Another Black BILLIONAIRE - Episode #42 w/ Melvin Nunnery

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was able to sell them 1.4 billion dollars for 30% of the company and now when you put that in perspective right everybody's going crazy over Kylie Jenner well she sold 51% of her company for maybe like what a billion dollar or six hundred million dollars I'm like that so she's sold 51% and I sold 30% of a separate company for one point four billion dollars and I still have Scala me here that up we own a hundred percent but then we have scald me international that we set up so that we can team up with the Chinese Chamber of Commerce and I sold that part for 30 percent hold on hold on you build a company yeah they like the concept of the company yep so you make a sub of that company correct and you sell 30 percent of the company you just created for them of a sub yeah for 1.4 billion yeah 30 percent of that yeah and you still got the company that they liked initials don't touch the United States only the China the only RMB that's what you touch so no interesting is because people are really trying to come up with business models that make you work and make you have the time that make you produce something and I want to come up with a business model that says I don't have the talent and I don't have the scholarships so but if I can provide a space for you to get attracted to the coach or find a coach then that's got to be worth something and that's a good business model for me my knees are bad you know and I don't have a school that I can give you a scholarship to so I don't have to own everything right I just have to own the product which is the mobile app so with with China I knew that they wanted to get to United States bad they just didn't have a vehicle so my second biggest thing was to try to figure out how to finagle my way for China to allow me to be the first social network from the United States to be in China so Facebook's not their instagrams not their Twitter Google none of them are and China there's no Instagram a China no really you have to use a VPN a virtual private network to use Instagram in China but instagrams not allowed in China oh wow that's interesting yeah a YouTube's not allowed in China really not it no another yeah no no no YouTube's not even allowed in China so so you got this idea they like y'all know we got one point four billion what's up but without it like it wasn't really like that you know it was some negotiation going on so the initial negotiation was seven hundred fifty million dollars and so I had turned that down like before they got out of there my fam hold on so was you was you eating already like your company's doing numbers and like I don't need seven I thirty million huh huh I needed another five thousand to pay some bills yeah five thousand short on overhead and just kind of bills man and it was just like you know a lot of times me and my partner Lee are you hearing us yeah yeah a lot of times be my partner to leave we would come out of our own pocket to make sure people were getting paid or make sure vendors were getting paid so if we were short three thousand or five thousand we would pick it up so when he offered me the seven hundred and fifty million dollars I knew he had more and so I said not kid me okay how you can check how you gonna do it I'm taking it I'm taking it well see so the problem though here's the thing it why do you understand is it's not about what something is worth right it's about what does it work to the customer so I knew that it was worth a lot to China to get their athletes to get their academia to get their people here to United States and it had to be worth more than several hundred and fifty million dollars cuz they're not gonna offer you all they got right so I had to gamble with myself so I didn't tell my staff about the deal and the negotiation was just me and my attorneys and you know my attorney was like are you sure I see yeah I'm sure man and then we just came up and we just continued to negotiate and then I got him up to one point four you need five thousand dollars to pay some bills somebody offers you 750 million I borrow some money when I got off the phone with them a lot I need to understand where that comes from like where do you where do you get that because the average human is not man you know what it is man when I was younger man I should always see my dad and the drive that my dad had and you know he was just a good dude so I always wanted to be a version of my dad and and and he never really took anything that that the he didn't earn but he always says he should get everything that he deserves right everything that he worked for he should get he shouldn't get anything more than that so I felt like I earned that right based off of what the customer needed so when I was younger when I was in my twenty eight twenty nine I became a mentor for the first time and I brought my mom and dad their first house and so I understand what it's like to have a million dollars and then go down to nothing and then get back to a million dollars again and go back down to nothing so I understand that so I was willing to gamble on myself and the average person is not willing to go and be broke and I was willing to be broke again for like another three four months another five six months so you get the deal now if the 750 was all he had how to took it I would take seven million dollars if I thought that that was always worth to them so if I'm if if I'm just a regular Joe out here in these streets I'm like yo that's calling me I like that man look I ain't got a whole bunch of money but I feel like I can build on you something are you five million don't worry you didn't in my art yeah yeah yeah yeah that's another level thank you yeah man because it's like what does it work to you what do you have and what does the work to you so you know like people I always tell the story and it's like I have a car and you need to get to work so you call me said yo Mel I need to get to work his twenty minutes away I said what are you working at I'm working at Target he's getting about $15 an hour so I'm gonna pick him up and I'm gonna take him to work let me just say just give me gas money right I have the same car and have this in the gas costs the same but now you need to go and pick up a million dollar check for this record deal so what happens if you don't get there by by one man they probably gonna take it down to five hundred million dollars tomorrow or they come to get up to like you know five hundred thousand dollars so what I say is what is it worth to him so instead of a gas money then I say okay so if you're gonna get this record deal for a million dollars and I'm gonna take you to their fam gotta give me a Rolex watch that really watches president cost $20,000 so I can either now take the watch or take the $20,000 but now it's worth $20,000 for you to go get a million dollars and that's what I tell people is they're so focused on this is my feet but my feet changes minute by minute like you may call the book me to do something and I might give you a feat like call me to book me something and it's gonna be huge he can be listening to me talking to you and he got a different theme right cuz what does it work the life he's selling tickets $50 a piece and it seems 2500 people you want me to come speak out of school why is it the same fee you got to change your thinking well let's get this clear like first off are you gonna come speak at social proof I got no money for you okay I need you to speak at real solute conference April 2nd and 3rd 2020 are you gonna speak hang on oh well since I'm on camera yeah talk about philanthropy and hold on I'll black pulled me to the side well 28 to make your first million how does somebody go from being a millionaire to broke I don't understand it because I advocate millionaire and I feel like as a millionaire I put some money aside cuz I'm not I'm not going to lose it cuz I remember feels like yeah so how do you go up and down and up again and down man you just make bad investments man sometimes you make bad decisions and sometimes you make bad investments but the majority of time you have bad people around you you don't have the right people advising you and the right people around you everywhere I went to party was on me right anybody who needed the rent paid or the mortgage paid I felt like I help them out because when you have a broke mentality because you've been broke all your life when we have no money I'll get a hotlink sandwich I must put that up and give you half right and if you stay in that mentality when you get a million dollars and you need something oh man $200,000 man I got you you held me down right you have to switch your way of thinking in order to be successful you got something we're thinking and I didn't flip at that time I stayed the same so anybody who called me crying oh they got me right oh no I remember I used to be that and I said I know what that feels like but sometimes they're running game on me right somebody wants me to do an investment with them they need $100,000 they don't know what they're doing you know they come up with a half-decent business plan that's my man I'll go ahead and invest in it if it's not their money it's easy for them to leave Yeah right but I'm the one that have a hundred percent of the responsibility and the liability because if you're gonna get sue the first person they're gonna go to the guy with the biggest pockets hmm so now I don't invest in anybody unless they have skin in the game or they can bring somebody with some skin in the game so we can share the risk guys we got you yeah so so you you made your first million you go down just giving away money what was the stupidest thing you bought not stupidest but like yeah I didn't even buy that a plane how old were you 29 so oh yeah also right when you got the money yeah what made you think yeah I'm gonna go get a plate at 29 years old first all don't know 29 year old me to play well because I was with this guy Brian Stearns out of Texas and he was just doing a crazy-big so he had bought a plane and so he brought a Cessna or something like that seven passenger plane and we couldn't all like it was yeah and it was it was a small plane right and so you know he wanted to get another plane so I was like I get it you know I'm saying was Demi and his money anyway right it wasn't really my money right I'm working for the guy so I was like I'll be you can get it man and stuff and so we got an 18 million dollar plane and we only had about five million dollars 18 million plain you have 5 million yeah how much the money did you have to put down my 1.5 you put down by 20 20 % of all the money that you had on a plane bro mm-hmm at all the music videos talking about a g4 and this was a g3 look like a g4 yeah yeah until the g4 pull up next to it yo so my man booster shot something burns turns man cuz Bryan Stearns is the guy that actually helped me get my first million dollars man and we was doing it we were Wilin out and doing it big and had the Lamborghinis and the Ferraris as the company cars we had a fleet of limousines we would just wow him right and so it's easy to lose it listen we hired 14 off-duty our LAPD's officers to be our bodyguards man why do you need a bodyguard bro we didn't tell me some cool stuff about having a plane let me just let me just be in a one time that I was a time that me and my buddy I was at the Q Club in Oxnard it's a little pool hall so cuckoo Q flibben auction re I met these two girls and it was like you know you guys want to go to the club it was like about 11:30 12:00 o'clock at night there's not many go to a club all the clubs closed early and I said no we can go to a club in Las Vegas and she said how you gonna get to Las Vegas I'm gonna call my plane people meet us in Oxnard and then we're gonna go to Las Vegas and so if they were with it we go to Oxnard my plane actually gets there about before we do got Oxnard jump on the plane go to Las Vegas we go to a club my boy Kip Sweeney was the doorman at the club got us in I think what Caesar Palace or something like that got us in we partied to like three four o'clock in the morning got a little room and then come on back okay that's some cool stuff what there's another time man I had a Rolex watch they only made two in the world I have one in Master P have one and what what do you mean which one is that what is it it's a it's it's a princess cut diamond watch it was a hundred and fifty two thousand dollar and they only made two and what happened was my mind the guy that I was with he gave it to me right as a gift for being part of the company and he gave me the Platinum is he hiring no part of company so he gave me he gave me the patent and watch right and this is one patent had first came out well I mean I'm in the bar and nobody is jocking my watch and I'm thinking the thing is silver or something so I'm like yo B I don't want this watch man I wanna go get a gold watch so I call her jeweler which was in Scottsdale Arizona I jump on a plane that night I left the club jumped on a plane went to Arizona doesn't get in love with it and I traded that watch in for the goal what and I came on back now that was crazy give me the psychology I think I lost like 20 20 $25,000 give me give me the psychology behind that like why like why like just tell me look look at the old Melvin and be like oh well no it's crazy because I never wore jewelry I still don't worry right but because he gave it to me and it was the first piece of jury that I mean I don't wear a ring I don't wear watches I just don't man and he gave me this ding so I was like everybody in the music videos got one that everybody's getting jacked I wasn't getting shocked it was like is that silver is he wearing silver but his platinum and platinum head just came out like we're talking like two weeks ago platinum came out everybody's rocking platinum and nobody was dogging him but they was jocking my man next to me with the gold I left the club it was like maybe 12:30 I left the club and jump on a plane to go trade my watch in Arizona too much money at that point yeah so what was your what was your come down what was the all of the crash and how'd you get it back man there was a there was a couple of crashes right because I would go up and down but you know one of the crashes is I invested some money into strawberries into a strawberry and that's a booming business really yeah and we invested a lot of money and we got other investors to invest in to the strawberries and it turned out to be a scheme and I mean we were talking with snoop and Denzel and all them and it turned out to be a scheming and everybody lost your money yeah I mean everybody lost your money and FBI got involved in Albury stuff yeah the strawberry scam yeah well I live in Oxnard where it's the best place to grow strawberries because the weather and the soil and everything in there is the best place to go strawberry what the problem for me is the person who was doing the strawberry stuff they they were living in Oxnard but the fields that we had in Santa Maria two hours away all right man if you don't cut it out we lost pretty much everything man all right so let's talk about the Scalli me so obviously we know you sold a percentage of the creating company which I'm still like this feels some type of way about that's crazy but 1.4 billion but you were doing it for eight years yeah give me the beginning of how you built that because there's a lot of entrepreneurs that you know we're starting a company and we're trying to figure it out and one we can't see eight years ahead yeah oh yeah listen I didn't think it was gonna take me that long either but I didn't have a goal and I didn't have a plan what happened was I was doing pretty good but I was on the downslide and so then a few months later I end up losing the condo that I had and Ventura and put all my expensive furniture and everything in storage my shoe collection everything man I probably had like been three four hundred pairs of shoes everything was in storage and I go live with my brother Paul in Newberry Park that's right up the stairs from where my mom and my sisters living and I couldn't afford to pay my storage after like three months and they were going to auction everything so I had to write him a bad check I hope it's been covered now because it's like seven years all right I don't know what that statue of limitation I mean I can fix it if I need to but but so I wrote him a check just so that they can unlock the door and I didn't want any of the the artwork or anything that I had I just wanted I had my brothers Oxnard Yellow Jacket let him in jacket that when he died when I was 13 years old and he worked so hard to get that jacket and he had just gotten it and he end up dying in a car accident on the way all the way to school so all I wanted was his jacket and my computer and then I felt like if I had those two I can get anything in the stores back and I just walked out with those two things Wow yeah so he walked out of there and you did what how'd it like give me the beginning I walked out there I went to go stay with my brother and I was there for maybe two or three weeks and my mom and I'm having a stroke and so she and I'm having a stroke and I was like yo and then we were getting evicted out of his place at that time and I say you know what I got to build something and I was working with this girl Tiffany heard and we were working in the gym we ended up getting her a scholarship to the University of Providence and I said you know what if I can do this for Tiffany heard then she played basketball at a Mopar tree in college and I remember painter in high school and she was just absolutely amazing and so she should have gotten a scholarship and she didn't so when I started working on her and we started getting Tiffany a scholarship I said you know what this is the business now I gotta turn it into a model right and I said I can do a mobile app where it every athlete around the world can tap in and figure out how they can mark and promote themselves like Tiffany her did to a college coach and then she got him getting like the biggest scholarship in the mobile part during college school history mmm so I stopped training him I stopped working I stopped doing everything that day and I started building in schölermann gotcha so like was it always progressing over these eight years like that aesthetically progress man I'm gonna tell you what's crazy is it was progressing very well from 2011 and we have bumps in the road cuz you don't you know you don't have much my first my first payroll check right - my first the first girl that hired Kelly scaring jello or something like that I hired her and then the first paycheck I had to go to like you know how you go to those uh check cashed checking to go places and you given your yard your a company check and they give you I had to go and do that to pay her first payroll hmm force colony and I didn't have a company check I had to make up a company check to go take it there to get a $300 loan you know because she was part-time and then then we in the pan her said that's house colony started right and then we and then we started getting to the bread but it it was good it was really good up and down because I loved up and downs man I don't like this at all and I don't like to just continue to go here because that crash gave me you know you don't know understand the turbulence I'd like to have a little bit of turbulence in it because it gives me that dead dead dog right and it keeps me hungry so but in 2014 I had him who I called a mentor and a partner of mine and I bought a man and I gave him percent of the company and telling me yeah yeah and I'll never forget his name is al Jones right and he tried in 2014 we did a all world games well we bought the best players in the world to come and play man was thus called me all world games and then after that game him and another buddy of mine went to the investors and shareholders and try to take my company way that really yeah the company that I built and I bring you along with me so think of it like Steve Jobs I think about this so I bring this guy out along with me to be my mentor and I give him a piece of the company and he sees the success in 2014 and then he tries to take my company away from me and get me to be out as the CEO and put his man as a CEO which he would actually be calling the shots but this would be the figurehead so I go speak at this thing called the Milken Institute global conference it's the richest people in the world hold on real quick I don't understand how they try to take the company away from you well they know they'll do things like they'll use terms like misappropriating funds or you terms that like he's not well-traveled because at that time you know I had only been to one country right so if you have a company you got the board and they just vote no matter even if you own majority of the company yeah and yeah you know your board has a lot of control so you got to be careful who you put on your board of directors because they could they could take your company way so you work for your board of directors at that particular time you don't really work for yourself no matter how much money you have they can take your company away perfect simple Steve Jobs yep you're not I mean unbelievable so we had to be so I'm like you know I'm honestly when you're saying that if we had a conversation we'll get into it but last night you know I'm I'm working on something big and you know I'm gonna go for the investors things of that nature but in the event that let's just say I'm not the most organized person in the world right and that may be my handicap you mean to tell me if even if I own the company and I bring these investors on they say yo he's not organized I don't I don't really like the fact that he doesn't travel a lot or he doesn't work on Saturdays or something like that he they can come together vote and take my company away well here's the difference if what you trying to get in and get investors you're gonna start out with the investors and unless you're selling stocks like actual security stocks then you don't have to have a board of directors so you can sell those you can sell percentage of your company to investors and now all you have to do is own 51% or more of the company to have that controlling interest but you can have less than 51% and still have controlling interest by the proxy vote the proxy vote is important because I let's say life comes in and he owns 5% let's say my man comes in he owns 10% and I own 49% I don't have majority well if I can get his 5% and his 10% I get another 15% and that means all their votes are the way that I vote but that's only if you're trying to be a public company no anyway you always want to make sure that you're in the majority position right so if you sold if you got investors and you went down like let's say you start off with the investors you start off giving away 15% you're good you don't to worry about that there's nothing they can do if you give away 30% you're still good there's nothing you can do you don't have a board because you're not selling securities you're not selling stocks you're just telling a percentage you just have to have a majority of the shareholders what's the benefit of selling securities and I'm trying to answer these questions one I want to know but a lot of our audience they may not understand big business and once we get there we we need to kind of notice language so yeah what's the difference between just selling okay I give you 10% of our company for $10,000 like what's the difference we net and the securities well the biggest difference is is I can raise more money right so like let's say I say I'm a I'm gonna sell 1% of the company for $10,000 so somebody has to come up with either five thousand or ten thousand dollars for them to get in but that 1% if it's in stock one percent can equate to thirteen thousand shares so somebody now can buy five hundred dollars worth of shares and I can get somebody to buy you know fifteen hundred dollars with the shares it it get me to the next level if I needed to you want to sell shares because you can generate and make more money by selling shares to more people than you could have you sold a block so you have to sell one percent and you have to sell 10 percent or 15 percent when I can sell a thousand shares and I can sell the shares at five dollars a share and get fire you know I'm saying five thousand dollars or I can sell you only have a hundred chairs though that you can give away know you create how many shows you have so Scott me has I believe and I can't be specific because if we're a private company but imagine Scott me has over 1.5 million shares God you got you so you say you can you can actually have 20 million shares gosh yeah and then you can sell those shares for $2 a share you can sell them for so imagine if you created a company and you got stocks and you're able to sell 20 million shares for $2 a share now how many people do you know I have $2 all right right so then how many shares could you actually sell at $2 a share if you have 20 million of them and how much would you come to be work mmm so that's that's the difference versus you're selling 1 percent versus 1 share gotcha can you share like your your initial investment raise because let's just say Omar was naming company again life jacket lifestyle father likes to life jacket lifestyles well say he has a company life jacket lifestyles and he says yo I want to get a store I make this a global brand it's gonna be a 100 million dollar company right he goes to an investor and it's gonna be a hundred I want to get in on that too oh if it's gonna be a hundred million dollars right if you're sure on that I want to get on that now right when I hear that I hear operas l [Laughter] yeah so so I want in your journey of getting investors so the idea was I wanted to figure out I didn't know how much my company's worth so I wanted to figure out how much money I needed right and so once I figured out at the very beginning that I needed like fifty thousand dollars then I was like okay well I'll sell 10% and divide that by what I need and this how much I'm selling shares for hold on one thing is it is there no no okay CP a little so he's gonna change locations ladies and gentlemen all right cool all right cool so we're talking about the initially getting investors like give me the tutorial yes so so what I did was I figured out how much I was gonna need to get to a certain point and I don't know what that point is I just said hey man this is how much I need to pay the programmers this how much I need to pay this person and that person as you have the company night yeah so I know I need to admin I you know I don't want to be going to checking to go on and pay a mustache so we figured out how much money that we need to get us by to where we can try to go get more more money and bigger money and get to the next what we call Mouse dog how much did you think you need it I thought I needed 50 grand 50 grand I didn't know how long it took much it cost to build a mobile app I didn't know how long it took I know anything so you just need about 50 grand that's right a lot of money but a lot of evil right so I felt like 50 grand so when I took the percentage and I took the money that I needed the shares came out to forty-seven hundred ten dollars and 82 cents forty seven hundred ten dollars and eighty ten dollars and eighty cents so my initial investors paid forty seven hundred ten dollars and eighty two seven four one percent of the company and then now that one percent of the company right now is selling for a hundred or roughly around one hundred and seven thousand dollars and probably February of March the 1% is going to be anywhere between five million and ten million dollars so the one percent let's just say it's five million dollars for one percent yeah that means the people who bought one for $4,700 can cashed in for five million dollars yeah Wow mm-hmm Wow so you look at that like Facebook right if you were able to invest in Facebook early on you would get in for very cheap but now Facebook's worth 100 billion dollars so one percent of Facebook is a billion dollars hmm right I think the owner of the Clippers Steve Ballmer he has like 1.8 percent of Facebook so like that it's not even a lot of money I mean a lot of percentage and it's like eight hundred million dollars or something like that so between him and his partner I think it's like 1.2 1.3 don't quote me on that because that's his but you can look it up because it's public knowledge yo so first off anybody want to put a couple of hours together like when the tiny owner owner Wumpus it there's gonna be worth five million a hundred percent believe that so if anybody got a little something I got it I got about $18 he goes yeah to get a thousand can I put some on it yeah weather of a percent yeah so you say a forty seven dollars what's this for the 747 hundred what's this pitch that you're telling people like I need to know by what type of posture do you have what are you saying in a meeting are you saying give me forty seven hundred dollars for this one percent well first of all I had to really do some talking so I didn't have a product right so I just me and my buddy Garrick from Oxnard we have put together some slides we had we hired a web designer who was going to build it we'd have enough money to pay him to build it but we had enough to get the slides done right so we had him build two slides I would tell me what it needs to look like what I need to do and he built these slides we got them laminated stop we're looking all pretty and stuff like that professional now retrospect we like hey man you just make it happen but we got nominated and we were going to the presentation and I would be flipping over the cars while I'm telling them see it's not the product that you're showing right now it's the potential of the product in the future that they buy people don't buy you know you go find a house you know it's very rare that you buy the house to move into it as is you buy it too because man I can change this door and put that door over here I can change this color and I can do that so you buy potential and so you have to sell people on the potential of what it can do so so we don't have a product but I have the slides and this is what we can build if we have like flipchart style all right guys the husband other like flip yeah if you click this button it's gonna look like it take you to this but this is what I need your money for and if you put your money into this then what if we become another Facebook and even if we don't even get close to Facebook and we'd only get to like half of what Facebook does then that's 500 million dollars that our company will be worth but I was able to really convince him that I can take this company to a billion dollars except I just really believed it I really that the idea was that great that I can turn this company into a billion dollars now a lot of the investors are very conservative and they come from the financial world so a lot of them didn't believe me but they put their money but they didn't believe me but they just knew that it was gonna make you know three times their money it's already made like 10x their money Wow so so they're their authorities extremely happy right but it's like you have to you have to be able to articulate the market size you have to put articulate the the growth rate you have to be are able to articulate that there's customers out there that will buy this product once you get a build because you have anything else to go by I mean there's no data to go by you don't have one customer there's no product to go by you don't have a mobile app I didn't even know how to build mobile apps but what I knew was the market and I knew sports and so I just had to convince you that if you bet on me then we can probably chase Facebook or Instagram or Twitter yeah and then and that's what we were chasing so you raise you raised the five the 50,000 mm-hmm now what now we go and start to build and so but then you need more money because then I need more money yeah cuz you wit there's just there's a weird thing called burn rate that I didn't know at the time right the burn rate is how much money you spend per month all right and I just thought we have $50,000 but if you're spending 10,000 a month you only got five months right I just thought the 50 thousands gonna last this right but it didn't so we had to go out and raise more money well now we have a product even even it wasn't even a beautiful product but at least if you can give somebody something on beta test on their phone and they can touch a button now you get to raise more money because see now don't have the slides so when I had to slice it's 47 thousand dollars when I have that hundred yeah I'm forty seven forty seven hundred dollars when I have a beta test where you can touch two or three buttons and it does something now it's 19 thousand dollars right now cuz your risk is being less as I get closer to building this thing you lose you get less risk so then we did that we raised a lot of money on that and we take that to the next milestone now I gotta raise more money all right so now it's like okay well now you can touch it you can feel it now it looks it's pretty now it's $50,000 and then it gets to where it's $100,000 and then where it gets to where it's gonna be a five-minute dollars based off four different contracts and partnerships well what interesting is people think that you have to have a dope seller product in order to go partner with a big company now how big is Nike huge you say Nike is big right we had no product we just had the vision and a story I had just raised like 45 50 thousand dollars we go to Nike and we tell no yeah city of you sir where somebody was to now but at that time all of war was Nike but now we do stuff with adidas too but but what I did was I said if I was going to invest and stuff like that my man's got 295 air maxes right and I know that that's the dope you to have air maxes and I got the Jordans and there's other people are with with Nikes so I want to invest in things that I like I only invest I really tried to invest in things that I will use or things that I believe in are light so I wanted to go to Nike and because I want a free product I wanted my staff in all Nikes and I want them to see me shoes so I go to Nike and I say hey oh you guys need a an official recruiting social network on your team there's like boy what you talking about now you need this and because you guys have the ey BL you guys have all this stuff let us be the official social networking partner well in 2012 they made us the official social networking partner of the Nike Tournament of Champions in Arizona hmm and we did have a product we didn't have a product we were out there getting people to sign up and all you can do is put your first name your last name and your email address now they have 1500 people here all the biggest college coaches in the world are here they had over 300 coaches all these if athletes so on the first day we have this whole big old dinner right and they got me and my economy staff sitting in the front and they have our logo on one screen about 25 feet and it got the Nike logo on another screen and that's it just us two it looked like we was a big company right you get to the term at the next day can we get you to put your name right and so we were just collecting data right cuz the data was worth something right and we can email but we didn't even have a product and we showed up to the Nike tournament as champion and many treaters like kings and some like that so that's how we got our first big start with Nike and then in 2014 we did the all world game they shipped over a hundred pairs of of exclusive shoes the Kobe Bryant's the LeBron James Black History Month and Kevin Durant's Black History Month and we had all of our guys and girls wearing those shoes and the uniforms and so forth and we had to pay a dime now then I parlayed the Nike deal and I go over there to adidas so shots out to my man the empty Langston everywhere at Nike will run and then a taupe over at adidas come to magic because then I started doing stuff for Adidas so I'm one of the only companies that do that that as a recruiting platform for both Nike and Adidas and it can't get mad at each other amazing all right so I we got a big audience of entrepreneurs so I love you to give some entrepreneurial advice actually before before you do that I want to know how your brain thinks in terms of business so let's say for instance I have a t-shirt line right and you were a part a t-shirt line will be some of the things that you would all this would be some of the steps that you would take in terms of building this clothing lot of this t-shirt line man first we would identify the market like who we're trying to sell it to and I need to see how big that market is and then that'll tell me how I'm going to market to them you can't mark you can be a brilliant person in marketing but you can't market everything the same I can't market CBD the same as I'm marking in the Bible right there's two different things right you got to get to heaven you need this to happen right you just need this to go good to work those two different things so the the benefits are different right so for that person the benefit is I'm gonna go get your work to a job that I didn't want anyway you're alright so I want a job but I didn't want to work in that mentality so you're only willing to pay X amount of dollars for that I can say your Bible for $100,000 if I can guarantee that you'll go to heaven if you read every single page there's not a person who wouldn't pay $100,000 if you knew when you finish that at some point in your life you're gonna go to heaven now the problem is you can't guarantee that but I can convince enough people that they need to read the Bible in order to meet Jesus or have a relationship with God or a higher power or whatever the case says so when it comes to the t-shirt it's like who are we marketing to like we can't be having Martin Luther King t-shirts and over here in Cinco de Mayo and marking it over here to Cesar Chavez Lane right so it is it doesn't make sense so who we marketing to who's the team I always like to to invest in people rather than product because people you right there right people won't let you down you losing my money's not letting me down you giving up and walking away from my money is letting me down so as long as you is I believed in you and you're gonna go down with the ship and I believe that you did everything that you possibly could and we just couldn't make it I'm happy with that I'm ok with that tell me the next thing that you have and I'm guessing that too because losing a company or felon in the company is not a failure you should have two or three failures before you become successful so I'm not going to pass up on another investment just because he lost $100,000 of mine I'm gonna watch how he works I'm gonna watch how he worked my money did he work my money like it was his money and if he did that then bring me the next thing because with his Drive and his grind there's got to be something special than care that it may not be the first one the second one the third one but warf is the fourth one and then I say you know what I'm not really messing with him right now and then it's uber or it's left me about overdose you could have you could have put some better than that right yeah man my boy big Chuck he knew Troy Carter short card I was getting ready to invest in uber and wanted us to invest in uber and it was like first of all we didn't believe that it were gonna take over the taxi business and we didn't believe that people would would actually allow you to use their car but it's the same model that I have right uh Cooper doesn't own the car and they don't own the customer and they just provide a space for you guys to connect right so start looking at businesses like that because those are the businesses that are booming them and have very little you know restroom that's a lot of reward how much were you about yeah Oh can you hit the load it's a it's a knob over there to turn the fire on I just want a little fire just do it I did it turn it all the way to the yeah we're gonna go get some fire destroyed good look in attica more so how much did how much were you how much did you pass up investing in well at that time I think he told big Chuck that we can invest fifty thousand dollars and I think we would have gotten something like five ten percent fifty thousand dollars is when they were first starting starting out and then he also Troy Carter also invested in lift right and I thought I was telling big Chuck he's crazy I am following this brother right you know to me and we were hearing that Gary Vee was passing up on uber so I was like that's the brother that's Gary Vee hmm he know Gary got to know you got to know ya I don't know nothin no no no that one I should work with the brother so what happened was he ended up being smart because he invested in uber and he invested in a competition because if one it's such a great idea that even if one of them didn't make it the other one was gonna be super dope mm-hmm and so it just happens that both of them are kind of trending this way so he's actually doing pretty well and both but you know it's it's sometimes we don't invest in things because we don't understand it you know or sometimes we do on aesthetics I couldn't have imagined me putting a stranger in my car but I'm not the customer why so you have to take yourself out of that process out of that thinking like who would let somebody come into their house yesterday and just stay and I don't even know you please ain't nobody gonna do that everywhere I go I got it yeah that's something that doping vacations and the trips that I take and I just go to your Airbnb and it's like wow but you have to get yourself from thinking how you think and start thinking how a customer things and that's the biggest problem is people can't switch that in their brain to figure out if this is a good viable product and in a business investment versus would I do that there's seven billion people in this world I don't need you I don't need life I just need 50 of these people I just need 100 of these people so you may not be my customer you're not my customer for schölermann to get a scholarship but you're my customer to be on schölermann that's just to see what other people are doing so I got to market to you differently than I market to an athlete I got a market to a college coach different than our market to an athlete or a parent or a friend are you actively investing in companies yeah yeah yeah how do we approach you like what did somebody say to say like what do we got a show first of all you invested first of all you can't approach for me okay yeah you got to push somebody who know me and then somebody who knows who knows me was talking to you then if if the investment comes through somebody that I trust and I believe then I'm more likely to listen to that don't call me don't call me like yo can you put me on that no no five buddy else cuz I'm not about to be responsible unless it's a really guy call me cuz I hardly ever invest in and somebody who just comes off the streets and talking about and plus you can't really get to me that way but like if if you were to call me and see your mail I got this I did and I'm thinking about putting a few dollars up in there Oh what what is it I don't want to miss out on something right and then if I feel like you did some due diligence and then I do some of more due diligence and I still like it I'm investing with somebody that I know or maybe you don't have any money to invest and you believe in the product but it's a little bit too risk for you and you believe in the product and you still you bring it to me I trust you and I trust your motives so it's very rare that I invest in people that I just that haven't gotten to me the right way I'm doing a lot of CBD stuff there alright well I wanna I'm doing a lot of CBD stuff and oddly enough is I don't you smoke marijuana and I have never used the CBD cream I just started using it with my mom and it worked so you know it you know I get facials all the time and my girl Sonya from SJ studios in Oxnard you gotta gotta come and I gotta let her do her thing on you it'll change your life come on songs only the bomb not the whole thing boom oh yeah you could come ticking my wife come but what happens is I go see Sonya probably like once a month and she started using this hemp product on my face and it's got me looking younger you know I'm saying I ain't got me looking nice alright and so she started telling me about the the CBD stuff and so I got to CBD cream from my mom who obviously had that stroke and she's having problems and I put it on there I didn't want to tell her what it was she the church woman up and down but she praying right now my mom praying right now and so I didn't want to tell it was hemp or marijuana or whatever and she use it and it actually worked man and actually works so I just jumped on a mobile app and started buying shares in the CBD the interesting thing is you can only buy shares of CBD out of companies in Canada the United States are not allowed to sell shares and CBD or marijuana products yet really so it might be good for us to like really be looking at when it is open in the United States and that might be a gold rush well why wait until everybody knows about it you want to invest in something before everybody knows about it because then the value comes down so now I'm getting in an early and if they're the only ones that are doing it we're first to market oh you got some in America now no I have them in Canada yeah so I have like maybe three different marijuana companies and they have different uses and so I've invested in those I don't drink coffee but so many people drink coffee so I invested in some coffee stuff you know I have a restaurant in Ventura de invested in self pour bar I'm gonna drink alcohol but so I don't have to you know always know the product and use a product but I do have to believe in the product that's yeah good I want to get it I want to get a couple of questions from y'all obviously while we're here we have a live studio audience it's only three of them live doll for sure if y'all have any questions you know we kind of ask him and get him answered man I was a little kid the question okay so so you want to know when did I know I was gonna becoming an entrepreneur man I was a little kid playing baseball I was probably like eight or nine years old my buddy had a paper out and you know I ain't had no bike so I couldn't have the paper route but my buddy had a paper route and so I would go to him and say yo how much would you pay me to fold the papers for you and he give me a price and I mean like so where do you gotta throw these thing and he showed me his rod I said well how much were you paid me to throw the route and his name was peanuts and what you're crazy right how many do you pay me to throw the route he said if you do the right I'll give you half the money so I went got my man and said hey I'm gonna pay you X amount of dollars to fold these papers and then I got my other man and said you got the bike you do the pepper you gotta pay I'm gonna pay you X amount and I would only keep like maybe two or three dollars and then eight and nine years old that was a dope hustle and I knew at that time that I had something brilliant in me which is like I didn't have a paper route I didn't have a bike and I think I didn't even get the checks right my man having all right but he gave me two dollars man I hit that ice cream truck right and I was I was giving them more money than I was making then that was the dumb part of me but I still created a business of something that didn't have so yeah that's I divert early on at some point I was going to be an entrepreneur got anything the most important thing for me as an entrepreneur man is just know who I am I know exactly who I am every time I wake up in the morning man I grind every day for my family I grind every day for my dad who passed away in 2000 from pancreatic cancer and I don't take nothing from anybody that I didn't earn because I know who I am I know where I'm willing to go to become successful I'm willing to go to homelessness become successful you know I have my daughter and I'm going through child custody and and everything and I'm having my visitations and I don't have anyone to take so I take it to my sister's house and hang out but I always saw her and knew that she was gonna be good the problem is a lot of times you don't know who you are you think your days you think you et you think you Melvin you think your your your John Singleton and so your wake up every morning trying to chase something different and then you say you know what when it doesn't work out for you you say you know what screw that I'm not doing that now I'm gonna be honest horse [ __ ] and I'm gonna go over and do it like this I woke up every Monday know who I was and know where I was willing to go to become successful so it didn't matter what you did to me you couldn't tell me I was gonna be nothing cuz I wasn't gonna believe it because I always thought I was you couldn't show me one gonna be nothing because I wanted to look at it right and so every single day brother who are you and what are you doing it for and how does that align you can't ever figure you can never it is so important for you to know who you are because that's gonna be how you get to where you get going that's gonna be how you get to where you're going and it's like man what type of brother are you so you went into the military whatever brother are you man you quit do you give up if you want a team do you let him down if you know that everyday and you knew that you could count on him every day for that would you guys be a strong team course right know who you are and know what you're looking for in a partner I'm looking for somebody who's willing to share that risk with me because if he really said that risk with me getting that success is the easy part everybody's willing to share the success so I'm telling you off the rep Dave we gonna start this business man but listen man we might not eat you might not be able to take your wife to the movie for three or four months are you willing to do it with me brother yeah well they're gonna shake on it man let's go get it that's the most important thing man because now I can trust you because I know who you are you know who you are about my man Brian Horizonte he told like I did just like this course on behavior science and he said they interviewed ninety seven thousand people ninety seven thousand high performers because they were trying to find like a a common thread right and they said in terms of talent there's no common thread like all of them are focused or all of them are you know great communicators they said but the only common thread they found was self-awareness and authenticity yeah exactly what you said like y'all I operate in my strength yeah man self-aware that no one that bro it's like somebody can tell me yo Mel you ugly dinner mug I'm still gonna go try to talk to the girl she might be with you I just that's all I know man I know I have something to offer me I know I'm a good dude so it's like man like you say something when you first met him that people don't know but I'm not gonna share but you don't know about that right there knowing that says you won't be successful brother are you gonna do is keep trying and keep living mmm are you gonna do is keep trying to keep living because you can't fake that right you can't fake that and you didn't even know that right because he wasn't doing it for accolades I don't do anything for accolades man you know I thought I watched it because you wouldn't [Laughter] hey they got me on that sucker stuff day she was the second day but but damn man and it's just so many people just lose themself and wanting to be famous and they lose himself and wanting to be successful that they sell themselves I ain't doing none of that man I'm gonna be the same dude every single day I'm a you see me I'm you know how I am that's how I am every single day brother for sure I love me some me anyway like just your success level yeah like sometimes I forget like you don't like the status of like yo billionaire right he's like like Brandon like he's just like just a regular regular cool dudes I know a minim you gotta tell him how we met right oh for sure oh so I'll let you tell us yeah so I was in like what so I was you know I've got several mentors that you know that are billionaires and things of that nature and I was checking on our Instagram account and I saw I log in around them to check to see where our guy Robert is doing from time to time and I saw David on there and he used to kill me with the Dorito day and for some reason the real Dave used to speak to me man and so I was like you know this brothers double I didn't have an Instagram so I would have to come and check on him to see the real Dave and so one day I was like man I gotta get this brother and follow us and I saw I reached out and I was like yo my man I just sold my company for a billion dollars man what I got to do to get a follow he was like just a spam and next he know he followed me it sounds like well let me go by the book and his thing when he said it I'm thinking okay all right a billion all right but it was just I mean he asked me to follow my y'all just asked me ain't ya I don't I don't look at myself like that and we need to get to that too yeah and what you told me yesterday cuz it really changed me it was I didn't he's like yeah what I got to do get a follow back I just sold my company for a billion dollars I'm like yo just ask me and I just followed him right and join the coaching program yeah so I thought I bought the books I wanted to support and then I want to see who you really were and I found that you weren't really Dorito days I don't know what I was thinking I thought you was Dorito Dave every day right no man this brother is intelligent and so then I was like okay so I gotta get one-on-ones with this guy right I never been in a group my staff is like you ain't getting in a room about him stories and so I ended up reaching out to him and I was like yo man I need to get some one-on-ones he's like yo join my session during the sessions and I went and looked and it's like $97 I was like am I missing something I said he gonna do some one-on-ones for $97 so I just signed up anyway all right don't know what's back my first day in there it's like 60 people in his mother what's going on and so I was being very quiet but the thing that that that struck me that day was I happen to come in on the day there you were talking about opportunity and what does the opportunity to look like to you and your business and it was like wow because that's the first time I ever had it put that way to understand what you were talking about and you give us a story about the about how the lion in the jungle and then he hears or heard in the distance and he's oh oh is that a herd and then it starts getting closer and closer he said is them some gazelles and he gets closest timber some secure selves oh we gonna eat that's what opportunity is and sometimes opportunity country not even expecting it but you have to be ready for well you have to know what it looks like right and people don't know what opportunity the man when I left that I had told my staff is like yo I'm here this is where I'm this is where I'm gonna park at I don't know how to brother make money because there's only $97 I really remember how much it I could be wrong how do you remember how much it was but it just comes out of the account every 100 dollars but it was that was my introduction to you and it was too mean I told you this last night it doesn't matter how much money you have you can always have a mentor above you or below you and so it doesn't matter how much money you have you can still be a mentor to you to a person who has ten billion dollars or fifteen billion dollars because it's just getting us to think differently right it's not necessary that you're smarter or anything like that it's just you think differently than what I was thinking at the time and that helps me grow and I might think differently on some things that you need at the time and that's gonna help you grow you have to change how you think in different scenarios in order to be successful absolutely yeah well IIIi definitely want to wrap it up I got one anybody any other questions y'all good just yesterday you said what oh so you want to know how I've set goals and goals that I said to be honest with you brother I don't set any goals I've never set a goal I don't set goals because setting goals is for me and it's not for everybody I don't want everybody to follow me but this set goals for me is to set limitations so people say you know I want to make a million dollars a year I mean I want to make a million dollars in a year and I say well how much money have to make to make a million dollars in a year so they'll tell you the number right eighty-three thousand dollars right so every day that you wake up you're trying to make eighty-three thousand dollars a month I want every single thing that guy got for me it might be sixty thousand a month it might be a hundred thousand a month it might be a million dollars that month so I don't set limitations on what I I don't set limitations on my expectations I expect everything that got caught for me and I'm gonna take it and cuz I prayed for it right until I pray to take some of this off of me and stop giving me so much God keep it keep it coming so I really feel like when I did the deal in China if I was saying my goal is to be the number one sports social network in the United States I would have never gone to China see that wasn't my goal my goal is nothing I just want everything that got for me so when opportunity comes I don't say what that doesn't fit into my goal you think I don't understand that right oh that doesn't fit into the 83,000 because that's only this much money this contract you add up enough contracts you're gonna get to the bread you might turn out a contract because you like I mean I'm good I got twelve thousand dollars in contracts per month I'm gifting my million and I don't even want to take another job because it's gonna be more work till you quit well what if you can get to twenty four thousand dollars a month and then two months later you got 250 thousand dollars I don't set goals on my expectations and I don't say limitations so I just take everything in New Hampshire I never said go over I love it I love anybody else two questions questions okay cool so um as we wrap up I like to set predictions because I want to be the first to hear it is what I mean I want to know where you see yourself in the next five to ten years so or some things that you would accomplish in the next five to ten years so that we can look back at this video and say yeah Melvin said that five years ago look at him he actually did it so and I know you don't set goals but give me give me a few things that you you feel like you're going to accomplish man what for first of all let me tell you where I see myself in five or ten years I see myself in God's hands right so whatever that is and what he has for me you know if it's me to go broke or for me to be you know super rich that's where I see myself you gotta try to go broke I ain't got a house and I'm trying say that I ain't trying right and I'm gonna try my heart my heart is but it's just I wanna see me giving away like you have your shirt man which is absolutely dope right and you want to tie the me to sleep is for suckers car yeah Thank You Milly dope man that's what caught me too but I want to see myself taking as many homeless college kids off the streets and put them in the dorm rooms and an apartment so whether it's my money or somebody else's money so my success and my money is not to be used for me because then it could be taken away I did that before guy I got a bunch of money and I used it for me but I want to use the money that I get now to use it to help other people in which God probably meant for it to be right so the best thing that you can do is be unselfish so in five years from now if I'm giving away scholarship I'm gonna be blessed with business right and so if I just want to get as many homeless kids off the street I want to help as many kids get into college I want to help other people achieve their dreams and their goals and their business brother with the t-shirt life speaking I'm in life man I'm gonna the first call I went away I knew he was special right and he needs to be heard around the world so if I can get behind people and help them achieve their dreams I believe that I'm gonna get more I'm gonna get a lot more so what does that look like man close your eyes and imagine the most successful person you've ever met in your life and that's where I want to be in the next five to ten years I love it I love it all right so man we brought the wrap up man one thank you so much I appreciate the opportunity because it's not that often that I find that like this super super success obviously entertainers you know you can kind of hear people talk but super successful people will actually sit down and talk with you know small business entrepreneurs and talk directly to some more business entrepreneurs yeah so I really really appreciate that man so uh if you can kind of get appreciate that more than me picking up at the airport it's because it's for them know what you doing tomorrow I'll be in LA said I'm picking off an airport I said one just just close this out any any words you have for either that struggling entrepreneur or somebody just thinking about getting into it and they're not too sure they've been struggling for a while they're trying to figure it out close out with some some good nuggets well the thing I tell you is it being an entrepreneur it's going to be a struggle right it's going to be hard and it's gonna be tough and what I'm gonna tell you is the realest advice that I can give any entrepreneur is watch how you talk to yourself watch how you talk to yourself like your wife can tell you something and you might not listen to it your dad and your mom can tell you that you're not gonna be success successful and you might not listen to it the person that you're gonna always listen to is yourself so if you tell yourself man ain't nobody gonna buy these t-shirts I'm gonna get these t-shirts man and make him I'm gonna waste my money making the main am I gonna buy them 100 percent of the time you won't make those teachers gonna believe you if you tell yourself there's no way I can build a company from nothing not knowing how to do it and I'm gonna turn into a billion dollars ain't no way I'm gonna be able to do that you're gonna go get a job watch how you talk to yourself because you always listen to yourself you trust yourself don't you you believe yourself don't you so watch how you talk to yourself be positive right be positive because if you are you positive to yourself you're gonna be able to come out of anything you're gonna be able to build anything and come out anything you don't believe me ask President Obama mmm right ass Oprah ask Mark Zuckerberg they talked to himself right now I love it I love it Manuel listen uh so just to let you guys know we will officially have a billionaire at the real social proof conference April 2nd and third we appear pressure them and they're doing it on camera that's cold-blooded man but folks hope from now on just so everybody knows when you want to do interview with me you're gonna sign a disclaimer okay you can't ask me any business stuff on camera changing the paperwork today that is a Melvin move right there I felt like Melvin fit into offices and though that's the type of thing he would do so you'll appreciate it make sure you know how to follow you on social media listen please I just got on Instagram all right he answered him so this is the time the fire just got Instagram I need gotta taking the four hundred followers get my numbers up Melvin underscore none in you in and ery follow me hit me up talk to me man I talk back and we have scald me on instagram as well falls at escala me and so yeah let's have a good time let's grow don't see me any business proposals any investment enquiries didn't have your man or your girl get to me man have you managed in addition to me oh yeah I love it man yo make sure y'all follow my man ok like y'all are gonna see more content if I got something to do with it ok we both definitely have about to change the game follow my brother ok get your tickets for real social proof calm real social proof calm you want to be in the building to hold days obviously we got hey what day am i speakin I don't know yet what what speaking can I speak with like yeah ok I'm rocking with a lot yeah life is there oh I'm rock with life well see you and Andre got a got a workshop together so maybe ok it'll be on that but I'll probably have y'all stage oh yeah yeah yeah I'll do that yeah so doin a cuz I want to focus we might be working so that's two days a month you mom ain't working this up oh yeah I gotta get my disclaimer from our bro oh man and take out your phone and type on this and sign right here but you love me to be a business partner though cuz I'm aggressive I gotta go catch a movie I like that play it just in case makes y'all follow Mel please man again go to real social proof calm and continue to like share and post these interviews ok real social proof these no I'm Shh man oh man don't you brother
Channel: David Never Sleeps
Views: 386,574
Rating: 4.9394155 out of 5
Id: dqtulEzg9bY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 22sec (4222 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 09 2020
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