The update to Superstar mode is Ridiculous.

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so we are doing superstar mode today superstar mode is basically kaizo incredibly hard super mario odyssey but i'm going to show you guys why superstar mode is so incredibly fun if you look in this sub area you'll find that oh it's a little it's a little bit different all right but yeah you can see that this is um a little difficult let's see can i make it up here casually i'm able to get up top but it'll be a little bit more tricky oh no we're dead yeah we're okay we died huh oh you know what we could probably do this is a huge brain this is actually a big brain so i can just skip everything they made it so you're not supposed to be able to get on that but i definitely can like check this out they added these blocks so you couldn't cheese it and yet the power of cheese is too strong i'm too powerful i cannot be stopped all right what the heck are we doing here whoa let's go that was easy huh all right next sub area let's go jumping from sub area to sub area is every moon change most of them yes oh this is this do be moving all right and this isn't any more difficult it's not even hard they do be rocking pretty hard look at that one whoa okay that i i expected that to come back so now would be a good time to go [Music] so where to next i'm gonna grab this nut let's get it good boom boom boom please grab the nut mario i beg you thank you oh yo a rabbit so the rabbit just disappeared i don't know where it went but it's gone now uh-huh oh go to sleep okay that was scary oh it does not sleep for very long now does it run climb the vine climb the vine okay seedling escort very nice so i'm fairly sure you're supposed to use the dyno here because i don't think it's possible to get up top without the dino dino time baby let's have some fun all right okay so i start by ending the dinos life now it knows that if it messes me up it will not survive uh so now it will respect me a little bit more because it's all about that respect all right this one knows that it's brother wasn't up to the the challenge and so this one will work uh perfectly every time it's gotta make sure it knows who's who's boss at and uh i'm the boss that that's me all right all right here we go here we go check this out boom land on that boom big dino bounce boom big dino bounce bomb i don't know where i'm going bounce but i got the moon anyways dangerous dino die you're not wrong there's a few moons that are oh wait this rabbit where did it go i don't understand what the ravages disappears all right we're gonna do koopa free running and hope the rap it comes back is koopa free running made a little harder i think so yeah it looked oh it he does look a little bit faster no he is zooming but fortunately i zoom faster he's a hauling ass yeah now the next one i think is even harder oh my god he go he is zooming wait up wait for me ah we're in first oh we crushed him dude wait i lost he beat me i could have swore he wasn't in there until i ah we're gonna crush him dude in this one ready i'm gonna focus full focus ready one two three we crushed him dude absolutely decimated that man oh there's the rabbit okay i do see the rabbit the rabbit spawned let's uh let's chuck a rock at it okay [Music] why is the rabbit disappearing dude what's up with that i wonder if the rabbit is going out of bounds i'm just gonna test i i i kind of said i wasn't really gonna go out of bounds in this or use any glitches but just out of curiosity we're just gonna look just just a little bit i'm just gonna take a peek just gonna take a peek where is the rabbit hiding i don't see it the rabbit's there okay okay check this out why is he just disappears what if the rabbit doesn't have a moon and it's just a troll there's no way oh oh there's the rabbit uh we found the what the rabbit was supposed it warps up to the bridge because it's supposed to be on the dang bridges because it's supposed to be on the bridges it is a glitch the rabbit was supposed to be it's supposed to be on these blocks all right well there's what two more moons now two more still you know what let's just go all right sand kingdom time if you guys don't know about sand kingdom um the sand is lava so you cannot touch the sand let's see what they got so this spawns a moon i think at the very end we gotta go dude come on and now cappy comes back and now we just need to get that one how am i supposed to get this one two three no i triple jump maybe how two player not you guys think two player is some like a magic wand that makes you just jump higher it's not what two player mode does i have an idea a goomba stack actually you think it's a goomba stack there's no way is it even possible to get all the oh i can't move all right i'm gonna try it okay what no it survived too go okay all right we got across with those goombas now this is the tough one uh you you might call that a choke depend um depending on how you look at it i i call it um a learning experience i will never make that mistake again see look look i didn't we're good jump on this goomba stack and now we got a big old pile of gooms dude and now we'll be able to reach that moom survive this um uh it's uh all according to plan that was i just needed to make sure we were all warmed up there now we get to try it again we get to experience this fun all over again how how lucky are we god this is a this is a fun room guys i just i'm just so happy we get to keep trying it like not not this many people truly get to appreciate very few people in this world get to experience this room for this length of time and you really start to develop a special sort of um feeling for it um now it could be something like stockholm syndrome but you know i'd like to think of it as more of a um as more uh as a uh it's he's going crazy i'm fine maybe the goombas need a pep talk okay all right guys we got we ought to talk about this for a moment i gotta take control of one of your brains and hop him onto your brother over there okay does that sound good we're gonna go capture your your your boys over there take them over there we're gonna capture your boys over there then we're gonna go on a uh what some may describe as a mission impossible okay we're gonna jump up grab that moon i'll leave you guys to do whatever you like does that sound good the plan is started we're good to go okay the goomba brethren suicide mission is more like it no no no no no it's not that at all the goombas will be fine i'm sure okay we made it okay okay boys now just one last little step just one one last a moment of truth all right i got the moons thank you goombas you can live your lives now thank you so much and i guess you know what that they they i'll respect their choice they they jumped we got the moon the pep talk worked a baby let's get out of here dude how are you supposed to get a goomba over here without taking any damage because all the moons are supposed to be possible damageless how how oh actually maybe i have an idea i have an idea you ready for some hot parkour baby [Music] all right all right [Music] maybe this is a bit of a more straightforward path to take nice okay we'll walk around okay okay some sick goomba parkour this is actually a really cool moon good old goomba parkour that was a fun moon that's a that's a fun and cute moon [Music] uh we are going into this hole now let's do this we need to get the heck out of here i hate these mummies yo what why is that there there's got to be a reason for them to put a bullet bill laundry's up there i don't think we can make it onto that pillar or else that would work we need to go into screenshot mode like see how close this is no that actually can't reach that that cannot reach maybe we can make it onto that platform i'm gonna try that actually maybe oh actually we might be able to jump up from that okay i didn't wall jump if we wall jump we can go up so it never wall slid so i couldn't wall jump so i just gotta go from the side of the pillar perhaps just go whoa oh okay here we go oh this is promising and there's a block up here how generous how generous this is the intended strat let's go nice and we got the moon that's a cool moon high above the band yup like that one was a really good puzzle i like that one a lot where else do we need to go i think there's one moon that we need to get yeah there's this p-switch here yeah there we go because this is the timer now [Music] and we made it good stuff now there's that one as well and i think we need to use that same bullet bills let's do that again i think we're dead or am i we're not dead yet we didn't die i refused the game was like you gone die and then i said no we're never getting to 300 deaths i refuse [Music] that's a bit reckless is that a rabbit yo let's go get that rabbit we haven't got that yet [Music] this little dude is actually really hard to hit like if i jump onto the opposite corner i think we're dead or are we we're not dead yet here's what i'm gonna try i'm gonna try and capture that pylon no that doesn't even work [Music] whoa what happened there you guys see that he went towards me if you go high enough maybe it goes over you oh you get them from above it's just you just gotta get it just right you could hear the moon spawn as mario dies i just need to not try it at one hp all right there we go we got it we just need to get up now [Music] okay one two three all right finally that moon is way too hard oh you know we haven't even gotten that moon yet let's do that geez there's some easy moons that i've just been ignoring this moon isn't any more difficult because i can just do this like what am i doing is this just wait a minute [Music] is there just a huge wall of just blocks kaiser blocks in my odyssey i know right i think i can make this nope well this is a little bit more difficult then isn't it i didn't realize this one might give me some trouble is it like all the way or that's actually just ridiculous that is just absurd my trick jumping skills are going to come in handy this time [Music] we almost got it we almost got it three oh it's so close take glide on glidon doesn't exist they they removed glide on watch my pencil start speed run dude wtf pretty sick right easy every time [Music] you know what that's enough we're gonna move on oh we're going to dark side let's go i wonder if they removed the uh the extra bonus heart because you can get a bonus art from this or did they miss it oh they left it in let's go baby i can't remember what they changed about darkseid oh that's what they changed about darkseid you have to fight all of them at the same time oh oh i see that's what they changed right okay uh-huh um she was just running around in the background of that scene nice wait didn't i defeat topper go away i thought i defeated you did you that's for sure all right have no idea what you're seeing um just a big boss fight that's it that's that one done and i love how she's just running around making noise stop it easy boss fights the music stopped it did ha spooky how ominous i'm pretty sure this is the one that also damages you whenever you touch it so uh we should watch out for sure there's one down okay come on come on there we go there we go easy mech so free dude that seems easier than the regular version it seemed yeah i mean this one is always easier you got the king's crown of king's outfit cause i'm a king dude all right you guys ready for the hardest sub area that you'll ever see you wanna know why it's hard to sub area you'll ever see [Music] because now we need to get back oh we need to get up there yeah now we need to get back to the other moon think i can do this first try that would be kind of sick okay the bullet stopped spawning [Music] all right so we got the easy moon now this is going to take a little bit of focus but i'm sure it'll be fine we'll be okay we'll be we'll it will be good it's fine we're fine we're good yikes oh and i all right love that so close 400 deaths we can do this before 4 20. i think this is going to take less than 20 attempts this is hell yes can you walk to a checkmate without cappy how does that help me though like even if i could which i can how does that help it doesn't oh we've done it easy didn't even need 20 minutes you know what i think that is a good place to stop for today that's satisfying i got that trick we've been going for six hours 20 minutes almost i'm excited to see you guys tomorrow be sure to follow the stream subscribe on youtube so i will see you guys uh tomorrow let's go
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 2,257,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: livestream, highlights, twitch highlights, stream highlights, funny moments, fails, mario odyssey, master mode, superstar mode, modding, Speedrun, Speedrunning, Speedrun fails, smo challenges, mario, mario speedrun, Mario wr, Super mario speedrun, speedrun mario, super mario odyssey, mario all moons, darker side, superstar
Id: 8gseNKGIRcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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