Mario Speedrunner plays 3D World for the FIRST TIME

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i've put like what over 3 000 hours into super mario odyssey and uh emily a moderator and a friend has sent me her wii u i bought it from her and so i'm going to play 3d world for the first time ever i've never seen any gameplay i have no idea what this game is like but um yeah let's try it you can choose different characters three percent of you voted for mario and 45 of you voted for uh luigi mario's kind of chunky in this game he's got like weird arms mario in this game has arms of like a an orangutan like his arms go all like his if his knuckles drag on the ground i didn't realize bowser was a genie now he's got those genie proportions all right let's try it let's try a level hey before it starts i just wanted to say that if you liked the video remember to subscribe it helps you out a lot you can add sub in the future if you want to thanks enjoy the video climbing holy what what are these jumps he jumped so freaking high what the heck okay not as high as i thought uh i imagine we're supposed to have a cat by now oh oh that's a dead area okay we're fine we got the gamer hops okay you can turn the camera that's good [Music] yo this is sick okay i've never seen this power up in action oh no what are you doing no no no we're dead shading that you can build a lot of momentum you just do like whoa oh my god oh my god we're fast okay yeah you do get a lot of momentum holy crap what is this oh there's a timer there's mega mushrooms in this [Music] yo let's go one up let's go there's an infinite one-up thing you do next stage with the turtle all right i'll see if i can figure it out what where did that one come from well at least we got a few one-ups in the first place you can go into the shell oh my god yo that's sick good show good show good boy okay throw to the left what is this okay that's what that is you also tap these things on the gamepad as well oh the speed run for this game must be so involved gaming five stars holy crap yo toad small wave small wave is this just a mini like captain toad thing i never played captain toad treasure tracker at all so this is completely new to me [Music] do we do this let's do it first castle should be easy yup there's the stamp that's what we're looking for you can pet the cat in super mario 3d world no fear no beer only a small amount of fear that's a train that's a car never mind yo bowser nice car i have unlimited power that's gotta hit him right yep it's okay bowser it's okay buddy it's okay don't be so sad it's okay buddy you'll be okay stop throwing your bums no no bowser no no nobody oh we're gonna have to jump that was easy give him a little belly rub the jar thing course clear is that world one sand level okay he ate his brothers yes he did they were delicious that's so satisfying just seeing it eat feast feast you give me a cat i trusted you what is this what is this [Music] check this out can anyone stop this man go hey get over here it works move it works every time okay where are we come back thank you they listen to my every command perfect back up please thank you oh no there's no okay ah no divine better edit this one okay okay i'll let divine edit this up we go [Music] levels are pretty short honestly when you know what you're doing levels are pretty short wait was that a baseball did i see that right so what are the point of baseballs is it just to throw them around wait what wait a minute wait a minute fetch good job good job okay we're moving on okay wait a cherry [Music] this is confusing there's another one more more no no no i hate that what is this no i'm a gun i am a gun [Music] hello mr guns here to see you you're oh that does nothing okay stop i can see you you're not clever oh he hit me just stand on him apparently i can't see him very well second world done like all these things can do is build a bridge it's cool yeah i shoot a giant turtle with a gun it does nothing i step on its head it dies i literally shot a cannonball into its arms all right when you get to this mash crouch oh on ice not snow okay oh you you start moving very fast i bet oh my god wow oh my god [Music] no no all right we're down the level if i recall correctly that's the only ice level in the ice world ghost house okay jump in the painting so you're telling me you can jump straight into this painting [Music] okay all right couch take me away they got me good they got me good uh oh really come on i got the first one with the peak at the height but then the second one i didn't maybe we'll rush through it really quick with toad or sorry frog as i've been calling him yo small wave can he swim oh i'm so sorry ow it hit me again am i dumb getting hit by the same obstacle twice no i'm efficient i uh i didn't need the health anyways captain frog this level next oh this one kinda looks fun whoa [Music] does it just keep going i i couldn't see where i was box is not infinite well let's try and get all the coins this time now that i know that i can do that i'm going to try and get all the coins i got butt massage probably no i'll make it work i'll make it work check this out check this out i almost made it back i almost did it too ah what is this because i'm playing so bad that they gave me a power up is that what this is [Music] it won't let me just get off of this power-up i'm invincible no [Music] no i don't want it am i gonna play this for the rumored switch release i mean i bought it i kind of hope it doesn't because i bought a wii u just for this in the ice level they don't do anything with the ice that's kind of whack [Music] sick i am a gun i am a gun i am a gun small gun it should we should make small stop but it has a gun that's a thing you did it oh you copied me i see how it is my gun power is too strong check bonding why oh they're just showing off the uh the small gun all right i have still not seen anything even remotely related to a star but i imagine i missed something because of that this is gonna be a money block isn't it yup we're getting cash though you know this is one i i'm stuck okay we got it switchboard falls no no good job luigi oh yeah just i i can't do anything my controls are locked okay i'm not scared i should have been scared [Music] you lose all of your air you lose all of your speed oh she can't hover after a long jump good got it that time all right we got all that we got all that i guess we'll just finish the world then huh let's go i'm a gun it is i am a flying gun cat bullets what does that even mean yo you think i can make it over there oh i totally can never mind you cannot make that okay did i just turn that around somehow what i don't get that whatever [Music] please please i need the i need the star i need the star i go okay we're good hello sir you are dead just shoot shoot it mar luigi don't hesitate you're dead you cannot stop me anymore [Music] except when you do that that's right that's right we don't need the gun anyways whatever it doesn't even persist between levels big pogs third world done they use a lot of the same sound effects in this game as they do and oh wait what's this is this a boss world all right boss battle against who can i climb up these guys i can okay there we go is that it three hits on this snake boy it sounds good to me all right let's go and this is the next level world four let's go and trooper hill this is my world no fear no fear no fear small amount of fear pipe suck oh there's no pipes like in this game heck i will bounce on my aunt brothers somehow okay get up get up get up huh apparently the ground pound stalled me enough that i went inside of him instead of bouncing on him so that's a thing sick okay oh yeah this seems i totally missed this before how the heck are you supposed to get up there from the tree maybe [Music] no you do two wall jumps on what what am i wall jumping on wait can you well jump up corners in this game oh my god you can all jump up corners in this game okay wait you can definitely just like whoa what are you doing okay no i didn't mean to stop it yes no how much you wanna bet there's a secret up there how much you wanna bet there's a secret up there you know what i'm gonna better sub okay no sub for you good yo is this a level what a secret level did you just enter a bro yeah small pride in chat so i guess now we'll finish off world four and that's already half done the game let's do this yo is this act like a normal one for once like a non-auto scroller okay what don't hit me come on [Music] okay i'm a genius all right what's this gotta focus good focus huh just get hit immediately is this you just chuck it off is that all this is ye [Music] very nice i love getting hit right before the boss fight that's a big boy maybe i can just get him to roll off the edge or i can go off the edge that works too should be an easy kill he's pissed but so am i oh dear okay we're going we're running it's a cool bus you're dead you're dead all right next world world five now clouds water i don't know i can't tell water world yeah seems like it yo what a boomerang oh they're pissed is that a golden shell i want in getting that money though what i'm i am a goomba it turns out odyssey isn't the only game you can capture stuff i feel like this will be very helpful in this area no so in summary what have we learned i'm dumb that's what we've learned what is it super mario odyssey or something i suck i suck oh my god right lord yeah this was a huge world give me something good though is this pickle pipe is that what this is this is pick a pipe oh no it's a level hub this goes to the ice area in between world uh three and four or whatever it's called right right never mind it's a completely new level it's a hype train it's moving too fast for me apparently this is where i thought we were going to get sent to yeah you can play it again but in a while i don't want to play it again in a while i want to play it now we made mario i didn't know this was mario maker i always love these types of levels in the galaxy the fact that they let you skip this quite sus yeah [Music] um excuse me game uh two people are jumping at the same time so uh it should do nothing thank you oh lovely stop it so this is gonna go on [Music] okay here's what we're gonna do here's what we're gonna do i'm going to use my enormous and thick brain because there's got to be a reason they do this to do that i probably needed that in this pipe specifically well maybe not why did they give you two [Music] no oh oh plain baby [Music] okay not even close we're all good [Music] bam king ka thunk's castle cool obstacle i really prefer the platforming ones over the auto scrollers i really do they're just so much better no the star please tell me that wasn't the only time you can get that star i swear okay no you can get that any time are there scoopable cutscenes in this game i don't know if i skipped it or not you do be moving fast though face down please the tough one dead that's a cool boss very unique now i just need to make sure i hit the top or else i need to do the whole thing over again okay he beat the hardest boston game is that the hardest boss this game is paced very very well for difficulty it starts off really easy but now i'm starting to feel it gradually get harder and harder i like this i really like the pacing of it all what there we go oh up in the clouds okay you know what i am starting to get tired i think i am going to call it a day for today so thank you so so much for watching everybody this is a fun stream i'm excited to continue tomorrow and tomorrow honestly i think we can beat the game tomorrow thank you for watching um check out you know twitter discord tick tock anything you're into i'm on them except instagram i'm working on instagram though that's in the that's in the works thanks for watching everybody i'll see you tomorrow let's go good stream
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 2,833,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OK_8atPw8Vk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 21sec (1581 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2020
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