Keep On Truckin' - Episode #23 w/ Alix Burton

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oh yeah oh we got all that out the way alright so y'all get to see what happens behind the scenes okay whoa okay welcome to another edition of real social proof podcast and we we literally just like went through this Jillian for a good five to admit it but it wasn't recorded so I need you to do the introduction with the same intensity okay so um we got mr. Alex good energy here how are you my brother what's up man thanks for having my second time tapping him up I'm just keeping it real with y'all so um I've heard I've heard about Alex and I've seen Alex literally I don't know I don't know if it's just Atlanta but it seems like over the last few months all of my friends have been taking pictures with you like yo I just got my truck my man Jeremy Anderson and I I'm thinking he's like just motivational speaker he like just straight speak my man got a truck uh what's his name he's always at the et events you like runs the whole show that's my guys Oh Stephen Stephen Halliwell hey we got a truck I'm like yeah what am i doing do I need to get a truck so please kind of kind of a share from the beginning you know your story of going from you know were you from to Atlanta share with this place yeah super super long story short man first part of my life was in Brooklyn New York you know moved down to Atlanta when I was 13 and funny story on how I got to Atlanta was my mom sent me down here on summer break you know just for the supposed to play me for the summertime and my aunt after like I realized like dang I ain't we're not going home yet like it's August like school back to start and they started off enrolling me in school so I'm supposed to be on vacation but now I'm being enrolled in school I didn't get to say bye to my friends and nothing so I was I was a little hurt what am i what did your mom say to get did she say y'all just gonna do a little vacation in Atlanta she was like we just sending you down here for I mean I had been here like a few times so was this regular alright but I noticed that she packed like a lot more whatever so uh man I'm getting enrolled at school man and my mom tricked me and sent me down to Atlanta she knew that she wanted a better life for me and at first I was upset I was I just moved on for like a couple months because of it you know saying I left all my friends in New York I even get to tell nobody bye but ironically that ended up being like the best thing that ever happened to me yeah so real real quick though like I can see why you'd be upset but what was going on in New York your mom felt you know I got to get this boy out of here right in the office rough man as you know you know I was from the worst part of New York I lived in VanDerveer projects you know if anybody want to look it up I was a vendor fitting you know saying I was raised by a single mom never met my father a day in my life you know and I mean and I just I watched my mom work work two jobs even a night shift and come off the night shift and take me to school she wouldn't even let me ride the school bus that's how real it was a dish she got off the night shift and took me straight to our school I know I've never wrote the school bus the day of my life so she just wanted better for me and my own my uncle was living in Atlanta and she's seen the quality of life and she was like yeah that's why I want him to be my god she was a nurse she worked for the hospital system so she couldn't come immediately because she was working on her transfer so she was like yo I'm gonna send you down there and I'm working on my transfer and she got a chance for about nine months later and she came down and met me Wow what does she say now like seeing all your success so we'll get into that but yeah um before I tell you that I gotta tell you this my mom was traditional she wanted me to go to college you know she wanted me to do the American dream I guess go to college get my degree become a lawyer a doctor like a lot of people's parents right and you know I tried to go to college I went for one semester I went to go in that tech for one semester I was studying business management and man I literally decided one day I'm not going to I'm not going to school I dropped out I dropped out waste I even get my money's worth and it just wasn't for me and I decided to go in the workforce and I started working for this telemarketer spot so I'm working for this telemarketing spot and actually that's where I met Jason mr. two weeks out my best friend now it's just I'm a mm-hmm he's working a telemarketer spot on straight Commission we wouldn't even get an hourly it was straight Commission and we had to literally sell this product cause Emax right like I probably still know the sales pitch literally call random people on the phone and try to sell them this pride that you pour into the gas tank to get more fuel mileage right so you know I ended up being like the number one seller in the company you know I was there for two years and just one day my boss decided to fire me you know walked up to my desk he said I've missed the phone call he can hear all of our calls he claimed that I missed a phone call and that was his reasoning for firing me right so I'm making $1,000 a week at this point and you know thousand dollars a week was a lot of money back then but I didn't know money management so I was making good money but I was spending it thinking that it was just coming next right back right so here I am I'm living in the father house my cousin ready to rent it to me and I'm just bought my first car a little lexus ES 300 you know I got big boy bills at this time and now I don't have a job some down to my last to $2,000 man and I just never forget riding home on 400 South I was so hurt that I just got fired and I said it out loud I said like I'm never working for nobody for the rest of my life well you do you do anything entrepreneurial before then I've never done anything No so what gives you all dances you think I never worked for somebody if you don't even know what it's like to not work for somebody I'm gonna be rude she was kind of like a combination of my pride man like my ego like I didn't like the fact that another man had that much control over my destiny like were like I got those like you just fired me now not that I rubbed me the wrong way man that's my first time I would get fired so I was like I got a finger son I don't know what I'm gonna do yet but I'm gonna figure something out right so long story short I literally I was just riding around one day Winnett looking for something to eat and it was this little spot called Carabas a little Italian spot that was my joint and when I ain't been in a few months and when I went there it was construction being done I'm like what happened to Carabas so I woke up in the spot and I see this Asian guy Korean guy named mr. moon he comes out he's like hey how you doing on I'm like hey what's going on with Carabas like what do I do and he was like now we about to build a nightclub I might oh wow okay gwinnett okay he was like yeah we're looking for promoters he said you were promoting and I was like yeah actually yeah yeah so he was like yeah we're looking for promoters and we look we looking for you know and to give to promote this and what night would you like to do and I was like I'll do Thursday's okay cool so here I am I left the club I'll never forget I quote first off why mr. moon thinkers you black your promoter he believed it that's what miles from New York Allah promotes anyway long story short all right God I left that spot and I call it all my friends like yo I got a party coming up so I got a party coming up and look I don't act shop for nothing I just need y'all to show up on this date to this address and bring some dollars with you Yeah right bring two nos with you tell everybody you know and then I was like if y'all come just just lose about no because I'll ask for nothing right two thousand dollars to my name and I used five hundred event about ten thousand fliers I paid these are little young boys like fifty dollars a piece to pass him out for me but I was like I don't know where I got this from but I was like look we gonna go hard like we gonna put the Flyers in the neighborhoods you know we're gonna do like the Chinese people hit the doors in the neighborhoods like you know you go home yeah he was invited don't care how many a throwaway anybody normally just did like cars that they after the let outs of the club baby just hit the cars I was like nah we going to the barber shops we going sort of salons we go into the neighborhoods and we won't go hard so the theme was it's the grand opening it's the first party of this magnitude in Gwinnett County first night about 200 some people showed up I made my investment plus a little bit more you know I was feeling good and I was feeling really really good that I pulled it off everybody had a great time but now the pressure came on like wow what do I do for next week no grand opening yeah the grand opening hype is over yeah so I'm this is when Buckhead was like cracking this is when like all the clubs was on the strip in Buckhead where you couldn't even walk on the streets right so I'm down there that weekend just brainstorm and trying to get ideas from other clubs and I'm at this spot called club chaos on Monday nights I'm in there and I had a DJ say yo jagged-edged in a building okay you know like the music I'm like that's dope so I ended up being in the VIP with Brian from jagged edge you know and I said no and I went to Harlem I said little brother look got the spot in Gwinnett I said no y'all big big sound yeah there they had in this world at that point right yeah this is like when they was popping popping and I was like this party and I would love for y'all to come out there sing going that we've never had celebrities out there I said look I don't got no budget to pay you but I know that if I promote job we can do good and I could have half the door hmm and he's like brother like we normally get you know CHR ready he's like look you know but I like how you came at me he said I can't guarantee the whole group and come out there but me and my brother at least will come out here where I said again I was like yeah so pleasant here they're not there I know by the chick-fil-a I said yeah I was so hyped David that I left without even getting Brian I didn't get his phone number y'all I'm gonna be on the house on 85 know if going home like oh I get his phone number oh right that hurt I was I was hurt right but David the way to my man looked at me and said he's gonna come I believed him so now I'm taking another 500 did 10,000 flyers oh what a flier yes I kill Fido pictures hello - hey these flies are so don't Dave I put the flight was these black flies it was sexy fly they was huge so it wasn't the blue small right same thing we hit the neighborhood's again hit the barbershops hit the slaw the same hit the mall jagged edge is coming to Annette so man that the night came look people was blowing my phone up Dave he was acting for VIP sections really but half sings I'm over here trying to like put together do you say it like we just like making something happen right Dave the night of the party came I got to tell you the story cuz it's gonna come full circle with what's going on right now the night of the party came Dave and I'm at the spot and I just remember getting there at about 10 o'clock and at 10 o'clock the line was around the building okay yeah we even have enough security guards I had probably like five security guards already like 200 people outside the building when I got there I got a door girl Jason was there too Jason was there helping me out in the front with the line he was so good at the line so Jason was he was still working at the call center I think Jason was still there at the call center but he was also helping me out right so Jason was my VIP door and he had a VIP right yo 11 o'clock people are still pouring in by midnight the whole club was already packed and it was still in line around the building so I'm looking I'm walking by the register heart is pounding lenka cooked like a movie I'll try to see like uh like verbatim right so I'm walking past and registered we had to like take the money out the register it so that it was filled um something like wow so you didn't went from excitement to like it was 12:30 all got his number right and now I'm outside the line and I'm hearing like little whispers like coming you'll sit they like day coming to gwyn I knew it anyways gonna come to good net its arm hurt I'm not know whether they just grab the money or New York came out of your know said take the boy out of New York came to New York so man I would say about 115 and I just thought of seeing he CLS and Sadie spoiled like he's wonderful that's his first came out like two of them and in the g-wagon I'm looking looking it was like slow motion there the door open I see Brian hop out I see my mother and we go I can't describe that feeling of seeing them y'all they showed up man they showed up I went got him walked in the building and you know nightlife link the little party website people was there and brought we had a run for about three and a half years man we had one of the biggest parties on Thursday nights for about three and a half years man yeah it's call it was a spot called cafe lavaca and it changed the Belushi's no applause please yeah so that was like my first little taste of entrepreneurship because once we got full scale I had about eleven security guards working for me to DJ's you know I'm saying like I learned how to be like an owner like I had a payroll I'm saying so that was like my first little taste of running an operation and from there man Alex Agee entertainment sent some people out to scour who's making so much noise he said that his our partners to come Scout us out and uh then I was I used to host my parties on microphone I was a dude I was getting a party hype right right he said some people out there they loved they was loving how I was rocking the party and they'd say hey you think you could come to the compound and do it and get on the mic with us he was rockin compound to a rock compound for two years I did a Velvet Room on Sunday nights when it was at his peak I was doing the mic gonna keep my I'm not on the radio like I was the only person that was not on radio hosting parties of that magnitude that's crazy yo first off I just want to ask y'all if you'd have left Brian and you didn't have his number who would have had the audacity to put a flier together and promote it as if they was coming I would have I don't think I don't know I don't know you feel me that that's a whole nother level uh he said he was coming I guess that's the fallback right you know he said he was coming but I'll do what happened he said he's covered that's crazy because there's no Instagram he might did you tell him to address like yeah but at the same time this is Atlanta where people say anything that's sure you wouldn't do that now absolutely not right he's actually he probably came to the club maybe 13 times after that like just without promoting him just he just loved that party Wow okay so you start so you start rocking these parties so now what here's this this has had to be at least this is 2007 2007 2008 around that time here's the crazy thing because I was in the club heavy probably saw you because that would be I would so me and DJ infamous moved yes so obviously been a Mike infamous was a DJ at compound and the same thing I've ever room I used to host he was the DJ I was in the club every day that he was there so I was like I know I know I saw you that's he's here that was my party name sincere and the reason I didn't go by Alex's it was already Alex instead see it was like my my nickname party name that's a New York name they don't like to see you yeah man right around belly table okay so rocking parties right so how do we like transition to this Mogul truck empire you got going hey I'm gonna have to get deep on you real quick because I can't I can't avoid this part of my story please get to the truck in that's a good story right Larry goodness gracious yo so I'm at the peak of my promoting career I'm hosting the hottest parties in Atlanta and my name is on a radio life is good right I was hosting this party called pure Atlanta one Thursday nights and I met this young lady in the VIP you know the lifestyle other you know the lifestyle maybe all the way transparent with child and the regular night you know I'm gonna be IP pulling up a little champagne for got a number pretty likes and girl long long hair I'm like oh what you doing next week let's go to have a drink or something she was like cool this is when I had a spot in Atlantic Station this one Atlanta station first okay I was just kill Dave dang I wasn't gonna tell this story so I'm so I told her let's link up next Tuesday this is a Thursday so let's think of next Tuesday I said the plan was she supposed to drive to my house Park her car hop in my car and go to a little lounge with me the night comes she is trying to meet me at a restaurant called silver skillet on 14th Street she was gonna Park her car there I was like look if you park your car there you probably gonna get told my little my spot is right on 16th she just follow me park you called my driveway and we gonna go to your spot together so she's like cool so she follows me to my townhouse I pull up and I pull past my driveway to make so that she can pull behind me and pull in instead of her pulling in she just stays behind me in front of my driveway so I'm like putting my hand out the window like yo go ahead and park she just stays there so at this point I'm like okay I don't know what's going on so I get out my car and I walk behind me to see what's going on as I walk to her car another car pulls in the street from behind her it starts pulling up towards us then the car comes and cuts off me from my car - guys how about it's a guy's hop out the young dude hops out the passenger side and starts walking towards me he's like what the fu don't my girl dog before I could even process what was going on he Floyd Mayweather at me and punched me right in my face that's the first time I ever even got hit in my life like I've never been I never bought that type of energy towards me so I was more shy ain't even hurt he got me real real good right here all right I ain't dropping nothing I was just shocked so I'm like okay I got a fight now this is great she'll sit then the driver hops out big dude and I see the gun in his hand I said this point I got a decision to make do our fight and possibly get shot do I run I just decided to fall take my butt whooping like a man and just hope the guy he was shooting these two dudes stopped me out for about it felt like about 15 minutes right they stopped me out and I literally had to stop moving in pretend like I was dead for these dudes to stop stomping me out I'm like just covering my face on the ground once they finally left she got her car left they got any car left I get up my phone was gone my car was still open though they didn't take no money for me I had a 745 at the time they didn't touch the car it was it was her boyfriend and so I literally hopped in my car my plan was to go to a friend's house in case they came back I just want to get out of there so I get in the car and I'm driving and I noticed that my seat is real wet and then I noticed start getting hard I start this is hard to breathe and I'm literally about to make the left on West Peachtree to get on 85 but then I was like not something right like every time I inhale it's like a sharp pain right here it sounds like nah this ain't good so I start so I literally made a u-turn on West Peachtree Street you know what species on one-way street I'm literally riding it's 2:00 in the morning I'm literally riding up West Peachtree Street the wrong way looking for a hospital and I started getting a week I started feeling like I might be faint and all I could keep thinking was like just get to the hospital don't fit in the car and by the grace of God I seen her a sign it was a Emory right there on Peachtree right across the street from where the old Gladys takes used to be at I got to the hospital walked in the lady at the register was like can I help you right now is blood coming down my face and everything like look ma'am I just got I'm hurt like I'm bleeding in my back I didn't see a doctor she's like hey fill out a paperwork sit down we'll get to you Savage Charlie right keep in mind I'm feeling like I'm about to faint I'm like no man you don't understand I need to go see somebody like right now so she says fill out the paperwork we'll get to you so I'm literally filling out the paperwork and I never forget y'all like I'm bleeding from our face and as I'm filling out the paperwork the blood is like filling up the whole paper so I bring their bloody paper to the lady and I'm like here you go and that's what she was like oh [ __ ] let me go ahead and get his dude in the back y'all I get to the back doctor pulls off my shirt and he's like examining me to see what's going on with me and he was like Sir do you realized you been stabbed one to three times in the back yeah why stabbed me three times in the back I didn't even noticed I barely knew this her name like I was just I'm just you know trying to have a good time like y'all just let's go to have a drink yeah stabbed me three times in the back and so you know I had to recover it took me about five months to kind of get back thank God it wasn't necessary they punctured my lung I had to get a chest tool but it wasn't nothing too serious um to where I wasn't able to recover after about four or five months but bruh like I tried to go back in the clubs and I just I lost a passion for it yeah I didn't feel like being in that being exposed to that type of life was worth my life and it was at that moment that I decided that I was not gonna be messing with the party's no more you know yeah good on time on that okay so what do we do now are you better at managing your money at this point are you still out here well you had to 7:45 not really okay man so long story short brother um I moved to Miami I need to get out of the land I need to get out of this energy really yeah I moved to Miami in 2010 2009/2010 I moved to Miami and you know to have a couple dollars saved up obviously got a couple doubt and I had a good time when I did do promoting or you know just I literally was living off my savings account I would just be all the way real with you really I was living off my savings account in Miami living above my means I was living in a high-rise overlooking the water the whole nine I looked my best like this is when LeBron was down there this is when cash money Young Money was popping uh Sunday I just really just like starting to get it exactly this is that tie was a great time in Miami at this point and Broadway broke year 3 2012 I was down like my last 5 grand man and um you know I came back home I hit mom up like oh I just need like four five months mmm I need for five months mom let me come home and we just figure this out I just need to get away from these bills and just have a clear head real quick and man arm I worked on my credit while I was at my mom's house I did some research and I knew I want to become an entrepreneur and I wanted to do something that was gonna last this time I didn't want to do something just cuz it was cool so man after I worked on my credit I went got me a little lot of credit me and one of my friends hooked up and came up with this idea that we was gonna get a lot of credit and then go start go open up a restaurant mm-hmm this is Jason doing at this time Jason is is actually delivering washers and dryers really so it's crazy so those that don't know Jason so Jason is also running a seven-figure business now - that's why the story is just so ill y'all were selling a fuel of juice or whatever that would be max that's crazy that's crazy absolutely so yeah so Jason's delivering Washington drives at this point I'm living my mother I didn't I didn't got off for Twitter and got over social media I'm like man okay nobody knows what's going on right now living with moms right now and man me and my partner at the time D we are decided we're gonna get a lot of credit and we was gonna go open up a restaurant or a barber shop either or so we got the money was like 20 grand we went around looking at restaurants every time he would find a spot something would just fall through and it just won't go through right Debbie was gonna do a barbershop he just would not come together but during that time I just kept running into people that were in trucking mm-hmm just randomly like yeah like whether it was truck drivers but then I went into this uh particular dude I'm not gonna say his name but I read it to this guy who was doing real well for himself mm-hmm and I'm like what you got going on brother and he was like yeah you know I got these uh these box trucks I got this contract with the post office I'm eating I'm like work I think Chuck's I know nothing about trucks so I'm like I will shoot you know from New York right y'all know I'm a hustle like I I adapt to whatever something like do I need to get a truck like was something he was like yeah get you a truck I'll put you on so I went y'all within 30 days I used my money and we went got us a box truck how much did you start with uh the box truck was only like 8 grand it was like loose so you didn't touch the 20,000 line of credit it was out of that it was all gotcha gotcha gotcha absolutely so man I called my guy about like y'all got the truck was good he was like hey give me a second I'm gonna make a couple calls and um and I put you on just give me a second couple weeks go by here no phone you know nope around the corner sure it's around the corner you know sit and I called him back yo my man he just stopped answering his phone yeah he just stopped answering his phone y'all so here I yeah with this truck with no direction so at that point I got an option I can either sink or swim yeah I decided to swim so I'm alive I'm on Google how to run a trucking company come on you two watching as much videos as possible how to run a trucking company and I did it like it was working like I was booking my Lobos I found me a little driver because what you weren't driving yourself ever no I never drove it so you never thought I needed to jump in here and get my CDL and dry so I could make some money no I did because because for one I'm not a good job I'm not a I'm a good driver but I'm not good at driving long distances right I'm not gonna die like me and landed a Charlotte is my max period and I need to get out to sea so I knew that wasn't for me but the good thing about box trucks is that you didn't have to have a CDL for that so I literally you can hire anybody so I found we find some little Java put them in there I'm booking the loads I'm on as we know we have a database instructing where we can actually go online and find loads for our trucks right we can negotiate the rates and we can actually eat what we kill right so you know I just said I was like I'm good with the phone yeah so that was like second nature for me so I'm one their booking Marlowe so guess what though I don't really got that much money so whenever these brokers and these shippers to tell me look I'll pay you $1,000 for this load all I hear is $1,000 I'll take it but I didn't understand like what my truck was really worth and what was I supposed to be charging right so I was taking whatever they was paying us yeah I mean we might as well have been called crackhead Express you don't save all the loads for the low yeah like if you pay we take you this little loader that's named my truck company loads for the level right watch that yo so man I'm thinking I'm making some money like as we get these deposits I'm like we good but then once these bills start getting to kill say about time I pay a few by the time I pay my driver I'm looking at these spreadsheets he spread she's like a real suspect like a real suspect I'm realizing like damn are you making no money for real and I within 11 months bro he was out of business Wow it was out of business upside down man they were having to get the trucks back credit thank God we did it on the business and so it wasn't no my personal connection so um yeah man so at this point I'm like dang like but I had seen enough to where it was like okay I'm not gonna give up I just did something wrong yeah right like I've seen enough potential in it to where I was like I think that's a bar is that not he said yeah I'm not gonna give up I just did something wrong but a lot of entrepreneurs they think oh this the business doesn't work they just say you know I did something wrong I proceed this is good yeah I seen the potential but I know I did something wrong so I was like okay let me take some time off and let me do some research and identify what I did wrong I see if I can give this thing another shot you know saying because I got a little spoiled with the with but the little of success that I've seen I'm like nah to tweak some things so I literally Dave I took about I would say about eight nine months straight research and I like the coldest year in a year to sacrifice this is to the end of 2013 this is when I I went cold turkey on everything I stopped going out I stopped dating I stopped smoking weed I stopped getting haircuts I stopped going outside I literally only went outside to walk my dog I was like and I was like now I gotta figure this out so after I gained my confidence back after identify what I did wrong I gave it another shot at this time I did it with the 18-wheeler so oh man so you got the box truck mm-hmm long fail at that it looks bad and then you come back and it's not like you start where you like it maybe something's wrong my entrepreneurship my cuz I probably started with another box truck let me start low but you went 18-wheeler yeah you know why because the box trucks didn't have that much loads available to him every time I was on that low board I would see loads for 53-foot trucks which is the 18-wheelers I would keep seeing like Dan a pink some good money for that right but I got the little 26 foot boy so I can't I can't fit you know a full truck load is what they call it I was called LTL you know you know it wasn't the full load so long story short man I I've been getting teased for that whole first year we're seeing them then big boys get that big money so I was like nod when I get back I'm getting me a 18-wheeler you know of sin man got my first 18-wheeler Dave and all it was like night and day man it was like night and day like just to be able to get on that low board and be able to get to pick whatever load I want now I got the big boy joint you know sir and yo I grinded it out I focused on money management now I know how to manage my money now I realize okay when I make the profits instead of blowing it let's go ahead to reinvest into the business let's save it for a rainy day for truck breakdown let me make sure that I got enough money to handle whatever it's throwing at me with this business cuz this is a big boy business you know saying this ain't nothing play with you know this is these are 80,000 pound machines heavy machinery so if you want to get into this business you got to make sure that you got a cushion and I realize that from my research so that first 10,000 I made or if that first 18-wheeler we putting that up that's the that's the emergency money right there you feel me yeah so now anytime my truck broke down I got the emergency and my thing was minimal downtime I don't care what it cost is four thousand let's get it let's get it paid and get back up and running cuz I know I'll be able to make it right back all right my first truck paid for my second truck how soon before you got into that second truck about uh about a year about a year about a year mm-hmm could you have done it sooner probably do you teach people to do it sooner absolutely absolutely I got some of my clients talking into it we'll get it to that with me they start off we gonna get into that I'm giving some generic so yo man just I figured it out like it was finally working it's finally working and I'm up to three trucks now and the money that comes from three trucks was like way different than one cuz because I realized that one truck pays for the other two trucks so at this point it's just a volume game for me you know saying and the market was really good so I'm just like I'm killing it I'm killing that at this point you know we have a factoring company where we don't got to wait to get paid so we pick up a load on Monday we deliver on Tuesday we get paid on Tuesday so now my business starts paying for itself now so now I got to go back and my personal money so you know even people who are just getting started if you get started in the trucking company you get rolling within the first two weeks you're ready to made all the money from five six seven low so god forbid if you blow a flat tire guess what you've already took your and got money in house from the first few low so now you can pay for that flat tire you them saying so that's what I love about the industry so once I got my cash flow right man it was it was it was it was crazy since then man so now we have a fleet of 11 trucks now so you have 11 truck so you have 11 trucks but I believe your formula for getting 11 trucks works because you got a bunch of students they got trucks right absolutely so how many students and in the last because you haven't always been like just you know teaching people how to do it I said like that 2015 once I really started like seeing some really good profits and I was really confident with my process and I was automatically I knew then what I know now I wouldn't have lost that 20 grand that first year in business I won the loss at that time I wouldn't went out of business so I was like man like I need to show and it was nobody out there showing the trucking game like this real estate classes everywhere you know saying seminars for all the stuff I could not find somebody that was teaching transportation in the transportation industry we're talking about a 700 billion dollar industry in year yeah somebody's getting paid Yeah right so I'm like oh now like I'm gonna start showing people how to do it the right way the first time so 2015 man I started just helping out friends first and I would literally just start putting on my Instagram I just put my boy James and build business he just got hit with Chuck he's doing this thing then I would get a couple of days you know you think you could show me how to do that right so here we are one two three clients and I'm putting in business and now we up to 20 clients and it starts getting bigger than me last March you know this is three years of me doing one-on-one consultations last March I had a waiting list so Christmas for my service hey yeah we had a waitlist I started off I was charged I was charged $1500 in 2015 to show people what I do for my time and by last March I was up to about $10,000 a client and it was a waiting list there's a waiting with people trying to pay you ten grand Christmas yeah last March yeah goodness gracious yes so it got bigger than me by the grace of God you know there's distant results the testimonials and he got to the point where my clients were promoting my business for me I had 790 followers this time last year David be real with you 790 followers yeah cuz I've seen it cuz I remember you didn't have that many followers did I look today it was how many I probably 10,000 by the end of the week yeah it's crazy I've been able to see it grow and so the collapse and trust me I'm gonna ask the questions on how we can get into it okay and I'm gonna ask the questions that we're all wanting to know but um you started working with ET right just like everybody else I have been watching um you know every Thomas on the videos you know and I went out of business that's who I would watch his videos to kind of get me out that depression that I was in and man I've seen he was doing a cruise last March and you know was five grand and I was like ah man covered eyes I could make this investment like I told my I told uh I say let's go on this cruise you know went on the cruise man and I just want to hear some motivation I go there to take no pictures no that I just want to get some motivation you know I was doing good at this point and we went to Sint Maarten st. Thomas and Bahamas in Sint Maarten the doctor ship docked and we were out on the little restaurant outside the dock and CJ his wife sits at the table next to us I didn't know CJ that's awful Candice Candice and then Jamal and his wife sat next to them and then Josh and his wife sat next to them keep in mind I didn't really know who they were I see in CJ on the mic earlier I didn't really know the positioning CJ's that guy yeah so we just have a small talk I'm not really one of those people dollar this what I do then I'm not that guy like I'm not they call him clout chase I don't know I don't beyond that but we just had an organic conversation like what do you do at least I'm like I'm a little trucking company and I'm I hope people I hope people get to my industry and I see they just like he loved what I when I told him he loved what I did and he was like I want to invite you to something in Atlanta called masters in the game I know what it was he was like I'll just show up here two weeks it's love house in Atlanta what talk when you get there I show up to this mansion you know they got the gate in the front you pulling up the lawn job where I walk up in there and it's like 20 guys in there CJ Josh Jamal and then et comes walking in and then we go downstairs and they're like look at this group right here we've had picked you guys all over the country and we feel like you guys have mastered your industry and we created this group so we can help you guys take it to the next level everybody to here does something different and you guys are going to network and iron sharpens iron so we end this real intimate setting et is there talking everybody has to stand up and tell their story I stood up told my story some what you guys already heard and I never forget it after I told my story everybody was just like going crazy and as I was walking to the bathroom et grabbed me and like shoved me into this room and he was like your brother like your story is powerful man and you do a really good job of telling it all right and CJ was like looking order for you to take it to the next level you got to put this consultation online he was like look you're doing your thing but you only one person you got to duplicate yourself you got people all over the country trying to holla at you but you turning down and you losing out because you're only one person you're taking on too much and I was like online like I don't know about that like I do one-on-one like I go to the dealership with my clients right I helped him find the drivers I bring the mechanics the whole nine and he's like now you've got to put it all on so he said look get all your content on paper we gonna send a camera crew we gonna shoot the videos create the PDFs to go with the videos and we're gonna put it on and just put it out but then four months I locked in locked in me and Vitesse and we locked it bro and I hate seizure up in about four months I was like that's done he's like damn he's done already I was like yeah he was like yo Alex so many people try to get into business with us and we tell them what to do but they never follow through they never execute they was like yo shout-out to you for executing he was like and once he's seen the content he was like yo this is fire she was like so not only are we gonna help you put it out but we gonna put you on our platform so how much will that program so my put is on brief University which is on their online training portal and now it's just ironic the person that I've been looking to looking looking up to this whole time is I'm now in business with them now it's amazing you know saying reporter was a CJ was like legolas price it at two thousand dollars make it affordable you know if you're charging ten thousand for your one-on-ones obviously it doesn't require as much time from you right let's do it for two thousand dollars so we have a two thousand dollar package that gives you 90 days access to all the content to show you how to get into the trucking industry from A to Z okay and then we also have a monthly monthly mastermind membership that allows you to stay locked in with us but also we do weekly calls every Tuesday at 8 p.m. we lock in on our zoom video chat and we discuss different topics every week in trucking so the first 30 minutes is us talking about a certain topic and then the other half as a Q&A session and I have experts from the industry coming on as well we've got our 20 weeks now so we have 20 hours worth of content now on top of the information that was already in the port right so it's like a family now like and people are up and running we dropped it October 5th is when we dropped this online digital training portal and honestly I just dropped it as a as a soft launch I just wanted to kind of get some feedback I wanted to be able to fix any kinks that came about you know I wanted to listen for feedback if somebody was like hey I don't see this in the portal we can go ahead and just add it in there right so I literally was just looking for about 50 people here we are six months and I think we've done almost 250 members hey something's working something's working all right so we got again so this is a bunch of entrepreneurs out here because arrow got a couple dollars I'm saying you get a couple dollars I get a coming out as we put a couple dollars together right so how much does it cost to get into a truck like to get into a truck and get it rolling catch it was two different ways that you can come into the industry you can come in as a cash buyer or you can come in on a finance route right my tell people all the time if you're coming in on the finance route as an investor the best way to get into it is having your own relationship with a credit union okay credit unions right now are probably the most ideal way to get in as far as financing goes why interest rates are a lot lower and a lot of times some of them will even cover a 100% of your of your truck right I don't we could I would tell it and if he doesn't want it out there you get out of it later okay but uh Jeremy Anderson for example he's probably probably has the best deal I've I've seen so far really Jeremy went through his credit union and got them to finance his truck in his trailer with no money down and his truck note is like and his note is like under like $1,300 a month truck in his trailer had a awesome interest rate no money down and he has a truck in the trailer just call him see what's going on so so outside of that done yeah what's the typical situation outside of that there's other costs associated as far as like your dad payment for your insurance tags all the miscellaneous expenses that you can't get around that you have to pay for to get into the industry it's gonna run you anywhere from seven to seven to ten thousand dollars okay so best-case scenario you can probably get into this game for about seven to ten thousand dollars if you don't have to put money down if you do have to put money down which is if your credit isn't isn't the best credit and you don't have a relationship with a corporate credit union you can definitely go through the dealership finance and similar like when you go buy a car you know you can get your own finance into your bed or you can go to the car and use their banks coming in as an investor you're gonna be putting down at least about thirty percent if you have a CDL you can sit in 30 percent of what the truck or the truck yeah so how much does it suck typically the trucks that we recommend you getting is gonna range anywhere from forty-five to sixty thousand dollars just know you're gonna put down about seven thousand hey okay so that would be about eighteen thousand correct if it's thirty percent of sixty correct okay okay that'd take care but that's a few bad bad credit oh no that's if you have decent credit or if you don't have a relationship with a bank gotcha that make sense yeah gotcha okay all right so y'all got that so about eighteen thousand ten thousand so you you need about thirty thousand cash to get in absolutely give you a clean - right yes okay so Oh photos the tax write-off by the way sitting here Porto's the tax write-off okay okay cool cool cool all right so how soon do people typically get their money back and there is no typical right because yeah anybody situation is different best case the best case the best case in worst-case best-case ten months ten months to a year worst case two and a half three years worst case your money back yeah worst case so how do you create the best case scenario what is the the habits that people have that yo I get in and I make my money learning how to negotiate which is what the train depot trains you on knowing knowing not to take cheap freight having a good driver the portal is gonna train you on how to attract drivers the hiring process but most importantly how to keep good drivers okay that's what's gonna make the difference of you that's the difference between the super successful trucking companies versus the ones that just get by is that job because obviously we can have the best truck in the world right we can have a 2019 truck we could have a contract with you know coca-cola but if you don't have a driver that's gonna get in there and grind it's gonna make a difference so I see the difference with companies who have good drivers or a good driver versus the one who have just two dude trying to get home every other day we're really hustling like that so that driver is definitely like that pivotal point of what separates the super successful from the ones that just kind of make it so what's a typical load I mean what's the average load that you could say what do you mean like I mean so I get a truck and I say JT is driving right house so JT owns the truck he gets me to drive okay and he how much is the load how much are typical knows that he's telling me to take we try to stay above two dollars a mile you know I tell people all the time as long as you stay above two mom you've here to make it you know say anything above two dollars is gravy you know I've gotten low as it paid three four five dollars about there a peak season you know we've got different seasons of trucking so I'll say three dollars a mile what's the average run like what I like to do is lows that pick up on a Monday and deliver on a Tuesday I the quicker we get that load off that truck the quicker we can get some more money on there alright so a good loaf of me is about 500 miles 550 miles okay that way we can get loaded early Monday morning get to that destination buy that night shut down reload in the morning cuz see drivers have a certain law of how many hours able to drive right Department of Transportation requires you to only be able to drive 11 hours that's how long a truck driver can legally drive but he's allowed to be on the clock for 14 hours meaning on duty so those extra three hours outside of that 11 hours can be used for getting loaded getting unloaded getting gas etc right so the goal is to maximize that 11 hours drive time to get to that destination they have to go to seat for 10 hours it has to be documented once they shut down they need to be able to wake up in that morning deliver that load get reloaded same thing again on Wednesday so every time you take a load from Atlanta you go to let's say Charlotte Virginia yeah they dropped that load off in there they always pick up another load to bring back to a Lancer nected they don't have to come back to land as a team we try to find drivers that are flexible and can stay on the road so it's literally connecting the dots so we can go to Virginia and in my dispatches our trait to find the best-paying load out of Virginia going to for example Tennessee right well we're also not just booking loads just off the dollar amounts we're looking at okay if we go to Tennessee what's the market in Tennessee because we want to make sure that we're thinking long run as well to not it's just not about today it's about okay once I get to Tennessee how's the market in Tennessee so we're able to actually go and see the whole country and see where the freight that's hot and where the freight is cold this is what I train on the portal as well to show you how to read the market you know it's not just about booking loads it's about knowing how to position your trucks you know different times of the year the freight changes you know right now is on fire right now Atlanta believe it or not is the number one market in the country right now today always lows right now look this morning there was 7200 loads in Atlanta yesterday and there were only three hundred thirteen hundred and sixteen trucks today so we can get money right ere you got ten I gotta tell ya you got ten I got ten i'ma say it again it was 7200 Lowe's in Atlanta yesterday in 1300 trucks what does that tell y'all Marcus wide open supply demand the more low is that there is the less trucks that there are that means that they have to pay us more money why because there's 6,000 loads as not gonna get off they dock tomorrow the ones that are gonna move are the ones that what yes you know what here's the thing though and it seems like you can get that money back a lot faster than 10 monster I'm gonna be real with you Dave I like to under promise and over achieve he told us 10 mom because we're gonna get the money back and then I go okay alright alright I like what's going cuz if I tell you in 10 months and you get it back at 6:00 yeah yeah we'll be mad at me right all right we happy yeah under progress and that's what any business Shaw under promise and over achieve if I know like for example the next big question everybody wants to know after they understand how much it costs to get into the industry they want to know okay how much do I can I make back a month per truck right absolutely so I'm gonna be real with y'all right now in the last three years my trucks have averaged take home about ten thousand dollars a month each truck each truck right I'm gonna be rode true that's how it's been I mean last year was probably the best year in trucking I've ever seen I mean you know expect in a year before that like you know got I don't like tragedies but when there's like hurricanes and hurricane harvey's and you in today oh my god it's ridiculous right oh and they got a pain they got a pain right so I'm gonna be rich I like for me we've been averaging about you know eight to ten thousand dollars take-home per truck take home hmm take home after expenses but guess what when people ask me how much um do I expect to take home I'm just gonna tell y'all five six I'm gonna say got five six thousand but guess what even at five six thousand I don't know you know I love a pretty decent lifestyle but that definitely makes a big chunk in my overhead I'm personal overhead you bring home eight to ten thousand correct times eleven but I'm gonna tell you guys listen let me tell y'all counting your pockets and yeah I'm gonna tell y'all five I'm gonna tell you our Father there's no reason that if you have a truck that is not breaking down if you have a good driver and you know how to negotiate and you're running a full week for four weeks there's no reason why you should be able to take home five six grand at the end of the month it's no reason so if you guys do more than five six grand y'all are happy with me so that's that's what I'm that's what I'm telling ya five six thousand a month and everything else is just sprinkles on a cone all right okay all right whoo so I'm we're gonna take two questions we're gonna take two questions from our live studio audience we got Honda what you got absolutely I'm gonna tell you I like this man my Porter was made up of about 30% women when I turned if anybody follows me on Instagram you'll see like the people like I posted my clients I post people when they get up and running women are literally taking over this industry and I'm gonna be rich are they they damn they're doing it better than the men you know I feel like women in general are just more thorough creatures you know say it like like seriously seriously you teach self defense you good money okay are you good you go right right right so the answer your question I'm absolutely not I don't think that our women have a disadvantage in this industry at all you know I got female drivers as well you know I mean I gotta feed my drivers as I hate killing it you know Cheryl going like they out here like putting the circles around these guys they're for real for real so uh now you know as long as you know what you're talking about you know you're getting educated and you're having a conversation with these drivers and they and they can tell that you know you about your business I don't see it being a handicap at all and don't be intimidated it comes off as a mental industry but it's just business at the end of the day it's all numbers businesses all numbers don't get intimidated and I'm I love those are some of my favorite clients as women you know because I can do anything that we can do sometimes even better okay lost it uh questions questions questions tada again okay okay I definitely don't recommend a brand new truck but brand new truck right now is gonna be running is it a run you upwards of $120,000 there's no reason to get a brand new truck we get trucks that are probably about three to four sometimes even five years old but we just make sure that we're doing thorough inspections on these trucks because honestly a used truck that's a good used truck is gonna get you the same performance that a brand new truck is gonna get you so instead of spending a hundred and twenty thousand let's get the $50,000 $60,000 truck that way we can make our money back a lot quicker and we just getting warranties we don't get the warranty that covers all the big expenses right as long as you know my clients know you're not buying a truck without a warranty we're gonna get a warranty that covers us for at least three years it's gonna cover all the major components all the expensive parts so that God forbid if it does break down its covered and we try to get our investment back as soon as possible because once you get that investment back on your truck now you're playing with house money what I'm saying so now definitely get a huge truck we won't get inspected properly through the dealership or independent mechanic and we just making sure that we invested in that and that warranty ma'am I mean breakdowns you know I tell people that's the biggest thing right there's two things is guaranteed in life one is that one day we're not gonna be here and number two your truck is gonna break down those are the two things that are guaranteed so what my course with my portrays on is preventative maintenance right ever since I implemented a certain schedule of maintenance with my trucks my breakdowns have decreased about 35 percent little things that you can do because I tell people all the time small problems turn into what problems so a lot of times people like to take shortcuts we like to put the band-aids on them nah we're not taking no shortcuts if we see a problem get it fixed now because guess what I would rather that problem we pay to get it fix here in Atlanta with my home mechanic then get on the road one of these crooked uh roadside assistance and they gonna try to bust us over the head so my goal is to have all my repairs done at my home base wherever you're located at find you a mechanic that you can trust and every time I chucks come through Atlanta they pulling up the Steve Steve got to put eyes on that truck for me I don't care if it's a hose every little worn out replace their hose we put an extra oil in the truck extra antifreeze all the belts that come on my engine I got an extra set in that truck light bulbs fuses because guess what it could be a little belt that can burst two o'clock in the morning now you stuck you got to wait on road side now a twenty dollar belt that you could have had in that truck with a little tool and he could have got out fixing it real quick and I rolling now you just spent $800 says the tow company got a two-hour minimum they charge $200 an hour then they came to the truck find out what was wrong then they had to go find apart like it's just any little things that you can do to save money and again I always tell people all the time there was a handbook for all the mistakes if there was a handbook for all the mistakes that you could make in truck in I literally went through and did everything so what you guys are paying me for is you're paying me for my mistakes right um you guys are paying me to save time and not do the things that I did and what a lot of people do when they come into this industry I did it all for you I suffered for y'all already wow wow it's crazy one more one more question you know did you figure it out okay you got something on the chart you try alright yo so oh for sure parking lot yeah what does that industry is that a thing parking lot right now I pay $150 per truck per month at my life they got this big lot down in February Georgia and it's probably food was probably about at least 250 trucks down there so they definitely is for sure it's so many ways you find us a lot man and leave Magali be useful huh yo it's so mean it's someone raised so many avenues to make money and trucking on one thing that CJ told me right he was like look Alice before he started jumping in I know you got the money to invest in real estate into all this he say look diversify within your own industry first right that's what he told me so I've literally created four to five streams of income within trucking so I have my fleet of trucks right that I've delegated trained my cousin's train my staff to run for me now I have a dispatch service that when clients to get up and running they can either book loads on their own because we do train them on how to do that or they can give us the truck they would book the loads for them for a small percentage of you run the whole day yeah well you know an old thing I got a whole team of people that I've trained that actually book the loads for them so they negotiate with their brokers they get the information to the drivers and they communicate and handle the operation side of things that's that's that's my second stream of it's a dispatch so so I can buy a truck and you take it over our company can take it over we have a dispatch department in my company you find the driver too that's a part of the porter that shows you have to do all that but we also have a partnership in the portal that actually places drivers in your truck for you yes it's a one-stop shop I created a little literally a one-stop shop of everything you need from A to Z in this industry and it's something that has never been done before in the transportation industry so that's the second form of that's the second stream of income the dispatch service my third source was the one-on-one consultations and now my fourth source of income is this portal I've created for shiranami in the same industry before I even stepped out and said anything else give them a round of applause please thank you so much Alex I appreciate it I try to end every podcast the same way with predictions okay I want to know where you're going to be in the next 5-10 years so that we can look back at this video and say yeah I remember it was 2019 five years ago Alex settings gonna do this any actually did it what are the predictions of where you're going to be five ten years from there five ten years from now I will have all my businesses automated I would be 100% passive meaning that everything that I'm building right now will be able to operate without me having to be there I'm probably gonna max out at about 20 trucks my goal was ten trucks when I got in business I hit my goal last year hit my truck yeah so on now we're on the road to 20 I'm cool with 20 well you get the 20 are you still gonna say you feel me like yeah I'm maxed out 10 you get the Lebanese like yeah I got 11 a number yeah this portal man again we just did a soft launch you know we did a quarter million within the first six months so I'm definitely like you know and it's so funny cuz CJ's like look you know this is just the beginning and I mean so I'm I definitely want this portal to change lives nationwide I want it to be the go-to you can't get around it if you're trying to get into the transportation industry this will be the number one training portal for trip for the transportation industry Perry I uh I need I want to have a hundred hundreds of trucks of my dispatch service you know and I have a non profit as well I have the filler truck foundation we sent three we did three events it's called a fill the truck to Flint where we sent bottles of water to Flint Michigan for the water crisis we've done it three times et Jordan there on the last one it was amazing you know you asked to see that and we also said 318 with us filled with products to the Houston for Hurricane Harvey I'm sorry I just want my foundation and definitely keep doing great things and providing help and resources to places that need help oh so dope is so clear and specific to and I ask people what they gonna do next month they like I mean you feel me so but like he really understands exactly and I'm sure this isn't like somebody just came up with he sees it like okay I'm only gonna make I'm gonna max out at 20 hundreds of that's that's amazing yeah that's amazing so in any parting words you have for us yo sacrifice show none of this was I would be sitting here right now without sacrifice as I mentioned earlier that that year 2013 when I when I said when I stayed in the house that year when I stopped getting haircuts and I stopped partying and I'd locked in and did that research without that year nothing would have happened right now it's not going to happen without that sacrifice you know seeds that were planted four or five years ago I finally starting to blossom right now what you guys are looking at was in the overnight from last year this was five years in the making so all I could tell you I was just start playing today stop playing how do they follow you hurry follow you on Instagram man mr. guys were really good to me the show instagrams were really good to me man um you know definitely again went from 700 to 10,000 followers in a year organic followers I just never went to buy followers I wanted to be organic I was kind of corny yeah I wanted people to follow me because they wanted to follow me you know saying so on Instagram is Alex al I X underscore good energy name of my company is good energy worldwide on you know it's a it's a lifestyle that I've transferred over to my business I won't do business with you if the energy is not right I don't want to be friends with you energy we've been cool for 10 years but your energy ain't right how many people got some friends they just right so it's Alex underscore good energy on Instagram my website is good energy worldwide calm and you can go on there booked a truck you can sign up for the dispatch service on there you can also get the information on the consultation on our digital training portal man and yo and I also want to leave out one more thing to don't hope decide yeah explain that please you know sounds good to let you know I want to do this I'm hoping to achieve this when you decide like I have to do is like this is there's no plan B decide intentionally what you want to do and go do it I don't hope anymore I decide I appreciate you coming through man make sure y'all follow Ali's good energy and I'll see we're gonna cook all right all right was that not phenomenal oh my god I appreciate it I need a shot
Channel: David Never Sleeps
Views: 97,132
Rating: 4.9310346 out of 5
Keywords: Trucking, success, small business, entrepreneurship, entrepreneur, motivation, david shands, eric thomas, atlanta
Id: u52j-_9jg0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 46sec (3886 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2019
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