I Completed the 99.99% IMPOSSIBLE HAMMER CHALLENGE in Fun With Ragdolls

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oh hey there i'm blitz and this is my very best friend in the entire world right here his name is kevin he's so excited that his friends are blowing up with a gigantic explosion in a game called fun with ragdolls check this out this is a satisfying avalanche that somebody built look at those physics go oh it's so incredible hey i lived oh can i run on top of that i'm gonna try to run on top of the avalanche when they're making it happen oh i fell down inside help oh that is so cool i love physics based games look at me go wait it's like snow that's probably why it's avalanche now everyone's escaping why did you escape oh no this guy died you were so close to freedom that was the wrong button hey where'd he go oh come on man oh they're coming back hey i'm going to make my own way now just run directly into the fence with your face you're so scared because there's bad guys coming at him should we just stand here and cheer for like yay everyone made it out except for you we don't like you because you just fell over and it'll crush him with a block because that's funny oh hey buddy how are you yeah it's called ragdoll space program but check this out look at this i have to make it across this terrible hammer wait i'm just going to go for it we're just going to go full send oh yeah yep yep yep yep no no no no no no no now okay i can do this i can do this jump one at a time i can set my spawn point in between each one and i'll be good i'll be great i made it except i got eaten okay we're just gonna we're gonna go a little bit at a time i got this i got this i got why are you guys here there's a spawn point up there i don't like this anymore okay i made it that was easy and i'll make it across here that was also easy and i'll make it across here oh that was a laser beam okay don't touch the laser beam ah now i have to jump literally across each one of these blocks trying not to get destroyed by hammer things now how do i do this i go around it yeah that worked better oh no that was a rug button i wanted to go over here and then this big spawn point like that and then over to this one oh this is so much easier whoa oh come on i was on that you stupid game ah nope i like the part where you land on it and the game's like just kidding you didn't land on it and then it cuts you over with lasers okay i made it that was easy that was a good one no why don't i hit the r button instead of the t okay back to where i was excellent everything's good i'm gonna have to jump around it oh i did it that was easy i like watching people fly over there yay i've almost done this i've almost done it um this side yep no okay back and forth and back i did it i did it i did it i did it i did it did i win oh i have to go up there is that where i have to go what is that ball doing here oh that's the wrong button i don't want to do that hey now what in the world what happens if i put the ball up here and oh no okay how do i that's where i spawned it did i do it is that the objective i don't think i can get up there okay i gotta go eat the ball again don't die in the lava oh balls i just got heated all the way back to the beginning wow oh that's painful i love it hey there's a there's a flag up there where's the flag at do i have to make it oh i think i might have to hit the ball under the plague let's see for a second please don't die you know what let's just spawn a new ball oh or just reset the map that's cool too okay let's see if i can get the ball up to that thing hey whoop nope it didn't quite work knock back your ball no i'm gonna try to stand on the ball i can do it oh and yeah i think did i get i think i got the flag yes yes i saw fireworks oh that was painful so i've heard that these get harder and harder and harder the garbage glass this isn't really much of a challenge as much as just dying by the glass if i if i jump into it what happens oh oh oh ho that was that was kind of satisfying you know what i need i need to spawn in a car that's what i need we'll just put that there you know what we need to change the color red cars are always fastable faster but you know what we still have we still have a white car can i not drive the car i want to drive you know we're not going to drive the car just kidding i'm going to totally drive the car just kidding i'm not going to drive the car at all why are you broken game what happens if we touch all the flags so let's hypothetically say something real quick if i take and put down a cannon that goes kaboom and i change the color to orange because canon should be orange i make it fire missiles at ragdolls not at the player no no no no rate of fire yes no just shoot constantly that's even better and lasers there's lasers i want to put this down and we'll put this right here oh that looks fantastic i love that now if i go back i can also spawn in characters yes yes i can they're stupid that's okay i will select you and then if i place you down here okay there's like three of them and i go like this no wrong button and if i go like this yes oh it's still firing at them okay what happens oh no stop it you're blowing up my glass that's actually what i wanted it to do now you guys need to run faster run faster oh boy that's gonna be good all right and in three two one activate oh they all fell down look at him explode there was a missile oh that was so cool look at all the glass breaking it's amazing no no no no don't shoot at him he didn't he didn't deserve it ordered that one oh but look at the missiles they're even seeking missiles can i borrow this for a little bit oh no that's the wrong button no none of me ah hey can i just you know control it can i turn this into a laser fire i need a laser and your gone missile laser select item enter item tab out oh no is it too far out of range come on fire i might be out of range oh no i'll just shove it right next oh i can't i'll just shove it right next to here there we go and enter i can't shoot into there well that was annoying all right it'll just make it shoot ragdolls oh this is even better i want to shoot all these red dolls into the glass this will be fun oh look they're little sharks yes yes they look like great white sharks and we'll just spam them all over the place why can't you look at them surfing underwater oh that's amazing i love it all right it's all fun and games until we play with the breaking paths this is an extremely difficult sort of jumping puzzle so i'll be honest i'm not looking forward to this neither is kevin look at his face he's so sad he's scared that he's gonna fall and get hit by one of those gigantic hammers we're just gonna do it we're just gonna go straight away and hopefully nothing breaks under our feet like this table just did and you fell and died kevin you fell through a table you dummy all right we got this we got okay and then we'll just do this and i'm gonna try to skip that one although that fell oh i just dropped your glass oh i made it i made it yes i got a new spawn point he's still excited i have no idea what's gonna break him not oh hey whoa whoa oh okay so if i jump here that was the next one okay all right i'll jump a little bit past there we go there we go hey hey hey that was excellent okay up here and then oh come on and then i made it oh okay okay that was that was great i'm just gonna oh this is just breaking there's glass panels everywhere come on don't break the glass oh my okay everything's okay everything yes i made a checkpoint oh wow oh and it teleported me up that's even better good job team so these are oh oh oh oh no watch it yeah i'll try thanks captain okay and then we'll just oh wow these all have a glass pedal in front of them it's not so bad though what's above me why is there stuff falling from above oh i don't like that i really don't even know what to expect right now i feel like if i no i don't want to go in there i want to go back this way i feel like i need to just not do that just keep going simple jumps simple jumps every time is a simple jump there we go except when it lands on your head and then everything breaks okay okay we're just gonna bunny hop up this i got a new spawn point i don't know if that's gonna do anything for me i don't think i need it though okay everything's great everything's great no glass okay we got the glass this is so scary i'm gonna die everything's gonna not be okay right now oh is this is this good yes yes that's not good that hammer is going way too fast all right i got these are really hard little jumps i don't like them oh made it and go around it wow that was painful what no no i gotta go through all of that again i can't even spawn right okay i don't know what this does but right down there there's another platform i'm gonna try to save my spawn here and then fall down onto this one see what happens oh no oh no you can't save your spawn up there you just have to go through it okay there's my spawn point that didn't save actually which is annoying i got to make it through this thing all by myself now i don't even know how to do this his face just sums it all up in one picture part of me wants to go over it but i feel like i gotta go all the way around oh yeah uh-huh whoa did i land did i land am i gonna land am i okay nope that sucks i feel like i might have to touch that oh get up get up get up [Music] i'm making it i'm moving nope i'm dead now how do you get past the hammer how do you get past it this is a bad idea thinking about just going over it nope over over is over did not do the trick so i have no idea what happened i promise i didn't do this on purpose but that hammer was slow on this trek up i don't know what happened to it other than me hitting this button to reset the map i just wanted to see if i was missing anything but it's slowed out so i'm just gonna go past it i didn't cheat oh i can't even cheat properly i didn't cheat i mean oh but now i have a save point up here which is super amazing huh does it get faster and faster over time is that what's happening with it it might be it oh wow you can't jump off that see now it's fast i don't understand you hammer oh no no yeah why is it fast that time uh something's broken okay we're gonna go over here let me get the plate he doesn't look too excited trust me he is though whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay some of these have two which makes it easier to jump on i got it i got it i got it we're just gonna skip every other one oh no careful there thanks genius i feel like i'm a ragdoll frog just frog jumping everywhere okay i saw that one and then this one aha it's being tricky we have to we have to complete the mission oh oh okay i did it i did it i did it now what do i do oh wow okay there's uh looks like a glass ceiling here oh that's so cool i'm just breaking through all the glass oh do it again no no no no no okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah no no no no oh it's collapsing i don't know which one to go on okay oh not that one oh oh the whole pillar came down all right let's try this again that was cool okay oh i just made it directly across that was awesome this level is so amazing i don't know what to do now what do i do now is that please oh it sprung me across ow hey glass will you break for me i need you to oh there we go [Applause] go go go go go go go go go oh you see those legs running all crazy like crazy that now and i'm going right now okay remember that there's a bouncy pad up here that bounces us to the side okay and then we have to land perfectly nice nice i've got this i've got this oh i don't like those i don't like these oh wow that would actually drop the frame rate on my computer significantly oh no right at the end and blowing that might be my favorite part so far other than the part where i'm gonna win yeah cuz that's really cool too i really don't like these glass things oh boy oh it's so laggy there's so many falling parts oh wait oh this part doesn't last oh it does collapse it was just laggy oh okay okay i got it this time i got it this time yes i made it up oh and there's a flag here perfect i'm gonna make a spawn point just in case too i have no idea what to do next oh that's not too bad i just don't want oh this kinda is not very great oh come on no and through the whole oh wow wow these things die quickly i got it though i got it everything's gonna be okay everything's good that one that one collapsed because they touched it on the way up do not touch things on the way up oh there's red ones what do red ones do do red ones collapse red ones do collapse no not everywhere red ones kill you oh no no touchy the red one oh they're right next to me oh yes yes yes more glass i don't like the glass ones oh okay what why would anyone do that are you kidding me are you kidding me you don't even have oh i was gonna say you don't even have time to analyze what's going on over there okay don't touch the red things red means dead i'm going insane i am going insane because your stupid little arms you little crashed his dummy they flail about so badly okay do spawn point i am literally really really oh yeah that's how you want to spawn too you dork oh i made it that time okay here we go here we go wow wow how how are you how are you supposed to do this especially when you spawn and instantly everything breaks including my life and my will to survive in this game i have no why is it not breaking this time no there goes no i why aren't i thinking you're not supposed to think no don't ah really just why do i even try anymore come on stop it game stop it stop no no oh no oh that one didn't die me oh right away all right oh those are attached why do those have to be attached i made it through this is better this is better okay wow i gotta do some super human jump i squeaked come on come on make it through make it through perfect perfect no no no no no no no oh you just have to get your little body on the little platform i can do it i can do it though i have the wheel to splash here we go here it is for all the marbles and marble factory get over there oh so close okay oh wow look at the fly oh that's so far poor little fella oh no no no okay we got it everything's good everything's good whoa those were glitched out yes yes yes that was satisfying oh that glass tower that was amazing this game has come a long way since i last played it yeah anyway guys that'll wrap it up for today's video hope you enjoyed bye [Music] you
Channel: Blitz
Views: 177,994
Rating: 4.9286642 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, fun with ragdolls, ragdoll games, fun with ragdolls game, fun with ragdolls gameplay, fun with ragdolls the game, video game, rag dolls, ragdoll game, ragdoll physics game, slow motion, fun with ragdolls 1, sept2019, 2019, FWRS01, funny, funny game, funny moments, sandbox games, rag doll
Id: yd8kmMMZBIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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