EYL Live: Investing in Tax Lien Properties with Jamisa Mcivor

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we hear it over and over from investors I wish I had by Amazon or Netflix when they were first recommended what's up what's going on y'all here we go for you what's going on y'all you got to get into it yeah another another Jim pack laughs right now you brought they get into waiting for our esteemed guests to get in here but this is this is something that a lot of people have been asking for for a very long time so glad that we able to facilitate this and make this possible it was a long time in the making it definitely doesn't yeah unless she just said that she's here let's go find him let's do it tell everything it's gonna be easy that's how cool you see it yeah we got a crazy day today it's still working we did two podcasts I did a podcast interview it's a lot going on right now this yeah no yeah yeah we said hey hey crazy day today too I feel like today was crazy day doing some where life is kind of lurking how are you guys how are you listen I had a baby two weeks ago two weeks oh very schedule a [ __ ] I named her maybe she was eight pounds I had a home birth and a pool I tried a lot of things different this for the bloopers at a pool birth it was great some students the water is overrated I mean pain is pain but it was cool to experience what are you what are you doing here with us like that's weird today she sleeps all day I'm no fun for right now all I do it's Peter my husband congratulations I am a pro okay for kids we were able to knock it out no more ask why we had even children everybody that's on my are you it we got it now I'm a pro I know how to feed him bathe him put him to the graduation I got to what I said that was enough I saw I saw a baby I saw a baby being born one time in my life how bad was it did you like almost pass out the birth pitches I'm laughing because I can't believe they kill me for telling a story but there's a picture of me like like smiling i sees in a barrel every time but when i do watch it somewhere oh say if it's a bursary or something I'm like I did that's the power that's the power women man guys superheroes man shorts they give birth two weeks ago and be on YouTube to provide information to the public is extremely extremely encouraging so thank you thank you for joining us first and foremost yeah sure so jamesha say your name correctly yeah we've actually been you've been on our radar for a while and we were just waiting for the right time but uh super star out of Pennsylvania right yeah South Philly home of beanie sigel one of the greatest rappers of all time so yeah out of South Philly and I know you was featured in Black Enterprise and I was like you know how you got a bunch of property saying that you had you had well you get your 26 you had 18 properties I had 21 yeah I think that was December yes Bobby that's okay sometimes we get the numbers wrong we gotta get these numbers right so man now anymore yeah you know focus on some other stuff but yeah pretty much I started investing by accident I was 19 years old I did $1 be transfer with my grandma before I knew what $1 be transfer was I was always really responsible like my whole entire life because I have a lot of little siblings like younger brothers and sisters I have 1090 very oldest so that just instilled a lot of responsibility in me I can making sure that they're okay you keep them stuff and you know track of stuff I'm prioritizing um and I stuck up to my grandma I was raised by my brave girl one day she said hey listen if something happens to me look over to property and I was like I'll watch over it and my mind I don't know what I'm signing up for good she was like all right you're gonna sign this paper I'm like okay whatever so we signed a paper I may have been 17 or 18 I don't know but then she died two years after we signed the paperwork you know at that point is when I realized what I signed up for watching a property is not as simple as keeping an eye on it so you have like deferred maintenance you have taxes I was renting where I was currently living so my first thought was I got a free house let me move right in this is gonna be great yeah I get there I'm like I can't live here she doesn't have recessed lights there's a wall right there that I'm used to open concept I like to live the way I like to live at that time you know Millennials like what they like so I embarked on a journey then the first step and my process was okay let me attempt to fix this house huh that wasn't easy it was very costly as well at that time I was a cashier ripping a shop right sometimes when my Instagram I post pictures of me and my Shepherd uniform so at this time are you your ten brothers this is are they living with you at this time no no broken up my sisters are because they weren't married and then my mom has all the boys okay she has six I would make seven and then he has her up that's true that's how I work out and I kind of like I said I was raised by my big remotes not old video sometime I'm over here comes on however I need to be whenever I have to be you know but nobody would actually really live over me so I said okay I'm going to move in here I'm gonna fix up this property first thing you think of is a contractor what else easy everybody is a contract all right that's not everybody all fixed houses like it was it it was a thing I didn't know licensed contractors I didn't know any of those things I hid Angie's List I'm just looking you don't find somebody to fix this house worst experience in my life they're like listen give me so many over we get this puppy up and running oh no give me $60 you're the foundation is all look they just give me all of these things yeah this is a load-bearing wall you can't break that this is mold you can't do this you can't do this is like a bunch of stuff going on and then you got 19 year old me like Lowell Barron 70,000 are you talking about Harbor but what was consistent is that they wanted to buy it every person who walked through that door was like listen even here one contract I'll never forget just he like walked me to my truck now I'll write you a check right now like it like listen what's gonna I'll write you a check today to take this off your hand now I'm from South Philly now I know a gentrification is back then I had no idea what it actually meant and I actually got to live through it so the house that I'm speaking of right now I'm gonna see if I could actually find a picture of it um I don't know if I can screen share but I'm gonna see if I can pull it up in my home so what ended up happening was a few years before all of this happened I want to say maybe nine ten years old every house on that block was knocked down with the exception of my grandmom's and maybe five or six of our neighbors and then a few years before that everything was what we would call abandoned at the time so everything was abandoned property mmm but during that current time that I'm speaking to you guys about every house on the block looked the same with the exception of my grandmom's and the other ones they were still standing so you got the three-story rooftop deck is beautiful it's like a block from your sentence everything looks good I could walking a dog it's like this is nice never in my mind that I question it what is this I love these houses looking good like this while this guy living next door to my room and that was actually the guy that helped me out it was like a selfishly unselfish kind of thing you didn't want my house that was causing all the problems let me go to his home then he just had paid $300 I got it I understood he's looking at it like yeah house is bringing down the value property of his house yeah pretty much and what was happening with the house my family members were like breaking in it they were like vandala because they're upset with me I'm the youngest I have a day I have on time ankles like they gave it to her so now they like every time I'm not around they detention it they break the windows like all it is is closing chaos and next door just so bad on top of the fact that the property was an eyesore so you UN can you guys yeah is this the house that you end up selling 450 mm that is and I want you I don't know if it was like a vivid picture but the top of it is when everything was like abandoned and then a bottom of it you can actually see some for sale sign on it and the rooftop deck part of it but you could see this is the same block so would end up happening while he referred me to his realtor who helped him purchase his home and I kind of felt safe so I didn't know what a realtor was but I did know okay this is the company if something goes wrong I have somebody to blame I'm a really Everett reader so when I read contracts that made me feel safe I was like okay this is nothing like the guy with the checkbook in the truck I'm good like we continue so we sat down long he gave me the consumer notice we met at a coffee shop and he said hey we're gonna list this property for 115 now in my mind I was like what he said it's not worth much 115 that's it stretch you sure he's like oh yeah no problem he willy nilly is excited we listed it for 115 if sat on the market for maybe seven days we were at a bidding war like take that one oh the highest one is 150 so I said I'll take that one right you like you sure I was like yeah he said you want to wait a little 150 cash there's 150 - actually we can close I think you said a week cuz it was a clear title so I have this property that's free and clear oh she didn't even have a water bill hmm so did I was 19 almost turning 20 that was one of the best worst things that I've ever done today was off to the runnings from me oh great great yeah like I said I mean you know this is hopefully this is the first of many things I definitely think we got through a full podcast your story is crazy to talk about you know like you say working in shop right yeah you know and being a mother being 26 years old having 21 because I didn't it was until I started to say it and then people started to hear it that makes a difference like even for older people younger people it's like okay for the younger people if you are a mom that's not a deterrent to me actually is more of a reason to go forth and do things right if you are a mom that's older or grandma leave your family member or something my grandma ended up dying but she changed like the dynamics of my entire life and I was able to change generations I reached back and got her mom which is my Bri problem but then I have my children as well and there's way that they're being raised and the things that are being instilled and it looks like this is the way of life but everybody in the hood house sometimes we spend a lot of time trying to get away from the little maybe in more ways than one actually the Tauri survival to me instincts it taught me you know obviously now about real estate it taught me gentrification it told me so many different things bodied and I'm so proud obviously I moved away I didn't go too far but I love the little all the time and I always tell people like fix it is worth everything everything let's you learn you don't run away from it literally run towards it because it's everything that you need that's that's amazing all right so yeah so we got we got we're gonna get right into it so for everybody what they might not on YouTube so once a month we do an open class it's like open enrollment type situation we have a platform called UIL University the ayl University is a private educational platform and saw school for people and once a week we do webinars we have a book club different stuff so we bring people on like once a week to have different conversations and yeah once a month we do like it open so people can kind of have a window in and this was a conversation that I definitely want to have open just for everybody to take part in Pyo University members have zoom access so throughout the conversation like they'll they'll be asking questions so for anybody on YouTube that's wondering like where the questions are coming from that's coming from the ey o University members and yeah and we actually have a sale 40% off there's $200 the entire year like four dollars a week it's almost impossible not to get your money work you don't get you money the first create buddy University calm it's a cold ey o $1.99 and that's 40% off but uh alright so tax lien properties right this is a very interesting topic something I'm not too familiar with we was actually just researching some stuff for our oh okay so where do we start tax lien properties okay so there's a few different ways on people call them tax main properties they're also called sheriffs those you have tax delinquent tax collection tax lien mortgage foreclosures you have a judicial center you got a lot of different things in a nutshell what it means is that somebody is losing their property due to a few things if you're talking about the textiles obviously need and pay their taxes if you're talking about a mortgage so obviously their default sit on your mortgage judicious out there kind of like mix them they're not mortgages but it's like a variety of different taxes because you can have a tax lien from the IRS that doesn't actually mean that you own property taxes but at the end of the day your property students going to be auctioned off um seize your options which is still like a wing below this we took your house or something different so I like to Dibble in all of them but my two favorite is tax lien and mortgage foreclosure now I specifically like mortgage foreclosure but I'll typically start with clients work I'm doing it myself with tax liens on my very first purchase at a textme auction I want to say was in 6500 but the person that I purchased their home from got it from the auction for 2500 so that's how I actually stumbled across a text we type is o so was where do you go to even find these properties number one and how do you know they evaluate them like what's that process like there's two different ways we go about it so you usually just start with the accounting because it's not a state-based paper so it's a County based type of aid you know they have a few different counties that are in the city so for instance let's just say cuz a van we have Montgomery County Philadelphia County Delaware kill me it's like if you were looking at admit this would be Pennsylvania and then you have the different counties right this way so everybody that's one of the answer how many questions I always get can I do this where I live everybody has texting properties in their area you just have to go to your kill me um when I'm looking online because that's where you start obviously you want to look for the websites that have like gov or dot org and those websites will literally have the information of your Sheriff it will have your kill new title it will have like the address of your municipality building or your sheriff's office so this is how you know this one is legit this is much different from auction calm and hugs ooh you got to make sure you make that distinction because some people are like yeah auction calm and you can't find property in there but it's not the same the numbers are different in terms of what the opening bids or the volumes are different it's not as accurate is if you want that rectly to your state site and got the information in it just is there are some states that don't have testings correct well I have not ran across anyone that didn't and I have plants Detroit Atlanta Miami Canada I got some clients right out I have not felt that there's a few different places in a row to do things different so I won't say no I don't have to answer that so what tax lien is that different from dart so tax lien means you lost your property because you didn't pay property taxes right you are losing your property you didn't pay property taxes so it's done a difference I mean it's a form of foreclosure why is that more or is it more appealing to buy a tax lien property than just a regular property that's in foreclosure no New York actually does I see something in chess and so the numbers um when you're starting to look like a tax lien property the numbers are much different than a mortgage foreclosure property now specifically speaking for Philadelphia if I was going to attack delinquent auction to open them big for every property would be $1,500 that's no matter where the property is statewide I mean like citywide um it doesn't matter how much their properties worth it doesn't matter what their property is zoned for it can be mixed commercial use it could be a multi-unit it could be a lot to be a single thing home um it could be a more detached semi-detached the opening bid is 15 degrees now when you're going to different options it depends on which opening bid is usually with the text auctions - there's a set number then the difference between net and mortgage foreclosure is mortgage foreclosure auctions does not have a set number they're usually starting whatever their person for fitting on a movie where they defaulted their start up so it's like you're gonna get what you pay for I say that all the time you're gonna either paint on the front end or you'll paid on the back end mortgage foreclosure you get the turn keys but your opening bid might be $200 the opening bid might be forty sixty thousand I'll go for the underdog so I'm starting for the people who don't have two hundred thousand I think fifteen hundred it's a little good it and when I sit there and do research with different states it might not be exactly fifteen hundred but the numbers are always lower on a text auction for the tax lien versus the mortgage religiously so if I'm going to other end of that right mano attack scene is a good time Creek period that I could try to pay that all over like it's called the right of redemption and this it differentiates depending on where you are so some people have nine months that's for the right of addiction so the right of redemption is pretty much our owners right to come back and reclaim their property if they lose it there's nine months after the acknowledgement of the deed but there's a few things that have to happen it has to be unoccupied at that time but I have to prove my calendar if it's unoccupied or abandoned there's no right of return um they have to give you back your money so it's not like they say hey this is my house sorry no they give you back your money at 10% interest or whatever you purchased it for and then they say any work you do to it you get money back for it but usually after they have to pay all that stuff and still pay their taxes they don't come back for it yeah but that's one of the things they happen and mortgage foreclosures don't have that at all so there is something that happens with Texas and it also depends were like in Jersey I think it's three months on some states they have 90 days some states there are no right of redemption at all so this is a predator research you do when looking at purchase and from tech so it takes me so how can you research like what is it every state's website is a County website so for me I said in my County website first of all you start at the auction site that's first things first we got to think of your strategy are you going in to purchase to buying a whole are you going in to do a quick flip because I have clients that you did as well like you get some mulch and they don't require you to buy a house so for instance like I was saying with Philly you go in the opening bid is 1,500 but you don't actually have to pay but I host that day you have to put down a deposit now the deposit is either $600 or 10% which ever is higher so pretty much the minimum that they accept ever is 600 so from an opening bid up to six thousand you put down 600 anything past that is 10% so if you went up to 7,000 you put them 708 thousand eight hundred nine thousand nine hundred and then they'll give you 30 days to pay the remaining balance but a lot of people do is actually sell their property before the remaining balance is actually do so it's a form of whole silent - the intricacies of found in a cellar so the inventory is there they're auctioning off a ton of properties and then a numbers are a little bit more appealing for to sell to because you got a below market value you got it from ultra so you can come in here and drop two thousand you put a thousand derionne earn you come out and you say hey I'm gonna sell this property for twenty anything that you sell it for over the amount that you owe becomes your profit whatever you got to go on with your strategy first like okay and looking at my keeping it if you decide that you're going into keep a property you look at the auction that's because you can actually see that that's public record you can see the losing their home ahead of time you can see whether it's uh mortgage style or if isset excel so what some people do is they'll write it down - the cold or area or it L just strictly stick to a specific price point they say listen I only have five thousand of spent I'm gonna bet on everything that falls within my free time that's a little risky the people were strategize I will say look I actually like one nine one three three whatever you'll write it on there now on your website it will tell you who the owner is of this property now for us on our website it'll tell you the Melling address of the person who's losing the house cuz you can actually look it up and I don't have the address there that you know the property is and then it'll say mailing address to you look at the mailing address if they match more often and not be looking at property if it's different that's questionable and I don't really get one but one you live here but your mother's going here they'll be weird and now that you have everything all listed out you could actually do some Drive files you're not supposed to go inside the holidays I know somebody that goes and looks inside Oh some people nice yeah they want to see but you know this title the grass cut no some stuff that you would still do you grandma Kodama says the grass cut is the broken window doesn't look like the property has been maintained is there a bunch of middle stuck in a door thing that you would typically look we're in a abandoned property anyway you can do it how often do these authors occur do we have to go to the Diploma there's every week or every month like every month and again that's a fully now some selves happen once a year some styles or every three months it depends on how fast the inventory is in that area so that's something else that you look at when you're stranded jungle for the first thing that I look at is what is the open a bit of this property but that's something that I need to know I need to know what I need to actually bring to this project um what method of payment do they accept because you can purchase properties with credit card there's a lot of different ways so fun I did oh it's not just straight cash I thought maybe you only could use cash I'm talking about they don't even allow you to it you said you can't use a credit card you can't not this white so you have to use the credit card get the phone's off and then convert it and today desire payment that's it when you get to torture okay so you know what type of party that would be fully everybody in there Congo to me you know whatever you're doing no they know it's okay 24 salute sanitary hatchet on a super chair our very first Ilario university professor andre hatchet has a first class that's one UIL university about the mobile notary business shouts ah - appreciate you we got it we got it we got a question from one of our UI Oh University and was going on Ian I mute yourself if you can alright yeah so I'm trying to get this down right so the tax lien goes to the highest bidder right whatever I bid now I don't own the property yet right well I have to wait if the person pays so how do I make money from person attesting you doesn't really want to disclose to you Empire though there and this is something that you would know already when you win that bid or if you did your research before bidding on their property it is going to occupy it you want to tell the person who's buying it from you what to expect you know how to get around it this was only occupied this is what's gonna happen but if it's a property that's not audible for the right of redemption then it's fine for you within that 30-day time frame you get a receipt I don't have a goodbye thing you get a receipt is the piece of paper that had your name on it the data to wonder property it has the address of the property and has what's called the writ number which is pretty much the identification number of the property it has how much you put down as a deposit and what you won the amount for and that's what you have equitable interest in the property whether it's 600 I was enough so that pretty much is my cabinet under contract you're able to do whatever you want at that time now I'll say look the bid but it's literally just assigning the bid okay I want a property for this amount I'm going to assign it to a shop that's it I'll make money from it my clothes are so what's the difference between a tax lien and attached D so no so @xd get if there's all said I'm gonna text lien is what their property is this property has a text Limon now that's old is the text link the tech need is what you get when you pay everything off they'll give you a D and that's certain auction we get regular deeds other auctions give you quick clean beads some people give you those text beads some of these are restrictive so again this is something that you look into when choosing which cell you actually want to go to like I have people who will come and fly to Philly Miami for instance the minimum bid is 200 instead of 10% like Philly is 5% but they want the money at the end of the business day that's different but not other pun is 30 days because if you don't have that money right to the nearest my bookie unless you're gonna um it just depends the different discrepancies so the tax deed is what you get instead of like a regular me you know you go to a closing table you get yourself a deed when you pull of our house which you get it alright we got a question from rolls were coming to you before it's our own YouTube appreciate you guys if you could do us a quick favor and like this video if you could take a millisecond and just hit the like button if you have a hit the like button it really helps with YouTube's algorithm so yeah if you could just take a millisecond it's free and you only go burn a calorie so thank you appreciate it so Tyrone what's going on what's going on um I had the quick question these tax lien properties yeah well any of these properties have a like existing mortgage you're on them or how does that work so most of the rules are free and clear prop and that depends on the Hawks oneself like Jersey they want you to inherit the debt but they'll start to bid we're dead that is what Philly you get him different you get a brand clear of all these you said okay you said it starts with a debt is so if a house has 60,000 is that that's what a bit starting yeah okay Philly so affiliates is debt free Frank well so when I got their house for 1700 that's what it was for the 1700 and I think the person lost it I don't quote me but I think they old up maybe 20,000 in Texas but it was like the way so when I got that property out it and start with their dead so in in the city of Philadelphia you got a house for $1,700 no mortgage that won't work at all twenty properties but kid at specific $1,700 property no mortgage no that I got a seven unit for mm I got a house for 500 even that was a different when I was in Chester others five zero zero well I got shoes that cost more than their okay well right shoes I got shoes that cost more than your home my son sliced not shout out shout out to Mike he said he's in Atlanta he's going to look into this appreciate the super check that's pretty interesting so so does this very dependent we gotta go we gonna check in on but so each each state is different each county is different different I can Atlanta they do auctions on a step every outside and he bit like that it's crazy don't that when a party is like a parade um but every auction does vary based off of what state you are and what kill me you are purchasing so when you get these properties $500 $1,700 like you're doing the research on the property online you're evaluated it online before you see you know you just like you know what cuz I want to tell you what I do but I was working heavily advise against a new person going okay if the number is right I'm not here look I don't care what it looks like seriously if I'm in there and you say 3,000 I'm like I figured I could get us all later because in my mind it's like okay even if I purchase it for 3,000 and it's hideous it doesn't have a roof there's no back I mean even if I came out and sold it for 4,000 I made the [ __ ] dollars you understand what I'm saying like I'm never that bad when you're talking about property and land it's never that bad it might be too bad for me I might not want to do that type of extensive rehab yeah but it's never that bad if so you know as long as you go in with the notion of I'm going to spin this amount of money I won't surpass this you got to think about it if you purchase the property for $3,000 obviously it's going to be worth more than $3,000 right my mind thinking it's the equity that's the thing about rehabbing it's already the value already work more than what I purchased it for and then I think about it too that's just going down to knowing numbers and then knowing your area it's like okay what does a full rehab cost and you always want to assume the words even if it's not the absolute words you want to go in like I'm going to have to break this whole thing down and put it back together and do you have that number in the back of your head because standard you know the type of person you are I'm not a flipper i'ma buy an old person fine we'll put it together really nicely make sure everything is sound and secure I'm gonna paint it up real pretty those from scratch and dent appliances in there so I know what my rehab amount should cost for a certain square footage that's for you to know as an investor as well are you going in to buy anything whether it's a text name are you purchasing their market value you have to go in knowing what you want to do and it can't fail your numbers I know you guys heard that all the time it's all about the numbers have to make sense it's all about the numbers it's no different with this strategy other people in real estate we're going to zoom shot to Lamont in a super chair one question before we go to zoom I just want to be a 1 I want you to question it you said what about water bill or bills owed on the property it depends so when it comes to fully all liens and their conferences are wiped away I hear that a lot and sometimes you do have to fight with on my hand and I had a personal purchase it was a claim she purchased the property from the auction was it the water bill something on there and she took it to the sheriff's office and they cleared it up they had to give her a piece of paper to then take to the title company so that's something else out here you can't get title insurance like shares of bourbon I had a client from New York she came in she got three at all she did my little training she got three of them in one day she didn't even go to the auction with me because I told out the book so I thought hey that's mom she went the same home like yeah I'm gonna Frank I see you what your client but she took what I told her she did her thing she got three properties she ended up keeping two and selling one I hope her sell that one I found her a buyer I finance to do because I'm a broker as well and I got them title insurance to be able to close that dude who you can't get financing outside oh sure so now everybody like how'd you do this you can't get title insurance it's like it's a whole world for the people at this auction do you think they would be in your environment it's because your time but if we don't go to we got a question from YouTube I mean from University what's going on throw us how we don't I think I'm good ma'am thank you for doing so and it's been great what question though can you do this outside of the state that you live in and if so what states have you come across with the most favorable terms I guess for doing the tax liens Baltimore Baltimore's not today so gradually Baltimore their properties are actually cheaper than Philly but I heard that they were cracking down like they want you to actually live there or something like that like you have to show some type of residency so far Philly has not got district so I like it I like Lee for a lot of different reasons I'm biased but I'm not being biased at this Phillies Phillies Phillies are really don't and that's what I think I would try to do with the platform who was that like we're from New York but we highlight different areas and different music because it's like earth is big a lot of time people can play like this or this is amaz people go to again there's nothing there's nothing stopping you from investing somewhere else that's all the crazy thing about it is you can take that money and you can make more money and you can take it back to where you live people that's not familiar we talked about cats with big business and John Henry Philly is a hot spot right now for investment it's been a hot spot a lot of areas become identified and the neighborhoods in Philly are starting that really really turned it's only two hours away from New York City and block the block it's a central location in the Northeast and Philly Philly is a real real hot spot as far as real estate a lot of people they get in hip to it and they cover my even Jersey substantially our taxes are much lower properties right there why not go over the bridge to make a profit and then go home to reinvest us that's literally what I did um where I live is not too far from Philly about two hours hour and a half but I did I made a lot of investment money in Philly and then I came here here was really proper for Airbnb I'm not even got the property that I live in dirt cheap Oh everything that I do is like an investment standpoint because when you know how to survive with nothing once you get everything you move different it's like different so this property uh it appraised for 655,000 I got it for 318 because I was looking at we lose any houses about 6,000 square feet that I'm in right now and this is where I live equity just moving in but I got that money from cool shoutout to james for the super chat preciate it shoutout to possum on a super chat appreciate it shout out that everybody gets on this URL allow preciate the question bro it's lit right now Sabrina I love you Sabrina we coming to you I'm you just got to empty the mortgage guy on a super check net man mad is people like met [Laughter] so my question is you know imma be buying she buys with Philly on what do you actually know about New York like how my gosh state well New York a whole different breed in terms of survival in terms of your creativity like I have people from New York come to Philly and the way that they move in the co today yes ma'am you sure can I'm looking for some more I wonder if it's done like broken down by borough cuz I want to tell you that there are options there so I do want it so that is the truth you guys do have options I'm getting numbers are not as low next for me there are and they are Anthony but you do have options so like you said it may be borough instead of County um but like even today what didn't we exceed there's cheap places in New York people just think of New York it's like a hottest place in a row oh my god it's so expensive that's true if you are in a certain place or certain area in New York if you go to New York State is substantially cheaper hey really cute actually um so you want to just take a look I really do your research and and take the time don't empty your bank account but I was still money like right now a lot of people are free and it kind of like walking around like this sit is the thing you're gonna spend money anyway your bills are gonna come up you have to eat so then money just dwindles away little by little you're gonna wish you bought something that's gonna give you a hit at the end of the day so definitely look into investing even if you don't feel comfortable traveling but it's nothing wrong I just say grandpa homie take a trip we'll get a cheap awesome thanks I appreciate you Sabrina checking it shot to the Bronx at bandeau man do we come to you I mute yourself you've been unmuted hi hello hey I just UIL last month so I'm excited if I learned a lot of it only on YouTube so I'm excited to be here thank you I wanted to ask you said that you were holding 21 properties as of right now yes ma'am so what are you doing with the properties are you waiting for like the house value to go up are you renting them are you this are you going to wholesale what are you waiting for so I'm a bunny hole person I told you that for a kid did you hit anywhere yeah they here now every time I'm working they exert me Oh y'all got popsicles go sit in the dining room it looks like yeah I got the caps of the from I'm so the majority of them are rented I have a few of them that need to be rented Oh like I said I don't do mortgages so not in my LLC's or my personal name I went in backwards I was using cash to fix properties and their plan will not believe like if I run out of money I would just sell the weakest link and I was like alright this is enough money let me fix the next one the value of all my properties are total right now it's three point I think two million if I'm not mistaken so the equity is there everything's there but to me like volumes don't mean anything I'm more any for the residual income for so many reasons obviously I like money but then I also like the freedom like just being with my kids right now everything was just freaking out the pandemic king the road was over the fact that I didn't have mortgages put me at ease I'm okay like even then it was a few tenants okay we work some stuff out like okay I would just take this a net from the security deposit and like it was a lot of different things that I was able to do because I have the comfort of written off you see they are my people persons you guys see how bubbly I am I don't mind being a landlord that's not a strategy for everybody though it depends on the time that you have some people like the property management role I don't feel like I need a property manager I feel like property management is the highest form of extortion me because all they do is do this stuff you could do it we had the time but you're right but yes only personally my strategies are in the mouth um the ones that I've didn't get around to fixing nursery in there and filly all that's required is a vacant property permit um out of the whole bunch I have three Lots one of the commercial is huge it's like ridiculous and then the other two are one is zoned where I come build a multi-family one and when his own first thing with him the rest of them are you know regular freestanding properties that's what I do I didn't run them all thank you are the properties that you have with twenty more properties that you have like what's the total cost of all of them on your pocket how many that I paid to purchase on where you say how much did I pay to purchase some and fixham yeah how does you pay a person without fixing it like just purchaser oh my first year I approaches nine of them um and I got down to my last fifteen thousand so I really exhausted their whole 152 so like forty thousand that was my first so the first year was nine then I spent the second year trying to fix them up and then we see what I got this year I gotta back here cuz I never actually looked at it I know I have a spreadsheet mark coming oh just because it's all tax lien I wanna say maybe like a quarter of million dollars like 250 real close to 250 maybe like 258 give or take a few numbers so anytime you feel like you know what a little drop my liquid running you just sell the property which one needs to be sick okay how bad is it you get rid of that one how many alone did you actually renovate out of the twenty one so far right now more than half of them i renovated but I did purchase a few turnkeys - okay but not everything I got needed to be reared because not everything I got came from auction what they're telling people about the auction I had to take them to the auction that's pretty awkward I'm standing next to a client I'm bidding I'm gonna win right that's a little weird so it became I couldn't really do it anymore well I got really good with networking your network is your net worth and then you have people who reach out like you're the tax girl will you help me save my house and then it just became a different conversation those a few properties I got before so that's another thing too for anybody that's listening it's always good to educate yourself if you are somebody that you know are losing a house up until the gavel bang the day to sell you have the right to their properties to this times I stop properties from selling the day of the auction it was a lady she was losing her house and some filly I got it oh there was a mortgage so she old I think 21,000 on the mortgage the back she didn't pay in 16 months so it's 21,000 defaulted her mortgage and total was 165 the auction was for February 5th that was a Monday on Saturday I paid that 21 thousand to get it off the subtlest and end up doing a subject to Twitter but the kicker is in South Philly it was worth four hundred thousand that got real creative what that 160 then she old but in the beginning I did a subject to Twitter and got it right off the list she didn't know that she could do that she didn't know what's the subject - oh so the subject to do is pretty much purchasing a property subject to the existing mortgage or did mr. liens whatever's on it now her case she had an existing mortgage so there were no other liens on it so you've got so obviously if you are going to do a subject to it which now is really I do like people right now me they like shaking in their boots listen well you feel like there's no opportunity that is the perfect opportunity to create opportunity okay you have people now who are afraid you can take advantage of it you have we're losing their houses people who don't know what to do you guys can do subject tools you can do these purchase options um you can call some of these people up prior to the auction for you whole southern she's like I'll hand the money how do I get started I don't need a head of 600 you guys can be whole selling these properties but of people who are losing them it's all about just educating yourself on a process so with a subject - I use another example I'll say were shy and he's losing a property um he has a mortgage of a hundred thousand he's back on his mortgage ten right you guys listen I'm about to take it out with these people ten thousand dollars I'm head of it you call me I go in the closet I put the keep on jumpin and on pry it up cause every Chad this is we going to do what do you want for the property some people actually walk away from the property without a lot of money the ball is in your court now because they run the risk of ruining their credit first of all because when you get a foreclosure that's it that's about seven years and you just you know moving forward your credit in the end you can't really buy another house running becomes a hassle you know so some people walk away just with the dignity they like no listen you can have this I don't want some people want a little extra on the top so we Shou it might say hey I want to walk away okay so now is the five thousand eighty one ten thousand eight he owes right and then I'll call you know like listen I got this property for what you give me first class and security that's five thousand right and you can move in that property when you move in our property you're going to be paying the mortgage because there's still an existing mortgage remember you still owe that fifty thousand your mortgage payment could be whatever let's just say it's a thousand dollars a month at the time you'll pay me $10,000 a month plus two so let's say I'm making twelve hundred off of it the thousand dollars goes to the mortgage the two just goes on my pocket keep in mind right now it's not fully my property it until we get rid of their fifty I'm just the person who gets the deed because you'll do like a deed of trust so when a subject silver child will stay on the mortgage but I'll go on addy once the once the mortgage is satisfied yes once the mortgage is satisfied I'm the last man standing and that's how it works so obviously contractual you've got to make sure you sign it so almost the mortgage is paid off Rashaad all come back cuz then you got flippers out on the Chokey selfie Lisa I see Instagram is Rosebud's investments right Lucinda we are coming at you you've been so patient thank you you are unmuted I'll get yourself hello everybody hi I'm an investor in South Florida and I actually looked into tax Steve and Broward Robert County yes this north of Miami Dade County here when you purchase a tax deal then they they whole like that it's called a hearing or what or you go to court and basically anyone that wants to say that they own something on that property they have to come in if they don't you get a quick deal and II sell it after you get a quick and then your your your title is clean so in Philly you're saying in 30 days and the owner does not try to get back the property you can get a free and clear title to sell no so the right of redemption in Philly is nine months after the acknowledgement of the beach so okay what happens is you go to this auction you win a bid you put down a deposit or let's say you want to pay it all off that day you do that you then wait for them to issue you the deed sometimes it takes a month it depends on who's in office and how fast they're going what they're supposed to do you then get that D within nine months from the time you get the deed they have the right to redeem their property so that's that's the right of redemption so it's not 30 days you you're welcome and the winning bidder have 30 days to pay for your actual bid but the actual owner as long as the property's owner occupied they have nine months after you get your deed to stand up and say hey this with my property I want to just jump in real quick I love thank you for every shake that I love how you just working this whole Bob like if anybody just late just had a baby two weeks ago I see you got your kids like ran up to you and you're like giving them water you're like something I brought you see that happen so shout out to all the women out there making it happen being a boss and also being a mother as well that's not easy to balance that I'm sure it's this fun I mean the best part for me is just knowing that there is no balance like you'll watch a certain thing or your idolize with certain I give right in your mind and I see women that's like nervous they always something kids I'd be quiet I'm on the phone if you can't assign they're quiet all the times I'm wrong which kid kid not supposed to be saying you're quiet so for me I just really embrace to think that you are a mom but this is what you do it for like there's even been time I would take not all of them but I would take one of my kids to a seminar I had a maximal day I took one of my kids cuz I want them to know that you don't have to choose to be quite honest you can't really choose you can't choose you think about what happens when you do you do choose I can have parents not just moms have dads too and they work so hard to provide for their kids they like working all day and night from their making his money but then they missing an important time watching their kids grow up but you I remember how that felt I was a cashier shop right when I had my first kid and I almost missed his first steps like his dad he's my husband now he's my briefing it's time he likes telling me low clips on the iPhone I'm leaving like what is going on I'm not worth it but that's not that's not a risk that I'm willing to take like I would rather do it this way and just know that it's okay like never owned an occurrence I salute to you I got a question so that writes a Redemption thing right yeah that period let's say I pay for the tax lien right but the person who had the lien during that time period they actually come up with the money do I lose my money or how does that work no first of all they have to live there I got to say that just present this property is supposed to be unoccupied then they have to pay their taxes because you have to keep them on there there's a few things that happen before you lose your house they send you notices a lot of them are you doing so you know pull on ahead of time you can get on payment arrangements ahead of time there's things that can be done ahead of time by the time I get to that point it's funny come on all right right so they have to pay their taxes they then have to pay you your purchase amount at 10% interest and then any money that you put into the property let's say you uh there's some some stuff to it they're supposed to give you that money to not an interest they just give that back so anything that you did or to correct any violations let's say you got the grass cut other nine license and inspection okay I'm excited you you pay for that they have to give you their picture none of the stuff that they pay you pertaining to the money you spent on the property is their interest only acquisition is that ten percent but you know interest rates to the interest rates change or is it standard ten percent the standard ten percent is it right now they might decide you know later on like what do you mean lower but right now it's a got you got you Allison we are coming to you Allison you have been unmuted please don't move yourself hey good evening everybody thank you for taking my question justice cuz it's like one of the things about being an if you ask my from the Bronx where they from they say New York if you ask somebody from Harlem with it for me say New York Long Island Queen anyway they say New York if you ask somebody from Brooklyn with age from they'll say Brooklyn every sports team is the New York Yankees it's the New York giant is a New York Jets the one Brooklyn sport team is the Brooklyn Nets like the Brooklyn pride absolutely I thought so Nelson yes so my question is how can this method go wrong can you give us an example of when someone uses methodology and they didn't do the right thing and then what were their repercussions yes okay so with the quick flip if you don't flip that house in 30 days you lose your money that's 600 you put them out the window if it was 600 um over bidding yeah there's nothing like being there like I actually had this on my my bullet point online auction versus live auction it's like a Eagle type of thing where you in the auction so I'll stand up I'll say 1500 you say 1,600 so I'm like 1,700 1,800 we like it now I'm bidding against you I'm not even been on a property anymore could you like $10 it get crazy before you know what you over bid on the property mom's not spending much but I poked me I obviously came from Brooklyn this is my underestimate into um this number you gotta really be mindful and focused that's why we don't go along we go as a group even when I was doing it by myself I had one person who was go with me they keep tracking the numbers as I was bidding because you have to know hey a for rehabbing this do not go past this because you can walk into a property and it could be a drop-top you and thought you got a car there's no roof on this house Oh like you like seriously um it's a property that I had it's called the tree house my first kid that's what I thought that's my first house kid had a tree in a bag that was coming on inside like I belong it you can't charge it right you got to get that tree right there and I let that house-sit for probably two years effort cuz I never seen you got to remember I'm coming in as a newbie everything I did it was just like on the string like I'm gonna figure this out I'm gonna figure this out I never saw a tree inside a house ever they don't belong here so when I did get it I was like what do I do with this and I got its it just talked figured it out and I'm glad I did was my first thought hurry up and sell it that was the one that I had purchased for 65 and I was getting offers for it I think the highest offer I got was twelve five and I was trying to get rid of it for 15 you know it is damn Rick whatever I let him sit there and eventually to host up the street from it sold for 125 Michelle Michelle Phillips I think you guys it was Mad Men actually interviewed Michelle Phillips she's the world Santelli she sold a house up the street like 125 that house was smaller than mine's right so I start getting quotes for fixing it up to remove the tree from the Rooter to the tooter everything 58,000 attic for 65 for Rhea the highest number I got was 58 everything was between 56 and 58 so I'm going to give you the mix I'm gonna say 58 Plus that 65 and a house up the street that was smaller than mine sold for 125 equity again you give them Sam so like numbers just making sense so the worst thing that can happen if you over bidding on a property you're going in attempting to flip it and you don't flip it you underestimate rehabs so like again just spending too much money on a bid you don't you don't want to do this it's not a match it's not like may the best man win if this not will bow out gracefully I'll let your pride in you go here you in trouble because that does happen and being greedy that's something else that happens soon you go in you put down $600 right and you come out and you say hey I want to sell this property for twenty thousand that's fine I've seen people like what a house is worth three hundred thousand I'm gonna sell it for a hundred thousand if you don't have a person in his $100,000 ready to buy this house from regardless of what it's worth you know I'm being greedy oh you put down with 600 you know so there's just a few things that can go wrong but it won't your strategy you'll be fine Thank You Alison I was a great question thank you so how to El Mack on a super check you have a question would it be hard getting an owner-occupant out of the house once you buy it do two squatter rights I've heard horror stories about homeowners trying to get renters out of their homes I guess that depends on you different areas but how does about to say Billy doesn't have squatter's rights anymore um I've seen it go good and I've seen it go bad February was the last auction definitely had March you know starting to march they canceled everything because the coldest January a group of people went in together they purchased the property that had a tenant in there it's go sold it and they was able to get rid of that pert was not a tenant she actually lived here she lost her home yes but they was actually able to get rid of her I've seen people do cash for keys like I said now it's no squadron's rights anymore but even with people who works water that same people who catch with keys I've seen owners dunk you think they know they lost a house they like a lock myself in it but evidently they have to leave um you can probably check mints it's certain stuff that you can do I know a person I can't say no names she I mean they they don't crazies them they turned on the water all clean it might take it back during while you sleep oh there's a lot of different things that go horn when dental with squatters but the filly we don't have fun uh how competitive is this space right because I'm thinking if you're doing this like a single person I mean are you competing with banks or you could be in with Hagar oh man so mortgage foreclosures you on we do have bank representative they're tax delinquent you have people for their it had became more competitive from my first time going to now cuz obviously I told a lot of people then people told a lot of people it's a thing it's a lot of people in there I wanna say it's competitive but it's still room for everybody cuz there's a lot of inventory that's still there some properties are stayed and postponed closed point mean is not gonna sell at that time the court order that required their property to be sold has been you know set aside for whatever the reason um and state means it's not crystal at all maybe somebody came through and did it subject to birth the hospital self but for the long that do actively sell it depends and what I see a lot of is people bidding together so you guys come together fifty thousand apiece y'all got a hundred thousand and then you got me in there with my little 600 trying to make it happen right so now I'm all big but it's three different people that I could have and put money together so I really just depends and it also depends on the time that you go to the cell like that it's a whole different world with that two texts I'm obviously it's the most interesting um Christmas time obviously it's the driest people want to buy Christmas toys instead of houses um summertime a lot of people on vacation they're not an auction so the difference is a lot of different things they can't play a part and how competitive it is at their time but it's an auction so I'm not gonna say it's Church in here shout out to earn your Lygia we got that we got a super chat it seems like one of our enough somebody that has access to our YouTube account decided to give us a super check from our own bank account appreciate it thank you Michael okay so coming to you I'm you just sell Swiss bank account playboy hey Elise alright so um so my first question do you need a lawyer to do any all of this or like when you go to court to actually you know you say for the right of redemption period well you could um you don't need a lawyer it really depends on how hard you want to fight for their property a 10% interest I don't have to find a buyer I'm just sell it back to the owners but you have the option to get a lawyer if you want so but you don't know anyone and that is because you can literally go over their strategy to purchase properties that are not eligible for the right of redemption just go look for that been don't want let's go look for the one that you know there's not having to move for the right of redemption because nobody moves there can't be want to occupy it it's boarded up you know so it depends on how you go in it how you going is usually gonna determine how you come out of it sonna issue thank you for that question out shower resource up which I said how long do you have to wait to get title insurance for Philly are there any stipulations so it depends on the title company that you go through a net that was the client that I was talking about from New York I feel like she had the property for three months then we got our title insurance there's literally some title companies and they charge you up obviously you get with your paper but if some title company they only focus on text property like just because a lot of people aren't willing to take that risk but it's this title insurance companies out there that do this title company to do it but on the quickest I've done it like I said was three months and I might have been too but I'm going to say three give it the benefit ago appreciate D'Angelo we come to you I'll get yourself you've been immunity yeah King him hey first I was like to say our thank you guys for doing what you're doing for everyone and I appreciate just being a part of this family preciate you bro thank you welcome to the family yes sir well I'm based out of our land Oh Florida and I've done a couple of tax d properties in Georgia and I've done the foreclosure in Miami I own the house now in Miami and I paid forty nine thousands of this particular house on foreclosure auction and the ARV on this property is three hundred and I mean so what's he saying it's true but there's another part of this game I want to actually unrelated does she know about the tech certificate options where do you know about that ma'am no I've heard of it yeah creature Abby hey let me let me tell you this this part of the game is is for those that have a lot of month a little bit of money what they do is they only go for the properties that are like 300 400 500 thousand oh no and what their what their objective is is to get the interest off of the property you don't say if they speak and you getting 10% or whatever on that 300,000 and they're hoping that someone redeems the partner so that they can actually then right that's how they move their money around in order to avoid Texas so the understand and that's another part of the game now I didn't know that it was actually named for it so I don't agree with their actual structure they do structure and some familiar with their structure I don't know the name thank you no problem that's the real thing - um they do that at Philly no they're not going after the property there are as high as 300 was gonna say it well you said you got it for 49 and my mind I feel it it's the ARB probably about 400 oh so where you Islam they'll call it like a lease purchase option so don't spin you know some money on this property it'll be a mortgage foreclosure so obviously it is more than the tech so but then what they'll do is lease purchase and they'll kind of go after the people who can't qualify for a mortgage right one and they'll do like a rents are own and this structure really I cuz it's like listen if you don't pay me one month everything you gave me is mine but going in though you know charge a down payment and literally do exactly what yours I am though just on a monthly basis a pulse that are outright upfront cash and I see the thing of the thing with this is the only this is what's text certificate if you have the truth they're totally different you got to take certificate auction and then you have the technology the tech certificate you're only you're only purchasing the certificate of whatever they own the Texas and yeah it's like a first priority lien holder what there you go okay that's that's all I just wanted to you know barter you sent me email you you teach me some tech certificate property please yeah with the numbers that you guys not gather are in Philly I'm looking to come in and break bread anyway so hey don't forget the fondest be appreciated rum yeah highlights job to D'Angelo but I'm glad you asked that question because if you just join YouTube this is a open house to what we do every single week at ey OU university once a month we open it up to the public but out that's something that's really been going on a lot in our private real estate group is a lot of people a lot of people in there with a lot of information and knowledge and it's become a real community and they share with each other they share with us and we bring experts in the field in and you got a private book club and all that stuff so ey ou University is more than just like learning it's actually a community where people interact with each other and actually can fill so we want to invite everybody everybody that's on YouTube right now that's watch someone and by everybody hundred ninety nine dollars right now for the entire year which includes sixty past webinars weekly webinars the book club the private real estate group and the networking opportunities it's just tremendous everybody is in there we got to invite you in there actually on the Facebook group as well we got a lot of our previous alumni and I speak today too I see all the time we all go into the same place but we try to take different ways to get there I said a carpooling obviously that's an analogy but when I started out I didn't really have a community I didn't know what to do like my first whole cell lesson was at the table like I met a guy on Instagram it was a property that looks really good I negotiate it so I was proud I think he won is 60 I talked them down to maybe like 50 50 to get to the closing table it's the guy I met on Instagram who showed me the house and it's another guy signing all the paperwork I'm Michael who's there are you not a newbie like who's dead and I go that's the owner who are you click on a home seller I think what you think you started that signing a contract I was like huh he's like that groom in the sound I sign a contract here's a fee his whole self he was fifteen thousand I spent fifteen thousand dollars they learn about wholesome y'all can learn for free on YouTube right now but I didn't know you know what Evan was to take if you got access to a group like that you should do it it makes you feel more comfortable because everybody around he's gonna understand I literally had to become a millionaire my family for people to understand what I was doing when I sold the house they trashed me are you some of the house you were supposed to keep it keep it for well what we're gonna do with you all living it could we fix it out what are we gonna do we can't pull the equity on nobody here Craig what are we gonna do if we kept it you understand what I'm saying everybody they talk crazy I remember my first time on the radio and my cousin call I heard you on the radio oh my god you so decent I live alone already I because of my whole life come on like it became a thing so to be in a group with like-minded individuals really makes a difference even if like like I said when I go to the auction I see a lot of different communities of people and they put any money together like it's like five six of them and a women and it's like well if ten of you guys got $1,000 I mean the stimulus calm that's component what could you do with this could you then go to Ohio could you then go to Indianapolis could you go to Chicago and could you buy at 13 unit like in Detroit it's the 30 minute right now um which I'm putting some people together so that's about is 13 night we'll need to do purchase every head when you go round with it it was funny be purchased other helpful fun Duryea a community is good for so many things especially if you're trying to get something done like capitalize off of each other's strengths and weaknesses you might have a good negotiator um like somebody might have great credit and no money somebody might have a lot of money and bad credit that's an ideal team and I just like really wanna preach togetherness like if you have a group of that many people and that much knowledge you got sixty classes you can just learn and play around with could you have to find a strategy that works for you to like don't get caught up like I'm not your guru you got people look like they're gonna say Google everybody's an expert all of it is real gimmicky and you really have to be careful where and how you spin your money but if you take that time to educate yourself can i really get over you because you know now and it's better than to make like an informed decisions on go watch the courses we lock on host watch the classes go is less it's gonna cost you less than a textbook MBA program that's a Cody why not I say it's like a pan for college and then getting a refund [ __ ] I say it all the time I have a little close-knit group just row smaller intimate I can't I can't do it a lot of people everybody the maybe tugging at you I'm like wait my baby's still small can't I can't do it a big group chat but I really appreciate on big groups like this and good planning information out there sharing what's going on I'll mute yourself you've been I'm unit level thank you so much question I wasn't sure what does the title insurance why would you join so title insurance is like a macron it's kind of when it comes to title insurance it pretty much is just saying that the property that you are getting is debt-free and there's no discrepancies with it so it's also saying that you are the owner I can't a person can't come back from ten years ago like wait that was actually my house is actually the insuring the title it's like health insurance is insuring you making sure that you're cool and if something is to come up insurance covers you that's the same thing with title insurance you shall always have it with quitclaim deeds which is why I don't do them I've done a few but it was the road incident situation I literally did maybe two of them on before and you don't get tight on insurance on quitclaim deeds and they should go through a lot of hassle to get insurance on quick clean beats so the title insurance means you're going to pay a certain amount you're not going to be responsible for anything outside of which we agree it's okay they get off all of the back water bills gas bills any debt that could be associated with their property is wiped away and yeah insurance is solidifying Nick so you want to have tile on trust thank you shout out to Pete that's our God on a super chat he said y'all cheering UIL if you haven't already appreciate that BYO you if you haven't already so my act was to the code is ey l19 but you have to go on an annual to get that cold byl 100 university calm you know that's not God shout out to you Pete I Maurice be coming to you I'll meet yourself you've been unmuted sound to you basking I'll see you in the college soon I was going on and I jumped on a little late man I was coming from work I was trying to figure out man where did she find those lists out for the tax lien and you look a the county website it'll give you a list of your county alternates and a list is on there it'll say upcoming selves and then it'll say upcoming properties for those specific selves and then you can print it out some some counties make you buy it and I think it's like ten dollars a list if I'm not mistaken some some of them do charge for it but usually it's public record you could just go right online and father we got I wanna say this rite aid I'm thinking this aid let's see it was going on good evening yeah yeah dy l I want to thank y'all for changing my life and I'm just starting off so my question is once you buy the properties for cheap when you pay taxes are you paying taxes on the amount I you on buy the property for are you paying taxes on the amount that the property is worth yeah you like filing your taxes at the end of the year if you're speaking to property taxes it goes off the volume and you do they won't see you so like a lot that I have the yearly tax is this very cheap like 150 125 so I'm gonna houses that I have better in Bay Area's well worst areas that some of my others are cheaper too so they take your base often a value of your property okay I see okay the value of the property that make sense alright thank you so much appreciate your brother okay okay so some people are looking out on YouTube and I asked him like is it this easy what are some tips that you would give people that literally tomorrow I'm going to be searching up all this information what are some tips that they should know before they hit their computer some tomorrow morning know I think I'm a really optimistic person so everything is easy okay that's the way that I live my life because if I start to think that stuff is hard it's hard literally that's the quote that says whether you believe you can or you believe you can't you right either way that's a real thing your mind controls everything that you do so if you're gonna go on line tomorrow pay attention because remember I said you have to make sure you are looking at accurate sight so make sure that you're showing me sight not hubzu not auction calm not Zillow foreclosure none of those things and I'm not taking away from it I'm just saying they don't provide accurate information so take your time once you find what you're looking for don't get analysis paralysis don't be like over thicker sometimes it will say this is a tax lien and then you're like what type of tax lien if say taxol is attacking me this property is for sale well what's wrong with the property listen just look at your numbers go in when you start looking for these properties already kind of know what you want to do know if you want to go in with the foot know if you want to go in and do buy a whole and that you gotta kind of have a strategy because that's going to make a difference when you actually do find the houses because they're there they literally like a list of them I don't know how far depending on where you are how far ahead they let you see I know certain sites will let you see cells for the rest a year right now things are a little wet because some cells have been combined or pushed into the next month and stuff like that but for the most part that'll let you see a vast majority of what's being sold on and then you'll just have a bunch of properties in front of you and that can be scary but some people like you just starting out you're like okay here it is I think that 300 houses now it like that's gonna pop up with some you gotta kind of know what you want to do : and it's not even just because like I've been doing it for a while my very first auction I went with somebody who's the complete opposite she was like no no goodness don't bid on it like she kept talking I'm like alright 1500 and I won the property over my first time there she couldn't believe that it was my first time there but that's like the type of heart I got that's the type of spirit in it right it's not everybody my um my ownership is for everybody rush man times like this I feel like it has a really like show us they put the mirror in front of us which you don't own you don't control I say that all the time and a lot of people they like stuck because they put a lot of their trust into a system that's not necessarily designed for us like we're shy you posted something earlier and it says it's that like um pretty much just just betting yourself to saying what you were betting on the job and it was a lot of good comments positive comments but you know is always a few people who you know have an opposed opinion and it was like you have to stop trying to force entrepreneurship on everybody and I was gonna comment on it but I don't want to make the block I'm on my Twitter rants these days I just ran the Twitter now I just thought you know we go like a person might call a ten job interviews that's kind of I guess like I'm gonna stop until I find a job and that's that's commendable but it's like imagine like if you could you start on one business or you do one investment it doesn't work out and it's like that's not for me but yeah why not use that same persistency yeah bet on yourself I said it like when when I sold the property for 150 - I ran into an investor and he talked to me about equity all that stuff he said hey you could have sold this for 300 I could have looked at it like no I got robbed it's not for me I know what I was doing this is loss you want to say I made my fifty but I could've like I could've made more I got cheated you I could have got really crazy okay so we're there other 250 I'm gonna go find it and that's what made me actually start to reinvest and properties it's really like depending on how you look at stuff you really have to look at it what a part of oh look and really like trust yourself because okay you have a job right right now if you your essential you're blessed you're lucky are you really come to me essentially sound a lot like disposable the stuff that these people I'm saying I'm good and I got really close friend a nurses and doctors my best friend we're the same age reduction and she's a nurse and she cries she's like I'm watching people die like you are essential to me livelihood in the sense you ownership is what's essential I got the real bag right there and most people don't they don't have stuff even like you you comfortably living in your house right let's say you're living in a house and you've been written it for 10-15 years whatever you're comfortable I know people who rent for 15-20 years and they are comfortable right let's say that landlord you know was making a lot of money off of these rents and I did what they sup a nice house with a mortgage and they can't afford a mortgage payment and that's how they want to go home now you had the mercy of their person now hopefully ll they're not in luck and like you gotta go I need so hopefully they nice but at the end of the day that's the chance that you take when you put you a lot of a livelihood into someone else's hands that way so I just feel like even if you're not an entrepreneur you can still make some money from ownership and that would work I mean if that's what you want to do but I feel like we all work like that fight that's the same land that our ancestors was dying over they said 30 acres in the mule yeah but go to a lot for it we just pass it up but I don't want that okay I'll take it but a mention that I pay about everything so I just want everybody just the knows important how you owe it to your children to like what they say it all the time in the so cliche like you can't leave your kids a job that's the only thing like a lot of people went out to song with this whole quarter thing and it up they folks they just figure it out and I don't think that's there into the cold so you go to EU Isle University calm and go to the annual side and didn't after you enter your email where you know right before you pay has a code into the code ey l1 I know that's how you do it two more questions two more questions hello Veronica you hi and I really felt that what you said about essential workers being disposable I am an essential worker but I am choosing to stay at home with my kids and you know and we're living off of one income right now because my husband is an essential worker as well but I did start to feel that way and that's what made me go harder in this real estate feel so my question I have two questions for you um you said that you have brought the property cash from the tax lien auction and then I know you said something about your rehab that you paid cash for it my question is like to do the rehab I think you said it am i right yeah okay um if I was to go because I I live it for every actions are like forty fifty thousand to win action or more if I was to go in today is there any way that I can get her I go to the bank and get her alone for the rehab or of course so are you saying if you purchase the property and cash first and then needed to fix it up everyone's yeah a lot of different ways to go about it credit like I said you can use credit to most people don't really just think about how the game could be played because a lot of stuff that we don't know you could get an LLC and then you could get business credit no you can get five LLC's and didn't get business credit you know not to cut you off we got a business credit class next week yeah listen I mean Trump not my god what he has been bankrupt a lot of times and didn't lose money yet because businesses that actually bankrupt so it's a lot of different ways around it when it comes to beginners I don't suggest you jumping right out into loans and I sure know what you're doing let you have contractors unless you've actually done every hit because what ends up happening is you owe those people their money either way whether you get it right or you get it wrong in the meantime you owe them plus whatever interest is Tecton today but when it comes to credit cards and I'm not telling you not to pay you can use credit card bills understand lay a closed account of the dispute alone alone and it come in so you can do a lot of different things um you can get private money for it purchase and read their homes you can actually go and put equity out the house if there isn't like they call it the cash out refunding to get the property sweet once it's yours it's yours you can do what you want really to get it okay all right and my second question you you spoke about partner Rena how would that work as far as like if I had like three people to pull in some money for the for the protects me how would it work or not are you saying on a contractual level or are you saying it would be you could do a joint venture um you can do it doing venture or you can create a LLC and put all of you guys on the operating agreement will show who has what percentage of ownership of the company if it's three you guys it would be like thirty three point three if I'm not mistaken um or you can do like I said they're doing venture the property will go in somebody's LLC the friend another person is funding it they can just hold the promissory note on it it's a lot of different ways to go about it you want to always make sure you do contracts especially with people you know you actually want to make sure you do contract with people you know first they go wrong um it is really just depending on how you want a structure what are you guys doing wish it exit strategy you know appreciate your on occur thank you you alright Sabrina what's up oh hello ok so cool I got I got two questions the first one is on the 10 percent is that only in philia does it vary state by state it varies like I said Miami at Cypress neck um Atlanta is a numeric amount I think it's like 500 some people is like a thousand dollars entry it depends on where you start any a bit like what county you're no one's think I and my last question is so you said you walk into the the auction knowing like the complete we have course so you don't you know go over whatever which a watch area was but anything under a certain number am i risking at all risking it or do you have a specific program or tools that you used to come up with the number before you walk into the auction but to be quite honest if you are a person with a just thrown up you can go on a home snack you can go on realtor.com and you can see what's sold in that area like it'll tell you hey this sold for $100,000 this one up the street sold for 110,000 so at that point you can get an idea of what your a RV is going to be there the strategy you look at the last three there so you add all of them up and divided by 30 boom that'd you you after repair value some investors say the sixty five percent rule so you don't want to spend more than sixty five percent all in of whatever they have to repair while is and then at that point that's your number now you're all-in should account for purchase area right so then at that point yo say okay I'm gonna spend this amount acquisition and let the recipe for rehab best-case scenario you were right so you have which we need better II hit worst-case scenario you were wrong and you have more than you need for it neither one of the bad thing again Sabrina yeah how you feel about UIL University yo it's the best like I said I'd sell out screaming from the mountaintops man it's the best money I've ever spent like the amount that I don't like I said I would have paid two thousand dollars not even two hundred for the information that I kid it's unmatched you guys are good guys so we gotta raise the price too the calls or whatever any like I owe you more money really fulfilling and it's so crazy the blessing that you get back cuz it's not really about money at the end of the day that's why you do it the buzzer could get back on it it's like super crazy somebody crying like I've never owned anything I don't know house we like damn it it's great no it's you you try to give the grandfather rule in Rome an we come he was up waiting so patiently you laugh you came back Roman what's up yeah yeah but I'm a fairly new story myself man it's the best money I ever spent I want to thank you guys that I appreciate you thank you because a lot of people say they are you know it's worth a lot more and I do agree I like the price I think quick question I want to know what what's the services that are that you provide overheard you said that Wow therefore my tech certificate man I don't dig for people unless they go to the auction with me to first on because in all fairness I want you to know what to expect for yourself like you give a man a fish he'll eat for a day you teach a man to fish he'll eat for a leg huh cuz I can tell you anything right you can send me a money oh who can sign a contract and I can say hey this is the best property for you this is what I got afford it could be other properties so we don't straight out didn't bid for people we used to but then it became a thing where I worked for you instead of with you I didn't like how they felt like I'm on the clock in so the services that we do offer um is a share so of course it's about three and a half hours long super duper informative though so it teaches you what to look for our houses it shows you the websites that you look for to look up property owners to skiptrace it teaches you how to evaluate the houses like the strategies you got to ask me about it shows you the scenario I just gave to Sabrina numerically speaking they show you how to actually see some of these houses obviously not a full walkthrough but see some of these houses prior to you actually going to be and then we can go to an auction of your choice with you if you need it but a lot of people have just been really wild with like I literally spent almost four hours working now every inch of different options not just Philadelphia so it's like okay this is the open and B this is what you make sure need to be um because some people don't know what's a brain when they're going to the auction like some auctions like I said you can't bring cash some ultras all you can bring is cash so I bring all of those things then once they shared something that I offer and then I have a real estate investor fall which is literally what everybody starts it if they don't really know what they want to go one with and it provides a step-by-step blueprint to help you get started from wherever you are so if you're a person has cash and no credit I talked to you about building your credit I give clients fourteen thousand Rick for unsecured credit to build their credit if you're somebody with credit and no cash I'll tell you how to turn that credit into cash like I said you can purchase properties with cash or like just don't zero APR banish transfers like just little things to actually make that credit liquid if you're somebody who doesn't have either I'll talk to you about hole selling from the auction you know there's $600 strategy if somebody who is both you talk about joint ventures we just talk about all different types of stuff and it's like a GPS for you so there's the for M sake question as I say hey we should catch we should credit what's your short time with a stable wish your long-term notice people and then baseball it I'll become Siri so I'm putting your goals in and I'm giving you the outline in a step-by-step format and that's more for the very beginners who kind of get stuck on the what and how you want to do where do I start and it's like start with step one and then go to step two you go to step three so that's it and then I also offer financing right now um so go ah because it's private money aka hard money I work for two different companies but we do purchase and Rehab homes we're not doing long-term loans right now we would go a long term run so long that is kind of at a standstill just because of the state of the economy but we're still doing refinancing loans in the purchase an everyday sort of man that sounds sounds fair I just want to say this real quick I have a friend I just I just talked to her was talked to chopping it up and then she said that you see mentioned real estate and I was like wow so I gave him a call man I don't know the name of the person but they got it before yeah that's it there's a lot of people over here like when I talk to different people they tell me how they had to pay $25,000 to learn how to wholesale and that's why ever Elyse will Mach 15 I got hosts they really get a binder in a CD and a shirt in a cup cup cup so you know oh no I'll pay $25 for a cup though but like I said I'm a little early on you have to be careful how and where you spend money that's why education is key because you're gonna spend your money or you're gonna spend your time and sometimes the money that you spend is way more than a time that you could have spent just the one song yeah and she waited today they got I told her you may go apply for credit cards to pay oh she went I know where she went so y'all got put your price up man is people out here they ain't doing the right thing in the community we owe it to our people that's cool we gotta move like we not watch arts pretty 40,000 hit we gotta do some drink benches a song man 50 units some hotels some resorts yeah I gotta I gotta make the big moves cuz 40,000 a cheap for a binder how you feeling there's a few more questions you more we can wrap this up they extorted it took my popsicles they gave me water she took it back are you willing to take a few more questions of course UIL where we come James but I'll go to you let's go let's let's hold it to one question um if we can just in the respective time please yeah hey what's going on guys can't hear me yeah perfect hey uh before I ask my question just thank you guys so much listen I feel like I got a cheek old man crazy I'm on the Mecklenburg County site right now already looking into the tax foreclosures and this is crazy oh yeah yeah I couldn't wait this is crazy yeah I literally put in the filter between 0 and 30 thousand and there's over 1,300 properties definitely but my question is so on the site I see so they have the amount do the total assessed value and then there's something that says number of bills do you know like what what is that Mecklenburg County so Charlotte I'm based on the outskirts of Charlotte but Mecklenburg County is where I'm looking at right now will you go to that website look bidding requirements like look on that and that should give you a breakdown of what they're talking about because you might be looking at a site that's going to require you to pay something additional ones happy a bit so be mindful it like something that's going to be additional to your bidding now gotcha okay all right and so I see I know you say one question I'm sorry just one more if you if you guys don't mind so I see yeah there's an attorney assigned to this property like okay got you guys so all cells is going to say this is who you know filed the paperwork to move this specific property to sell perfect okay excellent all right thank you guys I appreciate shout out to Greg weeks on a super chat checking much much appreciated appreciation support thank you thank you shots at MTO mortgage guy as well Madison yeah I like we're doing on bully met like kind of and he'll you tell like people I get rude like that but I listen you have an event I want to speak it is like huh I won of a whole little thing in the DMV that I don't even read them I don't even know how you got past their requests on I think listen do you have an adventure and I want come speak at it look I have my like pop-up banner and all it he was like listen the speaker fool I know what that mean is I all know you what you gonna complain I give you my seed like I already know what it was I'm like all right this today he opened up a little sponsor thing so I hit him again on my living so you have an event I want sponsor who's like card you can sponsor it you can set up your table one outside listen I don't have a product I got a service so with my speaker spot I need 30 seconds he was like what I mean 30 seconds I finally got him on the phone cuz I feel like I was getting lansner right cuz I'm like this is now so crossing he blocked me so you let me do it he let me speak for 30 seconds it was crazy I got burnt the stage yeah I dropped the mic I walked off on my Kanye and everything I forgot I forgot the name but uh who's your publicist or your manager it was it was Tiana yeah wise previous it was via previous past tense now I'm like a what do you call it I pretty much work for myself slime and diems work for me I just think like she was she was happier yeah okay you are weird yeah she hit me up 50 times gotta get her you got again I'm like that's the thing so um no bad blood we are still you were actually text earlier we're really good I just think when it comes to like publicist and I hear it's kind of given everybody has a story everybody we all came from somewhere we all have something going on and everybody has a platform to and sometimes you got to get way down you don't know who right who wrong you don't know who what come over here so um I could be the people don't want the forty thousand and I'm gonna get ahead in a cup and I respect both sides of it when it comes to me it's like once I get there moment it's very authentic it's very good to tell I'm passionate I got I got the receipts my clients like it I'm gonna tune in it's like I already chose something I get there anyway and I don't think anybody can kind of tell my story the way I can so sometimes you have to just be patient and kind of wait for your time but PR ago do you talk they like I said listen to her in this make by the time y'all huh no because she definitely was persistent and I told her like you know everything for us just happens in like the right time like we can't really rush it so I'm like now we go it's open its open sense so if anybody's listening we get a million games and emails how to get as many people on a platform as possible just be patient with us and be persistent because you do good work it speak for itself like sometimes we rush in that spotlight and y'all have to just move at your own pace everything happens in Bhutan come here now that's a fast shot to CUDA bang on a super chair thank you appreciate that we got we got all my now so my okay G okay G what's up oh hey thank you for having me hi everyone hi Jim ISA I may act like I think I'm I met you last year at a at the essence first of all and you're so humble and so sweet you know I do I do have a question do why do we think you'll for the value of been added recently lost my job due to oil and gas prices what I've been doing well signal saving some money for rainy days recently a friend hit me up to purchase property together and I heard you giving somebody advice about getting an LLC or some sort of contract signed as a first-time person even trying to devil into this in real estate what would you what advice would you give especially buying properties with somebody or buying as a group what advice would you give but always always always sign a contract um less is more sometimes the more verbage the more confusing I learnt their real estate school that a contract could be anything it could be on a napkin as long as it has a date and a signature of all parties involved so you want to make sure that when you're signing these contracts cuz you can find a joint-venture contract on Google like the template on you want to make sure that what's your assignment you actually understand um so make it plain like hi we're going to purchase this property at once with three main street for this amount our intention is to flip the property in 30 days we're going to finance that using this person's credit you know just make sure there's outline in a way that you understand because you are a beginner and just make sure that the people that you going with you trust just that that's a big thing like and sometimes you're going in with stranger so it's kind of hard to actually trust a stranger but go a little Bob so that's the real thing I'm big on vibes like you said I'm very humble I'm sweet I treat everybody accordingly I treat people the way to outlook one if you treat it if you um still like all about it situation more than likely you're right that instinct is not wrong I've had a couple times where I've did the opposite of what I thought I should do and it cost me a lot and both peace of mind land money and it could have kept the money there peace on my minute we can't really get that back so we appreciate you yeah thank you I think this is the last call I believe last call at the bar we got Kim Jacobs we coming to you shout out shout out to dan dan super appreciated family shout out to moschella super should I'd appreciate it Jim Jacobs what's up what's going on hi everybody how are you hey hey thanks again thank you cannot thank you guys enough for this platform Jimmy so I appreciate you coming on I just had a really quick question for Philly I'm actually on the website now trying to look at the next available date for auction um do you know if anything it has well you mentioned earlier that you know covetous kind of things on pause are they doing in person or head they switch to online no they have not officially switched online yet what they have been doing is pushing everything a month back so originally the sale was March 18th they pushed it to April 15th and then they gave us an additional 30 days they push the table 15 to make this okay right now it's like my ear mm-hmm yeah no I hate I hope they don't don't wish that on this I actually don't know not at all I do not like on my hope that they're okay and it is I'm under the property cell category yep sheriff's on what I'm excited okay thank you I appreciate you so much to our almost two hours we appreciate everybody that for you to YouTube we please hit the like button please hit the like button that that helps out a lot please please please hit the like button is free takes a millisecond we just carried away you're almost two hours ice cream popsicles no no I got very clean and stairs about to go down yeah we didn't read with the three podcast today we did on this YouTube live for two hours and we bad guys we got two podcasts to do tomorrow incredible just make sure you send me my podcast interview I earned it no yeah no I can you tell the people your information kind of contact you'll zoom I'm gonna put her Instagram in the chat so you gotta worry about that and I guess we can do it in YouTube as well everything is Rosebud's investments both words are plural so are go SCE bu d s investments with an S at the end so that's Instagram is Facebook my website is and it oh the number twenty six seven four one nine rolls everything is real was my best cuz my grandmom's name was rules so where'd you get that from shout out to your grandmother rest in peace your grandmother you bought four generational wealth and you taking that baton because a lot of people in that situation probably could have got frivolous was down on the fifty you take a baton and you set up generational wealth for your family so kudos to you yeah everybody that that tune different meanwhile University thank you you guys are amazing we got a dope class plan for next week which is gonna be on business credit jobs everybody on YouTube we appreciate you God if you could hit the like button we appreciate and once again we want to invite all everybody that's that's listening or watching on YouTube to join you while University it's the cheapest thing that you could possibly imagine $199 with the sale for the entire year which includes 60 courses weekly webinars private real estate room book club movie club I mean it's pretty much self-explanatory so yeah if you interested eat why l université calm you put the cold ey l $1.99 for the annual Sun and we hope to see all you guys there and yes it's been a pleasure we definitely have an invite to the podcast coming we got to do more work together for sure we do a lot of stuff for Philly so it was coming to film speed trap but that's the Wall Street rapid thing if you if you know Wall Street rapper he's like a superstar now Instagram but it wasn't always like that when he all the first time he met us he came he's from New Orleans we had an event in in Houston I know we're gonna been in Houston and he flew from New Orleans to Houston and he walked up on me and he was like yo what's up man I'm Wall Street rapper cutout like oh what's up man how's it going so we started talking and you know I liked his energy so imma put you on the podcast man and he's like I and then I'm like I don't know if it's gonna be in here or in New York but we're gonna do it and then I heard he was coming to New York I reached out to him I he wanna go on a podcast first time ever in New York ever and he took the train and he took a train from New Jersey he figured it out and we filmed the podcast it was a legendary episode and at the time he had 30,000 followers now he's got a hundred and seventy five thousand followers he's celebrities is following on NBA NFL shouts of that but he got it he got a dope YouTube channel he got a show he does as well so yeah sometimes that in person right dad you have to stay down I did that before I went to Miami I was that like a one-minute event and I found out et was one man feeling now that there's only like three days I flew to Philly for the day just to meet ET and person so I could fly back took my it was things like did you just do that everybody yeah cuz I had to I had to go tell him who I was and he needed to know who and all right though I'm done making some dope connections it worked out but people was like you bought the cloud of trillion you coming back tonight I'm gonna be right back like it was up the street so let's down take off the same night sound to you I said ian's do not add a child in here that's our brother walking Mondays y'all know that but it's been a pleasure real quick that's a fact so all right it's been a pleasure I know you got a lot to do get some sleep get some rest thank you for blessing us Oh be a contact guys have a great night you too greatly appreciate it thank you have a good night show you why our Facebook group we'll see y'all Sunday please
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 64,618
Rating: 4.9712124 out of 5
Keywords: Tax lien real estate investing, Real estate Auction, Home sale, Real estate Wholesale, Home flip
Id: fMcf3JQp-JA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 113min 40sec (6820 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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