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ernest what's going on you're about to watch the next episode with our brother 19 keys but we got some exciting news to announce our study hall series yes study hall is going to be a new series that is going to be exclusively on our audio platforms which is micro clips from the podcast which are going to be how to do tutorials anywhere from 10 to about a half an hour similar to what we do on youtube so this is going to be exclusive to our audio outlet so make sure you subscribe to our apple and to our spotify channels to stay updated and turn on notifications yeah leave us a comment uh rate it do everything that you have to do to make sure that earn your leisure keeps running up them charts we love y'all peace ernest what's going on we got something very exciting to announce yes eyl university is the fastest growing online business school in the world we have 70 archived classes we have weekly webinars where it's an interactive experience uh you get to ask the professor's question as he's actually presenting it's all done over zoom and it also includes our private real estate facebook group it also includes access to our movie club access to our book club and real estate break bread session bi-weekly with mg the mortgage guy when he discusses a broad range of real estate topics yeah you're getting all of that so don't wait don't hesitate don't play yourself reward yourself invest in your education invest in yourself head over to eyel university yeah so we are running a special promotion right now for 40 off of the annual discount all you have to do is go to and enter the code social and you will get 40 among checkout see you soon peace [Applause] all right guys welcome back earn your leisure we still in la la edition la cali edition for sure so first and foremost shout out to dame dash yeah and the good people at dash studios game dash studios for they rolled out the red carpet for us and um this is our home this is real hospitality yeah yeah shout out to nicholas out to fe for holding us down shout out to damon again for sure that's a fact so um this is gonna be an exciting episode if you follow uh us on social media you know a lot of times we get requests for different people and variety of different walks of life and different you know paths and different businesses but one gentleman especially recently we've been getting a lot of traction online actually so a lot of his videos um is 19 keys so 19 keys uh social activist entrepreneur social media influencer health advocate thought leader thought leader like that yeah among other things if you if you follow him on instagram so he um he's a very interesting guy he's very intelligent and um he he has a variety of different videos like he has stuff from health yeah sometimes he's working out sometimes he's like leading like a platoon like that video went viral that was dope yeah i think snoop reposted it lebron reposted it that was a dope video um sometimes he's teaching uh about finances he has a whole program about finances stock investing um cryptocurrency oh whole gambit i like the joints with your pops too thank you those are always good yeah yeah yeah these people request a lot more i just bought him a phone so he can go live oh yeah yeah your videos are classic yeah but you're listening and reliving what he's saying and then sometimes you just like start laughing because you're like yo this is i really lived that yeah yeah yeah so without further ado 19 keys um thank you for joining us appreciate it thank you for having me here yeah man welcome i told you i feel like i'd have made it now nothing else matters we're here at this moment yeah so let's let's get into it um 19 keys i don't even know where we should start but i want to start with the black wealth standard because that's something that um i've been seeing a lot as far as you posted it a lot recently and um the blackwell standard like when you pope when you first posted that i'm like what does that mean you know i'm saying it's like one of those things that's interesting and it's like i think i know what it means but i want you to kind of give like the breakdown like what's the black wealth standard so it's two parts to that we had a black standard and then we had a wealth standard and so inside the black standard is the west standard and so the black standard is really creating a system of accountability for what it means to be black you understand me like i believe that not everybody is black in the mind you understand me and by black we have to create this system of accountability otherwise we can't have any expectation of each other you understand me like if i consider myself to be a black man what values do i uphold what's my mission what's my vision you understand me what does it mean to a black person responsibility accountability transparency when i you can be a [ __ ] right and a [ __ ] holds a certain connotation and there's no expectation for what a [ __ ] is a person can make music and say i kill [ __ ] i murder [ __ ] i arrive [ __ ] whatever it is there's no accountability so if like if you think in hip-hop where does the standard for hip-hop to say who can and cannot be a part of hip-hop there is none so when i think about our communities and i think about people being disappointed by so-called leaders or celebrities or activists and things of that nature you really can't hold them to a fault because we haven't created a standard of accountability to say that well if you consider yourself to be a black man then this is what you stand on so one of the standards that we created was you have to train if we look at everything that's been happening in light of the circumstances that we're living in right now the black lives matter movements um the white supremacy things of that nature going on it's like how do you prepare yourself and we can't just continue to complain somebody got to be out there training somebody got to be out there ready if if you say that okay well we believe in gun ownership well you should have tactical training if you don't believe in guns and you believe okay i'm gonna protect myself well you should have combat training you understand me hand-in-hand if now when we go to the west standard we talk about black wall street you understand me and what happened back then but they had a particular wealth standard meaning that the money exchanged 30 times before left a community you understand me like they they had a certain financial literacy that doesn't exist in our community so when we talk about the black standard it's really creating a system of accountability for those who consider themselves to be black and always qualified black not in the sense of nationality the sense in your mindset you understand me like are you connected to that original spark of what it means to be a black person on the planet earth you understand me original man in that original thinking and inside that we know that i believe in ownership of slave ships so that all right i believe in equity versus equality because if we get equity we can fund our equality you understand me yeah yeah yeah and i know you all believe in that because i've seen certain things that you post and it makes sense that if we get equality then everybody get what we got and it's still an been i've been fighting for that especially in education it's like people need to understand the difference i think people have always said equal rights equalizing like yo no forget act like we need to change our three e's i always say that like it's yeah equality's cool equity's more important economic empowerment is even more important absolutely and but but look at so other communities have a wealth standard um the jewish community represent two percent of the population but the top 104 is billionaires 25 jewish community when we look at that asian community who has the top household income it's not white folks even though we always compare that but it's the asian community and more specifically it's the east indian in the asian community and who's top leverage when it comes to um looking at um the tech sector you understand me they're the top paid and you can understand that because they basically look at all right what's going on in the community what's going on in the world right so if bill gates and uh uh elon musk and all of these people are becoming the new billionaires and the new rule in power then they said worship that's what we need to get into let's do howard you understand me and they get into digital technology and they get into coding and things of that nature so when you look at shenzhen china in the last five to ten years they've been able to build up a system to go from rice farmers you understand me to tech billionaires and millionaires because they said that oh well this is going to be our way towards wealth now in the black community we still think entertainment and sports is our well standard that's the fact that we understand we've been saying that from day one every other community puts more emphasis on education than we do but the right kind of education you understand me like we don't have a specific type of education that we go for and so when we think about having a wealth standard you can really study other communities who've done it better than us because all communities have done it better than us yeah you understand me even the hispanic community their income is higher than ours and continues to rise higher than ours they're more likely to own a house than we are once we leave a household you understand me and so creating a wealth standard is really creating a system of accountability um that you can think towards going towards that goal of wealth like wealth is having an abundance of assets and the average person the average black person specifically because the 50 of america is financially illiterate then that number is extremely high in the black community yeah that's important so my i mean mindset is the key and and i've heard you say this numerous times right if you could change the way somebody's think you can change their world absolutely so when did your mindset get changed or was this something that was always in your household as you were coming up absolutely not so there's levels to that question right so the web standard was never in my household now we would talk you know economic empowerment and the teachings on the unable elijah muhammad who taught about those different things but the knowledge the how-to the applicable knowledge on how to get there portfolio diversification and understanding commodities and stocks and things of that nature and that was not in my household but the doofa self mentality was always there so when i was about 19 years old was when i think i really made a shift to wanting to go upon this journey and teaching others and that's because i had a case when i was 19. you understand me i think before the age of 19 i probably had about i probably been arrested about 10 times had about five or six cases but i always fought them all and that's because i seen my father fight his cases so having that example i knew what was possible and i knew what i needed to do and so really in that last case i was going through it and um i was locked up in a jail and i was reading this book and the book was it was a fictional book i don't remember what it was but it was a storybook it was very detailed i could imagine it was like a movie in my head and then as i was done reading that book and i got through the whole thing and i looked around i'm still in the cell and nothing in that book qualified me to get past this case and empowered me in any situation whatsoever so i felt like i just wasted all my time and then when i got to trial my older brother had gave me a list of books to read art of deception some song zoo war books a bunch of different books on legalese and he wanted to give me books that we could actually apply when it came towards trial you understand me books that were applicable knowledge and i remember learning certain things and having to tell my lawyer certain things to get certain parts of the case thrown out and eventually of course we got to that point where um the case was uh found not guilty you understand me i ain't got no record for the record but but after that i haven't read a fictional book you understand me i don't i only read information for the purpose of applying it in some way in my life you know and i know that you know you can read stories and then expands the minds and things of that nature but that's just where i met and after that i only wanted to find that sort of information because 80 percent of people don't take it to trial you understand me they play out you know and that's either ignorance a lack of money representation a multitude of different things but i just think about those individuals that i grew up with in the hood when they jumped off that porch they got caught in their system and then they get stuck in that cycle because they ain't had nobody to get us some keys somebody to get them some books that can guide them to the right mindset where they can free themselves so ever since i was 19 years old i just been on this journey of damn how do i unlock the next man whose mind is is is without the proper knowledge and information to where they can be that higher self so it's interesting because i think it was actually with game right we spoke about was like you can't just tell somebody to stop hustling without giving them uh you got no answer he said don't talk to me about the problems being i don't answer yeah you gotta you can't like say okay i'm out here i'm making a thousand dollars a day you telling me to stop doing what i'm doing but you're not giving me any solution right so as far as like practical like solutions as far as like building wealth in the community because like you brought up a good point sports entertainment that's all that's our wealth standard because that's what we know right and it's like every neighborhood has at least one nba player or one nfl player or one rapper so that's an aspiring person that you can look at and say okay he made it doing this so i know i have a chance at least i have a shot doing this right it's the mirror yeah so it's like how do we get into you know building that practical is it through trades is it through entrepreneurship as far as brick-and-mortar locations is it through online is it variety is it investing like what is what's some of the ways that we can actually encourage people to kind of get them on the wealth path well i believe in skill set diversification you understand me that you don't just have one thing because as we sing through the cover 19 and the quarantine if one failed and you know circumstances beyond your control happens what you gonna do so many people had to pivot during this time and they didn't know what their second stop was you understand me so number one i look at the education system and i look at everybody else wealth standards and we can look at uh the asian community specifically because let's ask ourselves how many asian leaders can you think of in the last 100 years in america how many asian leaders you can think of that just prominent voices that speak for the asian community can't really think of any now we've been spoiled with leadership in our community so we're always looking for somebody to lead us you understand me instead their leadership is their education you understand me their leadership is their family standard on how they build together and so number one you have to destroy that dependency model of i'm looking for somebody to save me yeah you know and now you have to create a new saver which is the education which is getting into um the the digital real estate as my brother ben x calls it and looking like oh yes entrepreneurship 100 and people always say well entrepreneurship not funny that's not true you understand me like thinking like an entrepreneur is for everybody we live in a capitalist society so if you're not thinking like an entrepreneur then you're somebody's consumer you understand me so that's a slave based mindset because either you figure out a way to free yourself into the ultimate role of sovereignty or you just a dead slave so number one entrepreneurship the mindset towards education has to shift the education has created an opportunity because everything that they didn't teach now we can teach you understand me so we really have to thank them they didn't teach real estate you understand me they didn't teach entrepreneur the way the entrepreneurship the way we utilize it today they didn't teach um stocks and trading and things of that nature to where we can easily apply it so now guess what we get to teach all the things that we know it creates an income for us so when i look at the fact that it's um more expensive to house a prisoner than it is to go to harvard and harvard with all this great endowments is not about to change you understand me it's price to go there it's tuition whatsoever they don't care about that so i say well [ __ ] digital education is the new harvard you understand me right now you can go spend the next two to three weeks learning on coding you understand me and increase your income just by having a new skill set you can go in the next three to five weeks learning trading you understand me and now you have a new way to bring in income so when we look at the unemployment rate it doesn't have to affect you if you have skill sets that employ you you understand me and so you start with learning skills first of all skills that you can trade for income increasing your human capital and your value on the marketplace so if we start there saying that okay number one i also believe in a family model don't do business without family that's my motto you understand me now i know for most of it that's crazy right because we was taught don't do business with them like crazy that's only true for dysfunctional family and living [Laughter] instead of living based off the filter that yes our family is dysfunctional so that applies to us let's work towards well how do we create functional families you understand me and so the repairment of the family model in the black community has to happen before we get to any wealth otherwise there's only one generation there's no multi-generational wealth so the family standard has to happen and understanding that you know they they call it the 64 hitting your history in america between 16 19 uh and 1555 where that was supposed to be the making of the slave and that making it a slave was destroying that aspects of family unit you understand me so that you can rob them with a name you can rob them on their courtroom masculinity femininity everything that brings them together as a family unit and once they did that in 1619 they was ready to open up business now we know that everything in america goes back to the black body the branding the marketing the insurance the whole gambit so when we look at repairing the black family it's the one thing that starts us towards wealth you can't get past it i don't care how successful i am you understand me unless i got a young little 19 kids out there running around that knows what i know as well not just having a child he got to know what i know when it comes to the money markets you got to know what i know when it comes to being a man and taking care of his family you understand me and then passing that knowledge down because wealth is not just about the attainment of physical assets and things of that nature it's the mindset it's the knowledge that we have so if we pass down the right knowledge and we was groomed in a household with that sort of information then yes we already have the wealth you understand me right reparations is repairment and that repairment comes from knowledge of self and understanding the world around you we live in a very capitalist society that's ran by white families and families around the world not governments and special interest groups and corporations so i believe that every black family should have an llc yeah i agree too there's a lot there's a lot there and i'm just going to go back to that leadership conversation because that's one of the things that we've at myself always talked about was like yo our community is always looking for leaders but there's a lot of other communities that don't right because the problem when you have a leader is that they become the target exactly and so once you have a target it's easy to knock down that target or prop up that target to be built down and once that one leader's gone it's like well right everybody's lost you know what i mean that's the heck yeah exactly um i want to go to something because you talked about passion and and one of your skills you said at 19 but i know that fashion was one of your things yeah um and so how did you get into that was that something that you you knew that you were uh i4 you know that comes from art uh when he was in the hood man me and my older brother my older brother got me into art and i used to see him draw i never thought i had the skill set just like speaking i never thought i had the gift of gab because i used to think that everybody used to tell him he had it so i used to relate all those gifts to him sounds a lot like a guy i know [Laughter] so i never thought like that was going to be something that i used in the future so i used to always find other different things but i used to look up to him and i used to want to do some of the same things that he did and so i found a passion in drawing and art and painting and i remember when we used to draw on our own shirts and paint on ourselves the local guys in the neighborhood were asking what [ __ ] make something for me you understand me now anytime i feel like i got a skill set that can make money and it got value i'm going to utilize it it understand me instantly so that's when the business began with uh it was first called musa hill and there's a whole story behind that one and then we started that one with hand painting and then it went to uh cutting soul and then of course my older brother and his his baby moms at the time was no longer doing the fashion thing so i took it upon myself to go full full-fledged with it and at the time i was really just providing funds for it and doing the marketing for it like i thought that that's what my genius was which it still is in the marketing aspect but because that was void and empty i'm not the type of person that quit on anything right so i just say [ __ ] it i'm going to go ahead and get that skill set necessary for me to be able to make this successful so i picked up designing i learned that i had a knack for it and understand me the way i conceptualize things and so i don't really consider it fashion even though it'd be fashion i just consider it designing i consider it art i consider it like creating i consider like speaking my creativity my art you understand me and anything that i do so i did have a store in oakland california um downtown oakland for a couple of years that i used to have and i used to have all of my designs in the window and it did very well because when i used to work for product but i fired them because they can no longer afford me right yeah mindset mine says important yeah they did they you know they did good for me but they couldn't afford you know when you first go into the job you don't have the same skill sets as when you leave what'd you do for product so i used to do sales merchandising managing multitude of different things corporate corporate world um no so i was i was i was there in the actual store okay so like the neiman marcus the flagship store uh multitude of other ones now of course imagining 19 keys at a product store it's interesting right everything earned not giving me i'm gonna tell you the difference right because i remember having a conversation with the manager at the time and he used to tell me how you used to listen to rush limbaugh and i said you know what that's fine because i listened to mr farkhan and he was like you know what we shouldn't have political contact you about right let's like the way you go into a place is the way you have to stay and a lot of people make that mistake of switching off and then trying to show glimpses of like they they black revolutionary side and they like where that come from understand me but when i worked there i learned a lot because i learned i feel like every job is an education like that's what you steal from your job not boxes you still to education like you go there and if you work in a register or if you're doing crm for customer reports and you're doing clienteling and you're learning how to sell or you're learning the history of the company and what makes somebody want to spend 50 000 on the back like that fascinated me to a point because i found out that they clientele was like really in love with the culture in the history and that's why they valued it and to say that yes i will exchange all of this money for that so at the time i started learning mandarin you understand me like like probably like 60 of my clients were chinese you understand me and you could imagine when they see a black man speaking chinese like they light up you understand me it's like soon as i start speaking i got the cell and i used to have counterparts that were asian and it felt unfair to them you know y'all like they hear you speaking chinese all the time but to hear me speak it it's a novelty yeah so like i did extremely well that first year i mean i had like three million dollars in sales and like to give context like the person behind me was like a million and a half behind you understand me and we're getting commission plus hourly so like i broke they system understand me like they had like they literally had to change it after that and then that's when i was new life's time for me to go because y'all changing money structures because we making too much money you're fired but that's how how old were you um yeah that was about five years ago i was like between like 23 25 yeah that was pretty recent i'll put you on the spot can you say something in mandarin this will be a first let me see let me see yeah you gotta tell us something sell some water uh now if somebody's sitting there listening i'm like how you doing do you like this one you understand me it's a formal dialogue to really open it up to get them to buy something so i have a couple questions because this is interesting how did you how did you learn mandarin which seems like an extremely complicated language to learn i i think language is one of those things so i gotta say every level of consciousness comes with a new language and i believe that in every sense not just when it comes to linguistics and actually speaking different languages but like the money language is the language right the rich man doesn't speak the same language as a poor man you understand me and language is the ability to be able to express yourself so with language me i grip it through experience so i learned it by literally just speaking it and being there and practicing you know and then as that went on i would just add more words into the vocabulary you understand me more and more words and it got to a point where i was pretty fluent to where i could have you know business conversation or salesman mandarin as i called it because i knew everything at least to get this sale and everything that surrounded the sale it's a sweetheart to sell and so i believe with language like i took four years of french i took multiple years of arabic just being a muslim i know my prayers and things of that nature in arabic um i took spanish we used to do spanish skits when i was younger but with mandarin it seems hard but it's not because one word can have like multiple meanings depending on the tonality of it you understand me so when you learn one thing you really learn it a lot so for me it was just being in the midst of it and like just like the the sales floor was crazy so like you had multiple people at the time and multiple cells that you had to make at a time so i feel like you know at that time my brain was like more on adaptability in finding patterns you understand me i think as you get older language is harder because you have to reset and your mind is more structured towards like wisdom instead of pattern selectivity but at that time it was all just finding patterns and then utilizing them in real time and that experience just started to encode that language into my everyday experience so yeah mandarin was a it was it was it was interesting to be honest i was proud of myself from life yeah you should be i i so thought you was going to say look yeah i bought rosetta stone i really thought that we was going there but nah man i tried to pick up an app in but it was it was incomparable to actually using it in real life i think that's that's incredible so all right you're 25 you speak in mandarin you're working in and this is the process on oakland um it was in san francisco san francisco livermore uh california as well okay that explains it okay so you're making over a hundred thousand dollars a year why all right do you were you apprehensive about quitting because it's like especially do you have a college did you go to college i dropped out of college all right so you don't have a teacher a teacher really yeah i mean like individual education okay oh okay okay that's my thing i'm a teacher by trade i'm a teacher so so yeah so it's like you know i'm saying that because a lot of people don't have confidence so it's like you don't have a college degree to fall back on you're 25 you're actually making good money it's not especially good money's relative but for a 25 year old at that time yeah it's good money so what did you like what was your plan like did you have a plan to be an entrepreneur like what'd you do um so i had my side hustle right um and and one of the stories that really gave me uh it was two things that gave me the courage to make the jump uh one it was just right after the anniversary of the million man march and the ringing sound to do for self you understand me kept coming into mind and just with the feeling of who i know i was that i knew that there was an expiration to that anyway that you know my mind said in the trajectory of where i was going that i couldn't continue to be me you understand me the the revolutionary that i believe i am and work for a white boss that's just my hundred percent and so after that anniversary i remember riding around listening to her because i didn't get to go to washington but he it the the ringing sounds that do for self came back into play and i was like yeah i got to fire them and then my my bro mr fab he had a story legend oakland oakland shout out yeah vape legend and that's my bro uh and he has some of my shirts at his stores like assalamu alaikum and he put it into one of his videos it was six shots um i believe it was a philando castile i forget who it was that got shot during that time and it was on xxl and things of that nature and one of the ox that hit him up uh muslim brothers and he was like man i know you had like muslim gear and things of that nature he was like oh yeah that's my bro and so he was like okay i need i need some when i get in town so bro end up flying in town and he wanted to get like thousands of dollars worth of it you understand me like he ain't have enough in the store to cover so fab hit me up he like bro i got somebody here they want to buy a couple of wipes from me and i'm like man say no more i happened to be off that day you understand me so i loaded up everything that i had i i i i peeled over there really fast you understand me and when i pulled up he bought maybe about 1500 to 2000 worth of gear and i just remember thinking in my head like man if i was at work i would have never been able to take the opportunity to understand me which will allow me to actually fire this job so i knew that week i remember telling mr fab that yeah i'm about to fire my job and like that same week i actually fired him and i remember he was like man you crazy but [Laughter] because you know i actually met him that product like first time i met him i gave him 50 off on his his shoes that he was getting for his birthday you understand just because yeah if you weren't there you ain't gonna work there forever people be holding on to things in the picture i was giving it out as much as i could um but yeah i i learned the lesson during that as well because you know as i teach people to fire their job now i teach them more so still from your job but then when you have enough that you stole you understand me then that's when you can leave because i did leave a little overzealous without a plan i had just got a new apartment um i didn't really have a backup plan i didn't have any financial strategies in place none of that i just really had the heart to do it you understand me and i felt like if i can do millions of dollars for them i know what i can do for myself so that story really goes to the fact that yeah i did think that you know making a hundred thousand dollars a year was something and then i created a family business and you know we can make that in a month so now looking at it in hindsight of course i would tell younger me to do what you do but i would give them these points of advice you understand me to make sure you have these plans in place but it depends on the person because some people live through that adversity and that's what get them to that greatness yeah and you know other people have to have more of those things in place and more plans in place in order for them to get to whatever trajectory or goal that they have in sight yes in this time is is this where you come up with your value of money because i'm gonna let you explain i think it's brilliant um i actually tried to do a a whole lesson on the value of money um but when i heard you speak about it it was like yo don't chase uh val chase value right don't chase the things that buy value right is this the time period where you come up with that theory or no much later okay can you explain it there because i'm sorry people need to hear that oh got them all for the most part the the cost to make both of these is just about the same you understand me so what's the value of it now we spend our whole life chasing these things but these are not the value these things are what you utilize to exchange for things of value but in our community we talk to chase the thing that buys value instead of actually chase value now when you chase value then this chase is you because this is meant to exchange for things of value so it's like if a person goes and get more knowledge that's to me the quickest way to increase your value because all of a sudden if you spent the next year and let's say over that course of the year you became a genius at one particular subject people will pay you for that why because you've increased your value and now they have these these bills this fiat money which buys value but then you also have to understand money in the sense of like this is not the value at all right like they don't have any intrinsic value which means that it can go down to zero right you understand me something like gold which is not that much gold in the world it has intrinsic value it's never this value never going to go down to zero you understand me and so for me i think about the intrinsic value and the human capital that each person has and your ability to consistently add value on to self so the moment that i stopped trying to chase a goal of cash and things of that nature and i said well let me just continue to add value and give value right so more i give value the more money a person has to give me so it's the same thing as if i'm always worried about like who has my money in their pocket right like if you surround it like i live downtown and i know that there's millions of dollars around me in circulation now how do i get into that flow of money you understand me what value can i add so people start exchanging that money for my value so like right now let's say if i told you about a course or a book that i had all of a sudden you go in your pocket and you give me some of your money because you just exchange it for value but if i just say bro can i have a hundred dollars that's not the same you understand me if i'm around you and i'm just thinking like man i get some money you understand me no i go straight for the value and only the value so i don't chase money because when you chase value money chases you you understand me and it really goes to getting rid of your cognitive dissonance and your your programming towards money and really just updating your mindset when it comes to money itself like this is this is nothing like cash is trash you understand me and even understanding that concept like having all your money leveraged in cash really puts you at a big risk especially as inflation rises and as the dollar decreases and understanding the international uh monetary systems that we live in today and those are not things that's taught in the average household of black america so yeah we we chase too much cash instead of value yeah and that's um reminds me of uh derek falcon one of our most famous alumni is for us at least he's uh he's a legend when it comes down you should change the whole situation but what he said was he was like stop lining yourself up stop lining your life up with bills and start lining your life up on purpose and it's like what you just said like chase the purpose and it's like even for us it's like you know for us we feel like we're providing value and we're doing purpose and we like doing what we're doing as opposed to just like i'm chasing a bag but the more you you chase money the more it's going to run from you absolutely i mean you know for a fact that it's much harder to get interviews when you don't have that value already out there your value proposition is this call yeah yeah understand me it's like that person may be too busy for you why because time has a certain value on it but when i can exchange my time for something to equal a greater value then cool yeah i mean people hitting you up you understand you're when you call they absolutely saying yes because that makes sense yeah so that's exactly that's not that's pretty pretty accurate so so you talk about diversification um i'm interested to know is that diversifying your investments diversifying yeah do you have a strategy for diversification so with diversification um so let's let's speak directly on money then right so it's really about leveraging yourself you understand me so in this particular market that we live in now you all know that inflation and your audience know because y'all be talking so you know i ain't bringing that nudity y'all understand me that inflation is a rise at three percent and we know that let's say if the dollar was to go down like really decline you got all your cash holdings all your money in cash you understand me now that means that you are at grave risk you understand me to lose it all and this is really why we don't have any wealth in our community whatsoever because as my brother chris cole he speaks about this you know we think transactional base instead of purchasing power percentage base so when you're talking about wealth you're talking about having consistent purchasing power itself now if the dollar decreases then so does your purchasing power it decreases so maybe i need to have some of my money leveraged in gold right because as the dollar decreased and people lose faith in this this dollar now they may have more faith in gold or they may have more faith than treasury bonds you understand me now understanding that just aspect of thinking which probably somebody who may be listening to this for the first time might not understand still that concept like you really have to sort of get into it to start understanding stop thinking transactional but for me it's the same thing when it goes towards anything in diversification like yes i may have a book but what a book sales decline all right well maybe i can do speaking well what if the speaking events decline you understand me where i can start doing teaching well what if the teaching well i got a product well what about i can't do the product maybe i can build somebody's website like that skill set diversification for me so for me it's always keeping yourself leveraged so that your value never goes to zero you minimize your risk at the same time you understand me and you can continue to have power or purchasing power on the marketplace so with black folks we should never always have our money in cash and we should have a diversified portfolio with different commodities and assets that we can leverage with and learning how to hedge them yeah that's interesting that you say that because that's the same thing with us as far as like our revenue streams like burning your legion we had a bunch of different revenue streams fortunately because it's like live events was a big a big one for us and when covert hit is like we just doubled down on our content right and started doing different a lot of other stuff but if we would have been relying solely on um live events right we'd be screwed yeah yeah it'd be dark it'd be real dark for us yeah but but the beautiful thing look how many and this is one of those shameless things or or people feel guilty when they say it is that they're doing so well during the covet 19 period and that's because some people didn't even realize that they were very leveraged for this time you understand me that they did have a diversified portfolio at least mentally just through the skill set that they've acquired throughout time like they didn't realize that oh i would actually pivot very great during this time but i look at you know minimizing risk but more so thinking about what's the worst that could happen like last year when we were doing our tour we was telling people that you know the stock market go be a bubble things go bust and people was asking well what would you do and i just kept thinking last year i told them that 2019 was a year to keys 2020 is not really the year where you just start something 2020 was the year you already have something started in your building on it you understand me and those people who had some starting was building on it found themselves to have some of their best months you understand me because they have skill sets that they can easily pivot and so when one thing went down they put all of their energy in focus now they may income source not working here is another inquiring source that they was able to maximize though i think we should have you write our book [Laughter] i mean you really literally are telling our story this is pretty good can we talk about products because i know and i found it really interesting right the crown's product because i'm reading all the stuff about you and i'm like technology yes sir where did you get the interesting is because i know the crown has the emf technology electromagnetic frequency i'll let you explain it but where did you love and interest and peak um for technology when did this happen man i couldn't tell you when that started i i've always loved technology you understand me like maybe it came from being a youngster uh and you know we used to break down me and my younger brother used to break down like uh machine parts and batteries and magnets and things of that nature and build like um we used to take the washing machines and build the race cars and things of that nature you understand me like we was real hands-on when we was younger and i just always loved the concept of technology i i read the tech insiders and just the different magazines and keep up with what was to come at all times but really for the crowns you understand me because the crown that i wear is symbols and really that's the important part on it the cymbals are a subconscious language you can't tell the symbol no you understand me the same way if you see a toyota emblem the or or coca-cola bottle the messaging from every commercial that's been marketed to you is going to start playing there's there's landscape that they've already took over in your head and so the power with symbols is that you know they have the ability to spark this inner knowing in you you understand me when we see certain symbols that's universal our dna you understand me uh communicates with it now in the hoods of american when you watch the movie colors it taught black people um the propaganda of gang you understand me and how to wear which colors throw up different things understand me and spark that interest all across america and i think about propaganda understand me in a way of the same way i think about design you understand me and i think about fashion as a particular technology that communicates who you are understand me and so for me i create products that communicate problems but create solutions so when i think about emf electromagnetic frequency protection and i think about the 5g stuff right like everybody went crazy for the 5g for a couple months but we was a couple of years ahead just thinking about more so not even just 5g because the 5g implications go beyond you know what people think about the dangers and more so go about the internet of things and super surveillance and all that stuff but when i think about any technology and the harmfulness that comes around it how do you protect yourself and then how do you communicate a problem without going into that conspiracy world you understand me like i'd rather be like look i have mf protection absorbs and then they like what i need that for i was like well let me tell you some of the problems that have rise yeah i mean chicago tribune actually did a study on cell phone technology and said that it was actually over the allotted rate that cell phone should be emitted radiation so you may have it in your pocket and it may be messing with your little swimmers you understand i'm just saying you may be getting headaches and not know what it's for so my my way of first create the solution and then bring the awareness to the problem and so i said well let's combine fashion and tech you understand me let's put this technology in there because not only am i have you representing who you are you understand me when you walk in the room but it's protecting your mind at the same time so it's really like a a a quadruple dimension like these symbols resonate so that you can tap into that universal mindset you represent that universal mindset by wearing them and you protect that mind you understand me all at the same time and then we got augmented reality coming next for the crowns yeah i mean so that's so there's a chip in the crown yeah what exactly it's a small chip and it has composite minerals that's combined and what that does is um so for the dangerous radiation you understand me it actually breaks down that into short waves so that it doesn't have the same effect um uh that it normally would have if you had no protection around you whatsoever you understand me so and i don't just had uh the crowns we got the uh the goldwater and a multitude of other different things like we kind of go real scientifically i thought i saw the mask yeah we got the yeah yeah you know we be working man the goldwater is the family business dog that's the one that i started with the family the other one i started completely by myself so what's what's the science behind the gold water like what's the deal with that so we're born with zero point zero two percent of gold within our body like physical goal yeah like physical like the actual goal that you're wearing yes actual real goal so scientists had discovered like they were saying okay why would we need gold why are we born with gold gold is one of those 102 minerals that dr selby said that we need right um and when you look at gold within the body um it's there for anti-inflammation and it's also there for electricity within the nerves you understand me now gold is a heavy metal so it's a superconductor of electricity it's the only matter that doesn't rest now ancient societies have been mining gold it's been used as a money for over 5 000 years and it's been mined for over 100 000 years when you go into the deep sciences of the annunaki or the egyptians or um even in the uk and even today they utilize it in cancer and tumor radiation technology and so the gold in your body um because it has a bioavailability you break down the gold it the only thing that's in there is deionized water and gold you understand people always ask them do i need to mix it no you just take it and you drink it and so what it does for me is it increases hand eye coordination mental acuity um what's one of the best things i like lucid dreaming because some people always tell us they had their first dream in years and it's funny like people that say made me smarter and and we don't market it that way but the side effect is this that you have the hippocampus area of your brain which regulates mood memory and learning now of course after the age of 25 you understand me your neuroplasticity doesn't work the same way and so when you drink it especially if you drink it before you go to sleep it's going to get you into that deep stage of sleep vader way sleep and so when you're in that deep sleep your brain actually secretes a fluid over the ridges of your brain and it clears out neurotoxin so you must clear clearer throughout the day now some people eat after 10 o'clock and it messes with that function so sometimes you wake up and your brain is a little foggy and things of that nature you need a whole lot of coffee so we know we know some guys like that yeah i mean you know especially in the entrepreneur world i used to have i used to need coffee like addicted to coffee and that's one of the things that it actually does is um it helped curb certain addictions like coffee addictions you understand me in and london it was used to curb alcoholism but to my point though the fact that when people go to sleep and they get into this deep sleep they become much more well-rested you understand me their brain is much clearer so that move memory and learning is now facilitated to when they wake up they feel sharper they understand their neurons are connected so now their memory is increased and things of that nature so now they tell me oh i didn't got smarter i'm more focused things of that nature the average person doesn't get the correct amount of sleep and when they do sleep they don't sleep based on a biological function they sleep based on a work time when they need to get up no it's actually very true and it's something that um especially for entrepreneurs i know there's a lot of entrepreneurs that listen to leisure and i'm even guilty of it myself but you got to get a good night's sleep it's like your parents tell you that when you're a kid but it's something that most people are sleep deprived and not only does it affect your health but it affects you your mental capacity it affects everything yeah your mood your mood swings and all kinds of stuff and it's just like that's why there's a reason why like pilots have to have a certain amount of rest time and like truckers have to have a certain amount of stress because it's like your brain is not fully functioning at a high level if you're tired that's like the easiest way to really explain it like your brain's not functioning at a high level when you're tired so we could talk about business but we also have to talk about health exactly because if your health isn't there and that's a major part of health sure i i think one of the things you said and you broke the word addiction and i was like yo obviously listening to you i'm like yo that's brilliant right like you said you were addicted to production and productivity versus procrastination when when did you get to this level of productivity was it like you know what all money in i got it this is it's me or nothing like how do we get to that level of of consciousness and thought you know it's been a journey of really learning myself you understand me like so i got a story of the first lazy person in history understand me and the first lazy person in history you gotta imagine it's two people and say they're in egypt and they're building the pyramid you understand me and uh one of them just stopped me like you know what let's do this tomorrow and brother like what's tomorrow you're like well it's a time when we don't have to do it right now but we can do it later and to me that idea of tomorrow is for procrastinators you understand me is for people that are lazy and i remember when i felt like i was procrastinating and i wanted to get certain things done and i actually took a course on how not to procrastinate you understand me like that's the type of person i am like i want to study self you understand me so i started studying the science of procrastination and so it's like let's say that scientists had did a a a scan in a study on a person that procrastinates and the tasks that they actually need to want to complete and there was a correlation between pain and procrastination you understand me that when a person thinks about a task that they don't want to do it lights up the same signals in the brain that pain does so performing that task would literally be painful for instead they like you know what i'll do that later you understand me because it's too painful to go to that threshold so that's why i consider procrastination the abortion clinic a genius you understand me like instead of going through and birthing that thought you are afraid of that pain and there's a part when the woman gets pregnant to where she's about to uh give birth is called the crowning face it's the most painful aspect of it trying to push that baby out witness it man yeah when she kind of want to retort a little bit like nah but for entrepreneurs you have the idea you understand me and you have to go through that painful process of keeping that idea protected during the pregnancy of that idea and then when it's really time for you to give birth to it that's when you might procrastinate the most because that's when the fear comes like damn what if i actually successful with this whatever it may be you understand me so a lot of people procrastinate and their genius never gives birth that idea never comes to fruition so for me i think especially after i fired my job i just knew that it was all dependent on me that there's no paycheck i'm definitely not going back to a job so i knew that whatever that parachute that has to open when you jump off that cliff that i had to make that my work ethic you understand me so i find a way every single day to get something done you understand me and then doing something every day i assure that i don't procrastinate what's your what's your what's your um your daily routine because i use to-do lists i don't know if you use a to-do list but like because this is something that's like procrastination is a real big thing there's something that's small in the grand scheme of things but it's huge because it's like this stops people from actually doing anything like most people are procrastinated by nature so like i said for me personally i have a to-do list and that kind of helps me but even with that i don't always finish everything i'm about to do so like do you have like a set thing where i like i'm not going to sleep like my man spurgo shout out to spurgo that's my god yeah he was like when he was um just starting out selling t-shirts he was like 11 years old 12 years old he was like he did he he made it a point where he told his mom he's not going home until he got rid of every t-shirt yeah so he didn't have an option of going home until he got rid of his t-shirt so you know what i'm saying so like what's your what's your method that you use for procrastination um it's interesting because i think i've gotten to a good mindset where i met um and me i don't put pressure on myself understand me i more so have a big goal right and let's say i know what i need to get done throughout this week and i more so make sure that every single day i'm doing something towards that goal and i more have a better system of management you understand me rather than just creating strict standards so in management especially in business terms is administering your activities to get to set obligation and goals so for me every day i have to think how i'm going to manage myself do i focus on goldwater today do i focus on 19 keys today do i focus on the politics of the world do i focus on the revolution like which one am i giving my energy to you understand me because i'm polymathic my skill sets span in many different areas so with doing that you can find yourself you know spread pretty thin and i try to make sure that i don't do that i put things over my weeks understand me like this week we doing the family business meeting we're doing the gold water we we making sure that we doing the branding and marketing the other week you know what we got to focus on the people you understand me i have to create the training regimens we got to go out there and show them what's the time and what needs to happen during this time you understand me so it's more so a system of management every day but then in my book paradigm keys solution based mind reprogramming i do outlet um a regiment and one in the morning and throughout the day you understand me and really i take cold showers and i've been doing that for about two years and them cold showers is to remind you daily yo and and they remind me of my goal because it's an incantation like it's a physical thing that's also attached to your goal it shocks your nerves yeah yeah so when i wake up i know it reminds me of what i'm doing it for so now i'm thinking alright you took this cold shower what you take it for you understand me now i got to think of a goal that i must complete but it's true and tried and tested any time that i win the morning i wake up i do my push-ups i get in some meditation before i touch this phone so my brain not reactive i take my gold water i do my cold showers i brush my teeth with the opposite hand i may read my mind is ready i make my bed up you understand me i smile first thing when i get up if i follow that regiment understand me my mind is looking for the next task you understand because i'm already on the right yeah you're already in that mindset no you have to shock your system i learned that earlier i used to play basketball superstar star there you go now when i took ice bath um and ice baths for recovery but it's also it shocks your system and um so if anybody knows like you know cold like i hate cold we've been having this conversation all month everybody else loves cold for some reason so but but warming warm temperatures kind of like relaxing and so i used to um live in hawaii and any island that you go to people are more relaxed laid back don't worry which is a good thing but it's also kind of like it can if you it can kind of like make you to the point where you don't want to do anything right you're more because it's like yeah but when you when you shock your system it's like cold so you wake up so i say i have to say little things like that you have to change your your patterns so i like you said like brush your teeth with the opportunity yeah i'm in my mind i'm like i just want to know the reason for it well when you do that you stimulate the nerve cells because um now your brain is not operating from a program it's operating outside the box of how you normally program okay you understand me and so now those particular parts of your brain is strengthening neural connections and neural activity up there understand me so now you're breaking from your normal regimen like anything that you do that's your routine you don't have to think right understand me that's putting no pressure on yourself no growth whatsoever it's just a routine which is why you can become comfortable as an entrepreneur because you get used to a certain level you understand me and then that level there's no accomplishment in the maintenance of a level that's just routine you understand me it's not until you want to go to another level now you got to grow yeah you understand me and sofa it it's about neural growth yeah you understand because now your brain has to think you're using the opposite hand do i go up and down do i go rotate you understand me now your brain is actually functioning for the day yeah i was thinking of a time when i had to we had no hot water i had to take a cold shower it was it sounded like somebody was getting hurt in the bathroom i was screaming but even that's why you should take different um rides home from work yeah because it's like something like if you take the same route home from work every single day like you're being like you said it's programmed even something slight is that taking a different route yeah it reprograms your brain because now you have to actually think because it's not you could just literally get in your car and drive and just not even think about if you go the same way every way so little stuff like that extremely important i like what you said as far as like entrepreneurs becoming comfortable yeah because like people say you can become comfortable at a job but you can also become comfortable as an entrepreneur absolutely it's like you you're used to making enough money you're surviving whatever how much money is whatever but it's like you're at that level and it's like now to make the next level to start a new business to enhance your business to hire new people it's like now that's scary even though you already made the first jump you still have to continue to it's like keep a giant it's like mario brothers like you guys going to the next level it's never like in the new world the game's not over until it's over the the my motto is life is about the journey not the destination only destination life is death and my pops used to tell me that time is a measurement of motion only dead men don't move so when i think about that as long as you stay in motion in life then you actually live it like you're alive but you get to a point when you go look at that uh retirement home and moving slower and slower until one day they don't move so my goal is to be constant and perpetual emotion yeah nah it's powerful it's powerful and it's something that like you said most people don't even think about it ah and then it's like before you know it you're like 70 years old and it's like you don't slow down your joints aren't working no i can't do that traveling helps a lot too though i love traveling traveling you understand me because it activate different hemispheres of the brain when you travel it activates dna within you when you travel i just left mexico here it was just something that i felt connected you understand me like i was out there with the homies and there was a lot of nehemiah davis right yeah shout out to you shout out to new york shout out to neil we flew out there they had left i actually went to the airport and i got all the way to the gate but something told me to stay a couple more days in mexico i came back and the homie was coming out there my good brother pop darby and so we went to the um what's the cenotes you understand me and did some diving and things of that nature and i actually have felt like now i feel like i've been to mexico and i felt like i connected you understand me like you got two kind of people in this world those that ask why and those that say why not yeah right well why not like like me and jamal shout out to jamal we went to asia a few years ago for 30 days with no itinerary we just winged it went to five countries and he was like why would you do that why would i not do that right that's the question yeah live i mean it's life life yeah we don't we ain't getting no repeats at this yeah you only get one shot yeah so now go ahead i want to talk about your programs because you got you got several different programs that you have as you said you you you you quit your job you fired your job to become a teacher to be a teacher i like that and i teach you like a public school teacher but with respect to puppets become a teacher i fired my job to start a business that's a fact dropped out of school to become a teacher you can't teach me i'm teaching you exactly so so what's the what's what's what's the deal with your education cuz i looked you got a couple different platforms so we had the new america class that was earlier in the year usually i only teach one master class a year and that's just because at the beginning of the year i think about what's going to be the concept for the year and what's going to be the thinking structure and i usually give all of that out as far as what's going to be my business plan what i'm going to do what are my thinking strategies for this year and i give all of that to my students and so we did a new america which is really explaining um what the world is you understand me and how it's going to artificial intelligence and mobilization automation digitization you understand i mean if your skill sets don't include those then you're not leveraged the right way and then it was also explaining the sad stress anxiety depression suicide that is these things continue to mount and increase that that emotional turmoil starts to uprise as well so it was a combination of teaching both of those classes we went over new business structures concepts neighborhood networks we went over um the most valuable skills um when it comes towards artificial intelligence and it comes to um abstract entrepreneurship a multitude of different things we really laid out a really good framework and then when we was done with that one we moved towards um the wealth standard so we had the market keys because as the recession had just hit i thought about 2012 recession and was thinking that during that time we had to go through it alone you understand me but it said that this is a recession everybody has to go through but nobody has to go through it alone now we have social media now we have all these digital entrepreneurs that can help teachers and help coaches through this time so i said well let's put together this market keys me and chris cole so that we can actually teach skill sets that a person can leverage during this time to produce them income and now we have students that's constantly hitting us i made 5 000 a day i made 10 000 this week blah blah blah but it was like how do you give somebody something applicable not some motivation without instruction is dangerous you understand me like i never want to do that yeah so it's like let me teach some real skill sets that's going to be valuable so we put together the market keys and then we start put together the wealth standard and the wealth standard of course is you know what we just went over but that system of accountability how you go towards wealth how you understand the money markets understanding the history of money you understand me understanding portfolio diversification skill set diversification marketing business and then we have the part where we have a million dollar uh bitcoin initiative where our students receive a hundred dollars in bitcoin when they go to the largest crypto conference that's going to be held out which is digital this year because of the covet 19 and then they also receive a gram of silver they get one of my books which is called 19 seeds of content which i only give out during my master classes you understand me and it's my strategy to how to produce and monetize content it's like a bible for you you understand me and a multitude of other different things that we give them like we went over how to get your family back by gold and that was a really powerful one because the wealth standard initially was going to be called the gold standard you understand me understanding why money is not backed by gold and that you know these particular things never actually really pay off debts it's only a promise to pay when you really break down the history and really get into the money systems and understand the type of system that we in but we really give people financial education that they can utilize and then i really want you to go to the west standard first and then i believe you're ready for market kids because we got a lot of parents now they want their children to trade but it's like teach your children money a financial education first don't give them a skill set that make them money and then they're still terrible with money management yeah you understand me so i would rather you go through the web standard first and we have the product development course so the product development course because all our products are vertically integrated we don't white label anything so that means that we're going to teach our students everything you need to know as far as producing a product give you a 100k blueprint towards uh producing a product and then also give you an moq of 50 products so we actually go produce your products at the same time the labeling the branding the marketing everything that needs to be done within this course it's a real from ideation to shelf type thing and we're going to pick five students as a part of the program to where you know we either mentor partner with them through the process and they get 200 of their product actually made through it so we have that we have a bunch of things coming so we have to augmented reality we're teaching of course in augmented reality and coding as well because that's part of my mad skills program so how many students and and uh right now we are close to about 500 we just started a couple weeks ago yeah and so like they get their skill sets within the program and like how do we assess it right like based on something i'm doing you'll say like this is a skill set that probably matches you right so you're going to get the wealth standard the west standard is really a financial education piece you understand me you're really going to have the skill center understanding portfolio diversification and you get in that you get our market signals right so you get a month free of market signals daily whether it's forex whether it's futures understanding whatever it may be um and then so those are different programs inside of it but if you don't understand money and money management in the money market and things of that nature you're really not prepared for everything else understand me so like the product um development course is a separate one but unless you went through the web standard you're part of that network you won't get access to that okay understand the same thing with the augmented reality same thing with the coding all of those are only available to our networks so it's like prerequisites yeah basically like i believe in digital education i believe in taking over harvard i believe in taking over that educational sphere and i believe that that's actually one of the ways that black people can go towards wealth is by uh supplementing their income by teaching no that's the fact that is is uh this is the last thing in my mind like the the black dreams matter campaign is that part of this tool or is that separate so black dreams matter i created that years ago um so i actually created black dreams matter you understand me and it went viral my brokita he was on um so you think you can dance i believe he had won and he had word in viral video with one of kendrick lamar's songs and that was the first time i actually had an apparel that went viral you understand me and i was making some money off of excuse me and so the black dreams matter was more so saying that most of our movements about dead black men and women none of them com encompasses the life while you're living because if you worry about somebody dream you're really thinking about the value of that person and wanting to help them actually produce that dream and so we created black dreams matter as a counter product to say that we have to care about each other while we're living not just when we die you understand me and so i want to see your dream actually flourish and so that's been going probably for about five six years but and that was just more so a thought campaign a concept to think about the world instead of waiting for the next black man to die for you to care think about the average living black man that you walk past who has a life who has a dream who has an idea that you don't care about but if he became a headline then you're screaming for his life now that's that's that's extremely powerful um as far as education because that's our whole thing as far as you know education a lot of times people think it only comes in way of school and like me personally i hated school but i always loved to learn right so now it's like it's dope because now we have different platforms online where you can actually learn from people that look like you that that sound like you that talk like you and it's it's easier to adapt and to pick up that information so um yeah the wealth standard like i said i've been checking it out and i appreciate you giving us a discount yeah exclusively for ewl community yeah you know rock so we're gonna put the link in the bio if you're listening to this on youtube or apple or spotify the link will be in the description um and just enter code e-y-l e-y-l you get a special special discount that only eyl community gets the biggest so yeah i appreciate that man but um any any last words that you you want to leave the people with um how can they how can they contact you social media all that stuff um yeah everything 19 keys or 19 underscore keys depending on the platform um but you know if there was any last message you know i just think about where we at today as a people and the opportunities that we have to make massive change you understand me and it requires that we do of course we listen but it's a time of the executors you understand me each person should hold themselves up to a certain standard and everybody should think about how do i do business with my family you understand me and one of the things that you should come together and think about is what's our vision what's our mission and what's our values understand me because if you can agree on those then you're ready now i had a viral video that went out and it was talking about the difference between family and friends and you know family can be somebody that you related with by blood you understand me but uh or relatives rather can be somebody you related with by blood but family of those who bonded by that relationship that reciprocal love that you all have for each other so when you think about your family it doesn't just speak about the people that you know you share dna with or share marriage certificate with and things of that nature it's really the people you spend the most time with the people that you can build with so if you have three to five individuals that you can mastermind with consider them your family and start building with them because a family is a microcosm to producing a nation and without a family unit without a mastermind unit which gives you access to information knowledge and tools and resources you normally couldn't achieve on your own we would never get to where we want to be as a people we can produce the greatest ideas we can have the greatest concepts we can talk the greatest [ __ ] in the world but without a family there is no wealth standard without a family there is no power and every other community and culture in the world knows this to be a fact and they know this to be true and if you want to think about the greatest thing that white supremacy has ever done is kept the black family separated so you don't have any power there you have it ladies and gentlemen powerful young malcolm yeah powerful a lot of gems right there we appreciate you coming on brother troy shout out to everybody on that's our private pay program y'all know our tia 405 members have access to eyl university the number one online business school in the world shout out to everybody that's been supporting on there and everybody that's been supporting our merch uh on earn your we gladly appreciate it um yeah man and shout out to you man you got a podcast too oh yeah yeah we can't forget that we can't we haven't done the book tip in a while so i'll let shawty go in and i guess you can give the boat tip oh yeah i'm gonna let the brother get a bus to because you got a couple books so what's the what's the book we give a book tip so yeah what's what book do they need to buy from you oh 19 keys um solution based mind reprogramming you understand me it will teach you how not to procrastinate um and it'll give you the skill set to reprogram yourself during this time i think a lot of people are trying to figure out like where do i start somebody listening to this right now like yo where do i start these brothers seem intelligent i've been listening to their stuff but unfortunately some people listen to conscious content as junk food you understand me they get addicted to it but they don't really utilize it to where it actually manifests a change and the information in my book is so that you can do an instant reprogramming by following the steps and the information that's actually in the book so you can execute there you have it ladies and gentlemen um thank you guys for rocking with us we'll see you next week peace peace [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 91,101
Rating: 4.9473162 out of 5
Keywords: earn your leisure, business, finance, Building your immune system, Black wealth
Id: iiZ218GEWWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 49sec (4309 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 28 2020
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