How Stormy Wellington Became the $60 Million Coach

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so welcome to another awesome episode of inside the vault with ash cash so listen today we are kicking off women's history month with this special guest when i tell you she is a powerhouse not a rapper not an athlete a serial entrepreneur this is going to be a real interview a raw interview if you got your babies in here you just lower the volume a little bit ms stormy wellington thank you so much thank you so much i'm happy to be here no it's a pleasure it's a pleasure and i so so i i i love your story uh i love your energy i love the fact that 24 7 you are your authentic self um and you know you you are you are literally right you are literally not this is not a hyperbole that you are literally making millionaires every single day and that's something that you take pride of um but many people you know make may think they know you right they might you know because you're so active online they may they may think they know you and so for those who think they know you those who do know you but from your words from your mouth who is stormy wellington wow that's a lot of things yes um i often tell people i have nine personalities because at any given moment i could become whoever i need to become to be able to adjust or to be able to operate in a particular environment so depending some days i wake up i am just a mother you know i have three kids um i'm a single mom still my youngest baby is seven my oldest is uh 23. um i'm an entrepreneur people call me success coach millionaire coach i'm a lot of people's coaches and mentors i do really well in the industry of network marketing sales so i'm looked upon as a visionary a coach a leader a mentor but i have multiple personalities in terms of just my character some days i want to cuss you out some days i want to pray with you some days i want to coach you meditate with you some days i want to know your deep dark secrets and what i can do to make you better so i just come from a really really interesting background and my upbringing i believe is what made me the woman i am today and most of us have more than one personality but we don't want to accept them and that's why a lot of people are depressed unhappy because they have not adapted and accepted who they are fully authentically i love that and so when you when you when you talk about your upbringing talk talk talk to me about that upbringing cause i because i know i i know you you born in new york but talk to me about that um breaking like how like what about your upbringing got you to where you are today man i'm gonna go a little deep because i think it's so important for us to know how things are divine as you said when i first walked in you said everything is divine i'm writing that down so i'ma give you credit thank you but never again i want to tell you anybody you told me that oh so i get credit one time one time one time yeah three times is over so so my mom was on the way to having an abortion with me at five months and my dad devine stepped in and because of the argument the altercation that they had she was late to her appointment so she didn't make it so literally i technically shouldn't be here but i was divine so let's just stop right there and so when i look back at that i often tell people that you know all my life i had to fight because i did my mom was about to have an abortion the fight is what stopped her my dad told me last year as a birthday gift that the night he had sex with my mom it was a fight she didn't want to do it you get me so fight before i got here but as a young girl you know i was born in new york but i did not you know live in new york i wasn't raised in new york so i don't really like to claim it because it's like i don't know much so when they say what hospital you born i'm like [ __ ] i don't know you know so i moved to miami so miami is what i call home i was raised in uh northern care city you know more of the the suburban area and my mom was a hustler my mom sold drugs for a living my dad sold drugs for a living and because of it she was never home she was never home either because she was traveling traffic and selling or in jail so because of it i went to foster care i was in foster care for like three years my my brother and my older brother ended up coming to get me me and my my younger brother i was abused as a child i had people that my mom trusted us to live with that would beat us with water holes and force us to eat food that we didn't want to eat and so i've been through a lot then i became a stripper at 13. wow then i dropped out of school in the ninth grade because of it then i had my first child at 15. because i had to go strip to pay for my child to take care of my child i was in strip club at 13 because my water was off at home and i found out that you could make some money in strip club and i went to a strip club and ended up making me 600 and i paid the water bill so we could stop right there yeah i'm not even 15 years old i'm not even 18 years old yet and this is some of the things i experienced so dropped out of school ended up going back to get my ged um after that i didn't want stripping anymore i ended up meeting my second daughter's father he got me out of the club i opened up a boutique i owned three boutiques in the past i bought my first house at 18. um and then the boutique business is where i understood people skills and i understood wholesale and retail in the strip club i understood resilience resentment you know how to deal with men how to deal with rejection and so those things allow me to have a successful boutique business and so i ran three boutiques really successfully until 9 11 happened when 9 11 happened everything like kind of crashed and i had to reset i ended up getting a job i used to be a tsa agent a lot of people don't know that i used to be the girl with ugly uniform on wanding you patting you down like i know the whole drill i used to do that everybody said i had a good job i ended up quitting that how long how long were your tsa asians i was a tsa agent for like two years okay okay i hated it yep and because of it that's the part of why i'm an entrepreneur to this day because you got the hustle spirit it's it's it's an experience i hated it like that was a job that really pushed me to become an entrepreneur yeah so that's my my childhood yeah yeah and so now boutique tsa what happened after the tsa you know i was dating a football player and it was cool and he ended up breaking my heart he hurt my feelings and i went broke end up saying you know what i'm going to go to freak [ __ ] this is during the time where everybody will come to atlanta to go to freaking i said you know i'm going to freak me went to freakney hung out a little bit didn't get involved too much and all the stuff but i found a club or two to go to when i came here to atlanta i started to notice how many black people was riding around in mercedes and rolls royces and bentleys and i was like wow because in miami there's a lot of latinos doing that you don't think that as a black person you could drive a benz s550 that's 500 and so i fell in love with atlanta and so one day i went to work as a tsa agent and like man to hell with this this is stupid i hate it i make it 13 25 an hour i don't like my hours i'm broke still i'm still struggling trying to figure out how to make it work make things happen i walked off the job one day never came back i had a jar full of change you know the change i took that jar dumped it out counted it it was 135 i got in my bmw that this guy used to date paid for he paid the lease up for a year and i got in it packed whatever i could put in it gave my apartment to my baby daddy and moved here to atlanta and a year later i was a millionaire so let's let's let's unpack that a little bit right so you're in a relationship where the person you're in a relationship with broke your heart you're working a job that you really don't want to be in you decide to dump out the jar and you and you take all the money that you have and you come to atlanta and from there a year later you become a millionaire so number one um what is your mindset like that makes you say i'm gonna scrap everything right i'm scrapping my whole life and i'm gonna go to to this place that i just i just saw this i saw how the people are living and i want that life right so so something in you said i see this i could have it right so what's the mindset that made you say i'm willing to give up everything to have it and then right it's a two-part question what is the mindset that actually helps you attain a million dollars in one year from hap from being a tsa eight like come on come on come on you gotta give us all the smoke all right i'm gonna order smoke storms it's crazy it's crazy it's crazy i hear it you know i'm sitting in this energy like man listen it's my own story it's motivating me because nobody never interviews me so i'm grateful to be here by the way i'm always the one doing the interviewing and the talking um but when i listen to you the first thing comes to my mind is that um i became my own bf my own best friend however bf also stands for belief and faith a lot of people don't have any belief in themselves they really really don't um they say they do but they they don't they have no vision for their life and to be honest with you like i just hated my life like i didn't like it like i didn't like normalcy i didn't like doing the basic stuff that people did and thought it was cool i never pretended to like it and i got to a point where i just feel like i don't like it and whatever i don't like i fix that's what i think everybody should do if you don't like something [ __ ] fix it i ain't like it i didn't like living in opalocka on the third floor apartment number 305. at first i used to be like yeah i live in apartment number three or five [ __ ] i'm from miami right right right and opalaca next to a [ __ ] jailhouse of women's annex jailhouses where i lived on the third floor nah so i just didn't like my life yeah and so i decided to do something about it and so when i moved to um atlanta it was 100 100 faith i tell people all the time faith is power you can do anything with faith and i had incredible faith when they talk about faith the size of a mustache that's really what i had and when i moved here i moved into a friend's home and so when i first got here to atlanta i remember just feeling depressed very depressed like you're dumb you left your apartment and your job to come to atlanta to do nothing and so i had to stop letting people talk to me and say that to me and so i became my own best friend but also bf was a belief in faith that was that's what b.f came to me he came to me and so i just started to work on my belief in my faith everything was whatever i had to do to work on my belief and my faith that's it that's the only two things that was important once i got those two things in check everything else started to happen but it was bf it was belief in faith i became my own my own best friend and when you say everything started to happen um are you saying uh opportunities were coming the right people were around you like like what like what resulted in you having this belief in faith and then a year later you're a millionaire great question so as the belief in faith developed i had to change because when your belief in faith is is in a higher place you cannot do the same thing that you're accustomed to doing so it caused me to get out and move different um i started to network and meet different people i started to read books and listen to audios like one of the books i read uh constantly i would read it constantly was think and grow rich i read that every year yeah exactly i mean i haven't read it in a few years i listen to the audio books like almost every other day but they can grow rich and it talks about becoming your other self tapping into your other self and i knew that what i did up until the point that i was discussing with my life i knew that i had to change things that einstein said if you keep you know doing the things the same way and you're going to think you're going to get a different result that's insane insanity yeah you can't do the things the same thing the same way and expect a different result yeah and then you also got to realize that thinking that you have thinking been thinking up to whatever point you're at is what got you to the point you're at so when you really be honest with yourself you are where you are because you can only take you as far as you can take you and so i recognized that and i i started to work on myself ash like i worked on me yeah i didn't blame nobody i didn't point the fingers i didn't get mad at my kids i had i had already got over the resentment and all the depression i had already got over and i was like now mad like i went through those stages like the grief the resentment the depression and i was like [ __ ] that [ __ ] [ __ ] what you about to do and so i would get up every day and i would network and i would meet people and i always had a a thing where i would meet guys but it was never like to talk to me like i never really i could count probably on on two hands how many men try to talk to me in a five-year appearance they don't try to talk to me and be my man they some way somehow they want to do business with me or they want to connect with me and that's a that's a blessing to me and so i met this guy he got me into some real estate but it wasn't legitimate like i didn't have a license it was like bring me the clients and i'll give you a percentage i was like oh [ __ ] yeah yeah and this was back in the days we didn't have to have a social security number barely you just needed to pulse they would approve anybody right right man so i was killing it so i went from being real broke when i first got here living with my friend sleeping on her floor her treating me less than but also loved me at the same time she should have treated me the way she treated me you know my daughter was living there to i was a bartender at one point to i'm selling real estate so i'm hooking my people up i looked up and i'm making 20 grand a month i thought i was rich i bought some houses i bought three houses and then the market crashed and so i found myself like back like it's like damn why does it seem like this always happens to me it's like when it's when it's when it's getting good it always go away when it comes to me like this cycle came again so i looked up and i had all these houses but no money because the real estate market had crashed so i went broke again but then network marketing came into my life wait wait wait wait so i wanted and so uh so i'm gonna unpack a few things right because i don't want nobody to miss this right so number one uh self you know you know personal development self development very important right to get you to that space to believe in yourself that belief that faith gets you where you need to go but but even within that self-development though this there's still some fixing that need to happen right because when you think about you know you you know always fighting right get the boutiques 911 wipe everything out gotta start from scratch yep right you get a job that you don't like you fighting god that you with you break your heart fighting right you move believe in faith you get all this money and then right and then now network marketing happened talk to me what's that next journey looking like so you know we went through the cycle again real estate crashed and what do you do when things don't work out you go back to what you know how to do yeah whatever that may be yeah um i didn't go back to stripping but i said okay i'm gonna get a job so i got a customer i landed a customer service job um i ended up getting this job making 13 an hour i never forget i collected over a million dollars in accounts that were closed like they wasn't going to hire me and and the guy that interviewed me says i'll hire you because i just believed in you but you really don't have a resume i said i'm gonna i'm gonna make you make you a believer just just go ahead i i did my thing i got hired i made him believe in me i made him trust me and because i'm someone that's a woman of my word you don't have to ask me twice if i say yes it's done i i made him happy i bought in a million plus dollars in seven months wow and accounts that were they closed they gave me the heart there was a trash account wow wow but i made him come to life so he calls me in office one day and he's so happy and he's like we're gonna give you a raise and i'm so excited it was right here marietta i'm moving in i'm in atlanta now he's right here marietta off of wendy wendy hill and i got my nice cubicle in the middle with everybody around me so we're gonna give you a raise so it took about two months and i remember at this point i was going through the process where you would have a friend and pick you up this week you picked me up i give you 40 next week i pick you up we were eating cuisines like i went through all the lean cuisines for lunch let's split the gas i give you 20 you know like broke and so i'm waiting on my raise at this point my water had got cut off at home i remember what a job what did y'all got a job i'm living right here in camp creek yeah yeah um in a nice community yeah my water got cut off i'm a single mama too we need to take a bath i was always someone that could figure things out so i went outside with the pliers turned my water back on got my water going go to work boss brings me in the office my raise was 13 uh my raise was 15 cents and 15 cents like 15 cents 25 cents wow my raise was totally whole 25 cents my raise was 25 soccer it was 25 yeah that day changed my life wow so so so just for clarity um they give you accounts that they didn't even i was doing collections i wanted a girl that would call you to try to get you to pay your sprint right you like i'm not here and and so they give you collection accounts and accounts and you and you collect a million dollars and and and as a reward for that they gave you a raise of 25 cents 25 okay but here's the thing that's so amazing that was a blessing though that changed my life it was a blessing that they changed my life for many reasons my boss was really mean and stern faced and i was like scared of him most people are scared of their boss and i never forget that day i was crying because you got to know it was two months i thought i was gonna get like a five ten dollar raise so i'm thinking i'm gonna go from thirteen dollars an hour to eighteen dollars an hour you know with time and a half i'm killing it because i didn't mind working overtime let it do overtime like i was so excited about this raise my water off at home my car and repossession status yeah yeah i mean you got to do the math i'm my mortgage because i had a mortgage my mortgage was 2 200 a month with paul t mortgage i'm only making 2 000 a month for real over time and bonuses is what what gave me extra money and just the grace of god is how i don't even know how i was making it so when he told me my raise was 25 cents i remember crying and i said i don't even want it i said don't even put it on my check i never forget that day i said i don't want it don't put it on my check and i got up and i walked out and i went to my desk and i went back to work wow and i started praying i was praying like god sent me opportunity that i could take in my kids i was praying like i was praying like i didn't i wasn't specific in my prayer just like send me something and i remember this was when obama had just got elected first he sent me obama shirts i used to sell obama t-shirts you know the obama teacher where he was obama was stoned out yeah yeah i paid 15 dollars for 40. you can send me nothing but that still wasn't it yeah and i still kept praying because i just wanted something solid and real and that could make me not a millionaire but i just want to at least pay all of my bills at home that's all i want to do i don't want no diamonds i don't want no broken bags i wanted to pay the light bill right the water bill the phone bill and put some food on the table and my mom was coming home from prison she went to prison at 57 she was coming home at 61. wow she was about to be home she lost all her things wow and so i told him don't give me the red don't give me the 25 cents and i went home every day i would go home and like two weeks later scott is my witness my friend girl invited me to this party and i'm like i don't want to go to no party ground go out and she's like just come on come on come on come on she's like it's a biker party and i was single at this time so you may meet somebody like girl but she said it's like it's all the biker maker you should go i threw on some black and white adidas a biker looking out and i went and i'm so glad i when i met this i met this guy he was trying to talk to me and he's the one introduced me to network marketing long story short i called him like two weeks later i found out he was a contractor my house that i was renting was in foreclosure now i'm finagling trying to figure out how to make things work i said i'm gonna rent my house out because if i rent my house out somebody got to pay me first last security i could get me a nice little ten thousand dollar lick take that money go get me apartment let him pay me rent and when they foreclose i just take the money he just has to be put out right right right yeah i'm gonna file bankruptcy right i guess that's that's free money my mama taught me the bankruptcy game file bankruptcy you ain't got to pay no mortgage and he gave me the rent money but he came over and there's one person everybody that came was like nah this one guy came he said i will take it right now and i will pay you a thousand more but i just need you to finish the basement he's like i'll he put out all the i pay you right now i just need you to finish the basement and i pay you uh 3 000 versus the 2 000. i was like this is what i've been praying for yeah so i called a guy and i'm like oh he's gonna think i'm cute he's gonna give me a deal he's gonna finish his basement for free for cheap i don't care what i gotta do we're gonna finish this goddamn basement baby he came over i never forget he was measuring he don't know i'm broke i look rich right i got my old residue rolex i got my passat outside i got this nice house i'm not telling people i'm broke right i'm not transparent at that time right right right he's measuring he on his ladder he looked down at me he said do you want anybody you know when lose five pounds in five days i'm like you're calling me fat like [ __ ] you know i'm trying to you caught i was embarrassed right and he said no no no no man my wife my wife she looked finer now after the baby than before my heart dropped i'm like wife wife right you try to talk to me you got a wife right right is she fine right i ain't getting my basement done yeah cause and you and i'm fat right you call me fat you talk about your wife she's fine you just had a baby it's over for me yeah yeah yeah long story short he introduced me to network marketing 12 years ago i got into network marketing just to make an extra 150 a day um one year later i was a millionaire wow wow and then and then and then it it it's been up how does someone go if it's up then it's up so you've just been up hell no oh hell's not okay okay no no no okay it wasn't up from there it was up for like two and a half years okay and then my mom died august 26 2011 wow yup i was holding her hand i thought she was having an anxiety attack like i literally watched my mom take her last breath so anybody got a mama cherish cherish and honor that mother yes yes i cried already so i ain't doing anything i ain't doing that twice so oh yeah because i just lost my mom in 2019. and i cried on one of the episodes so we're not doing that again but yeah oh well you already know absolutely when you lose your mom yeah you feel like you want to worry about yourself you already know i feel like i don't have nobody nobody yeah yeah you know so when i lost my mom it really really messed me up yeah like it messed me up yeah and um i thought i was gonna be strong and handle everything but i went into the depression for real so i was like walking around like depressed like i wasn't in a straitjacket i didn't get to the point where i took uh prescription depression pills but i every day for three and a half years i was depressed yeah went broke yeah um went from being on billboards buses magazines people asking me to sign my autographs and driving around in bentley's you know uh mercedes i had one point point i had a bentley uh a mercedes a cadillac truck i lived in right here in brookhead my house had an elevator and then i'm broke and then i got married very poor combination um especially if you you marry someone that doesn't know who you are authentically who married a depressed woman so that was bad right and i married someone that i wouldn't have married because i was depressed he was never my type of guy so now i'm married i got a whole husband wow and depressed and broken and broke right in fact oh wow you're really trapped in his personality that i [ __ ] signed up for that really wasn't me so now i'm trying to be this woman who he got ordained as a pastor so now i'm supposed to be like a first lady right stormy the hood chicken smoked cbd when she feel like that she hasn't owned cbd smoker but i stole me they used to be a stripper they like rap music that prays meditate and it cuts your side has married a pastor and now she's supposed to act like a first lady wow so i did though because i was trying to be the woman that the bible in the world said you're supposed to be the proverbs virtuous 31 woman so i totally lost myself oh my god i would wear skirts down to here i forgot i had cleavage listen to me like i turned into this lady i look like an old lady wow i would act like an old lady i wouldn't curse and i didn't say you got a curse but i cursed right [ __ ] that yeah yeah yeah that's how i express myself it's just a [ __ ] word right right right so i just went into this depression got married end up having a baby at 33 and it was um down from there um got to a place where i just didn't know how to find myself i really i was [ __ ] up and my mom was dead right and i was broke right so what type of friends you think i have we we we attract come on we attract to ourselves who we are we become connected and consciousness to the people who we hang around so i'm broke and everybody around me bro so nobody ain't lifting me up nobody ain't building me up nobody ain't saying what happened to you this is not you stormy i'm watching tv i remember throughout the whole zimmerman trial i'm on a couch i knew everything like i'm that i don't watch tv but i'm that's just me i'm in a dark house i'm moving to a townhouse because i couldn't afford my my house with the elevator and i'm married and i'm man i lost myself for real wow and down one day i woke up just one day i woke up yeah and then so so so talk talk to me about the awakening right you woke up was it literal was it figuratively like like what made you wake up you know what i knew something was wrong with me every day i would wake up and i know y'all heard this before like i say i'm on the i'm i just woke up on the wrong side of the bed and i woke up one day and i was like there's too many wrong side of the bed days and interestingly enough interestingly enough i attracted this prophet in my life and this prophet was deep this is even before i got married i got to tell you this so the prophet had a gift he would know people names he would tell me this stuff but it got bad it got so bad this is how part of how i went broke he would prophesy on point ash he would tell me things about my family and he knew their names like it was crazy things that were going to happen it would happen and so he would say this is going to happen that's going to happen at first he would do it and never ask me for money and the things that he talked about would really happen and then he started to say i got to sow this seed and i got sold at sea and if i don't sow this seed this is going to happen and i had already started to believe him because he was so accurate in the past it got so bad i sent him a debit card because he would ask me he would say if you don't send the money by this time it's going to happen so i'll be rushing to the bank rush it to to western union this was before cash app so i just made him my debit card so whenever he'll ask me i'll say just go use my debit card and so i just all of those things started to make me wake up i started to realize like this is weird the last prophecy he gave me he said if you don't give me 600 something something something and 20 it would be like in 29 cents by this time and i was pregnant he said your baby is not gonna make it your baby's gonna come out stillborn and you're gonna have to get your legs amputated swear to you wow and i stood up for myself that day and i'm not gonna say his name i said listen yeah god ain't telling me that right and if that's gonna happen and that's what's supposed to happen absolutely and i'm broke now right mind you i had already scavenged up money because i knew it was coming yeah and i told him not to date i don't have it if i'm gonna die my baby's gonna be still born and that's what's supposed to happen yeah and so i just remember one day like just having a moment with myself recognizing trying to figure out why am i here like i've i i call it look at introspect i call it a.d.d and i do this often like almost every day and that's a part of why i say success we can talk about that too it's called number one awareness we have to understand when you are an adult really you are responsible for yourself exactly and if you have children you're not responsible for them and if you have any type of social media you are responsible partly for the people that's freaking following you and so i woke up one day and i was like something is wrong this is not right i started to assess everything so again add number one is awareness and assess and everything so i looked at my my um my house and i was like storm you don't you love sunlight how in the hell did you pick this house the stormy wellington or not just me talking really like talking to myself that i know would have never even picked this house the first thing that you look for when you buy a house or move into a house is sunlight why did you get this number number one it was too much darkness around me darkness is important for germination and for growth but i was ready now so i started to write it down i said doing this dark apartment i looked in my refrigerator i would drink strawberries you know strawberries that was the cheapest i was a straw burrito girl i had strawberries in my refrigerator that's when i used to eat i used to eat chicken bacon i i would eat chick-fil-a every day and zack speeds every day so i had an old zack speed and i'm by myself this day i went in my car i had a porsche pan or a mirror porch panamera remember i have residue now right right i used to have money right so i have a porch panamera i go outside my light was out in the back because somebody had hit me i never when it got it fixed my door was like dent in and a little front uh bumper was like like smooshed in i'm like stormy wellington i know i wouldn't even drive around in a car like this right right and the straw that broke the camel's back that woke me up my husband took me on national what is that street called national highway and we stayed in a hotel over there for like 40 a night all the holes and stuff that trick it was a trick hotel and i looked i said i'm supposed to sleep in this bed i sat in that couch ladies and gentlemen taking my clothes i took a shower with the shoes on i said how could stormy wanted to marry a man wow that would take her to a whole hotel so i started to assess myself wow yeah yeah and i said it ain't nobody thought what your fault absolutely you put you here yeah and so i looked in the mirror one day and i had a [ __ ] party i cussed myself i i used to listen to um and i still listen to it to the stage the magic of believing by john john clark that's a big one yeah and he talked about the mirror technique remember i'm now trying to i'm doing personal development and learning things to figure out how to fix myself remember i'm trying to fix myself yeah because you know what i'm trying to do right and so i looked in the mirror one day and i cursed myself out and that's when i really accepted the house the darkness the straw burritos the husband took you to the hotel the 40 dollar hotel you took a shower with your shoes on you don't have no money you fat look at your car and i went and started cleaning up i started throwing things away and i would read the book of proverbs every single day um it's a big one yeah and things just began to change but it was a process so add awareness assessment decide divide so i had to decide what had to go yes and i had to divide myself away from the things that put me where i was at so i always assess decide divide and you say you do that every day every day for yeah like just three days ago i was like lightly depressed i was like eight pounds heavier i had a great birthday weekend my friends took me to a beautiful day man laid my birthday weekend out catered in crustaceans my favorite restaurant the garlic noodles the champagne the lemon drops the grits and shrimp for breakfast i gained eight pounds of five days i was depressed wow if i didn't have this processed add i would have gained another five pounds and then another ten pounds i would look up an item at 20 pounds heavier right and i sell health and wellness for a living wow and then when you don't have physical mastery you don't have high confidence you have low self-esteem you feel depressed really inside your body and then boom you broke and depressed again right right wow okay so now take so so take take me to can you handle it no you you dropping big bars though okay this is this is i i i knew this was going to be a classic though and we ain't even get to the good stuff yet damn cause cause cause cause we we we we we we was talking behind the scenes and and i wan i want that smoke we're going to get there okay well i'm leaving you there though right i want i want that smoke i want the birkenback smoke i want the you know what i'm saying that's coming yeah i'm gonna all actually gotta understand the backstory oh without a doubt no that and and that's what i want to give them and so now talk to me right you you you're married you're not who you who you are right you're living the life that you you you don't even recognize yourself no you're looking in the mirror you curse yourself you don't even recognize like who is this woman yep true and tell me what's next what happened how how do you how do you how do you break free of this impostor that you're looking at in this mirror this is this person that like who like who are you why are you even here like how you how you get rid of oh so i had the [ __ ] party in the mirror and it's i have an acronym p-h-u-c-k it stands for people hate you can't create and create a spell with the k and if you look up the word create with the k in the urban dictionary it means to forge your own history for your own good okay which means to lie to yourself and it says let's literally google it in the in the in the urban dictionary create and spell with the k means to forge your own history for your own good um i had to tell myself something different than what i was telling myself wait wait wait wait wait wait understand forge your own history for your own good for your own good that's a bar okay i'm trying to take it's a big bar and um it came to me that's why i came up with the acronym [ __ ] it people hate you can't create and so i had to forge my own history for my own good and and this is not a shot on christianity and the church and all of that but one of the things that the prophet told me is that if you don't marry your husband before this year is over you're going to die i believed him so much i married my ex-husband december 29th of 2012. i didn't want to do it but i was afraid of this prophet so and what he said that god would do so i had this fear for the for the lord so deeply that i didn't know how to separate man from god so i thought you as a man telling me stuff i fear you versus understanding god is the one that judges you not nobody in the streets that got blood and you know uh uh a legs that put on their pants and skirts like hello yeah so so i had this [ __ ] party in the mirror and i started to look at myself and i left that intervention i had myself and i went and i cleaned up my house i cleaned nobody wasn't there this day though i was blessed that nobody i don't even know where they was at only my dad was there my my older dad and so i cleaned the house and i put on music and i opened up all the windows i opened up the windows i opened up the blinds i moved the furniture around i had no money so i can't move and i figured out a way to hustle my ex-husband at the time ended up having to leave and go overseas because at the time he was working overseas and i found a way to hustle me up twenty thousand and i said i gotta get out of here i believe in uh it's called the law of place uh and it's about where you are so a seed is a seed right but a seed just doesn't take its purpose until it's put in the ground right yeah i can put apple seed right here and ain't gonna do nothing it got to be where it belongs absolutely and so i belong to miami so i took my money my spirit told me go back to miami you need that sun like you need that sunshine you need to connect with your people i didn't even know why and what i was going to do here it goes once again i moved into a nice house in miami i took my money that i hustled up moved to miami began praying again finding little things to do i had a little savings account plus the money i hustled up and i started to do some internet marketing stuff learning about the internet and how to market and i would sell little things online little stuff just to be able to make ends almost me but my rent because i was renting at the time was 38.50 and then one day i'm sitting behind my computer i never forget this day my baby boy um it's like seven months uh my ex-husband were there my dad is there um four of my friends they end up moving to miami because they wanted to be in proximity to me i moved in with me because they lost their house they didn't he the husband didn't have a job the wife didn't have a job and they was living in a hotel like no come live with me so we struggling in this house together i remember behind my computer one day trying to figure it out my dad comes in there he's like why you look like that i'm like what like what are you talking about i was having a like a stroke wow i was so stressed out wow they rushed me to the emergency room they pumped me and did it whatever they did and two weeks later somebody called me and said to me hey listen i got something to introduce you to have you ever heard of tlc mind you a friend of mine had already told me about tlc two years prior but i wasn't interested because the way they they tried to explain it to me and presented to me didn't work for me they didn't know how to talk to me and so i cursed them out and told them don't don't talk to me anymore i was pissed they end up going on to make like 40 000 a month while i remain broke and so when this friend calls me and says hey i got something you need to take a look at hey have you heard of tlc i'm like wait a minute i heard of that long story short i got into tlc network marketing company and um seven months later i was a millionaire okay okay and and i want to unpack something though because i i love and this is i always say this i always say that um money starts in the mindset right and there really isn't a coincidence how you could lose it all and always get it back right because your money doesn't make you a millionaire it's your mindset that makes you a millionaire because you take if you if you take somebody who doesn't have a millionaire mindset if you give them a million dollars today exactly they're gonna lose it exactly because they're not a millionaire right i am a millionaire and so because you are a millionaire whether you whether chase bank knows it or not you are a millionaire exactly if you lose it it's gonna always come back right and so now you're in network marketing you're a millionaire again um what makes what makes you feel because when you walked in here i felt the energy right that this is this is it right like you're like you you're the multi-million dollar woman like this is it right they th this bad this tennis back and forth that's not happening right because you you have this energy right there's a different energy right um what makes this different right what makes this time different where you're you're you're out of space right you're a millionaire again like but not but see here's the other thing though too right because i alluded to this during the intro right now it's not only you you're not the only millionaire though right like you're not the only millionaire you're actually 32. you've actually created 32 million years with a goal of creating about a thousand families of millionaires this one feels different stormy why is it different like talk to a stormy talk you know why it's different so when i made my first million you know and god took it away i remember when he took it away it was the process that he used to take it away and i i talked to god like i have conversations with god like really be like in the shower like talking back and forth you'll think i'm talking to somebody right and one of the things that he said to me was that i needed you to learn how to help other people to do this because success is not about how successful you are but how you help other people to achieve success everything is about how you can add value to somebody else the first thing god said to adam and eve in the garden of eden was to be fruitful and multiple and multiplied they don't mean go have children anybody could do that so i understood those things i started to get it and during my depression i was alone a lot too and i would just talk and i would hear and i didn't meditate because i didn't know how to meditate i didn't know how to quiet my mind so i did my own version of meditation now i know how to really meditate and go deep with it so but anyway um he said that to me and i remember she said it okay i'm gonna tell you why she right okay we are made in what the image and likeness of god right and so if we're made in the image the likeness of god you wasn't talking to yourself you you wasn't talking to god he was talking to you exactly right because we are god yeah right little g though yeah little g i wasn't gonna say that no you got you i wasn't gonna say no god is big g right but little g right if you if we're made and i don't care what doctrine you read the the if if it's the quran if it's the bible the torah whatever you read right you are made in the image and likeness of god so if you're made in the image and likeness of god then so is god so are you exactly so you wasn't talking to no you was talking to god he's talking to you because you are a god for sure okay i am but i i wasn't going to say that no no i mean i mean i know that i need i need i mean all right so i mean give me all the smoke stones i got you so yeah i know that i am a guy yes and i know the power that i have the same power that he has i have this absolutely let's go that's what makes it different this time is that i understand principles like i live a principle-based life yes really yes like really like my integrity is crazy i'm not going to hurt you i'm not going to steal i'm not going to lie i'm not going to manipulate you i'm not going to use you if i'm using you you're going to be happy that you're being used because you're being compensated for the using i'm not you know yeah and so i didn't understand that before yeah i used to be a shoplifter i used to steal clothes i used to throw shoes i used to write checks yeah do you understand i used to wear a girdle to put clothes on and my girl i used to get it on the floor get it on the floor me stealing okay that means you're getting down putting the [ __ ] in your girdle many people don't know that yeah i just get it on the floor okay i used to do all the things i wrote checks i assumed identities to get a credit card or somebody's name like do you understand what that could have caused somebody else like so when i assumed that lady's identity what did she have to deal with to undo what i did to her even though i made money i used to be praying to god to bless my fraud blessed me that i could sell this stuff i stole please bless me this blessed me to steal this outfit i just stole from neiman marcus yeah i used to be praying and paying ties all the stuff i stole i ain't no no better right but the truth for real you know better you do better so i wanted to fix myself i wanted to fix myself and i didn't have anyone with my upbringing that i thought could fix me i didn't think ayala vanzant could fix my life i don't she don't have my understanding upbringing i knew that i had to learn from ayala learn from oprah learn from td jakes learn from napoleon hill learn from john c maxwell learn from zig ziglar learn from houghton bugs and kenny lloyd and jack fallon and all my brad hager the mentors i've had erica mcqueen dorothy cook nicole jackson robert jackson i'm grateful for everyone that came in my life that made an impartation i learned from them but i had to tweak what i learned from them to make it customizable for me so i don't necessarily sit before people and let them tell me what to do i listen to their recipe based upon their success and then i take what i want and i do it to the t that they say and then i see how it works and then i measure the result and then i tweak it and i do it my way and boom here comes stormy wellington so i knew that i needed to be able to add value to the people that were like the least in the lost nobody wants to work with the strippers because they're just strippers nobody wants to work with the dope dealers or the ex-drug dealers or the ex-schemers or the ex-cameras because they judge them nobody wants to work with the girl with a little waist and a big butt that's sexy and look good but as a hustler so i knew that i had to find my market find my niche find my people the riches out in the niches okay come on i had to find my type yeah and i found my type and my type i'm not trying to talk to the people that would look at me and say well her titties out [ __ ] you you're not my audience yeah yeah i'm talking to the people that's like yes [ __ ] show us some more titties but you look good i'm not talking to the people that's concerned with my sixty thousand dollar birthday bag i'm talking to people like community i want a sixty thousand dollar birthday yeah yeah so i knew that i had to learn how to be myself growing my authenticity yeah but learn how to attract and connect with my type of people so my one of my goals is a thousand millionaires and oftentimes people say okay because i have something called a thousand families and a thousand black millionaires black doesn't mean black people though it can mean black people but it's a state of mind when you think of black black is just power period and so i have latino millionaires i have asian millionaires that have crossed my path i have black millionaires but i'm proud when i see people like black men like you doing what you're doing because you could be doing something else i'm proud when i elevate the minds of my black friend that was a stripper and now she's a millionaire yeah i love when i help my girl who is about to be a professional baby mama understand that you don't have to be a [ __ ] baby mama because you want to help you pay bills you can get your own money and be the baby daddy you see what i'm saying with the with the with the woman body but just have the mentality of a man right right so what changed this time is i recognize that i'm important and i'm needed and i'm necessary and nobody can feel my shoes and nobody can't do me like i could do me and nobody's not afraid of success and afraid of faith and afraid of fighting and afraid of working and afraid of serving servant and afraid of sowing and afraid of saying i'm gonna be a big in there i'll make 60 million dollars this year what wait wait say that again i'm going to make 60 million dollars okay talk that talk then okay yeah period i thought i would make a million dollars a month last year in one of my businesses i did 12.6 million dollars last year yeah oh wow all while breaking seven new millionaires seven seven seven my daughter is 20 years old she did a half a million dollars her first year in business with me my son is 23 years old he's on track to do his first million this year he's one of the most amazing personal trainers in the world wow you could tell a fruit you know a tree by the fruity bears right right so what happens this time is that it's not about me there we go yeah it's not about me i did i did the math tonight last night in the shower yes in the shower last night i did the math because this is the first time i did the math my payroll my payroll is over 150 000 a month do you understand i didn't say my bills at my house my employees and it's only 12 of them [ __ ] 150 000 dollars a month yeah yeah you understand what i'm saying so this little black girl is paying a payroll of 150 000 i might say a year right i got somebody who makes 150 dollars a year is a salary right right i guess you might make 300 000 years of salary right so we ought to know like it takes a village to raise a child to take the team you want to go far go along we're going to go fast go along you want to go far go with the team right absolutely so i like to build teams and i believe in you know working with people who strengthen you where you're weak yeah and so what's different is that it's not about me yeah it's about who can i help who can i serve how can i be the demonstration of manifestation i'm a walking manifestation yes you know what i'm saying i speak what i want i believe what i want you know yes i believe that anything you want you just give power to it through thought that's it that's it you get power to it through thought so my gift for you what i wanted to tell you i woke up in the middle of the night one night and i'm scrolling on instagram and i'm following you right and i'm like why the [ __ ] i'm following this [ __ ] what was this [ __ ] yeah so i clicked the unfollow button and he wasn't following me back but something in my spirit this is true story going back says go back and look through his page some more i said i like this [ __ ] who's he yeah i followed you again no lie that morning the next morning don vito calls me no lie i if you're talking about and i wasn't going to answer the phone for don video either because i didn't answer the vote for nobody before i do certain rituals yeah right but i said nah this don vito go answer the phone wow and he's like you know talking to me you know small talk about life you know and he said i want you to come to atlanta and i want you to do an interview with my guy i'm like ooh ash cash yeah i'm like i just was unfollowed it's crazy wow so i believe in divine okay the day i unfollowed you but i followed you back on my own yeah yeah that's what made me feel good right i didn't follow you back after he called me the interview my spirit said i unfollowed you then i went back and i'm scrolling i'm looking at the stuff you doing i'm like oh and i thought this was that's okay yeah yeah yeah and i followed you back wow and the next divine i'm trying to tell you yeah and here's the thing about that right because um you know i do a morning show every morning uh uh on live 8 a.m to 9 a.m the ash cash show and when i tell you you got a cult following like everybody's like so i also i do i do an inspirational radio station right it's called my right radio so if you go to my and i play nothing but speeches and hip hop beats right and so so i'm like yo who should i have next who should i have next who should i have next everybody's like yo stormy stormy stormy coach stormy coach coach and i'm like yo who is this coach stormy right i saw so i follow you i'm looking i'm like yo her following is crazy and one of the things that intrigued me because i know i noticed this interview is blessing a lot of people because because first of all like i said you have a cult following right number one but we're also on the biggest business podcast network in the world right so this is going to reach everybody so people are going to get so inspired by this and and i believe god wanted this to happen so two things i wanted to say is that why i appreciate you the most is because you said something you said that you wanted to be a demonstration right and like i said before we are all god mm-hmm and i believe god stands for greatness on display right and so in order to prove god and right in order to show god you you have to talk your talk you got to walk in here like you own here i i thought i thought you on this joint she walked in here i said excuse me i thought you i thought you you you bought this place or something you know what i'm saying because you like there's just something that that spirit of greatness um and i and i love the fact that um again it's not even about you right because you know you know as you make the 60 this year and then you make 100 or 200 the following year that's gonna give everybody with your story right i'm from i'm from harlem i'm from 129th street and eighth avenue right and every time i do something great all my g's they're in my dm cause i was on the block i was on the corner right and so when i became a ceo of a credit union and they're like yo this is ash cash from the corner so so when someone stole me make that 60 yeah when stormy make that 100 when she make that two on it you you're gonna inspire other families to do it so that's so so i believe i believe that's why this is it because you you figured it out right signs are getting rich signs are getting risky right signs of getting rich says you have to give more in use value then you're taking and so what happened was before you was making a million but you wasn't giving back to use value and that's why you got it and you lost it you got it you lost it but now you give him way more you made 32 millionaires 32 millionaires seven last year i got one girl her first year with me she did about 250 000. wow last year she did 4.3 million in one year wow that's a blessing and so talk to me about everything right so now tlc tell me tell me everything tell me what the empire looks like because you live you live in life you live in you're living great i'm proud yeah your partner is looking real good yeah you know um i say all that i wanted to become i became therefore i am absolutely i see myself as multiple people and not only am i a visionary a coach a leader a mom a boss a lover a fighter i am a serious false [ __ ] i want a person look at me and be like that [ __ ] don't play she's about her paper yes okay and so i want to have a conglomerate you know i want to have a empire and i want to people to look at me as a business woman not a network marketer not you know a motivational i don't hate my i'm not a motivational speaker please yes no i respect them absolutely but that's not what i am yeah i want you to look at me as like the voice of the black woman like i represent every woman and so right now my priority my love my passion my heart is tlc because number one we represent health and wellness nutrition we represent helping people to live a higher quality of life and you know that's what we sell and so for me when i look at people who are not really where they should be number one is because of physical mastery you cannot get to your next level if you can't conquer your physical so so that's always going to be priority because i know who stormy is in her character and how she feels within her body when she's 20 pounds overweight and not working out and not meditating and not taking her nutritional supplements and not detoxing and not on her vitamins and i know who stormy is when she is and because i know what it has done for me and the difference it has made in my life and in my mind and in my actions and in my performance my purpose and my passion right now is to get people to take their health a little bit more seriously health is well it is but unfortunately people say it is cliche and it's like come on [ __ ] shut up you feel me yeah my mom died at 62. my mom was on 13 medications yeah yeah 13. yeah yeah my mom was in a wheelchair my mom was 200 pounds overweight my mom smoked cigarettes every day and weed every day my mom was on crack at one point in her life my mom used to have to go to the chiropractor into the the doctor to get her hip something and she had eight herniated discs and my mom died literally because she wanted to get a cortisone shot and she got off of her medication called coumadin and it caused this ripple effect and all of this wow so health is everything right right so tlc is a network marketing company but we're more network marketing direct sales our goal is to be the amazon of health and wellness and so we have everything so that's my number one priority i'm the top earner in that company that's where my 32 million has come from so that's the vehicle that i'm able to give to other people like when i share with you the other things i'm doing i can't give you that yeah but i can help you to use those tools because the other businesses that i have are tools so that you can grow believe in yourself have faith and you come on over here and tell us to let us get this money actually so tlc is my party that's where i did the 32 millionaires over 12 million dollars last year i've been there for seven years i'm gonna be there until i die i told the owner the company i leave when you leave when you leave i'm gonna see how i can take it from you [ __ ] i'm staying here yeah my second baby is um i have a community called girl hold my hand it's a community i developed like three years ago four years ago it's really for people to know themselves love themselves and embrace themselves in order to authentically connect collaborate and celebrate with other people i believe you don't authentically know who you are love who you are and embrace who you are how can you connect and collaborate with anybody when you're not in your authenticity like i got married depressed i'm sorry sir and i'm sorry stormy because you married somebody that you didn't know and i let you marry me and i didn't even know who i was and i gave you another personality another avatar so girl ho my hand is a community um i do coaching calls i meet with my group twice a month for hour but we meet every single day at 8 a.m for meditation we meditate every day at 8. i have an event coming up it's called the awakening slash the rebirth in miami florida march 2018. man i'm so excited about what's going to happen that's another part of my passion yeah to again elevate the consciousness of the people and then i have a cbd company i'm in the cbd industry me and my partner his name is rodney um we have the first black-owned cbd company in miami wow legit we have all the licenses the the food and uh the fda came and tested our stuff and we went through all the processes i'm really proud about that and so i've been running that now for like two years we're about to step that up all everything cbd from pain reliever to gummies to spatial products and um things to just candles and so that's my my third project and i diversified my portfolio i got a couple of crypto things going on and little internet stuff going on but my main thing is impact all i want to do is impact the consciousness of people and be the demonstration money comes to me easily effortlessly i don't go to money money come over here to me and so my goal every day what's priority is to stay healthy stay happy stay wise and to stay moving and keeping it moving moving forward i tell people kim is my best friend keep it moving long as i keep it moving yeah everything will unfold as we go i love that i love that and so with everything that you've been through right the ups the downs the lefts the rights everything that you've been through and everything you know right now um what advice are you giving to your 18 year old self what advice number one is keep going yeah keep it moving yeah no matter what know that everything always works out for you yeah everything i don't care how bad it is i don't care how sad you get i don't care how horrible it looks just keep it moving and know that everything always works out for me yeah that's it yeah yeah i love that and grow and grow in your authenticity grow but stay authentic to yourself like a lot of people grow and then they turn into uncle tom or they turn into a square they turn into a corn ball like no yeah i'm stop listening i was on instagram live this morning i said listen i'm really your ghetto [ __ ] from carroll city new orleans area like i really would cuss you out and i really would beat your ass i'm that girl that used to have blades on her purse and all that right but i've grown past that but i'm still in there right right right right right don't push me yeah absolutely you see what i'm saying but grow in your authenticity and you need to i need to keep that little edge that's the part of why i know how to roll like i'm riding around with jewelry and all that but don't think that i'm just out here like some some cornball like waiting no [ __ ] i got people around me ready to come [ __ ] your ass up and [ __ ] with me i gotta keep that right that's how i'm able to run multiple businesses right i have multiple homes i have a home in miami i have a home in houston i got everything i could want physically tangibly mentally materialistically spiritually emotionally fine i'm good right my goal is just to keep it moving yeah and a thousand millionaires before i die before i die before i die that's why i normally live a long life or these millionaires will come fast because whatever i say whatever i believe it always is accurate i am going to have a thousand millionaires before i die wow before i die a thousand people will say thank you i'm going to be a like people talk about harriet tubman and rosa parks and all the people stormy weatherton all right there'd be streets named after me schools named after me uh the holidays and all that [ __ ] watch what i tell you wow remember i told you this wow like it's the number one business all that [ __ ] yeah all that yeah and i mean it now no that's what that's the smoke i was looking for that's the smoke i'm just saying i mean it's not cockiness not who the [ __ ] she thinks she's like yeah who you think you is right god yeah a god right and the thing about it is i learned within the last two years how powerful we really are absolutely yes and i learned from learning things from people that were wealthy yeah and i and they said do this not something to do that yeah let me see absolutely that's it i didn't make this [ __ ] up right i have read about it yeah and other people that successful are doing the things that i learned to do yeah and i said okay wait a minute tony robbins is successful yes he's in the vein that i'm in so to speak i love tony robbins i learned so much from him i invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in his programs i was a platinum partner i learned from him i traveled the world with him i learned a lot yeah and the things the things he taught me to do right why would i not do it right exactly why i listen to what my boyfriend told me to do when she's broke depressed and unhappy and just asked me to hold 200 right right so i i learn things from people that i admire yes and aspire to be like in certain ways and i do it yes to see i don't do it in in in disbelief i do it until right cause there's no way you could tony robbins i think made six billion last year yeah okay oh right you did yeah okay so i could do something like that too yeah and and since the pandemic business is even better and more because people are connecting digitally there's no way oprah could beat who oprah is and the only black woman that's oprah is the oprah yeah uh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i love inspired yeah absolutely i'm inspired absolutely yeah and she did it and she still was overweight with it yeah yeah yeah hello yeah so that means she could do it while i can't this is how my mind thinks look at oprah oprah talks about the power of belief over talked about how she wanted that that that play that that role color purple and when they told her no she wasn't going to get it because she was too fat how she went walking and was trying to lose weight she kept believing that she's going to get that that role and she went about every book in the store and she gave way for people to people and told the people i'mma be a color person they told her no right oprah said no i'm a being colored purple okay what they told me and they caught she was on the farm and they found her and call her right why they can't call me by me if all i got to do is say okay no i'm gonna be a billionaire right i'm gonna make 60 billion dollars right one day i'm gonna make 60 million dollars this year right and write the book and give it out to people i do the same thing i bought you one book i mad i brought you all my books when i got in the car last night i was like damn it i forgot to bring all my books yeah cause i'm doing the same thing open day open dated until so i gave all my books out i have three books i wrote everything is that i just learn from other people and i do it right i don't perpetrate i don't post about it and talk about it and cap about it no i'm it yes yes you understand what i'm saying i just learned from other people tdj talks about prayer and reading the books of proverbs and all the stuff you talk about i take a little bit of what he gives yeah yeah i don't like everything about him i don't like that he pay he fat i looked at t.d.j the other day his neck was up here no i was very disappointed yeah yeah because the bible speaks about your your body being your temple yeah yeah how you fat like this sir that bothered me yeah no because physical and if he lost 100 pounds his life would change he would live longer yeah he would be a great example for the congregation but yeah still he gained more weight during the pandemic yeah that ain't cool yeah yeah so i'm just saying so i just look at certain people so my point is i love td jakes yeah i'm not gonna eat like him though right right but i'm a listen to his doctrine yeah how will he teach yeah but i must cut the fat right i'm just telling the truth right people want people that's what i love i love it though that's why i love it i love td jokes you need to lose some weight yeah yeah period yeah yeah so i just take what i want to take from people that they have you know became successful yeah and i take what i want i use it and whatever i don't like i don't talk about it i don't judge it yep i'm just bringing up a valid point because we got to do better man and at the end of the day it's certain thing that you could do that would increase your your lifespan yeah and your quality of life i don't want to live a quantitative life and be unhealthy and unhappy no [ __ ] that i'd rather die again so if i live a quantitative life i want to live a qualitative life and that's it that's why i do what i do that's why i ain't never stopping because i know the difference though i've been here and i've been here and here is better than here all right so powerful i love i love everything about your story everything that you're doing and so there's a lot of people right now who have nine to fives but we know in this environment nine to fives aren't secure so a lot of people are taking up side hustles and so what is what's your best advice for the side hustler somebody who has that 905 who's looking to you know to do something else i mean it's a few things number one you should never put all your eggs in one basket and i think when you get in corporate america you tend to think that that's okay i mean i said earlier that i was in foreclosure and my water was off but i still had a quote-unquote good job so never put all your eggs in one basket number one number two work nine to five on your job and six to nine of your fortune number two and number three i think like don't make it a side hustle find a side business that you could grow in wow because that's the problem we go from hustle to hustle to hustle when does it ever become a business so find something that could be a business that you could grow in and you can see the potential of it becoming versus a hustle it could be your plan a so it's just a change in changing perspectives really oh i love that i love that a lot and and and that's important because i i think that's the key right when people think about money and you know people always think about hustling how do i get to this dollar and you said this earlier right like i don't chase money right i'm aligned and money comes chasing me and so i i i love that uh and it's all mindset if you're like all right this is my side hustle then it's you chasing after something opposed to making it a side business and allowing you to provide services and allowing that money to come to you so i love that um and then so you know stormy wellington uh has been millionaire after millionaire after millionaire 60 million dollar woman that i'm sitting in front of what was the most extravagant thing or you know what before extravagant what was when you when you came when you became a millionaire that first time you touched that millie what was the first thing you did what was the what was the biggest purchase you made the biggest purchase i made i would say when i made my first million i bought a jaguar cash this is when the new jaguars came out i think it was called jaguar xp i don't remember um but i paid 40 dollars cash for it and i was just so happy to just draw off the lot and when they said how you financing i'm like i'm paying cash i was like yeah back yeah yeah so that was my first big purchase do you do you in hindsight was that a good decision was it a bad decision would you do that again i don't i don't regret it all right i drove it around and i ended up trading it in and it worked out so it was a good decision to me i would have probably financed a little bit to maybe build my credit up a little bit but um i mean it all worked out for me yeah yeah i love that and so now right all of the riches that you've had what has been the most extravagant thing you've done with money i don't know if you say extravagant or expensive i mean extravagant could be this birkin bag i paid 60 thousand dollars for extravagant can be my chris my birthday gift that i bought myself i bought myself this this necklace for my birthday it could be i don't know um oh i bought two richard millies that was crazy to me i thought i would never buy richard mille mm-hmm until i understood that the price went up in january and that it it not only holds its value but the price increased which means i have a asset on my wrist that i could sell at any given moment and get more money than what i paid for versus having a hundred and fifty thousand sitting in the bank i bought a watch for a hundred fifty thousand that's now worth like 175 000 they never make it any more than the one that i have and i have great insurance on it so that's the most extravagant okay and then and then so um you know fashion alex good energy because he he set up this question for us and on our last interview what's the most impactful thing you would say you've done with money the most impactful thing i would say is buy my houses for me um my mom used to always you know have us in different places we never had stability growing up yeah you know and i looked up one day would live here and uh two years later we were living somewhere else yeah and i used to always have big fear of being homeless um i take care of my dad he's 73. thank god he's not sick or anything he moves around like a young boy but i take care of him he doesn't have social security he doesn't have any type of pension he got stormy and knowing that my dad has his house my children i have three children um for christmas two years ago i gave them deeds to our house you know um i have myself put it together really well but my house is going to be the legacy i'll leave behind for my kids and i have two of them paid off one in miami and one in houston wow and so impactful that could be passed down for generations to come my goal is to never have to sell it refinance it to get money out of it like my money is sitting in the house wow and it's paid off wow i love that my kids will have that as a as a uh investment and something that they could live in one day i love that love that love that and so again i think you know i think this is this is so impactful this this conversation that we're having uh because number one you're you're your authentic self um there's a lot of women that that are gonna be able to see themselves in you um that resilience right that that that ability to you know understand that you're a hundred percent responsible for your life um and the willingness right pun intended strongly willing to i like that the willingness to do what it takes to get you out of this situation and so you've been in a space where you know you you you've had a lot of money you made a lot of money um and so at this space 60 million dollar woman um what is the best financial advice you've ever received financial advice i mean hmm i have a few things i mean number one you should you know millionaires and billionaires have seven streams of income so i definitely believe in multiple streams of income um number one i think everybody should find ways to have multiple streams of income but diverse so most people let's say they're in the hair industry they have five strands of income seven strands of income but it's all in the hair industry but if the whole entire hair industry crashes now you're in trouble because everything is tied to the hair industry so i think if you're in the hair industry find six other diverse industries to be involved in so that if a crash happens then you're not in jeopardy you know so that's that's that's the most i think most important financial advice i've received and you know what i'll say when i look at my portfolio um it's diverse but i have a lot of assets too i have things that i could liquidate if i wanted to at any given moment and things that appreciate over time like i have fine art yeah um that's that's income yeah that's things that you buy and one of my paintings was 11 grand it's worth like 20 000 now so i do things that people don't really understand they see it and they may be like oh that's expensive why don't you do that but i'm doing it because that's still diversifying my portfolio and it's still a part of my net worth absolutely i love that i love that and and i love that you said that because again um to the naked eye if somebody doesn't know you and doesn't know your story and they go through you like your instagram um they may get this feeling like you're materialistic or you're doing these things but these these are wealth building tools this is you building your assets this is you creating generational wealth so i love that you said that um all right so we're gonna do a lot lightning round right and so we're here inside the vault like literally inside the vault um and so and so what we do is we take bank terms uh and we flip them for the vault right and so i'm gonna give you three so number one deposit slip right so a lot of times when people think deposit slip they're thinking you know depositing money into the account but for us deposit slip means you know making a mistake right slipping up and so tell me uh a deposit slip sometimes you know a time that you messed up with money well i just got to say this i'll i tell people that you know could be teach people to write checks out i'm sure you heard of that before like yeah every year i write a check out to myself like right now i have checks in my my wallet i can show you a check right now my wallet for 60 million it's a check in my bathroom for 60 million i see it every day i brush my teeth when i'm home and so i tell people you can't write a check that you ain't making deposits so you gotta deposit something to be able to withdraw absolutely and so the worst deposit did that you said what you think deposit slips were like so like a time that you messed up with money the time that i messed up with money you know what i would say you know about a year and a half ago i hired a general contractor to do my house and i should have been paying attention to the timelines and was she doing certain things before i delivered money and i ended up giving her like 350 000 and she never completed the job to this very day i'm still dealing with the residual effects of her not completing my house me having to find somebody else to finish it she's trying to sue me she didn't finish my house she had my house keys in the project for two years she gutted my house out didn't do didn't finish and come to find out she did this to multiple multiple multiple families so the worst thing i did with money i think was just not really pay attention to who i'm writing a check to and if they're doing the job that they're supposed to do instead of just giving you a third or third third as the job was completed i didn't do that because i didn't understand the process of how it works now because i've experienced it now i know that when you work with a contractor it's supposed to be a third or third a third so now i don't have to sit back and be worried like i'm gonna get schemed and taken advantage of because now when i work with you it's a third or third third right don't don't come to me for the whole check if the project is 500 000 i'm not giving you if i i didn't know that right i thought it was like normal you know somebody does stuff you give him 250 now 250 later yeah that's not how it works in that world so that was a great lesson for me awesome so speaking of checks um you know we we know that a cancel check is a check that somebody sends out doesn't have enough money to to you know to uh you know clear the check and so but for here inside the vault a cancel check is a person people or mindsets that you had to cancel during your journey so tell give give me an example of a canceled check expectation me expecting things from people because i believe in reciprocity so me me loving you a certain kind of way of doing certain things for you me expecting you to love me that way and do back for me in return now i move from a place of appreciation versus expectation i don't expect nobody to do nothing for me i don't care if i just gave you a million dollars i don't even expect you to say thank you i gave it to you because i wanted to give it to you expectation could have took me out the game me expecting but i'm her friend man look what i did i took care of her look what i'm doing for her expecting people to just have appreciation no so that that was the biggest thing having a change of understanding from expectation to appreciation so i moved from a place of appreciation i don't expect nothing from nobody wow that changed mine that's the one thing that changed my entire life that's a big boss yeah i don't expect nothing from nobody and i but i appreciate everything wow every and anything you buy me something for christmas you do you don't i appreciate you you say you love me or you don't i appreciate you i don't expect you to love me i'll expect you to like me i'll expect you to care for me i'll spank you to buy me gifts i'll expect you to open the door or treatment if you do thank you and if you don't thank you wow i don't care either way wow but i used to and it coulda i love that i love that and last but not least trust account uh you know trust account is is you know everybody wants to be the trust fund baby they want the money uh you know given to them as an inheritance but for us a trust account is those people um that are around that you know that have earned your trust or who have helped you on your journey so who who or what uh would you say is inside your trust account right now all right so i want to replace that word but appreciate okay um trust can take you out the game too i appreciate everybody i have people around me that i appreciate right now i have friends that work with me they turn into friends but i don't trust nobody i appreciate the people that's around me so my trust account is my team i have trenton i have trina trenton does my hair he is my friend he's my accountability partner i trust him to a certain extent but i don't use the word trust because when you trust i mean you're holding a person to a higher account and when you do that i mean i i could go into so much about their trust i go to so much into trust i don't trust nobody because you trust somebody you think about the people you trusted in the night and not even your life in your life anymore so i have a big team i have a great group of people around me but i i don't use the word trust it's just appreciated that's actually deep though right and i don't want nobody to miss that because you know your cancer check and this is this is why i love authenticity right yeah cancer check said that expectations you have to get rid of expectations and and you're right when you trust somebody there's an expectation so i can't trust i just i just appreciate so it's not a negative thing i don't talk about it because i don't want my people to feel bad yeah but we're here speaking the truth absolutely you're gonna go viral i don't wanna lie absolutely i don't trust nobody yes okay i don't even trust my daddies yes yes and they're my daddies yes i appreciate them yeah yeah and i hope that they don't mess up our relationship because i believe that i'm a great person i'm a great human yeah i bring so much value yeah i treat you well so i hope that they don't ruin it by breaking our trust by doing something wrong an integral is unethical but do i trust no but i mean let's be real i have jury laying around sometimes money laying around i hope they're not going to steal my money have i experienced that with the people that's around me now no but what if i don't know when that could happen two years from now i can realize that somebody was taking my american express to paying their water bills that has happened to me before just the same water company how easy for you to take my credit card pay your water bill and mine and i'm not seeing the difference in the name right right oh i've had it happen yeah so i don't trust i just hope that you're not gonna [ __ ] [ __ ] up wow and i hope that you understand the principle that i live under like the laws yeah that you know you [ __ ] with me you're gonna be [ __ ] up don't [ __ ] over me because you're always gonna be you're gonna wonder why you depressed why are you broke why are you fat why you can't get your happiness together it's because you lied and stole it from me but do i trust not just hope for the best wow wow all right last but not least last but not least but not least um dispel a money meth right so you know people say you know money you don't grow on trees you got to work hard for money and it's all different types of money myths give me a money myth uh that you want to dispel something about money that that that you hear a lot but you just know it's not true you got to work hard for money okay no you got to work smart for money and in the beginning it's hard work but then it grows into hard work so you know it's not the industrial age this is not back in the days where we picked cotton and we worked in the plants no look at the people that you know work hard how many people have parents that work for 50 years 40 years that's hard work waking up every day having to be in a job for eight hours 10 hours a day and they still die poor depressed and unhappy yeah i mean i i i realized just the other day spike lee is worth less than denzel washington that blew my mind how was spike lee worth less than denzel washington right who do you think worked harder though spike lee had to produce he was the mastermind he was a producer behind the screens and he is worth less than denzel washington so does hard work pay no you got to learn how to go from hard work to hard work you have to learn how to make the transition all right y'all listen i promised y'all an impactful interview this has been like like we delivered if you watch this interview and you're not inspired then i i i i can't help you um stormy if if people want to connect with you you know tell the people where they can find you where they connect with you all that good stuff so first of all they can find me on instagram at coach stormy we all know that instagram is the place to be but what i'm doing for today and everybody that watches this show i'm gonna send free gifts and have you to be able to connect with me via text message all you gotta do is text the word transformation to 786-321-0618 786-321-0618 and text the word transformation and know that i'm sending you something that's going to transform your life but open up your heart big big bars the the multi-billionaire stormy wellington in the building with us inside the vault we're going to keep bringing you heat after heat after heat after heat tell a friend to tell a friend inside the vault with ash cash i'll see you on next episode and god's will peace
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 75,529
Rating: 4.9261599 out of 5
Keywords: earn your leisure, business, finance, Stormy Wellington, Coach stormy, Female millionaire, Entrepreneur, Ash cash, Inside the vault
Id: 2LSWj9dxd1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 58sec (4798 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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