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as a 10 Katherine's run they will be right in a moment here when I start how far is he to behind now like the 602 is two months the 602 is two months behind but once the 602 is done we'll be catching up very very quickly because I've been deliberately holding off on sub-goals so I can let YouTube catch up occasionally I look at my vods and I see names that can someone messages the stream and they're like first time here I'm excited to be here and I miss the message I feel so bad when I do that but trainer six five seven you're not one of those people welcome to the stream I'm glad you're here it teaches them early that you are a meanie yes that's me clearly how am i doing that kiwifruit I am doing good I'm feeling so much better now that the 602 is done like so much pressure is off of me the longest video that I have to edit is like eight hours long I know that sounds like a lot but when I was doing videos that were like 16 to 20 hours of footage this is a big weight off of my shoulders [Music] uh it'll work I think hopefully that works this is a little bit aggressive but I want to be quick about it we'll see nice thank you Dad I'm gonna go to the beginning game Dennis I am getting better at the hard trick in cascade for sure hell that was fast it was fast Kevin that's pretty fast too that's pretty good pretty good your mother thinks everything is a scam everything is a scam everything even buying groceries that's a scam they make you pay for your food don't they know you need food to live why don't they just give you everything you need to live for free they're making you pay money to survive life is just a big old scam my mom says you're socialist yo that's the fastest I've ever done that Kingdom we are literally 45 seconds ahead of the world record the revolution starts here I said it a sarcastically Danny's mom I didn't mean it I swear breaking news local ant starts communist revolution now you're gonna say wow that's the fastest I've been called a socialist I mean it is it's my mom here my mom is here Danny's mom just to give you an idea of how cool this dream is my mom watches the stream so like it's mom approved family-friendly ninety-five percent of the time except when my mom isn't here that we go wild ads mom leaves and we go full Karl Marx got it I got it mr. ninja you were here when I was in the YouTube video talking about my crush oh that's actually mr. ninja that's the sub Bowl we're gonna play Minecraft with my celebrity crush if we forget to that many subs people have been hounding me please ground pound thank you I have a holy emote yet I have a small bless a three holy wow that was first try j6 gifting 20 subs okay well guess we're gonna be playing minecraft at some point do i watch northernlion I watched almost exclusively northernlion like I think I've watched on average about two hours of Northern Line content a day for the past five years and now it stopped here it's not funny and it was so good here's some fire distract for my next sub goal no I don't want to eat someone else's got to start it you know for 1800 I could probably buy Super Mario 3d World we could just casually played through it for the first time ever could probably convince one of my roommates is like hey can I borrow your Wii U for a day how powerful are you without talking to chat Nexus infinity the reason why I don't do runs without chat is because no one would be able to catch up I want to have competition I want people to be able to think oh I can do this - if Smalling can do it I can do it the whole reason I'm bad is because I'm talking to chat but all of my enjoyment comes from chat so I would get the world record instantly but then I would lose all fun because it's not funny anymore because I have the world record I say that with so much conviction it's cuz I mean it I've been letting each night before bed you're up to six nuts in a row nice lickle that's impressive will I do 100% 3d world all absolutely will 100% it why not right thank you for the three hundred bits remember App Store I appreciate it Wow [Music] so hundreds n takes a lot of time fortunately I've got a lot of time good neckla fun well imagine having amazing first run PT Veit I know this is unheard of how am I so good at this game I Ricardo I play this app like every single day for like hours do I have merge yellow pink I'm working on merch currently there's not March out yet but it will be out relatively soon I'm on fire yeah I'm a fire ant today boys mm shop sub well should be give you a kiss okay if you personally get me up to 2,000 subs I can't I think that's TOS a minute 21 seconds ahead at the world record 20 minutes into the run now that you mentioned that you are ahead you'll free get up no I figured up I freaked it up no I didn't I saved it how am i today awesome silly face I'm awesome I'm playing well I'm gonna crush this world record this today and we're going to gonna have a good day what will you games have I actually played Super Smash Brothers for i don't own a wii-u so I haven't really played any it's got here how much longer is run high 23 it is another 20 minutes or so you're tired but you want to watch a stream just fall asleep to the stream to you that's all you got to do just fall asleep free mm I start selling my bathwater I actually read something that the water that she was selling wasn't actually bath water because they did like a like an analysis of it and there wasn't any human related substances in the water like there isn't like dead skin cells there isn't any bacteria that's on the human skin they just like put water in a jar and then like sold it maybe she's just not human but now they have gamer alien girl bathwater that's even more expensive who was selling bath water there's like a gamer girl that sells her bath water both of you to assume that I've bathed okay I do all the time I'm on and I have to pick up a lot of dirty stuff all day take nice long baths at the end of the day I've been vestments have a lot recently embarrassing honestly my mom is watching can't even click such a disappointment ah [Music] sucks to drop my input when I hit the frickin garbage can it's not timeless I mean it's time save loss that's what it is cuz we're still saving time yeah we are still saving like eight seconds though so time save might have been bets yo did I get it I think I might have got it nice it's what the boys called time save around here it's like a three or four second time saved that's good and then I mess it up by bunking at the end Oh stuff get in that there we go a thousand crystal we did reach the sub goal I got a message Marissa today we gotta figure something out that's gonna be such a meme YouTube title oh my god are you sure getting the goombah stack moon is fast and getting last moon day doggy how can you describe to me in detail how to get the goombah moon what do you need to do step by step you enter the room then what do you do to get the goombah moon do you talk to the goombahs and tell them hey could you step on this button do you cap sure the goombas cap cap capture [Music] it was a really good skip how they're really really good spirits yep oh my god Wow are we still ahead all by a long shot we're still ahead or if there's more than 20 minutes there is there's 20 minutes kids these days water she's more than 20 minutes you know who you're talking to there we go no deaths so far that's a good sign the checkpoints cows captors no why would they captors or something you transform into with Cathy I don't think you're transforming to a checkpoint anytime soon this sub-areas really hard pizza I think everyone regardless of skill level had trouble for my first few aom's I could not get through the sub area without dying like three times it sucked and we'll do the dance break get your dance rig ready ready for the dance break all the dancers to fire this is one of the best places I've ever had two minutes of 21 seconds ahead of the world record hey em what's my opinion on light um you know I think the original D s was good but the DS Lite does look a lot better so I personally probably will get a DS Lite just because it's better form factor and it just it looks sleeker as a as a whole console when I was like younger I had like I think 7 the handheld consoles and like a pipe broke while we were on holidays in the house and our basement like flooded so everything that I owned was in the basement including all seven of my handheld consoles like insurance covered replacing all the stuff since we couldn't get those old consoles again insurance I think they just said buy new consoles so I got seven Nintendo DS lights I so I had just a stack of seven Nintendo DS lights in a box for a while I remember one day I think a friend came over and we were like hanging out and they saw the 70s slices like wait why do you have 70s lights like I yeah I got him do you want one do I want one oh I guess and okay take one take the color you want so yeah we just gave homeboy as gifts it's like birthday presents and stuff so it seemed like we were totally rich for a while cuz like I didn't need them I didn't I don't need seven oh yeah I remember we got back from holidays and I like took on my swim trunks and was just running around the basement in my swim trunks because there was just water everywhere and I didn't want to get my clothes wet oh look we have a pool now Wow okay we'll do right side Issac I agree Knutson check please does that kind of dirty water yeah was but like I can have a shower showers exist all right we'll take the right side we'll go for the aggressive strats get it we got it Thank You Isaac all right so we have like four minutes to get this now we're on very very good pace it's gonna happen one of these days you're gonna get the record so close we have like three more jumps that's all right we still got time you still got time [Music] and with these runs what I do is we go until we see the positive number and then we take the wires Shane so that's what we'll do here [Music] could be a world record this could be a world record okay we just got to be very very quick we got the nut jump here we go here we go we're up we're up good okay come on let's get it [Music] okay come on first run of the day oh my god good okay um we are about a minute away yeah I think I think this is gonna be it I think there's gonna be a world record all right this is going to be a tough one to play against because my early game is really good okay good enough good enough this is it if this world records that's not my final goal form in caps my final goal I want to get sub 115 so we're gonna keep doing this even if this does world record his ecstasy of happening I'm legally required to XD skip I don't want to go to jail world record isn't worth it last capture kind of was kind of the last capture here we go here we go get your ex DS ready get them loaded up [Music] xD skip hahaha is this yep guys oh you guys see that XD oh my god what an incredible XD that was work gotta get the extra capturing gotta do it okay and that's a new minimum captures world record one 17:45 finally it's been so long oh we got it Oh first round of the day let's go again one more world record I hope [Music] all right no bones nothing we're doing one more run we're gonna start another run this will be the last one of the day lesbian no reset no will reset if I need to I will reset if I need to but I'm very used to resets very sparingly I would say I reset a lot less than most speedrunners [Music] [Music] many of these Patchen 1.2 1.3 only one of them was so you have to do a modified version of the clip for the moon after brew don't but other than that every single clip is exactly the same got a robe back and earlier bills area yeah the first one of the day was world record very first one of the day [Music] would be a little close I got to be fast on the turn up here I will keep it going that was sick that's gotta go to the doctor dude when did I get that world record like an hour and a half ago alright that's pretty good 28 seconds is not bad smell choke no I never choke you guys know this ant with the choker just a little little choker around my neck yeah look it's me with the choker necklace how does it look you guys like it is it a good look for me edgy you like it very emo okay cool Bri you like it okay shoot I'll make sure to buy a choker real soon can't tell was better choker or beanie why not both [Music] and I'm gonna try you with jinx outfit okay shoe as a crossdresser all right please get in the wall please we were on such good pace in San Kingdom one more try yes we're keeping the run going well track until doable if I'm not four minutes behind going into Bowser's Kingdom I can get a world record how many chickens would it take to kill an elephant just one if you plug it's like nose and mouth with the chicken at the same time what I was gonna say but then I couldn't think of how you would do that because it has a trunk oh if I never exploring more categories in SM oh the cactus I've explored almost every category and this one is objectively the best category it has all the cool tricks it has two-player mode it has clips it has all the cool stuff categories of coolest by far at least based on what you've seen which is just small ant one yeah cuz I'm the only person to ever do it if a nut Jam was done first try it all depends on the length of the run but if I like goldich if I tied my goals I would have like a low 113 so it's odd to see what game do I have the most hours in probably a little big planet 3 I would say or one of the Pokemon games but I would think a little big planet 3 I do wide how did you learn speedrun strats I watch someone else do it and tried to do it myself and then if I couldn't figure it out myself I practiced it until I could back when my goal was 25 and 13 caps was it 25 oh it's a sub goal yeah that was insane was that a 25 sub goal I said I would do minimum captures that decision changed my life I'm not even kidding oh my goodness silver doctor Mario I do have a discord thank you for answering that question so quickly I do have an avid discord and you guys can join it if you want all of you very interesting people you can join my discord and hop right in it's a very cool place I'm sure a lot of people are hanging out in VC right now at this very moment that you guys could probably join even shoes in the discord you know if the discord is cool if a celebrity a triple s to your celebrity like shoe is in there am i growing a mustache no I just didn't feel like shaving this morning like I'm always growing a mustache technically because that's the way the human body works but technically your hair is always growing so you're always you're on a mustache I can feel it pulsing out of my face at this very moment and in short bursts just boom boom hmm I can feel it slowly growing out can you grow a bear beard the heir to beard do you miss about bird I don't think I know how to grow a bird I mean unless you mean like grow one from an egg in which case egg yeah I can I could probably hatch a bird but if I tried and did some research by iord Byard I don't like I have to do with the like Ranger things or something Byers the act of getting kidnapped by a multi-dimensional being or a being from another dimension the correct spelling of jail is gaol in Australia I might you go in the guy who and it will explain all right that's the second time in a row that's happened dude yesterday we don't put back clip that's actually the harder strat but apparently it's easier Ritchie smooth back what you missed not too much just the beginning of the world record run I can pull this run back oh we absolutely can we can say four minutes this could be sub 115 if we say four minutes and Bowser's we could change one thing about Super Mario Odyssey what would it be cover X I would change it so cap return jumps don't steal triple jumps that's it cap return jumps override triple jumps if they didn't do that Odyssey would be a perfect game anyways that's what I didn't see any premature nuts in chat so this is a chance to world record all right let's go we got a few minutes to get this for it to still be a world record there's no guarantee the odds are in our favor based on my current performance today [Music] good try on that run our way up now [Music] [Applause] [Music] those are just practice jumps yeah this is the real one back to World Records in one day huh all right but I say that was the real one all right there we go there we go whoo this is it I think it's a record got the nut jump oh my god two in a day huh oh oh oh my god I did not deserve to stay on that mech oh it feels good it's not a 115 but we're getting close 51 seconds ahead of the world record nice what's the nut first try no it was second trying not was second try I think I died once yeah one two three and one more and buzz but done okay anyone that came from you today this run is dedicated to you be sure to subscribe okay you too I never say that in my videos but you need to make sure to do it now say I never say it gotta get that call to action in there XD d skip guys oh my god oh wow there we go and it is another world record two in one day 116 for the action shot Oh from behind I guess from behind the extra capture just for fun [Applause] 11650 a new world record whoa ant stop it's already dead no we gotta cut free in the minute and 50 seconds off before I'm happy so we're gonna switch over to Mario maker 2 now people are adding their levels to the queue here we go let's do a run so start I will record again I will overheat again today I got to yesterday why don't we make it one more today huh ant is the type of person say he prefers limeade yeah got a problem with limeade no no no sherry is one of the worst candy flavors that fake cherry tastes yeah cherry is at the bottom of the tier list of candy flavors great grape is like middle ground for me I know a lot of people look great but as high tier but like grape is probably right in the middle also like a banana is right in the middle as well like banana flavored candy looks like that weird not actually banana flavored banana banana flavors like bubble gum but no bubble gum is the by far the worst candy flavor it is growth bubble why would anyone have bubble gum flavored candy unless it's actually bubble gum like I remember when I was in like the dentist office and they were like they gave you something to swish around and they were like do you want like peppermint uh the bubble gum or just an unflavored one and I was like just hit me with the basic one I don't want anything I don't want flavor I would rather feel taste the bitterness than the actual I split thanks for ahead to the world record already thoughts on coffee flavored stuff it's good I like the flavor of copy like whatever I went over to like a friend of Mines house they had like unground coffee beans in like a jar and I whenever we walked by just take like a handful and eat the coffee beans just the full beans they were dried I like the flavor of coffee it's good on ground coffee beans also knows coffee beans yeah but someone when I say coffee beans they might not the beans themselves gotta clarify that's a lot of caffeine bud it tastes good okay that is awful it's it was good okay you just haven't tried it okay next time you have a handful of coffee beans just throw them all into your mouth except I ate them one by one leg up like a snack like popcorn be sure that my time is good enough that I have to be picky with the starts yeah like I don't want to lose 30 seconds ready to start especially when I have 30 seconds of time safe you're already got one more time I feel like I might start using two-player strats now see like switching to two back to two-player for the rest of the run Meaghan should work caffeine addicts eat coffee beans does it get more eating than drinking coffee so what you're telling me is I'm a coffee caffeine addict huh [Music] yeah like snowed ran with two caps is so much easier it's like it's easier and faster do players have been harder to coordinate well yeah I have to wave my hands and feet at the same time the whole drunk whoops there's really two players if there's only one ant yeah one player two controllers it's two-player mode understand the hail of black licorice I feel like licorice is an acquired taste you have to eat it enough to enjoy it I'm at the point where I don't hate it but I wouldn't buy it for myself if you had a drink a soda can of a condiment which would it be you're definitely ranch I would say hot sauce like a Franks red hot sauce I could drink a can of that oh my god iron stomach oh it's just hot I'm not that bad with spicy food either it's because you're a hot dude no it's cuz it that I'm a psychopath you boy why am i a psychopath cuz I can eat spicy food you're just jealous my dad would have ghost pepper on anything okay why though a ghost pepper is so hot that there is no reason to want to eat it regularly unless you have like something wrong in your brain right is your dad okay does he have someone to talk to whoever states good once you get past the heat why don't we eat a pepper that tastes similar without having to die every time you eat one winter the song Sweet Caroline is that the one by Amedeo or is that the old song like but like is it that song it's that one okay I almost can't tell if you're trolling professional trolling is probably my best skill Lorena I'm pretty good at it yeah my sarcasm is turning into a convincing lie yeah I do forget to put the little sarcastic spin on a lot of the things that I do say don't die and you guys just have to learn that I'm half the time just being sarcastic can we have a controller cam [Music] how's this this is good controller cam oh I was close god this is awkward that's not gonna work one red and one gray yes one red and one gray sarcasm is hard sometimes it really is especially with me because I forgot to I just don't put the sarcastic tone and like everything that I say my arrow I'm basically 50% sarcasm 50% lies what's the difference please I go [Music] [Music] why do I was wear a beanie I wear a beanie a lot of the time because my hair doesn't look good that day or because I just got out of the shower and didn't have time to do anything with it which is the case for today I got out of the shower probably three minutes before streaming and in the shower whoo how long's up at the run sheesh 20 minutes ghost peppers aren't that spicy murder isn't that bad of a crime crabs knife glad we're on the same page yes warning down an orphanage isn't that bad that's what I've been trying to tell the judge since the start a man man is a really really good start to Metro like Knight Metro definitely the fastest I've ever gotten into the tower like guaranteed fastest I have ever gotten into the tower that's good i an't how's the run going just call me zero it's good we're 40 6.8 seconds ahead of the world record which is the man in Metro it's a hive mind they're all the men they all are the man is the name of the being that is the hive mind of everyone in Metro Kingdom how did I get so good on couple doors I play like hours every single day oh okay nice know what you didn't get the wall junk I got the hard trick too yeah I was going for the wall jump but he didn't wall jump man this is like the Kingdom where I have 20 seconds of time saved because of that all right really lost 10 seconds but we're gonna get to my luncheon gold here so I gotta play a hot I gotta be good you know there's a 90% chance of rain today on the hottest day of the year Wow did you guys know that like the percent chance of rain in that area 90% of the area that it's describing is going to get rain that's the prediction it's the prediction that 90% of that area that it's describing is going to get rain not that there's a 90% chance it's that 90% of the area is predicted to get rain did you guys know that just a random fact my eyebrows it cheap ah is this not the time mm-hmm that's not the right direction good oh geez that was so itchy Wow why are you laughing that was torture crying I couldn't control when I get itchy and that was like the worst part that's like the absolute maximum focus moment maybe I have a head lice one ah my eyebrow I was so itchy my eyebrow hi dance break time now we're done I made your nose itchy my back is itchy now look what I'm doing ant fearsome screaming good for him and me streaming I'm streaming - what a coincidence like it's our job am I ready for the know jump absolutely my nut is on point today I'm gonna do another run after this um we'll see we'll see let's see if I do another run a place also nuts and Shapley's low bats rats oh god no get that wet nut get that nut wet I'll do it alright let's get it stuff we are up we nothing boys and girls get close get close don't miss it it's gonna happen so fast you don't want to blink [Music] [Music] [Music] category is dead this category is dead hahaha okay first Ryan boots really whoa oh my god okay okay okay that was the first try no mistakes that was literally perfect good haha this is insane I think I just caught the sub 115 Wow okay it's a little bit of a gold just a small gold three minutes ahead dude small end you're under arrest for killing ten captures it's me God that was literally the fastest nut jump the HD eyebrow strats do it this run is insane good good get your XD's ready xD the final XD the last will y'all look at all of the XD's look at them all they're beautiful a masterpiece Wow screw us up 115 look at a sub 114 then okay look at that action shot oh let's go 10 caps is dead 113 49 oh my god I've seen the burst in the death of a category and only three months I mean I can't fit in another run and I don't want to fit in another run I can't beat that like sometimes I get a PB it's like yeah I can beat that in the next run the next run that I do isn't gonna beat that I can't it's not gonna beat that alright let's switch over to Mario maker damn that was so good yeah we're gonna make my first level now
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 1,018,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wet nut, wet nut glitch, wet nut jumping, min cap, min capture run, minimum captures mario odyssey, minimum captures wr, Speedrun, Super Mario Odyssey, Speedrunning, Mario Odyssey Speedrun, smo Speedrun, smo wr, Speedrun fails, smo challenges, smo glitches, smo captureless, mario, mario speedrun, Mario wr, no captures mario odyssey, super mario odyssey, back to back, 10 captures
Id: mifcAGIEYGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 34sec (2494 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 03 2019
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