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my graduates from my school being forbes back drop back drop my drop back drop all right guys welcome back eyl biggest in the game edition the biggest hall of fame edition for sure first and foremost it's an honor to be in the presence of greatness so we're in the rap snacks headquarters if you're not familiar with rap snacks we're gonna make you familiar by the end of the show so we got the legendary masterpiece needs no introduction we have um wise intelligent uh president of rap snacks foundation peace to the god peace peace james lindsay uh ceo and founder of rap snacks so first and foremost gentlemen thank you for joining us appreciate it yes thank you for having us yeah sure we're glad to be here man for sure for sure so i mean let's jump right into it um you know we we got the product right there placement uh pe we're talking about talking about product off camera so where are we at with rap snacks because it's an interesting story i believe the company originally started in 1994 and this is the relaunch and for me it's dope to see like cardi b and little boots he reminds me of like a wheaties box wow you know saying like the wheaties boxes yeah yeah exactly exactly so where are we at with rap snacks in 2021 we're basically man rap snacks is you know we're like you know envisioning that rap snacks is going to be the biggest brand in the world you know eventually because we didn't come with the the culture of of hip-hop but our brand is outside the box you know it's not something that people are kind of used to you know today's world they want some disruptive something you know that's right in their face but the secret to our success is actually the product and how well it tastes you know um i was the first one to create honey barbecue potato chip years ago right and i've always noticed that a lot of these other brands they have you know flavor profiles that are kind of bland and not really what i would say that you know come up kid from the inner city would really want you want something that is bold and something that's flavorful so if you open the bag of rap snacks man we're our flavor profiles we got two times the seasoning as somebody else's product out there in the marketplace you know and i'm one of them guys i'm a nice guy but i go out in the marketplace and it says a honey barbecue in my bag and it tastes like a plain chip i'm mad i mean but just to be real you know james models about it a lot of that stuff you know it don't taste as good as rhapsody and we've been supporting that for years and we're changing that narrative because it's us owning products and we're like james say we're not just making it for people that look like us we're making product for the world so they do it all the time with us they use us they use our images they use uh our culture and then we promote these brands and we have no ownership we're changing that narrative to where now we're making big brands for the world for humans not just a black white uh latino indian thing this is for everybody so when you pick up a rap snacks you pick up a biggest small bag or call it b you know that this is for the world and we expanding in the product and so that's what we're changing the game at putting some diversity on these shelves to where it's us having products on the shelves so we can feed our families feed our communities our motto is the more we make the more we give you know i'll give you a prime example you know if you go to jackson mississippi which is one of our most you know southern marketplaces and if you're going to the stores that we sell to less than one percent of stores are owned by minorities yeah or you know people that look like us you know and what we always say that our communities are over extracted you know because what happens is everything is going it's going out and nothing's coming back in because we don't own any of the products other than the rap snacks and some of the items that we're trying to put together me and peter trying to put together the consumers not producers right and we have to change that narrative yeah you know and it's kind of you know we always say it's deeper than rap snacks i mean it it started in 94 yes uh but obviously the name rap we know hip-hop influences the world not just hip-hop music and fashion like it affects everything in the world yeah absolutely and so in 2003 you decide to put rap images what was like the the idea like you saw what it was doing and said you know what we got to put the most popular people in the world on our products yeah what i did i i um you know i was telling um one of the guys out in the lobby that i approached universal music group you know lady was jackie reinhardt she was the president of um universal marketing and i said jackie y'all spending all this money on you know these stickers and posters that people taking down every day you know you know yeah i said y'all can give y'all can give me that money you know i can put it on my bag you know chips and it's something that they're going to use not only as a souvenir but they're going to use it as it's a fact-finding mission you know all right you know let me go in the back of the bag and scan you know our code ur code and see more information about your artist you know so we i kind of you know as we say in philly i kind of flipped the script on them a little bit you know and i'm like hey you know why not you know add another option to what you guys are marketing and that was the really the creation of putting rap snacks you know on um artists on the rap snacks bag before that we had emc potato in the bag so right i know little romeo was the person on the honey barbecue yes you know yeah yeah so you know let me just tell you that you know so how i met p was you know p was actually had his label at universal people over there you know got that bag from them yeah legendary right so you know and i got a call you know from p's like man i really like what you're doing you know i mean i said well i appreciate that man you know so you know this is always i always tell people in my interviews that me and p like brothers because the bottom line is that we've kind of grown into understanding you know you know who does what you know i'm saying i'm the creator of all the products and what have you pisa you know p goes out in the markets he has a big brand you know and we we really the black willy wonka that's what happens me i'll be ready to go we get a product i'm like james put this out right let's get it straight and go make sure it tastes good these hoodie hooves this [ __ ] have been out right james had to taste this thing 38 times and i'm like you know what but when the magic came the magic came so that's what's good we balance each other off and i think that's what's good about this because even the noodles at first you know we knew we came up with something good because we was like you know what we've been eating noodles all our lives but we never owned it and so you know i'm like james we got to get this out now and he was like no we got to find the right place to make this you know all these different things that would create a business you got to trust the process our people don't want to trust the process but we figured out in this in our journey like like james said way back then nobody believed but us me and james have been on little planes little places going to these factories and stuff trying to make this happen this man really is a genius he don't get the prop we didn't helped a lot of people into the game but now we able to take our business and we built pj foods and taking this to another level because we got to start thinking stop taking companies public and that's where wise come in that because in the foundation part i just think that what we created our people are going to be proud hundreds of years from now saying look what we've done because we got all kind of product now and this all started from potato chips but expanding our brand and expanding our minds and whatever they could do we could do it better but this man know how to make sure it tastes good that's why you say you can put in a brown paper bag right yeah they're going to buy it with taste you know but you know learning is part of you know of course the financial literacy right you know like i know we make this product out there and put it on the shelves it got to be ten times better than other products like they're in the marketplace you know we can have jesus on the back yeah that product ain't good in the side ain't bonding no especially us because you know we gon we gonna criticize this take em by like man but give us a chance like we got to get a chance to get this out there and so that's where the imbalance is we talk about economic empowerment we don't own nothing because we don't trust the process with us we let all these companies grow and get better and we don't mind promoting marketing and buying a product but we don't do it for us and i told you we're going to change that narrative this is not only you're going to see rap snacks uncle p product you're going to see thousands of people that look like us that own products and brands because we go and kick these doors open yeah you know and this to add to that p if y'all go into a supermarket you'll see all these sections you'll see you know hispanic section which is goria gloria is a three billion dollar company right all hispanic products right you'll go to another section where the indian indian indians that's a fact that's a fact yeah don't have that you don't have any one section right and i want to bring this up because this is important because this is how we're going to change to really change the narrative yes because without distribution you can have the best product in the world and nobody gets to change to taste it you know you're not going to it's not going to go anywhere yeah so our philosophy is to be able to you know start with rap snacks but also build it out with other products that when people want to buy all stuff from the culture they can go through one section in a store like they buying you know any um product in macy's and they know that they're buying you know you know that's a valid point i never thought of that before because i go to the grocery store in my neighborhood and it's definitely it's um like the indian section the chinese section yeah and i've never seen i've never seen an african-american session yeah you've never seen it because we because the thing of it is is that we've had products out there but they didn't represent our culture uncle ben yeah and your mama yeah right y'all know all the stories behind that straight yeah me and pete we talked about that we were the ones that pushed that narrative to get them off the shelves yeah we wanted to we started that movement oh you started that yes we started that moving like all right we educated our people too just say the thing about it is we have to educate us because it's not about the money it's about wisdom and people don't realize if you don't know how can you change the narrative because we don't burn down blocks we then tow stuff up in different cities and we're trying to buy back the blood yeah we buying them back but not only we buying them back we educated enough to know what to do when we get the money and that's something that they never taught us because when you look at we just met we said how do we make real change and growth through economic empowerment because we wanted to think about it after we did all that pick it in and marching and all this stuff what else happened different so p let me ask you this because i feel like there's a lot of um crossover from like being an entrepreneur in one area to be an entrepreneur in another area so everybody knows you had a legendary you know situation where i believe it was 18 85 15. yeah split yeah and um it was crazy i think one year y'all put out let me see because like i was doing the notes on this and it was like i couldn't even i could i couldn't even believe how many out how many albums you guys actually put out one year it was um in 1996 you put out four albums in 1998 you put out 23 albums so that's like two albums every single month yeah so hey is that like the same because i'm seeing a lot of product are you flooding the streets just like we flood the hood we flood in the grocery store so that's that we're changing the game because you watching what we doing like we said we started with the chips now we got 10 12 different products that's coming from everywhere because when you look at it these are all products that we are buying and so people were scared back in the days when i was putting the music out saying you can't put that many records out at a time and i'm saying why not if they like one they selling thousands of records every week how come it can't be coming from us and so we went from selling 10 records to 10 000 to a million records to 100 million records independently and they didn't think we could do it the same thing and i look at me and james is like mother the king and the people that came before us they fought for us for our freedom and civil rights i feel like what me and james is fighting for and that's just me we fighting for economic empowerment for our people that's what they're gonna remember us for when it's all said and done they're gonna say these the guys that show black people that they could own business create it and get out there and make a difference because we know this is all temporary success but we know we could pass this down from generation to generations to our kids our grandkids great grandkids you look at uncle ben and aunt mama that was around 130 years before we finally woke up they made billions of us and we was cool with it our culture didn't say that we supported it and we didn't even flinch but every time we put out something they is is like you know that's the power of the internet though it's a gift and a curse everybody got something to say so we don't we don't attain the wealth that they attain because they just only see this the product what me and james see taking companies public stock everything that's going on right now like this is not it for us we all might see this product i'm gonna tell y'all y'all see why is here you see all this together we talking about creating banks that's what we're talking about so talk about that talk about that you can let that let it out y'all say y'all the hottest podcast you mentioned so like like james says deeper than rap snacks it is because we creating we creating online banking for disadvantaged people so you know a lot of us unbankable people yes unbankable people that are unbankable now they don't have bank accounts it's 63 million people in this country that don't have bank accounts yeah you know people are going to check cash and places and yeah and casting their checks right and where do we put our money at and so when i talk about uh disadvantage i'm talking about financially disadvantaged and our culture a lot of us are like that like we can't even get a second chance because we messed up with these big banking systems and now we feel like we're going to give our people a second chance to be able to to have bank accounts credit cards uh but but do it to where we educate now people in our culture and yeah that's interesting you know so to piggyback off p the boss up foundation we address these direct these issues directly you know look at our community you know our community is not necessarily under resource we have wealth we have buying power we have 1.2 trillion dollars in collective buying power that leave the community at the point of purchase because we don't produce anything we don't control the retail like james said out of a thousand stores in mississippi that we deal with only three of them are black owned that's insane so by teaching people to develop products that covers the part of the equation where we're no longer consumers and we're keeping the money rotating in the community circulating in the community longer so they can empower the institutions in the community that sustain our lives that's what's been the problem so we're talking about producing products we're talking about asset management stock market and we're talking about real estate so we talk about buyer blocks we're talking about stock boss up we're talking about innovation cafe which is a program that teach young people how to develop products you know from start to finish from conception conception to the shelf you know so these are things that are necessary like for example you look at boston right now i'm on the phone my guy earlier uh one of the programs that we're developing around the stock market it's for youth it's called black junior black wall streeters and in boston the wealth gap is 247 thousand dollars to eight dollars that's a fact the wealth of the every of the average wealth of black families in boston is eight dollars to 247 000. exactly it sounds great it sounds crazy it's gonna be zero zero yeah this is going to be zero point pandemic accelerated that but guess what we don't educate ourselves yeah you know what and that's what the boss of banking is about man p talked about it for a long time it was wise we're gonna create entrepreneur programs you know that's gonna help people understand how to become bankable like you go you know when i first started out you know i had forty thousand dollars from friends and family i went to the bank of one day the first thing they asked me is you know do you have collateral you know and most of us don't and we don't understand how to get collateral how to become bankable how to get your credit right you know where you can go and say hey you know i need a loan to start off with you know so we're not trying to do anything anybody else is doing we're trying to take those on 63 million people give them educate them on how to become more financially responsible period and is that is that entails helping them to create the credit you know from you know open up an account to you know basically helping them give information about what kind of business to go into and how to get into business that's what we're going to be doing that's the focus of you know the boss of banks and that's us that's us helping us that's what you guys got to realize we're teaching us how to boss up you know we're tired of saying we're pole culture we're one of the poorest cultures in the world no we spend trillions of dollars why we don't have money coming back that we able to dictate where it goes and you know we like we buy a lot of product that even in stocks like like uh why i said we buy a lot of product but we don't even invest in the products that we like because we don't understand we're not educated thousand dollars it didn't tell that is ipo would be worth 2.94 million a day if you're investing in in tesla you know 10 to 15 years ago we're you know a thousand dollars what would you be worth now right but we don't know that you know i didn't understand about investing in the stock market about 10 years ago i was just telling people i just look i look at it every of a minute now because again you know but y'all got to realize this right this is the conversations we got to be having you look at me and wise and james we all come from urban communities and we all come from poor backgrounds but the difference is and we all come from hip-hop but look where we are so you followed our movement then follow this movement with us now the path that we own because that's how we get well it's all about economic and banking they don't teach us that now whatever school you go to they teaching their kids this in middle school and high school they don't teach us that we all know we're gonna get a nice car some jewelry and we're gonna live at somebody house we ain't even thinking about having our own house we just want a nice car and some jewelry and go from there we have to de-program us and i think the next thing that we have to look at you know with us in order to build wealth you know it's all about acquiring other companies and that's what me and james talk about a lot now you know we put ourselves in a position to acquire other companies and also to be able to invest in other people's dreams uh that they have and saying that we could do it instead of having to go wait for somebody else that's what our banking they don't honest they don't understand it and that's how you understand their dreams yeah you know i mean you know if i told somebody about rap snacks you know 10 15 years ago they were looking at me like i was crazy yeah you know so you know again you know it's all about you know really collectively trying to help each other and understand the movement and that was stronger in numbers yeah this is a movement i wanted the people know this is not about hip-hop this is a real movement that we can change the narrative when it comes to economic empowerment earners is 2021 the year of execution in order to execute we have to have information and the number one place to get the information eyel university shoddy tell them what we bring in yes ewing university has been reloaded we already have 100 past webinars we already have weekly webinars we already have our private investment group on facebook we already have monthly financial planning calls we already have bi-weekly real estate calls but what has been added to eil university this year is access to mg the mortgage guys home buyers blueprint which walks you through the home buying process from a to z and what had also has been added breaking news alert everybody always has to be in our group when we talk about all the investment plays that we are making we are going to have investment calls group chat calls with me troy and the whole team and walk you through our plays that we're making and give you insight into our portfolios all of that for 75 off that's right we are doing a blowout sale 75 off for a limited time only go to right now and sign up see you on the other side so um so you guys are business partners in a variety of different things not just rap snacks so you're it's interesting what you just said i was looking on your page and i saw you bring a lot of small business owners on your page and you highlight them and all that so and you said something that was crazy where a lot of people don't even they don't even know their dream you got to yeah mold their dream for them so you bringing those people on your page is that part of like building an ecosystem and then coming under the umbrella yes because my thing is uh when you look at these people with a different ideas and they just need some exposure and my thing is i'm saying we waste a lot of time and money but if i can invest back into somebody else cause somebody gonna hit like james say nobody believed in his dream back then you know at one time me and him was the only one on the bus doing what we got to do but other people have those dreams they don't know where to go at and so we said even with me saying we built the channel on youtube which is important for the culture you know people look at shark tank and all but they're not looking at just the people at the bottom we're looking at the entrepreneur at the bottom level saying this guy could one day have all this so we want to be a part of helping them it's like venture capital yes and so we saying so i built venture capital excuse me i'm sorry to catch y'all but underground yes underground venture capital of the campus us like it's also saving us so we're saving us because we're but we got all these great ideas and they steal it from us because we don't know where to get the money from we don't know how to expose it to the world so we exposing these products and giving them a platform to market them so for me i'm a marketing genius this is this is all about me being a marketing genius saying you know what instead of just having this for me i want thousands at the table with us well now y'all see me james watching says the table i want thousands of people that look like us at the table saying man my idea is there because if you look at what i've done with we may show that people get shine that have great product that and we found so much great product out there that nobody probably would know about if we didn't have that space we're the most one of the most creative people on this earth yes you know we just don't have the outlets everybody don't have the outcome where i want to ask y'all where are the most talent yeah wait i want to know where is the most talented in our culture i'm gonna give you a better answer in the graveyard most of us don't get a chance to bring that talent out and enlighten it's a lot of people with great ideas never got it yeah because it no we're not gonna last forever so now because why i said he said getting the idea from scaling it from the idea to the shows right and so james i'm thinking like where did we start it right somebody was saying this like yo if you can get hot where you are there's a good chance that you'll make it right and so when we're trying to make these wraps when we're making rap snacks so we starting at mom and pop stores because i know we got to scale it to another level absolutely you know i was in mama and see my whole philosophy initially with rap snacks was you know i'm going to spread the brand all through the mama pop in the city stores around the country where i'm from right and eventually when i get hot enough you know it's like an artist a local artist and you get hot enough they're gonna come they're gonna come seeking for they're gonna like oh yeah is something they don't come looking for you and anything you know and you know this different levels you know to you know producing and distributing a brand well particularly distributing a brand because what happens when you go from corner store there's no entry level fee you go to some of these supermarket chains they have what they call slotting fees where for every space that you have they charge you might need to be on that talk about that and people might not know they might not know about that yeah so starting fees again it's just a you know it's something it's almost like a mortgage a rent that they're paying you for that space you got to pay for that space you know and if you're if you're not ready for that it really financially can ruin you right because your terms may not you know be enough to support you know that you know you know that situation you know and my thing was you know going into the inner city mama pop stores the bottom line is that they love rap snacks i didn't and it was and i didn't have to pay for those spaces my kids was eating everything to them grocery stores and giving them major change stores now you have to pay to be on themselves and that's the difference that's why you don't see a lot of people that look like us so you save on the bottom line like i'm not a fan of being in mom and pop as opposed to paying to be in the kroger's or something like that right yeah because they what they do is that they have what they call a planting ground right so the playing ground when you go into a shelf you'll see all you'll see rap snacks you'll see campbell's soup you'll see all these different you know items and basically they're saying hey you got to pay for that space if your item that they really saying hey we can take you or leave you now with rap snacks we ain't paying for none of that space yeah because we're feeling that void and we're you know when we first got into walmart the buyers basically she said james y'all been very incremental to our category meaning that people that came you used to come in that store you know um just for all the note that's watching out there in the hood they call that soft presence you ain't gonna solve pressure they call it the philly press huh yeah but you know the bottom line is that she was like hey now you have people that come to our stores they didn't come before to buy rap snacks so the key for them is to find incremental products that they can have in their shelves because they buy rap snacks right in the store they might buy some other products as well you know so that's why they call it incremental business let me let me ask you guys p i definitely want your opinion on this the first time i heard both of you guys speak yeah well when i was actually part of a conversation with both of you guys was inc on clubhouse yes clubhouse recently got the billion dollar evaluation yeah and i know you had you had some opinions about that so i just want y'all to know right and that's spectacular man you need to get on clubhouse i say you know what we're about to make another one of them a billionaire and what i mean about that because the guy who did clubhouse is not nothing against him he a genius he created a platform that we all could go on i'm just saying for us we need to create that for us if one of us if me and james did that right now how many people uh entertain us even the ones we've been paid already how many of them really gonna follow us on that and what my thing is clubhouse has done a great job in putting us into space i'm just saying we got to think of creating that narrative because that's how we create billionaires this guy what what we did we didn't uh took this that took a company to to be a billion dollar evaluation like think about it over 12 built over 12 million dollar investment which they won't give us expect say he want to start uh uh a clubhouse right now he's not gonna be able to get 12 million dollars up front which he say he can but i don't believe what i'm saying i don't believe but i'm just saying i'm just saying i'm just saying this is just facts right if your average backers they even have a company called cookout yeah but let me tell you something about cookout what i think that have the narrative have to change we got to stop creating black companies like when you look at rap snacks we're not a black company we we make stuff for the human beings this is for every culture the culture so so think about it but it's black owners so that's the only thing i'm saying add some diversity in the technology side to where we own something that we could sell to them we have to reverse the game now because now we want them to buy our products but we want to have the control and we want to control the narrative with ownership and that's what i mean by clubhouse that's it they got a great product i'm i'm happy for them yeah but i'm saying we need to control those types of how we put money back in the community in the countries we know we make a billion dollars everybody come and look for us saying p you're going to do for the hood okay let's be honest i'm going to tell y'all straight up y'all ain't went to one clubhouse only you don't even know how he looked nobody know his name or nothing i know his name one of them paul david but guess what paul davidson but y'all haven't said nothing y'all haven't said come on put some uh stuff back in our communities we don't because you won't even know where to go to do it over and over see think about we keep doing that that's it that's what i'm saying when are we going to change and realize that we the resource right we are the bag they say secure the bags but we are the bags yes we hip hop is a perfect example you go back to hip hop and its inception when it came out when it started to pop you know the community gave it away basically because we didn't create any businesses around the genius and innovation of the youth in the inner city so others came into the community saying hey this is genius let's make some turntables and allow them to do that that could allow them to scratch the record blend the record back and forth let's make drum machines that can sample that little segment in the classic so that they can wrap over it and they came in and they created an entire economy around hip-hop 10 billion dollars a year in the us alone 10 billion a year we're seeing less than one percent of the culture itself you know so he is 100 right we gotta we gotta start creating businesses around the business like with rattlesnakes you look at rap stacks it's the same thing people say okay this is chips this chips no it's packaging it's graphics these are all businesses manufacturing you can create a manufacturing business and it helped manufacture some of these potato chips and popcorn and noodles and noodles and everything else you could put a group together buy a manufacturing company like he said acquiring companies acquire manufacturing company and now you're producing the right but wise we are afraid to hear the truth because everybody on clubhouse oh pete tripping no pain tripping he educating y'all y'all just wanted somewhere where y'all could argue with each other and be mad and do it let's be honest you know but i'm saying there's some good james there's some great things over there but at the same time our culture is looking at the little mustard seed and not looking at the tree the tree is this is a billion dollar company that was created in seven months well yeah but that and that's why i want to jump in because if you think about these investment companies right you know they started out clubhouse so how much money 12 million dollars 12 million dollars right so you start out with 12 million dollars and they say the evaluation is what a billion billion billion dollars right in seven months all right so if everybody is familiar with the stock market right we're talking about the stock market the stock market they the brands and the stocks usually advance off what news right so the same people that putting that press release out that they work for x minor dollars are the same people behind clubhouse so what they're doing is that they create they create news for everybody even higher right they're hyped up even higher and everybody else can come in and say oh i want to be invested in clubhouse really but you know and see so that's the game we got to understand because they playing a game with us we really don't understand emotional intelligence we playing checkers we're playing checkers while they playing chess i'ma only say i'm making y'all think we got to start playing chess that's what we got to start doing as a culture because we only see though i got something i could talk on i could be that's why i say we just made another one of them a billionaire and you gotta look at it if that company is evaluated right now at a billion dollars is really on the stock market side gonna be worth 100 billion right and that's what we're saying educating us so we're not even seeing that because we just want to see oh this is what it is and i'm just telling y'all if one of us would have named the business clubhouse well it's a club why are we gonna do like we would have had a thousand different things to say why this is not gonna work so you're not even looking at the technology i'm just saying we need to wake up i'm just waking my culture up and educating them now whoever don't like it is cool the truth hurts i get it so you can go do what you got to do i'm just saying we need the creep so we can't do another clubhouse it's not going to be unique it's not going to work i'm just saying we got to create that and we can't support clubhouse because it's another man that created a business and it's something that we all use that's cool i'm cool with that but i'm just saying now we have to invest in us and support us with the next technology that we come up with that's what this is all about so that's that's all the things i'm saying it's not closer i mean is one of the first social media investment platforms that's strictly for learning we launched this app last year in april and uh you can go on it's like instagram means robin hood you go on you set up a profile just like you would on instagram you can follow people and you get a million dollars in simulated money and it follows the stock market in real time it has the ultimate investment guide to teach you all the terms as you go so you can learn as you go and the amazing thing about it is the algorithm lets the top performer portfolios trend to the top of your feed so you seeing what works immediately you can copy and paste somebody's entire portfolio into yours and you instantly making money you can take your real money now and put it into these stocks because you see it working already they're beating the stock our gurus we have guru in a week the top performing portfolios pop up they've outperformed in this market the s p by like 69 79 one kid is on there out performing the s p and the dow by about 329 percent insane so the platform is like a digital version of pigment in a sense yes absolutely absolutely so why so what we got what we got to do is you know it's the big show when it comes to financial literacy well we got the biggest show when it comes to stock called market mondays so market monday so we got we got to run this back with market think about it for our culture this conversation ain't sexy but it should be cause everybody's trying to get to the bank that's what i'm saying holding these conversations and letting our culture know how big it is because if we're not educated to this you know times are changing and they saying there's a changing other goal and if you're not prepared in 2022 you're either gonna be rich or poor um you hanging in the club you know everybody got 24 hours you just spending your money you're not investing your money you're not going to have no money a year from now 10 years from now so you're gonna be in panic mode the same way this pandemic has put a lot of people in pain some people make people go create business that's what i love about it too so uh you look at these hard times it made people start thinking and i hope that now even from the hip-hop culture that everybody that's watching this saying you know what let me understand what they saying let me take notes let me study this stuff let me better myself because that's all they do they giving this information to their culture and they people and they said i'd rather be around one of them that i don't like and make some money with them but we rather hate on each other and say oh i can't mess with you because i don't like you so y'all y'all got to realize it's us self-hate so we trying to give you the game just like the boss up program that's for free we ain't charging nobody nothing so i don't get why people are not by the millions coming on saying let's understand this let's be a part of this even with you look at the masterpiece review channel we are helping people like most people charge people to put them on their pages we like no man we want you guys i do this for free and people still question why you do what do you want me to do like let's be real you want the old me you want the ice cream man that's what you wrote this is for real that i come from the ghetto i come from the struggle and look where i'm at right now follow me on that journey y'all see i'm getting some real money we're not sitting around there waiting on them we're creating business creating opportunity for our people and i just think that we have to stop that self-hate because what me and james talk about the other day it's like if you're not happy with yourself we can't help you if you got money you should be happy like they got dudes got money sitting around with friends on there i'm like man what's wrong with you and i don't know you know what people wish they had what you have and you still not happy so i just think that we have to realize moving forward that we're going to grow we're doing this to educate our people why not come on this journey with us why i got to be all this and trying to figure this and that out like know what just do let me tell you something we know one thing if you do right guard and keep blessing you and that's what's been happening amen you know like i can't talk about nobody i changed my life i'm doing right if you don't like that that's cool i really don't want you i told my own boy earlier i said you know what i just want good people around me this ain't about all of us and now this part of my life i told you jay we gotta enjoy our life this journey we own we gonna have some fun enjoy ourselves with good people around us now if you're negative we're cutting you off because you know we come from together i don't i am no problem for real like riding a bike for me you know so i have changed but i haven't that's a reform yeah oh really quickly because i'm thinking about the marketing sense and i'm looking at our culture being celebrated in the marketing the branding of it so i'm wondering when you approach an artist how is that relationship is it a licensing situation or do they get equity by the amount of chips they get so how does that work well you know it's it's basically a partnership you know i've done a lot of you know deals for artists you know and you know one thing i've found with artists man first and foremost they gotta like what they're doing number one you know they just you know some of the guys that's gonna take the money the partnership is not gonna be successful right so you know i say when i relaunch rap snacks it's gonna be a partnership with the artist you know you promote the brand we sell it what i make you make yeah you got to feel you got to be a part of it we're partners if you're not a partner we don't want we don't want you to be part of that we don't want you to be mad because now you're saying look i only made this well we only made that product don't talk back they don't talk back we put them on the shelf so guess what if we make fifty dollars you make fifty dollars you know so and if you spend your fifty dollars and be mad at us cause you don't have it that's on you you know it's crazy too cause the officers in my office about a month ago and he was like james if they don't promote the brand get rid of them and it's true you know what i'm saying yeah the bottom line is that you got to want to be here you got to know you got love you got to love the brand you got to love the one of the representative and you're going to make money yeah well yeah i mean this is crazy too because now you got this situation where there's no show money out there you know and i you know i should tell these all the time don't be one-dimensional because that's it can come and go yeah you know i mean and you're not going to be hot forever it's like a you know a banana pill going bad eventually it's gonna go bad yeah yeah yeah you know so you got to be prepared for that you know and be diversified and make that transition into being a business person because a lot of times the artist man you know is unfortunate because you know if i had this company 25 26 years i can tell you i went through 200 different artists yeah and i might not be able to name but two three of them that's relevant right now so i mean i noticed that you guys obviously you had artists it's crazy but i just shout out to uh pinky on atlanta i saw that [ __ ] vegan has a video yeah so are we moving toward the entrepreneurs as well now no i you know i just love pinkie's movement man you know she's a positive sister man that's doing something you know i see her energy is very infectious and you know we've we've had seasonings that were you know basically vegan anyway you know so i'm like oh it makes a you know it's like a you know it's a part that is the perfect marriage but it's something that eventually is going to grow you know we want to be like oh we're not ready for you no we want to start and grow with you as we grow i love you i love that because can i can i can i give my opinion on something oh absolutely so i told united masters this i told your butt in this exactly i told fat jokers i'm telling anybody that will listen this there's a movement of financial literacy in our culture right now right it's a snowball a lot of people especially big corporations are still not really aware of what's happening right but this snowball is quickly becoming an avalanche and the financial literacy people the entrepreneurs the investors they are going to be the next rock stars yeah the president is already set for that the first financial literacy superstar was donald trump if you really think about it mark cuban is a businessman he became a celebrity on shark tank and owning the nba team and making him put gary vee it just hasn't been somebody black that had nothing to do with sports or entertainment pretty soon that's gonna be the new wave and a lot of these corporations aren't paying attention to that they still focus too much on my opinion on on entertainers and rappers that's great right but the entrepreneur's career lives in perpetuity it can be passed down for generations i don't care how fast you can you could you could run eventually you're gonna have to stop well look dude look at this y'all product outweighs talent that's why we're preparing the next generation you look at me and my son romeo and and and the people that's in here that's sitting there we are preparing the next generation it's not just about us and we tell it not only entertainers this but at the least too because a lot of these i don't care whether we try to do business with why leonard whoever all those guys that came up and they said yeah we want to do business with you but then they get caught up with basketball or they get caught up with football they don't have the time and i say you know what one day you're gonna have the time you know what i'm saying one day you're gonna have the time remember that i stopped for you i stopped for you and showed you everything i need cause people always say well pete show me the game i'm giving these guys the game for free i sit down with i mean i didn't even sit down with paul george but look man you can't play basketball forever i know you're making a lot of money doing this but you better think about cause that look at what we doing because i was at the height of my career and not realizing music okay you michael jackson whatever that's gonna stop and so i said product outweighs talent and it's the truth like auntie mom and uncle ben been on the shelves for 130 years and it was pure mockery they never ran up no court they never did no music none of that stuff it's still in the stores today and it's the only reason they're taking it out because we're creating products and brands that we could pass down for generations and i feel like right now me and james gonna be the rock stars of this so we look at african american people that are creating business and brands we're at the forefront because we're not afraid and we're taking a a page out of reginald lewis book when you look at russian lawyers say why should white guys have all the fun why should they only be billionaires this guy did this in the 1970s we got our act together this ain't about no money this is about i got a billion dollars worth of knowledge i could lose all the money in the world i'm gonna keep getting it back cause i got the knowledge and i think that's what we missing well pete that's that's the key too because as he's talking about you know becoming the financial guys becoming the next rock stars yes it's more about delivering that information and how to to get to become that yeah you know so the more availability we make you know on the landscape of you know how to understand how to get to that point financially because you know you know mark cuban you know all these guys were basically they were at a young age you know you know he was a visionary about you know the internet you know tv on the internet yeah streaming yeah but y'all don't know what mark cuban did mark cuban brought yeah so they gave him a billion dollars for that now let's be honest now you're a rock star that company even probably not worth a hundred thousand dollars they said it's the worst deal on internet history that's what i mean well yeah but again going back to what i said before when they announced that you know it's smoking smoke screens it's all smoke screens right you know and it's crazy because it's really almost like pyramid schemes that are that's been happening for years they get waiting for it we probably went to jail for it yeah but guess what i'm saying james nobody's been educating our culture on this so all they really just want is the nice car so they don't get it like what do you want in the car you know what i'm saying but i'm just saying for us as a culture knowing the bigger picture behind what's going on in this financial game and you know we all talk about oh you know we think just cause they sent us to some of the most pro i mean some of the most prestigious schools in the world we think that we could do this it's not even about that because i know a lot of people that i know grew up with they went to all these big time schools they never did none of the stuff they went to school for yeah that's a fact so why speak to that you know sometimes you know i went to cheyney university which is the oldest black school in um in the country you know and for me you know as i look back on it was a really important for me at the time because not only that you know it was more of the experiences that i had coming from in the city of philadelphia and going to a black school and meeting people that looked like me that were on the same path of trying to do something good so but nowadays college is not it's not the most important thing in the world the one thing is is it to nurture those kids at a young age you know wiser son is building computers right now from scratch self-taught coder taught itself out of cold programs games he's you know the back end of it you know uh and he's building high power computers and you know and at the same time you know for me you know one side of it that i'm on it i'm like yo you just use the amd cpu that company valuation its gains was 4580 percent in the over the past five years you know so on the other side you need to make sure you got some stock in those companies that you spend the money in you know so it's very important we don't get that if that side of the game when we're coming up he's talking about wall street he's talking about wall street straight from the world new orleans yeah it's important the information that that that he'd be given that he'd be giving to the culture yeah is invaluable man it's priceless because we come from 500 credit score communities yeah you know what i mean so you know one of the first things we need to be learning is the business of you you know your first business is you if you can't manage your credit score you can't get your things together that part of your life together it's gonna be hard for you to manage a business or get money from a bank to get a loan to do something else you know i mean you have to deal with you first that's the first business the business of you so all of those things credit repair uh you know basic finance people don't know how to balance a checkbook you know i don't know understand the importance of a llc in the corporation they really don't understand just the basic stuff because everybody know we was raised i come from new orleans raised put everything in my name or put it in my mama name you know they don't understand everything that go with this and so that's why so for me being from new orleans y'all know i grew up in a project and i grew up in the poor side so i wanted to go to white school to see how they think i went to university i just got time like i'm not learning i need to go see something else and i'm so blessed to be able to play basketball just to get in there and just to see how they think and when i start seeing how they think and how they prepare their kids and what they're doing so you know my grandmother sent me off to school for five hours say baby go on do what you got to do i'm like five hours you know but i went made it work and i got a chance to see the other side of the road so i just think all of our backgrounds and what we'd have been through i feel like we experts at this game you know think about it as a black man you know we've been in business we made money lost it got it back figured out how to get it back you don't fell off the horse 10 12 times got back up but that's what it's about they did it too but we don't criticize them when they do it because when they fall off the horse they just like you know what those guys will be back they hustlers when we fall off the horse we're like oh he's done he fell off what happened with him he's smoking not knowing that think about it ibm james ibm was a big multi-billion dollar company they fell off what happened they went figured something outside and got into other companies yeah blockchain technology ibm where they tracking food from the point where it was uh was put on the truck to you from the ground you know how fresh it was the day it was picked and everything yeah they invested in stella stella yeah you got to be able to pivot sometimes you know but what's the you know what's important too is and meanwhile has always talked about we always talk about this you know my first job out in college was with a company called johnson products right it was a black company you know and i was sitting next to mr johnson who owned the company right so it was all always i was it was he was it was almost a paid internship he was a paid mentor because i got to see a vision of the guy who at that time went to multi-millionaire company right and he was in every store in the country if you go into any store now with hair care right they have a two foot section to the to a 24 foot section and every store you go into it's you can buy uh black hair care right you know and you talk about that so that was the mentorship that i got that's that's what gave me the vision of understanding how to develop products what retail was about and how to put it out with a product out there so as we produce more of us right and have more people coming behind us that's you know that's as good that's gonna change the game for everybody so you know that's important that's important because the mentor [ __ ] yeah you know the brother vincent johnson was mentored by samuel b fuller yeah samuel b fuller was one of the richest black men in the country in the 1960s during the civil rights movement he was underwriting a lot of what martin luther kingdom was doing yeah a lot of people didn't even know that you know so he came to martin luther king in him and said yo okay the the bus is going bankrupt the boycott is working let's buy it he wanted to buy the bus but the civil rights leader said you know that's not what the admission was he's like let's buy it we can employ our people we can put the mic that's that's a powerful so you're saying that the bus the bus boycott somebody was cause that was my whole thing with the bus boycott and much respect to our ancestors you can never disrespect anything that they did they worked with the information that they had but my whole thing was like like even what malcolm x was saying like it's not about boycotting a hotel it's about starting your own hotel yeah oh wait that always absolutely resonated with me with the bus boycott i'm like i know that's why we have to share this information we don't want to do that because we're so afraid of we we brought up in a dope man mentality which kingpin mentality everybody want to be a kingpin nobody want you know back in the day you used to have guys in the hood be like you know what say little dude this what you do don't do what i do because i want you to be better than me we don't do that no more here share this information though because if you know you're gonna walk up there and crash and burn you know if you tell somebody the truth and if they don't get it that's fine if they just don't want it but we're saying share this information give them opportunity we we develop in we're developing uh all these different places for us to go to instead of developing educational places to put us into to prepare because if we don't do this together we're going to lose like let's be honest you can say that our ancestors back in the days they didn't understand how to share information because they didn't have time to learn they fighting for their life you know it was our civil rights movement we're fighting for freedom we're saying these people them paid away from us for us to be here and do what we're able to do now so that's why i love them you know this is my passion this is my purpose to educate the next generation that's all i want to do especially people that look like us so is that part of the rap staff foundation to build yes one of the aims of the of the rap's next foundation is to triangulate the culture the entrepreneurs in the community you know because if we all connect all the entrepreneurs in the culture that's doing their thing functioning at a high level in the game connect with the hbcus with the rappers with the athletes and the comm and and the community we can really move the needle you know just just go back you know to post a pre-integration reintegration we were building we had communities that were prosperous all over the united states not just black wall street we talk about black wall street all the time right here in miami over town just up the street establishing what 1896 in south carolina richmond virginia maggie lena walker maggie lena walker was the first woman in the united states to have her own bank not black woman the first woman and she just happened to be black with our own bank in 1913 1913 she built this bank all the way up it lasted went all the way to 2006. now that's that's wealth that's building generational wealth that's know-how that's information and it all started as a benevolent society she said okay what can i do to help my community so with the foundation the point is to solve a problem to follow the need you know that's the point of entrepreneurship to me you know to find creative ways to solve problems and we who got more problems than us all the time how to start a business find a problem exactly i find a problem if you look at you know we left at some of the latino brothers they're on the cones they're washing they found a problem like we all we want to do is find a job we just want to pay bills and that's either you got to know what you want to be you want to be the boss or you want to be a worker that's it but we need both everybody is not put here to be the boss everybody's not college material yes you know and everybody but everybody has a job to do because if you look at what we say in this look at some of the most successful companies in the world guess what they have it's like a car you got the engine you got the starter you got the battery you need all these pieces and that's why i built everything i do is built on a team atmosphere let me ask you speaking about like looking into the future you just did a partnership with an ex engineer from tesla yeah to create the new supercar situation yeah what's that about well you know what that's about giving somebody from our culture an opportunity that uh that was a worker he's he's black he's black yeah trying to so giving the guy uh the exposure to the world to say you know what if they making chorus look at what we could do this guy helped him build a lot of the tesla cars so i'm saying giving that guy an opportunity and seeing where we could take that at so and also exposing that to our people saying look what we understand how to do some of us a real genius at creating things but we have nowhere to take it so me and james our whole thing is saying let's see the people that we could find that you know you might have something that you say okay we just need to dust this off uh help this person out uh expose this person to the world like that's another source of revenue to help our culture and our people give our people opportunities and jobs and also something that's made by us that probably we probably think that we can't do that a kid in high school or middle school or even in kindergarten right now you know say show me a black guy that made a supercar now now we actually lived this life and seen it we just seen a black president we haven't seen a a black vice president now like we're definitely changing the game so how long is that do you envision before that you can actually have a car cause a car is a whole different type of product that's just a lot that goes into that yeah you know what to be honest with you we're investing in so many different uh products and so many different opportunities that's only one of many and so that's on him like i'm never a person like that i don't know the car business but i understand the marketing i understand uh how can i help this person and so that's what i'm doing you know i feel like that's what my strength coming in if i could help expose something to the world it turned into something fine if it don't we're going to keep pushing until yeah but ultimately we what what we'll do is create a management team around them when we invest some money you know you know our goal is to you know this year raise 100 million dollars you know for our fun up also fun to be able to promote you know and invest in and and companies such as his you know that we think is unique and different and out of the box and we can we can you know um offer our expertise and put people around him to support his growth and the understanding of how to move forward with a product that is something that's quality and something that can you know really you know get competitive y'all got a marketplace a supercar you never imagined us creating it's a lot of money you create a supercar so the next step is coming up with the me and james talking about the electric cars that are affordable for everybody we need to have them they're coming from us so it start from there this supercar is going to turn into something else so is is boss up is it a venture capital firm it's everything it sounds so so no no so we so let's we're starting a boss up you know entrepreneur banking platform okay okay and on on top of that we're going to create a fun 100 million dollar fund right to invest in companies such as um the brother who has the you know has the car you know then like again there's a lot of other companies out there yeah that we feel like that we can invest our money but in addition to that and that's our expertise you know our knowledge and put structure around them to support the mentorship and support themselves these things come with life yeah because you know a lot of this stuff you know you have people come up with all these amazing ideas but it never come to life i just told y'all uh the most treasures are in the graveyard people don't get a chance to finish those so we saying we putting together fun to invest in other people's ideas and bring some of them ideas to life that's that's that normally you'll never see happen so one of the more one of the most important things about a fund for me is is that you can you can allow others to come into the fun as lps or whatever you know and when you think about how a lot of these companies out here that start especially silicon valley when these kids leave college the pwi is the predominantly white institutions they leave when they go to silicon valley come up with this great idea come up with this great company let's say uber or lyft you know and then they look for vc they look for vc funding they go to the tampa vc where the alumni is running that vc another student from the same university is running this vc right right so then they get this break but the part that we missing is that the university that they graduated from is in that fund as an lp as a limited partner so now the university is building its endowment off the genius of its students right now take raps next for example james is out of cheney cheney university right james should have been able to look back to cheney when he came up with this idea he said yo i'm looking for funding went to a vc that cheney was already vested in so when rap snacks take take off then cheney's endowment grow at the same time puffy with bad boy entertainment same thing all these only hbcu all these graduates from hbcus that's doing it starting companies the hbcu should be benefiting i'll tell you what i'll tell you what you picked the right name why is it challenging now because everything you're saying is completely true and it's like there's a teacher there's a professor in stanford university who's already a billionaire yeah and he teaches a class and he really only teaches that class to find the next people to invest in and the people go to that class to pitch him the idea i think airbnb um he invested in airbnb he invested a bunch of them it's like a whole pipeline of stanford graduates that take this guy's class because they know that they might have an opportunity to pitch him the business and he's going to invest in it so it's like they talk about group economics the professors come the real sharks yeah it's like shark tank we're just going to feed off the fish that come through the tower you know what i'm saying they're feeding up the talent well you know what we have to go from us we know street economics we got to go from street economic to real economic and entrepreneurship and that's what we've normally been creating because we don't have education to go with it so we are streampreneurs you know we got to go from that to entrepreneurship because that's the narrative that has to change but it come through education and we have to sit down and have more conversations like this but we have to give this to the masses so they could see and understand like we're not perfect we're not the smartest people in the world but look at our growth and we willing to learn and get better and i think that's the the magic gonna happen for our culture starting a conversation like this and seeing people that are successful because our culture we only feed on success like you can't tell me nothing if you're not successful and so now it's going to take people like us to take the time out and that's what we're doing so follow this movement we got people in here that want to give this to you but you got to want to learn it and then you really going to have to sacrifice just like us and take some time because i tell people all the time you know what's the key to success it's consistency see what i'm saying so they think you got no it's consistency you keep doing the same thing all the time you're going to get some real results out of it but people want to run in place they want to move act like they move but you can't move if you're running in place so my thing is you got to stop running in places it is they just run it in place like we get up in the morning we run together we work together we play cause we've got a bigger vision we're like man and i'm gonna tell you something well i work so hard they say p you go hard yeah i don't want to go back to the ghetto dude i swear to god i don't want to go back i want to go back to health the youth and feed the elderly but i don't want to go back there to live so that's they said well why that's why i work so hard if my kids already have that i say why y'all work they say why your kids work so hard cause i already told them you don't want to go to the ghetto you've never been there you're not even prepared for it you're not ready you do not want so my kids you see them they they they going at it now you know i'm saying if you want to be good at some if you look at from lebron james to uh kobe bryant those guys had the same trait if you look at it they had passion they had purpose and they had consistency that's what they had we have to have that if we really want to win when i get up in the morning i go with it i tell i'm a beast you can't stop me bro i don't care who you here for real you cannot stop me i don't care who you is you're not gonna be able to stop me you're not gonna better stop me because i get up with it i sleep with him i get up with it i know exactly what i want they're like yeah well p you made this at no limit boy you don't understand i'm about to make 10 times and i don't even care about the money because if you do something you love the money gonna come it ain't about okay well i'm good if you're good at something like that's what i tell people about talent if you're good at something you're gonna create followers a leader don't go look for followers a leader create followers off their talent people want to come to you because you talented that's something people come here to us because we good at what we do that's it we ain't going to tell people to follow us a leader never tell somebody to follow them people follow you because you're good at what you do unless you rock in follow the leader forward thinking yeah and i know you said you want to take rap snacks public yeah what is that process are there more products coming like what what's the process of getting this to what was that yeah i can answer that yeah i mean you know first and foremost is the right timing right you know so we feel like you know well let me let me just say this i wanted to make sure that when we do go public that the people that who are supporting our brand have the first opportunity to invest in us yeah right so we're making sure that we align that first and foremost because most of times we have companies like us they go public and you go to the institution first they get all they they invest all the money and then when it gets to you know to the regular person they can't afford it yeah or the pricing is a lot higher than they should be we want to take our people on that ride with us you know we want to build wealth journey this movement with us and don't wait till it's because you know people always say well i want to do this you know what you're going to get an opportunity to do this and be a part of this and and be a part of making some real money and our thing is the more we make the more we get we want to be able to change the communities the culture we want to educate we want to build places to where we talk about financial literacy economic empowerment banking we want to give that to the youth because that's what started they it's called preparation they preparing their generation for success we gotta stop saying we can't do something that's why i call my company no limit there's gonna be no limit to my success every time somebody tell when i was at home it was one old lady told me miss irene said boy you bright eyes you're gonna be a star why everybody will tell me [ __ ] you ain't gonna be [ __ ] i said boy miss irene's i'm gonna be a star i'm like seven years old you know what i'm saying miss irene says i'm gonna be a stone you bad kid with all us in the project you ain't gonna be [ __ ] nah bro i'm gonna be a star and we got to start preparing the next generation and we're letting all these other stars out there know these entrepreneurs that we did it y'all could do so we want to motivate them and show them that and we're going to show that like we're not perfect so we go through some trial and error learn like when we first put the noodles out we had to fix the season that's cool we showing you this the process trust the process but we're going to get it right because we know the bigger picture and then when you go public too you you know you are more susceptible to everybody yeah everybody knows your business so you have to prepare for that to make sure that you have all your ducks in line right and that you're not exposed to people trying to really bring you down with things that they don't really understand i mean you had everything has to be tightened and buttoned up when you go public let me p p um yeah you and baron davis gonna buy reebok so let me let me explain something [Laughter] so look let me explain something y'all right i have some incredible partners that we put a package to go to the table and our people don't understand that we could do this and so what i learned on this journey i'm going to educate my people on the journey if i get an opportunity and they pick out bid then history will be made but history's gonna be made either way ago because i'm educating my people on this journey you know uh my people don't realize that these large companies like this that we really can't buy they got banks that just buy the debt for these companies they never taught us that so what i'm going to teach my people on this journey how this is going to get done even though we already have the money in the bank to buy this but the people i have around me are so smart it's like you know what we're gonna pay for this in debt and my people never understood that and that's what i'm gonna teach my people and me and james we're gonna buy so many other companies like this just from this journey to know that i can do this pete you work this how you know how much i'm working you don't know i got nothing in my name i'm really worth nothing but i control a lot of companies i control everything i got trust in a lot of companies i don't need to take nothing with me i'm going to be able to buy get whatever i want because i have the trust and the control in these companies so we have to teach that to our people stop counting somebody rich pockets you sitting at home don't have nothing on the internet trying to figure something out this ain't no internet game bro for real i'm trying to educate you i say real life people this real life gonna take a picture this we have to teach the culture this because they don't know they sitting back trying to figure out so how do you think reginald lewis and all those people that came here for us how they brought these companies education of wisdom and think about it we are the narrative when you're talking about sales for one thing reebok will not be successful unless they sell it to us as african americans we need a chance to be able to put that we don't want blew that company up like think about it but we never had a sneaker yeah but that's what i want i mean all this this is what i want to stop us being a face to these things cuz think about it they offered me all kind of deals i'm like nah i'm smarter than that but i'm from the project i shouldn't be as smart as y'all think i am right i do have education and so what i learned was they want to make us the face they want to give us minority on ownership of these companies so why i'm going to get you 10 million dollars to go be a minority ownership of the nets and then you go get build this nice facility because you got a minority owner and then we have no control we're changing that narrative and it's going to take time it's not an overnight process so we have to be willing would you say pete we went in yeah we won't end we won't we coming to the table and we got a team to go with us right we have the right lawyers the right accountants and all these things that go with us and so we got the right nerves with us i don't know gangsters with me i need nerds [Applause] you know because think about it some of us want to be the realest and the toughest and then when we go to jail and go to prison then we get to cry no man take your lick oh y'all cause that's what i did i took my lick when i was in the streets but i got down on my knees to guard and say man give me ask for forgiveness if you give me a second chance i'm gonna do better i ain't gonna sit in there and be like oh i won't be the toughest dude in the world man i wanna learn from my mistakes i wanna grow i wanna get better that's what i wanna teach this culture let's get better together so if we could go out there and play basketball and football for them we just to face if they could play to pay lebron james that amount of money imagine the guy who owned the team would he make so think about it if he could pay him 200 million and don't flinch what do they make well you know what but you know big up to lebron james because yeah man lebron changed the game you got to show it like he don't put his team together i'm just saying i'm just using because he's the biggest in the game but lebron really gets it with a lot of these players don't get it right so we got to give him his just due because his team that he had while he playing basketball he understand business it's a lot of them don't and i'm gonna tell you know why because everybody get a financial advisor don't even know what they do they got guys the financial advisor come and say you know what i'm gonna take five percent of your money son you have to give me nothing so you feel like oh i had to get a white man nothing he gonna be my financial advisor let's be honest no not look look what the game comes you just made 200 million dollars he got five percent of 200 million dollars how much is that 10 million what you just met him three months ago how many at the lisa entertainers gave their mama 10 million dollars update money let's be honest so we have to educate ourselves to this so you don't even know where to find it and then they go invest your money in penny stocks while you playing basketball and keep us away from each other oh don't bring don't put them around them cause them [ __ ] smart right there we don't want you to be around them so we can't even get you the game because they don't want you around us and all we really just trying to do is help and exp i give it to people for free so think about it if we are stronger together and we educate them if one of them get it so that's what i'm doing my kids my kids some of the toughest in the country not in basketball but i'm saying that if you get to the league which you don't have to go lead i'm proud of you that you ate students coming from we come my kids on the honor roll they can go to any college they want and they straight monsters on the court i was at one game dude that's me man what masterpiece hunter the mother two dudes monsters oh that's pizza you know so you got to look at i looked at i showed my kids i said look at steph curry i played with steph curry dad at charlotte steph curry turned into a marksman because of the work he put in i tell my sons i get up at five o'clock if i don't see you up at five then guess what you ain't serious so guess what i'm not investing in that if you ain't up at five we cool because guess what yo you master pizza you got an x on your back they're already saying oh well you ain't that good so you got something to prove they know what i love about my kids they understand we building a generation of wealth i said what's the most important thing you doing when you're out on the court you say i'm protecting my family name that's what i'm talking about know what i'm saying and that's what we got to be yes yeah absolutely that's the ball so what's the what's the what's what's the vision going forward like what's the 10-year 50-20 30-year plan like we we talked about what we got going on right now what's the vision so the vision the vision for me is uh lit nipsey hustle legacy live the marathon continues rest in peace continue struggling that was that was y'all talk about mentorship that was a kid that i knew in the eighth grade and i mentored him he went to my program in cali it's called urban born me and janelle created a program to get gangs off the streets and into the classrooms and so this guy always thought out the box but the one thing we didn't realize that even these communities we have to educate ourselves on how to survive so you as us having wealth we got to know that and so it's to educate you know even people from our culture that want to be successful in business you still have to survive you have to survive too big because like i said we come from a world of self-hate and we eliminate each other for the bad and you know like if you listen to all these songs get rid of the plug do all this okay what's the plug on where we gonna get something from yeah so we're building wisdom it's not about money we don't pray for money we pray for wisdom and so now we have to build this with us passing this wisdom down opening these doors me and james like no we brothers from another mug because we got real love for each other it's like you know what some of us have bad days some of our good days whoever could help we're gonna help each other that's just how it goes it's love we have to show the culture that all this hate we gotta we gotta fix this with love and we gotta give the negative to something positive or we're gonna keep sending us to be incarcerated and our thing is we wanna change that narrative so this is not just about making money that's what i want the world to know this is about building a better culture of people and educating them financially and growing companies and building business so we can feed our people yeah i mean it's also too my brother's about creating more of us yeah right you know so if you multiply me and p and y's and you know most of people in this room that have you know attitude like hey we're gonna go out there and get it all we need is is the information right once we do that you know and it's been done before but you know you talk about black wall street and some other things but it's always been destroyed over a period of time if you look at history you know even the the my brother phillip you know when they found out that his product was black home that's when his business died and it died in less than about six months what company was that um right you know so you know it's it's really about creating more of us you know um and and it's also by creating the attitude of we want to do better you know i mean everybody got a choice man i'm like and i you know and i'm telling people i said we can we can't save everybody yeah but the part the people that we do sending that direction those are the people that really want it and i'm saying like you know when i was coming out of school i got a basketball scholarship coming out of high school you know i went to this this small school and i was there and i was like you know i had to make a decision you know i'm i wasn't even serious about school i just felt like i was going to play in the nba i had no other options other than sports so giving you know our people more options other than being a rapper and being and doing sports like you said you know somebody that's financially suitable to be that bad the next star in in the financial business that that's what's next for us and we show how successful we are and we keep creating that we're going to create a whole plethora of people that's going to come behind us you know and strengthen you know other people and and it's going to be you know it's just going to trickly you know and and continue for years but it has to start with us i appreciate you brothers why what's your vision i want to i want yes i want to hear from you from you know piggyback off james and p you know for me boss up rap snacks foundation is a resource capture foundation you know we we we're capturing resources that have been getting extracted out of community you know they call our communities under-resourced communities in the not-for-profit world in the nonprofit world but we're not under resource we're over extracted you know we have all the resources we the bag everything we need is already in the village is just being extracted so the foundation sets up programs to help track those resources for example we partner with denise the broken you know one of the most popping brokerage firms real estate's brokers brokerage firms in the country the biggest biggest figures also too you know not only that you know she's doing really well but it's her spirit yeah that yo is we mean why i talk about all the time you know and we we're big on that i'm big on energy i'm big on spirit man our energy is like out of this world so that's another thing i'm telling what i'm saying about attitude and energy and i mean i'll get you along i'll get you get you a little absolutely so we developed this program you know that p came up with called buy our blocks so we buy our blocks we're actually taking people from nothing to cop in their first investment property you know and as well it's a two-prong pro course program where you can learn how to invest in your first investment property or you can learn home get home ownership training training for your first home purchase because you know we buy our homes black community 50 60 just buying a home when in order for you to maximize the equity on the home you should buy your home before 35 years old you know what i mean so we're trying to encourage the community and the culture to purchase homes earlier you know i mean so you can maximize the wealth on that you know on that asset you know then we partner with uh a group a young brother out of virginia he has a organization called black wall street junior black wall streeter so we we developed a program called bricks boss up remote investment club systems where we're actually creating investment clubs we're getting people together in groups so you can bring your family if you want your family to start an investment club you can join this program and we get we mentor you consult you through the program and get you on your way to to building wealth you know so all the programs that we create is to basically facilitate what james and master p just put down for the vision you know what i mean to pass the information on and to the next generation let's definitely keep building anything that we can do to help you know we've created the ecosystem of entrepreneurs we've got mg the mortgage guys right there of course we got wall street traffic in yeah shout out to ian i'll show um market mondays we got alex good energy he's a trucking guru right here he does the trucks the scores you know spec maddy jay does toro so we've created a whole ecosystem of of entrepreneurs from our culture so everything you said just resonated with me so if we could be of any help man would would definitely love the building oh that's that's great because we got a truckee come we're trying to start we do our own trucking trucking right now we have a guy over there who's my friend since ninth grade he's running you know running he's running the uh you know our transportation department but i'm like yo we need this we need to buy our own trucks yeah it's crazy and yeah you know what i'm saying so that's it that's great as y'all was speaking i mean saying i'm just going to repeat what you were saying man like i feel like this room is delivering by me of y'all what y'all talking about like i'm challenging all of us to just oh yeah we could do it you know what i'm saying like look at this start like i said it start from us making the right connections and resources the people always saying well you know what you're looking for it might be right around no this is my homeboy from new orleans he got he got his own wing shot you know what i'm saying so it's like putting all this stuff together saying we can do and he plays the right fraternity too by the way i'm just saying i don't know what i'm saying you know but my brother here man like first and foremost thank you you know for coming today man and man man wise always talking about you man but my whole thing is that you know like i see you man you you killing it right so i want to know like where you trying to take your platform you know and what's the next level for you because you know like we got a lot of synergies here we've been trying to reach out to you forever link up with you just said that but for me is i'm from so for me i always wanted to represent the streets right on the financial way absolutely because i always say it's more of them absolutely you know what i'm saying for me that's my goal if i can get in every hood every neighborhood and shift that mindset from hustling and selling dope to what stocks you home and i get that in new orleans like all my home is in the hood they own some kind of stock because i was like yo if we went finger we buying gucci we buy that we can own that too right so it started making sense to them right after a while so that's the goal for me but whatever we can do to build and come together i wrote that script in 2007 i wrote that script that same sprinkling my life though it's copyrighted and the writing skills you know i mean put that put some money aside so when you get you know you going in get you like your girl or somebody to put that money into this this this equities account boom by the time you get out i love the market man i love the stock market it's one of the only places in the world where they can't tell if i'm black they can't bar me out because i'm black they can't [ __ ] with me that way [Music] so how can the people find information on everything that you guys got going on social media handles website all of that stuff yeah i'll say my own minds is ask fly one uh it's my instagram and official rap snacks you know um it's also our official rap snacks um instagram yeah y'all could just find me at masterpiece at rap snacks fdn on instagram rapsnacksfdn twitter rap snacks foundation facebook at wise intelligent instagram at wise intelligent twitter and so you can order your rap snacks chips noodles everything online yeah go get the pack this is the legit pack we ain't gotta look over our show to go to jail for this [Music] since we plug and everything wise you know we got a new coffee company um that we're we're actually putting on the marketplace congrats we forgot about that right yeah it's called like a black coffee right and you know our flavors is stay woke woke you know jamaican you're crazy jimmy you can be crazy you know what i mean there's a lot of you know and everybody knows that coffee started in africa yeah right so they're a mix of blends of african blends that we're putting on the marketplace and uh that's gonna be pretty dope and y'all see that baking soda over there right this is gonna be the memes i'll go you know what i mean [Applause] look how so many great ideas we come up with i tell people all the time no idea is a whack idea if we've been buying on my hammer why not buy one wait wait you talking about the hoodies oh the hoodie who's gotta tell them that look the hoodie who's this cereal right here you know we get our cereal made at the same factory as they get dan's made that the difference is the more we make the more we give so the hoodoo cereals yeah tell me who used to mean and of course we can't forget the pancakes make pancakes right wait so we got the pancakes we got uncle p syrup yeah you guys coming here we got rice over there over there uncle pete rice okay you know no the other one over we have to get the migos what's that fish that's all that's the louisiana new orleans hey trap dad that fish frog is official on his team tell them why when [Applause] [Music] like southern style fish fry that's that real i'm telling y'all straight up that fish fry this is my grandmother's recipe dog just straight up up down here mama right here that's a big bible with big mouth fish fried chicken shrimp coming next but yo yo yo we got very important we got the boss up youth summit coming yeah entrepreneurship financial literacy and social justice yes summit coming up february 27th that's my birthday good day so yeah it's gonna be popping we got some very important people on there with some very important information to share with the youth you know what i mean what we're doing is you know we we we want to you know start this youth movement yeah this movement of black youth into financial literacy entrepreneurship and community development man yeah i mean so this summit is gonna be big it's the first of a series that's gonna what we're doing for throughout the years you know the aim the long-term aim for it is to become an actual show you know that's powered by youth we're used to running every part of it that's how we started yeah that's how we started by i had summer program i was like he was starting his career in finance i'm like yo we i need you to come teach financial literacy to our kids because they were going out and finding internships and they were getting paid at the end of it and so i was like it was the first time they come into contact with money let's teach them about money yeah right and so at the end of it was like yo we got 500 yo am i going to go buy like the new js so i can go back to school fresh or am i going to try to start a business so that's crazy like that's what you're all right this is the synergy man yeah exactly i appreciate y'all brothers man it was all right there was a whole lot of good energy in the room no pun intended but uh i like i'm just i'm just really really um proud of you guys man and uh like i said anything that we can do to help a lot of time people like to just take like what can you do for me right i like to ask like what can i do to help like so anything that we can do to help to help you guys i just think it's beautiful man we celebrate each other that's what it's about we're able to celebrate each other and i feel like god gonna do to do the rest you got i'm saying and we gonna be good man because like you said back then it was only one of us at the table so they're able to stop us we're talking about creating thousands you know and that's going to be the that's going to be the difference so i think this is about celebrating us and moving forward and passing that wisdom down new word co-op petition cooperate we competing with competitions yeah when the mic come on he go crazy he's the secret assassin troy you bout to say something nice love man detroit housekeeping items yeah i mean i just want to start by saying that's percy miller in the flesh like i don't sometimes miller in the flesh like i'm just sitting here like for a second i'm like as a fan yeah like sometimes we we have these moments and we kind of like breathe past like yo we just did this interview but like i'm sitting here like i can't believe we in this moment so i just want to thank you thank james things wise for having this interview with us man this has been incredible shout out to everybody that pulled up we looked like the wu tang camera that's literally that's all right oh that's what we posted that's what it's supposed to be and they were like yeah we can't miss this moment for y'all but we can't miss home because we're going i know pete's going to share some stuff and james is going to share and while he's going to kick it so thank everybody that coming out um they they floofing like these everybody's from everywhere nobody lived here in miami but they were like yo y'all got this we got to come support y'all so shout out to everybody that's here and shout out to everybody that supports us on that is our proud to pay program uh you know tf5 members get access to eyl university the number one school for business entrepreneurship and anything in finance man so shout out to all the earners that's in there shout out to everybody supporting the merch uh is greatly appreciated and thank you for all your support and uh understanding and some of the delays that we've been having we we greatly appreciate y'all we love y'all chatty yeah yeah well first and foremost like i said thank you guys thank you guys for rocking with us and uh of course thank you nice thank god the whole team everybody that's here and uh look forward to you know building this relationship and just establishing this even further thank you guys for rocking we'll see you next week peace peace my graduates from my school being forbes backdrop backdrop [Applause] backdrop
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 223,073
Rating: 4.9531403 out of 5
Keywords: earn your leisure, business, finance, sports, entertainment, Master p, Rap snacks, Entrepreneur, Food business, Music business, No limit, Branding, Marketing
Id: MUuOPAftzAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 50sec (5870 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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