When Super Bugs Steal Everything in Bug Academy

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have you ever wanted to be a common housefly where you can fly around a house pooping on things and making like a picnic really disgusting cuz there's bugs everywhere well I have the game for you it's called bug Academy oh I'm gonna pick up this block actually it's not really about pooping on things but that'd be awesome it's about solving puzzles hey like this hey yeah look at a little face like oh yeah now I'm stuck hey will you make it no I made it through the hole yes oh no now I need to click on this one and lift a block look at this little face and the little dangly thing on his nose what is that his problem nope yeah oh I hit the wall and made it through nailed it oh now I got more friends like seriously what are these little dangly things on their noses look at him they're so weird looking I love them okay grab this and then whoa whoa too much too much okay back down sit play dead and then go this way oh whoa no I just got kidnapped and now there's a cow to my left oh hey wait I don't want the cows I want I want my friends friend oh come on oh let's go get some cows hey oh oh I see I don't know we got to get the cows into pen we got to get we got to get ten cows in that little pen and I can't close it I bet I can I bet oh here hey let's just getting something I want to bring this home yeah bring that oh I can't pick it up can I bring him I mean is in our house yeah oh I can pick up the outhouse we can use that to block the cows in oh yeah yeah yeah okay kit I got I got three I got three flies check it up the outhouse we need more we need more flies here's another cow are you account hello hello let's bring you to York how friends this is amazing I love this game already I get in the hole yes I got four no you dumb cows okay they're they're kind of okay over here we must go quick there's some weird mushrooms oh look at that house we don't want to bust it do we we want to drink oh this another fly up top oh my fridge we want to bring in a cow and use a cow to destroy where's another one Oh another fly I got five of them now hello Cal yes Oh timber this is like that old Nursery Rhyme with the pigs and the big bad wolf except it's a cow and flies and it doesn't make any sense at all come on oh no they're all escaping there's three in there again okay so they can't really go anywhere we're all right we just need gotta get them closely and then right through the rubbish all right down the road and we need more fly friends where's more fly friends where are more flexible cow in a washing machine I got him I got him kidnapped I'm like alien alien flies or kidnapping him good I got three and three in the hole but I think out there's five or six there oh man we're gonna fly so fast yo what happens if you cut off a fly's wings it becomes a walk you get it because they don't have wings anymore and they can only walk it's it's the kind of it one of those cruel gross gruesome jokes I brought a couch does that mean anything I kind of want to put that on the edge they couldn't get out this music is riveting I don't know what to think about it tell me what to think about the music what do you think about it it's weird okay now we're gonna use that couch to block the cow in right here okay good and then this one seems to work pretty decently we're just gonna move that right there oh no we got a fly under the couch okay is that gonna work well you know what that's okay we have four left I think I have to go to the left another fly oh now I tipped over my couch that was a bad idea oh no I don't want you stay lay down play dead what's in there what is in there oh it's another el dos hi there you go Lock them in that'll work whew I got like a bridge down here we got to get the fly I don't think we made it through ah we're taking everything we're taking everything oh can I fly out of the map here we go nope there's the ceiling and I'm gonna drop him what happens if he falls down do we get like milkshakes oh that was pretty good pretty good job yeah want to know what this was about oh it's a door we tore it down there's a in the house jovem we're gonna do it we're gonna get two cows at once no we're not we're not you in 2001 time whoa oh I'm too far come back here how did you get over the thing you dirty little cow okay get back here I know for sure we're one more is I think up okay gonna grab you I put you in the tube there you go eight we got eight is there one more over here oh yeah there is so we need to get that one last one oh that was a mess there's another house oh I made it oh there's another fly out there we must we must carry the fridge through the wall Wow I made it we made it we got our fly friends you need the garbage game no not not that thing we don't want that I feel like garbage cans in this game should be like an achievement yeah pick up a garbage can you can get you can keep it oh we lost some friend owes friend owes okay we'll just pull the whole table through the wall this house was a mistake and a tech yes we made it through okay we got to go down here the last cow is down and no get down and pick up he's under he's hiding we got him this cow is so happy to be back with his friends hey you two dorks okay number we got seven if I go fast quick and in a hurry we can get more an eight oh I missed it that's okay that's okay there's eight you're gonna dip oh but we're so close where's number nine to eight pull over I think I did it oh no get it get it get it get in get in the thing got it now in whoo Oh beautiful we got to do a fringe delivery now my favorite what kind of fringe do we get to deliver there's another bug it will start with the left feel like I'm gonna crack through that wall somehow oh this is where I need to get the fridge too well this is a tall house hit a poop on their furniture there we go we'll go in oh that's what I wanted to see a hidden fly we're going for the back side oh do I think we actually have to go through the house what's down below oh wow another house wait how many hey in another flight whoa hold up here hold up here we found a secret basement level maybe in it oh nice this sewer system right through the wall we're doing it we're doing it oh I'm in the water that's bad I don't think flies like being in the water hello Oh what we literally have to do everything there okay so I got it I got one of these things do I bring up do I have to just deliver fridges is that everything maybe we'll see about the washing machine here oh yeah you can give them this except we have to turn on that wall and made it in hey I got one okay let let go of me oh no no upstate okay good job we got a green light a single green right all right time for a fridge Oh actually a new friend okay and then we'll go with the fridge I can't go up any higher go up farther I got a fridge Oh should I go through the window I want to hey we're just making our way in don't worry moving company's here I'll just destroy everything oh that's another washing machine ah okay oh we go oh we go oh we go come on we don't need the bed we don't need a bed no sleeping on this job get out of the window thank you yeah fringe up top yes French time please be happy okay they're happy I'm bringing wood this time too you just need to go up a little bit and then in we go nice nice Oh get in the door and nobody says me come on I gotta do I gotta break this house down I can do it ah I did it I made it in there was a toilet in there I'm gonna bring both at the same time I don't know what I need next oh well French went halfway there okay and this one now that's an actual fridge okay so I think I need to go to the next building pretty oh that's another fridge you know who needs to Washington who needs up I tip to hang over that you guys need you guys need a clothes washer I knew it I knew it Oh we go nailed it cornered the fridge no you guys did I'm sorry I'll just fly through we got another one coming in I think Oh nope not that one is it down a level I think it's right here I think it's you guys yes you didn't order the fridge perfect yeah we needed a washing machine and another fridge washing machine in all we got so many flies now let's deliver that one nicely yeah lay it down oh that was that was things oh it was it was good it was good it was gonna be nice there won't forget about it yeah my home oops I didn't really want to go through the house that's okay that's okay we'll just take everything with us go go go Oh break through the door yes I feel like we left some behind Oh we kind of did don't worry they came with the table these dudes like break-in it yeah we got a fridge I don't know how many left we got two things left okay perfect I want to try to fly right through the house oh I missed go in the house go in the house please don't happen okay I got it I got it through the house yes I just don't know where the fridge goes fridge would you like to order oh you already have that okay maybe I need to go up and then in this wall oh no I probably shouldn't go in there let's go into easier side like right here there have a fridge now I got to get out of here I think we did it the fly RV I know you need it what no what put it back put it back now up and no we've made it to the last one got me a fridge because that's all we have left I'm wondering if I have to go down in the sewers to get there and I could try what I'm gonna do is take this thing up really high and drop it and then catch it before it lands ah I missed that's mine so the final thing was to the far left out a hit or steal out and hit another in another room okay good and then to the far left somewhere over here who's gonna be over here it might have been that house or it's this one I did it and get it stand it perfect oh there's another flying fly over there let's go get him up sorry sorry we're gonna go down throw it out okay got it and then we're gonna go over and we want to see what's in this building or what wasn't that building cuz I've broken oh okay there's the basement alright let's fly home come on friends OOP we're getting the sewer flies now here we go to save the day everything's good to go and down the hole come on fly friends yes hey I made it again looks like if we got two levels left there's the mines I think that's what they call it and a tower okay the mines go Oh weird words like Knightly Knightly Knightly night bugs lightning bugs that's the word I'm looking for Kent I can't see Oh Stuart may be hauling junk I don't know where I'm going it's so dark the parking here whoa crystals and shrooms I really have no idea what I'm doing there's a cow what do i do at the cow Oh cow do I push them away what like for real what's the objective oh I gotta collect the gems ah Judas Judas way to happy huh okay span it's face mark nope I need more lightning bugs there's one found a green one well this is cool I like the shadows in here too okay scope to the surface again maybe there's more lightning bugs up here nope that's not even the surface oh I need seven gems okay well I found one down there but there's another lightning bug ah it's you yes blue and a diamond give me that give me no give me the diamond got it hey break him out all right now now I gotta go up we gotta go we gotta leave we gotta leave what's the diamond hit my head on a rock okay down and then keep going left good and then up now that's the floor not what I wanted oh I think there's another one back here I think the cows just being a monster I think I got it aha I did got it very good and then there's the fuchsia ones up here to the left somewhere can't quite get there okay we got it aha now the question is how do I get these up hey I've got three of them down here in the bottom I don't know how to get them up I wish it would just be a straight shot like oh hey there's something right there we need to get in that room too oh I made my way out and we got one Hey we did one oh wow there's a lot more to go I've collected the second we must try to make our way out I think if I go right through here aha I figured the way out to done oh I found another friend we got five now and do these stuff IR oh there's a green one hey green buddy there we go I haven't been in here yet obviously excited of the green one I don't know where to go number four has been or three number three not four okay here's the forest now I don't know where any others are okay I'm kinda lost on those I think well we'll find them pretty easy peasy though got a watch probably this one over here because we haven't been over here yet okay aha blue stuff there's cows oh there's the red one that's easy nuts we got you if I go up there was a wall I can Buster right here okay easy I just love the little blue ones face he's so excited that we're finding treasure and five in got it I am so lost in here I am so lost it's not a huge cave but there's I mean I don't understand oh it might be in here how I can't find okay up there one we're gonna hit and bump nailed it oh I made it in okay that did nothing for us except find another way to the cows oh never mind we found more treasure I'll take that back one more just one more down into the cave again that lots of times okay we're gonna go left this time maybe I don't know ah feels like we've been here because everything's destroyed obviously now don't go down you don't need more down I'm gonna try going in here okay that didn't work cuz we've been in here how about we go up into the right and then down and we've been in here yes this is where we just on the yellow on it there's a cow does he do anything no we need more miner cows okay that's that's another cow can't see them though is this a hidden wall oh I think it is aha come on one more attack Oh nope it's moving though that's good news moving because the cows are here to get it I really don't know if I can bust in here I think it's blocked oh I saw light in there for the first time no there is like a reddish glow in there too maybe there's a way to get around or is that just this way well that was dumb I'm just destroying this cave this is probably bad what was up there is there something in there can I get in hello yes I'd like to order one way to get inside of you uh no that's not a way to go when they're either on this way come on where's the last one it kind of wish I knew what color it was even okay I can go in here maybe oh we've been in here never mind cassia an area right over here that we might be able to get into it hasn't been looted yet never mind it has everything's been looted I can't find it hell yes mushroom people I would like I would like you to tell me where the final one is is it this way okay they told me it was this way oh well we got another bug an orange one that means there are areas I haven't searched yet look right above me there's a block right above me I don't know how to get to it here we go here's a wall and oh I made it I made it in made it in okay this is just another way to get cheap come on up I think this is just another way to get in down below yeah now it's stuck up here okay that was it what to do but I'm gonna drop it now whoo that's the way to do this game you just drop the bottom slope so when you're trying to find things later you don't know where they are anymore well guys I am out of guesses I'm not sure where to go next unless it's through like somewhere like this that you can't see but I'm gonna end up with that today I hope you liked our little adventure today in a little game called a bug Kadim II if you did let me know check out the link in the video description and keep going your stick on the ice bye [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 858,963
Rating: 4.8730607 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, Bug Academy, bug academy game, bug academy gameplay, indie game, new indie game, jan2019
Id: M8gfLjcauwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 09 2019
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