Can you beat Pokemon Emerald using ONLY items?

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what I am doing today is I am going to play pokemon emerald and I am never going to use or enter a Pokemon Center I've seen some challenges like this done in the past but they do them wrong most recently I'm a dry bread or something that a no Pokemon Center challenge but he goes into the Pokemon Center and he can use the PC and he says he only uses it when he absolutely needs to the thing is I'm almost a hundred percent sure you can beat the game without using it at all so that's what we're gonna do I'm gonna set the rules right here so the rules I can never enter a Pokemon Center I can never use the PC what I'm going to the Elite Four I will have to walk right through obviously a few other things there is free heals in the form of mom there's the old lady in the shack north of Route one one one can't use that there is the bed in the weather Institute can't use that so no free heals like that there is a PC in the Safari zone so I can't use any of those no free heals basically I'm making this as straightforward as possible no free heals no pcs that's it PC in the daycare can't use a PC in the daycare no no PCs no nothing and like obviously if we black out or white out whatever it is in this game turn off the game turn it back on go back to where we saved we're gonna have a maximum of six pokemon to beat the game we can never switch out as a kid I think I put a combined total of around 1500 hours into this generation I maxed out my pokemon ruby save file I've led a lot of emerald I played a lot of sapphire I have a lot of game knowledge here and I have kind of thought about it but yeah let's let's start alright so the internal batteries run dry the game can be played however clock based events will no longer occur this is important because it also puts another constraint onto this run we cannot grow berries this is an additional part of the challenge that I did not tell you before we started we will be all the pick berries but we cannot grow them that's fine I am A and D I just realized something oh we don't give that name the rival okay I thought we were gonna have to name the rival the man but the rival is the girl god I even have so much nostalgia I am so ready I might save here we may need a really really good starter obviously we're picking Mudkip yeah so I just need to check something really fast oh come on summary gentle nature yeah those SATs are good we're gonna stick with this one actually I think that's good we are going to nickname the Pokemon we are only getting six and I will aim it after people in chat but they're gonna be very few and far between so we got low important thing to know about exp is trainers give more exp in wild Pokemon since we're gonna have so few power points on all of our moves all the time we have to only ever fight trainers we cannot do any wild Pokemon battles we will not be doing any grinding this run if we do it right we will never have to grind something also really valuable that we've getting at the start is because we have so few moves to use we need to basically OCO everything to OCO everything there is something that we can do to increase our stats without using any power points those are X items we're gonna be using a decent amount of X items to finish off these battles and yes Castform is forced upon us we are literally forced to get a cast form in this run there only one use TMS in this generation you can only use one so it's very important 69 nice learn mud-slap good I don't think we're ever going to use struggle emoji maker are you allowed I demand revives yes we are allowed items and revives there's no reason why we shouldn't be allowed them to revive restore PP no they do not revives do not restore PP there we go now we have an accurate timer how long does it take to finish this I don't know I've never done it before we could finish today though can you use rooster roost in this game that is why I waited to use the potion I think so the maximum value potion alright we won the battle good stuff unless we miss this Akal haha Oh God he knew you know I was gonna miss we're not getting a Zigzagoon I'm gonna buy two of these I think yes I think we need 2x items and X items gonna be very helpful if you guys don't know of any hidden items tell me cuz I a lot of the hidden items I don't know where they are I can't remember brags about game knowledge here's the thing even if you think you're super good at something you can always get better so that's why I'm asking for help you could always get better what's up Scott he's so cool look at his sunglasses I'm pretty sure there's a tech in a speedrun tech with this game where you can pause the game open a bag close the bag and I mess it up if you walk past them they won't see you on the way by or they can't see you but if you run they'll see you I'm fairly sure there are I think two places in the game that you get healed one of them is at the start and we're gonna have to use that as much to our advantage as we possibly can I'm excited for the cast form because it's it's forced into our inventory it's great at level 10 we learn water gun so we will need to get water gun before we fight the gym yeah we're gonna fight this guy I believe you guys tuning quedas you do a student Kahless okay um something else is gonna be super important in this run is we need to make our moves one hit as much stuff as possible the great thing about Mudkip is an ability called torrents if Mudkip I believe is that one third help or lower it increases his water type moves by like a lot so we're gonna stay at a relatively low amount of HP for a lot of this a lot of this challenge there's water gun another very valuable berry Leppa berries gonna restore some power points alright I believe we can fight this guy because we need to get a little bit stronger I think to defeat Roxanne so the Easter toko and I think we'll have to heal before Roxanne okay there's one level yo level 12 that's what I like to see and this is why we're only fighting trainer battles in this run because we just used one move and got one level it's just it's so worth it low levelling up to 13 that's what I like to see all right now we do have Roxanne this sucks without growing berries that lepa berries up yeah we don't need berries we really don't need berries we're gonna fight as many hikers as we can cuz like those are all Pokemon that were just gonna like Coco we have potions away that's all we can do we just gotta wait I should take it out good stuff fight a hometown maybe we can't heal with mom the subtle out there we go first batch just like that so now that we've defeated that Jim we're going to fight a few trainers on this route we're gonna will fall below here I believe okay I'm gonna try out the speed tech here where we open up the bag and then we're just able to walk past a hundred percent of the time I believe that's a thing let's see if this works it does work oh my god that's so cool we will need to get past this guy one more time but I'm actually gonna go fight the other trainer I really hope this doesn't have a grass type Pokemon basically if we ever encounter a grass type Pokemon we scream well I'm pretty sure this this has skiddy Shroomish oh my god oh I guess we're only water type right now that's not gonna do a lot at all so we're gonna fight all of the trainers we can and this is a level up this is an evolution do not press B it is imperative we do not press B if I press B we can't learn much shot and we and we can't ever win there we go my low evolved into Marshtomp low is trying to learn mud shot goodbye gravel now there's a reason I'm now going into that cave yet and it's because that cave is one of the two free heals in this entire game that the after that battle in the cave we get one free heal one of the two we get in the entire game and so I'm going to capitalize on this fully we're gonna fight all of the trainer's cuz trainers get more exp and they give money we need money we're never gonna struggle this run backseat driver we will never struggle I refuse to struggle what struggle when you run out moves to use it's a weak move type list with 25% recoil that sounds right reminds yes stroke goes when you're a 21 year old college student but also months for ants oh alright so now we have a relatively important fight I have a lot of money he's gonna give us a lot rich boy way to look at this cash 1,400 poke $1 so we're gonna also fight this rich lady because she's gonna give us a lot of money - oh my 1,400 yo Marissa with the raid what's up everybody for Marissa Stream now this is the first battle that's a little important now I said I'm never gonna fight wild Pokemon I am going to stick to that we're not even gonna fight it we could it would be worth it to fight him because it's free exp but we're not going to excuse a pack of Devin I want that badly take it thank you for the Devin goods did we get two free hills of this entire round that you cannot avoid this is one of them right here come on and there's our there's one free heal we got all of our power points back alright we'll get a phone call on this boat Oh yo dad Norman gets in there this music is really good and then it's over like instantly let's see if I remember this cave I think I do yeah we're avoiding flash because flashing people really isn't a good idea honestly if I were to pick a favorite Pokemon it might be a Ron is so adorable dude Sableye and yeah we're not getting a makuhita we don't need to grind in this cave for an eternity give me that steel wing [Music] we do need a few items there's a very valuable item on the beach that we will get it's gonna help it up a little bit how long's left in the run like 20 minutes getting soft sand I'll make our ground type moves stronger of course we don't need to necessarily do this but I'm gonna do it just because these battles aren't necessary but it's cheap healing for a little bit so I'll probably buy like a dozen and then we'll never need to come back here again the next free heal that we get is actually really really soon and then we'll never get another one so that is why I'm fighting extra trainers now after we get the second free heal we won't be fighting any extra trainers that we absolutely don't have to fight I'm scorching out the battles blades more than just satisfied no problem half a dozen bottles I don't think I need any more than that we'll buy two more I don't think we'll need any more than that there's the ether okay good stuff - BRR Lola - BRR ant that's me that's my trainer class I'm at uber so we're gonna save we're gonna fight Brawley now we need to have at least three mud shots I think it might be too do-do-do-do-do-do-do I roll ha just bad luck that one just bad luck hi I think we can mud shot dig it oh ok vital throw is a crit there's a crit dang it he's getting these lucky crits man now don't quit don't quit [Music] perfect that'll kill we're in turret range that should kill there we go finishes um leader got the second badge hour and a half in and these are gonna be the slowest badges most likely this is our second and our last free heal in the entire run this guy right here will heal us after we're done these battles we could have grinded wild Pokemon but I'm not wasting my time grinding in this run that is not something that I want to do that's not something that you even need to do why haven't caught any Pokemon we can only ever have six total so I need to pick my Pokemon very very carefully and by not having an extra Pokemon right now we never have to do double battles so there's a reason for everything that I'm doing here it's time to lose episode on ocean for our expedition really zoom thanks you're free to wander around check our facility stuff okay there is the last free heal yet in the entire game we're on our own now yo Scotty my boy what's up give me your number dude I want a cool guy like you small to win chat by the way I think I'm gonna buy some repels hide I don't want to have to deal with wild Pokemon to be completely honest with you guys here we go I think this battle is gonna be tough ok winged win goal go low I guess we kind of have to tackle don't we ok now I think to defeat Grovyle I'm just gonna try mud shot and see how that works yeah [Music] didn't do too much this might be one of the battles where we use an X attack yeah it's a grass of type we need to screen it'll recover some HP so I think a tackle is my best bet and it's gonna what's a crit let's go okay well that works haha and they use Slugma Slugma mud shot there we go there we go it's over we beat you first try easy peasy is this the rock smash guy this is literally the rock smash guy people call him the rock smash guy there we go I didn't know he was literally called the rock smash guy but there you go but wait something else we need is the Mach bike you will need them up bikes let's grab that okay we're not gonna use it cuz I'm not gonna be able to control it but we need it later let's uh crush Wally's dreams real quick use dream crusher low it's super effective good stuff da da da da da he looks so crushed Scott is like yo good job you crushed his dreams how incredible I'm not sure if we need to use an X attack in this battle but I think I might just at the start we'll see I think I need an X attack in this battle hopefully he just sonic booms roll out okay well that's fine I don't think put slap would kill all maybe next speed would help because I think we're gonna need to out speed does it a man neck trick magnet owns probably gonna live a mud slap so like I have one left I might as well use it [Music] I don't know what this can do to me he can howl okay now just don't miss this mud shot and we're good it should be good good hey hey Oh third badge now we do have rock smash it begins hello learn to rock smash low is starting to turn into an HM slave now it looks like this guy does as well we're gonna walk right past him yeah obviously there's the old lady to the right here I'm not using this old lady because that's cheating all right we'll grab this so I'm just gonna buy like more than I think I need here and this should sort us out so if there's a battle that we come up to that we can beat well to start using X items in basically I think we're to go catch our first pokemon now look at that two hours in catching a swablu look at that all right now who's gonna be named after swablu [Music] hmm rip the solo run low and lag would be cute - you know what we'll name it leg but leg welcome to the party party should be all elves I guess I mean of course you're saying that likkle cuz ant is gonna take the El you don't think I can do this we're already three badges in for cruising okay it looks down we can pause open the bag close the bag walk down and it can't turn in time will pick me up oh my God my peepee is gonna get so so much bigger upper oh my god I phrased that wrong oh dear what did my peepee run out or my peepee my rut repple I mix it up words and then we get strength Wow we tried the boulder blocking the way show you how much I appreciate to have you this hm thank you for the hmm thank you for sister it's time to beat the crap out of Team Magma yup since I don't know exactly what I'm doing against max yet I'm just gonna go into the battle this one could be a reset let's see what I can do water gun Coco please gotta be very careful with this now I'm going to super potion I'm going to ex-special I'm gonna let it attack me again now I'm in Torrance again and I've used an ex-special yeah this one will kill 87 I don't know if that's still torrent is that still torrent cuz it's at exactly 1/3 yeah okay well water getting then if it wasn't at Turin I was gonna take down since it's that torrent that should work and camera obviously just couldn't get nuked okay good that fight went well I guess we could do this here cuz this is where we're gonna buy most of our stuff I'm gonna buy too now I fairly sure this Jim you can navigate it without fighting any trainers whatsoever so if I start to fight a trainer I'm just gonna turn it off and turn it back on hope I take the right path yo there's a gym leader okay but I want to OCO everything so we're gonna use X attacks there's a sunny day seven that's the Ike's we are kind of over-leveraged with this gym though so that's nice crits okay another crit you've got to be kidding me three it's gotta be enough we're gonna mud shot we're gonna start my doubting stuff now now I am in torrid now that's true torkoal here we go we'll mud shot take it out in one hit no it missed [Music] accuracy was too low I'd I'm so scared of using mud shot now please don't miss this time thank you please Oh colum thank you okay forth Jim done batch number four just like that now we do need to go back to petalburg oh wait wait wait whoa whoa whoa wait a minute I think what there's uh if I remember correctly this is Erick Andy yeah okay uh hmm a QC room sure I don't think it matters which side we go in or take down will get us in torrent range [Music] transformation is almost complete yep after this gym we're probably teaching low both strength and sir Wigglytuff has such high Special Defense we're not even in torrent range oh okay well that's a reset where did we last save I guess we'll find out I think it was in the gym yeah now we'll save what is this one recovery room it can't be as bad as that last one slack off no slack off I'm assuming okay all right we're gonna teach low strength I think it's time okay and since we are going to be using strength we don't need to be in range for torrid so we're gonna heal them up to near full okay we'll use a potion on this next turn so we are fine to attack ever fine battles done we're good yes I think we'll probably need to outspeed the slacking so I think what I'm gonna do is use an X speed and then whatever we have left of X attacks I think we only have 2x attacks which is a little scary teeter dance we will heal I don't know after we get rid of this thing will heal good oak oh nice Vigoroth it might have slashed I don't slash the crit we're just gonna try and strength again [Music] don't quit please don't quit okay we're healing sod it's fine snap out of confusion good at a good amount of HP that's nice should be that done one more Vigoroth Linoone does it have sand attack or something I guess it doesn't matter now the big boy we're just gonna use a soda pop cuz I think it still can okö me counter very good we much shot don't counter and OCO crit or something just take them out let's see X don't counter [Music] he's got some chunky HB dude don't miss thank you there we go that's some damage okay he will loaf around like the bread that he is I can't risk a counter so I am going to use a guard spec just so I don't have to attack and I don't have to use BP that was a counter good like I think it's a guaranteed win this tournament there we go fifth badge good stuff all right balance badge there we go got the fifth badge from dad Lowe's transformation to the HM slave is almost complete one more move low and you have nothing left grabby rare candy here rare candy is it rare candy I'll see what's on the left as well I'm not even sure ether I'm glad I grabbed that candy all right so I'm gonna use all of their are candies I believe now it I might as well right low is evolving let's go mmm Swampert slave requires a new form okay let me look we have a max ether we have two elixirs we have three regular ethers I think we can afford to not learn muddy water so we should be okay go low no go high Frank we are starting to run a oh he's my pee beat you up I didn't realize it was gonna turn and we just used all our strengths man tend to cool I guess we have mud shot [Music] we're running low we only have surfs left tend to not cool dude exactly yo its Steven what's up to it it's my roommate my roommates in this game oh my god cruising through not letting any trainers dodging it real well ok weather Institute now again so there is a PC here there is a bed here I'm not able to use it I'm not allowed to use it the good thing about cast warm though it holds mystic water we're gonna give mystic water to low and then the water type of tax will be better all right should be an easy battle pretty straightforward with a mud shot and then maybe mud shot again not exactly sure over little 39 yes Lowe's trying to learn muddy water let's see mud shot has six shots left but I don't think it's worth learning give us our Pokemon number three as you were saved might be not away thank you take this Pokemon we got the cast forum who are we naming it after all right Laura go alright alright now we got like a good team you know we got low lag lore go we're taking these elves the Pokemon are taking the else cuz yeah we all know that I'm not reset until shiny no we have to fight our rival and our rival his Grovyle I think I gotta give strength leper berries I guess we'll surf this boy [Music] doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo will I be able to take this thing out I don't even know just get a crit is that okay [Music] I think that might be okay yo a revival herb is full oh my god nice said so May didn't heal for some reason which is good right ez fight ez fight you know Scotty boy I beat them I beat them fortree gym yeah I'll do well Scotty get out of here dude I don't need your help and you know how I said we're never gonna do a wild Pokemon battle well I mean there is this kecleon technically we are going into a wild Pokemon battle but I said we are never going to fight a wild Pokemon okay so we just run from it your battle style is intriguing we never need to fight a wild Pokemon in this entire game yeah I have a very unique and incredible battle style how long have you spent perfecting that technique you know it's been a long time okay so this is a double battle I think we actually need to use casts form so we're gonna do this I don't think we need a sunny day yeah level 25 Castform clutching it out cuz I'm pretty sure this is a forced double battle am i full of pp I'm full enough Cerf I could just rain dance I believe Cerf only hits them crit nice [Music] not a crit logo transform let's go we just made the pelipper stronger nice you've become sad to tear form logo strength probably won't do the trick because it has high defense yep supersonic it misses I was like a double battle one of the very few we're doing this run I'm fairly sure there's like it's probably like one or two more that we would have to do I'm trying to think I guess now that we're almost at a mud shot or we're not gonna be able to use mud shot on this Jim I should switch some mystic water for sure oh god there's a Tropius Oh God [Music] sixteen versus the level thirty I don't think we could do it so I'm gonna start by using that revive we just bought okay Winona also has a Tropius okay so we might need to go all-in on the X specials when we fight her Razor Leaf can print but we out speed so it doesn't matter see if we can use strength I think I'm just gonna go all out on the X specials on this gym leader it would really suck if she opens up a Tropius swablu okay that's good bang he's ex-special is going [Music] let's just hope it doesn't use it I guess you huh I'm gonna have to buy a revive so swablu will send out lo we need to just burn a turn so I'm gonna use dire hit I don't want to kill it but I'm fairly sure everything I have will kill it I want it to use Paris song I don't think we need next speed me remover get off my god this means the guard spec please just use Paris on come on egg speed again I guess you've got to be kidding me okay the moment I use ex-special it's gonna use Paris um no it didn't okay me if we can get Forex specials out okay okay [Music] okay so we didn't even need to revive what was that AI decision-making I don't know yeah that wasn't so bad Oh Co nice sweet okay I I think we can take it out with a serf though yeah nice now we could sweep the Altaria might cause issues I don't think so maybe it'll be the case critical hit let's go six Jim is done for cruisin sixth badge is done now we're able to fly places so something that I actually noticed in pokémon Ruby and sapphires let me to try yourself this guy in Ruby and sapphires turns and if you pick up the item and then walk into the item and he turns he'll walk onto that fence but I think they patched it in in Emerald you can actually have them walk on the fence it's really cool I'm gonna show you guys the strap that I've been saving this whole time that I haven't been telling you about there's a reason why this game gets really really easy once we get lilycove city is this fellow right here the move to leader it makes this run easy okay we can forget strength and now we reteach strength and we're gonna teach it to low low learned straight look at that full PP just like that before we do anything else we are going to catch a new Pokemon tend to cool back and learn surf if you press B okay didn't work yo spamming the B button totally works we're gonna go with legend cuz legend hammer welcome to the party now we can go refresh our surf use surf oh it feels so scummy but it feels so good we got those bp's big fan hey B escaped I'm a big fan of you too this is probably one of my favorite songs in this game I was gonna walk around for a bit just to make sure that I got it I can listen to it enough Ultra Ball ever grave-robbing yeah we might be grave-robbing right now we fight this guy baby pulled out there's a wreck handy then we go to lavaridge cuz we need to fight Team Magma gotta go fight team hots any fun shiny pokemon stories here's the thing with me and shiny pokemon when I was growing up I put thousands of hours into Pokemon games literally thousands of hours I didn't see a single one until my last year of high school I was like screw it I'm getting a shiny pokemon today it was like a Friday night I started off my Pokemon emerald played it to the point where I could catch her Rayquaza and soft reset for like 7 hours and then I got a shiny Rayquaza so my first ever shiny pokemon in any Pokemon game ever is a shiny rayquaza and pokemon emerald oh yeah like I saw a red Gyarados but that doesn't count no one counts that is a shiny you still have the ring I still have the Rayquaza yeah I still have my original rayquaza and Pokemon X&Y or sunny moon Kokomo what's cheating how is deleting a move and reteaching a cheating big brain strats and nothing else and Plus here's the thing at the end of the run what I could do is I'll just throw away all of the items that I could have used that I just didn't cuz like I could just be using my leper berries right now we have the resources to reteach these moves but now we just don't need to worry about it anymore it's great how much time left 20 minutes Joaquin there we go he's awoken that ancient beast Groudon and it and it's gone Groudon what's wrong is the blue orb the key it couldn't be the red orb you know there were two orbs there a blue one and a red one it's definitely the blue orb that I'm supposed to grab should I'm gonna try it I just want to see oh come on it was so close man not a legend you did your best the legends never die it just fainted it didn't die this is gonna take itself out I don't think it gets any experience points oh it does and lo gets all the XP ha ha hey hey hey I'm sneaking up on them you'll never know yo easy scape thanks for the luck dude vid tomorrow you're hype I'm excited do you want to hint at what it might be about give us a little SMS whoo right yeah you mentioned them I was gonna be the first person to do this and then a week after we reach the sub will someone uploaded a video saying can you beat it without the focus Center the thing is they go into the Polka Center what I'm gonna title this video is like something like can you actually beat Pokemon emerald with no boba Center the passive-aggressive title that could be you but you playing I did take I could have done it earlier but I just didn't get around to when I was way too busy the thing that the thing that upsets me the most about that video like the video is entertaining I watched it it's good but the thing is he says I'm going to use the PC as little as possible he uses it a few times I've used it 0 times that I'm gonna use it 0 times technically you'd never have to use the PC but he uses it so as little as possible as none I'm not throwing shade at the guy his video was entertaining he did a really good job he was doing the challenge just because it's fun what you don't have to use a PC and he said you did I guess we can go fight the it's chimp yeah I can't remember the party that they have I feel like they have like as a 2 or an a2 or sir yeah a - maybe like a Gardevoir and then Solrock and lunatone because we'll find out play it all on Zaid - ok yikes solo run might take out the clay doll in one hit poof [Music] just so I don't have to struggle through this flight I'm gonna heal him up and then we're just gonna start shucking X specials on to him also why does clay dough look like his contrast has been turned way down hey now earth quake will hit low we'll see how much it does looks like he's covered in sand yeah that's not much at all okay I think I'm gonna continue using X specials and heal with an energy route if I need to hey no sunny day Oh No okay this is gonna be interesting I'm gonna have to wait for this Oh No yes ooh be hard I didn't realize that it had a setup move and sunny day I didn't know what had sunny day don't leave it thank God okay we might still die here what it out speeds [Music] and then we'll have to wait out the earthquakes and we just need to hope we don't get a special defense job or a crit it's over unless he doesn't use earthquake okay and we will out speed does a two now but this a two was gonna ko us if we get hit there's only one thing we have to surf and just hope hope yes we need to take out the other one too now we need a crit yes oh my god it's super effective it should kale come on so rocks oh rocks oh rocks all right yes okay come on Ludo tone now lunar dawn doesn't matter but lunatone yes we're doing it oh my guy did not deserve that a high roll on clay doll and crit on that too absolutely I'm amazing it was so lucky we got to say hello to an old friend of mine what does it mean what is the White Rock mean I don't understand the White Rock bane of all item elementary kids what does it mean what does the rock mean I don't understand enter confirm ago he's got like a sick team of Steel types I have a single kind of hurt low I met tang do your thing good job met tang you're doing good and low you're not confused to get out of here thank you dark patches watered I've come to do spot yeah yeah so I can't remember exactly where I need to go for this I'm not supposed to go here yet but since I'm here I'll like I'll fly your later timing propolis yeah yeah there it is there's the Aqua base wakey-wakey Christ I haven't saved recently I can't remember if I battle Archie we should be able to take them look come on low please we were at the perfect amount of HP - how could you forsaken us like this I should oak oh yes it did good stuff red orb you can make Kyogre what are you gonna make key over do with the red orb huh yeah Kyogre is gonna listen with the red orb I didn't do anything you literally you didn't even think you didn't use your brain Kyogre is blue this orb is red that seems about right it falls to you guys you guys are going to do literally nothing they just run away like a little baby they are the cowards what is happening this is terrible - squared heatwave and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah when acidophilus I will see you there I got to make a pit stop first [Music] now we fly to siddhappa lists I just did that to get it on the map it's impossible to do a damage this Pokemon run yeah I think it is it would be very difficult but I think it is you would have to it you wouldn't be able to choose Mudkip as a starter though for this game basically they would have to miss tackles for the first battle it would be really really grindy but it's possible yo some my green dragon boy oh look he's blushing he's got little blush ease oh never mind they're glowing now the such intense music just listen Wow and then it just reaches and it interrupts it and they're like sorry dad alright bag we gonna use this bad boy here and this might take me a few tries because this is actually some pretty difficult stuff this bike section is not easy I remember struggling with this a lot as a kid actually as a kid I had to get help and yet we felt OOP this this floor isn't easy I think this is the only Pokemon game that requires you to use the bait to get cool stuff yeah there you go okay let's go first try shiny let's go no I'm not gonna stop reset for a shiny I did we would be sitting here for days all right who are we naming it after cuz we just caught ourselves a Rayquaza Len gamer named it after me please you know what LAN gamer your name starts with an L welcome to the party land summary he's quiet I don't know if those SATs are good let's hope they are easiest puzzle of my entire life I saw this first try as a kid [Music] [Music] he didn't walk down I press the down button but he didn't walk okay apparently I peaked as a 10 year old yeah I'm making sure that I press all these damn keys I knew the solutions of the puzzle I just missed like yeah I peaked when I was 10 by the way the last gym leader opens with a Luvdisc I ain't gonna fly on it I'm gonna fly on this game drew got this dude existed Juan oh I really didn't need to fly okay you're gonna miss your dragon breath [Music] okay I'll aerial ace I'll aerial ace seven Laurel Oh literally all I needed to do is aerial ace I didn't want to though if I lose this fight I'm gonna be a little disappointed in myself which cache blasts do pokes outrage should do the trick cuz whiscash is defense is a lot higher [Music] doesn't make much sense that they let you catch a level 70 after the seventh GMO like it's just too strong I've made lo a promise lo would be the HM slave lo Congrats full HM slave it's okay it means you the most useful and appreciated member of the party don't worry about it we get to crush Wally's dreams one last time I am NOT surprises to you here I really expect literally called it outrage I guess it works Roselia got stuck in outrage hopefully outraged two more times one down nice okay go go ez fight ez fights what's the team we have a request Swampert a swablu a Castform and a tentacle the incredible team just to be clear this is not a Pokemon Center I know it has the music of a Pokemon Center but just don't listen to the music if I were to step left right now if I were to take one more step that's a Pokemon Center but it's not yeah this guy's the dark one now something that we literally cannot do is save at any point in the Elite Four because if we get to a point where we cannot progress without waiting out the challenge is over we restart the entire game so I cannot save at any point here boys grab the brooms it's time to sweep we will run low on power points but we have so many items but we just have four more battles after this [Music] you survived one look at him mr. big man over there crud on thinking he could survive a hit he's so orange he's very bright orange yes should do without the legendary so here's the thing fading shadows for anyone that's complaining that I am using a legendary right now what I could have done instead is I could have grinded up my Swampert up to a level 100 using the move to leader trick I could have grinded deleted serf got it back to leader strength got it back I could have grinded all my boat went up to level 100 using that method and then I could go in and this would be a 25 hour challenge the challenge basically is already won once we get to that point but that's kind of excessive and since Rayquaza is given to you by the game you're able to use it it's given you by the game it's fair game right I want to see we do with week months then it wouldn't be fun then you're just sitting there grinding for a forever until you don't have week Mons anymore no you didn't okay [Music] Wow we survived that okay I'm gonna use one exit actor so the rest of Pokemon can't survive it's I think aerial ace should do the trick now it's not that much weaker yeah it's OCO time everybody [Music] this one's interesting he's gonna use hail they always use help they always use hail hopefully I'm strong enough to take out his wall rain or her wall rain then the boys fast it's an easy challenge what can I say mint now I could outrage see so I got a 50% boost from it attack bonus outrage will be stronger outrage should be stronger this is 180 [Music] that's the yikes that's a yikes price okay and hail but we have airlock no we're locked into outrage please Hyrule yes we hunt rolled let's go just easy-peasy dude so free here we go leet for Drake she'll gone now she'll guns gonna use protect on turn one so we're gonna I think we're gonna exit attack three times fails it's gonna use another protect and we're gonna release I hid it protects it really wanted that protect what can I say Flygon I'm not gonna switch and then once we have two Pokemon left we're gonna start out raging but now we'll start out raging cuz guaranteed we're gonna get to our Ages outrage is two or three it depends so you'd luck basically but doesn't matter that's alamut's going down it's guaranteed at least two hits where the best started for a normal run be Mudkip definitely might get one more fight now I don't know what Pokemon comes out first so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna send in low first to figure out what moves they have if they have an ice type attacked and we're not gonna set up low as a meat shield low can take this I believe in low Wailord I believe has either blizzard or ice beam so what I'm going to do is strengths and we're gonna see what move it has we're faster that shouldn't do very much cuz it's at half out yeah a crit you will use a potion here I believe he does have blizzard very good that we checked under level inflate low lowers taken this is way Lord on what was doing a great job low was doing a great job earthquake that should take him out there he goes I'm sorry lo for making you a meat shield but it had to be done alright there we go we're good do not miss fly it's imperative we do not miss fly please kill [Music] that's a bit problematic we survived okay [Music] my heart my heart alright legend you could take on the Gyarados I believe you could take a mine yo the intimidate huge brain plays I was just doing this I could heal land Pokemon he's got left you know what I'm willing to risk it outrage we're gonna get three terms of outrage I'm willing to risk it let's do it let's oh heck that mm I thought that was gonna kill him this may have been a mistake just don't get confused laughs you're good just don't get confused [Music] lion you you need to attack okay it dragon dances twice and uses surf 0iq Wallace he just wanted to speed alright one pokémon remaining before he beaten this game with cash land finished off with at outrage come on this is an outrage just finish evolve come on our rates through confusion you've got to be kidding me no you're gonna you're gonna finish this whiscash with cash off or you're gonna go down that's like that that's what I thought yeah there we go and it's done Pokemon emerald without entering a Pokemon Center without using a PC without healing Y any means other than items just under six and a half hours pretty good look at that there's low took us all the way to Rick was oh there's Castform helped us out with some double battles there's swablu the leg helped us out with flying legend the swimming legend and land incredible carry through the eighth gym and the elite foreign champion five hours 35 minutes in game time Lee champion congratulations thank you now we get to listen to the best song in all of Pokemon [Music] thank you for watching though this was fun Pokemon challenges are super fun
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 3,801,119
Rating: 4.8657775 out of 5
Keywords: mahdrybread, mah-dry-bread, commentary, gameplay, Pokemon Emerald, pokemon challenges, no pokecenter, pokecentre, gen 3, no healing, Pokemon 2019, pokemon, guide, nintendo, walkthrough, pokemon challenge, pokémon, can you beat, challenge, can you beat pokemon with only a, emerald, gba, is it possible to beat, commentated, pokemon 2019, elite four, english, challenge run, pokekon emerald no poke
Id: HiuP1XrHbAc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 38sec (3218 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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