Liquid Credit Cards - Episode #61 w/ Marcus Barney

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all right welcome to another edition of the social proof podcast i love this podcast marcus you know that yes yes i absolutely love this podcast because i get to like connect with people and get like free game and cover it as a podcast so if i was gonna if i if i didn't know you right yeah and i was like hey marcus man i just need like an hour of your time man like how much do you charge me i couldn't even put a price tag on it but okay if i ran up on you in the street would you say okay let's do it or are you like ah of course no you have to get the consultation you know i get you with the leak in the bio for the free consultation but no with just me um really on the coaching to spend an hour because of everything that would be able to get covered um at minimum two to three grand two to three thousand so start a podcast you get two to three thousand dollars worth of time for free so let's get into it i love it man first off i see you a rick ross i got y'all got a bunch of situations going on man in terms of the financial literacy but before we get there i guess introduce yourself to the people my name is marcus barney also known as him 500. i teach financial literacy i specialize in teaching things that you can't google when it comes to financial strategies on how to turn your credit into cash like one uh give me one give me one a way to turn your credit into cash i tell a lot of people is that when you go to build your credit report once you clean the negative items off you want to learn how to start building right so when you start building i tell people listen this is a website called swap elise swap lease swap elise swap elise yes swap elise so with swap elise i tell you i say listen go find the cheapest car so over my time i found the cheapest car was a smart car the smart car costs about 221 bucks a month you can find them and you take over somebody else's lease when you take over somebody else's lease they don't want it anymore so they're willing to pay to get out of it oh so it's like subject to for cars like you know substitute in real estate you just take over there yeah yeah so but now imagine is that now i don't have a down payment right now i go pick up a vehicle when it's time for me to i'm this is this is just building my report so i go get the vehicle and it's 221 a month let's say it has a year left on it right or 18 months but even at a year um i tell people listen then you just simply take the vehicle it's a smart car small most people think they can't fit in it you know i'm a bigger gentleman but i fit in it right so i got the smart car right so i said listen you take the smart card 221 bucks a month you go out and you contact david shans and say dave let me put real social proof on the left side for 221 bucks a month i'mma keep it in metro atlanta that it'll be exposed between 10 to 30 000 people per month because it's going to be riding around metro atlanta for 12 hours a day shan's is going to say 221 bucks and you gonna put it on the side of my car i don't know you gonna say no no what let's do it so you find three of them so now at three people now that vehicle now at 220 on this side 220 on this side 220 on this side that's 660 a month i make off for 221 so you get this 200 car you sell advertising on three sides of the car yes and for the for the same amount of the lease the car no yeah the lease note got you now i got a car no that was 220 and now i make 660. now i look and i go okay but how do i keep it in metro atlanta for 12 hours do i park it no i go and i go find people that's between the ages of 21 to 25 and i say listen um i got opportunity for you to drive and you just post an ad on indeed right i tell everybody test your websites i don't tell you just jump out there and go get the car first test the websites post the ad on nd for people who are willing to drive and willing to pay 150 a week don't worry about gas or insurance insurance on a smart car is 30 bucks don't pay for the gas i'll pay for it you pay me 150 a week you can drive for six hours out of the day well guess what i get two kids driving it at 150 a day i mean 150 a week that's three hundred dollars a week time each kid can drive it for six hours a day yes and go do grub grubhub ubereats doordash for 150 a week 150 a week so you got advertising for 600 a month so far plus you're getting if it's two kids driving at 150 a week that's 300 a week so that's another 1200 per month yes off a 200 smart car of a 20 smart car you just turn your credit to cash you're making 1800 bucks a month off a smart car [Music] but since we're hearing you my man that's that's that's turning credit to cash but what people don't know and they say listen this is my my goal is this is that we in the 21st century we don't live in the the early 80s in the the early 90s late 80s we have such an issue with assets and liabilities i thought it said on your shirt okay so right is that with assets and liabilities we're stuck and the only only realistic liability we have in today's society is our mindset the way that we can think the way that we can judge in a way that we can execute so when people look at a vehicle now i just turn that vehicle which most people say is a liability into an asset so you mean to tell me they go oh you should leasing because cars are depreciating um they're depreciating liabilities right but in today's society we got apps like turo right in today's society we got things like higher car in today's society we got tyler perry studios in atlanta that that movie says that literally rent cars and pull them on trucks and don't even put miles on them to where now if you have an exotic vehicle or a nice vehicle you can make it a actual asset because it generates capital more than it depreciates so if you know the depreciation calculation of what is going to depreciate and it makes more than that this is the asset now it's a cash driven asset we have to get our mind out the way and start learning how to use technology we let people sit there and tell us yeah we should lease vehicles and do this listen if the vehicle pays for itself and then in the in the time by the time it depreciates to its bottom dollar if it's already paid for itself i now have a car free and clear that if i do get ready to sell it i still can have it has a solid resale value wow you've never seen a rolls royce for under 150 000. i don't care what year you get ferrari is under a hundred fifty thousand i don't care what year you get well ferraris are but lamborghinis and certain cars that's always gonna have a certain amount of value well if you get one at the right year it's easy to generate the capital off of it it's just a mindset see people trick us into saying oh stay at a position of of mediocracy and you know only invest in in in assets and you go look and say well what's assets what's the assets why is the only thing that consider uh liabilities things that we like how can we make explain that explain that explain it the things that we like right you look at it people say liabilities close right i'm i jump on a private jet whole family infinity go oh you know that's a lot of money to spend on on clothes on these designer clothes i say well these clothes last two years though when you wash the clothes that you went and bought from walmart because you saved a couple bucks on your outfit well it don't look as good and it don't feel as good for sure and it it's just reality it doesn't but it doesn't last as long either it's the reason why kanye west do a tantrum and said they won't allow us into their factories because the materials that they use are better than the materials that come on the on the cheaper materials it's a difference right it's a difference good got it got it but then they go but it's expensive and it is it's not worth the money so i teach people i say listen i turn credit to cash so i run a business and i run ads i run fifty to sixty thousand dollars of money ads i get four points per dollars whenever i run ads well because i'm growing my business guess what you get four points per dollar yes what do you mean on my american express gold they give you four points for dollars when you run ads so also you run the ads using your american express card boom gadget then all of my other business expenses um fulfillments and things like that so if i'm spending you know as my business grows i'm sitting over 100 000 a month well if my business is growing spend a hundred thousand dollars a month and i'm getting four points per dollar guess what what do you do with your reward points most people don't know i teach people when they start off how not to pay for groceries and your expenses keep your expenses low as your as you grow your business but you get to a point to where you start going and you look up and you got three million points and you go what i do most people don't know that you can literally convert your reward points to gift cards for like saks and neiman's and go shopping to where i didn't pay for the clothes and the things that they see us in because i still like designer clothes but i got it for free i like that i like that i like i can live the life that i want and i don't have to be subjected to being irresponsible i can drive a rolls-royce and not be oh man you buying a depreciating asset no it's gonna make me more money than it cost me right i gotta ask you though on the because i i've seen you teach it before i never had a chance to ask you okay how do you get these people to live for free because i mean in my in my logical brain i'm thinking okay we take a credit card and i spend some money i spend money on a credit card okay but i still owe the money on the credit card so i just need you to explain it to me okay because i know it's working because everybody everybody on your course and the reason i set this podcast up is so i can get some free game y'all mad clearly oh you went deep too oh he went deep okay so um a little bit elaborate on the question again so that way i can answer how do you get people what is the strategy on getting people to not have to pay for their groceries and not have to pay for certain living expenses because i've heard you talk about it before okay so i know what you're asking don't don't don't hold back either we need to we need the truth and the whole truth so listen right it's what i tell people is that it's things with credit cards that a lot of people not aware of on things that they can do um and loopholes in the system so one day i i'm gonna explain something and my team is about to kill me for saying this here um i ordered something online and when i ordered using what because i'm trying to follow using my american express okay i'm gonna give you an example like this i'm gonna give you the one that i say is that their stores one time i go to film my office i went to apple well when i went to apple i use my american express card when i use my amex and apple i go and i went in there and i did it and it maxed me that day and i want to say i was at like 21 000 and i put the rest on my debit card well my team goes we need windows you use apples but for our compatibility for your team that's gonna be doing all the work windows is going to be more compatible i did a refund to my debit card so when i went back in i give them my debit card they do the refund i don't realize they don't ask me for my credit card when they do the refund everything comes back into my checking account i literally spent 800 bucks off my debit 21 000 on my credit card the whole 21.8 came back into my debit account i learned how to liquidate my credit card i said yo i look and i've been in so many real estate deals i've been through so many people's real estate programs they charge you to liquidate or you go through paypal and you pay 3.5 for sure okay i just got paid to pull my money off my credit card mmm and that always works yeah have plenty of cash there yet apple is done so so listen right look apple is done right so i tell people i said listen i've explained explained apple before um so apple is at a position where apple is done but they don't do it anymore no they changed their their payment structure right we blew that out the water so i tell people is that but what happened was i feel like you did that i feel like yeah yeah i did too apple was looking like you know this dude y'all know what you're doing yeah good i'm sorry so i learned um once i seen that it's just my whole goal was that how do i learn credit cards because credit cards are what we would say a asset i mean a liability right so growing at the end of the day you still got 21 000 in debt on your card oh no i'll pay right back i'm not going to use the money gotcha okay i just paid it back so it is just if you use these strategies you use the money for whatever you're gonna use it for but pay it back you you don't use it for any like in that case right what happened was is this you understand the benefits is that that 21 000 the american express didn't see the refund so it looked like a spin oh so you got all the points for it as well that's why i said i got paid to liquidate it and reward points interesting and then they look and go wow he spent 21 000 paid it back in a week and a half see that's why i got 150 000 on all three of my platinums see i almost got a half a million on platinum just off of i have a lot of high spins that get paid back so my monthly cycle is very high and so i teach people how to grow and double and triple their their limits is that it's a lot of different ways that we can do these things um it's ways that you can buy stuff online and just take it back into the store buy stuff online take it back in the store talk to you so let's just say like this is legal for my my kids they're watching yeah so it's it's it's literally like this right i'm gonna tell you what the thing is this is that it's what would i say it's doing a refund that's just the whole thing is just doing a refund and getting the money back on you it that's the part where i tell people is that you just have to understand credit cards you have to understand their systems well i tell people the goal is not like i don't teach people to just go out and do that that's just something cool we figured out and found out so that was one of the cool things but i tell people is that like i tell people how to hide their credit card utilization it's just learning things like that to where we don't pay interest on our credit cards these are the type of things that we need to know is that like those are the most those are the fascinating things because people go people charge me to liquidate my credit card you just told me how to do it for free literally off i've seen people go hey i don't know you but you said this i did it it worked i bought my real estate project and i didn't have to spend my like going to debt to pay for my my home yeah you're 3.5 in the negative before you even go do a deal you imagine that you get funded at 100 000 you got to pull a 100 000 off your credit cards you 3.5 to the to the negative before you even go anywhere else plus your monthly recurring fee you get me that's why people lose like i tell people i teach people how to go to where if you were going into real estate you had a hundred thousand in funding when you liquidate you'll be worth 105 106. so now you have more capital you're not going negative before you even get into the investment deal and a lot of times they get into deals and if you do get a wrong deal you don't even know how to get out right so i got this i got this play that i'm working on um it is a real estate so i'll share with you after but we're uh about to buy a building right okay let's just say it's gonna be a hundred thousand dollars in renovations so i've got a bunch of i've gotta cause i i use like like you i use my credit card and i pay it off so i have um i got about i got about a hundred in um in you know credit card balance right okay zero balance i can charge it up to about 100. okay so is there a way to float all this money or use my cards without having to pay all the interest is there a way one you can hide your credit card utilization right and if you hide it then i can get another card is that what you're saying you can get more cards but you have to be particular about which cards you go out and get depending on what your situation is see i put people in a situation before they get to that point to where they don't have to worry about it let me bring this up just in case i'm sorry so i put people in a position before they get to the point of purchasing to where they're okay right because you're gonna have there's different credit card types you have your credit cards that are standard credit cards meaning you got a 15 000 limit this is what you have you have charge cards your charge cards are going to be the cards that are based off of your spending habit right right so we run our charge card limits up with business to grow our limits to where when it's time to do a deal like that i need a hundred thousand i have it access okay meanwhile i have my standard cards here that have my regular limits but with these cards i set up and i add people on as authorized users so i sell trade lines well now if i sell trade lines at 650 and i have 10 spots available that's 6 500 every cycle how long do you keep them on your card 60 days so it so you add somebody is this something we can talk about yeah okay so you add somebody on your trade line for let's say 6 50 and every two months if they want to stay on that no they so you add trade lines last it's once their credit report is together depending on what they're looking to go do you add them last it's just it's just you have to know the formula when you add somebody as an authorized user it's not oh you're going to get excellent credit you're good to go now no you structure a report properly add the authorized user on to help with the data points so once it helps with the data points of your age your credit report total number of accounts your credit utilization you add them on as an authorized user last now they go and do what they need to do establish more new accounts when the trade line gets removed those accounts season fill the gap for where the trade lines work got it okay so i add 10 people on as authorized user that's 6 500 every 60 days if i got three cards [Music] got it i'm at 18 almost 20 000 every 60 days okay so in a situation you go well i'mma go and spend a hundred thousand on this property my goal was that get these credit cards together first and get this business flowing so when you go spend that hundred thousand you go i spent a hundred thousand here but i'm not spending my hundred thousand guess what american express guess what you know barclays the trade lines that i'm selling on these ones pay that card back so now i'm not out of pocket got it got it shout out to the banks for buying my house that's right i really leverage other people's money in a real time to acquire assets that's it now i own this property free and clear because i bought it with cash off of my charge card credit card or a business credit card with zero percent apr that don't show my personal credit report but now my trade line business is going that's going to pay that money back so in the meantime i sit back even the rents that come off of that property i just collect and sit to the side that's mine my whole goal is that anything that i touch is for my kids if i own something and i touch it that money that come off of us for my kids i'm not refining and paying it back my daughter gonna need that eventually i'm not going into debt i'm not passing him that my whole goal is to be able to pass them wealth at all means and that's the thing is when i said our mindset is the only liability we got if we don't make our mindset into an asset if you don't have a asset driven mindset you lose you let people say don't do this and don't do that i find a way to do everything i like it i like it all right so one i want to know how you how you acquired this information like where did you get it from um but side note how many suits you got because i know you don't wear the same suit unless you got like a closet full of them like batman because you always got the blue suit on so then i'm thinking okay you got the you got the blue rose out there and i'm like okay well blue is this color it got to be just okay walk me through this this this situation you got going on you just called me out for wearing the same suit yeah yeah i know you like batman bro you just got a closer look literally right what i did was um it was an accident so i went to go and get a suit i had a speaking engagement b-y-b with drew right literally drew yeah shout out to drew right my first ever speaking engagement at that double shout out to drew listen right so i get on the stage with you so i go and i go it's my first speaking engagement i don't know what to do i said you know what everything has to be statement you have to murder to make yourself stable murder when you get on the stage cool so i go suit shop and what sticks out the loudest blue blue say blues too white shirt red tie sticks out boom i go okay and i and i questioned it and i said and i asked instagram do i go with the navy power suit or do i go with the blue they was like ooh that blue loud go with the blue i said cool i'm not doing what y'all said so i'm going with the blue right went with it everybody remembered me from the suit so i said okay whenever i speak i'm wearing a suit in hindsight it's recession proof blue so this is the color this is my logo color so the suit came first the what came first the logo or the suit chicken or the egg the logo came first okay so the logo was the logo came first right no no i'm lying the suit came first because i didn't even recession proof wasn't a name yet when i did byob it's not on my the suit came before the logo so the logo came and i and i was either orange or blue you know the meaning is behind the colors and i go okay do i want to do orange or do i want to do blue that's funny looking at us talk i went with blue so and then it kind of combined now to the point to where people always ask me for my shirts and i said the shirts are earned my recession-proof shirts you can't buy you have to earn them you have to be a part of our community this is not something you can walk around and put on your back if you not a part of this and understand how we think when i printed your shirts i should just kept on you should have you should have you definitely shouldn't right because they're not for sale right but i say you know what we're going to do is that we talk about luxury brands and we talk about the things that we don't invest in and i said being as a person who promotes luxury things i'm not going to start and sell t-shirts i'm gonna make suits so you sell those suits you're the one who's gonna yeah so now i'm selling these suits right so and nobody how long you've been selling suits what what hold on this this is coming now so i haven't even told anybody that's why you know i haven't even told anybody that i'm gonna start selling them so now i purposely wear them everywhere i go whenever i'm getting on the camera or something something big i got my recession-proof bluetooth yeah guys you can see we we pulled it out we did it yeah so that's what we go have so now we got suits for sale um you know and it's just a staple suit one that when you present when you when you're catching attention something that means something it's gonna be a staple that it's something that uh uh uh when you speak people won't forget the dude in the blue suit are you only gonna be selling blue suits only blue that's hard this is the only color this is it that's all you got to get your own color like cameron yeah yeah so this is it so this will be the only suit available um it'll be fully lined with white and recession-proof blue on the inside so that's on it that's gonna be it all right so if y'all see me you know i'm doing orange suits i'm gonna try this podcast out okay i'm gonna get my suit live first all right all right so let's let's walk me back walk me back to um where do you grow up man stockton california stockton california tell me about your childhood thank you family mom and dad ah mom you know this mom mom typical um street baby that's crazy that that's typical right it was typical but it's not anymore see it kind of no like when i asked the question like uh like mom and dad you're like no mom like almost like a like it's natural yeah who is your father you're right listen that's so bad yo but the crazy thing is if if you like pull a bunch of people just in our environment it's like yo it was just my and i don't think maybe maybe it's not just a african-american thing maybe it's just a people thing i mean marriage just doesn't work out 50 of the time right i take it it's a community i think it's african-american thing i think it's african-american thing because in the 80s where a lot of us were born in our generation now is drugs hit so we dealt with cocaine we dealt with you know then we dealt with mass incarceration so that's where a lot of us don't have fathers it wasn't that a lot of our fathers weren't present they dealt with drug abuse then if they weren't using they were selling so a lot of our family and a lot of the men's got ripped out of our home so it's so easy for us to say now i was raised by my mother that's real but this generation of our children it isn't because now we're here yeah for sure i think it's like a cool thing to be a father we here i don't know i don't know one of my friends who's not a father when you look out i witnessed jeremy anderson you look at mr two weeks out yeah right you right fathers we're all in our children's life we raise our kids so when we look at our generation now it's cool to be that it's like you almost gonna get castrated you can't really come around if you really don't take care of your kids you got kids and you don't you got to create that culture bro like god create that call almost like entrepreneurship in our circle you feel me like you can't say we're all hanging out and it's just somebody complaining about the job or complaining about you'll look at him like who brought who brought him yeah like it's almost uncomfortable right or it's going to be uncomfortable for you to say oh y'all going i got to go to work i'm not going to be able to make it at that time or i got to imagine this yo dave yeah i'm not gonna be able to make the podcast i i don't got the pto right now it's almost like an uncomfortable thing to where it's like what are we really supposed to you don't got pto you gotta ask somebody to come outside yeah you gotta you gotta create that environment where it's uncomfortable man i remember being in that environment i think i was complaining one time around one of my um one of my my mentors and he said what are you what are you talking about well you got to go bro i'm like yo i'm i'm just i'm just like letting it out i'm just complaining about kind of the things that are going on and i'm thinking my mentor understand he's like yo what are you doing yeah we don't do that here and and when you make that cool that's different but back to where we was yeah yeah yeah so the childhood um you know i had one of the i'm one of the kids that i was the baby the most entitled and the problem child so you know i lived i always lived my life on my terms good or bad i i accepted it and i lived my life on my terms but i know as a child i experienced a lot of traumas so like my best friend at nine years old he was nine i was eight drowned so we literally out playing the community center what am i doing out at eight year eight year old kid right what are we doing out by ourselves at a community center that wasn't as bad with a creek right full levee yeah but we end up on the rocks he slips in drowns it was three of us yeah he slips in and drowns body disappears mud couldn't get out disappears wow somebody jumped in well what's going on were you like just in shock like this is what's happening right now i'm standing at the top of the hill right going down we ain't supposed to be down there i'm one of them ones that goes yeah i'm i'm a watch from here right right right and so but no and that's the that's the thing is that that's hard to witness as a that eight-year-old listen so you know that's something that i still see uh even with his burial even with his funeral you see these things and it's just as a kid growing up in these environments i remember um the first time i ever seen somebody physically die i was 11. they wrecked with a dui outside of a community party doing donuts car wreck remember the buggies had the motor in the back so they had the engine in the back well they couldn't get out the back seat the engine caught fire and you see a grown man jumping around screaming as the car is burning and you just see him just milk that's what i look at so i see things like when i when i grow up in my environment the environment sometimes that we grow up in are detrimental to our upbringing because a lot of us get stuck in that trauma right were you in like were you in like a rough part of town like the hood area or was it yeah yeah i grew up in one of only two projects in my city really yeah so i grew up in conway housing and so it's only conway and sierra vista's only housing world housing projects that we have and so i grew up in those what did you want to be as a kid [Music] clearly not an entrepreneur that teaches people how to turn the credit into cash right you know right but i knew like i'm one of the honest dudes with myself sports wasn't it for me so it wasn't my way out so i wasn't one of the dudes that was like yeah i'm gonna play football like no i'm not playing this then i play basketball and i was like yeah i'm not doing this either right i got to figure something out right but that was the part and that's when i started like i seen people play football and i seen how many people lost like that's a loss like you played for x amount of years and now they come home at 27 28 they didn't make it they went and tried to do arena football for years and they get spun in the laundry and now they like personal trainers no offense shout out to personal trainers right since i missed two weeks out yeah it's two weeks out right but you know and it's like you had goals to make millions yeah now it's kind of like a thing and i go now i'm not going that route um i started early on 16 me and my best friend we started like selling cars so we would go to the auction early right how old were you 16. so i got my license i got my license at 16. we would go to auctions right my older friend was 18. so we would go to the auction we take the 18 year old with us we drive to the auction and we go buy cars like 300 our goal is that yeah man we go get them we clean them up and we whatever we gotta fix we fix get it out so we will go buy a car for like 300 then we would go try to clean the interior up go to pick and pull if we need body parts which is like a auto dismantler right put new parts on there whatever we needed get some some mechanics out the neighborhood do this and we would sell the car for more so we're taking 300 cars 400 cars making eight or twelve hundred dollars so we're like okay this is life so you know 16 17 i got two three thousand dollars in my pocket like i'm bawling right right one of my friends was real good with money i'm the one who spends one of my friends was real good with money uh by the time he turned 21 he saved um 10 000 every year from 16. so he turned 21 at 50 grand wow he was good wow doing now um the roadblock right there's no shade is that my mom stopped me and she said look at your hands and she said i'm not raising you to be a poor hustler and i'm like i remember i was like 19 i still was playing i got my real estate life set 18 for some reason i went and got a card and she was just like but she i remember i never forget it she said i never raised you i'm not raising you to be a poor hustler so what you mean look at your hands that's what you want to look like so i go okay what do you say look at your hands what do you mean they were dirty switching car parts out i'm covered in oil so you know i'm filthy but it was fun i'm thinking you know i'm making my own money and she goes i'm not raising you to be a poor hustler um literally said that i cut it real estate lights at 18 i went another round i started wearing suits i understood then i got with a realtor a broker who wore suits and i got to see what a man black man looked like respectfully wow this is like your first example of of a man i'm a man so wow i've never know other men in your life throughout this process no uncles no i have uncles but you know they all love my community you know they all love my community let me ask you as a child you didn't at least recognize them as men because those are the only adult males that you saw like you didn't look at him like oh that's a man right there but when you when you see this this success was he black yeah he was black seen a successful suited black man you like yo that's a real man i seen it the difference was this is that i seen somebody who can go in the room and be respected people from our community for some reason my uncles and the people that was before me were fearful couldn't speak to other races they couldn't go comfortably in the banks and speak as comfortably and confident as they did when we was at home kicking the breeze talking about each other when we go out in public i seen a different demise of men it wasn't the same person yeah and i and that always stood out to me and i remember one of my uncles was like you know just don't you know i get uncomfortable talking to white people hey so when i see this guy owns businesses owns homes and we go into banks and they stand up and salute him when he walk in i go man this is two blocks from where i grew up and i didn't even know this was possible so yeah i think it's important that it's very very important especially for people that's watching now or especially for a single mother raising men that it's very important to put them around and do whatever you have to do to at least let them see that as early as possible yes you feel me yes that changed my life you asked me what is my other friend doing now yeah because grass and halls jump because you didn't get the advice from your mom i don't want you to be a poor hustler a poor hustler does he own is he poor no owns properties still owns houses outright right but on a daily basis so you can get stuck in the process of i go work make money work make money work make money but it just so happened as an earlier age you got exposed to how can i work without getting my hands dirty that's different boom that's that's and it was just to use my mind to put me in a different a different ballpark so putting me in real estate is what led me into credit that's in it and i look back and i go literally when i started my credit repair business i literally went and got the documents out of my file cabinet that i did at his business that put me in this position yeah and that's where i go when i look at today when i look back i go your mindset is everything and sometimes it's the environments that you get in and the people that have an effect on you that you don't really realize i can make this judgment now looking back i didn't see that then yeah i see it now when i go and i go cool i like to wear suits but now i learn and i go i can still be myself i can still go on the weekends and get dressed and and go hang out with my friends in regular clothes and wear jewelry i can i could wear a t-shirt now and wear what i wanted to wear and still be me i'm sitting here in a suit you sitting here jeans sneakers baseball cap and a t-shirt we're both successful fathers and entrepreneurs and leaders in our community i can people watching this kids that's watching this mothers that's watching this your children need to see this that we can both we can sometimes we wear this and learn what it feels like you pull it off better than anybody else i believe man because like let's just say so i wear this on a regular basis when i wear a suit people are like oh okay i see you got the suit all today you fly right yeah when people see you whether you're in like dressed down or a suit people like oh it's in 500. yeah right so even let's say it's just my boy uh mr two weeks out he's normally dressed down if you see him in a suit it's like oh okay i can't you do it yeah right so yeah you i think you pull it off the best because there's some people that wear suits all the time and when they dress down they're like yeah yeah who's this guy right right yeah yeah now that's awesome so but for the person that you are today in terms of you know having these like just just huge muscles and success in business this wasn't your first venture i mean so we're uh we're buying cars fixing them up getting the real estate how long was the real estate journey i got in real estate graduated 2006. high school yeah you familiar with real estate yeah i had my license so far okay so you understand what happened it was excellent when i got in for sure oh i was speaking at churches yeah i was speaking at churches they like yo this kid's amazing he's 18 you got a real estate license i say yo by the time i'm 30 i'll be retired i'm out of here what 14 000 check twelve thousand dollar check i had a 2006 dodge charger in 2006. i went and got to escalate yeah oh life is great 12 months later oh one day you wake up the world is different people are coming in right my mom tell the truth right people are coming in now and my broker goes we're gonna have to do loan modifications right he starts crushing it with the loan mods now he's crushing it too but i'm getting chewed out because i'm seeing people lose their homes that i just sold homes it's like mortgage was this it's now this what do we do oh loan modification meaning you sell me a home and then your company changes my loan no they were doing like basically taking it to banks to rearrange people's loans to do like kind of refi and depending on what part you were at to get you out of that adjustable rate right getting people out of it but you charging people to get them out of the bad loan you put them in hmm yikes i moved to atlanta why'd you miss elena i wasn't making no money right it was over it was and did you see atlanta has the opportunity to sell more real estate or is just a different opportunity it was a different opportunity i met some people that was doing network marketing your travel business ytb that was my first ever did you get a bag on ytp absolutely not really absolutely you know you remember uh spencer iverson i think spencer was killing it i was under a guy named keith out of macon um no i didn't um but i got i got inspired right right i remember going to st louis and i seen these regular people who weren't celebrities standing on the stage that packed out the whole st louis arena and i told my mom i'm gonna do that i'm gonna be able to pack her arena out to respect me when i come out and do something so that's been my goal i go i remember seeing that i didn't know that as i fast forward now and i go only way you'll be able to do that is if you can positively impact people's lives so you have to get into a position to where you can impact as many people as possible so when i look at it now and i look at my business model my whole goal is if you want to be successful you'll only be as successful as the amount of people you help become successful i have to make massive impact positively on people's lives the more amount of people i can positively affect the more successful i'll be and the closer to going look at i can now put and go look at how many people i've been able to positively impact for sure for sure that's now my goal and it's been my goal for the last few years is how do i grow my impact i started out with financial literacy and credit coaching and things like that because i wanted to help people i've helped fathers get funded to get their daughter's heart surgery that kind of impact people who um kids are getting ticking and putting into child protective services and we're helping them purchase homes or helping them get into adequate living situations not understanding that they can finance furniture to have at home properly furnishing having everything there that kind of impact then i go i can only do so much this is getting beyond me i have more clients than i can have staff right okay so we we we we fast forward so you're a ytp not making no money how do you get into helping people with their credit i started working i went through transitions different come different businesses atlanta i got introduced to atlanta you know anybody introduced to atlanta you get introduced to get outside and go so i got outside and i went i'm on craigslist i'm doing cell phone repair i go into you got in the cell phone repair after the ytb yes yeah yeah fiasco with that right so i remember even with ytv i was like marietta uh mall i mean the flea market in marietta i went in there and bought air force ones by the caseload from china and i would drive around and deliver those in that game you know that so i did that ended up into the cell phones i started figuring that out i go through the cell phone um spend for about a year and a half two years that did really well when ebay was going on buying screens from china fixing them right ended up opening the boost mobile that crashed on us i lost everything i literally was i moved in with my sister i lost everything not only did i lose my business i had a relationship break bomb every time why did the boost mobile business crash you think not being prepared not having a financial background not understanding financial literacy right so in a several things mindset right then i take a step back is that remember i said in high school i sold cars well it was three of us that hung together one that still is there the other one came to atlanta we lived here together i never told this story um he committed suicide so i'm living here do you know what happened money you understand that we come out of poverty-stricken uh environments right so we start making money through the store no we're making money cars gotcha he owned the landscaping company right so his landscaping company was doing about 10 000 a month we moved here he thought he could just come and operate it here california if you buy a car you keep the license plate till the tags expire in georgia they take the license plate we didn't know he literally spends 15 16 grand on a van already pre-built out he doesn't have license can't get license so he buys the van it got the tag on he thought it was good for almost a year so he buys the van two days later he gets pulled over in georgia they take you to jail he went to jail had to bail him out 16 grand gone out of there nothing to do oh cause he can't get the car out of impound if you don't have a if y'all have insurance you can't get insurance without a license go on running to um going through that trying to figure it out but as men pry ego young boys doesn't say i'm struggling never says i can't pay rent decides to just up and leave the day before rent is due disappear going back and about i want to say a month and a half we communicate a little bit but kind of find out he was like sleeping on the martyr and at the airport wow not wanting to say what was going on he didn't even go back home to california he just no i thought he left i didn't know he was here lindbergh um he committed suicide laid on the train tracks at lindbergh committed suicide early morning cold december december 15th so how does all that affect you man because you like these are people that you see point blank cause i've had people pass away but not in front of me yeah i've never seen someone die like my dad passed away but it wasn't in front of me or like i don't have any situations where my my cousin he he he died he got shot but it wasn't in front of me like you're see you're seeing this stuff like in really really close proximity to you so close friends like seeing it unfold that was the most traumatic time because at that point what happens is is that i go into a depression mode because this is all i got so it's like yo this is my iron sharpened iron he thinks 10 steps ahead of me before i can bust my move he's calling out my next place this my guy so at that point i'm like yo i'm by myself coming back um from the funeral go back i come back home and i just remember looking out the window literally listening to nipsy hustle and go and just get it by any means necessary put it on the line that's what i did i just put it on the line but i look at it and i go i lost my best friend because of a nobody taught us money we learned how to make money but nobody taught us what to do we had nobody to look to and go what do we do with our money we got 10 15 000 sitting and eventually we just blow it off and spend it off and take l's and nobody's teaching us so that's why financial literacy is so important to me as well is that i go i fail at another business and i go i have to learn money get into to not go my whole thing is that when i fell on those times i went when the boost mobile he passed boost mobile store crash i mean boost most or launch i'm going through depression lose relationship lose the boost mobile store following hard times i wouldn't start working at a warehouse wow yeah right you go from all that to working out of where that's humbling i go from yo there's nothing work there's it's bad to be down but nothing worse than to go up and then come down yo that's tough i go from living in a condo in alpharetta driving a g-class benz truck amg to a 1996 mercury cougar working at a warehouse living in my sister's house with five kids at the time she had five kids in the three bedroom i i made it uncomfortable yeah i made the living uncomfortable yeah i didn't even have a bedroom set i had a air bed the mercury cougar jordan opened from the inside i had to open it from the outside listen to me that's when i said and i knew it looking back yo you've been to get the bar i've never i was going through depression and didn't know it you know how i found out i'm working at a warehouse and i go why am i here once again i'm poor hustling yeah i wanted to they were going to fire me i needed to make it to christmas because we get christmas bonus it's like a 2 000 check right i said how do i do it thinking i go and i call i know the next day they're gonna fire me so i call psychiatric uh hospitals to have insurance and say i'm thinking about hurting somebody they go are you thinking about hurting yourself i go no i'm thinking about hurting my manager so they go okay let's come in for a psych evaluation i go what happened i go yo this i'm just randomly crying having outbreaks real emotional and it's just like i don't know why it's always him as a person like when i'm dreaming it's him that i'm seeing on myself punching and like physically attacking i don't know what it is it was like what kind of hours you're working i'm working 60 hours a week boom boom boom she take me off work that day they were gonna fire me that night but i've talked myself so much into this story to get out of work they made me go to [Laughter] counseling so that's funny in counseling i find my depression wow of what i was going through where i was at my state what i didn't deal with what did you find out about yourself through counseling through the traumas that i was living through i've never dealt with them i was uncomfortable even talking about my best friend like i made it to where it didn't exist so they taught me and i remember she was like giving me different exercises and she had to make me comfortable even speaking and acknowledging what happened things that happened it's okay it's part of life that i had to cope with that with the fact that that relationship i had is gone yeah so after that she had to deal with it head on boom so then i realized it took me a little while i went back and um when i went back to that job i kicked in and said why are you even here i got the bonus got the christmas i came back a week before i got the bonus right listen they were upset right shout out to abw out there in kennesaw yeah i got to check right um i went and i said well am i even here i wouldn't apply for wells fargo i became a personal banker guys from warehouse personal banker got back in my suit got it right right back to the old jew so i got back in my suit yeah so uh i got back in the suit um that's when i started learning banking products i started learning that people couldn't get approved for business loans they couldn't get approved for loans at all like the the ratio for people who get loans i was giving loans to people who i would look and they would have like a two million dollar mortgage what yeah they would have a two million dollar mortgage they can come and get a loan oh you gotta oh you got two hundred thousand yeah nah you can't get nothing hold on a two million dollar mortgage yeah no listen i was working in roswell wells fargo right people will come in they have two million dollar mortgages they will be able to come in and go looking for a personal loan they can come and get them a hundred two hundred thousand but i'm looking at the relationship with wells fargo i go you got a baseball team over here you got this you got all this portfolio is crazy they'll give you the money in my head what do you need how why do you need a hundred thousand dollars if you have mortgages two million and you got a baseball team like no listen you know like that his house is worth two million so they took two million out mortgage to home but then you know the charity oh you're saying now he pays 2 million a month no i'm thinking no no i thought i might get away man this reaction is crazy i'm like wait two million on a mortgage you know people get two million dollar homes all the time so in my head i'm like yo who are these humans no no no no no no so yeah two million dollar mortgage gotcha gotcha and so his home is worth two million that's what he took the mortgage for but i'm looking and i go they can get what they want but we can't right there's a disconnect here and so i started um helping people with their credit so i would outside of work i would do my thing and they still couldn't get the law oh so you were helping them with their credit yeah got it they still couldn't get the lie so you're not a scammer you're gonna be called a scammer right right listen i don't know that word existed back then yo listen it's like so big now it's crazy but i said i can get your credit card and it will go through my problem was these loans looked so good at 2.6 percent and 3.1 and these credit cards look so bad at 17 21 they're going to give you this because of what they're going to charge you and make off of you i get it you haven't you're not established enough for me to trust you on this scale i get it but how do we win and get to the next level if you take 20 percent of my of my of what i make right so that's when i said it became a conflict of the church and government i had to leave because i'm coming for y'all now now i'm not working for the bank for this check i make 32 000 a year this is not gonna cut anyways i don't care so i'm like no i'm i can make i started making more money with credit repair than i did here i'm out of here but i just was afraid to go back into business being out of it working in the warehouse doing that that running that fiasco now i'm working at a wells fargo that got me into this mindset and i'm going i would never buy a home though because i didn't want to be tied to the job but then i was scared to kind of get back out there in the business and i go and i started learning credit so after credit repair took off and then i said okay let me master my credit so i can secure myself for when i go into business when things get hard i now have foundation or something to fall back on yeah only mind that was my only goal so i started learning how to get credit my goal is that i'm never i don't like paying people to do things for me so i would go to people's seminars and i would say how do you get funding i would ask a question like there would they would break it down we can get you funded for this amount and i would say well what cars what banks do you apply for and what order oh you asking too many questions and i go okay either you don't have it the answer or that's what you make the money off of so that's what i went and figured out i went and figured out how to fund myself that's why i created the how to get 15 credit cards with only three or four with four to five inquiries i figured it out myself y'all won't tell me i figure it out myself come to find out most people who offer funding go through a second party somebody else does the funding they just stand there and talk i do it myself i get on the computer and do my applications i break my sequence down and make it make sense i know how to do it so you break your sequence down and make it make sense what do you mean so most people don't know that certain banks do inquiries they do their verifying upfront so if you take a barclays if you ever have a barclays credit card it takes you a few days to get your approval why underwriting's looking at it making it make sense if you go with chase chase or b of a let's i mean not be of a but let's use amex amex will hit you with a financial review randomly a year later why they're gonna come back and go send us your tax returns to make sure what you put on this application matches now we're going to do a soft tool verify your report but we gave you the approval instantly chase is the same way chase will come back and do a soft pull so word to the wise anybody that's listening chase does soft pulls if you have a chase credit card and your utility utilization rate shoots up on your other credit cards don't use chase because your score drops in your report drops if your report drops leave chase credit card alone if you start using it abruptly they go to a soft pool and see where your report is at i had a student who had a 36 thousand dollar chase card her utilization shot her score dropped some and chase dropped her from 36 000 to 4 000. she ran an amazon business she was doing her fulfillment with this credit card life stops now yeah oh this is what you was making money oh no life over because you weren't aware of the rules and i'd say you have to know which credit cards to use and when know if your credit drops leave certain cards alone because then they'll come and revoke the limit and that's when i say okay i built out who's gonna give me what they're gonna verify on the backside so i know okay we can get these cards what we can do with them how we can utilize them to our advantage i know we're going to use these ones because they're going to verify up front but they're never cut they're not coming back doing soft pulls later we made it we made it right we got it okay cool we out of here these are the things that i educate people on because we have to know how to use these credit cards yeah how to play the game because they told us you know what they told us credit cards are only for what to buy i mean credit is to buy a house get a car and you get a credit card and you only put gas on it right you only put gas on 30 utilization didn't even apply growing up it was just put gas on it pay it off keep it for security purposes only emergencies only that's out of the window now yeah we live off of this i make doctor money off having good credit um that's very interesting that's why i didn't get into another business it became my business right i started learning credit and i go everybody's scared of it why people started talking and teaching but they still teach out of fear i see other leaders who talk about credit still teach out of fear of what not to do and how to how to kind of and it's like yo why do we have this fear mindset of something we all are are granted access to everybody born is granted access to credit why am i why would i be scared of it yeah let me why explain the difference between what you teach your what what do you teach your students about debt and the second part is do you float a lot of debt yourself so debt that's well i guess you're at a point where you're making more money but no debt that's that's the issue of why we leverage credit right if i can leverage credit to eliminate my debt we won't have any see if i can make money off of credit cards when do i go into debt make money off of credit cards remember i told you you can sell trade lines okay if if you got a credit card in your pocket and it makes you 6 500 every 60 days when do you go into debt because that's realistically what people make 3 500 a month yeah it's legal you have to know this is the point right where i tell people is that certain banks they will tell you frown up on it they do you have to know which institutions allow you to operate that's the fear part people people don't investigate they go oh yeah you can google it people google it or trade lines illegal no you're going to get somebody say they're frowned upon or certain banks prohibit the sale of this they do you have to know and research the banks that are out here people think that oh yeah what banks are doing this and they go and they look at american express american express doesn't report history people don't know the rules of the credit cards president report history no so if i added you to my american express credit card you won't get the history of it but they'll give me 99 authorized users they won't report the business sort of part because i i got some people on my personal and it raised their score like my family my mom yeah like that it helped their score because it added a positive account it helped with their utilization it helped with yeah and it helped with the limit what you put them on so if especially if they don't have credit cards it definitely shoots them up gotcha but it doesn't give them how long you had it if you look at it the start date was the date you added it yeah other credit cards they'll give you the history oh i get it so they won't assume my history they'll be able to get the car and start building their own history yes but they won't get mine got it got oh okay okay okay you got me that makes sense that makes sense wow that's deep that's deep that's that's how can i do it okay you know some people need some trade lines cause i got some clear cards they're gonna contact you i'm gonna tell you but why not like because somebody somebody's like you shouldn't do that because uh of the person obviously they don't get a card you don't give them a card but no is there any reason fear somebody put fear into you they said yo they said you can't do it or don't do it because it is right and the only thing you can think of what if somebody gets access to my credit cards right i'm a statistic what does somebody get access to my credit cards you think about this right is that how many safety alerts do you have for your credit card i got a feel yeah okay do you have your push notifications on yeah see listen i tell people this is that one all my credit card alerts and my credit cards go to an email specifically for my credit cards it's the only push notification that's going to pop up is credit card alerts transactions things that happen it's the only thing that's going to pop on my screen for my emails most people don't think to monitor but people don't get access to it then reverse engineer hey dave you give me 650 i'mma add you to my credit card to help you build your credit hey dave tried to access my credit card and just gave me 650 for trying to access it because now i blocked him and took him off and now he has no purpose what's dave dave how much money would they have to spend to try to go out and capitalize off of somebody else versus understanding that i can get my own credit card and capitalize on myself i've been in this business over three years i've never had anybody compromise a credit card all right y'all y'all see what it is okay i got you okay flush i got it that's so dope man so one i want to say thank you for um for educating our community because when i see the boxes it's not just all black but yeah it'd be a lot of us you know what i mean like so that that's very very important give me a testimonial give me two testimonials from your students from my students um i got first of all how many students you got right now we're pushing a little over 500 into mentorship um and about a thousand in my financial literacy courses that's dope and and oh yeah so i'm gonna talk about the morning meet up can we talk okay we can't we definitely can't so yeah so we got the uh i have a morning meet up where i'm literally on a call every single morning teaching entrepreneurship it's really a strong community we're hovering around 90 something people every single morning from all all across the country people want to start their business um they need a community of people like it's a whole built-in audience and we talk literally every morning we like a family and uh marcus called me he's like yo i want to add yo and this wasn't even he didn't call me like yo dave i need an affiliate link like yo i wanna i wanna sell your course he was like yo how much would it be for me to just add my students to your morning meetup and um i just thought i thought i was big i told my wife like yo this is a real stand-up guy i just want to add value to my community yeah they don't got to pay no extra money he said he said i'm paying for my students which i thought was really really dope man i appreciate it so and the reason being is that is that mindset is everything i to operate boldly to be out here and it takes daily reassurance i realize me as one person i see how much we interact in the facebook group how much we interact in our instagram groups um and it's just that daily interacting so when i see what you do with sleepless nights i go it's amazing to have somebody that's willing to wake up every morning and give an hour of time that reassurance to get your day started get that day started keep it on your mind and it keeps us motivated to go out and execute right go out and kill something if you want to be successful i'ma tell you now you got to kill something every day and as brutal as it sounds you have to do it every day you don't get days off yeah i don't care what day it is i don't care if it's a holiday i don't care you have to execute and win that day and i delivered a message and i went live and i talked about that and they went crazy and i go listen you gotta kill something every day and i go man my man david shan's kills something every day every day he wakes up and kills a call for his people to motivate them to go out and kill some every day i want to add i don't want to do that for my community i want to add somebody who already does it naturally so that way that gets added to my community something that's already in you that goes out and kills you already do it i don't want to duplicate what somebody else does no let's add and bring it together collaboration over competition let's strengthen our communities and bring everybody together into one that's so dope that's what we all build i definitely appreciate um just being able to say like i'm in business because then you can let me drop your rose one day just throw that in there i saw um rick ross supposed to do on his uh on his page okay what was that about y'all ain't letting us behind the scenes but i'm like i'm like rosie and it wasn't like it wasn't like marcus was in it like y'all here with rick ross rick ross like posted like yeah we out here getting to it i'm like what's going on over there he said stay tuned right so now the goal is this is that and this is this goes for anybody's that my whole positioning is remember i told you impact how can i be as impactful as possible somebody asked me well why what's next if you're going to stop mentoring people what's next i said listen the reason why i will stop mentoring people and the level of me personally is because i can only reach so many people now see when i did my service and i did a done-for-you service i could only affect so many people to where it got bigger than me i had to start teaching people to do it themselves now i'm at a point where i'm teaching people how to help other people do it and help other people now i have to get to a bigger point to where i start to impact on a global on a more so national scale of impact from a-list celebrities of how does the wealthy stay wealthy how does a rick ross continue to be a rick ross when he doesn't sell as many albums as other rappers why are you living better and more wealthier than other rappers why is it that you got 50 plus wing stops see how is it that you have all these different alcohol brands and you so collaborate how did you build this wealth how do you got the biggest swimming pool in the world yeah i mean in the united states the biggest home pool in the united states how why do you got it right right that's my point so i say listen as an educator we're the only people who don't get embraced by mainstream media like the other leaders of our community we only got athletes entertainers now we have educators we have if not more impact than our entertainers yes the kids go crazy about the rap music but it's more people who spent money with the educators in our community than they spent with the rappers yeah for sure so i don't know anybody who's bought a rap album but i guarantee i know somebody who's bought a course yeah whether it's me whether it's alex whether it's uh wall street trapper whether it's chase whoever it is they've bought a course yeah i noticed he mentioned everybody that's been on the podcast it's a circle here okay and i got it by interviewing everybody okay so that's my little start podcast okay i'm sorry but that's the the the point is that we're not embraced by any a-list celebrity back yeah i'm an educator i had i made a million dollars in a month how do i embrace other people to make a million dollars and i know other educators that's made a million dollars in a month i know somebody's been on your podcast show they made a million dollars in a month multiple women made million dollars in a month we're getting to a point to where we need more embrace because we need to show people that this is what they can do by causing and having impact by knowing something by executing and growing businesses i have people who make 200 000 a month and come to me and they run cleaning service industrial cleaning service don't do anything under 16 stories black men skyscrapers only another man another one of my guys um in healthcare run healthcare businesses putting nurses in schools he puts the nurses in schools and has contracts for all of forsyth county wow he puts all of the nurses in the school he gets paid off every single nurse through forsyth county wow so you but why aren't we getting embraced by the a-list celebrities telling our people what we can do that's the disconnect and i say yo i who's better connected than ross that's respected now feet on the ground hands on the ground accessible hov is the almighty hole not accessible all right you're not getting you're not going and saying yeah let me sit down with hover and have a meeting all right right uh a just hundred people in his in his pool no that's correct right so who's accessible and i look at ross and i look at what he did with wing stop look at what he what he's been able to create with mmg with meek mill with everybody that's came out to be their own boss producing bosses is his mindset and i go what better and to connect with somebody who's gonna who embraces the boss culture of be your own boss right right how did you connect with him so what i did was i got on instagram right don't ask me what made me do i don't know i found a good video of mine talking my talk i was talking about trust and i said i'm gonna give a mentorship spot away and i'm gonna take you on a private jet with me to our next meetup if you tag rich forever as many times as possible jeez listen i had 6400 comments i had to stop it i got the meeting within 48 hours wow 24 hours his team contacted me i met with one of his team members sat down and same thing you said they had to make sure it wasn't a scam i said listen i don't do anything for nobody i teach people how to fish i'm not fishing for you i'm teaching you how to fish your business is up to you what you can do and execute i just teach you how to fish sit i'm i'm it's not done for you services i'm not doing anything for you not promise you any anything you're going to come and learn how to work i'm going to give you my blueprints on how i make money and how i work right i mean i broke some of them down to them he said okay he left he called me at i was on my zoom call teaching he said yo rose said tomorrow morning 9 30. come to the crib come to the crib was you nervous extreme right i feel like a kid but you it's rose right it's ross right like and mama i oh six ross port of miami came out you gotta understand this is like my whole adult life ross been that dude so we i'm going and homie come in the room right so they open they listen they open the door for them and it's like everybody back up at his crib yes listen they pulled i'm sitting in the room and they pulled the doors open for him his tray set out his his his amenities is set there all his brands is laid out they pull the door open for me he's walking with himself homie right and and we start talking and as i'm talking he's looking down and he started talking to me like he was rapping what you mean he like yo he like he was like yeah he was like see if rose get on it you understand what's gonna happen like you understand what's coming with that he was like is this wrong that's all all your songs start playing yo listen right over here yo he sit here the way he hit it like man it's frozen like then he get it he get to go laughing if we talk we had a 30 minute meet and we lasted an hour and a half so now he's slapping the table he's talking to me breaking stuff down and i'm listening to him and i'm going my man whole persona of everything that i hear on these raps he's doing it now them huh like he's doing it like i'm like yo this is crazy i'm sitting here with like my with one of my idols like and i had this meeting and go back and forth it was just dope like that's a song it was legendary and i i know that's just the start and i i know i know you got a busy day man so um i don't want to keep you too long but um one thank you again like i mean i've learned so much and you just got me like really thinking of a of other ways i can be smart about money you know i mean like at least sparking the conversation of like who thinks to get a 200 car note wrap that joint and make 600 a month like the principle is you get a liability turn it into an asset and have it making you money right people just don't think like that you feel me so i'm thinking like okay where am i slipping like so thank you that's why we're not session proof absolutely i like to uh make predictions on the podcast man so um i want to know where you see yourself in the next five to ten years so that we can look back at this five years from today and i can say i have the footage of where marcus said he was going to do this five years ago and look at him five to ten i'm gonna develop a financial literacy app that's going to be mandatory to put on every cell phone on every apple either iphone or google android i'm gonna make a financial literacy app that's gonna be mandatory like they put stocks on every cell phone i'm gonna make the financial literacy credit monitoring app that will be on every phone man this ain't the first time you thought about that huh gotta just float out like you've been doing this for a minute that's what i'm on so five years from now um i'll have one of the leading softwares when it comes to financial literacy and credit education i love it do you specifically target black people no you know it's just that's just people who relate to me the most right now gotcha gotcha they like that sweat yeah okay got you well well i i want to say uh thank you man and please let the people know how they can get in touch with you at him 500 on instagram so follow me on instagram at him 500 that's the easiest way to contact me stay in touch i shoot dms back you get voice memos you might get a video um just real connected with everybody dm's is always close to empty to where they i keep mope so you applied all your idioms for the most part yes i bro i i was i did it for a while and then i just got i got so backed up and now i can't catch up so i'm i'm you know what i'm just gonna sit down this week and i'm gonna go through all it's probably like a thousand just delete all of those and start fresh and then stay on top of it and who would have thought of that that's great like you you know this has been something that's been bothering me for like three months now yeah delete them start over thank you yeah cause they're gonna check they've been unread for two weeks the message doesn't even matter anymore delete the story story replies and it's you'll get a whole bunch of likes and delete it restart over that is so amazing first okay thank you all right appreciate it all right cool i want you to leave us with um something that the people can uh take with them and hold on to for the rest of this year for the rest of next year um just leave us with a closing note with a closing note i got it before you get there before you get there give me a formula i like your formulas you have like the way you teach okay give me a formula and then we'll close formula um i'm gonna give you guys the formula on something that everybody needs and that's how to clean your credit uh that's one of the things i don't believe in charging for myself i believe in if i get on the platform the relationships i've been able to build with people like you that i should be able to give our community that for free so i tell people this is that the reason why you can't get a lot of the negative items removed from your credit report is because there's a company called sage stream there's a company called lexisnexis there's a company called corelogix there's a company called ars and there's a company called innovus those are secondary data furnishing companies those companies house information that verifies the negative information on your credit report that helps match the collection agencies information your foreclosures your repossessions they match those that information with your secondary data furnishing companies if you opt out and suppress these five furnishing companies it will enhance your deletions by 60 when you do a dispute method you have to understand as well is that only way you can remove a negative item if it's inaccurate or if it's unverifiable we cause inaccuracies by removing these i mean unverifiable by removing the secondary data furnitures that causes it to be unverifiable because this is where they verify your data so we opt out of those then we make things unverifiable meaning look at the names and addresses any misspelled names any wrong addresses on your credit report are most likely tied to negative accounts or accounts on your credit report remove them you should only have one you can do that over the phone you never send a dispute letter to remove addresses and misspell names you do it over the phone now you've caused inaccuracies and you help make things inaccurate and help cause the negative items to be unverifiable just by opting out and suppressing those so now when you do a dispute i tell people use a 609 letter find a template make it sound like it's personal don't just use it cut and paste take some of the words out make it sound personal make it sound like it's coming from first person you're talking to the credit bureau then what do you do you send your disputes in that's one way to get negative items removed biggest bars most people don't know there's a company called consumer financial protection bureau that's the government regulation site that governs the credit bureaus the credit bureaus are private companies so trans union experience equifax are privately owned well cfpb controls them well if you don't want to have if you go through and you suppress the secondary agencies and you make things unverifiable and accurate and it still gets it comes back and the company says oh that's true it did belong to you what i tell people to do is this you can play a game against the creditors the the credit bureaus you can play a game against them is that they have a computer system that scans and reads the letters if they have 30 days to complete their investigation imma send my letter and backdated two weeks so i take a letter and i go okay today is the 14th i'm gonna put the first on my letter send it in back dated two weeks two weeks later i'm gonna send a 30 day demand to comply meaning it's only been two weeks do you have my investigations or not if you don't have my investigations you have to remove the negative item oh you don't have it cool i'm not gonna wait for you to respond and delete it i'm gonna go tell the government the governing company cfpb you're not following their rules i don't even care if they verified or is accurate or not you're wrong trans union experience equifax because you have laws to follow and if you don't abide by these laws you're going to get fined hey msd so now i'm going to take my letters and i send it to and i say hey i sent my letters in they have yet to provide me with my investigation results what happens is that their computer system contacts their computer system and it says no results yet removes the negative items off their credit report that's how you remove negative items off your credit report dang all right so i'm glad i got this okay because this this these are one of those podcasts where you take a section you just like you you have one computer and you got your phone watch the interview and you play then pause then you do it then come back and play and plot this one you're gonna have to watch over and over again man that's amazing so you're brilliant what they have to do if they pay attention you know what i just told them you made me give up how to make money off your credit report while building it with the smart car that's a fact i told them voluntarily how to clean their credit report so you clean the negative items you build it with the smart car you go out and get credit card sale trade lines to make money off your credit we just made them recession proof on this real social proof platform with the bar to bring it full circle i love it i love it thank you thank you yo this this has really been i will say one of the most educational podcasts i've ever done this is this is really impacting me like just while you're talking it just got my brain working and one thing it showed me is that i need to be more knowledgeable in what i do like you you are extremely knowledgeable in what you do in your game what i'm saying so that's just amazing so just leave us with some uh closing words man i appreciate it dang it always think outside the box challenge what anybody tells you right you always think for yourself it's your mindset over anything uh it's mindset mindset is the key to success and it's not control your mindset how do you control your mindset a lot of times you control your mindset you you get further with actions actions will predict what you know versus what you think you read a million books or take a million shots guess which one is going to be more effective you can read a hundred books but take a thousand shots always do more action than you do in taking somebody else's action always take action over information see somebody can teach you what they've done i know a lot of people read a lot of books you can read a lot of books but if you don't go out and take the action you'll never see success you're reading somebody else's success who took the shot and because they made it they're telling you what they did that's the difference don't get caught up in the in in the learning side versus the taking action and getting the experience i go out and i try things these businesses people told me not to do when i started i lost 90 000 in credit cards because i used the wrong banks i used the wrong credit cards i didn't know what i'd do the wrong formula i didn't tell the bank what i was doing i lost but only reason i learned it's because i lost i didn't take nobody else's word because i wouldn't never did it that's anything i can tell you is you're gonna learn more from actions and your losses than you can anywhere else if not learn from ope other people's experiences but learn from people who are alive who can tell you their experience in person ope other people's experiences because other people's money is great but other people's experiences are even better when they can tell you how to curve and don't take their losses for sure all right listen if that if that if that's not a a whole reason to just follow him 500 and do me a favor i want you to uh not only follow marcus but uh send him a dm tell him that this podcast helps you tell him what you learned tell him thank you tell him that you're going to join his program like just like just just give your appreciation because i'm giving mine right now okay so make sure you follow my boy him 500. mark i appreciate you my brother i appreciate you both peace go kill it
Channel: Social Proof
Views: 635,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1vRZEt74Hic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 24sec (5424 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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