I Have The Sweetest Job Ever in Bee Simulator

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one of my favorite genres of games is the animal simulator genre where you play as an animal living your life as an animal would be in a game well this is a game called bee simulator where we do exactly that so it has been interesting bees are real tiny right so you fly around a big world as a little bee from their perspective kind of cool I believe this world is built on Central Park too so you can fly around New York City in the Central Park to go with that this video is also sponsored by Big Ben interactive and the game is available today so you can pick it up on the epic game store ps4 Xbox one and Nintendo switch there's a link in the video description where you can live the life of your bee if you purchased the game using that link so make sure you check out the single-player story mode that shows you with your family of bees that's what we're gonna play today and hopefully we can save our hive from the humans you can also go into the exploration mode where you can fly around Central Park or you can play with your friends in split-screen mode you can use that for either cooperation or competition and there's additional maps so you don't get to fly around Central Park for the entire time so the additional maps make the game a little bit more fascinating to play with your friends I mean since it is a bee game - you get to interact with the surroundings the people the animals the plants the other bugs can't even get trophies of them which is kind of cool and the music of the game is really relaxing it's actually composed by the same guy who did the witcher 3 and the vanishing of ethan carter if you played any of those games oh oh here i am am i am I in an egg am I in an egg oh it's like a little larval thing that's disgusting and kind of cool at the same time I think am i hatching no maybe maybe am I am i growing up oh oh creepy okay those are my grabby harms grabby arms I got I got I got hands this is great I'm gonna be the best B in the history of best B's it's gonna be so sweet oh here I go Oh wake up little bean that was my nickname in high school actually I didn't have any nicknames in high school I just said that oh look at them all they're so cute I would it be that one on the right with the squiggly eyes oh hey here we go look we're inside the hive this is awesome look at all the honeycombs this stuff oh that's me what's your name my name my name can I take my name it Oh biscuit no let's do how about Seabiscuit see cuz that's that's the racehorse you know that the horse that did like super cool things yeah now what be I'm a bee racehorse I'm gonna catch all the honey in the entire world now I get to learn how to fly like a bee okay thanks and it's WASD of that it's obvious Oh II and Q are up and down rather than like control of spacebar nice let's do it oh I can fly around this is awesome oh there's a long time please show me the way show me the way oh there we go finally gold marker there it is oh look at this it's like we're inside of a tree stump with mushrooms and stuff oh look at all those beehives this is so cool hello look at those things oh look at all the little bees tending to a tooth that is so cool that's so cool okay where am I going now where do I get where's the golden marker down here fly little bee Oh now we have our own private Cove okay here's a honey layer not honey a flower can I get the pollen off of this so I can make honey oh my good I'm actually am I can I land on it can I land on it like make it my friend no not really cuz I pressed the wrong button okay so that actually I can fly right through it that's fine we got to go take me the way I love my little wings are beating so fast whoa like a jet fighter flying in the caverns here oh I gotta say this game is really pretty oh we have a new mission must learn to collect pollen okay we can do this real good I'm the best pollen collector in the history of best paul and collectors look at me go yes i'm collecting from the flowers I got a Care Act when t of them I can do this Oh Louise little like flower lilies this is cool I wish I had like a little private flower garden inside of a really cool cave like this because this place is amazing it's like an inside area there's there's it's just a cave a cave of Secrets coming in for a pollen collection run okay we're gonna get these two up here that one is there another one up here Oh grasshopper hey Fred I'm gonna zap you ha oh I wanted to stab him with my with my stabby it's Debbie part of my life ah Oh mate oh yes I wonder if I can take him out probably not he's okay we're friends aren't we mr. grasshopper we'll be bestest Apelles yeah I'm last one good no now can I just drop my honey off here look I dropped off all of Poland that's awesome I got 150 for knowledge points I'm so smart oh now I get B vision - what does this do oh that's like him I've got a jet a fighter jet playing on well I gotta get the red ones okay we can get this like a visor on I wonder if I'd take yeah if I take the visor off I can use the Force that'll do the trick there is this one yes I did it I used the Force so now that I completed the tutorial I can go meet with the Queen do I get to go like the Queen's throne room with like royal jelly and junk that's gonna be awesome oh is this it this is the Queen's no this is the main hive okay this way this way wow I love it already throw it down into the big area all there's the Queen hey mom how are you her sister meet my mom sister I think is that how bees work I think so Wow that throne room is actually really cool look at that place oh oh oh oh the guardian bees don't like me oh my mom's sick hey my dude I'm here mom you're gonna give me like your inheritance can I be the new queen oh thank you I got a promotion from being a honey bee to being a honey bee yes collect pollen for the hive I can do it that was what I was born for and now I guess we go outside and just collect all the pollen in the entire universe oh there we go look they were flying outside with the rest of the bees look at our nadir is this like a post-apocalyptic know it this is Central Park so this is the zoo we're in the zoo in Central Park I got it oh there's another dear hey dear how are you and a dragonfly nice some butterflies little butterfly yes I get to explore the world and collect pollen from flowers look at me go this is what bees were born to do just zipping through all the little circles I wonder if they see circles they probably just see in smell flowers yeah if I was a bee I'd probably see and smell things better than like looking for giant circles I got like five left whoa people hello what's your name is your name is Steve hello Steve your name's Kevin Kevin ha ha ha Kevin get one of those he doesn't seem to care right now he did say ow okay whoo balloons okay I pop the balloons hey hold up a second we got it we got to get all this and then pop a balloon hey everyone oh they didn't like that he spotted I'm gonna pop the rest of them cuz they deserve it there how do you like these popping balloons huh and took Oh Oh daddy's got a B on her shirt that's awesome I'm missing it this is my friend about wait so look at this I get to follow another beat right through the picnic area oh just hit bunny in a cup oh hey look oh there's a little kid here oh shoot I gotta I gotta follow the rings nice there's a dog eek whoa whoa whoa whoa coming in oh another picnic up here another picnic look at this and under the trike this is cool I like the world they made here and I'm starting to chase them down oh we're going in we're going in the big tree stump that's good right through the wind baby careful about the wind nice and we've landed at the picnic I didn't realize that bees like picnic I thought that was like more of wasps that always were around I knew any time I went on a picnic there's always a big wasp that came out like hey I've got a snack I'm gonna share it with you and I was like no go away yeah this is cool then we got rid of Fred we'll ours in the back nice oh speaking of wasp there's one be careful it's a wasp do i what do I do now do I fight it do we do we we battle I think we're battling oh yeah we're totally battling we're totally but look at that dude dancing in the background oh my oh left click right click left click I did it I'm gonna smack him and by the powers of be kind I shall defeat this wasp using my index finger and middle click yes ha ha I'm just right click ok daddy I Victor eyes to myself yes fly away you wasp I've won the day and now can I eat this lollipop I think so yes yes I'm eating the lollipop ok I got to check out this dude's dancing skills here oh my I'm gonna pop their balloons first maybe it'll make them stop dancing let's make you stop dancing yes oh she's crying question is is she crying about me popping the balloons or is she crying about her dad's dancing that's my real question because like personally I'd be afraid nope she's dancing again you know what sir you need to stop this madness you need to stop this as I fly up your nostril left nostril right nostril is your call going in we're going in here oh he dodged it yeah I'm gonna stab one head nice poke dog alright let's go back to the hive right before I pop this blue poop out oh I missed it hold up what's this guy doing is he dancing I don't I don't understand it these people are like super excited never mind he doesn't seem to accept all these clapping oh no oh no what's they're gonna chop down my tree no that's not cool okay this is excuse me sir you are not allowed to chop down my tree I must sting you in the ear and eyeball oh that would really hurt getting stung in the eye no thanks oh but I get to read I get to fill the cells with Colin oh hi oh thank you oh we gotta go to the library now do they have a respiratory of knowledge in this place they totally do have a library set up this is cool so if I go up to this thing it tells us the goodness of this flower oh okay is this telling me to go go outside and search for good pollen I can do that so this this be right here this one this one's supposed to be the one that tells me where to go get sweet pollen from yeah and I got to follow her dancing skills that's how bees communicate evidently there we go there we go I'm the best dancing be there ever was in the history of best dancing bees and I've done it I am so smart in the ways of dancing oh I gotta go to the zoo I thought I was in the zoo I was in the zoo but I was in the deer pen and now there's cows here that's awesome there we go finding lots of Colin in with the chickens don't chickens eat bees and crows make pies whatever that thing is I think so this might not be the best place for me to live oh good chicken oh now I'm in the goat pen go through my friends I also like goat simulator games we let's go through okay next one and sure right through the fences right Oh got to thread that needle out walk my head and did it hello yes I'd like to sting you in the neck I'll get destroyed we're gonna go over here what do we get down here is this oh there's rhinos does the Rhino have any issues with the bee stings no it's got to think of a hide hello zebra Oh what do we got over here we got hippos hello hippo I like you you're cool-looking I'll land on your nose maybe aah whoa you just try to bite me that's why they're the most dangerous animal in Africa there are so many flowers in this little flower garden it's amazing it's like the best day of my be life which is probably the second day it might be life but it's still the best day there we go and got it okay now I'm scum over here we got a mission to accomplish this is telling us to finish missing the zoo there's so many flowers here I love it every day Oh the flower lady she's got me the special flowers Oh get him oh I missed one I come here give me that oh no I'm full on pollen I must return to the hive but first it must reload my sugar let's eat this cupcake like that kid okay the kid doesn't need me I don't want to stick it and we'll make a quick pit stop perfect before I grab the sweet nectar all my people I did it I got em both I think I only got one oh did get it oh this is cool there's like sea lions here no sea lion Fred oh there's their special flowers in the tropical zone these are like some of my favorite always at a corpse flower disgusting those things are nasty they're like they smell like rotting death and garbage they're disgusting but they only bloom like every 20 years or something weird oh nice there's cactuses this is awesome I always like visiting these places in real zoos because well there's all sorts of awesome things inside and it's usually like climate-controlled now I got to get red flowers let's do this red flower oh the cactus nice this should be the last one right here got it knowledge points knowledge is power oh shoot man it looks like the trees been chopped down a bit more are these humans trying to destroy oh they are they're gonna take out our hive we're gonna go find a new hive we better that be awesome so I'm gonna drop off the new pollen goosh and then we go to the trophy room what's in a trophy room oh it looks like we can unlock different statues okay let's unlock this one yes look at that thing oh it looks so cool the Western honeybee is there any others well there's a lot more I can unlock in here what's this one do oh that's like the wasp okay we battled the wasp how do I have any other points to buy more of these I do I have just enough to buy this one which is like the giant housefly okay cool winter is coming get your next assignment which is just a collect more pollen which I that's good cuz I'm a bee and that's what I do best at how fast can I collect 50 flowers I hope not too fast if I keep crashing into things whoa I'm super fast Wow I'm got like super speed burst mode on I think I've done it and I think I've done it I got all my my honey and there we go but they want me to collect even even more I guess that makes sense because I'm beat this time they want special pollen from the green bushes drop off the collected ball and we found all the green things I've done it I've done it maybe there it is oh wow I got a new skin we get wait we can put on new skins collect as much pollen as you can carry hooah oh whoa never mind whoa Harry the Hornets come to visit us dude Hornets are no joke I got a I bet I gotta battle him oh yeah I totally got a battle him whoo-hoo fight mode oh wow this is a lot more intense but thank you for all of those years of clicking buttons my fingers kidding well destroy this Hornet oh look at those uppercuts Oh blocked it block two in a row perfect oh I did it I knocked him out get destroyed victory I have defeated the Hornet he is done for yes leave Hornet friend I totally did beat you I don't know what we're gonna fight again that's not cool I don't want to do that again army you fair and square oh boy yeah little cutscene this is how the bees evidently defend their their hive uh-huh is this this is Lord of the Rings huh you good at night let the beat they learn it in oh here we go it's a fight oh oh the hive together what whoa they swarmed it do they all sting it now that's awesome oh it's leaving that's good get out of there never come back oh now I got a promotion I did it I'm so good at this game I'll check it out this place even has a fun slide tonight can I go down it can I go down it I'm just gonna ride it with you except I'm gonna do it by myself here we go here we go and down up down and a little bit like scroll I sure hope I can slide down this thing that kid is not in a good spot not okay maybe if I just pretend to go there we go maybe flying man stabbed them right in the leg Yeah right in the ankle yeah no that will do the trick that'll do the trick how'd that feel are you trying to step on me I gotta help the bullied because this kid is stomping on flowers you know what kid you deserve this you deserve this yeah oh did hit him yeah I am oh I got to get it right in the arm a little bit hard to control myself as a beat ha there are this I did it run away child I get you again I'm gonna get you again hoorah POW run away get out of my life get out of us get away from our hive I must go deposit more honey I've pollen stuff in my eyes oh nice I've got over a thousand points no I think there's the extras that I can get like a different wardrobe going on Oh different skins okay so what's the difference between the Western honeybee and a honey coat beat I don't see too much I guess the the torso thorax what are those call it the back part I don't remember who that one looks cool look at these things I want up all the blue or should be whoa a green one look at these things ooh a secret beef look at that thing Oh I want to cyber beat can I get him by spending knowledge points 2,000 points for the cyber B well that one looks cool too if there's a secret beat I like all these I think there's extra things like hats - yeah traffic cones and different trails I can get I shouldn't want a trail I'm gonna buy that yeah we're gonna buy that and we're gonna ply to our but now do I do I do I get a little a little bit of a zing sure we have to be flying fast for that to happen Oh check it out there's a spider up here hey dude guys think you oh no oh I got stuck Oh No try to escape free button oh no the spiders coming oh I want to eat my spider idol-like spiders the spiders is still coming I'm gonna I'm trying to escape my dude I really would like to okay the spiders a long way away I got this I managed to escape yes so let's stay away from the spider web that's not a cool place to go and now there's a cave the cave of Secrets oh there's little bees there's little bees to rescue in here let's try it there's another another spiderweb oh what's this oh there it is how did how do I get right I go around it I guess oh yeah there's the way around it hey little bee you could come this way oh you might have forgotten your way home do I have to sing you the songs of my people do I have to dance for you to remember how to come home oh I do it's dancing time yes okay that forward uh-huh we're communicating I'm telling you the ways of the bee life okay they should do it this should do it and oh no I messed it up I think this is it I think this is the ways of the bee life oh I did it I did it yes and a little bee friend is safe he can go back home perfect job well done so that is gonna wrap it up for this video today on B simulator if you did like this game and you'd like to play more of it make sure you check out that link in the video description to play the game for yourself it's a lot of fun and I'm enjoying it a lot you
Channel: Blitz
Views: 821,278
Rating: 4.908565 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, bee, bees, bee game, bee simulator, bee simulator game, bee simulator gameplay, bee simulator pc, bee simulator ps4, bee simulator xbox one, bee simulator switch, bee swarm, bee hive, hive, simulator game, nov2018, bee simulator trailer
Id: 2XI128C4sN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 14 2019
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