Totally Accurate Wolf Simulator! - Wild Wolf Gameplay

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hey everybody hub let's welcome to a brand new game called wild wolf this is a kind of a wolf simulator in a way the whole objective is that we get to create ourselves a little wolf and we're gonna name him blitz we can choose different colors here oh okay okay oh that's a fox and then we get an all-black one let's do this one I like that one and then we can kind of change up the way that he looks let's get a big powerful head eyes eyes a little bit big ears big ears wolves need big ears look at that and it knows I literally see no change there back back sighs look at the back oh that's more of neck Billy make him slim with big strong right there that one and then tail he needs a long tail and his weight let's go skinnier he looks he looks more lean and mean a lean mean fighting blitz the wolf machine so there we are we get to be this wolf check him out and we're in this beautiful little world oh look a hunter in the water so that is what I said about hunt or be hunted the game is all about trying to survive against the hunters or the best we can it is a little bit buggy as a digit come on oh look it's our puppy hey and I can't sprint for some reason you can always seem to sprint when you're in danger which I don't understand oh there's fish in the river let's go see if we can catch one all right rott down there and let's see if we can do it uh is that hunter the hunters can run faster than we can trot to for some strange reason we're not doggy go where'd our puppy go hey puppy dog where are you is hey let's get your fish um go on fish in no I can't yeah uh I'll add the fish yeah okay hey wait no get out of there okay and now hey I want to catch a fish haha hey got one I got a fish I got a fish I got a fish I got a fish hey drop it drop that fish jbutton strum and now I can eat it yes eating fish whatever do his ears cuz he just kind of went into his head so that is a good source of food it looks like weird my puppy go and his teeth kind of went through his face where's my puppy oh I thought he was right over here somewhere mmm maybe we should go find him maybe we should go try to hunt a deer should we do that what is I don't know oh okay the hunter is running any shooting things let's go adventure into their little camp all there's another hunter stay away from him what do we got over here there's a bunny let's go try to eat that bunny oh you shootin at me okay the bunny's coming right at me that's good news oh I missed it now bunny why our might why is the bunny faster than me bunny why are you why are you not coming yeah steer it Oh hunters all over the place hey buddy Mike and I want to sprint I want to run a run I want I want to do something hey let me go let me run I will just slowly stalk this rabbit and then let him run him run away from me again he's gonna hide in the grass this is like the story of the rabbit and the turtle except the turtle in this case was a wolf and the rabbit is derpy where we literally walk and then there's a second rabbit who walks into her mouth and we bit it I think something happened and then we change directions and we went after the second bunny because we already hit it may be a vas-tu rabbit come I think it might have poop oh I can jump can I move faster if I jump look at me oh I'm a bunny wait the rabbit is bleeding ha ha oh no come back your bunny I shall post my way to victory oh come on come here bunny I'm here I'm gonna catch you oh so you'd be so close there's something else what is that another white thing on is that another wolf if that's another wolf we need to go check it out over on the cliff side okay you can live bleeding bunny hello wolf friend how are you I will howl at you Oh friend we are friends hello friend come with me come this way yes follow me wait how come you can run and I can't hey dig into the ground let's go can't hunt a bunny would you like to hunt a bunny with me oh there's a hunter hunting us maybe ok HUD this bunny the bunny head the bunny is running away why is it I can't bunny run up a cliff and I can't even oh my word this is like now I'm stuck and so is my wolf friend hey attack the bird whoa okay now I'm flying now I'm flying nope never mind I was literally flying where's that hunter it hey wolf friend come on come this way check it out the hunters have done something with their lives I hunted something I can eat it eat the deer oh yeah hey what is it doing why is it standing like that and I'll look at his organs the gooey little organs hey wolf friend eat this thing I am still hungry eat oh yes oh there's another deer in the water hey wait eat it oh yes I can eat it eat it all that nope it's gone we just ate the entire thing in two bites fantastic and I'm still hungry I feel like going fishing is better on the Hunger than eating an entire deer I'm also wondering why that tower has a giant red light on it like o hunters hunters Hawaii is that a shooting the deer in the water the deer in the water look ok let's go in can we swim faster haha like oh I get I can growling oh hey other wolf friend over this way we have to eat oh I'm gonna do the attack the jump attack ready Get Set and pouts nope hey dear oh dear no what are you doing hey hey get all the water and I'll try to eat you hey come back here come back here no no now we have the story about the deer and the wolf it's an epic story about racing and the wolf is so much faster than the deer because the deer is trotting and the wolf can only jump is the deer moonwalking like what's going on here hey dear I think I'm catching up to it a little bit yeah I am hi dear although how come you can run why could the deer run and I can't this game cheats I must eat food hey come here come here fish no no I'm stuck ha ha oh boy we're in trouble Gami can I just walk into it No there we go I got a fish I got a fish can I eat it okay drop that fish drop that fish now we're gonna eat it yep eating eating fish is by far the best way to come on come on come on frog thing not a frog you ready to get set and jump attack the fish mode chucked fish I got it Oh actually this game is kind of interesting if it works better okay we're gonna drop it you have to drop it what happens if I drag it oh I just pick it up in my face again okay we gotta eat no don't do that Oh what just happened oh it disappeared okay what yeah let's keep this one oh the fishes jumping on water I got you trying to be all tricky and jump okay no drop it and eat it Oh hunters coming in we better take him out oh no he's actually gonna shoot me Oh No what your man huh oh shut my Fred don't shoot my bow shot me don't dude dude chill a little bit sure run away no Wolfman you killed me it is his pet right what what no he's no he's carrying my body away amazing are you kidding me new game we gotta try this better let's randomize randomize again okay same guy named blitz 2.0 let's 2.0 better than ever he's got it he's got it look oh we got a puppy hey puppy hey get get the baby his name our cute little turd nugget get a little turd nugget oh I could defeat him in junk hey hunter I want to run why can't I sprint it's not it's no oh where are you going where you going hunters why do they get to cheat in the water cuz I can't do anything in the water come on turn now get wait can I pick them up okay turned on you come over here let's go fishing are you gonna follow me buddy I think he is okay I'm gonna get you nice human flesh to eat how do you like that oh we're walking okay let's go forward yeah this way buddy this way okay whatever turn nugget doesn't want to follow me maybe it does oh my gonna be strip is jumping hey whoa hold on now somebody's shooting at us there's somebody shoot were you shooting at us you come one of that water and I'll teach you a lesson bad guy I gotta feed my buddy turn nugget yeah we got hunters all up in the wazoo here I wish I could sprint that make that make hunting hunters easier I'm going for him going he doesn't know he doesn't know the prancing wolf of blitz 2.0 is ready to bite him in the butt oh you shot me you shot me oh no no what I can't turn around oh man just kidding hey little dude Oh turn I'll get don't go in there turn turn Doggett grab the baby turned I get to turkey nugget 2.0 he's my pal he's my best friend come here turn nugget oh I'm sprinting does he kill me twice I did it ready oh look at that move okay ready I'm gonna try to get that guy I'm actually stuck there you go turned out get 2.0 eat it up in about buddy yeah here ready I'm gonna kill this deer Bernice's dear me and turn now get we're gonna take them up how come I can sprint now this is totally different I love the game best game ever are you still faster than me why can I sprint now after I died twice this would make bunny hunting so much easier oh is that actual deer over here hey this one are you gonna stop if you oh he's gonna he's gonna do it I'm gonna hunt - deer I'm gonna have to deer he's so much faster than me why is it deal faster than the wolf okay let's take this one out oh we're gonna cut him off cut him off the pass he doesn't know I'm here ready Get Set and jump oh I missed what for the haunches it didn't work I'm gonna cut him off again I got a pursuit angle here and we got another guy here we go this is the one we want this is the one we want he doesn't even know Oh missed it okay whoa person haha you going deer hunting I don't think so may the hunter be hunted Oh Oh turn haha oh goodness me no no are you kidding me why can't you why can't you kill a hunter oh I had to do this I we got this one more attempt that's it that's all I can do anymore oh that one looks cool let's use him I need a name for oh it's a gray wolf instead of a black whoa take it buddy here turn nugget for pie okay buddy why don't you come over we're gonna feed you a fish I know you like fish can i sprint i can't sprint because this one's probably a little bit too too husky get it because it looks like a husky here we go we're going fishing fishing for days you got a little turd now get behind me turn nugget the fourth fish there you go hey buddy I got you a fishy you want to eat a fishy that's actually a really cool picture look at that that might be the thumbnail right there a wolf and his boy okay drop the fish there you go buddy eat it oh that was that was me eating it I wanted I wanted to turn nugget number four to eat it um okay eat this one No what are you doing with your head nerd he just ate something hey catch a fish I got it I got it for you pups come here bud Oh hunter the hunter will be hunted okay here here little dude do you want do you want to eat a fishy do you want to eat a fishy I don't know how to make how do you make how do you make that drop it drop it for his face hey go eat it eat it where's the hunters head there's one in the water he might attack us buddy why aren't you eating the fish eat the fish drop the fish pick up the fish nope drop it okay beat it I guess this little doggies life is in its own hands cuz I can't wow look at that dude sprint across the river oh I want to try to I want to try to capture one more hunter but I can't sprint now that is so weird like I could sprint before but now I can't why why can't I run there we go I figured it out we're going where summer or a submarine fish submarine dunt dunt dunt dunt dunt dunt dunt dunt wolf shark eat it out of the bottom of the river there's no good thing we can walk on the bottom of the water here that way the fish swim above us goodbye fish we jump in fish it's so weird oh I hear hunting let's go hunt oh and a hunt haha I jumped out of the water we're gonna hunt somebody down where'd you go I see a deer see a camp down there there's shooting going on all over the place I don't know why or where it's coming from but I'm gonna go take a bullet camp we're gonna take out the resources maybe we can eat their spam and here we see a hunter running faster than a deer trying to catch up to him as the wolf who can't run walks to the camp stopped o get rekt deer glory to play oh now he's gonna chase them down again Go Go oh oh ok close close I can't pull up fast enough and we're just walking in oh he stopped oh hey whoa he's shooting at me he's looking at me don't you dare attack me I gotta go into your camp I gotta go into your camp we got it these are very nice camouflage can I eat these barrels gonna eat anything oh wait I found something that I can eat you uh-huh hello no oh I got him I got I got him yes get rekt I did it I'm gonna eat your face I can't eat his face I thought I heard someone else I thought it odd to put he dead I gotta eat this deer we gotta eat the deer that he killed for us ha ha oh there he is he's hiding behind a tree that's cool picture - there that we killed the deer all by herself I'm kidding we didn't actually kill this deer ok we got to eat it though how do I eat it eat there we go super hungry yeah that was like hardly any food goodbye dear ok now let's go take out that hunter oh there he is he's come out of the blue I gotta take him out we're gonna sneak up on him like you never existed woah oh I'm dead I'm dead oh you can't turn good enough and just I'm growling at his face and it doesn't work anyway guys that's gonna wrap it up for wild wolf or whatever the name of the game was well thanks for playing with me have a good day [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,179,682
Rating: 4.8319302 out of 5
Keywords: Blitz, Blitzkriegsler, wild wolf, wild wolf game, wild wolf gameplay, wild, wolf, call of the wild, wolf game, animal game, totally accurate, family friendly, no cursing, no swearing., 2018, Jan2018
Id: IRtWgnhvDq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 01 2018
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