Grow Up - Ep. 1 - Riding Giant Starplants! - Let's Play Grow Up Gameplay

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hey everybody I'm blitz welcome to your brand new game called grow up if this looks familiar it's because I played a game about a year ago called grow home and conveniently this is the sequel to that game or that is the prequel to this one however you want to look at it it is a game developed by Ubisoft and one of their in houma studios reflections I believe the studio is and it's a pretty low-cost game so down below in the video description is a whole bunch more information and links that you can go check out if you do want to play it I'm gonna be playing on the PC through Steam it is not through you play because I know a lot of people ask it is a straight steam game that I'm playing on I'll be using an Xbox 360 controller Ubisoft also sent me a ps4 key and it I prefer to play on the PC on this one so we're gonna try it out here and see how we go the whole principle of the game is that it's a collectible game and we explore a map and we collect the different items and crystals on the map as we try to get the objective for the total mission of the game the last one is fairly short around three to four hours and I hope this one's a little bit longer because I really did enjoy the last one and I hope I enjoy this one too so I can make a brand new game and see how it starts out ah botanical expedition discovery and recovery of interesting bio forms Dame 1802 to three totally tic-tac-toe Version three mmm score mom twelve thousand ninety six bud zero so mom is the name of the ship I don't remember exactly what that's dude for them if you know let me know down below in the comments you gotta play getting button well we could play iSpy but there really isn't a lot to see Oh warning warning warning meteor shower approaching pretty good pilot their mom or bud or whoever probably not but okay yep definitely crashing into the planet and definitely leaving orbit of the planet oh wow look at that that's pretty that's one thing I remember about the the original game is the sound design and the level design and the artwork are just really really good for a verb in it a small studio to make you can see that we got the credits here on the screen of everyone that was involved with making this I assume anyway that's what he credits usually do yeah we're in a crash land looks like we're getting pretty close to the ground it should be right around the corner here if planets have corners there we go right on the beach got boom perfect okay until it's a low-poly game obviously the rocks are like giant polygons and we've got like no direction nothing to do so we're just going to walk forward and see what happens I do know that the left and right trigger are the hand movements so we can do a little dance and his legs his legs so one thing to remember too is his legs were like really jiggly it feels a little bit better than the last one did oh yeah huh come on a little crab thing you're coming with me you are mine you are mine we're gonna go we're gonna go this way oh there's pod booting planetary observations Royd okay boot complete oh well oh do you like planets sure I am pod I like planets and optics and orbits loads of things you're like a crash satellite aren't you pod view must be is a satellite learning in a view yep there's a Senate satellite view there we go you can see through my eyes that's disconcerning you can zoom around okay left stick look around yep that's what I'm doing out there ooh see look at that right there on the map you see a little blue thing that's a crystal this game has a lot of our collectibles there's a little cave in there too who could go look at you know what that is that's a tub okay a pro protective canister for different equipment can you get to it yeah sure we can get to that because I think we're just right over here yeah there we are with a little clam buddy and there's the tub and our crystal and in the cave let's go check those upbeat exit pod view oh hey buddy my little dude you're coming with me maybe how do we get up there with them climb with bumpers no we can't climb we got a little dude he's gonna come with us it will be our friend we only named him squishy come on squishy oh how am I gonna drop you and get that crystal uh mom must have dropped this up fell on your face it was a terrible crash sniff okay boom Oh flora Dec 3000 a florida scans records and reproduces the DNA of useful flora forms or I guess that's plants and make seeds basically okay that's right it reproduces the seeds of the different plants we have it's pretty much the floor next mm but a nicer case I think that might have been the last game the flora Dex mm here oh can i scan you know I can't scan you if we jump on this thing and then hit X when grabbing onto it we scan it and it's there we go a champion springing form fungus good for jumping and sauteed apparently on toast and now we can throw a seed uh-oh look at that awesome so let's try jump it what happens you supposed to be springy oh yeah that's definitely springy let's see if we can grab this thing ah maybe not oh we got another mushroom here here we go whew it's a crystal oh yeah yeah yeah good job bud crystal cell power let's try to get in this cave to it sounds good if you didn't notice there's a little like a a jingling sound it's the best way I could put it oh hello giant mushroom tree where are you highs dirty towel floor for minutes should support your weight will climbing okay so it's like a ladder neat I guess we could have used that instead of manually climbing up this hill let's get in a cave ah he just might even a dumb idea I'm the king of dumb ideas though oh hey there's a block here how the blocks were from the ship do we need to collect these two hey probably mate if it's hidden inside of a little area like this I'm assuming we need to collect it but what do we do with it we leave it right there for now and we remember that it's here because I'm stuck and we have better things to do rather than playing with blocks that we don't know what to do with NATO what's that can I touch it does it hurt oh it's a cactus nice land on my face Earth pumpkins - Nate come here pumpkin man there's too much stuff to play with there's another block great this is this is horrible thanks too many things to play with Mike got you we'll leave you there oh that sounds good to me that is an exclamation point I've ever seen your next mission point my life it usually means a quest in a game isn't it that climb up you I can floor deck yep oh we're supposed to use the Florida to reach that oh okay yep that's probably why right there well then greatest height 54 kilometers okay I'm gonna try to jumping land on the bottom that didn't work um okay let's do it right this time maybe we'll try jumping somewhere closer instead up Stan Danza hey hey I got you okay is there anything neat over here do we need to climb up this way probably in climb this way ooh is that the satellite guy nice okay or climb up the Shroomish room and should be able just a bounce that work pretty good alright what's this but for Jeffers that's a pod or tub it's another tub okay so this is the item that we had at the bottom that we got the this florid x3000 out of hey grab on you that looks like a cool island to explore over there there's a crystal up there too so we have to go up there there are gonna be I'm probably not going to hit all 150 crystals in the game and I'll do the best I can jetpacks allow you to fly or check packs oh yeah that's definitely a jetpack well that would've been easier to get some of the stuff back home alright I guess we need to go up here hey bud look what I found what you found ooh maybe go over here instead here to make me jetpack over here is that how this works hey dude what's happening that's a star plant where I don't know how I know this but you need to grow it in climate you remember what you do right wait but there's something up there up here I don't see the star plant let's go to the pod view oh mine that's a piece of our ship a piece of mom okay there's little bolts there Duke or nuts nuts we should take it to the moon and fix mom so that was the capsule that was left on the pond oh look there's like a jumping areas down there we're really cool that we can see everything keeping track everything you find press right bumper oh so there's the crystals and challenges 0:40 challenges hmm okay let's find the ship part you can get to the moon to say mom perfect I'm guessing there's hundreds of these or 42 of them that we need to get wow this is easier to see what is this thing Oh clips through the ground that is one of those I guess that's a long way up to Oh just plant up there should we go over here let's go over to this one first wait a second we got a little battery icon too you don't want the battery icon to run down to zero for overall damage but if there is then that would probably kill us so let's use this thing it would make a shrew me perfect oh yeah that's awesome oh and a double okay let's make a tower oh that's great and I climb up the giant mushroom tower deal greatest height oh yeah we're beating our record now you're going to go over here then we're gonna lower flutter backwards perfect okay now let's let the battery charge up and we're gonna go after that crystal Wow yes perfect landing nailed it oh no oh is that what do we need to go I'm gonna go through these caves lay the water it doesn't carry us anywhere it might be something back here fun to find come on oh there's a backdoor here hey stop Oh just threw me away period dirty underwear nothing here maybe ah oh we're in the water we're in the water let's check out the back side of this I have a feeling this is not intentional right now or is intentional that we can go this way but not really where we want to go right now that's a different biome probably meeting a different type of gameplay um huh I'm gonna jump down here hopefully are not scared of heights did that Hey I've lived great news for us I hear a duck duck oh hey what are you doing with yourself ha challenges press X to start the challenge oh right ooh grab a floor forward press X what am i what's going on over there a floater no okay do I jump on you and we float whoa that was neat okay now we do the same thing oh wow how we're doing something where am I supposed to do um yeah right that's hilarious what am i what where do I go um loader I really don't I have no clue where to go right now I don't see anything telling me where to go oh I'm supposed to go higher maybe we don't have enough tools to get us up there I gonna come back to this where to go try to find that star plant that should be over here somewhere I did see that there's a tall mountain over here we can climb let's keep it ear out for um the crystals too might be some good crystals who is this guy new bioform okay neat part of the captain family Oh jump if the things I remember this thing I remember something similar to this there's a tall plant um that was imminent oh there's a sr crystal can you jump on there thank you no no no oh wow whoa oh stay old water there's some lily pads in there too okay stop there come on I'm on this time I'm just a quo okay on the lily pad oh yeah oh I can scan a little bed nice so let's do that and then we throw a seed aha oh well that didn't work as these things are jumping no no no no no oh I do remember you drowned if you attach the water too long so we're not we want to avoid doing that and there's some other noise oh what's that let's go find that get up here pod Oh with transporter got you tell a runner that's right and then these things you could teleport between the different stages on the island sounds like a lot of fun I'm here grab you come on down and we'll grab you like soap and we'll pull you down to nice annually spawn point does respawning is very good at respawning because it's a respawn point I think these are the things Oh x2 the selected destination that's the only one I know oh there's another pot up top we're gonna try to go do that I think that start I can't get over there I think that's star fruit or star plant it's over here this is the general direction see if we can find it maybe I'll get another indicator all theirs up there's a crystal in that cave there's one up there too a hat I'm gonna get this one and it will jetpack over to the other one to get that too oh there's all sorts little Falls up here rocks gotcha no we'll stay up here and then we're gonna try to just jet pack lightly down over to this island gotcha yes we're getting good at finding crystals wink nice work got five I don't hear any more jingling oh these little guys I remember there was a dodo bird in the first game that I killed he's like the last dodo bird I just threw him off the edge of the island whoopsies there's a groaning going on - let's see let's go up there oh that's right these these yellow islands are ones that the star plants can go into is that right think so and that might be the star plot actually groaning - there it is right there that's it if I I think so let's get closer I think that's it right there yeah yeah okay how do we get up here the best and I hear another crystal somewhere close yeah grab it and press X to grow oh great I'm gonna never hear the end of these comments there we go right into the gap see they grow once they hit that and then the planet grows - oh that's the main star star think yeah the star plan so we take the roots we go into those bigger islands with the fertilizer the energy rocks okay that makes sense and then that grows and we could connect those and uh grow even taller so that's how we grow up I forgot about that I remember what they look like I don't remember what they did so what do we have up here sometimes there's hidden stuff like crystals there's another challenge over there looks like that far Rock what gotcha nice so there was another crystal down below let's try to get up up here oh there's bugs what does it let's advanced a little bit gonna try this next star plant root deal so try to get over here oh I totally missed I totally missed not good not good not good Oh land out of squishy rock that's that's a good way to go squishy rock and another screech rock oh that's not a squishy rock this is a hard one let's try it grab it this time perfect extra grow it's the wrong X button grab and press X that's what I'm doing there we go and right into the juice gotcha star plants up to 700 meters tall now stir it will be maybe right 205 of the rocks all there's this thing this is what we're looking for these bugs like they're gonna eat mirror thing stay away from me bug give me a crystal this might have been the one we heard going up nice and this is another tub let me grab onto this and like so come here down perfect come under this oh very good and one more I think this is going to be another useful tool because it doesn't mean the tool bathtub or whatever it's called come on we get why in the air to open air brakes oh look at that we got a hat so don't fall is hard that's nice let's run back to our main I don't hurt another jingling there is one somewhere hmm yeah we'll find him later airbrakes whoo-hoo it's a glider nice okay there's something on that island that does not sound like or doesn't look like we can get over there conventionally with that the star plant route deal or we might be able to we might be able to you just can't grow the plant with it let's try it it's supposed to go let's go up to that one instead and then we might be able to float over to it Oh sometimes these did run out of energy too there it is jump up perfect we're doing it we are winning oh yes the other teleporting pad come on there's a crystal on the other side we're gonna try to get that one gotcha Oh No so now if we fall back to the planet we don't have to climb all the way up that's a good deal right I'll look for more teller routers more actively easier very good so let's grab that crystal over here and now let's see if I can get to the other one which is right down there you see it right over there I'm gonna try to do my best I can to get over to it till a rudder I don't hear any more jingling so let's do this Oh hope you're not scared of heights there that's easy easy peasy lemon squeezy who else missed it walk perfect okay let's try to get on top of this plant and we'll take a jump oh wow there's more more little legs on this plant yep that's more roots to it let's try to jump up we'll see how high we can get up I feel like there's more than I'm missing over there but we'll see what we can do Oh okay we're gonna grill this one up and there was an island way over here I don't think love enough juice oh oh oh yeah we're running out of juice oh oh dead now we have to find another one whoa you zoom out there it is is your mech in oh what a grab okay can we do this again go on ride that thing up top and right into the little energy Iraq hopefully don't run out of juice don't you dare run a not right now don't run a no don't are you kidding me you ran out of juice that close now I have to get well we don't have we do need to okay let's zoom out again that's the closest ones down there ah oh it's it's right over here mushroom deal okay I need to zoom in so I can see high-low bug catch up whoa no no no no come back this way come back this way good in there now don't you dare fall off now let's watch our big plant grow there it goes let's go into the next zone it's kind of cool I'm gonna walk back we're gonna jump up top here there is another floating island right there isn't there that one's got something on it - we need to go up to those I guess I'll come over to here we'll grab one of these see if we can get over there speed it up a little bit grab you that's that's a headache right there Frank and now where are we going down across straight over let's do this I don't quite have great there it is alright moving on in moving on in grow up into the rock feels like there's a day/night timer now to just kind of neat oh don't you don't you dare run you dirty little tree thing I needed we have to we have to get one of those into it so we can get the energy into our main stem I guess we'll try it again now I got a jump down to this carefully don't you dare don't we go up to the left come on oh I'm lost lost in space is this it yes we're gonna hit it from the top perfect spray landing oh what a look what a grab - oh oh oh our star plant is now picking up is it going to blew it did bloom with a giant shroom and a bunch of smaller shrooms whatever that means we got a flinger here - okay let's let's prepare to be flung oh yeah that was terrible flinging but we had another teleporter that's good grab you huh teleporter active I'm not so sure maybe this thing's big enough that we can get a pretty good boost back to this main star plant key parting call the star fruit but that's not exactly what it is okay let's try this Wow look at the mess we made over there so our goal is to get up to that let's try to jump we're not glad the best we can there is definitely a day/night cycle and see the shadows on the underneath side of the rock that's really cool can I make it over to one of these I might make it over to this and it'll just drive up that'd be better huh okay we're gonna drive drive the space flower open up enough oh yeah that's a much faster way to travel right here that's so much better hearing a relative energy again though yeah definitely right on energy I think there's another one really close there's one here we go we're at a highest level yet and we're gonna really rock it up now come on dude oh boy is it crystal eyes we'll take the shuttle right to the crystal they don't have to pay the taxi oh did we break it I think we got it what is in this cane or another crystal and some mosquitoes giant mosquitoes you're gonna eat me gotcha okay um I don't it's it's scary in here it's all sorts of noises I don't like oh look at this look at this this is our objective well this is part of the spaceship now isn't it gotcha grab the magnet is that what this is you're the maintenance I have you step down bud okay oh he's gonna lift it oh that's a little dude go man go pod you found me and you the tinkle one of my flippies whatever that means oh why it seems my language database has been jellied please find my other flub ease cubbies I have great melanin you both oh man it's like heaven melons so I'm guessing that's he brought that part of the ship all the way up Wow and there was a crystal up there too cool so guys that is gonna do it oh there how many one two three or there's a lot like eight or ten it's a whole bunch of crystals here we can explore and find and enjoy the game some more so I hope you guys did enjoy this video if you did please do let me know down below in the comments section I keep your stick on the ice or in it well we're gonna put this in here nuts nuts and bolts is it needs to be an achievement if it isn't put the bolt on the nut put bolt on the nut put them put the nut in the bolt together did it I nailed it they're together perfect good job go us thank you for watching guys hope you enjoyed the video thank you for stick on the ice we'll catch you next time
Channel: Blitz
Views: 464,143
Rating: 4.888567 out of 5
Keywords: Grow Up, Grow up game, grow up gameplay, grow up ep 1, let's play grow up, Grow up Crystal, Grow up collectible, GUS01, Grow Up part 1
Id: ORt9Eauj-qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 46sec (1786 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 16 2016
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