I DESTROYED THE SUN To Kill a Colossal Titan in People Playground

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oh hey everybody i'm blitz and this is my very best friend in the entire world his name is kevin kevin is staring deeply into my soul i'm not sure i like this very much kevin what do you have to say for yourself he doesn't have to say much but he is he's so happy look at him isn't it kind of creepy how he's staring at me now instead of the regular kevin's that don't stare at you this one just looks at me i don't think i like that very much i do know one thing though one thing is that you guys hit a ton of like buttons on the last two videos of people playground so many that we don't even get to give kevin the option of of which switch he gets to do he just says he's so happy that you guys hit like and subscribe in the last videos and you should do it again so something like this doesn't happen actually that's a lot of bells way more than i thought it was should we do it again because it's kind of funny and uh-oh oh there they are i wonder how many it takes to crash the game that's a thousand bells each and the good news is i just got a 3090 graphics card so maybe it can handle a little bit more oh we'll see and we'll slow it down just for funsies oh it's unpaused that is a lot of physics calculations going on okay we'll unpause it or unslow it uh oh oh it's thinking game is thinking i had to slow it down again because kevin i mean he's getting crushed under the weight of this performance there they go that's actually really satisfying watching that collide look at this here it goes oh look at that and the the bells ringing you know what we're gonna have to do with this right i mean we have like 4 000 bells on the screen now it'd be a shame if we weren't gonna get a nuke and blow them up hello game please let me load in a nuke it'll be exciting i promise i bet this is gonna crash if i just drop a nuke right on top okay i'm not gonna lie pretty impressed with the graphics card so far it's stable are you ready to melt it because i'm ready to melt it and you know who else is ready to melt it front facing kevin he's just so creepy when he stares at me like that kevin you deserve this oh yeah oh the game is crawling now ready get set activate oh it worked my game didn't die but kevin did so that's good wow you can see the shock wave out here oh oh i think i did it i think i did it [Laughter] well so much for that new graphics card there's a map we hardly ever play on it's this one it's the snow map you know what's interesting there's a new environment button where we can have it snow or not snow we could also cause it to rain and some fun things called lightning chance 100 and then and then we just like zap the entire world repetitively be a shame if kevin were to get electrocuted we'll just have to wait wow oh i dropped you way too far somehow we survived that we won't survive the electrical storm look he's trying to crawl away poor guy lightning does strike twice huh oh that was super close he oh no wow lightning hit this one spot three times let's see if it can happen again [Laughter] oh we're gonna make him go away he had too much kool-aid leaking from him that's what happens with robot kevin's actually somebody asked me oh there he went somebody asked me why i don't use the android for kevin i don't know something about robots they just aren't as exciting as human robots i also don't know why the lightning in the game doesn't make any sense to me but then again it is people playground where not much of anything makes sense so there is a new mod that i found it's pretty exciting yeah there's one that adds like trains and junk which is fun because kevin likes riding trains this one's weird not gonna lie it allows us to create things in the world like packed ice just a tile draw the bottom of ice i don't know what to call it so this one it's slippery has anti-friction letting any object slide forever so we could make like a skiing hill for kevin doesn't this sound fun is that upside down i feel like that's upside down we should try it oh no he he's working how do i delete that how do i hear how do i how do i get oh that's going to hurt acceleration substance hold up you need some acceleration substance my dude and then if i just like move you a little bit i really don't know how to delete this stuff here accelerate under it that was fun now if i delete that and then i caused kevin to go down it he he has fun he's going sledding yes go kevin go i'm so proud of you buddy he really likes sledding sledding is his favorite pastime oh until he breaks the leg and his face and every other oh oh okay splash i was wondering if we could build our friend here a nice little fun object to ride on down the sledding hill now i do recall somebody making something quite unique out of these like a long time ago i don't know if this is going to work but it'll be funny if it does are you getting at what i'm getting that are you picking up what i'm putting down and then we can just take the new pin thing and we'll just pin everything together maybe that could work i don't know if it will let's see does this roll now hello kind of maybe i pick you up a little bit there you go why are you not seeing oh i pinned it to the background oh dumb where did i pin it to the background at dot com there it goes kevin you need to go inside of here bud there you go oh no oh this is gonna be good i wonder if he oh he's actually protected i'm impressed i'm impressed oh he's picking up some serious speed whoo he's got it he's oh yes that was awesome oh he didn't survive the landing though because his leg got oh it exploded oh that's gross oh no poor kevin we need to figure out a way remember those egg drop things that you did in like seventh grade where you dropped an egg off the top of the school inside of some protected box that's what we're gonna do right now kevin it's time to put your seatbelt on there you go bud yeah just gonna seatbelt you to the car like nothing bad ever happened then we're gonna activate the car so it drives i think this will work i think i think this is going to do the trick i think kevin's going to survive this one the car's spinning out on the ice he might actually make it if he does then we might need to change how the ice works oh no no no no oh hey oh he almost survived did he survive sort of that's amazing good job kevin although i feel like he's he doesn't like that very much he has to survive all the way until the object is stopped ah gonna be all right dude nope he's gone we must start the engine and then turn it on i feel like this will work let's follow him and see if he can survive hey wait now hold up dude you're cheating and stuff you can't just fly over there that's better yeah we just need to we just need to activate oh he's making oh this that actually hurts him a little it's not not quite working uh-huh speeder bro doesn't quite do the do the trick oh oh oh no oh no he made it off the edge that's good news um let's see what happens can he land it oh no sad day to be a speeder driver all right let's see if this works stabilizers off stabilizers on close the door close the door you need to walk now are you gonna walk do i have to pull you forward oh he's he's gonna go sledding down hey um i don't know if this is gonna work kevin i'm kind of impressed if it does he's making it he's making it it's gonna work it's gonna work he's got that below and above ground walking going on here okay here comes the dismount oh he's an olympian let's see how he lands oh he did it he landed nice nice now we just must fire the minigun to make sure it still works that was pretty pretty cool i like that that was well done what's that he's got a missile we must follow the missile wait how did he get a missile oh no oh it's coming right back at him oh it missed that was pretty cool well done laser walker man you survived the sledding hill and i know you guys really want to see it ever since you first saw the train you thought what happens if we drive the train would that be fun i think so we're just gonna have to strap kevin in because we don't want him to leave us at all ever and then we'll hit this button and we'll unfreeze it no reverse gear go forward there you go good job and it would i mean it wouldn't be a proper people playground video if there wasn't a second train that was ready to hurl adam at full speed they're both moving this is good this is good let's follow this side and just see what happens are you ready for this excitement i am i'm gonna keep zooming back we'll see what happens with kevin oh here they come 500 miles an hour train crash three two one zero negative one negative two negative three negative four and boom oh that wasn't as exciting but these little those wires are what is going on here would you not do that right now we're trying to make a video stop it you guys are not supposed to make baby trains right now um ladies and gentlemen we have done it we have made a train taco yeah that's what was supposed to happen except they were just supposed to blow up and stuff now evidently they're just stuck together unlike kevin he's no longer stuck together he's having serious problems with his life what's left of it there's nothing left of it if you were wondering oh no well train crashes are fun now one other nice thing about this mod is that we can make like walls and we can make structures like big old giant huge walls like that like big ones that's real big one that's a real big one look how much taller than kevin it is kevin's not too excited that he has a giant wall in his face mainly because kevin doesn't know if it'll hurt if a steam train crashes in behind him and hits the wall yes yes it does hurt but kevin and his friend creepy kevin know one thing that giant walls are the only way to keep out titans until you know the colossal titan shows up and then destroys the whole idea of having a wall colossal titan also doesn't really know how to walk very good you have to forgive him because he's new to this game and oh i was going to impale him but he just killed his friend the armored titan incoming so my idea instead of building up walls is that we have to build up some sort of fancy laser were ready to destroy the titan if you guys were wondering this is the attack on titan mod i'm personally never watched them uh but i did watch a 20 minute youtube video recapping all three seasons so i had an idea what i was talking about i also know that the attack on titan world doesn't have giant lasers they only have really bad cannons that don't really do anything yeah like hardly do anything to giant titans as they trip and try to no they eat dark cannons that's terrible dude colossal titan do you ever learn how to just not do dumb stuff now you're just cowering why are you cowering you're the biggest cruelest meanest thing in the history of big cruel mean things i'm just gonna have to mend you yeah is that better does that make you good it's gonna now you died he just crumbled into a pile of goop it also makes me wonder if our laser walker bro if he could do anything there it goes there it is there it is and if i follow that boom oh that didn't even that didn't even hurt him that hardly even hurt the colossal titan this will be interesting we must make a death starlight creation so there's this giant glowing ball that i just found it's called the sun i don't really know what it does except make things not even burn weird kevin where'd he go oh he fell from the sun oh no oh oh he bounced pretty high huh i thought something called the sun would literally be larger but i was going to harness the power of it to power a laser i'll be honest i don't even know where it is oh there it is the sun there's also a tree and the moon is the moon larger than the sun almost something about this doesn't seem right and there's bush trees have gravity this is awkward too fight clear everything the sun and the moon stay they're with us forever i can't get rid of them dude they're gone like i gotta restart the map you better not be on here oh we have a problem i'm actually kidding i just spawned those in and i can undo them gotcha so should we do it should we try to create a sun powered like laser that destroys titans i think that'd be fun okay let's just try this real quick oh yes that's beautiful and then it'll charge up a mega laser from that point oh that's pretty cool i like that and we'll turn it off oh yes and activate oh beautiful nice that's so cool oh i love how it turns off in like series two that's awesome all right let's see if this firing mechanism works one key to activate it's charging it's charging you see the little bar charging it's charging getting power from the energy that didn't even make sense but i'm gonna go with it and then once it's fully charged up we can hit this button oh did it work oh oh it's working yes oh it's kind of flickering oh that's so cool look we made a laser and i can shut it off anytime i want actually it's not even spawning in there there we go should we see what this does to our friend kevin now we know kevin is in a titan but it'll still be exciting oh my word it cut him straight in half and it took his hand off oh not quite wow that was fun that's a powerful laser all right so the next step do you remember in the last video when we built the time portal yeah i think i forget which one probably three probably three is the best one oh there it is okay i like that and if i take it all and i rotate it i don't even know why i'm rotating it but i feel like i need to yes it's beautiful oh i love it so much oh are these keys keypad two and one well if i hit the one key let's see what happens everything's charging up nice and then the two key fires hmm okay that's kind of neat but it doesn't fire this that's because it's not fully charged yet okay and three yeah it's yeah yeah yeah this will be fun they're the laser trying to escape the black hole i'll be honest we're just gonna remove these like that yeah all of those we don't really need that thing we just need the black hole generator which is this thing and we gotta put the sun right in the middle of it yeah i'm excited for this now as testing purposes we have to see what happens if all of these turn on does it absorb the sun it doesn't we're just absorbing okay we're getting power from the sun we're sucking the power out of the sun and then that is what's gonna be charging up this laser and three two one blast off at some point it should just deteriorate no it can't that's right it can't because it doesn't have the power from the outside nice that's gonna work good you're probably thinking hey blitz that one laser really isn't enough yeah so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna put a butt load of them together all right let's see if it works oh they're all firing up oh that looks nice and then we'll fire it yes mega laser megazord and then we'll put in creepy kevin yay look he got toasted like some popcorn wow okay that was incredible this is really fun to do where it just kind of circles around itself isn't that incredible there's something weird about that black hole wave that's being caused i like it i like it a lot oh it's such a neat machine so after an hour and a half of building may i present to you the solar powered death star powering up powering up oh yes it's online and activated but it's not fully charged yet are you ready for this ready in three two one headphone alert [Music] it's a black hole power death star look at how cool that is and then like that's actually a laser beam coming out of the front of it that's incredible and but it's like one charge because it totally drains down the sun isn't that amazing i love it i feel bad for it in a way because it's like oh we can only use a sun once and then it's like little shambling mess that it used to be and here's really what you wanted to see you wanted to see the titan being destroyed by it i'm just gonna freeze him i don't want to freeze him but i i think i have to maybe i'll freeze that part oh yes are you ready for this and charge up the black hole would you stop being like a coward stop cowering try to walk and stuff there you go if i just clear your animation override no then you just go into color mode would you not do that i want you to walk and stuff that'll work that'll do the trick all right activate the power cell black hole sucking in the power of the sun charge up the lasers you ready to fire i'm ready to fire detonate the black hole wow oh there he is we can just like blast him a little bit wow i did not expect him to get sucked in that's why the laser stopped working lasers fried can i activate it no the lasers are fried oh that's awesome wow that was so cool i wanna do it again i'm not gonna lie i really wish he wouldn't cower no i really wish this was like 14 times bigger like i can but the sun i can't grab the sun i could resize the whole thing but the sun still stays dinky so we'll just have to make it the best we can which is pretty much that and then we'll detonate we'll start sucking in the power from the sun yes and then we'll hit the one key so if you want to do this i'll upload this to the steam workshop you'll have to get the sun mod on your own or you can use it without it uh you hit the one or the two key on the keypad to charge these up like that and then the one key powers up these and those lights and then the three key is the laser itself you can see the laser charges and then if you hit the four key the four key is what turns on these little generators behind to start up oh it looks so amazing oh what a cool creation anyway guys that'll do it for today's video keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time i'd also like to thank ben ellen hagan dickie james autodave eagle arc seraphin x des bogger maxer zarnoff noah collingwood jason mcfarland dagan paul longstone and rail as well as the rest of the patreon supporters and everyone who has joined the channel as a youtube member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 744,094
Rating: 4.9633098 out of 5
Keywords: blitz
Id: 0mPFybFy4IA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 01 2021
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