Surviving Homelessness! - Change A Homelsss Survival Experience Gameplay

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i used to be such a big shot i started my own business and had things going pretty well for a time a few bad choices and the company went bankrupt taking me down with it i've lost everything so to survive the streets we need to find food and shelter get a job and rent a home to win the game this is change the homeless survival experiment very interesting game that just came out on steam early access and uh whole objective is to survive on the streets as a homeless man to get off the streets as well this is us down here we get to collect scrap and uh turn it into the recycling center learn things at the library and clean up in public restrooms now what it's time to go hey new york here no i'm not thank you though i appreciate it okay so here's the scrap we collect scrap collect the scrap we can go to the reese the real estate office and our goal is to get a job and a 300 to start our new life that completes the game or the experiment and we'll just continue collecting the scraps we can beg to people but if we beg in front of cops they will arrest us i've got no change for you that's too bad please lady i don't suppose you have a sandwich or anything oh shoot there's a cup copper yeah copper let's go the other way because the cop's coming this way and there's their buddy hey buddy how are you pal okay oh here's a lot of scrap get all this turn that into the recycling center half eaten sandwich yes i'm gonna eat that uh i shouldn't have eaten that oh no i've got illness my hunger will decrease faster that's not good maybe maybe someone else will give me something sorry bud ah that's too bad i wonder how i get unsick maybe in a couple days pizza crust they're a bit stale well i'm gonna eat those too they give me a stomachache too bad i can't get a stomachache when i already have a stomachache okay let's just keep eating or picking up the the scrap here and we'll go find a recycling center to turn this in here we go a little bit more oh a nice water closet here and we can wash up a little bit very good and leave we could also wait through rain if we wanted to uh apple with a bite i'll just leave that i don't know why i even looked at oh recycling center so we can turn in the scrap collect a dollar four or a pound forty four and let's ask some more people can i beg from you nope i can't how about from you i wish you good just nope they didn't give me anything either it's raining it's cold we're starting to get a hungry starting to get some extra change please please how about you how about you can you oh could you possibly i got you yes he gave me something or she did uh a dollar or something like that cool and there's there's a bar open so we do need to make it oh we need to make it to a hostel there we go hostel right here we need to get in here before 9 00 pm curfew is 8. okay we've got a little bit of time and we gain some food items if you rest here in two days so there's different charity events happening at the different shelters and let's sleep through the night get a little bit of food and no cleaning up another day is over this is this wasted life is there still some hope it feels like you're waiting against some invisible force every day just to leave but deep down there's a part of you that won't give up not yet things have to get better soon oop hiccup uh to give up unless you know you'll be out forever or worse you have a dream of the future where you find happiness [Music] okay it's done we're still sick hunger is decreasing but maybe you'll feel better after a couple days oh it's not fun well i'm gonna i'm gonna gather all of that we can go to the bar but that's probably not a good idea not a good use of our our finances right now we'll jump into the recycling center get that dollar 22 for the 14 pieces not bad we're gonna leave and maybe we can find um like a shop maybe or a sandwich will you give me a sandwich my dude oh no oh no cop no no hey no bacon's loud oh did i get in trouble let's see oh i did get i think i got five i got level five crime all right so we gotta find somewhere to get food yes exactly and you'll just buy drugs i won't i promise you i don't do that maybe i can find something in here yes half eating sandwich that was good oh we can clean up in the in the sink too oh no nevermind there went yes we're good we're good let's see if we can find more more points here and i missed one back there too collect all the scrap up and the real estate office so 300 oh sausage roll yeah i'm gonna eat that too i'm just dumpster diving we can sleep on the park bench i don't want to do that i want to collect things we got to get out of this we got to get out of this situation oh there's one back here too and we got a deli okay we're going to go into the deli maybe i can find a sandwich here deli oh nice a sandwich for 1 2.99 and there's a guitar earn oh earn extra cash by basking steel chance ooh 5 stealing chance um that's a little bit low we need to get 10 to get that thing we need to collect a lot more um a lot more stuff okay nothing in there let's keep picking this up come on there's no bathroom we can clean up in there if we needed to i'm just gonna be dirty today we're gonna be dirty we don't need to take a bath there's two back to back okay we go to the bus stop i can't carry any more scraps let's go to the bus stop and we'll go to the recycling depot here we are recycling depot and dollar sixty leave very good so we can beg again i'm wondering how there's a bar i don't want to go to a bar we're not gonna we're not gonna live that life oh there's a hostel right here perfect it's not quite time to go to sleep yet i feel like we've been here because there's not much yeah we have okay rush hour see if we can talk to people at rush hour no little extra change please don't got anything sorry oh somebody there's a dog go bother someone else i will i'll bother her maybe she'll be nice and give me a quarter here she gave me something oh nice 70 cents very good okay is this going to be free let's go check a soup kitchen you hear a story all you're hungry if you risked here in three days so we'll just rest for the night another day is over you laid down hunched over with your hands and your stomach no matter how desperate you got you vow never to eat bad food again but then desperation is one of those great tests against persons willpower sleep is difficult you spend the night sweating like you could vomit at any moment oh man winter has come now it's winter time oh boy now we're still sick but i do have a sandwich we'll eat that sandwich i got a little bit of scrap okay we'll resume the game it's winter time can we survive the winter i'm gonna go maybe a right maybe i'll get on a bus again which was bustle's right outside of this thing come on where's the bus at let's search it nothing to eat clean up come on clean me oh there we go we cleaned up it's morning rush hour big no search happy i'm gonna eat it i'm gonna eat that sandwich oh and i got sick again okay maybe from you oh strong stomach perk has been added check your inventory nice what do we get what does this mean reduce chest illnesses that's nice ah well good we can eat apples we're doing well we're doing well you can keep searching i'm talking to people maybe i'll talk to oh there's cop nevermind sorry sorry officer i didn't mean it we'll click that garbage we can go into the restroom and clean up let's do that let's wash a hundred percent we can wait a little bit warm up if we wanted i need to get it i need to get a winter jacket or something we hit the jackpot lots of garbage should be found i'm getting super hungry maybe i should find a deli i'll try maybe i'll find a garbage can nope give me that give me that there we go current vacancies oh there's job vacancies ah cafe assistant cleaning uh zero percent chance study required at 40. okay well we keep gathering some of this loot can't carry any more all right here's a deli i'm going to buy oh a sausage roll for 30 hungry that's kind of expensive increase in speed for one day i'm gonna do that too new clothes better hygiene plus job success huh steel chance let's do it no luck this time waiting kid okay enter a different shop okay let's do let's drink that coffee up wait cup gain money next time you sleep your bench oh so i drank the oh i ate the coffee already maybe did i get the speed oh i have the speed upgrade lying low you're caught stealing you cannot enter shops okay can i enter oh i'm going faster eat it okay what is this oh we can get rid of this ah i'm gonna do it i'm gonna buy that just so we get rid of the sickness except i don't have the money to do it whoopsies oh who's this stranger on the streets so you're not the only one who's down on their luck and give him a dollar let's talk to him i was a drinker once but it was okay since i stopped okay i am not going to give him a buck not because i don't have any really any dollars to give them where is that where is the recycling center oh we're going to in a park now can i sleep on a bench of a park how about a garbage can nope i'll talk to you any cash any food come on i need some food i need something i need i'm gonna get hungry i don't suppose big just a little change sandwiches got any change oh man seems like you need this give me a sandwich a little money that's good made me a little happy how about you you got anything sandwich food oh get some neat okay i'm trying to i'm trying to i can't find a place to eat though and i can't enter a shop so i gotta go into the garbage dump nothing just trash you know what it's night time oh no no oh it would have been today i would have got a clothing item no i missed it by like 20 minutes dig in the garbage nothing to eat here there's the library is it open um i can't it's closed park bench i'm gonna sleep oh can i use nope another day is over this is a bad day peaceful night thinking of your bed hold a home someone who makes you feel a little more comfortable you fall into dreams oh we got a little happiness okay continue oh we gotta we gotta nickel overnight i'm like seriously hungry but i'm ill okay nothing to eat i'm no longer ill but i'm very hungry i don't see any more oh there's recycling center okay collect money give maybe she'll give me a sandwich any change come on no i need a sandwich i need oh there's a deli we're not gonna die we're not gonna die sandwich bye oh 10 10 hunger and happiness i'm gonna buy two i'm gonna buy a sandwich i'm gonna buy one oh man i got i got a quarter of my name okay search i gotta get all the money in in life real estate office rush hour time i need help do you really need it yeah i do um please i really need this sorry okay thank you oh he gave me give me a nickel it's good nothing but rubbish got some more rubbish that's fine recycling center's right here i'm gonna grab a few of these turn them in we can go into the bathroom there and clean up i feel like we're doing all right go back in here collect that 88 cents and leave i need to make it off the streets let's clean up a little bit wash there we go whole sausage roll i'm gonna eat that yeah a half of one oh i got i got ill again no it's rush hour getting close we have to make it in by 2 20. uh 2800 oh there's vacancies okay okay nice we got an area here we'll deposit oh we got another dollar four dollars we made it quite a bit today and there's even more no food this time check back tomorrow i'm gonna grab all this and turn it back in head back to that hostel nice there's so much here give me that back okay i gotta talk to you hi can you help me sorry a bit short myself oh i need to make it i need to make it i need to make it that's real estate no i'm gonna miss it again i'm gonna miss it again it's right here it's right oh it's right past it was right here it was right here i can't make it in i missed it twice oh man i missed the shelter again i'm exhausted time to sleep i wish i could find a park bench for you my dude but we can't today another day is over more tired than usual it's only a few minutes before we fall asleep hey finding mine standing over you he's drunk i'm sick of seeing you a dick's mess up our streets with drugs kicks you in the stomach hard oh man grab your things trying to catch your breath and run away as you can that's tough 7am is here new street perk what do we get do we get a box to sleep in oh increased begging success rate all right that's what i'm talking about possibly yeah i don't have any change no okay another dollar we're up to five bucks but i have no food i have no food at all maybe there'll be food in this garbage there's a dog can we eat that hey a new explorer perk very good we are so hungry we are so hungry and not very happy can i get on that bus maybe maybe ah nothing in the garbage there's a bar it says it's open but it's early morning i don't think it is there we go we got a sandwich joint head on in i'm super cold too chocolate hat oh i'm gonna buy that chocolate because there's not much else shoot i can't afford the hat um man leave i can't i can't afford to do that come on some food please some food no some food i need some food and change nothing nobody wants to give me anything there's nothing in here i got money though i i just need food to buy i need to find a food safe that doesn't give me addictions we don't need addictions right now there's a police station i wonder if i can turn myself in let's do this oh my crime level isn't high enough to even turn myself in let's head into here and warm up for a second okay i gotta leave now i need food and i'm full ah here we go a deli please have sandwiches sausage roll we'll buy that you buy something i did i did i needed garbage now nothing in here hygiene went down oh here's the library that'd be nice we can we can enter we can study for a few hours he didn't concentrate very well when studying because i'm hungry now i need to leave we're in trouble we don't get no food we don't get no happiness maybe maybe there's some food in here oh eat it eat that pizza crust beg will you help me please sure i have something oh food give me food a little money that's okay beg spare change oh hey don't do that move i'm i'm super hungry my dude no the cops are after me they're eyeing you cop begging to be moved out of state it's not good you can't get caught again oh you're approaching the outskirts of the city you can try to continue move to another area sure moving to a new area interesting huh that's kind of neat please any change i have some fruit yes fruit is great oh i could oh wow thank you i need that give me the fruit have a nice day thanks thank you lady it was worth for money cops aren't after me anymore need a place to sleep oh i forgot there's a bench right here you can sleep on that oh we're in trouble we're gonna be dead we are gonna make it we aren't gonna make it past the day peaceful rest think your bed at home old home close your oh boy winter is over oh nice that's good we survived through winter springs here dawn has shown up i might need to steal that food oh great i have to lay low today maybe we'll find garbage i eat it yes a whole sausage oh they're supposed to be worth 20. oh and i got sick again forager check your inventory what did i get now forger food fun and trash restores more hunger very good i like this maybe if i go to jail they can help me out i can't go in here because i have to lay low so i'm going to go to the recycling depot so i can drop this stuff off all right recycling center collect that need a little bit of money leave a lot of other loot around here we can pick up and a garbage can please something else no oh this is so hard this is so hard maybe you maybe you'll have a sandwich do you have lady can you help me you have a sandwich do you have a sandwich anything possibly please oh oh oh no okay beg you have any change come on here we go yes change change uh i need to i need food i need change anyone spare any cash sorry i don't have anything well thanks for answering anyway let's wash up in the water fountain search garbage oh nothing else okay i need a hostel oh we can go here this would be good and get a little money collect that thank you you're welcome for doing my part i i need to keep moving though it's night time it'd be nice to sleep in a bed for once after ada nothing after eating nothing oh hostile no no no no no no no where hey in here okay oh i don't need to go here yet but i'm gonna rest because i can get a little food and maybe it'll take my sickness away i made it to the shelter in time you look for a spare bed and liquid habit there's one left in the back you sit down a little long exhausted side just as you begin ready for sleep you see a kid well practically a kid rush into the shelter and let out a moan of dismay as they seal the spaces give up your space for them yeah i'll do that get up and gesture the wrong hey take my place kid walks over says nothing but smiles and knives in bed good manners are wasted these days i'll take that i got the food that's what i really wanted now i don't have to steal i can buy a beautiful sandwich nice oh we got a sheltered perk what is that for increased hunger recovery at shelters nice still got the cops after us a little bit this is so sad nobody will help nobody will help i can't collect anything you you my friend you got some spare change oh great cops after me again hey no begging aloud sorry all right officer i'll have to turn myself in so i can eat a sandwich in prison oh a half a sandwich i'm gonna eat that up now it's raining on me cold and wet happiness is decreasing spending time inside if i could find a place to go inside it's a library we could do this i'm going to enter for two hours study up get out of the rain okay we're at uh i don't even know how much we gotta leave maybe there's garbage in here oh eat it sausage rolls i mean i'd sit by this library what i need to do is i need to find a little area that i can collect things and like have a good amount of food all together like with libraries let's wash up in the water fountain there we go where's the recycling center i need one i'm getting hungry again i can't find a hostel i can't find a oh there's a dog maybe oh no food no food real estate office that'd be nice i want a recycling center or a hostel a shelter i need shelter come on next building next building is a shelter next building is a shelter no no ah no shelter tonight there's a bathroom i'll just wait in here wash i can't even wait okay let's see if i can find a park bench i'll sleep on this maybe i'll get some money yep sleep there until morning okay another day is over finding a spot between two dumpsters on a fence you rest your back against it let yourself slide slowly to the ground your heart is beating but you feel nothing things are getting really bad and you're not sure how long you can take this but your thoughts are interrupted as you see a man standing nearby watching you after your eyes meet he walks over and hunkers down beside you hey buddy you look pretty down there's something that can help with that not dangerous anything oh you can have it for free yes what did he give me you don't care you know what you're doing but you don't care anymore the whole world this man even yourself you need to escape from it all just a moment of bliss oh no granted a pat on the back like your best friend's already gets up and leaves you to it bliss oh great what do you do you feel at peace but misery and pain is in this post sleeping rough we got a four cents what did he give me i have no idea what i got oh there's a recycling center right here very nice collect it 20 piece of trash leave now if i can find a place to sell i'll be good unopened bottle of beer in this garbage i wonder if i can sell it oh no no no sorry oh we got new what does that do for us click to drink i mean i'm not gonna do that at noon we're not we're not doing that at 9am oh here give me this and we can go inside oh let's see if there's any food in here eat it yep just barely enough cops are after me i'm gonna go in here give me a sandwich 2.99 i'm a little short i can get the hat no we're to leave okay this is where we were to start off this is where we came in the area food's low i'm gonna try to get some things for people big come on you have some change nice thank you oh my food just crashed again oh i can buy a sandwich now buy a sandwich fruit 500 we'll buy that okay and a bus pass free bus rides okay leave oh i didn't know buses actually cost money no food at some scrap cool so right back a little bit there was a a scrap vendor right sell that up get a dollar 60. let's get nighttime again we need to find another hostel like to sleep in a bed get a little food get back on our feet collect in a little more money there's the bathroom again we're not going to do that oh i don't want to beg but that's okay give me food nothing caring vacancies oh boy i don't have any change i don't want to ask anyone right now does it open um oh no withdrawal the anxiety the pain the misery the emptiness of it all oh i need i n i mean i need a place to sleep and i can't even sleep great it is it is summer out though so we could lay down on a bench if i can find one there's a library wish we could sleep there see if we can find something oh i wanted to search that quick this might be it we might we might lose the day there's no sleep tonight you think about how you found a shelter as a storm blows through the city the end of your clothes are soaked and your spirits are low winter has come everything's everything's broken we have 10 we're freezing you're no longer ill that's good let's eat it and get ill again nope okay i'm gonna go inside the library we're gonna we're gonna rest oh hygiene is too low to enter man we got a little food we're freezing we got a bar and drown my sorrows no food rush hour our hygiene is empty there's a hostel i can remember that i can't oh no hold the shop i mean i i'm gonna steal the hot dog oh light has been crossed okay i mean it's 50 hunger i need it i need it i gotta eat that oh it's a day happiness is now low we won't be able to go on if this is this continues we do got a little food so that's good i think the problem that we've had is a sickness anything i can steal here a jacket time is run your cot's trying to steal oh man we're laying low can i go into the hostel today open until 4 30. so if i hang out locally here we might be able to make it oh here's a recycling center good collect it leave i got a little money okay there's some things back here oh man everything is bleak and dark 430 is almost here 4 30 is almost here i need help i need help get it i would oh no cops after me oh we don't open till 4 30. oh it's only three right now hey officer here i got an idea i'm gonna beg right in front of him right told you sir now come with me yes we have a we have a warm area to be and what happen it's not warm this isn't working maybe this is me now oh man money got 27 cents stay life on the streets today survived eight perks unlocked five in the end it was too much you could only tread water for so long before you drown losing all hope you give into your own dark spiral and spend the rest of your days on the streets oh that's sad we didn't do it but i think i think that we level up when we get extra skills and perks for the next time we play the game so guys thank you for watching hope you've enjoyed the video today if you did let me know and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time [Music] you
Channel: Blitz
Views: 4,660,477
Rating: 4.7850094 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, homeless survival experience, change game, change survival, change homeless survival, change gameplay, change a homeless survival experience, change: a homeless survival experience, october2018
Id: Z1huwvlyNKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 51sec (1611 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 22 2018
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