STOP Working HARD for Money - Episode #102 w/ Ash Cash

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there are too many people out here chasing a bag and when you chase a bag the bag is going to run from you all the time what you need to do is chase people who are you what skills do you have what problem do you solve and if you can solve that problem the more people you solve that problem for the more money you will make what's going on family david chans i want to give you a special invitation to the morning meetup it is the only organization that gathers every single morning monday through friday 8 a.m eastern standard time to 9 a.m eastern standard time and we help you learn entrepreneurship grow as an entrepreneur become an entrepreneur or you just get to be in an environment a network of all entrepreneurs literally hundreds of entrepreneurs gather on a zoom call every single morning monday through friday okay so i want to give you a special invitation to help grow your business and your brand all this year okay every single day you eat every day for the for your health you brush your teeth every every day for your hygiene i need you to learn and grow every single day um for your mindset okay so make sure you go to the it is only one dollar on trial you don't need a promo code just go one dollar the check it out if you like us stay if not after that it's 79 a month but i'm pretty sure you're going to enjoy yourself okay so go to i love you i'll see you in the morning the social food podcast [Applause] streaming now on all platforms [Music] welcome to another edition of the social proof podcast where we find people who have done stuff and built stuff and they have social proof and social proof is the ability to build something and do it so well that they can teach other people how to do it and we have the money man uh-oh we got the money man we gonna teach you how how to build wealth how to really really manage your money man we got my brother ash cash appreciate you brother thank you for having me long time coming you know understanding yeah yeah that was what it's supposed to happen that's a fact that's a fact yeah so talk to people about yourself man we won't get into the money though i'm asking you questions about we talking about money let's go let's get to the bank right so uh ash cash exantus um you know i'm a financial educator uh someone who uh you know i'm from harlem first and foremost i gotta say that because my my guys back in the block and they they would never forgive me uh so i'm from st nicholas projects 129th street eighth avenue uh grew up single-parent home uh you know i've been a hustler all my life though been packing bags eight years old at the local supermarket uh was was selling mixtapes and t-shirts at 125th street as a vendor graduated started you know working at a video store and then one day uh you know somebody came and said yo they're hiring a chase manhattan bank and that's how you know right i was 19 years old i got my first job my first official job as a teller and the rest is history college or i mean straight out of high school so i played ball uh and you know i gotta that's another story but i don't know why i thought like to work at a bank you got to go to college nah man that's not the case so in fact you know funny fact uh is that i worked in the bank uh straight out of high school right i was 19 years old i did everything in banking teller personal banker branch manager private banker uh i was the ceo of a credit union i did all of that with no degree how long how what time frame was this so um you're you're saying from 2000 to about uh 2012. so about 12 years uh i actually got i do have a degree now but i got my degree in 2015. and the only reason i got my degree after banking uh was because i wanted to get a cfp a certified financial planner's license and they require you to have a bachelor's degree but i was a banker with just an associate so i did i did you know i did have a two-year degree uh in finance and investments but not in you know all of this uh was really straight out of high school because honestly you know i played ball um in high school and then i had gotten into some trouble so i got expelled tim basketball right so i gotta i got in trouble so i couldn't play ball my last year you're right my 12 you know [Music] got kicked out hanging out with the wrong wrong crowd um one of the things i think that that's that's that's a move nah you know you know what it is um you know i grew up in the 90s man in the 90s there was a lot of gang activity you know i'm not okay i got all blue on i ain't no gang though uh you know i'm rocking blue but i ain't no crypto but i got a gig um nah so it was a lot of gang activity um and i you know when you when you from where you're from uh whether it's whether it's your business or not if something go down you gotta you know you got to be a part of that um and so i was just you know just around the wrong people um and so got it it was a big fight decided the one you know not even i wanted to get involved with it i had to get involved with it um at that time and then you know got expelled so i tried to do the 10th grade over um and so my last year because i couldn't play ball that's why i decided to get a job um and then i even didn't even you know i didn't think about college i didn't you know i didn't want to go to college um and so this opportunity to work in the bank literally saved my life because now you know i'm sort of like playing you know i want to i want to be a street guy i'm not really a street guy i'm from the streets i know street people but i didn't really want to play that game um and so getting a job kind of really helped me you know and then from there um i fell in love man i fell in love with money um i fell in love with banking i fell in love with with money mindset right most importantly um and i realized that there were a lot of wealthy people that um you know i thought coming from the hood i thought wealth looked a certain kind of way uh but to to be a banker and have a client worth two million dollars and his jeans look horrible and the shirt is ripped up and you know and seeing that and then going and see the the person that got the mink and the benz you know crying to me about overdrive fees i was like wait hold on like there's a there's a misconception about what money really really is and what money really looks like it's not to say the person with the benz is broke and the person with the jeans got money it's just to say that money don't really have a look right you could you could you could have a benz and be broken you could have a benz and be in and have money you know what i'm saying you could have ripped up jeans and be broken you could have ripped up jeans and have money so it really isn't a look it's really about you know what are you doing with your money and then secondly um it's really about you know how do you view money are you working hard for money or is money working hard for you and when i realized that in the words of the honorable sean carter there's much bigger issues in the world i know but i first had to take care of the world i know and so i you know after having a great career in banking uh i decided that i wanted to teach my people more about real wealth not not flashy wealth not you know the wealth that you know if you if you have an emergency you lose it all tomorrow like how do you truly build wealth uh and then i became a financial educator and so right now you know i just teach people how to change their mindset how to manage money i'm an author uh i've written eight books four of them have been best sellers uh i travel the country you know teaching financial education i've been on every media platform you can think of cnn msnbc um sway in the morning uh everything you name it you know billboard success magazine money magazine um and i you know you know i'm just somebody i serve the people i serve the people i you know i understand uh what it takes to be financially free uh there's a lot of people uh that have the ability to become financially free but they just need uh to you know some some some of the tools necessary and and that's what i provide for sure all right so walk me back to age 19. yeah you're working at a bank yeah you obviously go in because it's a job yeah how much you're going to pay me yeah i will take that absolutely when did you start to fall in love with the bank man so so i i fell in love fashion out to michael black one of my branch managers right so so just to kind of put it in context i worked at two pen plaza right that was the madison square garden branch and so that's the time where banking is super duper busy people are going into banks uh banking wasn't what it is today you know what i'm saying like nobody walks into banks now um and so i'm i'm walking into this branch uh as a black dude from jamaica he's jamaican his name is michael black and he's the branch manager like he runs this mega branch we had two floors we had about 20 30 tellers we had 10 bankers and so i'm watching this dude walk through the bank and he like he's the boss right the majority of our clients are white you know what i'm saying and and he runs it um at that point i it opened up my mind you know you know einstein's saying once your mind is stretched to a certain level can't you can't unstretch it uh and open up my mind and say whoa wow i'm a teller right now but i could get to this dude's level where i'm you know like running things um so he's just pretty much you saw somebody that you're gonna model yourself after absolutely without a doubt so you might not even be in finance if it was like a white guy and a suit corny looking dude no no no way no way in the world if my man if my branch manager was a white corny looking dude i probably would have been there eight months and i would have probably found something else to do right but the fact that i saw that the highest level of the bank this guy ran it i started to say all right that's that's that's what i'm gonna do and in fact it's funny because that's i was only a teller for eight months after that right so i visualize now so now i say you know what what's next i want to be customer service right so now i'm starting to wear suits because the tellers are only wearing shirts and ties customer service wear suits so i'm wearing suits now now i'm i'm i'm learning the lingo i'm seeing what they doing i'm being extra nice with my with my clients my my teleclients are coming to my window i'm going out there and help oh let me walk you to customer service let me see how i can help you right i'm making that job easier um and that's how i started getting promoted every single time you know and so here mind you right i started at 19 by 24 i was a vp right i was a vp so one of the youngest vice presidents of of of a bank of a national international bank at 24 years old um you know at 31 and i'm skipping ahead a little bit at 31 i became a ceo of a credit union one of the youngest ceos of a federally chartered bank or facts though google google google me it's all facts at 31 years old and so really you know i mean but but it was the ambition it was being able to see it and once i saw it i couldn't unsee it and i was i just you know as a natural hustler as a natural grinder i just said yo i i gotta go get it and wow you know what i mean the the the the main guy yeah salute to michael black the funny thing about it is that we were actually we became like i was a branch manager at the same time as he was a branch manager right i said he would always tell me so i remember i think i want to say at the time that i got my first branch he had moved to rockefeller center right so he was you know he was kind of progressing and going to bigger and bigger branches because rockefeller center i mean you obviously was you know the you know where all the money was uh and i remember uh you know becoming a branch manager and saying i gotta find michael black and luckily you know i became my my first branch was at chase um and so i you know i knew he was still at chase i went to go see him and and you know he was telling me you know how proud he was of me but at that time i guess um he had got you know you know the banking business could could wear you out so he ain't had the same sweat yeah the same swag he had the uh you know you know how obama came into office you know first year by year eight he got white so outside of like learning about money how did you move up those ranks yeah so fast so young yeah i think i think it's really um you know jim rohn says you know you know work for the job that you want not the one that you have you know what i'm saying and so for me uh it was always always always always thinking a step ahead right and so and even as an entrepreneur though i think i think what what people what people are always in the space of um i'm only gonna do what i'm being paid for i say in everything you do even as an entrepreneur you should over deliver always right because what happens is when i was a teller i was over delivering i was doing customer service when i was customer service i was over delivering i was being a personal banker when i was a personal banker i was over delivering i was acting like i was the manager right what happens is now uh number one just from an energetic perspective because i'm a big believer of the law of attraction from an energy perspective i'm being what i want to be right i'm not i'm not like like i'm not waiting until i'm i'm i have multi-millions in my account to be a multi-millionaire i'm a multi-millionaire right now i move and walk and talk like a multi-millionaire you got to be at first because once you be at the universe you're confusing the universe like yo what's up y'all let's do this what's up with this dude he's moving like a multi-millionaire yo hurry up let's put some millions in the account you don't try to say like so you got to confuse the universe the universe is like yo this dude is a teller and he's moving like a no no no let's get let's move some things around and get him this position yo he's a he's a personal banker and he and he's moving around like he run the bank no no no no we need to open up some spots to get to to give him what he rightly but deserves because that's how he's moving you know what i'm saying and so that's how i got promoted so fast the podcast just started calm down save something safe for the end my fourth my fourth it's getting too crazy right now you know i mean if you know you know you're excited if you know you know if you know you know you know so yo i feel like um like just moving off the energy and the excitement yeah you can get way more things out of life and we get we move so timid because we don't know like we don't the the for some the next step is super scary yeah but for others the next step is super exciting absolutely and if the next step is scary we move scared like oh i don't want to say too much i don't be walking around this bank people don't think i think i own the bank and i don't want to do that right but if you walk with that expectation right you just painted a dope picture bro like the universe just move hold on get this yeah like you see how that's working like yo well you maybe move some stuff out of the way yo that's a big fact though i'm telling you like yo i promise you so it's so funny uh because the other day i was reading so i so my first book came out 2009 right it's called my right money right ten loads of financial freedom you know the other day on page 48 so y'all can see i'm not jacking moves right i was a banker when i wrote that book and then page 48 i was a banker when i wrote that book page 48 i have my definite chief aim right what i was going to accomplish hell i read that the other day i'm at eighty percent wow i'm at eighty percent and so and so yo write it and make it plain right and so you so so so i'm saying to say that yeah you could you could move timid but the reason why you you moving timid because you don't understand who you are if you knew who you are if you understood your power right and not not to get you know all godly and spiritual but i but i believe i'm god right little g greatness on display i'm made in the image and likeness of god and so if god if god could have everything well i can't have everything if i'm made in the image and likeness of god then i'm that and so what what's happening is that entrepreneurs not the fathers people who are not living their best life they're not asking they asking timid they say i'm not sure so universe say okay your wish is my command so i'm gonna i'm gonna show you why you're not sure so i'm not gonna give you nothing to make you sure your wish is my command but for the people who won't walk that walk like yo i'm yo this is me i got this universe says okay which is my command you do got this you know what i'm saying so i feel like you know you know it's it's a it's something that people need to understand you got to know who you are you know i'm saying whether you believe in god allah buddha whatever it is whatever you believe in you have to understand that you were made in the image and likeness of god and your job on this earth is to display god it's to demonstrate god greatness on display g-o-d g-o-d that's what you're supposed to be doing yeah i like these mics is floating because their joints would drop you know said so how do we develop that okay because it's it's easy to say it yeah but when everything is uh on your shoulders and all you've seen it's almost like um somebody who they dated somebody and the person cheated yep and they break out with them they date somebody else pressing cheats they break out yup and this happens three or four times and then in the in their mind they've been conditioned all men are all women or dogs or whatever right for sure with all of that experience because there's people watching it who have these experiences and you're telling them you need to walk in this thing yeah how do we develop that with so much on our experience so so i'll tell you this right um depression happens because you keep looking back anxiety happened because you're looking too far forward all all i'm telling you is to stay right right here in the now right and i'm gonna give you this analogy that i love all the time right so i don't i don't drive without waze so waze is a is a navigation app right i don't drive without waves because waze you put your address in where you want to go and waze already knows what's happening in the traffic sphere and so if if it's telling me to take i20 and i know normally i would take r285 there's a reason why waze is telling me to take i20 because it might be packed on i-285 and so i'm gonna listen to ways right but let's say i don't listen to ways let's say i go however way i want to go i go to i-285 and i get stuck right waze is not going to take me back where i started and tell me how to get to where i'm going is going to recalculate it from where for where i am currently right and so i think what what people do is the people who have the bad relationships the people who had all these bad experiences they keep replaying this negative thing in their head they keep trying to start over they keep trying to backtrack and figure out where did i go wrong where did i do this left turn why would i do this this way and then and then they try to reroute themselves from the the past when i don't even exist no more i don't care how much money you have i don't care where you from okay who you know right there's nothing you could do to bring back the past right and even if you do everything that you think you're supposed to be doing there's nothing you could do to control the future and so i just live in daytime compartments i'm telling every single person that that here's the sound of my voice i need you to live in daytime compartments what does that mean that means where do you want to go don't tell me about what happened in the past don't tell me about what mistakes you i don't care about none of that right now today where do you want to go put in that destination and just move in daytime compartments why is that right because at the end of the day even when tomorrow comes to it's still today and so if all you do is the best that you could do today everything else is going to work out you know what i'm saying and and i also believe again i said on big believe in the law of attraction it's about awareness right you get what you are aware of right there are people right now as we speak who are aware of how many jobs have been lost they're aware about how many uh you know how bad the economy looks and the outlook they're aware of that right they focus on that they focus on how many people died from covid they're aware and guess what happens they're stuck in doom and gloom because their awareness of that then there's another side of people who are aware of how many millionaires were made during this time they're aware about all the great opportunities that exist right now they are aware that this is the best time to be alive because there's a wealth transfer happening right now they're aware of that and that awareness is what's allowing some people to crush it i'm talking about you i had a friend call me that's your ass yo yo i'm eighteen thousand dollars away from having a million dollars in my account he said yo i'm 18 000 yo in the pandemic he said yo and this is a business that he didn't even have pre-pandemic right and so there are people who are killing it who are crushing it 100 but it's about awareness though and so for the person right you you know uh what henry ford says you know there's those who think they can and those who think they can't and they both right 100 and so there are people right now and and honestly it's not even my job to convince those people right i'm not i'm i'm not in that business i'm not in the business of trying to convince people that if you focus on doom and gloom you'll get doom and gloom if you focus on abundance you'll get abundance what my job is is to display god right greatness on display and so the way i teach is i'll show you yeah i gotta i don't gotta tell you i'm gonna i'm gonna show you i'ma say yo right like yo i got as we speak i got three television deals bro like as we speak right like like like during the pandemic the these these companies are reaching out they like yo we want you on television i wrote that 12 years ago though too it's in the book go go go go to my right money right tell us the financial freedom page 48 i wrote that i wrote that 12 years ago right and how did those opportunities come because i'm aware that abundance is my birthright i don't accept nothing else i don't hear you if somebody's talking about doom and gloom i don't understand that me no speaking and so i would tell anybody who's having that um and it's it's not me um poking fun at it it's not me making light of it it's me it's it's reality reality is what you focus on period right you if you if you're if you're sick and you're focusing on your sickness you're not gonna get healthy yeah 100 if you broke and you focus on being broke you're not gonna get wealthy you need to focus on what you want if you sick focus on wellness don't don't don't hang out other other sick people if you sick stop hanging around sick people if you sick go find some some healthy people some people who are working out some people who are healthy vibrant hang out with them don't go to a nursing home and see a a 70 year old who's who's on a death bed watch a 70 year old who's doing pull-ups yeah right because because now you're like wait hold on all right so so all right let me let me move in that in that faction if if if you broke right now stop hanging around with people who broke start hanging out with dudes that that are making it happen dudes that don't make no excuses dudes who are you know i'm saying because the awareness of that how can i unsee that yeah how can how can my man hit me and tell me he's 18 000 away from being a millionaire having a million dollars cash money in his account i can't unseat i can't unhear that when somebody tell me they did 100 bands in a month 100 bands in two days i can't unhear that right yeah i was at my man crib he told me that 1.1 million on black friday yep yeah i can't i can't you can't and he showed me the phone i don't put his business on he showed me the phone with the dates yeah i said yeah i yeah you i can't see it can i see it and now i know it's possible absolutely that's it he's not much taller than me yeah i don't know if he's much better speaker than me right i believe if if you cut his arm he'll probably bleed red like me absolutely i feel like yeah it's possible absolutely all right so i i need to know yeah your first lessons in money yeah i'm saying because you're you're around the money yeah right you're you're understanding how it works and you're seeing overdraft fees yeah what was your first lesson in money as a 19 year old yeah first month first lesson in money um is that we got to stop working hard for money money needs to work hard for us right uh because most of the people who i knew who had the overdraft fees who were struggling with whether people who worked right they exchanged time for money their physical labor for money uh the people who were living it up you know the clients that had time to to you know kick back at my desk and just just just shoot the you know what i'm saying like those clients you know they they they were bosses they owned something they created something that keep paying them over and over right they had employees or they were you know the landlords who bought the the property and the tenants were paying them like every single one of the folks that i knew that were wealthy had an asset and the asset paid for the things not their labor and so i said you know what i got to stop working hard for money i gotta figure out how do i get some assets right because here's the deal there are four types of people on this earth you got consumers producers investors and philanthropists consumers producers investors and philanthropists okay talk to me what happens is most people are only consumers right they make money they consume they make money they consume and what are they doing they're stopping the cycle of money right money's supposed to circulate and what happens is that as consumers they're just consuming and now they have to work again to make some money but what if you were a consumer and a producer now you consume but now you're producing something and as you produce you're now putting that thing out to sell and now people are paying you for it if you're investing right now you take that money and you're investing in something that investment is paying you back if you're a philanthropist you're giving to something that you love universal love i mean universal law the more you give the more you get so now you become all four people you're truly financially free because not only does the money come in i consume i produce i invest i give away and from those other three buckets things are coming back to me from being a producer i get i get stuff back from being an investor i get money back from being philanthropists i get opportunities and things back right and so my first lesson was that was like yo we got to stop working hard for money we got to change that relationship when did when did do you can you pinpoint the moment you're sitting across the desk from somebody and it's like yo kind of like the moment where you saw my man he was you know he's walking around it's a certain way what jim rohn said he said maybe it's the walk yeah you need to get your walk down yeah i'm saying so do you remember like the situation or the person that you talked to and he was like yo i got it yeah so for me uh i was a i was a private banker before i could became a branch manager i was a private banker so i i worked with the mass affluent which means that you had to have 250 thousand dollars in investable assets um and i had a book a business of 400 clients my my most wealthiest clients were worth uh 22 million dollars i think going through that book of business and realizing you know i had some doctors you know that were that were part of my book you know my portfolio they weren't wealthy right because those were the ones that were asking me for deals and trying to figure out how i get them better mortgage rate or you know they they were the ones i was speaking to all the time right um and so i realized that even from a high level right a lot of these doctors were making pulling six figures they were making a lot of money but they worked for money still right and and that's the biggest thing i want y'all to realize too is that it's not about the amount of money there's somebody right now who makes a million dollars who is still living check the check 100 there's somebody right now as we speak make a million spend a million exactly one exactly and then live and check the check and so it wasn't until uh i won't say his name um but it was a jewish guy um who owned um a chain of uh like streetwear urban ware he was he was my 22 million dollar client um and i don't know maybe you know i'm a nice guy like to hang out with me he would just call me to his office and we would hang out he would take me to lunch right and i realized like you know his banker i'm his baby's calling you overcome yeah he would just call me over like hey it wasn't even bank stuff like yo just hang out you know what i'm saying and i realized i'm like yo this dude is like is living the life i i see your accounts i know what you're pulling in and you know and you just chilling and so it was at that point that i realized like how is he chilling is because he owns and that's the other thing a lot of times they were it was actually different uh a different chain of urban ware that you that and mama i thought they were competitors and he owned both of them he owned both he owned both right um and i think at that moment i realized like yo it's about ownership until you own your own you can't be free um and then for me uh it started to really click that all right you know it's it's it's time to get in the ownership business um because the other thing too is that if you work for money you can't duplicate yourself right um and so the amount of money that you can make is is finite right like you like you know you can't make a million dollars if you work a job that's paying you 50 000 a year it's just not possible but if you own some stuff you can right if you own a business and you hire people you can if you own uh you know a digital property you can if you own a physical property that you could sell over and over i wrote my book in 2009 i still get paid from that every single year right every single month actually right but so so it's really about like what are you doing right what kind of assets you own and i think that was the beginning of it for me it wasn't i you know i wouldn't say that that particular um you know that particular event was you know when i got it because there was still um some trial and error right and so a lot of people who might be listening to this now might say wow you're making it you know it seems easy you're making it sound so easy um i'm telling you my truth from where i am right now right but you know there was some there was some some unlearning right there was some unlearning that had to happen because you know i i grew up in a household let's say you know work hard get a good job retire when you're 60 so i had to i had to re you know uncondition that yo i remember the first time um that i decided to quit my six-figure banking job to be an entrepreneur you know my mother god rest her soul like she almost attacked me she almost she was like boy are you crazy you know like you got you got one of the best jobs you were the boss you i wasn't really the boss i reported to somebody i was just following orders i just i was just the face you know what i'm saying uh i'm you know everybody's looking at me everybody's proud of me right i'm i'm from 12985 and i'm from the projects people are looking like yo this this kid that used to play the corners is now the manager of a bank right you know i don't know if chase still does it but when you walk into chase bank you see a big picture of the person you got their face and they name underneath right somebody walk into the bank you people will show off like y'all let me yo yo come on let me show you my man that's my man's mans let me show you you know what i'm saying they were proud but i but but you know i felt like i was selling my soul because i knew it was more and so the first time i jumped out and you know decided to quit and you know become an entrepreneur how old were you uh i was uh i was about to turn 30. so i was 29. yeah i was 29 actually uh funny thing is that i actually um uh threw myself a retirement party right so i so i was like yo i'm i'm about to do this and i'm saying i had i had over i was about to turn 30. um you know i had a retirement party at the 40-40 club um and and i decided i was going to jump out the window and become an entrepreneur um and i fell on my face though too so i'm not eating so so so in full disclosure uh i became a homeowner i bought my first home my wife and i uh when i was 25 years old right while you're working at the bank when i was working at the bank um and so when i decided to leave banking and become an entrepreneur i was already used to a six-figure lifestyle right um my first year i you know i wrote the book um i was on hot 97 i was you know black enterprise essence i was doing right before we get there but yeah yeah yeah so you're at the bank for how long uh so from 2000 to two so when i when i was about nine years nine yeah but i had to jump back in though yeah also you left then went back yes and that's what i was going to do i got it right before you get there so were you making some uh money moves before you left no no yeah yeah yeah what led up to okay i'm going to leave yeah so you know i so so the thing is so here's the deal right i was making a lot of money but i was still flashy right i was still uh trying to i mean i'll be honest i was trying to keep up with the drug deal so i was i was still hanging out with the guys you know what i'm saying we was going to the clubs you know what i'm saying i remember my first car was a uh dodge intrepid right got the gold dodge intrepid with the with the uh if you know you know i had the gold dodge intrepid with the rims uh i you know i'm saying i had the rims i had the tents i was killing it right uh always fresh going to the club mars 21-12 all everything you know what i'm saying um and so i was i was spending a lot of money um and so when i decided to quit uh i really thought that fame equals money though right because i knew i was never an entrepreneur i was a nine-to-five guy uh and for some reason i just thought that if everybody knew who i was um then i would just you know the money would come with it and so when i wrote my first book um you know i was still working at the bank i was you know you know grinding it out you know i got some some big placements some you know high 97 black enterprise essence um and you know one of my one of my bosses uh came to me one day uh they knew i was writing a book but they didn't know at what magnitude um and somehow somebody you know i don't know who but somebody showed them my website he comes to me and says yo is this you i said yeah it's me because because my name is ash exantus right but i but i wrote under ash cash and so some you know me if you don't know you don't know um and so it was an ego thing that made me quit because he was like well how are you going to focus on what you got to do here at the bank and you know you're on hot 97 like he was making it seem like you know that he thought the success would go to my head so i said you know what i quit you know what i'm saying so success did go to your head actually it did absolutely he was absolutely right he was absolutely right because i quit um i threw myself a retirement party uh you know i started i started grinding it out uh my first year as an entrepreneur probably made about 50 60 60 grand uh speaking writing books so it was mainly from you know on the speaking circuit uh i got a contract with um acs uh which is like the the children's services uh teaching financial literacy to kids who were out of foster care um and so i was getting good contracts i was getting good speaking engagements i was good you know i was getting i was selling you know decent amount of books but it wasn't enough to sustain my lifestyle because i had already created this lifestyle that was a hundred thousand dollar lifestyle um and so i almost you know i almost went into foreclosure right i had the i had to put my house up for a short sale uh the embarrassment you know what i'm saying of my neighbors you know coming looking at me and saying yo yo i saw your house listen on the foreclosure list like ash what's going on right and mind you hey i'm teaching my money right mind you i'm teaching about money and i'm on the radio and i'm on television and i'm doing i'm in magazines oh that hurts all bad right and so and so for me that made me realize like you got to change this stuff up and it was really at that moment where i started to really say all right now i got i got i got to stop working hard for money right because even as an entrepreneur i created a job for myself if i didn't grind i wasn't getting paid right and so i decided you know i had to swallow my pride and i went back into the banking world so i went back into the banking bank obviously no no i went to uh to citibank uh on 45th street uh 45 million dollar branch uh which was also the blessing though right it was the blessing because it was while i was in citibank um one of the the folks that worked at citibank uh knew of a non-profit organization in queens that was starting a new credit union and needed a ceo for it so had i not gone back though right had i not gone back to the bank i would have never had the opportunity to become a ceo of a credit union because i wouldn't have met the guy who introduced me to the other guy who got me the the ceo position you know i'm not five years at the first bank yep you become an entrepreneur for how long um so i want to say about about a year and a half about a year and a half back to the bank yeah i go back in the bank how long are you at the bank um and so from i want to say from 2012 to about 2015 so about three years um i did you know i i did you know i was at citibank for about a year and then i was at the credit union for about a year and a half two years and then after that you know what i'm saying like you know one of the things i did when i went back to citibank i thought you know my resume was good i was you know i could i could i could command the money that i was been commanding the great thing about it though i didn't have to stop my my books and under that stuff and so now i'm still writing um you know i was writing for all fat shout out to chuck creekmore i was writing for all which you know exasperated my you know my exposure to another level because at the time um you know people were still going to websites i think they had like seven million unique views a month um and i'm and i was still working at the bank and so now i'm still making some assad money i'm making good money uh was able to save up some money uh bought some property you know got some tenants and was able to now say you know what next time i quit i'm not relying on me i'm relying on these tenants to pay you know what i'm saying um and then that way the the next time i decided to leave i actually didn't go go cold turkey into entrepreneurship you know i went from having a six figure job working you know going to the credit union but then saying you know what i'm quitting the credit union but i'm gonna do something that's worth forty thousand right and so i so i so i got a job as a financial counselor i was working after the ceo just a ceo job right and so the ceo job wasn't what um i thought it was gonna be because you know you got to think if i'm working for citibank citibank is a trillion-dollar bank a credit union who's starting from scratch they don't really have the same capital um and so it just got to a point where there was so much things i wanted to do as a ceo of a credit union but we didn't have the capital uh we couldn't really uh you know put people's money at risk you know to provide the capital that we wanted to the people in the community uh and so i just decided it was something that that that wasn't um entitled was dope um but it wasn't fulfilling what my mission was my mission was to really help my people so i was like all right let me let me let me take a step back from that and i decided to become a financial counselor so i worked in in the bronx in the south bronx uh you know as a financial counselor at millbrook houses so uh for just to paint a picture uh the south bronx or where i worked was the was the one of the poorest congressional districts in the united states in the united states food desert you know no you know you know the income was very low uh and and so i decided to to go there um and and i wanted to teach people about wealth right um so what what is it that you teach about wealth in that environment because it's it's not as easy as go you get your you get your account you take ten percent of your money it's not that easy right because you're not familiar with that language honestly that that's what that's what made me realize this principle i'm telling you that if you want wealth don't focus on poverty right because um at that time i had some things right so i'm driving an ml 350 right mercedes-benz every day going to millbrook thinking right i want to be i want to display to them i want to show them right and i'm from the hood so i'm not nervous about pulling up in the bins in the hood but the problem was i was soaking up all of that energy every single day um i was soaking up that that poverty energy to be honest 100 frank because i'm trying to convince people who really they can't see it right they're not around wealthy people they don't they haven't seen what i've seen and so i'm trying to convince them with them right i'm i'm there with them trying to convince them that there's another way and they're looking at me like nah fam you here i don't care what you drive you here with us right you you working a job and so at that point i realized you know what all right now you got now you got to practice what you know not what you're preaching practice what you know i can't help the poor if i'm one of them so i got rich and gave back to me that's the win-win when ho said that that line at one point i didn't really understand it i was like yo what are you talking about you can't help the poor right but nah people respect what you do not what you say the reason why the dude in all due respect to the dude who who got you know who who had many years in jail come home and he's like youngin you got to get your stuff together nobody young young boy is not listening to him they like fam what you like you here with us what you talking about it sounds good to you saying that because you know it's real absolutely but to them it's it's just it's hitting their head not going inside right because they can't get past what they see exactly and so what happens though when you know you become rich what happens when ash cash becomes rich when ash cash pull up into 2020 yeah yo and this season i don't even got to say they're gonna look at you and know yeah that's why the doughboys are so influential absolutely because they like yo you can get money and they see the dope boy with the money right he's like yo hold on you got these girls you got the chain you got the money right give me a pack exactly exactly and so and so and so that's why you know and and that's the other thing that i'm that i'm loving about this movement black entrepreneurs you know people showing listen oh my god it's a beautiful sight because now i i ain't going you know i ain't gonna tell you uh get off the block and not give you away yeah i'ma show you i'ma say yo i what i'm doing over here 100 legal you know and i'm and i'm adding massive value to people's lives massive value right i got a mastermind group yo something yo one of one of my participants told me she made ten thousand dollars in a week you know what i'm saying massive value and but how is that because i'm showing them too i'm saying yo i i did five figures this week you know what i'm saying like yo let's look look look what i'm look what i'm out here doing i'm not i'm not i'm i'm not preaching to you right i'm not preaching i'm not the preacher who's telling you everything's gonna be around i'm gonna say nah this is how you do it and i'm gonna lay down a blueprint for you yeah and so working there made me realize like not ash if you if you want to change the community you have to be a demonstration that's how you change the community 100 you got to be a demonstration you know how many people that know me from hanging out on the block see my success and be like yo ash cash or you such an inspiration i i don't talk to you often i don't tell you this often but thank you so much for everything that you do because i know where you come from and if you're able to do it i'm able to do it too yeah it's a demonstration imagine imagine if i was still on the block with them preaching every day like yo it's a better way nah you got you got to be a demonstration so what was your first step into demonstrating yeah i i mean my first step was number one making sure that my family and i never had to worry about where we're going to live and you left you just wound up leaving that job yeah when i'm leaving that job but because but once i left that job i already had you know properties right and so those properties we had tenants my wife and i and so we were able to so the money was coming in whether i worked or not i knew i was good and so now with that level of cushion that level of uh lack of stress i don't have to think about the basic necessities when you think about the mass low hierarchy of needs a lot of people can't think about wealth and abundance if they're trying to figure out how to feed their kids where they're gonna live so with that basic necessity taken care of now it's about all right how do i take my skills that i have through all these years of working how can i serve people right and let me tell you why that's important there are too many people out here chasing a bag and when you chase a bag the bag is going to run from you all the time what you need to do is chase people who are you what skills do you have what problem do you solve and if you can solve that problem the more people you solve that problem for the more money you will make easy and so for me i said you know i want to financially empower people and so i started doing that through speaking engagements but i'm like man i can't empower enough people all right so let me write more books let me do more courses let me do let me let me be on radio let me let me let me spread my word to more people and as i was helping people fix their credit i was helping people get life insurance i was helping people create estates and trust and understand those complexities as i was helping more and more people do that my my bank account kept growing and growing and growing to the point where now you know a lot of my you know i just came from haiti with the family right and i i made money while i was away beautiful thing it's a beautiful thing like not one time was i worried or was i thinking about you know how bills are going to get paid none of that right and that's why we call it mailbox money right that money's in the mailbox it cut it become automatic and what happens is that if you have the right systems in place it's about all about systems if you have the right systems in place that system is working for you and you don't have to work for it um and so and so it's really you know and that's what i do every single day every single day i'm helping people every single day i'm over delivering oh every single day i'm helping people you know you know get past their limitations and understand that abundance is their birthright and i'm not just telling i'm giving you the blueprint i'm giving you the motivation but i'm also giving you the tools i'm telling you how to set up your life insurance i'm telling you how to set up your business i'm telling you how to do all these things because once you do these things you're gonna you're gonna be able to reap the benefits but not just do these things cause you after the money do these things because you're after serving people yeah and that's what i do every day uh and and you know i i live i live i live abundant life i love it i love it all right so so walk me through some of the um some of the core teachings yeah like the practical stuff somebody comes and says you all want to be a part of your program or i want to be you know a one-on-one client yeah what are the first steps you're taking them through yeah i think i think number one is uh mindset right number one is that that sense of knowing what you want and why you want it and that you deserve it right and that you're worthy of having it i can't tell you the amount of people who want things are in the position to receive those things but because they don't feel worthy they self-sabotage themselves right and so number one is really just getting into the mind space understanding you know what is it that you actually want yeah right you can't just say you know i want to live a good life like what does a good life look like because what what what what david shares one is different from what ash cash won right like success what success looks like for you is different from and that's the beauty of the of the world that's the beauty of it that there's more than enough for everybody absolutely we are not we're not competing there's more than enough for everybody and so number one is deciding what you want being crystal clear about what you want but then number two is understanding what is it going to take for you to get there right and so you know i tell people that you got to know your numbers right you can't say that you know you want uh an estate and you don't know how much it costs to build an estate you don't know how much the land course you don't know you you got to know all of that right you have to be specific right you have to be smart specific measurable achievable realistic and timely right and so for me it's really teaching people to know the numbers teaching people to to really uh create a plan right have some short-term goals have some midterm goals have some long-term goals short-term goals anything one to three years have some mid-term goals anything from three to seven years long-term goals anything seven years and above right understand that have those goals ready ready for you understand those numbers because again from a law of attraction and practicality right because the truth of the matter is that law of attraction is practical i just say that because a lot of people are oh law of attraction you know speak things into existence no that's not that that's part of it right but it has to start with the vision you can't get to a place if you don't know where you're going you can't get to a place if you can't see it right and so you have to combine the two you have to combine that vision with the actual practical steps and the practical step is to know you have to know i can tell you right now what my ideal lifestyle looks like i could tell you how much the 33 acres that i'm about to buy of course i can tell you i'm gonna say that i gotta grab 33. that's him 33 acres i i can tell you how much that cause i can tell you how much it's gonna cost to put this state up what are you gonna do with the 33 acres i mean if you know you know honestly honestly um you know there was a point where i wanted things more than i wanted uh security right uh but what this pandemic did for me was was was shift out a little bit because i'm saying to myself okay go ahead get the g wagon i'm still going to get it but god get the g wagon right but if there's a worldwide pandemic and nobody could go outside can you feed yourself right maslow hire your needs can you feed yourself and your family can you protect yourself and your family and so for me my number one priority i want to learn agriculture i want to learn how to grow my own food i want to make sure that if anything happens right in this new world that we live in that i that that my responsibility to my family is taken care of you know and so that so that's my vision my vision is to have uh acres full of land with an estate but also agriculture being able to raise our own food having other you know having you know some of the nice stuff like pools and things you know things of that nature as well but then also being able to be self-sufficient self-sufficient self-sufficiency is so important to me right now right it is the most important thing because at the end of the day you can't rely on people you can't rely on jobs you can't rely on the government you know what i'm saying and so you know one of the steps i teach people all the time you have to know be specific know exactly what you want but here's the deal you are in the what business you are not in the how and when business you are in the what business you're in the what business not the how and the win right and and let me explain a lot of times people are so caught up they know what they want but they're so caught up in how it's gonna happen how it's going to materialize when it's going to materialize and this is what i talked about earlier where you got to stay in some daytime compartments right because if you know what you want and every single day you're moving moving moving in that direction there might be opportunities that you didn't even think about that come along and help you get to that destination faster sure right when i think about selling millions of books when i think about you know touching millions of people i didn't know that you know these these major uh tv houses were going to reach out to me and give me an opportunity to potentially be in millions of households i didn't know but you knew but i knew i did know i didn't know but you knew i did i did i see what you did there you feel me i feel you it's like it's like some people you have to have this knowing that it's going to happen without knowing when it's going to happen and you're in the into what business and and that's why that's important though right because what happens spicy well look here's here's the thing a lot of times people are in the what business then they try to be on the highway to win business and then when it doesn't happen how they start and when they thought what are they going to do they're going to give up yeah what changes so what changes ah you know what i don't want that no more i want this i i want this this is how i'm getting this when i'm going to get it oh i don't have it i i want this what if you just stay consistent what if you stayed in the what business and say yo i want that and i'm just gonna focus on it i know i'm gonna get it yeah it's just a matter of time i'm gonna i'm putting in the work right i can't deposit money and not have access to withdrawing and so if i'm if i'm depositing into the universe i'm demonstrating to the universe that i want this it's going to give me everything i owe yeah you know what i'm saying and so and so that's the first step that's really getting to that space of that what what is it that you want like what do you really want for sure and once you know it right and i'm not saying like like i know how much the land costs i know how much the builders cost i know how much the sewage cost i know all of that i know the prices and then once you know the prices now you're just moving daytime compartments you just move and move and move so now when that opportunity does come where you look at your bank account and you have enough to make it happen here you go i'll have to guess i'll have to think about how it's going to happen and so that's the first part second part is really getting people to a space of abundance right um and i call it a financial freedom fund everybody should have a financial freedom financial freedom fund yeah um people call it emergency fund words have power we're not calling any emergencies into our life so i call it a financial freedom fund i like that i need you to have six to eight months of expenses in an account and that should be your goal you should be figuring every time you make money you should be putting a certain percentage away to make sure that you have six to eight months of expenses in an account so that way you know your basic necessities are filled right mean you know it's my third time mentioning maslow hierarchy needs but that's important and mindset because if you understand that the brain space that you're taking away by worrying about the basic things is the same brain space you need to be able to create you were you are a creator if you're made in the image and likeness of god god is the creator you are a co-creator you create as well and you've been you were you were created to create but if you're focusing on the lower level stuff the stuff that you you're supposed to be provided for you don't have the capacity to create so now you're not even doing or being who you were put on the earth to be because you're focusing on a lower level things so i need you to get to a space where you create that financial freedom fund so you never have to worry about the lower level things because the the who you were supposed to be i need you to focus on that every single day and i need you to be it not do it right we're not in the business of doing stop doing stuff that's the reason we you feeling you feeling cause you're doing stop doing just be stop doing stuff stop doing stuff you wake up like what i'm gonna do today nah who are you gonna be today who are you who you call be just be i love it and once you be everything else falls in and that's based off identifying um you know what your plan is absolutely so first you identify what you want and then you create this plan and you're saying the plan should definitely be um having six to eight months absolutely six to eight months of expenses absolutely in an account right so how much does it cost to be you yeah and whatever that costs multiply that by six to eight and just know that this this is what my goal is to have that cushion so i can focus on being and not focus on doing so walk me back to the bank what did you notice from the clients like what are there certain spending habits that you notice was there certain debits that you saw like over and over again in this particular type of client and then i seen certain deposits in this particular what was yesterday i mean honestly most of the clients that were living check the check uh were living above their means right and so when you when you when you see you know the the the car payments the big car payments the big mortgages that are coming through you already sort of understand that there's one check right one like money's coming in once or twice a month and then money is coming out consistently with the people that are wealthy money was always coming in consistently it's most is always checks coming through there's always money coming through there's always wire transfers there's always deposits right and that's how the balance happens that you have to and it's just pure math it has to be more deposits than withdrawals yeah and so what's happening is that the people who live and check the check they get they get a check once they get a check twice and then but the bills keep popping up keep popping up keep popping up but the other folks they always have more than enough and that's the mindset that i want everybody to be in i want you to have more than enough right stop stop just living for just enough you should have more than enough you should have more than enough to the point where where your life isn't costing you your life savings man i was talking to my homegirl tarrick and i said yo when did you know you was rich like when did it hit you like yo i'm rich and that's what she told me it wasn't even on the podcast i don't think it was like me just like right like we were we were riding and i asked her a question and i'm thinking it was gonna be like yo when i could buy something she said i knew i had made it i was successful when i went to the grocery store and didn't check my account before i swipe my phone yeah that's a great feeling though i'll be honest with you yo it it hits so different yeah because i i remember i re bro before i make any buying decision yeah now i ain't gonna try to do it in front of people but when i pull up in my car i'm gonna check the okay let me just make sure because you never know what's coming out that's a fact and she said yo i and she's wealthy multiple times over yeah and she said yo when i have to check my account so like when you said like these wealthy people always have more than enough yeah yeah that's it's different and it's it's funny you say that cause you i mean you literally take me to a space like i remember like when people would be like yo come on let's go out to eat let me pull up the app real quick let me make a check oh hello you know what i'm saying and so and so you know yo i'm i don't want to drink you know what i'm saying and so so you know that that's a wonderful feeling um and this is why i urge everybody to get to that space of having that emergency fund oh having that financial freedom fund right because you if you if your goal if you're focusing on financial freedom you have to have that fund that helps you do that yeah yeah yeah um and it's another principle that i live by is raising the zero so i remember when uh when i would tell my i don't have any money that meant i didn't have any money i had no money like look in an account and it's either zero or like negative i have no money yeah but then i got to a point where somebody told me they say yo uh i think it was some percentage of people don't have a thousand dollars in a bank account yeah so my next goal was having a thousand and if i had a thousand in ten dollars i was broke absolutely but years ago if i had a thousand dollars yo what are we doing today yeah big facts right so i remember my mom asking me one time and once i started adopting this my mom asked me for some money one time and i looked at my account i had like a little over a thousand dollars and she asked me for some money and i was like i ain't got i ain't got it but on the inside i was convicted did i lie to my mom yeah but when i when i see the thousand it looks like zero i know in the banking industry there are some people that will blow their brains out when they get let down to that last million absolutely absolutely it's all over absolutely and that's the thing and i love that you you bring that up because that's that you're absolutely right you have to raise that number right you have to raise that number if if you know so here's the deal right if somebody let's let's just say if somebody's bills is two thousand dollars a month and i'm telling you to be financially free you you should have six to eight months of expenses in an account that means that you need to have between twelve thousand and and sixteen thousand dollars in your account if you don't have that then you're you're broke you ain't got it if you got five thousand dollars back from tax return and they don't equal to that twelve thousand you ain't got it yeah you ain't bowling no right people see it and that's the thing because um and that's the other thing that that has worked is that once you see it i want you to like get used to having it don't don't get to a space where you got five thousand dollars now and you're trying to figure out how to spend it right like like like what chris rock wants to say that people spend money like money's gonna rot you know what i'm saying like oh let me hurry up like it's gonna go bad learn how learn how it is to just have money be content with just having money it is a great feeling a hundred percent not somebody else said something that was really profound and they said the because i'm thinking yo i need to make some more money so that i can have this plan i need to make more money so i can have you know a few months saved and it changed my life it's like yo the best way to make money is to stop spending so much action and you hear this you hear that phrase a penny saved is a penny earned and it doesn't make sense it doesn't compute yeah at a penny yep but when you look at your account and you see that you know i looked at all my food expenses and i spent 400 on restaurants this month yeah is it easier to go make 400 more dollars or to just eat at the cruise absolutely absolutely and then i'm i'm i'm still positive more than 400 next month last month and that's the good thing about this pandemic though this pandemic has forced people to not spend as crazy that as they would spend and so now a lot of people are coming up like man i didn't really even have to for sure be as broke as i used to be because i was creating this this this brokenness you know for sure and so and so that you know and so that that leads me to the next foundational thing that i tell people let me touch on this real quick and i had to i just stopped myself being transparent because you see yourself not spending as much money yeah and you find yourself on amazon [Music] [Music] and i actually did get something but i called my guy like yo do you got any any uh sales for podcasts or equipment so i want to buy another mic and stuff like that and i justified in my mind that i needed it for my business but it's really a sickness right in terms of my habit for spending no i'm not i i'm doing a lot better than i would absolutely but that habit creeps absolutely i'm sorry i just had to keep that and i appreciate that because you know that's the true transparency but though right that habit is not it's not it's not putting you in the pool house for sure it wasn't sneakers it was something i could exactly say and so and so that's the other thing is that i always say also right one source of income is bad for your wealth it's bad for your wealth so we we we have to start preaching multiple streams of income you have to god you have to you have to have multiple streams of income and that's why earlier when i said i believe 80 percent of what uh or i agree with 80 of what dave ramsey says the other 20 maybe not because you know he's liv you know he's on this no debt lifestyle 100 uh and i'm saying don't don't don't allow debt to be your master right in both ways meaning don't allow it to be a master by taking out debt but also don't make don't allow it to be your master by every time you make money you're just focusing on paying debt i want you to focus on your on your financial freedom fund i'd rather you be financially free and and and pay whatever you know pay them whatever you got right stop making debt so emotional but imagine if you have multiple streams of income right that debt becomes nothing now you could pay off that debt and now once you pay off that debt you never have to get back into debt because the money is you know continuously coming you know i think the reason why you probably resonate with 80 of what he says is probably because he talks to 80 of the world yeah and in fact if you had a conversation with her i probably believe that he believes 80 of the stuff that he says absolutely here's what i mean if he's going to make a big purchase or he's probably telling people yo use your cash to make these purchases if you can't if you can't afford to buy it just don't use a credit card it's probably until you cut your credit cards up right but i'm sure he got an amex card absolutely without a doubt and i'm sure if he gonna buy a new furniture for his crib he gonna put it on that mx card he might pay it off right he's gonna use the card but if he tells other people don't use a credit card at all because most people aren't responsible enough like right now my um my credit card i have a gold amex and oh ten thousand on it i didn't owe 10 that i owed nothing last month i'm about to pay the whole 10 000 now but i understand you put the 10 up yep you get all the points exactly and you pay it off absolutely but i wouldn't spend it unless i had the money right to pay it off absolutely so i i know with like like financial education yeah you got to talk to like the masses because a lot of people aren't responsible enough to say okay i'm gonna spend it and then i'm gonna pay it off yeah but but i think i think the problem with that is um you're not giving everybody the full picture right and so i agree with you 100 suppose we can't handle the full picture who am i to say that okay so i i'll give it to you this way yeah um the majority if you're in front of a group of people yeah and you say yo this is what you need to do yeah okay use your credit card for the expenses if you've got the money pay it off before the end of the month yep what they hear is use my card pay it off by the end of the month but in a large audience somebody takes it and says oh all right i'm using my card right now because i get paid on the 30th right and by the time they get paid right they're not able to calculate oh oh i spent too much on my card all right okay and then something else comes up right the the majority they're not they're not able to um to to manage right all of the information but but here's the deal i think i think i think that's because that wasn't all the information though right what what you told me just now was all the information meaning hey guys listen you can make some free money off your credit cards i don't want you to spend any money that you wouldn't have spent before i only want you to use what you have cash for right now put it on your credit card and when that bill comes up that cash that you would have spent on it anyway i need you to pay off that credit card in full so that way you don't incur any additional interest and now you just earn 10 000 points that you can convert into cash that is extra and that's how you do it that's all the information that's different that's different from me just saying hey if you if you charge someone on your credit card make sure you pay it back and and that's what i'm saying so i'll give you an example so i wrote a book uh based on jay-z's 444 album right it's called a wake-up call financial lessons learned from 444. reason why i wrote the book when jay-z came out with 444 everybody's thinking you know they're focusing on the 20 of the album where he cheated on beyonce 88 80 percent of the album he's telling you game a million dollars worth of game for 9.99 right but let me give you some quick game jay-z and beyonce buy a 180 million dollar uh villa right you know a house they take 80 million dollars and they uh they pay cash with 80 million dollars so i think it's 130 they took 80 million dollars they paid cash 50 million dollars they they uh they they they took out as a as a mortgage yo combined they worth billions of dollars why wouldn't they right why wouldn't they say yo i'm just gonna i'm just gonna pay this one this 130 that's it i'm a peep game though that 50 million mortgage rates were so low that they got that 50 million that 30-year mortgage at 50 million at four percent they got access to one to the best investment advisors ever and so they take that same 50 million that they would have put into that house which is a dead dead ass it's a dead asset that that that that is right it's a dead asset and so instead of taking that 50 million and putting it into a dead asset they take that 50 million and they invest it with their with their investment advisor who's giving them what maybe eight to nine percent on 50 million dollars and so that eight to nine percent they now take that four percent to pay off that mortgage they're up by having a mortgage by having a mortgage if they wouldn't have the mortgage that 530 million would be a debt asset but by taking out that mortgage and then taking that money and investing it they're taking the money that they're making from that investment that extra you know four to five percent that they're making right now that they're making money over 30 years and that now that 50 million is probably going to grow and be something else that is a way that you can use debt to build wealth dave ramsey's not teaching that gotcha he's just saying debt is bad and so now i'm talking to people and people are like oh i don't want no debt no if it's good debt if it's debt that's going to help increase your wealth why why not and so i just believe that there are proper ways to use debt to use debt but that's why i teach mindset first too right because if i started with the practical things and teach mindset later then you wouldn't be in the proper position to receive what i'm telling you yeah that's real but if i'm teaching you mindset first by the time i try teaching you about you know these wealth principles you get it because your mind is in a different space um yeah good point god there's so so many gems in this joint man like and i really hope people understand what's going on here and these are the kind of conversations that need to happen like we're not here talking about sports you're not talking about you know like stuff and you know what's going on and you know on the shade room and all that kind of stuff we gotta have these kind of conversations about well especially now though right because um we are standing on the backs of our ancestors right and so we understand um all the things that have happened to black and brown people in this country and you know the the lack of capital the lack of access to wealth and all that stuff but we're at a space right now that did literally though there's literally a wealth transfer happening we are the generation we are the generation that can literally change the trajectory of our kids kids kids kids kids we could change the world for black and brown people forever also why because there is no uh the the access to the the barriers to to access or you know what it took before for people to to to gain wealth there was uh there always had to be a middleman you had to have the right connections you have to have the right but now with social media with access you have direct access to billions of people who need and want your products and services you can provide them those products and services and when you gain that money from the products and services now you can start buying up assets that are going to create more money and now you start to create this legacy of assets that you could pass down to your your next generation for years and years to come instead of each each time a new generation has to start over because that's where we were at we were at a space where we run this far then we go back we run this far then we go back now is the time to have these conversations because it's you know the money is there wealth transfer is happening baby boomers are getting old they're giving the money to their their younger millennials a lot of millennials don't know what to do with that money and so while that transfer is happening from the the older people who had the money and now they're giving those inheritances to the younger people that wealth transfer is happening when you think about this pandemic where you know businesses are shutting down and people are not understanding you know what's the next wave you can be that creator that creates the next wave right in 2008 billion-dollar businesses were created during that recession and so when you think about 2020 and it's pandemic and that things are happening things are shifting you could be that change agent and you could change that trajectory so understand the wealth principles though right understand that now once you make money let's not just stop the circulation of money let's not just make money and and then let it let it go out less circulated less circulated with with other black businesses let's buy some assets let's buy black let's hire black let's continue to to grow our wealth and as we continue to grow our wealth not just in dollars too in knowledge right like like let's let's continue to have these type of conversations let's talk about why every single family member should have life insurance because life insurance creates an immediate estate for your family let's talk about why you should have a family trust so that when that life insurance the beneficiary is the family trust and not a person because what happens black white asian hispanic most wealth is gone after the third generation i don't care what what what ethnicity you you are right because what happens first generation grinds second generation was there but wants to make it easier for the for the third generation so it gives the third generation the money they feel entitled they blow it up so what if you created a system that you never money never gets passed down to a person money gets passed down to what to to an entity that is being told what to do right if anybody is power fans remember the the last episode of power where where where where jameson patrick died and he wrote a will and he and he created a trust actually and he said yo tariq you get x amount of money but but you can't get this money till what until you graduate college so even at death he's still dictating to make sure you go to school and you only get this money if this happens so imagine creating a family trust and you have life insurance and and every single person has life insurance when they pass away because everybody's gonna die that money gets passed on to the family trust the family trust has a set of rules that says this is what you have to do to get this money you don't have to go to a bank you can borrow from the family trust like this these are the type of conversations that we need to be starting to have i love it i love it man listen i want to say thank you for uh driving by because we literally thought about it yesterday he was like i'm pulling up now and you pulled up one time yeah i appreciate that my brother so um i i definitely want i i we got to make this prediction i think you kind of touched on it earlier i like to make predictions on the podcast and uh i want to know where you see yourself for the next five to ten years and what do you feel like you're going to be accomplishing the next five to ten years so that i can watch this later in five to ten years and say yo cass said he's gonna do that five years ago look he actually did it absolutely so give me some of give me some of your predictions yeah so um number one having an emmy award-winning uh financial television show an emmy award-winning financial television show emmy award winning of uh emmy award-winning financial television show is there an example of something like it um [Music] no and that's why i'm gonna be the first to do it because i mean really there there aren't any financial education shows that have won emmys that i know of uh so i'll be the first to to earn you know to earn an emmy uh from a financial show uh i will have an influence that's gonna influence millions of people i will be able to provide jobs and entrepreneurship opportunities for communities i will be building communities so i'm so i will be buying acres of land uh i will be building communities and providing uh you know shelter providing um agriculture providing uh business opportunities uh for the communities that that i care of which is the black and brown community um and so those are those are the major things just you know i know in the next five years uh my influence is going to be uh you know you know in god's will let me just say that uh in god's will uh that in the next five years my influence will um you know be in the millions that i'll be a household name people will know who ashcash is uh i will uh create a dialogue for self-improvement uh people will understand that they can do anything they put their minds to um and then in as i continue to demonstrate as i continue to become you know or or or be my my god self uh greatness on display uh i will use my influence and the the the wealth that i amassed uh to help other people uh live their best life as well solid i love it look man i again i really appreciate you dropping by the show i'm gonna do a quick commercial okay but i need you to uh give us some closing bars okay i'll give you a second to think about it all right so uh this show is all as always is sponsored by the morning meetup the only the only the only community that gathers every single day to teach you how to start grow and scale your business there's a bunch of people who don't know what to do as an entrepreneur and they join the program because they really really want to get some ideas on how i can make some money or how i can start something there's some people that started a business and they need a community that's going to help them grow so we literally literally have hundreds of people um that join every single morning we had like 300 people oh you know what i need you on this i need you on the call let's do it this month let's do it because we're teaching we're talking about becoming financially lit oh that's that's what that's me all day yeah that's me all day let's do it let's do it let's do it if and if you miss the calls you will you have access to all the recordings we have so many dope people so many dope topics and i'm literally on that thing every single day so i like to talk to you it's not webinar style where you only see one person you see all the little boxes we had like 300 some people on the call this morning disgusting it's just beautiful to see a sea of just black folks just learning and growing so go to the i'm giving you an opportunity to join and just try it out for a dollar it's just a dollar try it out for a dollar for seven days if you like it stay if you don't like it well you invested a dollar to hear the dopest information you'll ever hear um it's like a conference we put on every week it's crazy but 8 a.m eastern standard time to 9 a.m eastern standard time every single day monday through friday i want to see you there okay all right so ashcast thank you so much for coming to the show my brother thank you for having me i appreciate it i need you to keep spreading the gospel yes sir keep spreading the good news keep teaching our people and you've been through every part of it i mean broke in trouble um corporate entrepreneur you've like you've touched every element you you had a job in uh the area where the money is right you got a job in the area where the money ain't and you like you can touch it from so many different aspects man so and i respect you for for what you're doing so please share with the people how they can get in touch with you yes how they can support your movement and uh close us out with some closing words yeah so you know definitely first and foremost again appreciate you thank you for having me uh you can go go to my website uh you can follow me on all social media platforms at i am ash cash uh you know make sure you know uh if you want to support the books go to you want some merchandise go to uh you want to join my mastermind group go to uh you want to build your legacy go to my you already know um you know and closing bars i just want you to understand uh you are made in the image and likeness of god uh you are greatness on display there is nothing absolutely nothing that you could put your mind to that cannot happen if you if you don't stop it you are your biggest enemy your inner me is the inner is the enemy flash after my god julian gordon i got that from him but make sure that you guys understand who you are you know what power you possess and if you put your mind to it and put your grind to it though thoughts become things with action that's the thing thoughts become things with action you put your mind to it put your grind to it life you can have heaven on earth life could be exactly what you want it to be so just believe in yourself be god greatness on display and show your greatness can't close it out no better than that man go get you some social improve social proof okay follow my boy ash cash we out of here peace
Channel: David Never Sleeps
Views: 165,185
Rating: 4.9489069 out of 5
Keywords: iamashcash, ashcash, writeyourbook, chasepeople, financiallysmart, banking, teachwealth, stopworkinghardformoney, harlem, greatnessondisplay
Id: xTqjemmYKGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 44sec (5024 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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