Facebook’s Blackout, Investing for your Child, and Space Travel

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that's a monitor two what up camera's off just in case you thought we weren't here what's going on tube let's let the team in let's get into it ladies and gentlemen just so you know this recording is in progress shout out to everybody happy october it's the third before today's the fourth happy october 4th 2021. you know that some of y'all probably look to check portfolios today said maybe it's not such a great october 4 but we're going to get into some things can't be stopped instagram is down but market monday's is up y'all know the vibes what's good y'all hold on let's get this going yeah yeah reporting from sunny los angeles california and it's raining outside very rare it never rains in southern california apparently they lied one second all right here we go all right we got to get the team in there i was wondering what happened no don't leave us out there go to earnest let's get this going i'll see y'all let's get the good brother up here yeah late man shout out to everybody in los angeles man this has been a crazy run that we are on 12-day run started off in detroit michigan then we went to the bay area and now we are finishing our last leg in los angeles california and what's wait till i see what's coming from l.a it's going to be i mean to call it to call it legendary story but that's to call it and be fitting to call it legendary will be a one-of-one an understatement yes yes yes ian dunlap has entered the building what's going on good brother good how you feeling i'm good man i'm good man so there's a lot going on we're going to get into it but before i just want to before i forget i want to give a shout out to the good brother damon dash who was so kind to invite us to his home yesterday and for massachusetts gave us a three hour master class shout out to my brother dame dash um greatly appreciate you bro shout out to tj the millionaire mentor wow um changed my life went to his house for his i believe the house his estate thank you la different careful la's very very different man that was the best house i've ever seen in my life shout out to tj millionaire shout out to our guys chico they've been running around with us shout out to mg the mortgage guy shout out to tommy duncan legend a true legend yo it's so la is a very inspiring place it's very very inspiring legend i'm gonna pull about the house i'm like man i'm not though yo you got to see it you got it you got to see it bro okay we got facetime after this yes it's it's different man but uh yeah yeah tommy i'm gonna post out to tall guy car reviews shout out to him oh we seen that lightning yeah that was crazy y'all saw that it's raining in l.a but i just wanted to get that out the way man we got oh shout out to lamert park we were in la merc park yesterday um everybody always tells us like yo you in l.a you got to come through lemur park on sunday so we we got a a dose of culture yep um at le merc park shout out to everybody lamar park shout out to whole la we got our herbs we was in crenshaw yeah in 60th street rest in peace to nipsey hustle yeah recipes to the king shout out to dave uh gross yeah peace to dave who's on slauson shout out to sausage in the whole avenue shout out to a few days shot oh man listen listen shout out to the rams even though they they got destroyed we went to the rams game yeah i almost forgot what we did yesterday that's how much was going on but you forgot something what super major shout out to the yay area well we we i don't think we need we didn't mention it oh this is the first time oh yeah before we start area shout outs shout out to oakland i wish i could have been there my my message is on fire we've been to a lot of cities right we've been a lot of cities we've done networking events in a lot of places there's never been a place like oakland i understand now for two years they've been saying i gotta come here we love y'all hey i gotta come we showed up and they showed out i wanna shout out to every single person that was in the building and the people that are outside shout out to all the cars that pulled up on us shout out to everybody that was waiting so patiently just to get inside to network amongst each other shout out to our brother 19 keys were pulling out we were in his hometown and they rolled out the gold carpet for us i never i i never in a million years thought that we would we would get more love than any other place in new york city i never i never would have ever imagined that anybody would be we could beat new york i never i never thought that if oakland love you dearly they gonna rock with you forever oh it was different oakland county most loyal fans ever oakland i never saw anything like that man three blocks the line was three blocks to get in and it stayed three blocks for the whole night shout out to everybody that was outside with us oakland shout out to the town town business hello we are definitely coming back we're going to definitely come back soon in a major way [Laughter] i swear to god i want to drop all this news at one time oh we got something to add again it's called stay tuned i'll tell you about lunch later [Laughter] well yeah shout out to the bay man but tuesday the last thing tomorrow la we have a networking event this is our last networking event of of the tour of this lego detour um la meet us on melrose at the parlor at six o'clock tomorrow you must rsvp the link is on our website under the events tab los angeles southern california y'all been asking for us to touch the town this is an opportunity we have a lot of good friends in this area yeah yeah i'm sure i'm sure a lot will pull up on us um but more importantly just come and just have a good time man you know it's it's been a tough time for a lot of people so these ain't these are not seminars these are not we're not going to say that again they're not a seminar it's not a seminar should they bring a notebook no don't bring a notebook but um do bring business cards do do come with positive energy this is just something that just you know show love come get a drink network meet people connect tell people about your business hear about other people's businesses access some questions ask us whatever you want to ask us yeah um and just show love man that's that's it man so tomorrow los angeles california meet us on melrose at six o'clock at the if you are a supreme investor like me though bring your notepad every person you run into asks how can i help you write it down i follow up the next day business about 300 hey i forgot my man's name but shout out shout out to my guys out in oakland he actually had all of his market monday notes he brought him to monday's day was heavy they were heavy had a sign have you supporters all the investments that we have had told him and he showed me some of his portfolio and how it's grown so king emailed me i got something special for you oh it was crazy give us some care packages to go but we'll talk about that another time shout out to my guy bk the barber who has me with the haircut you're feeling good today boy yeah man you know it's cali i love it i love it man oh before i forget let's just let's just do this real quick um tomorrow vlad 10 f this is a big episode for us earn your leisure episode 154 the ceo of robin hood please do not refer to us as podcasters we are financial journalists that have the highest level of journalism integrity we asked him extremely difficult questions and to his credit he answered all of the questions 34 years old worth 2.7 billion dollars he's a billionaire now we've had other billionaires on the platform before and some people were a little less than friendly so listen to what he has to say please he's a billionaire he's the ceo of a company that's worth 40 billion dollars a disrupter he has some information you think yes please please so that comes out tomorrow at eight o'clock eastern standard time five o'clock pacific time that is a very very very big episode for us thank you to the team at robin hood your hospitality was amazing our experience that was my first time going to silicon valley that experience was amazing and um silicon so they said either way um so yes we love you valley he's going to be teaching a class for eyl university about how to build your design business a lot of people don't fully appreciate he's not a flyer he's not a flyer guy he's a designer he's an artist so there's a lot of people out there that you know so that is going to be exclusively for eyl university a lot of people are talented but don't know how to scale it to the next level he is somebody who you've seen his work all that he does all of our artwork for all of our promotional stuff so that is tomorrow that is wednesday at 8 o'clock tap it yeah and he's not a graphic designer he's one of the greatest artists in the world i mean he's incredible i play with my guy uil university we also got our listening party with janet uh on saturday i believe that one and then we got our book club on sunday at our regularly scheduled program so make sure you tap in sure adjust your volume real quick this is slight reverb all right i got you how about now we're good yeah we're good troy can you please get into the yeah yeah man so as you all know this episode of market monday is brought to you by alaska i'll tell people at ala ally as an option if you're looking to bank or invest allied financials a leading digital financial service company with passionate customer service and innovative financial solutions they are relentlessly focused on doing it right being a trusted financial service provider to both customers and communities so get with allied and make the most of your money so you can save invest and spend on the things that matter to you shout out to the team over at ally erica what's going on atl is going on jack what's going on detroit what up though yes disclaimer let's do it let's do it let's do it so as you know man as we we said we had this over a conversation over lunch about doing research so do your own research right you can trust what we say you can look into what we say but do your own research at the same time our content is intended to be used and must be used for informational purposes only it's very important that you do your own analysis before making any investment based on your own personal circumstances you should take independent financial advice from a professional in connection with or independently research and verify any information that you find on our show and wish to rely upon whether for the purpose of making an investment decision or otherwise this is a message brought to you by the good brothers of ranialisia and the good brother trade hover to stock shakur ian dunlop the master investor himself greatest of inerrance the error he said ian said he was the greatest investor of our era and nobody made it up he didn't they didn't they didn't contest themselves was the boss somebody made it sound nope just doing guys work they did not contest it but i'm not gonna let people reposition me either so hey shout out to dean yes i'm aware that your mom has more money than i but if we look over you're over your returns excluding nobody your boy up there all the time so so ian i'll throw you to the floor um say your announcements and then uh let's get into it uh red panda stock club after at 9 pm central um if you want to join our pool i'll please send kayla a message about that and then let's get right into it let's execute all right let's get into this so in today the talk of the town facebook instagram was out for eight hours it uh caused massive anxiety amongst a lot of people depression confusion um all of the above not only instagram facebook and whatsapp all of the whole facebook's trilogy um was down for the day and its stock was down crazy stock was down seven percent i believe yep um along with the rest of the market which we'll talk about that so all right let's get into this conversation about facebook um do you guys question me on if not you but if uh tick tock is going to overtake them in two years they have a billion users this is a clean example of why they are not the dominant forces they used to be so the whistleblower came out and stated they had been covering up the hate speech and as a result you know the dns records went missing for a while um facebook's in trouble it's a lot of things that i want to say about the topic but i want to keep us on air but this is the start of a slow decline of facebook and the passenger guard has begun already yeah i mean i i believe i want to say her name right francis hugin i believe is the name of whistleblower so you're not familiar with it um so yes so she did say that about the hate speech especially during uh the election um but sex trafficking was one of the things she claimed that they would knew about and hadn't taken action on um so it's interesting but that tomorrow she's testifying in front of congress about this information and today facebook was down instagram was down now ian i know we only want to call them conspiracy theories but some things just don't happen by accident some things we've got to stay away from as well what does that mean i mean even the privacy changes in an ad business from apple was hurting them dramatically and that's why i kept telling you guys you guys like well it'll never get passed up and the youth is there because of instagram they let the bots remain on instagram because the engagement is not as high as it used to be yeah so our business owners you haven't been able to no i was going to say so the ad thing i'll just explain that really quickly because i wrote some notes on that so people can really understand what's happening with the apple uh privacy so facebook's been warning advertisers for some time that apple's new privacy features which allow mobile users to opt out of being tracked across the ios apps would cause issues for the way its ad targeting business typically operates so if you were somebody that spends through facebook ads right and obviously you use iphone or ios there have been some misleading numbers right i think they set up to 15 the numbers were actually 15 off so if you're spending at a high rate like a lot of small businesses do to get their their message and their uh company out there to the billions of users that are on facebook and you're overpaying and they're saying like look our numbers are off by 15 now estimated 15 percent could be more uh we'll find out a little bit more tomorrow that's a huge issue that's a huge issue um and so i mean they're in a tough spot they're in a tough spot and i guess the logical question for people would be like all right well do we believe in facebook probably yeah right it's a fang stock where's a good point to get in or no no no no no no is it a good time now or are we gonna wait till it to fall no good naming for better companies than facebook right now there's a reason why wall street historically and a hedge fund space is not like zuckerberg as the ceo i will not get into it ig i still need to be verified brian helped me out but as a stock no don't i wouldn't touch it so you you would you wouldn't advise people that's what you said no i wouldn't touch it okay and this is solely because you feel that it it it has it's it's reached its peak and this is like downhill from here there's limited upside to facebook at this moment now even if you look outside of acquisitions what innovation has facebook had in the last five years okay i mean are we still taking into account that the amount of small businesses and businesses that use the platform and the fact that it it's i mean it's still the largest social media platform with all the ancillaries uh what's happened obviously instagram you see how bright that ball shining behind me there's a lot that i can't say okay and for all the stuff that i said for me to say i can't say something it's much deeper than this and then also two other networks got affected this isn't just a facebook thing it is going to be tied to a few other companies this will be a changing of the guard can you swing trade it and make some coins off of it sure long term and i've been a fan of facebook since 2005 when stevie g put me on it i tried to get my family to invest in it as an angel couldn't convince him that 100 grand would have turned into 48 million by now probably no so we need to stay away all right so okay stay away from facebook then uh any last words about facebook for my business owners began to start to use tiktok linkedin and other platforms and also if you do not have the data of your customer and client list personally you're going to be in trouble there's a lot of people today who were depressed because they thought they were going to go out of business because they don't have access to their client data only you are responsible for your own business yeah please wall street journal had an article about that um especially people in the fitness industry where they rely solely to reach their customers through facebook or facebook messenger and how in a day they lost business because there was no way to contact them anymore it's interesting that they facebook actually pushed the message out that they were down on twitter yeah they had no other outlet they couldn't put it on facebook or instagram i thought that was that was pretty ironic okay well you were known for being the social media giant but had to go to another one because we're having quote-unquote technical issues can can i okay well facebook hold your head um let me let me i want to just do something if we can real quick because i've been traveling a lot and i've been meeting people and um thank you for all your encouraging words we really really appreciate it what i realized is that this um shout out to everybody on youtube 4 000 people please hit the like button i realize there's a lot of people that tune in to us and um are just getting started and um are just new to investing so even though we mentioned something before um it might be good to every once in a while just kind of refresh it so if we could take a couple minutes i wanted to talk about something that is we've talked about before but it's always a relevant conversation and something i said always extremely important investing for your children um and kind of just you know just break this down a little bit so i wanna i wanna like i said i don't wanna rush over things and i wanna make sure that everybody has a good understanding so that they can go out and execute and um really put the plays into action because that's what we're here for so when we talk about um investing for your children you know we talk about two things really the 529 plan we've spoke about that before and the 529 plan um our state sponsored uh investing plans we used to be college savings but uh president trump a few years ago he changed that with the tax law that he passed and now you can actually use the money for any form of education so the benefit of the 529 plan is that the money grows and is tax-free as long as you use it for education so you know you have different states every state new york new jersey connecticut california and they all have 529 plans depending on which state you live in you can get a state tax deduction you can't get a federal tax deduction but depending on what state you live in you can get a state tax deduction if you invest in that state's 529 plan so that might be something to look into if you are interested in investing money and having money um for private school for you know college or prep school any any of the above so that's that's the question that people get a lot and then there's another alternative to that which is the atma which is the uniform transfers of miners account and you can really open that on any any brokerage um and what that allows you to do is set up an investment account just like you would set up an investment account for yourself but an investment account for your child you don't have the same tax benefits but um you can use the money for whatever you want not just education so now you know you can use the money down the line you can give them to start a business or they you know want to just buy a car whatever they want to do it's an investment account that they have access to when they're an adult but now you can invest in etfs you can invest in index funds you can invest in individual stocks so that's another you know way to save for a child just has a lot more flexibility but you don't have the same tax benefits so that's something that like i said i just wanted to kind of throw that in there because every week i think we should just talk like just one i don't want to call it basic because everybody's in different levels so it's just one thing that we might have to just go back to you know the beginning stages yeah because at least you know there are some people that's watching this that's watching this for the first time and um have not invested so we just always want to make sure that we mix in high level conversations with some conversations that might be a little bit more you know beginning level so people have you know a clear understanding so they can take action yeah you gentlemen want to add anything to that yeah i'll just i'll just add to the up my conversation so when you talked about stocks we talked about uh iras but you could also in the up invest in real estate and that's in uh art cars it's not really limited whereas the augma uh is traditionally just for stocks bonds and iras so there's a there's a slight difference between the two but both the custodial accounts um a great way a great tool to invest for your children we talk about ours all the time and how we're investing for our children so that when they reach a certain age they'll have a income that we never saw because not that our parents weren't prepared but they weren't possibly not properly educated or even new about what these things were so the more we learn the more we're able to teach so we're just passing that forward ian you want to add anything to that yeah the more that you invest for your child the better that's the most important decision that a parent has to make write down right now how much you're going to invest for your child every single month and do not deviate from that plan um even if you put away ten thousand dollars for your child by the time they're 20 they should have a million easily if you listen to some of the advice that i give and the market continues to run at this pace be more than that so um put money away for your child every way every month and this should be the first bill that you pay every single month for sure i got a question for both of you right so when we talk about ourselves as individuals we always say all right we should have this amount of money saved for six to twelve months and have a portfolio making sure it's diversified what do we think about for our children are we going to have that same approach where we have custodial accounts we have a savings account what do you think for your child yeah i mean i think that you don't necessarily have to have a savings account for your child but you can have i would have a 529 plan if you want to go to that approach like if you want to have just money just for college because that's real big a lot of people want to just save money just for college you have the 529 plan but then if you want to just have money just for them then you will go with the iphone so you can do you can actually do both and another question is like how much should you put away there's really no set number it depends on how much money you have but i'll go with the 80 20 rule um 80 of your investment and budget should be for yourself and then twenty percent should be fierce is my opinion i feel like you have to secure your own future before you can secure anybody else's future including your child so you know make sure that you're invested in your own retirement first make sure you're investing in your own brokerage account first make sure you're investing in yourself first because ultimately if you don't have enough money in your own account and you have money in your child's account and you need money you're going to take money from their account anyway it's happened before oh so yeah i've seen it happen before it is it is lightning in l.a what is it um so that's my that's my thoughts like i said that's just something that secure your own secure your own future first and if you're investing long term for your child you won't need the savings because the gains and the compounding will be there and you're going to get a hell of a better return doing it that way for sure that's what i've done for xander and it's worked out amazing so i would say invest every dollar that you can for your child and even with um parents and friends instead of getting your kids toys have them invest directly into the market for your child if they really care about them there you have it ladies and gentlemen it's a great idea for birthday parties you can definitely have a birthday baron davis was telling us about um that app what was the app called the boxing on episode two shout out to b diddy but he was thomas tim we gotta look at that you know you net you abdullah can you look this up i think it's unit uh and it was uh yeah long story short like birthday parties um sweet 16 parties whatever you know you can just you can do that with a lot of different things but that app specifically is made a little bit easier for you to do that and instead of you know somebody giving your child a gift you can say hey just put the you know whatever you're going to give just put it in there 529 put it in the investment account and um you know that's a great way to to kind of i think it's you net you and e.t yeah that's what it is uh i got i'll put it in we'll find it yeah um but while while we have the research department researching computers are puting um shout out to king shout out to cam that is one of the most legendary rap blogs that's the best worst bar ever it doesn't matter what it means i get computers you know exactly what he's talking about i get confused putin yes um okay let's talk about this space exploration situation um this is extremely interesting we've talked about it before but there's always room to talk about it again um yes how do we feel about the space exploration situation um there's a mass disruptive level event that affects five percent of uh marketing plans safe patches um on another planet they're trying to leave us and they're trying to leave us i mean there's only three reasons why people are looking to go to space so one they know a mass destruction event is going to happen and they're preparing to voyage elsewhere to avoid it the reason why like i've been going into this for like the last year because i've been seeing a lot of cno ceo started to make waves in that space and now bezos was coming out of retirement quote-unquote i need to put more time in the blue origin yeah uh reason number two is climate change is much worse than they're telling us about and they're not willing to admit it to the public yet and number three um either all of the resources have been drained or they know over the next 50 years that some of the most key resources like water um will not be able to be replenished and then they need to start to cultivate another area or land or exoplanet for us to be able to live life at its highest level so it's scary but when i was telling you guys hey look in the water to invest in everyone's like why water but if you look at the companies that have damaged our water sources and without that we do not exist and i know people have said maybe we can convert some of the salt water into uh fresh water for us but that's a harder process to do at scale yeah it's expensive process as well yeah i think when you when you say mass destruction level event is that buster yeah like that that was that was distinction level the extinction level good album but what are you speaking of um we've already damaged our soil food supply source water rate of cancer is up like there's a bunch of things people are always wondering like asteroid but a lot of the effects already happening now and are current like in the 1920s and 30s if rockefeller carnegie all were trying to go to space no one would question now people are like well they're going up there just to have fun i'm like do you think they're traveling to outer space just to explore where they can do anything in the world that they want to no there they have been told something or that they know something that is going to happen over the next 20 or 30 years and they want to make room for their family and the people that they care about so that's why the conversation around titan last week in venus and if those are habitable planets that we can live on is a very key one and i know some people are like hey that doesn't matter to me right now but you have to be prepared because truth be told if the planet gets ruined do you think that they're going to take us in mass to the planet or if they do for what purpose so have to be mindful yeah there was all those reports about jeff bezos being like super super like over the top about blue origin like all his focus has been that and there's been like complaints that he hasn't been focused well at the time he wasn't focused on amazon i know he stepped down as ceo well yeah there may be some truth to that they just announced that they're taking uh william shatner out of space out of all people in the world um star wars star trek yeah yeah what do you mean out of space he's going on a flight he's going to oh literally he's going he was already honest with me star trek it was a test flight ahead of his time yeah yeah but okay anytime that you put this much money into a business what is the core reason behind it i i would say to get in i missed it i'm sorry anytime you put this amount of money behind a business there's a core reason behind it do you think they're just doing it for their leisure their leisure has been earned that's a that's a cliche yeah man um it was like two weeks and and yahoo finance to talk about it people like oh my god he did it again go look venus titan and if also these planets have a low gravitational pull and we are able to live there it will affect bone density and how blood flows to our body but after maybe two or three generations we'll be able to adapt to it and may be able to live on these planets a good reference point if you want to see a show sci-fi show that kind of talks about is the 100 on cw there's always foreshadowing in television shows and movies before things come to fruition yo i was just thinking like in 19 i guess 98 when the kings of comedy came out when cedric made that joke like yeah they trying to leave us here down on earth it was like i have fun and 20 years later they're really traveling out of space well yeah we spoke about um on the investing side we talk about um you know all of these resources that are you know in danger and climate control stuff like that p pho is the water etf is one water etf that we spoke about before ufo is a that's the one of the best names okay ufo is this is the space um etf um of course you know virgin galactic we have to keep a close eye on spacex absolutely um elon musk you know he has a deep fascination when it comes to outer space jeff bezos is it a fascination or a necessary utility right this must be there has to be a distinguishing right point where it becomes from obsession to necessity because i'm not sure if this is an exceptional obsession i feel like like you so even i mean i think obsession is not a bad like you could be obsessed with getting healthy like you know what i'm saying it's like it doesn't necessarily mean that it's a fantasy no no it's like you you it's a necessity but it's still an obsession at the same time i think like you know it's fascinating he's fascinated with it he's obsessed with it but it's still necessary or like what he ain't saying because they have information that you know what this is where the future's headed and we're going to be the first people to do but i think that they're still all right we can go on our own the degradation of the planet has been happening since inflation has taken off in the value the dollars went down yes and also too if the fossil fuel companies are not able to use other sources then to be able to replenish what was broken what is the best thing to do pack up leave and go elsewhere now the starter planet and exo's planning all the stuff that maybe 50 60 years away but we may be the only culture that may not plan in 50 or 100 year cycles like most living day to day but they're like hey my grandkids i want them to be okay and be safe let me put some of the things in place that's why i like i went off last week about the reading because let's be honest if an asteroid hits us tomorrow they'll announce it two hours before you don't think these one percent families will already be in flight or progression to go elsewhere to protect their legacy and then repopulate another planet this is not science fiction like this the part about reading is really funny they're putting it out in mainstream publications because they know people don't even care won't read i won't care they'll tell you every stat on earth they'll tell you the entire plan for 10 years people will execute they won't read about it and then also if a scandal happens like think of today the whistleblower information came out yesterday today all of a sudden facebook instagram oculus and messenger goes out okay the people can't get into the servers because they can't they don't have the keys to physically access the service to reboot it we all run businesses if anything a red panda is shut down you think i won't be able to get into it or if anybody hacked eyl you wouldn't be able to get into your site sooner than that so if they cut off the information source which most of you are getting there from ig what do you do so let's say a meteor meteorite or asteroid does hit us and jupiter has been protecting our ass for a long time from preventing that from happening thank god because because of this gravitational pull but let's say a meteor is going to hit and they black out the internet how would you know what's going to happen you wouldn't know game set match but what do i know i'm just some lights gonna do with a jacket or we can go next well explained well played um so yes glad to see the jacket back by the way it's fitting it's fitting um so all right but before we leave let's just talk about some investments that people might you know just keep an eye on so amazon jeff bate jeff bezos is interested in space elon musk is interested in space um ufo is an etf uh and pho is a water etf water is a different conversation but it all kind of relates to these conversations that we're having with you know natural resources and yeah all of that kind of stuff any others that you guys want to throw into the mix i think those are the ones i had yeah you got any more in the the ones that's already been working two for those who are new scholarship time vo vti and i don't know if you guys saw but vo and vti had record inflows for any etf shout out to everybody in red panda has been piling in all the earners who've listened here on market mondays um i know we were responsible for some of that growth for sure apple on microsoft that's it like you guys don't need more information you need more execution that's it a lot of times people will bog you down with information to prevent you from getting to where you want to be so no those are the only ones that and if i've made you money and these have worked please put yes in chat yeah that that's always a conversation when we well a lot of times it's the conversation i want to generalize it people say like if tim cook is mad enough my bad no i was saying people take notes and they'll show you their notes and they're like what's next and i'm like the next thing that's the extreme now it's time to now you have everything don't make this information overload actually take one or two and let's just start so like when people come on and they say well i'm losing money well first you started congratulations because you actually have a foot in this investment i won't even call it game but lifestyle really because it becomes that right you're checking your phone and you're super invested in what you put your money in it becomes a lifestyle but that's the next thing do it but you have to be patient with people let's be patient real cheat code let's say like on a private equity side and at some point soon we're going to get into the angel conversation in private equity but on a private equity side like the same number of shares you want to try and get 2 500 to 9 000 shares before it goes public when it goes public eventually you want 9 000 to 15 000 shares don't remix my content my lawyer will sue you i'm telling them to go crazy this quarter um if you get on the angel side you want to get 5 to 20 percent of ownership of the company but regardless of what you're investing into whether it's private equity angel public markets you only want to invest in a few and you have to have extreme expertise in one area so for me it's technology because it's the leading class of investments if you want to go fintech which is a sub sector great htech which is health tech you can but you only need a couple of areas of concentration to be able to grow and continue to pile your money i'm going to be real like a lot of people want to teach you so much because they really don't want you to make money and be free because if you're free you may not have to listen to them anymore my goal for everybody in red panda is to have so much money that they're like i don't even need you anymore that's real freedom like so don't get seduced by having so much information or having all these conversations and talks because for those of you that are in your 20s when you're going to be 30 you're going to want to materialize and for those in your 30s by the time you get to 40 what big you say being broken 40 or give somebody chills you don't want to know all this information and then people ask you this is my favorite question for anybody in advance how much money do you have are you free can you walk away today that's the entire game this is a game about money and putting points on the board execute more every month and you'll be good real quick the correction on that site that we talked about brandon davis is you nest n-e-s-t-u-n-e-s-t that's the name of site yeah um what are some innovations for the future five innovations for the future that people should man i have to make a little list real quick before we bring uh my guy in but one is lithium sulfur batteries so these will be able to charge a lot uh longer number two i want to see smart contracts for mortgages for financial transactions and law so like if i want to get a mortgage and calabasas whoever you're hanging out at right i want to be able to see the same rate i don't want an agent to tell me well i can get your interest of 3.8 percent when they're telling you 2.5 i'm like bro i need the same deal they're getting got to coordinate um but i think even in the mortgage space things take too long and then also on the commercial property side things take a little bit too long so smart contracts would be great number three is epigenetic coding software i'm gonna say it again epigenetic coding software so think of this as abg for your genes so like imagine if you can go to a hospital and at 20 years old they're like hey you have a 10 probability of getting leukemia at 33 and a sickle cell at 38 they will be able to put you into surgery and be able to turn off certain sequences or genes that would be bad for you to be able to prevent those diseases and i know people like hey crispr does something like that but if you look at the cost it's not at scale yet or also if you guys look like the luxterna surgery the luxurious surgery for some people for vision cost eight hundred thousand it's not affordable yet but imagine if we had like an abg for our genes that could do genetic testing in one hour to understand what is going to happen in our family line based on genetics past family medical history i think that would be amazing number four is nuclear fusion for energy which is a cleaner version of nuclear energy does have it doesn't have as much waste and then we'll get a lot more bang for our buck and then number five um i've talked about it before i want to do like a mini documentary on market mondays but human avatars on venus or titan um and the reason i keep bringing up the space stuff and even last year when i was doing all the graphics with space if things go to hell in a handbasket you have to decide are you going to let the civilization completely die off and hope that we have another big bang quote-unquote event and human life comes to pass or are we going to repopulate another planet um it's getting really interesting like think of it like this even with apple and amazon do you think they have all these cloud servers just to store our pictures and they have miles of storage for databases and you think that's just for people's nudes and dog photos and pictures of their food no you have to be able to at some point upload these consciousness and upload them into avatars if we ever do travel um out of space because if you look at how much server capacity the big five have it is more than is needed in the next 35 years um for what people can actually store there in the cloud so those are the five innovations i'm looking forward to in the future and the five i'm personally looking to invest into either on the equity angel or public market side there you have it ladies and gentlemen human avatars human avatars very very um boy different i'm telling you yo clearly really really well anything that they put is already happening it's just an event hey um the matrix anything you see in the movie anything that that means the human mind already imagined in the human mind imagine that it either already happened or it has the potential of happening so the jetsons was something that you know we used to laugh at um but they already have the technology for flying cars it's just government regulation that stops back to the future is that us has been censored oh man space exploration talk will have that effect enemy of state the enemy of the state it was only a matter of time yeah now it's interesting because we we were talking about that um how the movies sometimes predict the future of society and literally will smith put a post up about how his movies have done that right and i sent it to ian because he had just said it on market money's last week he was saying how ending his state and all the technology is now used um and i was just like this is crazy like now the guy who actually played in the movies he already knew it because he said that technology companies came to the set while they were shooting to say let's try this out let's try this out let's try this out and implemented it in the movie and now here we are in a world that i mean i feel like we're always being watched big brother's watching somebody's watching me it always feels like michael jackson said that right ain't nobody's feelings like all right um so they have kicked ian off we'll wait for him to get back on but in the meantime we do have a guess but i want to i want to wait for ian to come come on so we can um introduce the guests properly uh you want to do um uh writing calls i'm gonna what i'm gonna do actually i'm gonna put an article in the chat and you can put youtube as well um so we talked about the facebook situation and we talked about the whistleblower so i know a lot of people are like what is that and what does it have to deal with there's a great article in the wall street journal so i'm gonna post it here in our chat so we can all read it so we're all familiar with what's happening tomorrow and i guess you can youtube as well and then we'll quickly do our earnings report because there's not many that we have this week that were covered on market mondays um so yeah i'm gonna do that now yeah let's let's go into the earnings situation all right let me flip to my page in one sec mg the mortgage guy what's up my brother i'm good man i'm good detroit let's just let's do this right now so we don't waste the time you want to talk man yeah uh so i mean there's only one so wednesday uh we have uh levi reporting and so obviously we've talked about this and we spoke about retail investments and retail companies but this is the time of season obviously when it gets a little cold outside the fall weather um we start to see an increase in some of these things so we obviously know that levi is one of the leading leading denim producers or manufacturers in our country and so they will be reporting earnings on wednesday uh and then that's it for this week so we just had one let's um let's get let's get matt to talk real quick if you can this is this is a surprise we got ian back home but matt can you tell us the latest in in in the mortgage game what is fha's new loan requirements what is something what's can you give us a quick gem for the people match you looking i'm stepping into my greatness that's a fact that's that's what this chapter of my life is called so i've got to bring the sunlight everywhere i go please stop marking monday what's good people the master investor the greatest investor of this generation great man you're looking good you know i see you back to your ghost fits i love it the pocket square is back the pocket square is back guys [Music] so um yeah i mean there's a lot going on in the real estate mortgage world you know obviously you have interest rates back a little bit above three percent on conventional mortgages as of today um fha mortgage rates are you know right around two and a half point seven five percent depending on what linda you're talking to um shout out to everybody in the comments showing me love shout out to all my earners it is earnest season bunker season hashtag hashtag that just so y'all know thank you for real for real estate investors what are some of the hottest areas to invest in right now that may be missed out earlier this year sure wherever you can afford to keep it real with you you know everybody's budget is different right i was speaking to people here in la um you know we was at t.j millionaire house um shout out to tj millionaire um i i second with rashad said the dopest house i've ever been into in my life um but why don't you come out there and get inspired like i'm super inspired but you know i'm speaking to folks there and they're telling us they're telling me about their projects that they got going on in la you know it's all on what you can afford you know there's a lot of equity opportunities out here in the west coast um oakland is a great place to invest if you have the money um you know high cost states are always great because it's appreciation factors you know i'm saying you might not have the cash flow when you're talking about these markets but the appreciation is definitely there it's all about what you can afford so what i try to tell people ian in all honesty not to really focus on a specific market but also focus on what you can afford because if you're buying for cash flow in this um time that we're in you have to make sure you can make your payments and not really relying on a on a tenant to make those payments so go what you can afford guys don't listen to the gurus don't listen to me go where you can afford because ultimately you're the one who's responsible to pay that mortgage um if you're taking out some debt on that um but just you know look in your surrounding areas looking in the markets where you live where you're comfortable a lot of people want to invest out of state but they what they don't show you on the gram is that a lot of these people are losing their shirts because they just don't have the right team they don't have the right people they didn't they didn't do their due diligence they didn't go out there and do r d order cash flow is terrible on it well the cash flow is terrible they're just so happy to say hey i brought up i purchased a multi-family and the cash flow is just not there so you gotta you gotta exercise some patience and some discipline people and you gotta really understand what you're getting yourself into so to answer your question the best place to to buy real estate or the markets to invest in is the ones that you can afford and the ones that you truly researched how much longer do you think zillow will be able to buy houses at twenty percent above market value they gotta they got an endless piggy bank they can buy houses as long as they want they know how to raise capital you know these they're you know these guys are really killing the market you know for the first time home buyer for that low middle class home buyer because you got the big corporations the big hedge funds going out there and buying up single-family properties at scale um so you got to pay attention to this um as something's happening you know what i'm saying yeah it's a reason why they're attacking certain markets so sometimes aggressively yeah and aggressively doing it so sometimes you just got to follow the leader right a lot of this stuff look it ain't nothing different when it comes to real estate people been buying real estate for decades ain't no secret sauce it's just do your research do your due diligence understand who are the who are the market movers i hear you guys talk a lot about that right market movers understand who's the market and who's who's really playing this game out here at scale and follow what they're doing a lot of these factors blackrock buffett exactly buffett would you say he owns six thousand six thousand doors like you got to pay attention to where these folks are buying and kind of follow the leader because there's uh other equity play there in the future because they're bunkering down right now and they're looking at 10 years 15 years especially a lot of these folks who are buying at oz and opportunity zones you got to look into these things and and just do your due diligence but they're going to buy forever bro this is not nothing new you know corporations have been been buying since you know god knows how long it's just that now that we have these outlets like youtube and you know instagram when it's not down you know people are now speaking about it at scale so now we're paying attention so you know the information is out there guys you just gotta really you know follow the leader yeah and if you guys do long-term investing real estate angel private equity acquisition of businesses mergers your portfolio at no point this is the truth and i know people may not want to hear it if you ever worry about your portfolio you don't have enough assets in your collection you should get to a point where if you get in at great prices on everything you should have no down weeks consistently definitely no down months so september was a rough month i told you guys hey apple was going to drop here right shout out to everybody in the stock club who got in same with real estate you should have enough units to where you wake up any month and you're not having a bad week any week if you are worried about your portfolio crashing and anything that you're invested in you don't have enough uh profitable assets in there to offset any losses that you can face because every week and every month for sure you should be excited about what's to come and that's why you keep saying zillow buffett blackrock vanguard buy everything up under the sun well i want to add something i want to add to what you just said bro you know you say you should have enough units i think it's the opposite you should have enough reserves right if you have enough reserves you ain't really worried about is it a good time that's a good real estate you see what i'm saying so like a lot of people are focused on the wrong thing you know people want to be house rich and cash poor you can't you can't play that game you can't play that game so people need to focus if see stocks in real estate is a completely different ball game no it's the same game it's the same game but it's different also in the same time because this is brick and mortar this is debt that folks are taking out stock you ain't taking out no debts unless you're doing margin calls then you're just really risky you know what i'm saying but you don't but they also can look in a certain area i was about to say too much but you can look for certain areas to know where you can get more bang for your buck and then that way if you're investing in areas in which most people are not in you can get more houses and then also get those free and clear like people love talking to me but like man that thing isn't bad i'm like you haven't been in death then i don't know one person has had real debt that has not worried that's real life any real credit card debt any commercial debt any debt on the house you always want to get rid of it but if you guys go look in other areas that are up and coming and we were in one of them cities hey man you guys need to go look not only nationwide but in different countries as well to see what opportunities are present there well i think so i think with that you got to be responsible right especially mortgage debt is is good debt but you got to be responsible just because you can get approved for it don't mean you can afford it and this is kind of what i like to try to preach every day like you can go out here and buy a hundred dollars if you got the capital but are you going to have the capital to to sustain what we just went through a lot of investors you know they're quiet right now they ain't sustaining they're hurt i speak to them they call me mg what's going on here and i'm like look you ain't got no money bro sis what you doing i'm looking at your page i'm seeing all types of all types of nice things like you shouldn't have spent that rent money i know we talk about assets and over liabilities and like your assets pay for your liabilities but you got to be smart you got to stack up that rent money for at least two years before you start going out here and take that rent money instead of getting the balenciagas and all gucci and put it into long term because i'm gonna be real those you who have not listened to me on what to invest in when it's time to buy some of these big companies and buy in early you're going to be mad that you missed out there's no thing that you can buy there's no mercedes that will replace you missing out on being able to get into gemiini and cracking i'll tell you now you have to take those assets and turn them into more assets and then you will be safe but everyone wants the ball right now hold out for four or five years a lot of you like well how did you get free i sacrificed 10 years of my life it sucked but being able to talk as freely as i do and be able to pick like even now like hey my one day work week is mondays after that i'm off the grid because y'all gonna twirl like crazy so i gotta touch the look of told us years ago let your ish bubble quietly and then you blow on the law even though no i i want to protect i see a lot of rappers who i know i'm doing better than black i could let's hope they forget let's hope they're authentic though [Music] it's a lot of fugazi going around watching look at that fake fake watchbusters it's and there's some self-healing that we all have to do but when you have other people of mine that you want to take care of it doesn't mean anything but look i'm going to tell you this jewelry is not a bad investment though right depending on it's not bad it's not the best though what you're buying it's not not the best but if you're buying you know from authorized dealers and you're buying the right time pieces you know right now you're up i agree they'll be up more listen to me though you're up but i'm not to say hey look don't spend 100k on the watch you know what i'm saying but yeah you know or if they do it the way maddie j does which i always give credit like maddie is is a genius at using lifestyle to attract leads into his business shout out to matty j yeah c to the eo i love you bro you gotta uh no bro bro y'all kicking me out no bro yo hold up go check out ransom james this wednesday real quick real quick shameless vlog rants and gems this wednesday no we got an important conversation we got sabine the purpose lawyer we're talking about estate planning you know which is a very important conversation out there in our community i'm tired of seeing gofund gofundme is going around um we if you're buying real estate if you're out here investing if you're doing all these things you have to have an estate plan um trust wills all of these things are important we're all trying to work our asses off right now to leave it to our peoples and the only way you can truly leave it is if you have a plan in place so this wednesday 6 p.m eastern standard time we got our lawyer sabine the purpose lawyer breaking down the whole trust game and i'm telling you this is a much must-watch episode for everybody earnest break bread on thursday 7 p.m eastern standard time segways fire too where could you find it man you can only find it exclusively on eyl university so make sure you guys become an eyl university member or a home buyers blueprint community member as well hey we're happy to have him back man i see some people saying matt's back he came to who he just dropped dirty real quick he took the light with him it's dark again shots shout out to my brother matt man now we definitely have matt back on for extended this was just a pop-up um but uh we have yeah that's another show hey yo yes that we have to bring let's get them and i know some people um were asking and you said kraken and gemini both are cryptocurrency trading platforms correct okay so the people you were asking what was he saying what was he saying there two platforms that potentially could be it was very soon for potential you know i may have my people call your people and may be able to get in some things that's why i kept telling you invest long term for safety first then you'll be able to get in on some of the back-end deals that are bigger that will explode potentially in the future there you have it ladies and gentlemen all right so we have a surprise for you guys we have a little surprises today mg was a surprise absolutely um yes and would you like to announce our our esteemed guest today yeah a special brother who is uh tied on the institutional side one of the best brothers i know he's a huge fan of the show amazing investor amazing person who worked at uh guggenheim partners for those you know how big the organization is um frederick and welcome to the show i appreciate you there you have it ladies and gentlemen uh there he is yes frederick the cruise oh yeah behind partners hello hello can you guys hear me we can hear you what's going on brother how you doing good morning king good afternoon good evening whatever we won't get to see that handsome face can you cut your camera on bro okay one second let me uh well you only do it for netflix let me know [Laughter] thank you for having me um on the show guys um as dion said i'm a huge fan you know i've been following the show ever since it started um and uh you guys really are doing an amazing job so i just wanted to start by saying that you know and just say hello to everyone who is listening and i hope you know my information and um you know my little knowledge will be beneficial to someone nice you said good morning good night and good evening so what part of the world are you calling us from right now uh well actually i am um in new york um and you know i um just finished working i just came back from my office so ian um wanted me to really come and join the show and i was really honored you know by the invitation um the people what you do yeah so i am um a senior managing director at guggenheim partners um prior to that i was at morgan stanley i also work for jp morgan chase um bank of america and citigroup so i've been you know you know financial industry for over nine years now that's amazing well welcome welcome to market mondays brother thank you thank you i appreciate you guys i appreciate you go out so we try and every week give information to those who normally don't have it right from your experience being on the institutional side what are some of the biggest mistakes that you see investors or your clients make that ultimately prevents them from having generational wealth well um the the more the most common mistake is not having a blueprint because a lot of people they will come and the first thing they think is that they rely on whoever is advising them to give them everything to do everything for them and not having a blueprint is actually the biggest mistake that they make because when you don't have a blueprint i can will only tell you what i know and i will only tell you things based on how i am thinking we all have different minds so i do believe that each and everybody when you want to start investing the first thing you need to do is to have a blueprint with that blueprint you're going to have the basic information which is knowing how to invest which is knowing where to start and then from there using your common sense mixed with the information that you have that is going to allow you to be able to learn every day and you have to also do a lot of research a lot of people don't do a lot of research they don't um study to know what exactly how the market works they just listen to a lot of people and i think that's where you guys really doing a wonderful job because um information for wealth never looked like this you know never looked like it again right information of wealth never looked like this in this country it was always the distribution of wealth the information was always in um on fancy office buildings where people would suit at you know fancy conference room tables and they just you know share this information among them and then go outside and make money right so for first time in our generation we have people who had the you know ingenious idea to come in and really open up a platform where people could come you could sit in your kitchen your bathroom your bed and you learn the information that was not never available to you so i do believe that my advice would be to everybody who's listening the first thing is to not only listen because a lot of people will just uh be satisfied with coming to market mondays every day and listening to eon or listening to on your leisure but i would say that they should go and sign up at the university uil university or sign up red panda so that you can have the the the blueprint that you need in order for you to have the tools to start up and you know that's the from my experience that's a lot of mistake i've seen people make and they end up losing their money because they didn't have the information available i appreciate that wholeheartedly frederick so you said you worked at jp uh jp and nice correctly and google have what is what are you doing your current role at guggenheim so i'm a senior managing director so we handle people with um that have assets so we have clients um who have a network of 2 billion and up so pretty much we help them with investing on assets by acquisition and also help them sell bonds so we don't work personally with like directly with clients um but we work one with organizations and private companies so you said you said two billion and up yes you have net a portfolio a company that is worth of two billion assets and up yeah companies or individuals no we don't work with individuals you have to it's a only private companies you'll be working with companies yeah institutions yeah so what is some of the planning that you see um because it's very rare to have an opportunity to talk to somebody that works with you know that level of wealth what are some of the planning that you see people on that level companies on that level taking that um you know the average person that's starting a business will not even even think about okay so what they do is it's all about information right because what they do all those companies what they do is they put together a lot of brands you have the senior analysts who are going to do the research you have people who are going to bring up all the information put the information together and then with our company what we do is we have senior managing directors you have chief operations officers so all those people put their brands together and get all the information necessary for the company to do uh uh well within the investment so when you get into the um room table the first thing that will share together will be the information which i can really like go to because you know i am still here but um the information is very important and i i always tell people that the difference between major companies and people who are looking to invest is the information that they use in order for them to access because they are very smart and they do not put their money where they don't know it's going to benefit them so what they will do is always make sure that they study every single opportunity every single option and c have a plan a a plan b with this if this doesn't work this will be the what we will use to cover up for this so i think the difference is uh um just to answer your question would be that people have to focus on having the knowledge before you put your money into something do your research go and listen to people who have the knowledge people who will not only tell you the good words that you want to hear because a lot of people who out there that you know sit on private jets and tell you that hey this is how much how much i made last year or whatever and that is not true so i would say do your research i would say focus on the information that you find and every information that you get verified before you put your money in that yeah people always get told to do the research but what are the best sites to research and then what are the opportunities of the future that people need to look out for okay so the there's i wouldn't say that there's a a a a best site to do research i think it's just about listening to whoever makes sense right because if you listen to a podcast like market mondays you listen to i am telling you that this is my blueprint right and you've seen the result you're seeing people telling you that okay this has worked i believe that you should give it a try but also listen to someone else compare the information that you get from them and then from there you use your common sense to really know what will work best for you so but i would i would suggest i would suggest because i have been listening to you guys for over a year now i would suggest to anybody that is listening to sign up to the on your leisure university and i will listen i would suggest them to sign up with iron classes because i am telling you that these guys know what they're talking about otherwise i would not be here because he's not getting paid to say that i'm putting everything i've worked for on the line i don't know this guy i've never met them and i'm telling you that if you listening right now i don't care how much it costs which is informations that you're getting are penny compared to what they like are giving you i would say please go and sign up and actually i would like to help five people who can afford it i would like to help them sign up you know so if they can send me a message i'll help them um and i appreciate it together and and help them sign up frederick that's extremely humbling and thank you for that uh endorsement man that that that's incredible we greatly appreciate that um so i i would say that you know as far as market mondays and earning legion it's been kind of trailblazing in the world of investment and entrepreneurism and i feel like you're trailblazing uh in a way in your field right i feel like i've read that you're the only black person on your firm so what has that journey been like for you in your current position to this at this point um it's been really complex right because i wouldn't say that i'm not i'm not intimidated by that i've been you know uh before in companies where i was also the only black man but it just makes me feel real sad because i know that it's a lot more black people smarter than me look at you guys right and so i sometime i i i look around me and i ask myself why am i the only one here i know i'm not the smartest i know it's someone out there and i know there's a lot of people who have the uh the education who have everything so why are they not here and my answer to that is because it's very hard like the career leashing within the financial industry it's extremely blatant yes they're not hiding it they're not trying to hide it they just don't so i think the focus now should not be how to get into those industry it's more how to build our thing which is which guys what you guys are doing right now because they will never let us in there they would probably have a few of us just to so-called erase the the the the the disparity or the disparity right right just to say oh we have you know because right now i could be used as if they get attacked oh we have a black person actually that's working for us right so i think that what we need to do is half hour which he's got you guys are doing and this is where our community knit together and we support this because this is a first and this is a one-time opportunity every generation will have its leaders and i do believe that you guys were blessed to be the leaders of this organization that should be standing and that should be moving forward so i do believe that uh um i i'm trying to get out because i know that i'm this i i am only allowed to get to a certain point they will not let me pass that so with you guys with my brothers i have unlimited opportunities all i have to do is join and then i will be given a platform i will be given a path where i can really go until wherever i want to i will not be judged based on my caller i would not be judged based on um my my ethnicity or anything like that i would simply be given the opportunity and based on my uh uh hard work and based on my you know dedication and power execution i will get to where i need to be i was extremely um transparent and extremely like insightful it was extremely insightful uh what you just said um yeah is it that was that was real that was that was real and that's something that we really need to start taking a look at as far as that and and and one thing also um i would like to add is that um our biggest problem is our power execution because every market monday they are at least 5 000 people who are listening to uh market mondays they are listening they're following on your leisure but how many of us right after the show are going and executing it's all it's so fun when you listen to you know uh uil or iron and you excited wow these guys are talking a good game like this guy you know wow this is but right after the show how dedicated are you to get up and say i'm gonna go and sign up right now i'm not gonna wait until next week i'm not gonna wait until next month i'm gonna go and i'm gonna sign up right now and i am going to start today if we start executing today go and sign up whether it's the red panda with iron go and sign up with you uil university start your journey today don't wait until tomorrow because these guys are not promised to be here tomorrow after you told me what my prayers should be i believe i believe i believe that what happened today with facebook and all this social app going down should be a lesson to all of us these guys could be out tomorrow what are you guys going to do miss them oh wow i if i knew i would have signed up and get the information where is iron where is uil coming back please execute yeah as soon as you get the prices you guys should put the pending orders in take advantage of it and once again this is not an affiliate there's no money coming on the back end and to be honest where he is guys go google guggenheim please he doesn't need that that's from when i was talking to you i'm like i appreciate you for even taking the time to stamp us because not many people on the institutional side like bottom one has done it josh brown but not many people will and i think everyone here you guys have to realize it's the first time in history that our people have been able to participate in this market and outperform fund managers so like i'll get a little bit salacious and be like oh i'm better than kathy but i told you what would happen to her i'm doing all the research for you so when this brother is telling you to execute can you tell them what's what college you went to together i went to nyu i went to nyu i graduated from school in 2011 with my master in business administration um and you know you've been like um really working my way up to this to the financial industry and it's been hard it's been hard you know it's i've not uh i should have been further than where i'm at but as i explained to you guys with the career relation we this they don't they didn't build that for us so right now what we have with these people what they're doing is something that is unprecedented and i do believe that each and every one of us because look at them they are not wearing suits and well they don't look good today right they are not really suits you know we're not in the conference room and we're giving you guys the same information or rather they giving you guys the same information that you will get and you don't have to go to college for four years to learn all these things you can only sign up and they will bring you people who will be teaching you things that you can get anywhere else ordered in here so i really do believe that it's time for you guys to you know execute sign up and join um um your ui university and um um classes and you know shout out to also on wall street trappers i do follow him doing that right out to the bro shout out to wall street and shout out to chico um yeah they're killing the game i appreciate it i just want to want to tell you guys i appreciate you brother i think we got to put this in context this is the first time we've ever spoken to frederick i didn't i don't know i just met this is the first like when we came on here just now yeah yeah yeah texas this morning and told us that she was coming on for a couple minutes yeah i just wanted to join i want to i want to build with you offline let's exchange information absolutely it's built offline you live in new york yes yes i'm in new york because um my office is right here so i'll be here in new york now all right that's what manages to create man yeah let's connect let's let's connect when we get back to new york i appreciate you brother i appreciate you man and keep the good work brothers i i i commend you guys and honestly you know this is really a big time opportunity for our entire generation and um i just want to you know encourage you guys you guys are doing a phenomenal job and trust and believe they're watching you way more than you guys could possibly think like you know they what what can we do to be an ally to those who may not be satisfied that we're giving away this information because let's be honest on the institutional side everyone is not happy about this yeah they're not they're not that you're not you guys are not really liked you know but you know what i don't want to just care about that frederick oil i don't want to go too crazy because i know i'm saying you you're still still on that side yeah but just in general so what's that what's the talk what's the talk down on wall street about about the about the crew okay i was having um a talk with uh like our senior uh uh um how you call it uh inter interns and um they you guys came up right and um you could tell from the conversation that they're not big fans not because you guys are not doing a good job i think it's the opposite because you guys are doing too much of a good job right because they felt like the information is that on a normal day you have to go to college like a big name college you know a study for four years and et cetera go join a big firm to have those information now you don't have to you could be with your tank top sit in the couch and i can wear this for you right right and then i could come and give you all the information or um uh uil would bring him someone and just you know explain all the information so it became like the biggest enemy of wall street is information coming out that they don't like that and that's what you guys are doing so you guys are not too much like this i would just say that right but um i think it's you know i think it's really needed because at the end of the day we have to recuperate the wealth that our ancestors built you know we've been excluded we've been ostracized from that for a very long time and if you guys didn't came up with this idea i believe that it would have never stopped so you don't need college you don't need a degree you don't need to be smart you could be a felon you could be anything and you could watch on your leisure you could listen to iron you could sign up and you could get the information that would not only benefit you but will go down your lineage so it's up to everyone right now listening to either make a decision to jump right now and this is coming from someone who's been at wall street for nine years do not think that that's where you have to be to know how to gain wealth you could now do that with these guys and i promise you you will not regret it the financial revolution i appreciate you brother appreciate you appreciate your friends connect soon man and uh yeah i appreciate you guys i'm gonna call you tomorrow for red panda graduation caps for uil university love is love shout out to fred and that's crazy i just want to get one question maybe two questions before we leave but um don't let he gave a lot of information i don't want to let go over your head where he said like as far as you know for lack of a better word a token person like they always gonna have some level of diversity and they have one but you can only get to a certain level they're not going to let you become ceo of the company that was very enlightening and it was a very honest answer which most people would not give that was very thoughtful but then also um when he said that we not liked and it was so crazy because um once again shout out to my brother dame we spoke to him for three hours yesterday and he was saying like he's like i don't know if y'all know this but y'all kind of like celebrities now he was like he was talking to us and he was at the end he was like just be careful he was like be careful like what i'm saying like he's like the bigger you get just be careful and then we spoke to gentlemen today shout out to my brother tommy duncan and he was saying like you know how you he didn't know dame said this to us he was like the higher you get up you got to be careful he was like just be careful and they both said the same thing like be careful safety first safety first to the good people at vanguard who are ambassadors of a ninjatrader um and for those of you who may not be fans of us you have to realize too two things the opportunity only existed because you were not targeting but also too look how much money we funnel in into vanguard which i don't i'm not an ambassador for don't make any money off of and other platforms so opposed to looking at as because i remember in 2008 2009 when maria bartoromo um carl quintanilla kudos to the good people over at cnbc were like hey what are some of the things that we can do to get more retail investors in and the way that you can get them in is not always a conventional way so now that we've ushered a bunch of people in you have to realize we are not your competition also too for the clients that most of you serve our audience may not be there yet but i'll get them there and then if you promise to take care of them then maybe we can set up a relationship but this is why i always tell you guys that are watching and everybody in red panda if you put in the work you can get the games you want to on your own like i hated to see what they did to kathy because she is a person that puts in work but when i told you guys that they were going to attack her and then ark fund had the largest amount of quarterly outflows in history you think that was done by accident so being careful is true but also for my business owners there is levels to this game a lot of you want to sit in this proverbial seat i'm gonna be real with you most of you that want to do this or have this limelight want the limelight for the wrong reason and you can't handle the heat that comes with the responsibility i think about this we've been doing the show for damn near two years put in chat what stocks have i been wrong about went on button show yo dough is gonna fall he doesn't know what he's talking about been ready to pod shout out ian corey joe told i told you when it was gonna fall with the price to get in like it takes a lot of work i'm not out in laos they probably meet with lebron and russ tomorrow i won't even be there why more research for the first time in 10 years a comedy show would not be on primetime network television because the ratings aren't there immense [ __ ] opportunity for a comedian carlos miller 85 south maybe cbs needs you the other shows aren't getting done i'm not even into the tv and film business yet research every market scientific american we'll go back to this look at that complete grad to cryptocurrency read execute and when a brother told me what my price should be man that changes the perspective on a few things so execute can we get two two questions let's do three please nice janet yes the lovely jameson how are you how are you and how are you great yes no way finds you interesting oh and i saw your email too i'm on fire tomorrow yes janet that is facts janet how are you doing how are you doing good how are you guys uh we can't complain you can't congratulate complain i see you guys live in a movie right now yeah similar yeah i like that analogy this is like this is like the new entourage if this was a movie they would say it's not realistic yeah somebody said yeah somebody's gotta do it sorry whatever you guys might as well right well i have some good news for you guys i know i talked about oop i'm not sorry what's the other thing i was doing airbnb uh today i found out i'm a super host congratulations so i'm very excited about it jenna's got a plan congratulations i got a plan [Music] i executed and everybody on youtube nice to see you guys let's get to these questions i know we don't have a lot of time yes let's get into this because you're interested in airbnb stock you probably should wait to like 127.93 as well there you have it 127.93 for airbnb uh just because two questions it is all right anthony you should have said it you took the time don't say another thing hey and the people in the chat that said ian was wrong about snapchat that wasn't him that was me i was wrong about snapchat we admittedly were wrong about snapchat so that was me that wasn't me accountable you we said we well we said on our episode yeah we did something i was partially wrong so that's one stock out of 198 i'll call what's that percentage it's okay jan let's go let's do it all right anthony i'll meet yourself we're coming to you all right all right well janet first off congratulations on your super host thank you mr hair um i'm interested for the gentleman i was talking with my accountability partners earlier this week and with square partnering with tick-tock to showcase their small businesses to blow up their own social media platforms do you think that the long-term play on square is to eventually get into real estate or home lending as a whole because now they can see social they can see your business customer they have your payments tracking they know the younger audience with title and then they also have your investing strategy with you know cash app bitcoin do you think that now they have their target audience to leave them to save to get to their newest home great research job well done absolutely it may not happen for another three or four years but if they see zillow and redfin going crazy why wouldn't square if they have more trust start to do london in that space and then also i wouldn't be surprised if their b2b lending program takes off like crazy and then i wouldn't be surprised if square gets into angel really heavy over the next two or three years like when i say squares the new jp morgan i think they're gonna cater to us for the next 30 or 40 years and be like try to be like what cadillac was to african americans like in the 1950s and 60s because okay i'll ask you guys in chat what bank okay let me ask you this do you guys enjoy going to a bank and asking for any help from a bank right now currently now square can make it easier we can do it off our phone like imagine if you can apply for a business loan for 2 million or 500 000 and get an approval in 24 hours yeah they just said that when they already do that on the business side where they give you the line of credit based on your revenues only for up to how much because i thought it was a cap on it it is a cap line but it's based on your revenue two and a half x oh that's amazing though okay i'm staying corrected but yeah i definitely think that uh mortgage space they'll get into and then if they build trust with us over the last five or ten years and do so for the next five or ten years like we would rather do um business with them and get our mortgage through them than any other company so yeah i think it's definitely a viable option yeah in real quick so squares had a nice pullback um obviously it was up to 269. today's at 226. i liked it anyway yeah man okay rashad i want to go see lebron lebron james lebron y'all going to hang out at brian's house um it's called you don't know we know don't know watch my stories uh watch my ig story stay tuned we'll talk about lunch after this uh yeah so i was like it anywhere under 200 previously um but now i'm thinking in the 210 range what number did you just say two 233 200 and 33 okay okay yeah great question brother uh appreciate it that was a great question and great resources i feel like you had the answer yeah he had the answer before you asked the question oh sean one of my accountability partners and i know uh they do their homework so shout out to my brother chill for this uh this is chill shirt um cool yes one of my guys out in detroit doing his thing best product on the block yes yes yes shout out shout out to childhood chill shout out to the whole crew that's before the sauna shout out to the whole team before dishonor different different type of guys out there in detroit um another question please yes 200. [Laughter] okay can you guys hear me we hear you feeling what's going on oh gosh um a little bit of this and a whole lot of that this show has been really really good guys um so much for bringing frederick that was good stuff i have a question and i almost feel like um even fred frederick almost answered it but with us getting into the game i mean really flooding the stock market typically what happens is once we as a culture catch up to something the game changes i don't know if that by design or just natural progression or both but i'm just wondering like how quickly do you foresee the game changing and what type of rules would maybe change that could you know we should possibly look out for have you seen the squid game on uh netflix i haven't seen it but i have seen a lot of clips about it so that mo that series is a great foreshadowing so at some point and we i'm starting to see it now like even after invest fest after i talked about the holy trinity strategy the margin for nasdaq magically popped up so it would be more expensive to buy certain things and the reason why i keep saying hey be dedicated don't give your money to other families and luxury brands forgo that and it's tough trust me i know but as margin will increase for intraday trading stock prices will not come down as far so even indexes which historically was between 150 and 200 bucks they're now 400 bucks base level price right so we have to understand that the game will always change whenever we get into it we still have to move in silence because that is one of the things that causes destruction in our community is being braggadocious about what we're doing and telling our planet in public but stocks will get more expensive we'll have longer extended bull runs and then we do have volatility to the downside that would be incredibly sharp that will scare people out of the market but we have to remember those drops are the most important times to be able to get in so is there anything we can do to stop the game from changing no we just have to understand that the more we do this collectively as a unit the better off we'll be spread it to our family our friends and um we have to adapt with how things are currently and we'll be okay but it's always been that way we had a conversation a couple months ago about that same exact topic how would they change the game if since there's so many people coming into the space like even when the options get um market was like look they might have different entry levels like you might have to have 10 access to 10 000 before you can do it but our vision was just like you know what i feel like this community is going to do that and so in order to affect all our money they have to affect their money um which i doubt that they'll ever do but i think it's just continue to execute continue to execute and that's why i say like if i can beg you guys to do anything because i don't want this to be church once you like even for those of you looking to get in square set your pending orders now if you're interested in getting into it don't absorb the information and get high off the intellectual conversation please because when you see me next to mav and hope and i'm i'm telling you you guys have seen me like speak [ __ ] into existence and for those who don't believe in manifesting i don't know for those who go to church and believe in god i don't know how you do not believe in manifestation if if you go through as a man think of this really a remix of all the proverbs speak what you want into existence execute at a high level because you and your family deserve it like this is not play time we're not going to play anymore execute go after the game will change we have to adjust but the more you go study history you will know what happened so if the better cycle will tell you when a recession is going to come the next recession or significant pullback be ready to load up because and also during a recession businesses will go out of business or they will be cash flow negative you can then pick up on those take advantage of it please please please i'm begging you i don't want you guys to be here in five years i'm like man i wish i could listen to you so love y'all there you have it ladies and gentlemen um let's get one more question i guess oh you're in a good mood again we can squeeze one more in here michelle patterson i'm yourself we're coming to you good evening gentlemen and janet congratulations on your super hose ian i think this question is more so for you i'm trying to understand i i get these emails from the stocks that i um purchase about these proxies and voting is there anything i really should be paying attention to because i just kind of disregard them um the voter rights you can tune into but if you want a easy app to be able to listen to the quarterly calls it's the app called quarter q-u-a-t-r and you can listen in on the earnings reports and stuff like that but the voting i would definitely tune into it may seem boring but you will start to see collectively how much of an impact you can have because when people are stating what they what a company should do a company won't listen to you unless you are actively investing in it as an owner so i i would listen in to see what the other owners have to say and have in mind about the future of the company but i wouldn't do it for all of them it's not a something you have to do every single month but the companies that you love the most i definitely would i definitely would because you're going to shape or have an impact on what the the company is going to do in the future there you have it that's a great question thank you that's a great question this has been another legendary market mondays 6 100 people on a blackout um very impressive before we go i want to shout out the clubs that are meeting this week we have the right yeah let's go for it tomorrow at 6 30 and they'll be talking about how to purchase real estate using cryptocurrency and wednesday we have the cannabis club meeting at 5 30. shout out to the cannabis club yeah you guys learning or testing uh i think they're doing both yeah we got a few people testing our product um and then thursday we have the wall street gossip club and they'll be talking about how to find an entry price so kind of what ian's does here so if you're struggling with that please join them on thursday the magic ball will not be in attendance no i won't yeah i'll be with xander thursday but i'm gonna pop in one day i'm gonna pop in with it yeah that's what we got this week you guys want to tell you like what a great alien is coming back or you want me to wait till next week next week did i get that correct the listening is this saturday saturday at seven and then yeah we're starting a new book um and it's called the whiteness of wealth it's about the tax system and actually miss business will be joining us october 24th so we're really excited about this one so earners get reading join us on saturday or on sunday um because it's going to be a good one by university a higher level of education um shout out to california once again shout out to the bay um we got so much love in the bay the whole bay area oakland san francisco richmond vallejo sacramento the whole northern to come out there the whole northern california showed us a lot of love so shout out to you guys you guys are amazing los angeles oh my god what up the los angeles love has been amazing uh oh yeah shout out to ruben harris that's our guy he came um los angeles has been amazing we are having a networking event in los angeles tomorrow what time six o'clock o'clock so what a four-hour four-hour flight from here just just get the private jet i'm good on that get the pj commercial all day for me kanye coach sending coach no i'm gonna say first class but yeah carrie was in coach the other day shout out to yay man let me um so yeah tomorrow we need the whole city of los angeles to pull up on the six o'clock the parlor rsvp on our website under the events tab you know legendary vibes as always not a seminar networking event show love connect um there will be some movers and shakers in there of course that goes without saying um tomorrow vlad 10 f ceo real vlad the only vlad we rock with no i'm that's gonna be a great interview though third third billionaire on our platform we had mike we had mark cuban of course who came on earning leisure and market mondays did a double double um and then we had mike novogratz who's a billionaire who came on market mondays and now black tenneff he's a billionaire and he's coming on uil uh so just stay tuned stay tuned yeah who knows you might be on market mondays stay tuned wait till we do announcement time stay tuned oh no bunker season is in full effect we've been we've announced that we've given fair warning um so i want everybody to be here more bombs upon your head top um it has been legendary to call it the least we have been moving at a record-breaking speed traveling from state to state unprecedented run a strong campaign of the people's campaign is what we're calling it uh we are kissing babies and shaking hands yes literally we're kissing baby shaking hands we are on a presidential campaign we are hitting middle of america we are hitting the places that nobody goes to going places that they can't go on on a campaign trail yeah i wouldn't even necessarily say can't go just they're not interested in going no that's some place well some places yeah that's true but um on a more positive note we are on this trail and the reason why we're doing this is because i feel like we got to connect with the people and you can only do so much behind a computer screen um the piece is a great lesson they need to see you they need to shake your hand they need to talk to you and we enjoy it some people don't enjoy it some people it's like when you see them in person you get disappointed me like we really enjoy it we really get energy from you know i'm not being with the people so y'all know you see us at an event he's gonna be standing up for four hours talking for four hours straight um it's very exhausting but it's very exhilarating y'all know and i really enjoy it so um this is what we're doing with the with these places that we're going to we are going to the places that you know we have to go to we have to go to these places because these are the people that have supported us these are the people that have championed us you know we never spent any money on marketing we never paid for anything everything that we have is through grassroots and through good content and through solid relationships that's it that's been our formula yeah from day one that's been our formula for day one marketing yeah market mondays is on on a legendary run um i see i have a good pulse of what's gonna happen i've seen this happen before my earlier legion when it first started i saw the momentum that it was building in the streets i saw the reaction that earned your legion was having on people's lives and i i just could tell by the eye test and you see where ernestia is now the biggest uh help the most for all entrepreneurs help the most that is my entire blueprint help that's why even the stock club they're like yo quit giving out our damn prices on the show i'm like but you met me on the show i got you and stock club we're going to execute at a higher level we're going to be good you guys should also research why is the oats market almost doubled this year it's not because everything is one up that's homework assignment for tonight why has the oats market almost doubled there is a reason i am telling you that and does it have to do with oatmeal no no no well the core product that goes into oatmeal so and then also too maybe you guys need to research what happened in 1971 that led to the wealth gap and disparity today 1971 was a very interesting time where the ratio of disparity increased dramatically but before i leave i want to say what i was getting at with this is that i've seen this happen before so we have a point of reference and um i've seen this i see the same thing happening with market mondays the same path that the legion took i see it i can feel it i can see the impact i can feel the impact that market mondays is having on the on the world and um stay tuned i don't know an investment show better not shout out to everybody but i'm gonna be real i don't know any investment show that's gave these prices been this accurate about this much stuff best show on the planet that's the investment show yeah yeah market mondays yeah yeah got plans for this but like i said i was i could see it [ __ ] i could see it happening i saw it happen before this is about to be a new run when you guys coming to providence whenever you want us to new england we will be there there's a lot of love from in boston and providence and the whole new england so stay tuned we will be in the new england area hey well you know what i again and i'm glad you're here i gotta give a huge shout out because i mean we shout out to people in oakland but i want to shout out to earnest especially the ones that volunteered because they were incredible like incredible so shout out to sarah shout out to spencer and shout out to misha you were incredible i want to publicly uh give you your praise because you held it down for us in oakland um as well and terry and shout out to terry terry's earner he's been day one i think he was like our second member on patreon so shout out to terry griffin um he's killing it out in oakland with the event space um yeah man they held us down and um set a new precedent for how we're going to be moving when we go from city city and have these network events but before we go this episode of market mondays is brought to you by alive financial now as an option if you're looking to bank or invest ally is leading digital financial service company with passionate customer service and innovative financial solutions they are relentlessly focused on doing it right and being a trusted financial service provider for both customers and communities here with ally to make the most of your money so you can save invest and spend on the things that matter to you it's been really uh it's been real it's been real dripped responsibly that um nah it's important eyal fashion rebel shout out to my brother mike b we take fashion very serious we always have so when we was wearing assets over liability shirts that was to really drill that in your head and it's one of the best slogans ever created humbly speaking um we got to be honest just being honest um no it is so but wait till you see the evolution of our fashion brand i have been putting sneak peeks of it up on my instagram it's all done strategically i'm not just that vain i'm doing this for a reason they got me they even got me posting jam we take i've seen it i'm like troy's acting brand new to these things [Laughter] yes end of year it's called you can't find this anywhere yeah finest fabrics but the reason the reason why we said eyo fashion rebel and shout out to griselda i did borrow that i was inspired from them um shout out to benny conway and shout out to west side gun um i really like a lot of stuff they have going on but the reason why we say eyo fashion rebels is because i feel like a lot of people they get money and they win all these european designers and they spending hundreds of thousand dollars on clothes that eight don't even look that good they don't even fit don't look like a whole iceberg well you're buying clothes off the rack so if you're going to spend that much money i'm not this isn't a shot it's just my opinion if you want to spend that much money on clothes i'm like all right we do fashion like we really do fashion our whole entire life that's part of our culture so instead of me spending a bunch of money on european give them all ideas i'ma just give them something i'd rather have something that's actually custom that fits me like made for my physique made from a designer from our neighborhood yes that's that's black and i can actually dictate how i want it to look so that's why we say we fashion rebels because we all we fashion is part of our culture but we're doing it a little different so the evolution the evolution give it all highway just stay tuned i'm just telling you i posted the joint at michigan i've seen a whole bunch of black and pink remixes the next week we got to just keep some some stuff on the inside until oh and listen listen if i could only show you the vision board yeah keep it hey that's that's that's my new signature now keep executing forget about it the vision board before we wrap everybody put in chat what's one thing that we can do to help you be a better investor and then there's some things i'll add to the show um but i love you guys but and back to those 500 pages too don't take them for granted and i was like i saw you throw gq across the way you know i'm i'm listening when i tell you to okay got a documentary coming out album coming out y'all gonna see me with anna went to a real song everything i told y'all i was gonna do i did and some right or no okay all right and stop still naming it be original and you'll be a better person for it even with that i was upset last week i had to re-center make shout out to my guy orlando from the crib he gave me the best piece of advice when i was younger be so good that no matter what anyone does they can't knock what you do and no one ever has to put you on now i'm trying to help them though because you can never you're never going to stop somebody that you're taking from but the problem with following is that you're always going to be one step behind yeah and the problem with following is that you always have to look for somebody else for inspiration so there's nothing wrong with getting inspired if you are inspired then the right thing to do is say who you got inspired by but when you plagiarize something it's never going to be as good as the original and you're compromising your own brilliance we're all brilliant so don't be ashamed to embrace your brilliance and do it your way not copy but as a result wait to these editions i add to stock club uh-oh give me two weeks bunker season hey you could be anybody in the world more things even yourself all right we're gonna we're gonna leave on that note this is los angeles california so we will you ready have fun i'm gonna let you guys love is love y'all i appreciate it hey guys tomorrow biggest episode aren't you lisa you know how we do jim we appreciate you ian obviously my brother i'm gonna give you a call right after this uh matt we appreciate you for coming on i don't even know what you was watching it thank you for putting your head shout out yo lovers love y'all y'all be safe shout out to allen iverson and al harrington shout out to you i was so mad the lovely melissa ford and matt barnes my brother matt barnes shout out to my brother matt vaughn man was supposed to been come on the show let's keep it there we're working on shout out to matt barnes shout out to al harrington shout out to alan iverson goat moment and b diddy don't forget my brother baron don't forget love is love all right y'all we out go call somebody tap in we'll see y'all next week peace
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 53,662
Rating: 4.9835606 out of 5
Id: uGvMeaKuz8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 33sec (6753 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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