Make Money Investing in Stocks with Wallstreet Trapper

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[Music] [Applause] alright guys welcome back we got a very special edition today but an Ernie Alisha podcast so well shout out to New Orleans yeah no sure for sure this time me I'm in yeah the problem in the 504 that will fall boys yeah yeah one of the best things about the podcast is that we get to travel and we even put out traveller we get to meet people from all different parts of the world right in different cultures and different dialects and just different coaches is just really dope so yeah we got my god wall street traveling here today he gonna tell a story gonna educate us on the stock market all kinds of stuff but uh one thing I wanted to give a shout out to New Orleans because I always say like New Orleans they got every every place in America has different accents right depending on where you at but some places just you can't miss it right Baltimore in in New Orleans they got they own especially new all North might have the strongest action bode what does that mean this is me my guy my young friend my god is like saying I got you believe me use that oh yeah we heard you talking I heard son are you can say yeah New York you know but you know I can't my hand well I was in Delaware I got some trouble so yeah so yeah so this is this is an exciting episode because we covered stocks before but um we more more on a surface level like it's like one on one education so I think this would be a little bit more of advanced conversation and they guess they have different backgrounds everybody everybody's past is different and that that's one to think that we really like to highlight with our you lose your podcast to is that it's so crazy because we have people that graduated from Harvard mm-hmm we got people that come off the street corner right school how to say it but the beauty of it is that education can't be measured in just one particular way right it's limitless no walls to someone man Wall Street wrap is a perfect example of this so she'll give the people a background so you you learned about the stock market while he was incarcerated yeah right and then you came out and he was telling me that she was actually working as not a foreman into the iron I'm where I am I am worker but at the time you was like saving like 70% of your income and he was invested in the stock market and from there you just you know developed a system and that you put in place and you were able to quit your job and now you you're a full time invested as well as you have an educational platform as well to teach people to invest so it's a it's an inspirational story so so yeah can we talk about that so how did you all right what how did you get involved in a stock market and how did you learn about stocks so I was in prison for like 10 years right I did ten years for timber no arriver yeah all right that's 16 yeah I was 16 yeah when I was 16 Charlie mezzo dope mmm so I got in a fight with these three dudes in a cell with me and they did was call they ran a train on me so that's when you fight that's when you fight people back the back without a break and I didn't win it's thrilling this one but I fought I had none that Vin me to the Stars come right so I was bust up but it'll bust up right so I go down a hole which is side to her confinement and I'm in a hole with his white guy all right and I guess it just was like on his brain because he just saw so many black people in like realtalk a mother was just bothering him you know he's like when I come to said I'm like fear is like you know like I'm just I mean I'm still in that moment yeah he like a bruh he was like yo y'all are playing the wrong game I don't like you think it's a game brother say no game see we got going on he was like I mean no disrespect by but I'm like well you've really been disrespectful right now found like I ain't trying to hit that round like you know but I calm down you know and he was like I indulged in that conversation with him I was like so so what do you mean and so he just told me he was like you and her foot you know shooting somebody the average person who's in here is on some drugs shooting somebody something like that y'all playing the wrong game so I'm like well you hit with me so what game you're playing so you can tell what kind of charge somebody on by the wristband so if it's if you don't know if you're on a capital offense a violent crime like I was on you have a red band that's murdered attempt murder carjacking kidnapping if you have a drug charge it'll be an orange band if you have a misdemeanor charge it's a yellow band and if you're a federal offense it'll be a white and red band in the world so he had a white and red band so I knew so I'm like what you're here for so he was enough for embezzlement some money from his business 2.8 million dollars was a white-collar crime you did so he kept eight hundred thousand no he paid restitution eight hundred thousand and kept two million so I'm thinking he's lying so I'm like well one thing about prison is if I see your paperwork it'll tell me what you offer so he showed me paperwork and I was like oh like that got my attention and so he just told me three things that wealthy people do is they stop trading time for money it gave value to people and he let the money work for him and the best ways for you to make money is through the stock market through a real estate into a business and that's me paraphrasing it and because he told me to stock market first that's what I went with and so the remainder of my prison sentence I just educating myself about it because I don't know how this is gonna sound but I just saw a whole bunch of white people on TV talking about millions of dollars all the time foreign language oh yeah like I was like yo what is this family and so in prison it's crazy cuz a bunch of grown men love to watch like The Young and the Restless breath all right this is crazy like God in light and stuff like this but like they'd love to watch that so instead of making at a fight I would get up before them and watch the stock market early like 8 o'clock in the morning or CNBC yeah what watch CNBC like early in the morning and I would be like I just used to watch it was painful because I didn't understand it a lot of numbers running yeah I was like what is this a lot of colors had another duel was from Connecticut and he used to get the USA Today and so he used to let me look at his USA Today and I would use that and look at the stock market back and forth that's how I got the language started making sense to me because rather than reading the interviews I got to read the actual business section of the USA Today I got to actually see you know what I was trying to record it in my brain I was seated in the newspaper and so once it became like regular I started reading Rich Dad Poor Dad which I got introduced to by my own he was doing a 20 years for manslaughter so once I got interest that poor that it was a mindset shift more than a investment book and so the two aligned because I understood at that point this is how we plan our own game everybody not know how to sell do everybody everybody I don't know that's what they do even with my mom's you know I saw my mom's get shot you know when I was young when I was about nine I saw my mom's get shot and then like right the next year I saw my cousin get shot in the chest so everybody I knew was in the same circle and here are these people talking about stocks ownership millions billions in that [ __ ] just blew my brain so I just stayed with it and I got or understood it so that was me just getting into the stock market right there oh oh and then I guess you from there you just consumed as much information as you could lay in prison you know you can you kinda and what time you got time well you got times you don't got time cuz you got time because I ain't going to little club nothing but I still got to work every day you know so I work and in New Orleans is not to cut you off but in New Orleans you you actually work right like um like I don't want to say chain gang but like outside yeah so I got transferred to prison you ain't gonna I went there for a little while okay to help them with some sandbags that's the penitentiary you know that's the penitentiary murder yeah that's the penitentiary but I was in I was in two spots one call DCI not DCI Phelps Correctional Center and then they transferred me for smoking weed so they made me a high security risk and so when I went to maximum-security prison that's when I got a note saying and when he got a working cell block so they got a real chain game still yeah yeah they probably haven't no more but when you're on a working cell block that's what you doing you are cut trees down for about one hundred and ninety days how much you got paid a cent a day yeah no isn't out you get a stand out so yeah but what you in this for yourself like you don't get no pay you don't get no pay that's punishment that's just like that's the jail within the jail you're not something that this is a little off-topic but it's really not because it all comes down to finances but that's something that a lot of people don't fully understand like when they make these documentaries 13 13 13 yeah when they talk about like free labor and stuff like that there's it's a billion-dollar industry as long as prisoners working yeah but they're not game is free labor yeah that's what is it that's the yo check this out just imagine this imagine driving on the highway and you see acres of land now you see machines doing that so just imagine I'm the machine so every day three of us is take four of us to cut a tree down cuz three up two of us gonna chop it down and two of us is gonna de route it you know I'm saying like it may take us a week to do that but just imagine you got a hundred of us out 200 of us like in a year's time we don't run through that [ __ ] you know I'm saying and then it's gone okay well since we got 18 million acres of land let's just go to the next pasture okay we don't got no more trees right now okay well plant mustard greens you gonna pick daisies it's whatever we got shot you know I'm saying like meat whatever we y'all gonna do it you know I'm saying so that that in itself you got to do that one of the things about learning is that becomes very exciting and you could feel it yourself when you grab something so I'm just envision as you're learning about stocks right yeah the inner environment with like the dudes really trying to learn and are you trying to teach at that point right like how do you share like all this wealth of knowledge are people like now ain't trying to hit out right now right so the thing about prisoner like is because some of the smallest people you'll ever meet is de fight I'm something I say smart like I got all my a lot of my tattoos isn't done in prison but they're done with an actual like done like a real tattoo gun that me yeah so your mind the mindset of people in prison are they with it you just got a presented some so for me I wasn't in the teaching phase yet I was learned I was a sponge foot but because everybody everybody is reading something like you got dude reading on metaphysics you got dudes reading on Islam you got do reading on Christianity you got dudes reading on five-percent nation like everybody trying to tap into something you know I'm saying so for me I was tapping it not real estate is something a lot of dudes in prison tap into a lot of dudes and said prison tap into real estate because it's what you see yeah and the rich dad poor dad is like it runs through prison his run through prison so for me when I was reading stocks it was like way different I was like by myself then ever I'm not you reading free like man reading style or a [ __ ] but it's just serious right and I work but I would actually get the paper and read it so I didn't really get into the teaching aspect of it I came home like once I came home they were receptive to it because again not saying like I was just John Gotti or something in the streets I was just a regular doing just getting it out hi everybody else get it out of the hood you know I'm saying so but my perspective was different so we learned from who we can relate to and who can break the message down the best so for me it was simple but we like to wear designer clothes I love Louie Vuitton I love Gucci I love Prada don't forget Fendi I love like love Fendi and all my homies drinking they're all owned what most of them are owned by a business called LVMH over here make sure which the guy is like in the top three richest people in the world so if Lua vote on my wedding Hennessy on YSL and neon Louisville Tom and neon Hennessy and then one more wet and this is what we buy in the club it feel different when you own it so I should tell my partner's if we don't go to the club why not just own it and now we flexing different we stuntin different because now we own Hennessy so everybody you pop is your own business that was intriguing so you know like I like real god oh my god oh now you got me and then it was with Tim's like this company vfc like they own Vicki's the own Timberland they own fans so I would sell my home it's like bro you got Tim's every day we were at Dickey's every day all right let's own it I knew I was on my own I'm like yo like if you buy a stock in the business you are literally a shareholder you got a piece of the pump you got a piece of the pie bro so they bought into it and so once they bought into that the next thing was yo check this out if you go to prison and you come home you don't have no money so now you scrambling again you're taking the chances again but what if everything we hustle for we put a portion of it in the stock market because that was the initial purpose right it was the first let me help let me help you money the money the money as we always looking forward to can you money any looking for us to have a laundromat are they looking for us to have a car wash a barbershop right he not planned us to be smart enough and I probably be exposing the game right now yeah but for me it was if they don't think we that smart we have the advantage right because they not expecting it even when he greet a great situation when he when he kicked my doing a 2010 my dog got kicked in the ramshackle house they even took my Escalade but they couldn't take it because I still was paying a note on it they looked at all my bank accounts but they never looked at what I had invested that was never even an option boy yeah it wasn't even he not that smart when I'm saying so the initial goals me bro this how we clean money that's how we can you know get advantage in the game that part resonated and also it was like okay let's say we got cuz we run it nobody runs to more money than the dough boy in a stripper yo nobody that's a fact know about all facts robot may be a rapper probably a rabbit and exactly know but see he got a check we talking everyday Hanahan he got to get a check every week we talking everyday Hanahan that's why you not touching it like that but you know that but he's no he blows it well he blows Sanford's people saying but it was because we touch him money every day because we touching it every day all day like you like for me it was enough oh I can't eat this I was making about $2,000 a day easy it's not enough for me to take okay I'm gonna take 700 I'll put that in a stock motor right quick I guess nothing it's just that quick yeah now it's even easier so it's like okay let's say you go do a 10-year bid and you got you don't accumulated 1213 $15,000 before you got pop if you go do a 10-year bed and your money in the stock market when you come home depending on how to start performing on the market on averages 10% so your 10 bands are you 20 bands can easily be an extra $10,000 over at senior times man and you in cuz you ain't do nothing with it and you reinvested everything now you ain't got to come home and scramble you know I'm saying you don't have a common scramble no mood you you up you literally beat the game or if you got a lay down for a long time or you get killed you left your peoples on at the peak of humming how many people did you have everybody mother everybody hold on were you from a good part I'm from our mid-city sense right ecologist right from the 17th well it Elena you know everybody see up turn rose I'm right across the tri from that okay right across your tie from there so like my hood kind of like yep like a weave my 17 - you know - you know I was a but because everybody in net from that part like we went to school together it came on the track they dealt with our people it was it was a good thing but then right across it on this side is like the third was you know I'm saying yeah so it was like is complex but if we understand it yeah you know Sam but I was right across the track from right across from Holley rules so like like everybody in when I came home everybody who I dealt with and that circle we was with it it was with it and they still with it that he's still with it so you changed the narrative for us that's what's for me that's what was about it was about me like one of my partners told me it is he said bro y'all product never dissolved he said bro you a squad [ __ ] in the street [ __ ] body and I was like what she was like because you'd think different like we would have never thought of it and now my week like okay how can we take this money and go get a business and you thinking about buying the whole damn business like that's some next-level [ __ ] yeah I mean you saw you talk about that a lot that the feeling of ownership the power of ownership what was it like when you got to see your partners actually have that feeling for themselves that was better than anything that was a euphoric because I knew at that point we touched something that nobody never told us mmm nobody never taught us about investing nobody everybody teaches us how to blow money work for it blow it work for that's the way the system design it's designed for us to make money and spend money that's why the that's why companies spend billions of dollars on marketing ads because that's why people spend two million dollars to have the Superbowl commercial for 60 seconds I need to be in your face it's the same reason why we listen to the song once I don't like it but you listen to it three full time on the radio you love it now you know the words to it same thing I'm a putting your face enough you're going to buy it and even with this I learned that colors like every fast-food place if you think about it what color is their logo right a red red thick red makes you hungry mmm red makes you hungry that's this whole psychological again and we all know about my red I studied that like red is a color that makes you say man I'm hungry think about like majority of more red yeah so I was like yo we just planted he's just not playing this game to win like it's not in our favor oh I'm not mad at the system though he's got to find a way to she's gotta find a way to play the game you can't even beat it you got probably play it playing the wrong game you playing the wrong game so for me once my partner's tapped into it I was like oh yeah we wouldn't we doing something you know we don't know something all right so the next time we gonna talk about how to play the game we gonna bring you up to date on a stock market yeah all right so now we're gonna talk about all right so you made the transition from the street world prison to helping educate him brothers on a street corner and then you were working and then but as you was working you were still saving investing and you made that journey to being a full-time investor entrepreneur educator so alright we're gonna talk about some some some some concepts as far as any but so stocks if anybody's not familiar that's something that is very near and dear to my heart because that was like one of my first passions in like a yeah Oh big I was in love with the stock market I was like 11 years old high like every it was very I look back on it now and it's very strange but it was like my favorite movies was like Wall Street and like you know in smart variants at the I wanted to be a corporate takeover that was the first career I wanted to do when I was 12 years old people would like what you want to do it I have a kid is like you know basketball play a fire farm I won't be a corporate takeover it was just intriguing to me it was just really intriguing to me I went to Wall Street my dad took me to Wall Street when I was a kid and I just I was always intrigued by how fast it was moving and supposed to to them he'd been around finance yeah I'm saying so it's just so so I say that to say yeah this this is something I definitely was looking forward to having this conversation is because like I said real estate we everybody's in real estate and real estate is important it's extremely important to own the land and to own buildings into own stores but I think stock stocks don't really get enough light they don't especially in our community because it felt like it's something that's too complicated over their heads or it moves at a slower pace then something even though real estate can move at a slow pace to buy people are like we said off camera they're fascinated with the quick flips like I mean so it's like people if they do get involved in investing trading they won't go like crypto m4x so select are saying with people not that word again so so also because it's not tangible right that's all they don't see the tangible asset yeah they don't fully understand it yeah people still don't fully immersed in it so all right stock market investing right talk about um what is your theory but with from buying and holding and day trading because that's kind of like the to to trains and going and investing it's like day trading anybody definitely with day tree that's when you're actually buying a stock and you're trading it in today sometimes like move in a couple of minutes and you're getting your profits whereas by hold is more you're buying and you're holding long term that long term could be six months in a year ten years 25 years but you're not looking to make quick decisions so I wish your wish your theory between buying long-term and day trading I so we're buying long-term that's what a wealth is it because when you buy a long-term you're not affected by the short-term like Tiffany's that going in the market and you can't control that so because I can't control that I want to say I'm willing to wait that out right whereas with day trading it's a high it's like yo this just went up somebody get this bread and I'ma get out but what people don't tell you about date tree and I have nothing against it because the money in it but those capital gains taxes that come with it gonna eat away at your profit right mm-hmm you're right with stock market with the wheat I invest my goal is to just hold it at least for a year and a day so all right let's talk about that so capital gains for most people it's like 15% for the average person no 20 29:28 short-term capital oh yeah you go you don't go with 18 yeah cuz long-term capital gain is 15% yeah so yes the short term capital gains yeah it's higher yeah so capital gains is when you sell a stock you gotta pay taxes on that and as you said on the property and the short term capital gains is more than long-term gonna mean which is an incentive to hold it and a long term capital gains started a year right yeah all right so if I got I bought a stock one hundred dollars I made 150 I'm paying the tax on it you gonna pay a tax on a 50 right now if you hold it for a year and a day you only gonna pay about 12% if you hold it for six months you'll pay about 20 to burn yeah so there always is in so the goal in building wealth and it's simply this it's not about how much money you make it's about how much you keep that's a fact even time so for me I want to keep as much as I can and so if I got a hold for a year in a day I'm cool with that mm-hmm I'm cool with it because I've gained equity in it and if they paying dividends I got some I don't got full quarters with the dividends I don't mean my bread good and see that's the part of lights reading that people don't talk about yeah right it's like you said it's not sexy in any sexy they want they want short-term gratification without you know being in it for the long haul mm-hm right and the thing about it is that nothing happened overnight nothing and you don't you don't build wealth overnight love and it's important I always tell my family financial viola tell my clients all the time you okay you have to diversify like you can't put all your eggs in any one basket right and diversify so you might have real estate but it doesn't it's not healthy to just put every dollar that you have in coming on right if there's it's common sense yeah for a lot of different reasons yeah but stocks is is a key wealth building tool and should definitely be part of somebody most people are investing in stock market without them even knowing it because of the form on k plan mm-hmm so dividends right good mean this is something that we haven't covered and a lot of people have heard of dividends but they don't fully understand what it dividend it so what what is it dividend you said that's one of the strategies you use yeah I love in stocks with yeah with so happens as dividends are a portion of the profit that companies pay to people who are invested in the business not the revenue but the profit so if I have a business that brings in ten thousand dollars a month and I profit five thousand dollars a month then out of that five thousand dollars I'll take a percentage of that which is called the dividend yield and I'll pay it to my investors as a part of saying hey thank you for investing in my business does it paid equally or is it obviously depending on how many shares you have you get more nah yeah well it the dividend is the same so if I pay $0.50 a shift right everybody is two dollars a year everybody gets that depending on how much you have if you got five I have ten he have fifteen then we will all get a different amount but the the underlying asset value is the same so what a what are some top companies as far as dividends these days what are they Oh AT&T pays seven six percent six percent that's major now so this is a dual part so we talked about real estate right the real estate aspect of the stock market which is called real estate investment trust which is re re which is saying I can own Walmart as a business and I can own the people who Walmart pay rent to because they don't own the building it is on the name like Amazon has a warehouse I can on Amazon and I can also own the warehouse who paid who Amazon pays the rent to reach pay higher dividends we talking 12 percent 9 percent 7 percent so individual stocks AT&T Macy's CenturyLink that's a bad business but they pay a high dividend this was called a dividend trap we not only get in today ok disperse quarterly how to disperse so every business is different so with a lot of it would the reach may come out some of them pay money and sometime I was telling you that I have businesses one of my businesses is Apple Realty they own 128 Sheratons and the Hilton's and 200 and something Marriott's they're not going out of business in his I'm zone but they pay me I think at a 9 percent rate on their reach and they pay that money so every month they're paying me so that's not pursuing the money that you have invested no that's not percent of the stock price okay right so that's all the dividend yield it is so a dividend yield is this if the stock price is $100 and a dividend yield is 5% then your dividend is 5% of that $100 that's what you are getting P okay that makes sense it's passive super past I said what you do have to have large amounts for it to this is true but you were saying that you have to start looking at it like okay there's a pay my cell phone bill what's the freedom part why not you talk about AT&T but you so so what happened to me was I started asking myself how do I buy back my freedom all right like how do i buy it back cuz problem right because it's not given to you just like you know shut up slavery like I won't give it to you you gotta buy back you gotta fight for it so I was like how do I buy back my freedom with the stock market because you can't save to investigate it back alright we know that you can't work a bunch of hours to get it back so the next best thing for me was dividends so I was like okay what do I use every day my phone bill a TNC and I have a Apple product so because AT&T pays a 5% 6% dividend yeah I was like ok I need this many this many shares of this business to pay off my phone bill every four months because AT&T pays quarterly which is every three months Disney paid semi-annually which is twice a year and then you have some businesses that pay every month alright so I was like ok if I can get AT&T to pay my phone bill through their dividends four times a year then I have essentially bought back my freedom because I no longer have to work to pay for that phone bill AT&T paying for me and so you can do that with your if you're in Georgia you can use southern company which is another great dividend business how much is your phone bill I mean your light bill 80 a hundred dollars they pay like three four percent dividend figure out how much the dividend is per quarter how many shares your need of that business and then let that pay your light bill so if you can give your dividends from a business to pay your light bill and your phone bill you've bought back from your freedom because now you can take that money and invest it and do something else with it as optimizing your money the money is just a tool we know that much so if we can use the tool to do this supposed to do then we get maximum value for and that's so once you fully understand investing you start to understand that it's like Spanish right so I don't know me Spain people in New Orleans but not for you have to like 70% of New York is expand it maybe not yeah there's a lot so I say I have to say when you're around Spanish enough you start to understand it a little bit better maybe might not be able to speak it but you can kind of have a Jew understanding all right the same thing with investing mmm when you around the language of investing it starts to make sense and you realize that they're all kind of similar it's just like actually when you learn foreign languages like Spanish is similar to French they all come from like bananas Portuguese yeah they're all kind of similar I forget where they actually came from but long story short of it is that which you just explained was the same theory that DJ MV explained to us he says that he doesn't buy any liability until he has asset to pay for his thing is real estate so he buys a home and now he has a home to actually pay rental for his Lamborghini you just bring it down on a small level right but because I mean that's Quito right if you break it out small little legs oh yeah well it can also have to understand - is that so people might say okay well I got to put two thousand dollars into a stock to get $100 giving it it's not worth it but the thing about it is that it's not like you're paying for something you're investing so that two thousand is gonna grow over the course of time or while you're getting your dividend so it's not like you just putting your money into never ever land it's actually going to an investment that will probably gain value over the course of time but in the meantime you're actually gaining income that you can use via the dividend and now you can actually use that to support your lifestyle cause like you said there's only you gotta find a way to actually make money Wow you're silly that's what Warren Buffett said right so if you if you don't make money while you sleep you're so by doing that now you're actually okay now can like you said you can focus on okay now I did that now I gotta do something to pay all right I got gonna do my mortgage and I got to do something to pay my car bill and before you know it you're not actually paying anything yourself it's all being paid for you which leaves you more money because that 200 that yeah now you can actually reinvest and do other things and just kind of get Domino effects like Lord sunset was like yo I treat money like little soldiers they have to go work listen but also also he's forgetting something as major to ownership mmm you feel me so while your money is working for you do the dividends your ownership your equity is also increasing yeah so that's how you like you leverage the game with that yeah and that's something that people don't understand either it's like he was like well everybody's not entrepreneur I don't want to all the business there's a lot to come to owning a business but there's more than one way to own it if you buy stock you're an owner in that company yeah that's one that's probably the easiest way to own a business now you're not gonna be a majority owner but it doesn't matter it doesn't you're still a owner 1% of something is better so Warren Buffett owns 6% of coca-cola right so he's still not a majority owner but he still has Cecil and this is done one thing about the stock market that I love I still can vote on every business that I own and they have they acknowledge me like I literally bought three shares of Berkshire Hathaway be let's make sure I say that what's the what's the a you aren't yourself down I go up two more hundred three hundred and some thousand right there's a difference this is a big difference so let me see cuz I won't nobody be like oh man you got a look so I literally bought three shares of Merck shabi which is which is Warren Buffett's company for anybody yes I bought my daughter that's another thing so at three years old my daughter has five thousand dollars invested in the stock oh yeah I want to talk about that yeah but I bought three shares of birch I B so I could go to the Warren Buffett annual meeting and I had right to vote on anything in Omaha yeah good you know I went to nips that's when everybody had I'm going next year okay first show first show and all you can go is if you own at least one share right so I was like okay cool and you actually get the talk that is a man so I'm glad you say that about your daughter speaking in it actually you when we put I posted about nip you commented on that post for sure about and you were talking about a custodial account for your northern so I put a post up that like it if you celebrate Christmas so for kids birthdays a suggestion is that you know if you're gonna spend $200 on gifts maybe spend $100 on the gifts and $100 on investment right it was like well how do I do that so I walk you through exactly so it's basically I don't buy my daughter toy at all or to her mom and I'm not listening how about clothes I buy food buy necessities but everything else I'm buying stocks so just walking on it's called a UGMA account it's a custodial coming I use TD Ameritrade and all you're doing this is just like opening up a bank account and you just add your kid to it and what happens is you have actual control of the account until the kid is 18 once the kid makes 18 then they have control my thing is simple and so this how we shift the dynamics like that's this ownership stuff is real powerful to me my daughter is three and I invest money for her monthly weekly right right now my daughter at three can tell you where assets and liabilities are this is a conversation that we have right she knew said what dividends come from Sheila's say dividends come from shares she'll say that by time she's 18 she'll already be six figures her own network that's powerful that's a whole nother dynamic we've we've put her in position to have privileged opportunities right also we've now established to her the importance of ownership right so what happened with us when we was kids I don't know about y'all when I was kids money was always scares like waiting on him I never got bills right you know but now at three she can talk to me about Disney stuff you know I'm saying so for me that's what I do everything we do right now her account I think she had like fifty five hundred because I've been buying these we stock since they been on sale and I bought some for her canopy group what was the name of your can't let the big another type of account oh it's a call a custodial account okay but when you look it up on the TD Ameritrade it's gonna be called you GME can go to I know it's at TD Ameritrade do is it offered to other banks as well well I went through you can go through fidelity okay show us why most of them have yeah yeah but my accounts they have 529 which is a college savings plan a couple don't like the 529 why not because this box then that's true it's boxed in just you have to use of akkad well they actually changed it with the new tax law and now you can yo get any form of Education okay yeah yeah yeah yeah and so with the with the custodial account she used what else you want at 18 so that's why it's good for you now you can build that conversation that's why it's good for us to learn how to invest yeah because our kids are going to do they see us doing that's just a natural fact that we are creatures of our environment it is just it is it what it is so we start having these conversations with them at a young age like a favorite book right now has a book called the evolution of money right she'll be like that let's read evolution the money right anyhow you three you know how to read yeah yeah figure my daughter we walk through this and I'm gonna be I failed as a parent my son is he's five and he's mean she she's Oh see this she identifies words all right okay I'm not gonna feel like she's like yeah I'm not gonna say like she'll be on some Doogie out she identifies words now but that shouldn't be powerful like you said because the parents have to leave you by example you have to if you don't set an example for your kids then they're gonna get the example just from pop culture world you see the world like me so it's extremely important and like I said it's just seeing different people and conversations in this site that's one of the cool things about this podcast it's like we we have these conversations and if it's like we could be like people in a basketball court or I mean later but we're actually talking about things that are really important yeah I can ever say so it's like a cool feel because it's not stuck up it's not fake it's not phony it's natural and a lot of time until it people feel like they have to like dumb themselves down yeah to be accepted or you can't you got to watch how you speak because you don't want to sound too intelligent right all right these things is real like I'm glad that Dad I think that the tide is starting to turn on that it is actually like I love the temperature that's going on right now just where even where you are you know I'm like bro like y'all y'all shifting a culture with this you know I'm saying because there are a lot of podcasts out there right everybody everybody has something to say yes a fact right everybody has something to say any want to see it in their own unique way what I love about what y'all have is however you gonna come speak speak it yeah that's right good you see what I'm saying like there is no he we can't like whatever you won't speak about but it's all about the improvement of the culture as far as you know financial literacy and I know you was in the finance row that's a whole nother life laughter but the ownership piece I own the [ __ ] right nobody's telling alright make sure y'all cover this it's bad I go we don't put the cameras up we go hard gonna start speaking right it's powerful man I remember you posted something you say something about ownership something you posted like recently and I love when you pull certain stuff cuz I can't come in there and just go home I'll be waiting like come on man like so and somebody complained about you thought it was about taxes okay okay and I said the problem is that cuz somebody said why don't eat the wealthiest people yeah and so I was like yo why would be teach us this in school it's not that they should teach us why would they all right so this is a dope analogy that I always used so we know that the lion is at the top of the food chain right so he's not the king of the jungle was like we feel like that's some [ __ ] right it's a safari so I'm not gonna say that [ __ ] but he's at the top of the food chain the lion cannot tell the zebra the Impala or the water buffalo how to get away he can't if I tell you how to get away what do I eat hmm what do I eat either I become a vegetarian or I eat my own kind right so he can and if he did they would tell one another how to get away same thing with this the upper echelon or the financial predators we are the financial prey I can't teach you how to get away but if you learn I can't stop you hmm I can't stop you wealthy people only wealthy people are rich poor people do right because we have no relationship with money so I can't teach you how to get away you know what I'm gonna do but I'm gonna teach my kids how to be predators and I'm teaching my daughter how to be a predator not on people but just how to have ownership it can't teach you that in school why would ya that's like yeah that's what that's what the 5% they say like 85% rule by 10 person which is like the bloodsuckers at a poor 5% of the for the poor righteous teachers by diseases but we not poor what we're going to take the poor part out liberate that cuz we gonna be paid a full yeah right there you know yeah we gonna we gonna liberate the people from the bloodsucker to the poor over here for the facts appreciate that can we just talk about invested in ETS let's talk about here so explain can you explain what an ETF is and then oh so ETF is an exchange-traded fund so it's basically this this is so all my people sent me like I just had a new personality bro like I come up with him because I love to relate to people right so ETF is like saying this without even getting technical and say you're going Walmart mm-hmm right you're going Walmart and you don't know what you want to buy so you buy the whole store that's the index fund let's say you go to Walmart and you want to buy a specific kind of pop-tarts right so you go to the pop-tart out and you see so many flavors of pop-tarts you like you know what I just want this whole our pop-tarts so you buy a whole out of pop-tarts that's the ETF mmm does it make sense hmm so the ETF is it's a group of businesses that operate the same or sell similar products example you want to invest in marijuana but you don't know which marijuana stock to buy you buy either a marijuana ETF called Yolo or you buy mg and now at this point you have all the marijuana stocks they're all inside that's the ETF gotcha a trick to that is this you can buy ETF and because they've already done the homework because they don't have the best performance stocks on the ETF at that point you can see you can go to what's called ETF DB which is ETF database I'm giving you a sum game right good you go to ETF database you put that ETF in and they'll tell you every ETF that's in that ETF and then they'll tell you how much of a percentage of that ETF is holding that business so it'll say this ETF fifteen percent of canopy growth I mean for every dollar you put enough 15 percent of that is going to canopy grow you may have ten percent of or economists they may have five percent of Crohn's so you can literally say okay I don't want do the homework I want to be lazy I'll go to the ECF see was wanted they hold and just pick the top companies in ETF and at that point you went now you don't know the value of it that's why that's what I teach people about value how to value it but if you just want to be a lazy investor you got all you can just do that because ETS gonna have the top performing businesses in that sector inside the ETF you just speed up mmm index funds so index funds would be you buying a whole market now they are broken down different ways so you can buy the Dow Jones you can buy the sp500 diesel index and as well yeah you can buy nest egg you can buy the Russell 2000 which are the full majors then you can break it down and say okay I just want to get a large cap ETF so that's all businesses that have 1 billion 2 billion or better right so every business in here is gonna be two billion dollars or better ten billion I'm sorry ten billion are better then you can buy a meat cat which business desktop at 2 billion anything you can buy a small cap which has business under two billion two billion dollars we're under two being out of the market cat yeah the market camp so market capitalization mm-hmm that's kind of how to categorize time yeah and always like now that I use is like you have giant cap large cap mm-hm those are like you know giant companies yeah hundred billion a better yeah then you have you know mid cap mmm then you have small cap and you have micro cap yeah the thing is that usually and correct me if I'm wrong mmm-hmm the larger the cap the less volatile like it's almost impossible for Apple to just fall apart overnight that's true instead also not gonna quadruple overnight either we're a smaller company good news can send their stocks skyrocketing yes but then bad news can bankrupt them so it's kind of like a speedboat and a cruise ship like a we work situation yeah but we got talked about we were but that's called betta what you're talking about the volatility so if you're gonna invest on a stock you can look at the beta of it a low beta means it's not volatile a hobby to me like Tesla high beta high-risk high-reward right right but McDonald's probably beat of 0.9 right so it's not gonna you know it's not like you know about to be up to Dan McDonnell's is at 2:30 and tomorrow tomorrow at 1:50 that's not about that but with Tesla you'll wake up today is that 250 tomorrow you can wake up is that 180 easy right so high beta and the market cap is just simply this if I have 10 shares of my business on a stock market and there were $10 a share at that point I have $100 market cap so it's how many outstanding shares on the market times the stock price that's how much that's how you can tell what the market cap is of a business can we talk about that we work situation just about it so yeah anyways not familiar we work was the talk of Wall Street yes it was IPO they were the most valuable what were the 45 billion coming in at 45 getting something and they felt fell apart and now they had to withdraw their IPO mm-hm the CEO got fired step down step down he lost his billionaire status yes so on a day in a day so a lot of time people see these stories they don't fully understand like how it is possible like what should take on that well so shot my people I was on a 206 she had me one day cousin Nita she hit me and she was like Travis y'all tanita that's my that's my heart right there she hit me on one that she was like traveler man I want investing we were I said oh no you not maybe not she's like why I was like man these people don't make money so one of the things I love about the stock market is it literally teaches you how to be a business man or woman because you look at businesses all day right so they're not profitable well a lot of companies aren't bothered you finished off okay so they aren't profitable and they don't have the revenue to back it up so like not only aren't there so you can actually not be profitable but still have a lot of revenue Netflix yeah you know I'm saying but over our over but they aren't profitable and they don't have the revenue coming in and it's so when I invest in the business I look at this I always looked at the inverse meaning if something bad happens how likely is it for this stock to fall so we know we were is based off of entrepreneurial space right so they rent space Township renewals so I looked at it like this they already are not profitable if something happens as far as recession wise when I'm ship renews rather come sit in a room at their own house and the table in the work and not pay that rent or would they still pay that rent he probably would cut that rent out so that business model isn't to me it wasn't something that has a lot of longevity in it now do was a bad seal with a great idea to but when he got the bread he's was awesome he was awesome party city wolf of wallstreet snorting who called the bud she's yeah I envisioned the Lambo scene yeah he had a lot going on and he didn't won't eat him up it but once so this is the thing once somebody who's a major investor CEO I'm pulling my bread Softbank which is uh yeah once they like you I'm putting my bread you're like dude on the wrong now he living his life wrong now other major offenses I like wait a minute I'm gonna pull my breath even that's fair yeah and so now the people nobody wants to get stuck holding the bag so the next biggest thing is do you gotta go we don't want you to go but you got to step down because we need another face right and so he was stubborn for a while like not because he made the business yeah you know it's all fear that your baby go because even if you step down you know what's coming next mmm-hmm the ship be sinking so I just thought it was a bad business as a whole how they gave what you think about um I think that it has potential because it's a there's a lot of co-working Regas is one yeah Regis Regis alike actually nipsey speaking of nipsey yeah back tonight back there neck tonight it's interesting what you said as far as economic downturns also not actually about the recession more people saying it's a combi a recession its interests I never really thought about that an understanding point but it makes a lot of sense as far as to say okay if worst come to worst I'll just stay in my living room right I don't have to you already if you go into us you don't have to have an office nah if you're doing that right because other than like holding meetings with your eyes pay soon yeah or to I'm invested it's not sustainable right like I might not have meetings everybody of every month of idiot I think people are working differently now too it's kind of an old business model to actually go it like I have also type I go to like once a week then if you don't need to physically go into an off right like and you know then once a week but yeah you know is there like what's the point it's not seem a good it's just too likely yeah but yeah you don't need it no you're right so that's why that's what I thought about it now the bad part some of some of them are actually profitable so at that point the whole dynamic of the business changes because if you're a profitable business in an economic downturn so now we're going to happen this I'm their Divakar free cash flow all right so this is the money that a business has that's not attached to anything so it's a very pity bills and Anthony P everything they still have it so Apple is like one of the has the biggest like Yoda free castles like crazy yeah yeah it's like 190 billion so what happens is in case of an economic downturn they still have money to keep the business going if you a profitable business and you have a good free cash flow you can still sustain for a given amount of time but if you're negative all around the board you go collapse and so for me that's I'm not looking for in the business I need you to have a moat which is a competitive advantage and I need you to have a good like free cash flow I need that to be positive so when you look at it business what are you looking at you're looking at the earning report you do you like woody what do you actually look and how do you evaluate it with our eyes um so I look for a few things like so it's like me looking at a woman no no - nobody like I'm on the body so you create the notepads out right so you you have what you look for and then you have what's there right and then you ask yourself how does this fit to what I want right so what I do is I look at the first thing I look at is this I never look at a stock price because the stock price is only based on how you and I feel about it all right so first thing I look at who running the business and I put this on my page all the time how a person runs a business tells me a lot about the business because if you can't man if you can't run the business I can't make no money so I'm gonna look at when did you get into a position of the CEO how did the business run before you and what have you done since you got taken control of the business that's first and foremost so I won't look at management first the next thing I'm gonna look at is do you have a competitive edge right so like what makes you better than everybody else what makes you sustainable so for instance if you bought coca-cola so you have the extras of this if you're a retail business what is your shelf domination look like how do you dominate the shelves so if you go into sodas Coca Cola dominates but if you look at the overall business Pepsi does Pepsi has more products but if you look in that sheer beverages Coca Cola dominates even when you go to a fast food store there are predominantly co-product oh yeah there's one of those things with a date coin the name it's like coke coke yeah in Seoul one so denote it mean bingo when your name becomes synonymous with something you have a competitive it we had that conversation is like band-aid being goes that's like polo we can go home that style of shirt yes proposal even if it's the look call sure it's a polo exactly so I'm looking for that doable competitive edge and now we're gonna tap into earnings so I want to see me what have you done the last eight quarters have you beat earnest the last eight quarters meaning have you made profit the last a quarter's and then I want to look at your free cash flow I won't look at working capital which is current assets and current liabilities meaning what you have and if in these next twelve months so if something happened in the next twelve months is that money positive if it's negative we got an issue it's not bad but we got an issue it's positive and I know you can hold it down it's like having money and sale ago so when you looking at all these things are we looking at what are we looking through publications are we go into a site yes so so face value you can go to Yahoo Finance okay just face value you go to Yahoo Finance and you can do the numbers if you want to dig deep you go to that company's quarterly report annual report so what happens is it's another thing like wild lot of stock market if you're a public company you have to tell people what you're doing information has to be public it has to be so even your competitors get to see what you're doing so that's what I do like if I like a business I wanna see what the competitors going and then I'm gonna see how are you at matching up to what they're doing are you shifting that way right so I wanna see are they how they moving toward the future because we know every two years the business cycle changes that's why when you hear like on CNBC it's like oh their quarterly reports coming in go inside we have to everybody has to do it and so if it's a dividend paying company are you increasing those if you increase from those I mean you have some profitability because no business can consistently increase paying me more money if they don't have money so we talk about the education am I going to do perfect so alright so the education right you gotta own your own platform so what what made you what made you want to want to do that and as you can't other people with now said that you have so what happened for me was it got me out of the trap yeah literally like I stop hustling stop selling weed stop robbing stop selling coke start putting all my money at stock mark and at that point I wasn't worried about nobody shooting me I got shot I shot twice in my leg once in my ass and almost got kidnapped when I was 15 like I was halfway inside of Trump for me it was like yeah I can make money doing this [ __ ] excuse my language ain't not worry about nothing it was it was synonymous with hustling for me so that's another reason why I love it so much is because me actually breaking down a business is like me bringing on a pack yeah that's correct like one of the things that I heard you say and one of your videos was like yo this comparables of the streets yes holler not what people would have known yeah that's all time this is like comparables that I'll be the biggest gangsters so once I learned that again my whole movement started and this ain't nothin against nobody shoutout to all my trappers that's rockin with me right but my movement wasn't for everybody I am NOT for everybody I don't relate to everybody everybody won't relate to me and that's cool I was Street for people from the streets because I felt like I could teach you something that nobody taught you and I gave us the leverage and so a friend of mine was like yo you need to put that on like Instagram mind you like I'm not even much I wasn't the Instagram person I might be taking these pictures talking skeet he was like that but once I realized how powerful it was like the courage was like yeah and I talked about it and so once people started telling me yo I'm investing their stocks because of you it was bigger than me at that point and the greatest way for us to grow real talk I've learned this you'll get stagnant in your knowledge even though you can learn you can read you learn more when you teach other people that's a fact absolutely absolute fact you don't mow when you teach other people and so people have unique questions and in order to be a good teacher you have to have these prolific and but they have to make sense so it makes you I don't say dumb it down but it makes you like dig deeper into you your mental for text and like how can I make this sound like apples and oranges yeah or even if they're not grasping it like how can I modify it to make sure that they think they get it like when I first went into education like they had me teaching health right I never wanted to be in a classroom and um it was a challenge every day like kids will come with questions and I'm like and do I really do I even know that exactly appropriate exactly I have to go learn now exactly so the next day I come all right there you go so that's the best way so once that happened so what do you so what are you teaching people that you're working with are you teaching them like step by step like how to get into the game how to evaluate stocks like all of the above so I different I have different levels what I get inside okay so I meet people at their level there is no like one-size-fits-all so I actually have um I have three ebooks okay so the Wall Street wrap one on one Wall Street wrapping 102 Wall Street's at 103 I found a falling away 104 wait the name on a foolish trap doing number thought model there and supply the streets and they wonderful and I actually have trap of flashcards and this was a project that I used I used them on my daughter's mother I was like look teach her these spend about 20 minutes a day just teaching her these cars its digital and in about three months she was like oh I want to open up her account mmm so at that point I knew it was suitable for kids on adults you comes in um so one of my courses is called jumping off the porch everything I do is related to streets I was gonna say like everything you do is young miss with shriek oh yeah right like phone even Wall Street travel we didn't get into the hob viously trapping we know it yeah you like you say is like synonymous with somebody doing illegal things in the area alright Wall Street is synonymous with people who come from wealth right so when you think that like let's convert converse together and now like that's it we're gonna play on that and that was the name of the name of the businesses from the tribe of Wall Street yeah that's the name of my business so my first is called jumping off the porch and what that does is we don't even talk about stocks I know I literally because one of the things is people want to just jump into the stock market you can't jump into a fight if you don't have a strategy you don't have a game plan so with the jumping off the porch course is we talk about finding your style of investing so I met about three or four different styles of investing and you can figure out which one best fits you then we go into why equity is better than cash and then we go into three different strategies that are really simple on how you can put your portfolio together so once you take that course now you have an understanding of okay now I know how to get in the game you have a strategy the next thing I have is called welcome to the trap that's the beginners course we just go over the basics how to stock market works how to set up your account index funds ETFs things like that we go into some other things and there's Wall Street trapping Wall Street wrapping we go through the basics and then we tap into like what to research how to research a CEO with activities are he doing that puts us on alert how to follow big investors to see what they're doing so every so often every month big investors like Warren Buffett they have to report what they're buying so I teach them how to look at that that's a good gauge I teach them what to research the fundamentals balance sheets as income statement cash flow statements we're ratios to use to find an actual valuation of a business like I walk you through the process so when you finish that you know you felt like you met the plug so that was my well let's talk about the plug because the plug package is something that's very unique that no one's really doing nah so I looked at the game and I was just like okay like what are people doing right and so with me I know that people have bought into me right it cool I want to learn stocks but I bought into trapper like so that's a connection right there and because everybody learns different even if you buy the course you still might need somebody to walk you through the course because even though it's listen we all learn different some people are visual and some people just need to like hold my hand and just do if you hold my hand and walk me through it like you I'm gonna kill it sound like I I'm gonna go to people like I'm gonna literally fly out to you so that's what the meet the plug is it's literally you get the Wall Street rapping course and then I come to your city and I walk you through the course and then I walk you through whatever questions you have about the course about investing if you already have an account we're gonna audit the account we're gonna make sure your [ __ ] shut out right so if I live in Detroit the plug is coming to the trunk coming to Detroit now the only thing about that is if you live in like the backwoods I'm not coming to the connect we gonna go to what airport is and we gonna meet up at a we were give me some room but but that's what they meet the plug is it's actually me coming to you and then I give you four phone calls directly to me after that so we have this we do lunch my treat with the meet the plug we walk through the course it's a full day we do like through hours then we eat lunch we go through it like you're going to because what happens is and I've learned this with a mastermind I just did with my big bro at other states is once you start talking to people in person you know you never know where that conversation goes mm-hmm and so now when I see you on the ground you like always good try but I gotta always good Tim because we've made a connection now it's not as you bought the clothes I mean you bought the clothes I love the support and I'm you know I rock on my travels but once we have that connection is like it's a relationship now because I've literally throughout the public you we haven't talked we eat lunch and all kind of stuff that happened at that point so that's powerful man thank you thank you for joining us I'm glad that he's crazy cuz um you like you said you didn't reach out to me I just heard shots my man Matt I don't know who told me he was gonna be in New York all right I think Matt said he's gonna be in New York write you up are you interested in coming in the clock cast people a lot of people acts like yeah what's the process to be on the podcast most of the time it's my intuition it's a genuine rises right and um Troy have I failed yet yo Millie a hundred four hundred they say we like bad boy in the 90s yo y'all know is y'all can but my hips my I think this is definitely gonna be some some episode that's gonna live forever yeah and shout-out to our Q he introduced stacks on our podcast episode 15 yeah yeah and this is like now this is a full like circular of the stock market for sure y'all got heavy hitters come on y'all I kind of was like yo the greenroom right so lay back Wow when I appreciate it man it's just the information was extremely valuable but just a story - I think it's extremely inspirational motivational and I think that you know it's bigger like they say it's bigger than rap I know it's big ninjas business like real people I mean everybody's got their own personal journey and to see people overcome adversity yeah and I see people you know put their minds to something and to you know like I said it doesn't matter where you come from the game is the game the game is to get ain't going alone yeah it's not going over so we just gotta play it you got make sure you playing the right one got a play that's a fact learn the rules play the game that's a fact so how can the people contact you what's your social media handles and all that uh so I'm mostly on Instagram wall under school street underscore trapper that's on IG YouTube is just Wall Street rapper um I got the University um WWE at university comm check that out and I got a podcast um while under school street under school travel on Google please listen to a couple episodes I've been lagging bro but I gotta get back on it Club I like this man yeah I gotta get back on because that was me and my role as phone hmm like I get to just talk my talk without no you know nothing going on like I would get up in the morning it would be in the morning for me cuz that's what I'm freshest like Milan slept my mind i marinate you know I don't eat no meat so I be feeling good feeling good yummy so um I got to get back on my podcast is on but they definitely can check them out definitely um and that's on anchor and Google Play and it's about a fire so check me out on that wall she travel oh joy housekeeping items yeah yeah shout to everybody on patreon got a long list man I'm gonna go down a shout out to Morgan Melissa Mario Elise Tanika Ron Mel Calvin Brandon J and Brandon M we actually had a convo with him the other day he's doing amazing things and hopefully we'll be able to do some totally new members these are the new members bro and shout to my mate Bryan Forbes man before that's that's a hometown Liam actually when we did the episode about trucking with Alex okay yeah just bought a truck okay sounds like brother you gotta hit this episode and it we've been linked up since so shout out to him he actually joined patreon just to show some support grew up together but um he just wanted to show some love so shout out to everybody that's on all our patrons as you know this five tiers you can join any tier you like and continue to support it it allows us to do things like travel and get people on that uh people have been asking for you know so shout out everybody's doing that and everybody that's been purchasing the merch owner in your leisure calm you know I'm sure it's up there it's getting a little chilly out in New York so hoodie hoodie hoodie season is back so that will be up there in a few varieties and I'm on tour shorts are there too so we got la we got Brooklyn oh we got Houston Atlanta Chicago in our Philly Philly we coming back we are gonna probably will have a deal yet well so yeah let me know is we got sandy see we got some coming for DC my Sudan that um we are excited to hopefully we're gonna tell you about that and in their future but DC is gonna be special yeah this is a beautiful city so yeah well so the books up in a week is none other than our guest he has three ebooks Wall Street rapper 101 102 and 103 you do want to phone away so make sure you may show you you count those we're gonna get those from um on my website Wall Street rapping calm but linking my body on little t-shirts in also speaking of links in a bio so everybody well if you didn't know I'm a financial advisor so if you want a 30 minute free consultation you can go to our image calm my calendar is up there it has three areas retirement investments and insurance if it's not related to that I can't pick your brain okay I can't help you with offshore banking facts I can't help you flip a home none of that stuff we have guests that bring on the podcast that can help you with those different areas I'll do some bro right yeah so anybody that you books on with you I'll do another thirty many one for free myself do you have you have that all right oh you let me know what you tell them get in touch with me I'll do a 30-minute within myself all right how that song my gosh it is supplier streets man alright guys we'll see you next week thank you for rocking with us peace [Music] [Applause] [Applause]
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 1,195,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stocks, investing, Real estate, Retirement investing, Financial freedom
Id: ZL-3-gGzUyo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 6sec (4626 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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