking a hit for a while with plagiarism and and fake work but now this is what the nft comes into play um with the blockchain you have a record for it and unless you said like it's hacked it's almost impossible for that plagiarism to be as rampant as it was previously so and then with medical records also medical records is a big is a big deal um i think that that's something that the blockchain technology can really help out with as far as the medical records ascending medical records because i used to work in the insurance industry and it would be so crazy we used to ask for aps so aps is an attending physician statement so somebody wants to get life insurance right and they might have had you know a heart attack or whatever so now the insurance company has to contact the doctor for the aps i've seen aps take anywhere from a week to day nine months nine months i've waited on aps for nine months because we're in the doctor's office and the secretary got an attitude the doctor went on they still keep records on file i seen it happen and in that nine months somebody can die right because the insurance company's not gonna give you insurance until everything is up to date and they make sure that they're gonna you know do their due diligence so now with the blockchain instead of waiting look how outdated that is like literally like we call and i have to like have somebody at the insurance company call and wait on the phone for an hour now they can just send it within minutes they have all the clients records whatever they need to be said can be sent on the blockchain and it's no um corruption that can be done with it and the insurance company gets it and now they can make a decision within a day as opposed to having a client wait for a year so the blockchain technology is something that's been around for a while and it's not going anywhere and every company and every institution every way a business is gonna um adopt blockchain technology because cryptocurrency cannot live without blockchain but the blockchain can live without cryptocurrency so absolutely it's just i mean the easiest way to say it's a way of recording information and once it's recorded it can't be changed it's distributed over many computers and systems and and it's a very powerful tool when you apply it uh across a whole universe of uses uh but obviously crypto right now is is is is the leader in that in that space he'll have a question for you are there any updates that you would make to letters to a young brother or the wealth cure in 2021 oh man there's so many updates you know give them to us well i mean i'm sitting right here when i wrote this book the wealth cure it was like okay how do we cure the racial wealth gap right this came out 10 years ago and the whole thing was okay technology wasn't there to scale impact the way it is today the technology is here now we don't it's it's decentralized we don't have to go through any centralized institution to actually do the things good back here back then i was talking about okay you know you got to set up well first of all here's an old school ledger um you know this is uh doing your whole budget i had january february you know you don't need any of that anymore right um but at the end of the day i was talking about how do you use the systems that have been in place for all these years to build cross-generational wealth in our community and i was using an analogy because i've been diagnosed with cancer your health is your wealth so therefore what are your own wealth factors what can you do what's different today is that you don't need to go through all of these traditional historic institutions to create cross-generational wealth and so therefore and that's that's what's flipped the decentralization of your ability to navigate and move using technology to build and create cross-generational wealth down the line and so i would i would update so much that and then with letters to a young brother you know i would talk and and legislator you know they need to start early early you know my son's five and i got him to talk about bitcoin bitcoin bitcoin yeah why because there's the the old school rule in and i know you talk about it you know the time value of money right yes you know time in the market is better than trying to time the market all of those things being in longer we can start our our babies our young people early young age and they can start themselves early early right and so that's powerful you know that's probably you start if you take a young cat start dollar cost averaging five dollars a day i don't care if it's in a dividend paying stock i don't care if it's in bitcoin it doesn't really matter if you just start doing it set it and forget it at 13 years old forget about it right and that to me is the opportunity that's there and that's why on our platform we have this whole dollar cost averaging thing that we're launching next week because we want people to be able to literally go into the app literally not have to think about it anymore so go in hit it once you get in there uh go in you'll be able to hit a button that says five dollars a day boom do your buy and then you never even have to think about it again and then your automation is better than motivation the automation is better than you have to think every day check pricing every day go live your life love on your love on your loved ones and let the technology do your investing and do your work so let's talk about this dollar cost averaging you're extremely big on dollar cost averaging i'm big on it yes you said something before where you you went to a town in like alabama or something like that you met with the mayor and you said every if they put in five dollars a day what was that conversation you had with us they're gonna build we're gonna build they had if there were it was uh tennessee and the mayor was very big in crypto sat down took a meeting and the way we realized we broke it down if we took 30 000 people in their town and we got them dollar cost averaging five dollars a day we're gonna be able to build over 75 million dollars in wealth in that small town in within five years 75 million for that community and we can do the exact same thing wherever wherever we go again it's getting back into the habit it's about a mindset shift and it's about getting out of the robin hood mentality robin hood is robbing the hood y'all i mean this is this is real because robin hood is trying to encourage you to be a traitor and i'm i'm my whole thing is do i don't want you to be a traitor unless that's what you really want to do and you really did if they want to do it pays more to be and i'll trade for a living long-term investing pays a multiple way higher way way way higher i mean to cut you off but i have to challenge no no i hear you i mean listen if you want to have those three screens up and be like ian and and moving money but that's why i tell everyone invest 80 of your money and then you never have to worry about that you're getting at the right spot or losing a bunch of money when you could have had the money working for you absolutely i mean let's be honest no matter the the the most invaluable thing any of us have most is our time right times more valuable than any crypto who's more valuable than any stock and so if you're gonna have to if you're gonna spend all your days watching price movements and stressing out about it and worrying about this it's better to just dollar cost average day that's what i say because then you can actually live your life you can go be creative you don't have to worry you set it and forget it let it do its work let us do its thing and then go live your life and do those things and so that's you know i'm i'm not giving anybody any investment advice let's be very clear what i am telling you is just what i do i buy bitcoin every day i buy the same amount every day and sometimes i'll do some smart dca so let's talk about what that is you can set up what you want your smart dca to be smart dca would be if you decide okay you're going to have a set number you're doing daily weekly or monthly whatever that number is and then you say oh if it move whenever the asset moves down five percent in 24 hour period i'm gonna double down or i'm gonna put in x dollars more whatever or maybe you set that number ten percent maybe you set it at two whatever you decide if it's a downside movement you go in a little heavier that's what some people call smart dc-8 but the easiest way to do it is don't even worry about that set it whatever you can afford on a daily basis weekly basis monthly basis whatever you decide and let it go and forget about it and then run into me or ian three years from now and you're gonna run up and be like yo that dca thing come on man what do you say to the people that's like all right hill harper uh you know superstar actor uh very successful person uh but the person that's struggling day to day they that's the biggest thing i've always heard is like i don't have enough money i don't have enough money to invest especially in something like bitcoin or cryptocurrency where a lot of people still don't fully understand it they're like this can disappear what is it it's not tangible these from fellas yeah you brought jay's going go on dates going vacate like from that i don't want to hit philadelphia at least you can to play devil's advocate in you go on a date if it's a good you're not clapping first maybe most art keep it a thousand fifty fifty oh twenty eighty okay i got it okay here we go our biggest entertainment hey our biggest problem i believe is what in terms of you look at our community we have this thing called mattress money right we have this idea 90 to 95 of the portfolio asset that we hold in our community is in cash and that's the that's the problem if you look at the wealthiest people in the world 90 to 95 percent of our assets it's not in cash it's in the sending value asset classes like real estate blue chip stocks mutual funds fine art bitcoin you you name it right we have to get out of cash that's why we have we all know people working three jobs that barely make ends meet why because most their their asset is in cash so every night their head is the pillow they wake up the next morning they are poorer because the value the purchasing power of the dollar is going down they the 22 percent of circulating supply was printed last year it's gonna get even worse and worse and worse so the longer we as a black community stay in cash the poorer we will get every day so my goal is to get us out of cash the least friction way quickest is get you into bitcoin right that's why i set up the platform get you into bitcoin but you don't have to stay there there's so many other places to get just we need to get out of the u.s dollar that is the critical piece because your hourly wage is not keeping up with the with the inflation or the decreasing parts of the dollar exactly we got to get out of cash no go ahead brother i'm gonna say it's even more important if you are in a situation where you're living paycheck to paycheck it's even more important and that's what why i get into this argument with these elitists dudes you know brothers coming out you know i went to harvard law school but i so i know a lot of them they come out of harvard and they work at jp morgan and they say hill i'm so surprised by you and i say why brother and they say you are encouraging our people to get into such a volatile asset class what are you doing and i say well how much is your portfolio in bitcoin well that's not the point i said no this banker the other day told me well i don't i don't talk about that publicly but i keep five to ten percent of my portfolio i say how much is that and he told me the number it's a very significant number and i say so it's good enough for you but it's not good enough for them it's elitist and it's [ __ ] we have to be honest now it is volatile that's why you dollar cost average to take the volatility curve out i'm not saying put all your money in because you may have to pull some out tomorrow i'm saying put in what you're gonna afford so money you don't have to take out because if you continue to just live off cash all you're going to see is get poor and poor and poor on a daily basis yeah and then there is no upside return without volatility so if you guys want five six seven hundred percent gains you're going to have to deal with a 70 or 55 percent drawdown if you want safe returns 7.325 on the head it's not going to move that much that is a part of the game that you have to learn and then also to here you have to realize we're not just teaching about how to invest in stocks like once you have a a fundamental core for how to invest you can invest in everything told you last year water is going to be one of the biggest commodities air quality going down you'll see it next year air is gonna you're gonna see premium you're gonna see a fiji version of air in three or four years 22 bucks a can 15 bucks it sounds crazy don't make me i got cans of air yeah they were selling it did you ever see that clip on the um i actually posted a while ago with uh 2 chainz there's this company in um canada that um sells air from um the himalayas and they sell it mostly in china because you know it's like 20 to 18 bottles depending on the premium uh i think the premium might even be 36 dollars a bottle they're already selling here i i i have some i have a box of cans of air it's funny you guys say that um i'm sure i'm i'm seeing if i could if i could find because it'll be [ __ ] if i can find it but but yeah i i i got some because when we were thinking about covet and airway restriction and how getting on a ventilator is a distance i was gonna be like yo i'm i i need i need a hedge protection i need exactly i need some air so i bought us everything i got a ton of air in here somewhere i don't i haven't thankfully i haven't had to use it but i got some uh i want to i want to um go to questions and i have a couple other questions for both of you guys but before that i see a lot of people asking what the name of your platform is so can you explain to them anybody that didn't catch the first episode can you explain to them what the black wall street wallet is and any updates because i think um i think you had just launched it that day so where where are we at now what's the black wall right so so the black wall street digital wallet is in the app stores and google plays for for for apple and both apple and android and it's quite simply uh just that a digital wallet that allows you to connect your bank account to it and allows you to go on and buy bitcoin um the it's it's very simple and what it does it's not trying to do anything more right now it also has a number of educational videos on it that we're adding to all the time i'll just pull it up live let me go back uh these educational videos uh we'll talk about bitcoin my co-founder naja roberts who has only one of two over-the-counter cryptocurrency exchanges uh uh in the country brick and mortar she has it in englewood california right now from the new stadium it's called crypto blockchain plug shout out to nigel roberts she's amazing so she's on these videos i'm on these videos you know i'm trying to get i'm trying to get uh ian and troy on these videos trying to give her a shout out for you guys so so you know here's one called bitcoin is real estate here's one called um um dollar cost averaging there you go so right on time and so we needs versus wants and so we got the videos to for educational purposes and then you go in and you just buy right now uh forty five thousand seven forties real time pricing a bitcoin but of course we're not buying that much we're gonna just gonna hit the ten dollars i'm gonna buy ten dollars i'm gonna preview that buy i'm gonna confirm that purchase and right now i just purchased 0.00020955 a bitcoin so i just purchased that live with the app and so that's what it is you got to make sure when you go to the app store put in the black wall street download it and here's the deal y'all been i've been so grateful to the community since we launched on may 31st because folks have been hitting us with what they want to see on it and since we own the technology we built it okay and this is important for me to say we did not white label this wallet everybody everybody told me to white label the wallet right every single advisor you're gonna have a much better product it's going to be able to do much more it'll be quicker it'll be cheaper and i said i cannot go to my community and basically say listen we got to own our own technology if i white label it it it it makes no sense it's like what russell simmons did with the rush card he came out with the rush card saying hey you gotta you gotta bang black with us you gotta do this and then you pull up the pull up pull back the onion and you're like oh that's green dot bank card and if i would have gone straight to green dot i'd be paying less so i literally was just paying marketing fees no we have to own our own ip and so we built it from scratch and so everyone's been giving us feedback hill add this button do this and it's been so helpful because you know we're just trying to do the best we can and we iterate literally every week a new feature comes out um because we're literally building when i say building from from nothing you know um started from the bottom now we're here and here and here that's what we're doing we're literally building as we go amazing black tech team um in combination with other developers and dev shops and different folks who have done incredible work and so we're going to continue to make it better and better and better um so any feedback folks can give please give us the feedback um because we just want to improve it and that's it there you have it ladies and gentlemen um before we go to questions i have a few questions um ian can we just sidetrack for a minute and talk about stocks um michael bury the legendary bad guy um the big short if you guys have not seen that movie definitely gotta check that movie out he's one of these people that made billions of dollars during the real estate crash and 08 because he shorted the market um news came out today that he shorted ark now we don't know um if he sold that position we just know that he had a sizable short on kathy woods arc fund second quarter and as of june 30th he still held that put um arc was down today what do we what do we what do we think about this um mike's more of an insider even though he has a essential personality i mean he knew the same thing that i knew is that when her formula got out everyone was going to copy it and that's why i put even in stock club today i was like hey she was the hottest thing on earth but she was a woman who and people don't know like kathy used to she was like the styles p of the invested space she would like ghost create portfolios for other people and do some fun to fun stuff back in the day so like she tested her thesis out for a long period of time then she got too hot they wanted to knock her down and then all of this inflow about uh adding crypto to revenue streams which was never talked about before and they did it to pretty much erode her superpower at the time so um it's a good lesson and when you have something that is a dominant force you want to keep it as a secret as long as you can um i think it's a good trade for the time being i don't think it's a good long-term event i wouldn't want to show her fund for five years but for a quarter or two yeah it's uh it's going to be a pretty good bet that would probably go in his favor i can't wait to see when he sold it yeah me too um all right let's get in the question but before we go to questions if we could take a minute well all right let's do a few different things if we can um can we talk about xrp this is something that has been extremely i noticed that uh i never realized that people are so fanatical about xrp until recently um when we started talking about cryptocurrency a lot people are extremely extremely passionate about xrp which is so crazy because you know i've been in crypto space for four years um so when i got into a lot of people the purists didn't like xrp when i got in and twenty hated it because it was like it's um centralized and it goes against everything that crypto stands for but now it's like if you say anything bad about xrp or if you don't mention xrp they're like what are you doing you don't know what you're talking about you got to say xrp as soon as this case is over it's going to thirty seven dollars it's going to a hundred dollars so what if mike novogratz talked about xrp and ended up on what was it uh business insider they uh they they let him have it um so what do you what do you guys think about xrp these days i i hold uh a a position a a good sized position in xrp um i think that the reason why most people are fanatical about it though let's just be real and honest about it is from the speculative nature of it i think a lot of people when they saw uh it get it get de-listed on coinbase a lot of people bought it and i don't think a lot of those people that are fanatical about it are trying to pump it to be honest um i'm just this is real i may get i may get a lot of heat from what i'm about to say but i think they're trying to pump it because they bought a sizeable position when it got dealistic and they saw it as an opportunity do they really really believe in the fundamentals of xrp and they really believe that xrp is is doing something incredible no i don't i don't think i just think they want to make some money and so they see an opportunity that as it gains its own legitimacy so-called and gets out of this the the sec issue in all of the legalities that there's that there is a nice run-up and a nice opportunity um and but i i i again i'll i hold it so you know uh let's see what happens in the future with it but xrp is not bitcoin if it ever gets a 37 cent i love it as a speculative play um shout out to josh brown he says something on the show something that is good does not require the defense so like when people are fanatical even with doge and i told you those just did oh you don't know you only know apple and microsoft you think you know everything doge has not broken above that mayhei and it's still been float meanwhile kayla told you guys about ada you would have doubled your money and cardano had like when people like every some of the groups reminds me and i'm not saying xrp because i don't smoke with y'all i have enough smoke right but some of you guys remind me of like mlm groups where you'd be like yo the product doesn't work the the downline upline crossline thing doesn't work and you're like no it does my uncle bobby in 1973 told me this was i'm like yo uncle bobby driving a 1982 gremlin in 2020 like what 2021 what do we do like the truth that i've learned and we saw it last year people have that have really good positions or even some of the all coins that have taken off they never tell you in public we couldn't get some of the ones that we wanted on here to come on and like hey which should everybody be in in 2020 i mean in 2021 same thing people are not going to tell you their greatest ideas in public um but you know if it goes down to 37 or 40 i'll be happy to to swing it for a little bit but other than that no yeah i do but if they beat that case though that thing probably will spike to like 11 28 and really fast i will tell you guys if you're in that that should be a price for you exit in full transparency i am a long-term hold up xrp um and i had xrp when it was three dollars i it was crazy because uh you know it seems so far from now but i remember the good times xrp was over three dollars and i made a lot of money at xrp um i do believe in xrp and what gives me confidence about it what gave me confidence early on was when i saw all of these companies that was palin and it was like 90 fortune 500 companies like bank of saudi arabia like a lot of it was like the favorite yeah for institutions and um you know doing some research on it and i realized it was like you know made for institutions and banks to transfer money and i just you know it's backed by a publicly traded company um ripple uh it had a lot of things that in my brain a lot of the other cryptocurrencies didn't have um like it had like real backing it had institutional backing which like i said a lot of the purists wasn't happy about but i believe in xrp so hopefully don't all the xrp people don't come at me man i just for sure have you have you continued to buy as it's as it's gone through it's it's downs i haven't i have i haven't purchased new xrp in a while okay i'm just keeping i'm just keeping my my stash and you know seeing seeing what's happening you've had it for three years uh four years we'll see we'll see um all right let's get in the question before we get into questions i want to take a minute to talk about invest fest since i got the legendary hill harper here hill harper will be at invest fest next week in atlanta i can't wait and best bless y'all if you haven't got your ticket yet come on now but let's go let's go invest fest is the vibe uh we got you paired up on a panel with ryan leslie yes yes that's gonna be great it's gonna be extremely interesting man both of you guys are brilliant ryan leslie sent over some talking points that he wants to talk about i shared it with ian and um i'm sure oh baby yeah do not miss this segment listen you see how happy i am do not miss this segment i'll be there yeah yeah yeah so it's an honor to have you um i want to address this situation too because covet obviously is ramping back up so we are taking full precautions with covert we ordered 5 000 masks every single person that um walks into the building for all three days of events we'll be given a mass we are strongly encouraging everybody to wear a mask we will have hand sanitizer stations throughout the event uh we're trying to be as responsible as possible um we will have temperature checks upon arrival as well so we're gonna have a good time we're gonna learn but we're gonna be safe i definitely wanted to highlight that because i know you know a lot of people may have concerns rightfully so it's something that um you know unfortunately this delta variant is is picking up steam so we definitely are taking all precautions necessary to keep everybody safe and um yeah i'm looking forward to it and in the mark in the spirit of market mondays um we're gonna do a giveaway for 50 tickets at the end of the show so make sure you stay stay to the end all right all right so let's let's get some questions if we can uh janet is in the shadow janet you're amazing yesterday i'll be on sunday 10 a.m eastern do not miss my segment it's gonna be amazing i'm never gonna talk about long term invest in swing trading and day trading again at the same time so yes the amazing janet is here hey queen how are you good how are you guys good good good good so yeah if we can bring up some people people don't know i'm i'm technically handicapped when it comes to all this stuff this is what troy does um i don't even know how to he brought me a laptop i'm not sure why he brought me a laptop uh my macbook is still in the rapping uh for eight months so i use my iphone that's it so being that choice absent this is why you have to empower people and you have to have a strong team around you janet has been a tremendous asset to ewl university and um she is helping to fill in the gap with troy being absent so shout out to janet and um yeah she's going to be moderating these these questions thank you guys oh so first we're going to aleister mckenzie he is the president of the crypto club so i'm excited to hear his question um yourself we're coming to you you got that amazing npr voice too i'll see you yeah definitely hey thank you guys for for bringing me on thanks janet uh rashad and hill um so my question is we've seen a lot of movement going on right now in ethereum when it comes to decentralized exchanges and decentralized lending platforms so i just wanted to know do you and the black wall street team have any plans of doing something similar in terms of building your own decentralized exchanges and decentralized borrowing and lending platforms pretty much a black wall street defy ecosystem and if you do will it be on bitcoin or are you going to be doing it on ethereum or is there another chain you would look to implement that on man you know you must be in our meetings alistair man i tell you we've been the the short answer is yes absolutely the question is what should we build and and how should we build it so you have that follow-up piece to your question is the absolute thing okay first of all let me say this i don't think i've ever said this publicly so maybe this is like oh we got a market monitors breaking news breaking news alert breaking news alert so we've been working on how we can be the black exchange for black founded coins okay so you would be able to come to us and and we would have all the black founded coins on our exchange for instance guap coin a dual coin a coin uh vibranium is about to come out capital coin one which one apple campbell coin jim jim down the line so so so therefore we we we would have have these coins right and we will be changed for for that the question is should we be a centralized exchange or a decentralized exchange and what is the best way to approach that because remember these different coins will exist on different platforms and and so we've been grappling with with that uh that question and you know the the the answer we haven't figured it out yet if you have some suggestions about why and in what way you think we should go please reach out to me dm me whatever and let's talk about it because we literally there are pros and cons uh from from our side as an exchange from the from the from the decentralized side and the centralized side so so i'd love to hear uh you know i want i want to do what the community wants and will best serve the community at the end of the day this is a community platform right we want the community to to figure out a way to to to participate to win etc and so you know the whole concept of this has always been we need to give the value away and build a big ecosystem not how can we figure out a way to squeeze as much money out of each individual user as possible encourage them to do as many trades as possible so therefore we can make as much exchange off the individual user then no the whole idea is okay let's build somewhere we give value away and create a bigger ecosystem and so uh i'd love to hear the feedback from the community and and we'd build accordingly or your feedback oh yeah definitely um i will be at invest fest the whole you know earners on chain crypto club will be there uh i'll reach out to you directly and i'll talk to you while we're there as well because i do have a few ideas that uh you know i think would would help in that regard it'd be great yeah i got to talk to you about a panda coin too so for sure when is that hey where's that eyl coin dropping we got to get that on there yeah eyl coin man you know what's so crazy uh we've been i'll talk to you off there i'll talk to you out there uil coin evil coin all right janet uh we got another question yep next we have terrell thomas i'll meet yourself please or tyrell can you hear me yup yes how you doing all right uh i don't i i appreciate you mr harper getting old man the information you're selling is just uh alarming to me um but i did have a question for uh the master investor um uh you've been pretty good with helping me out and figuring out entry points on stocks and everything my question is to you is how do you actually go about setting price targets before you want to exit yeah to buy to buy or to exit uh to exit um you want the real answer i have to ask because people don't want the real answer sometime can't handle the truth um if it's a new company the one of the first places you should set your target at its 10x return to a thousand percent and if it is a older company um i will set it at 250 percent return and that's an easy way to be able to mark off what you should be able to get and get out now the true true answer that no one wants to hear the real answer is the probability of losing an equality company if you hold it for 24.2 years is damn near zero like the true hack that anybody i talk to like kudos to bono and like josh mike everybody like this really in the hedge fund space the true test of time is if you can hold something for 30 years like if you guys like rest in peace nip if we want to be the manifestation of what he was really talking about we have to hold our assets for 30 years guess what happens same thing that happens with grandma's house we'll hold a stock for two or three years get rid of it because we get tired of it but the true test is like can we hold for that and here's what i want you guys to know along that 20 to 30 year period you can take our profit to have fun so in case you do go on a date and get a chance to have fun anything's possible right you can have some fun but because i think if i tell you to hold for 30 you're like well damn i'm let's say you're 33 now you're like i won't be able to have any fun time 63 no i'm not saying that but what happens is even like when you guys talk about two-year trades i'm like that's only going to cover maybe two percent of your lifespan and a lot of those same trades you could have been in for 10 15 years 18 years like how many of us put yes in chat if you wish your aunt grandma mom dad or even you back in college wish you would have host held some of these companies for 10 or 15 years i'm 39 now i remember i was like i don't want to hear that that generational well [ __ ] i want the bag now and then i'm like damn i got a whole baby to think he's 30 and he's six and going to first grade like time flies and the thing about investing is like if you hold it for a long enough period of time and i told this to the stock club and i'll stay here quietly the biggest trick that many people that are detractors and that do not want us to succeed did to us was make us think that long-term investing was really boring but that's where all the money is go look at y combinator go look at sequoia capital any of the top venture funds and see how long they've held those positions when they took them out of the incubator took him through that vc space helped him go public and groomed them helped aaron from box become what he is jack uh zuckerberg they helped groom them why for the same bruising reason leora was grooming who he was grooming at death jam and then at 300 so you can monetize through incubation all the way through maturity of being an older company they're not letting them [ __ ] companies go after two years why because there's bags along the way as they continue to grow the real answer is 24 years if you can hold it you smart absolutely i mean i have stock that that i do that with and i'm more so kind of like applying this to like option strategies and stuff like that how do you i am 35. if you hold a two-year option and not saying that you shouldn't because i do it with futures and that's why i'm able to get a bunch of liquidity but let's say you live to how how old do you want to live to be um maybe at least 70 years old okay so if you hold a trade for two years that's only 2.8 percent of your life you have kids yes i do they're gonna burn a hole even if you get a thousand percent so you have to take all the money this trick take all the short-term because a two-year hold is a short-term trade hill how long have you been in your career uh 30 years 30 years they'll look at how how good were you in your first few years you got games not good not good not good it's a maturation process the longer you hold it so for those of you that are doing options shout out to my features traders those you that shorter nasdaq and made a kill in the day somebody i made 30 grand i'm proud of you take 80 of that money and put it in the long term that's again but here here's the other trick most people won't do it because if you don't love yourself i think that you're worthy of having wealth you're not going to take the actions that you need to correlate with wealth man man brother the brother who knocked down nip sucker right it wasn't that he hated nip he hated what dip represented because he didn't but he didn't have a discipline that nib had a lot of y'all say y'all love nip y'all can't name songs prior to their last album though some of y'all don't even know who black sam is right like you have to dig deeper and go through those points of suffering and the reason i bring him up i was looking at the page and i think it said nip like impacted thousands of people but like the portfolio that he was building now is worth 215 million dollars he's on crypto early he was one of the few black urban voices that was on that heavy like he would have been him and i i think kobe would have been the two greatest investors in this era hands down because they saw it so early two years is not a long enough period to truly mature what maximum profit potential is like when you look at the long term horizon mo you can get a two or three hundred thousand percent return on some companies if you hold for the 30. but they tricked us i'm like that's boring as hell you're not gonna be able to have fun let us do that [ __ ] though let us like les moonves didn't give up on cbs in two or three years two years is a short period of time but if you are gonna trade take 80 of that money and put in the long term if you want to be happy and be free and we also talked about um great question thank you brother um also uh ian when he was on my um group chat called for financial planning dell university and we had a conversation and i was saying for my own personal portfolio you know i do options and i do long term and what i've done uh previously this year um with xlk and xly specifically is um i sold my xlk xly 2022 options and i put the money into xlk xly stock long term so you know so i still have options but i've i've done that a few times where it's like okay i'll make a nice profit from the option and then i'll and then i'll put the money into the stock um so that's the strategy as well but uh yeah i think that's the only strategy if you guys really like you gotta say you wanna flip a lot of y'all just want to get enough money going to dating clap um everything that you want will come to you if you put focus on mastery because after a while even all those pleasures won't mean anything partially that's why a lot of men in the 32 to 41 range and here we can talk about this too like how many brothers you've seen they haven't hit their peak potential and the pressure and disappointment that comes from that as manifested in frustration towards others yep definitely there you have it ian the life coach he's more than he's more than uh i'm just telling you what i went through what i did i don't coach nobody i'm good i got my baby sander go to bed i don't want to go what's that show called fix my life yeah i think you might have a career and fix fix my life for ian dunlap no i'm good on that i'll do the voice over work though the hard truth we eat i think that's that's it truth is good though we're gonna split the royalties on the name that's a good name the hard truth i like that i like yeah i like that i like that oh man all right let's let's get a couple more questions if we can here you go ep or what we what we doing no i like it i'll cover all cause that show come on right after you got in the van zan show so [ __ ] and then you come with the slap you know right afterwards you know that'd be nice all right guys so i'm gonna go to a female earner we have a lot of guys with your hands raised but melinda white i see you i mean yourself we're coming to you hey queen how are you hey oh fridge break hope not uh-oh oh right we tried that we tried to get all right so melitta campbell uh mute yourself hello yeah hey can you guys hear me well cause i got y'all on my tv right now yeah yeah because i got it let me just turn off the streaming real quick because it's streaming off my phone to my tv so i can watch on us on a big screen okay hello yeah is it better now yes all right so honestly you know i could have million and one questions and of course i appreciate everybody on this platform um that you know is sharing their knowledge because y'all guys don't have to know yeah i hear that a lot but it's it's some real [ __ ] but um um i have a few things real quick i wanted to say because i have my own clothing line and i'm gonna be at invest fest um and i'm um vendoring so i'm gonna be i'm gonna dm you guys to action for your sizes as far as shirts go so look out for that i don't know if y'all want to put in the chat or not but i need everybody sizes janet you you as well because i'm bringing y'all some merch excellent all right extra large yeah let me get extra large get first that's a great way to come in what is your site um actually i'm working on that because i'm doing this by myself and i was with a group before and we not we're not you know i have to all of my funds is coming from me so you know i live in the projects in brooklyn canarsie right now um shout out to big pop smoke but yeah i'm living in brooklyn so long story short i don't i'm working on that right now i'm trying to what's your rg name then so we can get you some promo it's young so y-o-u-n-g i'm gonna put it in the chat as well underscore nation underscore 19 that's when i came out when i'm 19. um but yeah that's my ig um i'm shaking move but i just want everybody's sizes and stuff like that but um now hill hill hop hill hopper i um i downloaded your uh your um wallet crypto wallet but for some reason it's not letting me pass a certain step and i'm like trying to i don't know if i could connect it to my um my young nation donate don't name in crypto because i got a don't name in crypto but i have to claim it in order for me to start which is did you go through the kyc process did you put in all the information like you know your driver's license and all that stuff or or you got to stop there yeah no i didn't i didn't get a chance to give them too much information no okay and so as you go through the process sometimes though there are some friction points and you just got to reach out to support we have unlike unlike coinbase we have we got live people that you could deal with because we we understand i the one thing that we're trying to do is provide really good customer service because we feel like if we can give that could be a differentiator for us right the tech itself pricing can be a differentiator we're trying to come in less expensive but but but obviously we're not as big and well-funded as coinbase but but they don't have live people you can talk to uh but we can provide that and so if if you want to reach out to support or shoot an email i can have somebody or dm me i can have somebody from our we call it the customer success team someone from our customer success team reach out to you and sort of walk you through the process i don't since you know obviously i don't know where you're getting hung up in that fight but um but we can have somebody walk you through that process if necessary um because obviously it can get a little it can get i'll be honest i hate the fact that we have to kyc and sometimes if the name doesn't match the driver's license or the government it kicks it out there's all these different little things that get kicked out and and that's not us meaning the the kyc process being handled by another company and so at the end of the day um you know we're trying to solve these problems for everybody because there are little friction points that can be sticky and and i want to solve them i i wish that you wouldn't have to because you know but but what we're trying to do is make sure that we don't have any fraud or or or problematic things happening on our platform because you know how it is as soon as something like that happens you know how they would do they'll come after us we're trying to keep it as clean as we can so we're literally checking every box crossing every t doing it like every single right way um so the customer success team can just help get you through that shoot me a dm and i'll help i'll connect you with somebody to get that supported okay thank you i appreciate that but yeah i still haven't talked about the grid by in i i was only here a few a month maybe two months ago or something like that and i was like yo the grid bot because i'm into that and i've been into it since april and i've been seeing some some money coming in it's just that i don't have a lot of money into it so i just want to know your opinion on it because you guys are so involved and honestly i'm running two businesses so it's kind of hard for me to really like get myself but yeah it's called three commas and it's a grid bot it's all for three commas and it's a it's a grid bot and you invest in um bitcoin and usdt something yeah my boy owls put me on to it so what kind of return are you seeing from it like i put i'm i'm not really a percentage person like but i put in i put in like 12 um but of course you got to buy certain things so i put in 1200 1200 and i already got back almost a thousand since april oh dear me right now we'll make some shake i i'm definitely gonna yeah all right but i appreciate y'all i'ma dm y'all so i'll get y'all sizes and i appreciate y'all i love y'all i can't wait to see y'all in person and yeah let's keep running this up thank you thank you shout out to brooklyn shout out to the flaws canarsie rest in peace to pop smoke uh yes brooklyn people never afraid to ask for what they want gotta love it hill harper i know you are a brooklyn transplant so yes no place like brooklyn um okay so let's do this before before the show's over i want to do a giveaway in honor of all of the people that's been very supportive of market mondays for over two over a year um so okay here's what we're gonna do don't put your cash at me don't no no cash ups please all right here's what we're going to do so we have 50 tickets to give away for invest fest um general admission tickets for saturday and sunday um so you are going to dm our administrative assistant abdullah his his uh instagram is valid underscore s-o-w i pinned it i just pinned it in in um in the youtube section valid underscore s-o-w dm him on instagram with the word bad for his dm's first come first serve dm him the word ticket man first come first serve 50 tickets we are get but please only dm him if you are in atlanta or you can definitely make the event don't dm him if you're in alaska you know how people do it's free they're like well i'm in afghanistan i'm going to go like please if you cannot make it because you're going to take away a seat from somebody that actually does want to be there um so please only dm him if you can definitely make it or if you are in atlanta oh i'm sorry uh valid aso valid underscore a s o w so let me let me repent it um yeah valid underscore a s o w dm your life away all right um okay gentlemen it has been an honor and a pleasure um if we can talk about i want to i want to uh get you guys opinion on another crypto uh cardano a d a i know ian that's something that you know you have uh spoken about i think uh young woman from your group actually came yeah kayla came on talked about it and to be real she was one of the first black people to speak on cardinal yeah so how do you how you feel because i'm actually investing in cardinals that's another coin that i got in um 2017 uh hill are you are you into all coins or are you just strictly bitcoin i i i i i stick my toe in them let's say that i don't um a primary investment not a primary it's kind of just fun it's fun to do and i enjoy it with all coins but it's not what i see as a as the primary because there's just too much risk it's too too risky i think risk management has to be part of your investment everyone always wants to talk upside outside upside but risk management is just as important and more important okay there you go from for me is mountain so when you talk about all coins there's just fewer people to buy it on the way down and and and so it's just less money is catching it and and establishing a floor on the way down and and so you know it's just like to me in many cases now cardano's a little different right cardamomo there's there's some there's some real value there yeah um so so i'm not lumber cardano into the space moons and the shibuya news and the doges and and that and there's a meet there's the mean coin side and then there's coins that actually have fundamentals cardano is one of those so so so i'm i'm not saying they're all exactly the same in any way shape or form you got to remember there's over 92 cryptos out there and it sounds like there's gonna be 9201 when that eyl coin comes so so there you go so but but here's the deal i like cardone i like it okay and so it's just that when i compare where i'm the where i need to put the money i have for the space i it still doesn't win for me for me and the way i'm approaching the space and and so i'm not approaching it from a trading mentality i'm approaching it from what ian was talking about the 30 years in fact never sell mentality so so here's here's my thing i never want to sell my bitcoin my bitcoin is going to go to my son and hopefully that's going to pass on i see bitcoin the same way wealthy families buy these old historic mansions you think that they sell get junk in and out of them to create liquidity no they take out money on the equity of the value on the on the black wall street platform in the future you'll be able to put up your bitcoin and get a loan for that for equity of your bitcoin right you can already do it on block five point is you you'll give up on our platform and as we grow and iterate a goal to me is to get as many people holding bitcoin and then creating liquidity pathways with their holding of it and never sell it and so it's just a different mindset um that i'm approaching it with a little differently but do i like cardona yes do i hold some cardano yes but but but when i listen to the altcoin space the way i see it kind of there's a little bit of that pink sheets pen stock gambling element to it that you know i've got to go to vegas and gamble because at least i get a free drink and get the look of some pretty women while i'm gambling oh so so still that's just a different approach but i don't know if it's a different space i agree you know so listen when you bitcoin ethereum okay so those the the the heavyweight and then you have the srps of the world the cardano you you know you you you have polka dots you you have um well there's there's a few others i don't want to go down a whole list of everything that i hold because i think that that's not that's not a good thing to do but but at the end of the day i hold more than just that so i'm not one of these bitcoin only people and if you're in anything but bitcoin you're actually you know horrible that's that's not my position uh but if you're deciding if from a standpoint of scarcity in terms of where to put your money in the space go to bitcoin first that's all yeah i think it should be a part of the next bitcoin is definitely the foundation i will say this about uh cardano shout out to queen caleb for uh calling it out because i mean i think when she talked about it was at 122 guys would almost double your money i mean i told you guys the price of 103. gave it away for free um if you guys love ethereum like we just saw the versus battle if you like jada and styles put out a project arguably you can go back and forth about who's better it's a damn shame that charles and vitali couldn't get along long enough to work on one project go do your research so i'll say this on the record i want to say when cardinal gets to dollars and 22 i want to come back and like hey brother hill bizarre first of all give it a few years if you're holding for a long-term period it should be your fourth to fifth asset and the crypto spaces you're looking at but it's gonna have a nice run i'll say that i'll say that i agree i completely agree yeah you have it and that's something too that people need to realize before we before we wrap up is uh there was a coin a few years ago i think it was salt something like that um and a friend of mine was telling me about when it was like it allows you to start lending that's the first time i heard about um lending bitcoin um but it makes a lot of sense because it's like and that's why the word cryptocurrency is kind of misleading because it why would i want to exchange or give up something that i think is going to go up in value um so unless it's a stable coin i don't want to i'm not going to use bitcoin to go to the movies it makes no sense um so it's like you have these bitcoins you don't necessarily want to sell it but you still might need money to actually live and especially if it goes up in value you can realize also um lending lending bitcoin is something that i think uh just lending crypto in general is very interesting to me because um you still keep it and then you can earn some interest on it and um you just you know you have some liquidity in the short term but you're not actually selling it as opposed to you know where it's just like all right you got you know a profit and you just sell it and then you just back at zero then you got to buy it again then you kind of you know it's like a hamster wheel you can keep your cryptocurrency and lend it out and create liquidity and still keep the ownership so that's something that's interesting everybody everybody needs liquidity right and so the the payday lending industry is a 300 billion dollar industry y'all and where do they locate most of the brick-and-mortar payday lenders uh black latino and outside of military bases that's where they are just look where they located look where they are they're stealing money out of our community that if we just took literally the money that's being literally taken out in the 14 18 22 24 people paying 500 600 percent over the course of their life in into over course of one loan if we repurpose that just into a percentage of that into an ascending value asset class that you can create liquidity off of just look how powerful that could be because when we talk you cannot have social justice without economic justice we've been talking about whether we're talking about police brutality mass incarceration uh education gaps healthcare disparities there's one thing that the communities that are hit the hardest have in common by all those it's economic fragility and poverty if we solve the money problem we actually solve those other problems and so this money discussion this stuff that we're talking about is real it's not just about get rich quick this is about long-term financial foundational stuff that has been plaguing our community and if we solve many of these foundational issues we actually solve the other problems ninety percent of the stuff that young brothers get locked up for is money related if we solve the money and opportunity problem for them they're not doing that activity anymore and and that solves that problem and so we gotta think globally in terms of what we're trying to do and how we're doing it and everybody absolutely needs liquidity but there's a smart way to get it and the smart way to get your liquidity is to hold an asset long term and let the assets value create your liquidity that's that's it i mean ian just broke it down 30 years hold your bitcoin for 30 years and see what happens to your family as well there you have it ladies and gentlemen another stellar market mondays uh thank you brothers for joining us um what would you like to leave the people with before we uh exit stage left joe you can go first brother i appreciate you well andrea hall just wrote in the chat mlk was assassinated after he was started speaking about economics is so true the way we empower our community is to economically empower our community and the way we're going to lift each other up is to actually create micro economies where we're supporting each other and collaborating ian said at the very beginning this is about collaboration there is nobody out there that looks like me that's incompetent i'm in competition with i want to support every brother every sister out there whatever your business is that young sister from brooklyn and her t-shirt business i want to support that i want to support everything ian does i want to support everything troy which i do everything because here's the deal if if it's not us then who because there are no other folks that are going to have our back when when when it when it all goes wrong we have to have each other's backs and if you look historically the reason why i named it the black wall street is if you think about it historically they created group economic prosperity through collective economics recirculation of the black dollar and all we're trying to do on this platform is recirculate the black digital dollar so i i say god bless everybody please check out the wallet please give me feedback about it let me know what i can improve it tell me he'll add a button add a picture i don't care what you tell me just tell me how to make it better feedback is critical so thank you um i want to tell you guys i love you i appreciate you dilly um call somebody that you love man like life is crazy please make time to call five friends five family voice note is my thing but like face time communicate and also too for those of you you're watching if i ever made you money put a dollar sign in chat and go live download this brother's app i'm not an investor in the company not yet because my brother ain't let me buy it yet but if you are if i've ever done anything to help you look to invest in crypto through his platform as a favor to me that's all i asked you tonight thank you thank you of course there you have it ladies and gentlemen once again invest fest giveaway we are giving away 50 tickets to invest fest dm valid underscore asow our assistant abdullah dm him the word ticket and the first 50 people that do that will gain access to invest fest but please make sure that you can actually attend investments that is extremely extremely important because tickets are almost sold out and we wanted to like i said just show some appreciation but it makes no sense to um give a ticket to somebody that can't make it so please please only dm him if you can actually make it um one last question yes you're doing great on the tech side too i want to give you props you always don't have the most lines in the movie or maybe even in in some of the tv shows but you are like you've mastered how to kindly steal scenes right so i'm preparing for investors i've been working on it for three weeks can you please tell the brother some of your secrets on like stage or on the camera how you're able to eat up that space to be like the most memorable person in a scene and or a movie man it's amazing you asked that guy thank you brother yo when i was when he got game with denzel it was early in my career and i asked him that same question and he was always like he was always like do something small that no one's expecting you to do so i don't know what that means to you for invest best but do something but i hey i was doing a play with somebody one time and i had this big monologue and they were supposed to be in the back of the stage and this dude went back in the back of the stage and he decided he was going to be making a tea but he was like doing it and dropping i was turning around this morning like i got a big moment here and he's like stealing the scene by making tea so i wouldn't suggest making tea while someone else is talking but but uh i think you got it brother you see did you you actually have real talk you just gave me an idea i hadn't thought of this number one i absolutely want you guys uh as investors and we haven't actually taken on any investment money yet because there's uh you know there's an old adage in tech if you start taking on money too early you're giving away so much the company by the end of the multiple rounds you you don't know much of the company anymore and so if you can avoid it you do but you made me realize something just just now it might be interesting and it's something i'd love to talk to you both about i might tell you where the mail i'll send it tomorrow well maybe i wonder if we should do a reg cf let the whole community in that'd be incredible uh [Laughter] complications all right sorry yeah but text me i'll send it off tomorrow okay yes now a word from our sponsor before we uh close the shot like damn you should have went over here not the thing so we can invest he said y'all d valid at what what's my man's audrey don't dm me he would say we was going to invest in the black wall street happening hey i'll chill just wait just wait we can figure it out we do it at the same time eyl coin comes on the planet it's always a pleasure man uh let me say this before we leave uh this episode of market mondays is brought to you by ally financial allies an option if you are looking to bank or invest allie financials leading digital financial services company with passionate customer service and innovative financial solutions they are relentlessly focused on doing it right and being trusted in financial service provider both customers and communities get with ally and make the most of the money you and save invest and spend on things that matter to you you know i used to get nervous in the class when the teacher used to make me read so i came a long way um i'm extremely proud of myself i used to have a high level of anxiety reading out loud um so and with tech and you did great tonight yeah for you yes yes no hitches no no glitches audio was good see told you well we got mike we got mike here shout out mike how you doing man get on camera shout out to mike brother i appreciate it it got my kid man he had that he had to open the computer for me if not i would have done market monday for my iphone i'm not sure how that would have worked out we're trying to bring you guys on but uh luckily mike was in town so he can uh actually set me up um so we got it done but uh yes this is very important once again shout out to my brother troy who is here with us in the spirit um he couldn't make it today this is his first absent you know anybody knows troy used to be a teacher and he was never absent used to go to school every single day like he never used his sick days anything so very rare that troy misses a day of work this is a very rare occasion so shout out to my brother troy the band is not breaking up don't worry he will see him oh god we'll see him back um but yeah shout out to troy and shout out to janet shout out to mike shout out to ian um everybody uh did a little bit extra today to um carry making and shout out to hill man hill harper is a great great guy you know when me and troy went to la the first the last time was la the first thing we did was meet with him and we had um lunch in beverly hills hillary it was an amazing situation i didn't i didn't know you both were going to order the lobster salad this is 75 apiece hey listen i got you i got you uh no but hill's a really really downer guy once again so yeah definitely support his platform um download the app if you're interested in learning about cryptocurrency or buying cryptocurrency uh especially bitcoin make sure i mean and you can diversify as well like you know sometimes you might have um a couple different brokerages accounts a couple different bank accounts so you might want to have ethereum on a different platform or you might have xrp on a different platform but if you're in crypto i think you should definitely have bitcoin and most people have bitcoin so why not have it um the black wall street why not yeah i know i saw a lot of you putting it like yo do it for the culture with regards to investing invest into him because he's been for the culture before it was popular to talk about investing long term like go look at go google right now with books he put out when obama was like getting but like he's been doing this this isn't a quick hustle for him he's been talking about this for a long time and pointing to our community and once again um rest in peace nipsey but you can't say that you love nip and you wish you could have seen him mature and then turn around or not support him support this man's platform and the platform fire too you guys know i don't endorse nothing unless i love it so what you're about to use president obama's roommate right oh we're classmates we're never roommates we play ball together all the time oh man come on he's older he's older than me i'm younger i'm quicker i'm a better shot a better athlete it wasn't even he's the only one he's just taller than me he's got long arms he's left-handed he's a little deceptive but slow slow like slow like mud how is he how does he feel about crypto you know what um i don't know because you know i haven't actually spoken to him specifically about crypto um you know it's one of those things where i just it's not something that to come up you know i mean he just had his birthday and i mean just he's doing he's doing pretty well they just broke ground on his library literally today or this week i believe uh in chicago so things are things are looking good uh mr hyde park yeah i i i it's somewhere in the south side i'm not exactly sure where i know it's about 12 acres like 12 to 15 acres a big site and uh and then uh you know he's got a house he's building over in hawaii so things are things are good things are good there you have it all right brother it's been an honor i will see you next week at invest fest um i'm looking forward to that man thank you guys for joining us make sure you like the video make sure that you subscribe on the podcast outlets tell a friend to tell a friend and make sure you guys share with my friends yeah check out your legion tomorrow we got a dope episode um all right guys peace stock club calling out and love you rashad you did a great job you're anxiety rachel you did it mike i appreciate you magic i appreciate it gentlemen thank you all right the
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 64,119
Rating: 4.9736729 out of 5
Keywords: Crypto, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Black wall street wallet, Investing, Investment, Hill Harper, Ian Dunlap, Earn your leisure, Rashad Bilal, Market Mondays
Id: IDZettUg4U4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 36sec (6696 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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