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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/prtj1617 📅︎︎ Jul 11 2022 🗫︎ replies
my graduates from my school being forbes back drop back drop my drop back drop all right guys welcome back eyl this is a highly anticipated it's long overdue long overdue but everything happens at the right time you know this is one of these situations where um it's it's it's the momentum has built um pretty substantially over the last year and um him 500 has really grown an online community and um he's done it diligently and he's done it in real life we actually got a chance to see a lot of uh his work we went to see his conference and i was very impressed with what he's put together so we've talked about credit before um shout out to everybody that's been on our platform ewy university and uil has talked about credit and the credit dude yep and uh but for the most part the credit that we've talked about is like on the along the lines of like how to repair your credit or how to establish you know basic level establishment which is important we need that levels of understanding but um you know it's like there's different sectors of credit and just different sectors of financial literacy so him 500 um he focuses on a variety of different things but i guess what he's been known for the most is how to turn credit into cash and it's a lot of cool stuff as far as like working with credit and understanding how to utilize cards understanding how to utilize cars understanding all kinds of we know we don't seen it all in real life all kinds of stuff and yeah it happens in real life like i said you know we um shout out to the whole crew in atlanta i don't wanna to get anybody but uh you know yeah yo alex him 500 gooch uh matty j justin of entrepreneurs out there that's doing that thing they're young they're black they're all networking with each other and him 500 uh is the he's one of the the members of the crew and um everything that he he raps about he talks about he lives in real life they said he's a positive peer pressure guy yo you got that car yeah you need to get this car yeah that's him it's like these rappers like some rappers actually live it some rappers are just rapping about it but everything he talks about he actually lives and we saw it firsthand so this is an exciting conversation i'm excited to have it we're going to talk about a wide variety of hacks financial literacy credit stuff that you can't google this information you can't google that's right yeah you got this is in the safe you gotta you can't crack the safe on this i like that so marcus barney aka him 500 um welcome to ewl thank you for joining us and i appreciate you guys having me i appreciate it i'm excited yeah man yeah yeah so let's jump right into it so you you you have a whole community and you teach thousands of people but it didn't always start like that right so from my understanding uh you started as a manager in a cell phone store yeah so i um getting started one of the things that i noticed was i mean early on when i started was that was actually doing sale for repair but i started with real estate at 18 in california but that was 2006 market crash 2007 2008 i moved to atlanta so when i moved to atlanta uh i found myself doing cell phone repairing cell phones like doing running around the city fixing everybody's cell phones and ended up landing me in a cell phone repair shop partnering with the owner and i partnered with the owner and then i started to um run the cell phone shop for him on a cell phone repair side okay so how'd that morph into because i know there was some trials and tribulations upside down yeah how did that turn into what you're doing now honestly uh that's one of the things that i don't even think uh a lot of people don't know um share a little bit of insight is that i ran into a time at that age between the age of 18 and 25 i always tell people it's like the most trying time for a young man and i let money get ahead of me right i started making i probably was making seven to ten thousand dollars a month at the time um had maybe thirty forty thousand dollars in savings and so as it started to grow i started to become a addicted to money you know and as as money starts to play a part it plays a greed comes into play and what happened was is that the owner sprint came and told us basically if you don't have three locations you have to shut your repair center down well the repair center was making us about 20 plus thousand a month um with me running it i was bringing i was taking fifty percent he was taking fifty percent he put it in he was like yo well listen um give me some time i'm gonna figure something out but at this time um everybody was like buying iphones you know on the black market to resale to send overseas and this is when sprint first started doing it so people will come in and people will try to buy iphones from us for like three four hundred bucks over regular price but we got paid off the contract well he was like yo if i um i may have a account that i can order like a few hundred iphones you think that the people will buy them like i'm sure they're buying guarantee it's like the first iphone this is the it was multiple but it was when they first came to sprint okay so i'm like yeah for sure they're buying um i put the phone call in he brought in the account ordered 100 100 iphones uh 150 iphones they was worth a hundred thousand dollars well we sold them split it and 22 years old i don't know the backing yet i don't really know business he said insurance are covered my i'm like yeah well he found out the roof the rough and the rugged truth insurance only covered six thousand dollars since insurance covers six thousand dollars you owe ninety four thousand on a hundred thousand dollars worth of iphones they already then came out and looked into it nobody figured out what happened where the who where they got ordered from nothing but since it came under his store id it came back a year later he goes and submits information and say well it came from this ip address and if it came from this ip address he did it and threw me under the bus and at this time now i'm 23 24 23 almost 24 we're going back and forth to court and my lawyer just go he's just like yo listen it's nothing concrete saying you did it but i've seen people convicted on less and i would hate for you to go and fight it and still lose and i'm like but his role he said you can put that in there like basically if you tell and go to prison you're still going now you're going to go to prison with the jacket on of like until you told me i'm gonna be a snitch so what's your options uh is it go to jail or repay did they give you that option like you gotta pay this 94 000 or go to jail so that's what they what they did was it's crazy listen this is one of the reasons and i always say and i'm thankful um i had a white lawyer for so long um we we didn't see eye to eye i let him go um i was going back and forth to court and i hired one of my friend's wife to be my lawyer she was a lawyer she came to court and when she came to court she came to court with a louis bag a diamond bracelet nice watch a diamond ring right and i look and i go you like you look pop keep it a buck like you pop it right and and i'm just thinking to myself like i'm finna get grilled we walk in the d.a switched it was nothing but black women da's it was a new black girl d8 and all her assistants and her whole team was black women every other lawyer in the courtroom that day was white white men they some kind of black girl magic happened she came back and she said well listen how much you feel comfortable that you owe what's your rep what's the part you feel like you oh i said sixty thousand she was like okay they say you pay the 60 000 back you get probation and and you get first offenders like it never happened and i'm looking at i'm thinking to myself i've been fighting this case two years going back and forth to court and it's over she uh yeah it's over 60 000 60 000 and it's over um but the the the part the most trying part was through the time i've i've never been in that situation so through that time i don't know what what life is because i don't got control now i'm like yo i have no control over my life i've never been in a situation where since 18 i've been in real estate i've always been ahead and in control i felt like i ran like i ran my life and then i realized like yo you you better be on the right path to run your life because this can be gone like this and so from there um that's when i realized like we closed it out i got that behind me and then i started figuring out um you know me i worked in banks so like knowing all the bank procedures but i know i can't go back if this holds above me you know i couldn't do it while i was fighting the case so at that point that's when really i started really learning and digging into credit cause i had to figure out like yo i have to now have my own bloop my financial backing because there's nowhere else for me to get you know i can't go to work kind of money i want to make i can't go to work so i need some kind of fun some kind of trust fund behind me and i started digging into credit really getting heavy into that um and then leveraging everything i did working at the banks and ended up actually even going back to a bank getting back in and and kind of helping people and then that's when the credit stuff started because i couldn't work a job because i was used to making money already that's crazy man i mean i read your story it was like you've always been an entrepreneur and so to even have the 60 000 to beat that that i mean that's pretty remarkable um so was there i had to make payments i'm not gonna french i mean i had to make i had to make payments uh to get it done yeah i mean even but yeah i mean that's one of those things where it's like sometimes everything happens for a reason well not even sometimes everything always happens for a reason right and it's like um like you said between the ages of 18 and 25 especially for anybody but especially young men especially black men it's very tempting you have a lot of temptations you have music you have just the culture society and a lot of times you know we want to get to the finish line a lot quicker than we should with our parents what our grandparents would advise us and you know a hard hat makes a soft ass that's that's just you know i was i was actually thinking like your life is fast on truth and move quicker yeah and then on the other part it was like we always talk about this line shotty we like yo change the school the cop but more important is lawyer fees yeah like this like you gotta find an example shout out to hope but but the the shining light in that for me is that you you know saying that using the financial space and me being a financial state i know anything on your record like that it prohibits you from a lot like ever really working in the financial space so it's like so now you're forced to kind of figure it out you still have a financial space mind but yeah if that didn't happen you probably would have just been a regular corporate worker maybe but now you have to like kind of force yourself and to be like an entrepreneur on the credit side and learn credit and then that blossomed into where you are now so learning what happened was is that i time i said listen my goal wasn't even getting credit i started learning i learned credit when i was 18 my broker my real estate broker had a credit repair company i did all the underwriting but my goal when i started mexican credit i go okay i need to get mine together right so i start focusing on my credit figuring it out and when everything happened i nev like literally today was january 4th it was january 4th 2015 when the case closed and was done january 20th i started my credit repair company between that time i was figuring out what am i going to do like what am i going to do i started messing my credit and then i said well i'ma help other people and i remember putting it out there like yo i'ma help other people with their credit right i'm leveraging mine i figured it out see people need it i remember i made 11 000 first month boom i go okay i got something start slowing down and i remember like leveraging like starting to build my credit up and figuring out what's the benefits because i knew it was more it had to be more than get a buy a house buy a car and get a credit card just for emergency purposes i'm like nah it's more to this this has to be worth more than just this what it is on the simple on the surface that's where it started to like flourish and i started digging deep into like yo how do i really go and get money if i want to get credit card and i want to get funded and fund my own business where do i how do i get the money so so in 2015 right you said january what type of things are you doing to leverage your credit at this point we're gonna be getting now at the beginning i was trying to make money okay so that was that was the business that was a business that i had um helping people showing them how to make money so when it came from like i remember working in the banks helping helping people with it and they still couldn't get approved so then at that point i'm going i'm looking now and that's when i start really publicly helping people versus like you know when i was working before when i'm working in the bank going through all my trials um i could help people but it was quiet it wasn't like a marketed company so now it's out publicly and i'm working it and started bringing in so now i'm going okay this is my business i'm making money off of it i have good credit now okay what's the benefits and perks of it country yeah that's and then at that point that's when i started leveraging it like learning about rewards how to get credit cards how to like start credit card stacking and stuff like that so all right let's get into it let's get into the meat and potatoes of what everybody wants to know this information so i got questions i know troy got some questions but one thing that one thing that we we haven't spoke about in alicia yet and um a lot of people have always asked us to cover it and they always ask questions about it is trade lines so i'm gonna ask you a couple questions about trade lines but before for people that might not even ever heard of a trade line i don't even know what that is um what is a trade line so a trade line is essentially a count on your credit report so a trade line is any account on your credit report that reports on your credit so a vehicle the vehicle the history of that of the vehicle from when you open it to when you close it um that's a trade line on your credit report so with any account that reflects and shows on your credit report okay so it is this is like a hack where you can actually add people to to trade line as a to add people to your card as an authorized user so now what happens is this when it comes to authorized users and yes it's a lot of details to it um that you have to understand and like different applying when you're applying and you know getting different things and the benefits of them but essentially what it is is that if i got a credit card and i got 10 spaces available i can add you on to my my credit card as an authorized user and this is an authorized user trade line if i add you on as authorized user and i have 10 spots available i charge you 650 right well 650 times 10 that's 6 500 i'm only going to leave you on my car for 60 days i never give you access i set my account up in a way that you can't compromise me now i make 6 500 every 60 days off on credit card end of the year i make 40 000 off having a credit card never going into debt never actually using and spending the bank's money and that's that's to help other people build their credit right that's helping other people build and establish because it comes to data points on the credit report how many positive accounts do you have what's your credit card utilization all of these things go into consideration when applying um and leveraging and using your credit so when those things come into play authorized users hit so many points because it gives you accounts it gives you age history it gives you uh utilization so when your utilization everything is right on your credit card all of these things reflect on your on a person's credit uh report who purchases the authorized user so if i'm the person that's the authorized user do i do i get a card or i don't get a card i don't get a card see because like when i this is crazy like my credit history goes back to 35 years right i'm 38. but my mom put an american express card in my name so my credit so like technically i'm an authorized user so that was a trade line that she made for me in a sense so she gave you a card on her account right yeah so what happened is is that if she gave you a card on her account that made you the authorized user and then that's what started building your history but see what american express they don't report back history they just report going forward so the whole time that you've had that card and she opened that account up it's been on your credit right building out so let me ask you this thanks mom because shout out to your mom thanks mom we got we have a we have a large um listenership in jails and uh the federal jail state jails it's a very interesting dynamic um i have a lot of friends family members and they always report back to me and say that eyl is big in jail so first of all shout out to all the guys in jail hold your head close your head and all the returning citizens so you was giving us some game about information for that right as far as like the core logics for felons and things of that nature yeah yeah so nah that's a whole nother bar for everybody like listen um i come out of the community um so i've been a victim of every single side of prison right pop's gone for life uncle gone so family members every single friend that i grew up with originally from my neighborhood has has went down that path and i tell people all the time is that those are some of the people coming home from prison that trying to get rehabilitated could be the hardest like trying to get back in the community and it's like yo all doors shut in your face so what i tell people is i figured out um was that core logics just this is with credit learning the secondary bureaus like most people don't know that secondary bureaus is what um is some of the companies that verify your data so you got companies like innovis corelogix um lexus nexus sage stream uh ars these are all companies that house secondary data when it comes to uh your credit so they're just data furnishing companies so when you dispute something a lot of times they're the ones who verify well i found out that corelogic was the one who verified evictions and convictions at that point when i realized that corelogic is the company that verifies evictions and convictions i knew i said listen you mean to tell me that i can fix somebody's credit but they still get the denial well if i opt out of court logic if you got eviction you still can get the approval if you got a conviction you can get the approval because i never gave them permission to share that data and that information so now when you go to get an apartment now write somebody who's in a position they go listen well i can help people get apartments so if you understand how to clean your credit and opt out of the secondary bureaus you opt out of core logics now you can go and get approval for apartment because that's a big thing that holds people from getting apartments is that yep so essentially like this i break down the whole blueprint this is what you're gonna do is that you're gonna opt out and and suppress your corelogix uh lexus nexus say stream ars interface you're gonna suppress all of those once you suppress those now you're gonna force the credit bureaus to do an investigation with a 609 letter so you use a 609 dispute letter when you send that 609 dispute letter and it's going to make them either verify that this account is accurate and verify that it belongs to you well now since they don't have anybody to check the accuracies with they're going to now have to do an investigation most likely most of the things 60 to 70 times 60 to 70 of the negative items get removed because you already removed the the middleman company who's verifying everything so now once you do that when you go to apply for apartments you now can go and apply and if you ever been evicted it's not going to show up because you suppress uh core logics and if you got a felony on your background it's not going to show up because you've um suppressed the corelogic company but like how do you suppress it like yeah yeah what's the time length on the suppression does that happen so you basically what you do is freeze the report and opt out of them repo uh showing and they do it indefinitely until you opt back in so you like call them and say i want to opt out yes so you can call them you could call or you can do it online so if you like google uh like lexisnexis opt out you can google it and it'll pop up and take you to the forum to actually opt out of that report good to know did you know that troy i did not know that i did not know i feel like there's gonna be a lot of things today we all gonna learn together people don't understand listen right in the community that's one of the dope things is that i tell people listen that's a business in itself right we don't know about the secondary bureaus so you mean to tell me i say listen you mean to tell me that there's companies out there that do all this information i say well listen one company corelogic gives us a whole business model because if i opt out of that i can now help people clean their credit that's a service i can now help you get an apartment that's a service i can bundle it together if i want but listen i help you get an apartment now what else do i do if i know i'm helping people get into condos listen i'm gonna find the newest building that's not fully occupied and i'm gonna send people there well after three or four people going like yo him 500 sent me in here to get an apartment they're going to kind of get familiar and be wondering who's in 500 and then i show up with gift cards and trinkets and nice things and i build the relationship and i say hey listen now what i do is i'm an apartment specialist i just help people find apartments and get into the city especially new condos things like this and just ensure that they can get the approval when they come have my people been getting approved yes cool boom nice to meet you set this set the relationship up guess what happens now i get a referral fee from the the leasing agent now i send it directly to the leasing agent she's gonna want to to get paid for getting people to lease well guess what now i get paid for helping people get the apartment from the leasing you've been paid four times already that's three times three times i got paid from the client for helping them with their credit yep i got paid for helping them get the apartment making sure everything was approved make sure they get the approval then i get the referral fee from the leasing agent okay now i'm pretty much responsible for helping everybody get apartments in the city i become penthouse poppy imagine right trademark though yeah right right listen right yeah trade market right so i become penthouse poppy so now i'm i'm in front of all the fly buildings right i'm in front of all the fly buildings i'm in the penthouses and the condos but what's the biggest thing when it comes to these condos furniture right so now a lot of people overlook it and don't realize furniture has one of the biggest markups right furniture's markup is ridiculous so then i go to the to one of the furniture stores the mom and pop furniture stores in the area guess what they do financing you could fund you can finance furniture it's true so now guess what i go and build a relationship listen what does it take to get ten thousand dollars in furniture right i need a ten thousand dollar approval let me see what that credit report need to look like what does this need to look like this approval process now when i get people apartments i'm gonna send you to the local furniture store to now even get the furniture i'm not gonna charge you for that no i got the relationship i'ma charge the furniture store hey listen markup is crazy on this you probably selling for ten thousand you're giving them 2500 worth of furniture maybe four i need a 750 referral fee for every client i sent it here but when i go in you go and introduce yourself is listen make up a i'm a apartment specialist right i specialize in i'm an occupancy specialist right i specialize in getting all the apartments in the area fully occupied or occupancy level 95 plus percent they they're going to be confused i don't know what that is but he get people apartments i got a list of people that need furniture than an interior decorator to you yeah right yeah do interior decorating so now i get paid now only am i helping you get the apartment i'm getting paid from getting you the apartment from the leasing agent and i'm over here with the furniture guy and get a kick on the back end because i'm gonna tell you hey listen your credit is together you can go over here and get ten 000 furniture now your condo is furnished and now you just got paid four times now you get paid four times that's penthouse poppy that's a business for anybody that's listening it don't matter what your background is it don't matter it all started from you just suppressing one thing so somebody could be approved literally that's that's realistically i i used to run that company and that's where it started from that's literally how that business started you know derek grace yeah i don't know him personally but online see him uh that's that's our guy good friend of ours eye alumni what's up y'all it's the fourth quarter it's a new month and what better way to start it than coming to join us at eyl university yes the fourth quarter is where star players make a name for themselves so come and join the number one roster uil university is the biggest platform for business in the universe we have over 70 past classes weekly classes we have a private investment group on facebook which gives you access to our movie club our book club we also have bi-weekly real estate calls with mg the mortgage guy and monthly financial advising calls with none other than yours truly so head over to eyl university right now and into promo code eyl for 40 off of our annual membership that's right don't wait don't hesitate head over we'll see you on the other side let's do it he posted i mean he posted a post of yours and uh he was like i don't know bro but he dangerous you know i'm gonna tell you i'm gonna tell you right i watch bro post and and and i and i look and i'll be like what he we we do different stuff right but i say yo he he give it up like he not he's not capping on nothing he says like even from you know i look i don't care i'm wearing diamonds but you know even with the gold game man like bro vicious nice much respect when he said that that was real though he actually got my attention with that i'm like nah this dude is dangerous man he's dangerous it's a lot of information is the most important thing in the world like because it's like there's so much stuff that you can just change your whole your whole life your whole your whole generation with just a few vital pieces of information yeah that's all it takes and there's so many of us out here leading the way giving it up to us uh and giving the information up to really see how people could change their life like i just laid out like we're on a public podcast and i just gave out a whole business plan off of leveraging one piece of information before that i get a blueprint i hope they take notes like listen i'm giving you i gave the blueprint that's how you clean your credit um i still use a 609 letter get familiar with companies like cfpb it's the companies that regulate the credit bureaus these are things that we need to know information that we need and i'm looking now and i go we start looking and so many lives is changing off of information yeah that's a lot let me ask you let me ask you another question um you got an interesting thing when you said that um turn a liability into an asset and that really struck my attention because it's like you said we've been programmed so long to think that everything is uh liability on a certain level like that is not an asset traditional assets like cars for instance right it's like no matter like we did a video about how to like put your car in your business name and take the deduction and all that a lot of people was like that's dope i didn't know any but then there was always some skeptics like well it's still a liability you're still wasting money on it but you broke down something and that was kind of crazy it got my attention how you can actually turn make money with the car like running ads and tour oh can you talk about that a little bit yeah so when it come to that one of the things is that look i and it's frank and it probably rubbed people the wrong way cars are are liabilities right that's a a 19th century mindset right take that back that's in the 90s and the 80s that that mindset exists it's not relevant now only people that that's relevant to is people who won't acquire new information and don't stay up to date with systems right because there's no way that you can look at a vehicle unless you just don't have the information i got friends that make six figures off of vehicles no way you're gonna tell me that that's a liability it's a liability if we don't utilize the right so then i started telling people i said listen you want you want to learn okay here let's take a car like a smart car right i went and found the littlest car right littlest car that nobody wants i'm when i tell you right the smart car for two right listen to me all right guys i didn't think it was yours when i saw it right i did i saw you drive it i said it is yeah right and i'm like like i put music in and everything gotta be i'm like yo listen funny thing is that i bought a smart car and then not only so i bought a smart car i tell people listen let me explain something to you i got the smart car and this is what i teach people as well i say look you can go to a swap police and literally do a lease takeover put no money down out of pocket get a car that costs 200 a month this vehicle costs 200 a month now what happens next since this vehicle costs 200 a month i say yo listen earn your leisure i got a car that's going to be in in downtown metro atlanta 12 hours a day it'll probably get exposed to about 20 30 000 people a month yo give me 200 bucks i want to put earn your leisure on the left side in your company promotion is that something that you'll be okay with 200 we'll do it so lights right that's that's light okay well guess what i'm gonna get somebody else to put their business on on the right side i'm gonna get another business to put their business on the back of the door on the back of the vehicle right i now make 600 bucks off a 200 liability then i say well how you going to keep it in metro atlanta for 12 hours a day you gonna drive it no i'm gonna hire somebody to drive it so now i'm a well i'mma rent the car out to somebody who want to drive for ubereats grubhub doordash one of the grocery delivery services look give me 150 a week you don't pay gas or insurance you give me 150 a week and you use the vehicle now i got and you use the car six hours a day you got options you got access to a six hours a day seven days a week that's one person i do two people so now that's 12 hours that's a 12 hour shift in the day that's two people paying me 150. 150 a week that's three hundred dollars that's twelve hundred dollars a month so now making twelve hundred dollars a month off the drivers six hundred off the advertisement that's eighteen hundred dollars a month 1600 of that is profit i'm making 1600 profit off of one vehicle that they said was a a a liability if i got two cars i'm 3 200 to the good every month to the good month straight cash on me it's like it's one of the best things i've heard you say man mindset is the only liability it's and now you make 3200 imagine this what's your background need to be what do you need a degree in that's thirty two hundred dollars a month paying for a vehicle now if you if you really get tricky that you understand is that then you go well it's other cars out there and you can look up it's websites that attack and say hey look these cars perform the best on touro right you can literally get one of those cards and then make it pay for your other ones or you just use it as income you come home and you're like yo i got my credit together but i don't know what to do with it how do i turn my credit to cash that's one of the credit to cash strategies is actually learning how to execute and and learn systems i i want to talk about something that was a whole lot of game um what you're known for and that's turning credit into cash most people when we think credit cards and how we get cash from it is like yo if we get a cash advance then we can take money out from it yeah but your strategy has no cash advance and it still is liquidating can you break that down so it's a little bit different like it's a whole bunch of different ways right when it comes to like turning credit to cash and i tell people one you don't ever want to do if you had to pull money out during the cash advance they're going to charge you more and they hit you with extra fees and a higher percentage so i tell people kind of stay away from the cash advances but i do things like it's just ways to generate cash especially like my mindset is entrepreneur at all times so like i tell people do things like you know knowing which credit cards to use to do certain things um for example um if i go and run ads right like i can run ads and when i run ads i can run ads and generate income back but if i wanted to like pull money off like what you just said something like you just said like trying to pull money off without doing a cash advance fee um one of the things that we used to do for fun is like i would go on a cruise and because when i go on a cruise ship guess what happens on the cruise ship is that they give you the debit card the room key so when i go on a cruise ship and use the room key i would just go to the casino and get 20 30 000 chips and get a cashier's check and go home i just pulled my money off my credit card and i got reward points because i was on a cruise ship so since you're on a cruise ship you get five points per dollar so since i'm on a cruise ship i get five points per dollar i literally got chips with the room key i could max every card off i wanted to and go home with the cashier's check if i needed to use it to invest whatever i needed to do and i still accumulated the reward points so if i need to go buy a house i literally can go on a cruise three days for 200 bucks go pull off 50 000 come home with cashier's checks and go do my investment but you saw you that's this guy is dangerous so when you take the i know joe so when you take the 20 you are paying the 20 back but you are redeeming the rewards points that come with spending that amount of money you can keep the reward points that's the perks and benefits of having credit um and that's one of the main perks and benefits of having credit i tell people is that credit cards versus debit cards is that you spend your cash you get nothing back you don't get big interest from letting it sit in the bank right but what how do we actually use the bank to for benefit what do we get from the bank like and one of the things is that why they incentivized it was the reward points but a lot of people in our community don't have that information and know how to use the incentives that they give us we don't even do the research the research it's like i feel like like that's like the fine line like nobody's reading the fine line like yo you get this these i mean the most we ever look at is like yo can we get air airplane rewards or airport awards and hotel rewards but there's so many other things like that you can actually be using this for yo listen right is that one of the key things is this right um today you know i got on recession proof right um but i'm an advocate of my community i'm advocating where i come from some people will be like you always ignore y'all we shouldn't wear designer clothes we shouldn't do this and do that um where support black op whatever it is whatever you want to wear where naturally you know things that's made from natural products not cotton um i like wearing nice clothes louis vuitton fendi right now some of my favorite dior um but i know everybody a lot of people in the community this is what they're after these are the things that they desire to wear because it gives status right it's kind of a sense of status and i'll keep it a buck it is it's a sense of status that people want something that costs more something that's extra fired in and make it separate we got people growing up that and kids that don't know how to actually go and get it without doing something illegal right so they go on selling drugs and robbing people for these designer clothes because nobody told them that hey listen you can actually be an entrepreneur and learn business or you can leverage credit and get it for free so what i did was this i started going i am i don't i don't want to spend my money on stuff i'm cheap right i really don't like spending my money so when i get designer clothes i get it for free i'm not going to spend cash so in order for me to get designer clothes i say listen i can run up my reward points and then redeem the the transaction so when i go like i went and went to louis vuitton spent six thousand right like 6 500 in louis vuitton and i literally redeemed my reward points to cover how do you get the reward points people don't know is the benefits of a credit card like you said your gold american express card alone gives you four to five points per dollar four to five points per dollar every dollar you spend on running ads so you mean to tell me you're gonna incentivize me making money with your money here's a hundred thousand dollar credit card go run and spin it run ads to market your business and get in front of people and i'm gonna give you rewards for using my money i ran a hundred thousand all ads made i had a million dollar month on the back end they gave me 7 500. can we not let that just go over everybody's eyes we're just going to breeze faster i mean congrats to you for that i appreciate it i appreciate it um but that is is that even with that i'm gonna stay on that in the power and and nobody can say it's not powering a black doll right because that is the black doll these are things that are in services and um the community i built for our community and so this is our money circulating within our community but i literally this is the point is that the information i literally ran off my my amex gold spent a hundred thousand brung back a million and then got um close to like 9 000 reward points so then i redeemed it and went shopping at louie spent 6 000. so when are you redeeming it are you getting a gift card to the store like are you getting like a sax card or how does that work no i literally went shopping swipe my card when i go shopping and swipe the card i literally go in and you can go into the reward the membership site and you just go hey redeem purchase so you just redeem the points to cover the purchase the transaction that you made and they cover it gotcha yeah and the good thing is you can use that for a variety of different things like travel anything so it's like you're not paying for like you said i mean it's like anything that you do and that's i'm glad you said that because it's like i feel like it's financial literacy teachers it's our job to do things responsibly so like even when we got our cars me uh matt and troy we got range rovers but we made a video and it went like semi-viral but i put it in there like don't think that we just did this irresponsibly and then we made like a whole video like explaining like how you can actually put your car in your business name and take a deduction and all of that so it's like when people see you with you know these designer clothes on it's not like you're just getting money and just spending it on that technically it didn't really cost you anything because you're paying for it with reward points you reinvested your money into your business which grossed more money but you didn't even take the profit of that you just use the reward points to pay for that and i ain't even reinvest my money in my business i'm gonna use that money again next month to make more money well yeah because it's the credit credit yeah i use my money to go buy stuff i think the best part is what you said is like yo i'm cheap i don't like spending my money i'm buying i love that i'm buying i'm in the middle right now buying a bank 1.5 million i'm buying a bank and essentially i'm buying the land talk about that talk about that breaking news alert right yeah listen right so right now i'm in negotiations of buying a piece of land that a bank happens to sit on a suntrust bank they have a 12 year lease in georgia yeah in georgia and they're the the the the amount they pay is about 120 a year um they pay 120 a year on the lease they got a 12 year lease the property is like 1.5 we i'm trying to give them 1.5 for the land now i own that they have a 12-year lease meaning and a bare minimum lock-in of eight years so for the next eight years i'm gonna make 1.2 i mean 125 000 um a year a year that's a hell of a salary off on the land on the bank and i'm and i'm still right this is reinvest this is where i put my money in instead of putting it into like yo i'm gonna go buy designer clothes nah i'm gonna keep acquiring land keep acquiring property and and really building learning what to do with money and learning how to play real estate so now i got a long-term hold at least now it's a bank there i got a long-term play for the next eight to ten years that money now just goes back into i can go and invest until with my daughter and now you know especially when you can play with money y'all get so many people on here that teach us how to save money and invest it and let the interest compound you imagine having 125 000 coming in every year compounding for the next eight years to 12 years let me ask you this as far as the credit cause um you're using your amex to run the ads how did you get the um like how did you get your first business credit card or using your personal credit card or is that through the business credit card business but it started everything starts like business credit is super sexy is everybody want to talk about business credit but it all starts with your personal so my personal credit report was structured properly and i was a pg so i did a personal guarantor put my social on the line put in my business name and then that's how i you know i just kept building just kept doing it like that same thing with the person like the same way you build personal credit you just build it that way yeah good history pay it bills on time getting your net 30s net 60s different things on it um but my main goal like where i really focused that was all on the personal side so what was the first limit you remember like the first limit that you got on your business credit like a small with a small amount yeah what oh business or personal business on the business side first limit now that first limit wasn't uh the first limit was nasty it was like thirty thousand okay then we started getting you already had established it from a personal yeah not my yeah so as long as your personal is good you should be able to get a substantial amount in business you just yeah the thing is that that's why i tell people work your personal because then once you work your personal credit once you work that personal side when you go to get business credit you're going to get double and triple your limits from what you have on the personal so if you work this get these large let them season um let your personal card season and grow those when you go to apply for business you should you you shouldn't be going getting a ten thousand dollar business credit card so you have multiple because like they say personal cards you shouldn't have like more than like three or four like does that matter with business or business is a little bit business is different because business doesn't report on your credit um some do like capital one okay uh don't get that one if you don't want to show on your credit report that's one of the business cards that show but my thing is that i show i specialize in like personal side i got a sequence i learned how to do and go get 15 personal credit cards with only like five inquiries well i need to actually but before i i want the explanation on that but i'm while you're saying this and like how does one grow the limits on their credit cards right it's like sometimes like you can have a credit card you pay it off and like you actually have to go in and try to increase it but sometimes there'll be a a situation where the company will say we've increased it because of your good standing is there a strategy to grow it to double it and triple it so when it comes to growing your credit cards like i tell people that you want to put everything on them i'll take like if you're going to work credit cards take a few of them like because i teach how to get massive amounts but if you only have a few what you want to do is put everything you should never use a debit card right and this is the example i tell people i said listen if if you walking down a dark alley with 10 000 in your pocket where they robbing people at who money you want in your pocket yours or mine it's yours exactly so every day you go out and you swiping your debit card with with your hard-earned money your hard-earned money versus and you put it at risk we all know how fraud and how high it is now right so every day when you go out and you using your debit card and you putting it online and you making purchases you put in your money at risk so when you put your money at risk why would instead of put everything on your debit card i mean on your credit card but everything that you spend on a credit card and pay it off not go buy and buy whatever you want the money that you would have spent out of your debit then you pay your credit card back off pay your credit card bill a few days early two three days early but pay your credit card back off and not only are you leveraging and putting somebody else's money at risk you also get incentivized for using it so everything that you spend should automatically run off of an actual credit card i run everything that i spend off a credit card and so like that usage increases it yeah yeah when you when you keep maxing it out like if you can figure out depending on what you're doing like with me will run it as like i i specialize with really helping entrepreneurs like we all have to learn how to make money ourselves how do we turn our credit to cash how do we grow our businesses so if we're going to use and grow a business i'm going to use my car so like i max my card out on ads right facebook ads facebook ads things like that i also built a relationship man y'all got me talking don't worry no one's listening i built a relationship i built a relationship um with a guy at a watch store and he would resell watches right so he had the opportunity he was like yo you know it only take me about seven or fourteen days to resell a watch people come in all the time trade in you know you get hit when you go to trade to watch it so they're not going to give you full value well he says listen if we buy it the same night i can get it for what they paid before my store puts it online and puts it in the system we can buy it for the same price so what we would do is literally i get i gave him i let him hold one of my platinums he would buy the watch when he came in at night resell it because for the value of it he already was the known for selling watches he resell it for the value i'm getting credit on my credit card for how much the watch cost we start with 12 000 we didn't did 60 000 we didn't did four teams 24s and literally built it out maxing the card out now my credit card on like that platinum i got is 200 000 limit but it's just information and being able to seize the opportunity and you know that was one of the things we had a good relationship and trust come into play that ain't something you can people can duplicate so i don't really speak on that a lot yeah because that's not something you could duplicate but it's just things that happen just knowing yeah just knowing so how so now let's just go back a little bit so how do we acquire the multiple cards without having so many inquiries because that's i mean i do anything and it's like you've got an alert i'm like damn yeah is that um man so [Laughter] so no uh look we're here um man it's really for the culture hey listen so what we do is that we gotta understand right i'm gonna break it down y'all that we gotta understand that banks have rules right i remember going to people i'm not i'm not gonna hold you i remember going and i was i was in credit and i was getting good and i'm gonna try and figure out how to do funding because i'm like yo i don't believe in no man fishing for me right you're not gonna go in and fish for me i want to learn how to fish myself so i wouldn't pay anybody to get me funded so i'm not gonna go and say hey let me go to rashad so he can get me funding and i'm gonna give him 10 right a lot of people are okay with it because they're lazy they don't want it they don't have that drive my thing is that i need to know it because i need to be able to make adjustments and and help other people put my other family on we not often to come and give you 10 so i remember running through a sequence and figuring out i'm like how do i do it and i try to apply for credit cards and they all got denied i'm like something wrong so i'm like okay do more research because you can't just apply for credit cards so i go okay so over time i'm i'm man i mean i apologize my family might feel some kind of way i torched so many credit reports like yo i'm telling you they had increased like my wife at one point had like 24 inquiries i was trying to figure it out right like moms brothers right everybody had it like everybody um one of my cousins is the one who when we figured it out with he he got the move but i started learning that banks have rules a lot of people are familiar that chase has a 524 rule you can't get more than five credit cards with chase in 24 months right and so okay okay get it so then i started researching and then you got banks like bank of america that has a two three four rule you can get two credit cards every three months um three credit cards in a year four credit cards total okay that's their rule but they don't worry about if you get credit cards from other banks so i started learning the rules barclays has a rule you can get one credit card every day so it excites people but the the code part is the exciting part was the fact that bank of america will let you get two credit cards every three months but the two credit cards that you can get every three months you can get the same day if you get them at the same time you get them on the same inquiry you get one inquiry two credit cards see barclays ain't that great yet one credit card every day i can only get one because i can't come back tomorrow once these inquiries hit i'm done can't come back right so this is when i started learning how to stack my credit card applications together then you have to understand is that listen every bank see a lot of people get their credit together and the dream credit card is american express listen to me american express goes last before discover the reason being they're not strict on inquiries they're strict on new accounts so if you don't have any new accounts within the last six months i can get you approved for american express with 18 inquiries this is where you want to be as you want to look and go amex chase you put them last they're not super strict on inquiries and you have to understand with them is that they're going to come and the reason they're not strict on inquiries is because they're going to do more of their verification and underwriting on the back end you got companies like barclays um a lion bfa they do their underwriting on the front so if anybody like most of the time when you get approval from barclays um it may take you 48 hours and it takes you 48 hours because they're doing the underwriting on the front side they're gonna go through they may hit you and ask you for um verification documents income improve your income they may hit you with that who chase is gonna hit you with a soft pull later let your credit card utilization start going out of whack like using this credit card heavy they'll hit you with a soft pull when they do a soft pull if your credit score it has dropped you got a derogatory marks your utilization is out of whack they don't slice your limits american express is going to come and say well you put 150 000 on your application they're gonna come a year later ask for income verification they're gonna ask they should your tax returns and say well you only made forty thousand slice your limits discover does the same thing all of this is what helps we have to under this is the information that we have to understand when it comes to credit card stacking so when you say how do you get multiple credit cards at one time you have to look and learn the rules of which credit cards can i apply for get multiple cards at one time from one bank on one inquiry literally stack them all together and do it at the same time so it's true key to that fire [Laughter] outstanding yeah so so let's let's talk about recession proof right because at some point it's like all right you learning all this stuff you're learning this information and it's changing your life i'm assuming it's changing your family's life at what point do you turn that into changing and educating other people listen with that part um that was never my goal right i'm honest like that was never my goal my goal was never to help other people it was it was a secret right you understand everything i my family thought i sold drugs right like i always see people people think that yo everybody these dudes be online selling information this is how they make money they ain't really doing it i tell people fact check me i have bentley truck before i ever help somebody ever right g wagons before ever on my house investment properties before i assisted because i had the game but i wouldn't you know it's it's how we feel we know something something we don't tell people you got secrets and stuff that you know be like yo nah i know how we get to podcast number one we know i'm not telling right you're not gonna come i'm not gonna tell you gotta run around so you gotta go figure out yourself um eric thomas eric thomas uh i was in masters of the game and eric thomas said that if you know something that can help another man change the trajectory of his family in their future and you don't share that information you selfish and it sat on me for a while because i still was like yeah um sounds good yeah right but it sat on me for a while um but it it came to a point to where it was like yo is that what's the what's the impact that you're going to really want to make now that you're making money i had my daughter and then i started really seeing like i was born when i was born my mom was homeless we live in a shelter from the gate when i had my daughter she came home to a house i owned and i think and i look and i go there's so many people that need this i'm gonna be wrong if i don't share right and so everything i created though was like for myself so then i started sharing it with people that's when the recession proof started and that's when i created a community but i didn't create like a program i literally created a family so everything that we need i go out and we do things right like events that we have we all came to the event the recession proof was official i fly on private jets guess what happened my mentees fly on private jets you're part of it we have family we operate on the same level so they flying in on private jets we got all the exotic vehicles they drive nice vehicles they driving nice cars the whole event was free so what happens is is that not only are they learning being able to be financial literate they learn how to run and scale businesses so now i'm teaching you everything you need to know about credit but then i'm creating leaders because it's in order for what i did for my community how can i get i was like yo i need at least 10 15 other people doing this i never expected it to be hundreds yet thousands of people going nom i need to help my community i need to help my community and it's still people out there who don't know who i am or that i exist but it's thousands of us helping our community so when we get on these platforms this is the the growth point is that we need more leaders in our community we need more people who are financially literate to take this back everybody's not going to have the tenacity and say i want to fish for myself but for those who do those are the people that we need to stand up in the community that they need to take that back home and be that for their family they need to be there for the people around them that resource for them to come and get this information from because if they watching this podcast or listening to this podcast how many people they know who don't listen to it who didn't catch this information so that's my point is like when you look at recession proof my whole goal is to create leaders in the community when it comes to financial literacy when it comes to actually business um when it comes to growing and scaling and just being all around leaders um not only with financial literacy but if you see we did a the take away remember we did the kroger takeover shut it down kind of went viral a little bit i was incredible big time viral that was big oh yeah i forgot about that salute to that that was yeah that was really dope if anybody was not familiar um the guys um went into kroger in atlanta and i think they uh twenty thousand dollars forty thousand forty thousand dollars for families before thanksgiving so they can uh you know not have to worry about that bill and um you know buy groceries so yeah y'all did the free gas too did the free gas the crazy thing is we did the gas before before the kroger before the program we almost went to do another gas station but instead was like yo we decided let's just go do the kroger went into kroger we tried to do gift cards and realize that wasn't going to work and we just said open the lines up everybody's just running through that's why the receipts were so long we just let the line run everybody run through run the grocery store it was two days before thanksgiving um everybody ran through and we took care of it me and all the other guys a whole bunch of entrepreneurs we all got together and collectively we did it together we did a collective amount of 40 000 but what i my point was that as a leader in the community and the leader of like recession proof my mentees turned around a few days ago they before yesterday shout out to bees for heading that out um my guy went out they went out collectively and they put their money together my mentees and went and shut down a whole walmart for uh like a a foster care um kind of company not foster care but um like a shelter company that takes families in and helped them get rebuild it and pretty much went and shut and bought all of walmart now one of the mentees um had a truck he went and learned how to leverage his credit got his own trucking company started he literally brought his truck to florida the mentees fly out they are recession-proof shirts and the news cameras out there they go shut walmart down and do a give back had nothing to do with me guess what the name was that represented him when they said who did it such a proof they said recession proof network and i'm like yo this just shows the selflessness of the community that we built and that's that that's why i was like yo this is different um so it's really a fan so in the recession proof you actually you also teach people like different steps on like all of it because i what i'm realizing even myself i had to be educated on because like like you said a lot of people everybody a lot of people have courses and things of that nature and educational platforms and things and it's like what i'm realizing is that you can only really learn so much from like youtube yeah or like even like a pocket like our podcast i think is the best out period um and you can there's plenty of information where you can just act on that just alone but then some people want to it's like you know some people want to go further with their education so like what do you actually teach in in that like what are what are some of the subjects that you actually teach in the um in the community in the community um my main topic that i teach is how to start a credit repair business how to scale it how to grow it how to automate it so you don't have to be the one doing it everybody needs a solid financial foundation um teach people how to be that person everybody gets it everybody needs it so now you can be that home base i teach people how to run a trade line business so that way you know how to actually turn something that's in your wallet in the cash right something you already have how to turn that into cash flow so literally how to start and run and scale the trade line business i teach people how to start and help people get funded meaning you going if people don't want to learn how to do it themselves then well then you help them for 10 so now you have your own funding business then i teach you all every mastery trick you can learn about credit cards which credit cards to do for running ads which ones for free hotels and you name it how to master your credit cards um how to travel for free teach them about private jets i teach them how to get luxury cars so you don't pay for them right because the goal is like even when i told you about the reward points earlier i may win on a 6 500 shopping spree but that's that's because i'm established before i'm established you don't spend 6 500 on clothes you spend 6 500 on bills so you don't pay for your groceries you don't pay for your utilities you don't pay for your mortgage you don't pay for your your insurance you don't pay for your netflix you use the reward points to make you have a zero overhead while your business grows so these are all things that i teach but then i realized like you said you can only i can only teach so much and when you say you got a family you can't go and say well imagine a father saying yo my kids don't only know what i know i'm only going to teach you what i know and all i did was learn financial literacy when i know that i got brothers out here like alex good energy who running in and got people making six figures and trucking so i say yo i need you to come and train my people on trucking i got people like wall street trapper who no stocks and killing it and started saying i need you to come and give them an introduction to stocks i got people like justin owens with forex i got trust how to actually you know minimize taxes to where you can defer your taxes and you know i can close out a year doing millions and paid same thing trump paid right how do we protect ourselves asset protection all of these things come in because these are things that we needed facebook ads how do we run facebook ads how do you scale um a business how to post on social media i brought people in to teach us everything that we need to know in today's society and i gave them an ebook to sell so that way they have a digital product just in case you got nothing else you're an author i also help you become an author so now that you're an author what happens is that if you got nothing else you can go and repeat my content what i said on eyl you go put it out to people who didn't see and you say well i got a diy credit ebook that hen500 told me he taught me how to set up click funnels he told me how to run ads i'm running ads on this video sell this digital product and i still i got another business and when you go on the book tour don't forget the event space yeah yeah oh yeah i thought it from look my brother nehemiah davis neo shout out to neo shout out to the bro and as fate would have it because like when we you know we take our time cause it's like we gotta be responsible about who we bring on the platform and you know we kind of you know try to see if we know anybody yet so we was looking and it just so happened that somebody that we grew up would actually um purchased became a part of the community and he said he actually made money and it's in his first month you know right here in october somewhere yeah yeah yeah you probably a fan yeah for sure made 30 000 so i'm not saying that's going to happen to every single person but we personally know him and doing our due diligence um like i said it just so happened that we actually knew somebody that was from our neighborhood that yeah it worked out that's heavy so you know you never know you know what's crazy is that 30 000 first month that's amazing and double salute we're gonna talk about off camera but that's the goal for 2021 is that my goal is that you know i've helped make three people millionaires throughout my program now i got three millionaires and i got 60 people who've been able to walk away from their job and this year the reason why i put everything now like like why would you bring event space and all these different why you bringing all this together i said yo listen my goal is i don't want to make a hundred millionaires in 2021 so my goal is to be able to go out back into the community and in 2021 i want to help create 100 millionaires with that kind of goal we got a 100 millionaire challenge i said listen people don't understand it you know make 100 millionaires i say yo that's a big number a million dollars a big number i said listen i made a million dollars in 30 days if they can perform at a tenth of me they'll be a millionaire all they need to do is perform at one champ of what i do and if they fail and lose and do twenty percent they walk away three four hundred thousand a year hell we still successful our community is a lot better that's a fact so and one of the things with uil um i feel like online education is a new college everybody thinks i'm anti-college i'm not anti-college if you want to go to i went to college he has a degree so you know unfortunately i'd have to spend money for college but yo bro why are you doing that i did i'm just saying i did i did we'll talk about that after so but um yeah one thing you know people come on whether it's alex whether it's uh our brother cause she from uh oh yeah yeah philly everybody um a lot of people you know entrepreneurs they have um different programs and different things that nation the only thing that we ever ask is that um you know they just show us a little love and give us a discount for anybody that watches eyl um and of course you know like i said if you invest in education you invest in education is up to you if not you know just learning from the podcast is gonna change your life um but you know we did that's like a stickler like if you want to come on like you definitely we encourage people to to do a discount and everybody today credit has always obliged that and uh marcus has been no no different so 500 off um is what marcus agreed uh we are greatly greatly appreciative of that so it's 500 off of the program um which is actually the lowest price on the market right now and uh he did something exclusively for us set up a website so there's no code needed nothing um you cannot get this price for the recession proof program anywhere else it's the cheapest that it's at anywhere right now 500 off and um you just click the link we'll have it in this description of this youtube video we'll have the description if you're listening on itunes spotify we'll also have it on our website under the alumni tab or you can just go to the website directly r p x e y l dot com once again that's 500 off of the recession proof program and that's a special it's not even a discount or a code it's just a special situation that he did for eyl and um we greatly appreciate that brother thank you so if you're interested in joining the recession proof family once again uh the website is no code um needed it is a special website set up with a special price which is 500 off and we are honored to have that as the lowest price um that you have anywhere in the world right now there's no other place that you can get it for that uh price appreciate it brother what do you have on the horizon um what are you working on what would you like to tell the people how can they contact you any any last good words that you want to give to people one of the things that i'm well now you know what i like i like still educate he brought something up that i want to say we ended up on this my name is him 500. um i'm a credit specialist i teach people how to leverage credit turn into cash he said he paid for college a lot of times we pay for college and we don't have a benefit from it we don't make money from it so i tell people listen you want to know one of the benefits of having student loans if you keep them if you do go to college and if you in college right now if you keep your student loans in good shape what happens is your credit report needs to look a certain way there's data points that need to be hit you need to have at least 10 plus positive accounts you want to build the age of your credit report as well so we're going to stay there you want two to three well you need two to three inquiries or below right you want a utilization rate of under nine percent your utilization rate under nine everybody tells you thirty percent that's cool that's it doesn't have a negative effect but it's not at its optimal point it's at its optimal point when it's below nine percent between two and nine percent you also want to have 100 payment history but the key point is that you want to have 10 plus positive accounts and you want to build the age of at least four to five years average age in your credit report nobody gets a student loan that's that was yesterday they got it yesterday right everybody has student loans that are old one thing about student loans also is that there's never just one so you have multiple student loans well when you come to hit those data points guess what you may not even use that degree but if you get those student loans in the right shape and you keep them in deferments where you have good payment history it helps you with the total number of accounts on your credit report and it helps you with the age of your credit report so then when you add a few more trade lines different kind of trade lines not just a use when you add a few more different trade lines and bank products to your report it's easier for you to get funding so don't automatically think that hey i need to get my credit together i need to go and clean these student loans off student loans have more positive effect than you believe when it comes to going acquiring funding and getting credit cards and things like that when i hit 500 i'm the leader owner of recession proof financial literacy and that's it yo man you know what he finished off like the champion is you know i want to ask you something that i've never heard you talk about and it's like the backbone of your business i want to talk about her 500 and her her role in the business and that that balance between troy always actually i got to man because you know a married man is a married man and i know it's not easy um to balance family life and work life and i know it's not easy when uh you know you got a lot of things pulling you in different ways but you you know you're balancing it pretty well you talk about her role yeah so um that's the road backbone partner rib punching bag uh everything when i got a bad day that's the person you know that's the only person i can talk about it with not only that raising my kids raising a family raising me from the gate when we started this company we started this together 100 percent not boom we started the credit repair company together so she knows everything inside now but she's been more so behind the scenes see i was more so i'm on social media i talk she don't care she's a sociable person like real life like i'm going out with all my friends i'm on social media like nah we've been i'm posting content first viral video we argued um probably 10 minutes before to get it right like hold the light right there tilt the camera you got the wrong angle look how you're making me look i'm looking bad not argue right everything that we went through we've built this together um and so now one of the dope things is that as i built we've been we've been building the business infrastructure like she's bringing in my hr people she's the one who goes out and makes sure like the accountants and everything is integrated right she does all my integrations and now we got it to where we're going to be kind of on on autopilot and more active in the community i actually brought her in and said well listen it's a community of women that search financial literacy that's in this family a lot of powerful women but i haven't been able to edify my women in the community and i as a man could never edify the women and be like yo let me get a group for y'all and i'ma set things up for you so now we have a sector for anybody who's in a recession-proof family another just added bonus is the women of recession proof so now she's going to run women of recession-proof to where they'll do women trips they'll have women come and speak to them women accountability groups just for the women just because males have a more natural dominance is more males than it is women but it's a lot of women in there like that's bosses snoop there's a lot of powerful house women in there and i'm going okay we're gonna set this group up of um the women of recession proof and shout out to her 500. that's when that's her sector that she's going to be able to run and just pour back the things that she's been able to put into me and he'll be that for the other women in the group one thing i wanted to ask you two of you down um and congratulations to i know you're getting married oh appreciate it so congratulations on that um i asked i talked to alex about this he said that he was down so i'll put you on the spot to see if you're interested but i know but you you guys did a great thing in atlanta and we had we had a special event that we did uh shout out to trap he was in town shout out to mg the mortgage guy shout out to everybody that joined us we was on wheels uptown indictment and um over 400 families got turkeys gift cards uh disneyland trip tv shout out to my man ken from dickman he said he had never seen anything like that since the government cheese days like the live lion was literally like five blocks down so i say that to say you know obviously there's a lot of people in need these days all across the country so maybe when kovac clears up a little bit we can plan something real big a give back a home in a way we can come to atlanta y'all can come to new york yeah if you're interested no 100 i'm in you wanna know what's so what's what's crazy is that word word to my mother um our hands down we did the gas station giveaway the night we did the gas station giveaway y'all announced that y'all was doing the dykema thing i'm laying in bed with my wife i called neo and i said yo neo let's go to new york i say yo e-y-l trapper they got a thing they doing with dyckman tomorrow let's go to new york alex had the clothes on his house and i go um alex said he couldn't go he had to do something he couldn't take off neal had to go and get his daughter okay literally was coming i was like yo let's jump on the flight and come and fly and and we was gonna pop out here i swear it was going to pop out um my thing is like look i got to be involved in the community in every way so i'm with that 100 yeah and after we did it um shout out to uh brandon i see you with him overnight yeah yeah yeah like yo bro we gotta do it we gotta do something big for new york so yeah it's like competitive competition to do good and i think as entrepreneurs it's like you know we we we can you know um show nice things and that's great we got to encourage people that way but i think we also got to encourage people you know whatever whatever it is because it might be five dollars that someone might be a smile you never know how you can what you do can affect somebody else to do something good like now i'm saying like you might give away forty thousand dollars somebody might not be in a position to do that but they might be in a position to just help a lady across the street snowballing you know what i'm saying just give a kid two dollars and not even say yo keep the candy i don't want the candy just take two dollars like i'm saying so we need more of that because we that's all we really have is each other you know and we we got an amazing unit and it's just dope you just brung up brandon um and it's crazy being in new york seeing all the love but it was another thing that um i wanted from new york right being here seeing love i rock with new york but y'all got something here that's different from everywhere else right and that's that's whole like and roc nation one of my goals was to get signed as a management deal to get met roc nation to actually manage my company to help that take it to the next level and so that's like being in new york too feeling that i'm like when you just broke it up like so many people here but we don't think about who manages the entrepreneurs and gives that outlet yeah nobody no a-list company or celebrities really have edified the education in the black community yet uh and it's it's crazy not only is it powerful and impactful we see it but then the money that's circulating through the community is crazy so now that's one of the things i don't know it just so happens that we got it we got the american gangsta album we got the black album you know yeah that's fate what happened rock nation man shout out to the good folks we got a lot of friends actually we got some people over there um shout out to everybody in roc nation for sure yeah uh good people over there people that we know for sure good people all right um so how can the people contact you how's your what's your social media handles what's your website um all that information at him 500 on instagram him 500 on youtube at him 500 everywhere on twitter as well recession proof extreme is the website um to just check out the things that i offer uh my program-wise is recession proof extreme also you can visit me on instagram at him 500 click the link in my bio or if you want more content and just learn more about financial literacy take a take a scroll through my page i got a ton of videos where i just teach and just get information away for free yeah shout out to sherry bryant um president of roc nation who was a loyal supporter of ernestia a good friend of ours i just uh yeah we got the seat warm for her yeah i i sent my congratulations to snow allegra hopefully that got sent to her shout out to sherry shout out to sherry for sure troy housekeeping items yeah shout out to everybody on y'all know that's how proud the paid program man it is uh it has grown man it's so it's so interesting to watch how that has grown over the time and shout out to everybody that is on eyl university you know the patreon tier 5 members you have access to the number one online school for education that is eyel university uh and shout out to everybody that's important to merch man it is going really well man so i'm happy to see everybody out there i need some people to start tagging when they when they wear the merch store man i like seeing that man i love to see people working out in it i love seeing people uh having it all while they're watching market mondays or they're watching the podcast so keep doing more of that man i'd love to see it yeah for sure thank you guys for rocking with us we appreciate you um we'll see you next week peace peace my graduates from my school being forbes backdrop drop my drop [Applause] backdrop
Channel: Earn Your Leisure
Views: 2,031,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: earn your leisure, finance, Recession proof, Marcus Barney, Him 500, Credit to cash, Trade line, Turo, Business credit, Personal credit, Credit card, Circle of ceos
Id: P4-oTfyiZsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 59sec (4859 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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