How Did the Galaxy React to the Rise of the Tau? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal the rise of the tower was one of the more unexpected things to happen in the 40K Universe not just because a bunch of diplomatic blue bovine people with questionable orifice on their foreheads have been able to thrive in a galaxy that hates everything they stand for but also because there are many living characters in the setting that are significantly older than the Tao's entire culture their meteoric rise and advancement has them poised to quite literally be the most powerful faction within the setting within the next Thousand Years according to various scientific laws regarding technological advancement after all they are literally the only faction that isn't technologically stagnant so how is the Galaxy and its many factions reacted to the new kid on the block are they worried by them hateful of them or just see them as a joke that is today's question before we get started the Cyber Dynasty launch is officially over with the models leaving the major mini store as of five minutes ago thank you so much to everyone who got in on us picked up some models and supported the drop it's a lot of work dealing with that many new models in one launch on top of our already pretty large range so it's been incredible seeing me major minis go to the next level we are hard at work Printing and sending out all the orders full transparency there was more than we expected so it may take a little bit more time to get them out than usual not too long but just not as fast as our usual delivery the rights for the Cyber Dynasty have returned to Dungeons and dreadnoughts and major minis will no longer be selling any cyber Dynasty models however all is not lost dungeons is currently preparing to launch a Kickstarter sometime in the future which will involve new Cyber Dynasty models including the lieutenant and the captain and it may also involve stls I'm not entirely sure like I said not my Kickstarter but definitely worth a follow if you want to see how that unfolds in the future who knows maybe when the range has grown even more we may be able to bring it back to Major minis in the future thank you again for the support on this one big things to come today we'll go over how each faction within Warhammer 40K reacted to the rise of the Tower Empire let's get into it [Music] kicking us off with the Imperium in the towel although the two factions would go to war pretty quickly after saying good day for the first time due to the town not really understanding that attempting to assimilate Imperial worlds was a huge No-No their initial reactions and interactions are actually quite positive the Damocles golf was far from Imperial Rule and as such far from its hardcore dogma and xenophobic nature it also didn't interact much with the Imperium Beyond paying its tithe so on a bunch of nice little alien dudes rocked up and started getting all diplomatic and [ __ ] those worlds were happy to receive them as the tower brought more advanced farming technology medicine energy sources and a way of life that didn't basically just say eat [ __ ] and then die in the name of the emperor however as a side effect of this diplomacy those Imperial worlds stop paying their tithes which is a huge No-No you can legitimately get away with anything as an imperial Governor daily orgies Xeno drugs xenocorporation hectic corruption and more but if you don't pay your taxes the Imperium will curb stomp the [ __ ] out of you hence a large Fleet arrived and begun massacring the town pushing the Mount of Imperial space and then further into Tower Space the conflict ended in a bit of a stalemate after the tower proved to be more resilient than expected and the tyranid threat began to increase thus required more attention the Damocles golf Crusade as it was named was a very educational Conflict for both factions but mostly the Tau who revamped a lot of their battle Doctrine and weaponry to effectively counter Space Marines and psyches or mine scientists as they are called since the concept of humans tapping into the power of Hell to unleash death upon the tower was a bit too far-fetched for their naive brains although they got off to a rough start after some initial niceties the tower and Imperium have engaged in diplomacy many times since its conflict and will work together just as much as they will kill each other various inquisitorial agents have great relationships with certain Town members whilst Commerce Arcane is seen as a bit of a hero by the Tau Empire these relationships have helped prevent a number of more wasteful Wars between the two factions allowing them to focus more on the Orcs And The tyranids you would think that the mechanicus would get massive hard-ons for town our Tech as it isn't corrupted and it obeys the law of Science and physics after all they love necron Tech however despite taking it apart learning from it and potentially integrating a few of its more basic systems the mechanicus don't really give a [ __ ] Imperial high tech is Mars above the best the tower currently have however Tau common Tech is above Imperial common Tech if that makes sense so a lot of the stuff the Tau have the mechanicus already knows how to make so overall it's not really worth being labeled a heretic for messing with Xeno stuff if the Xeno stuff isn't light years above what you already know Orcs don't spend much time self-reflecting or thinking about situations so we don't really get a full in-depth analysis of their opinion and reaction to the Tau but we do know they don't take them very seriously when the tower discovered the Orcs they sent Water cast members to engage in diplomacy the first group of water casts were massacred by the Orcs so the Tao sent another group thinking the first instance might have been an accident or misunderstanding in the second group they also brought guns to givers gifts but they didn't put ammo in the guns so there Oaks took the guns and then beat the tower to death with him for a laugh after this the Tau Empire declared the Orcs as incompatible with the greater good and thus they must be killed on sight the Orcs thought the tower was stupid and bad at fighting hence when they invaded a tower World they thought it would be a breeze and initially it was until Commander farsight arrived the legend himself did a few tactical analysis of the orc forces and strategies and then begun engaging in battles that the Orcs didn't really enjoy assassinations skirmishing hit and runs everything the Orcs despise farsight did as the tower seemingly had no clue how to properly fight Orcs until fast 8 came up with the manual and how to do it it appears that this was the first major conflict between the Orcs And The Tao although the Tao did fight against the Orcs in order to save the crude and integrate the crew within the Tower Empire so it is a little bit confusing that they had [ __ ] all battle Doctrine until farsights war against them but that doesn't really matter you would think with how slippery the tower can be that the Orcs would hate them but they actually love their guns their DACA as well as the taobao Battle Suits Orcs love looting Tower Tech it's like magic to them so overall the Orcs were Overjoyed to have a new type of enemy that they could fight the Elder had an interesting reaction to the tower you would have thought that they would see the tower as a weak inferior race but in reality they see them in a similar way to how they see themselves before they fall full of Hope rapidly evolving and with a lot of potential the Tao's lack of psychers is a bit Grim from the eldest perspective however it also makes them wonder if that is what will protect the tower from following the same foolish path as the Elder and even mankind however you've got to remember that each Elder Crawford has a different opinion and attitude and each Elder sub faction also has different opinions and attitudes so while some craft worlds have aligned with the Tale in the past and do still have treaties others will ignore them or even kill them relations between the Tao and the craft welders were severely strained when the dark Elder pranked the tower by turning some of their people into fleshy Abominations before then kidnapping the populace of another world and turning them into slaves fleshlights in response the tower attacked a maiden well world and Fort Crawford Eldar not realizing the difference between dark Elder and other Eldar so there did end up being a bit of a war between the two that ended when the truth was made clear the Tao said sorry and try to re-engage diplomacy but the craft world was like lick my rim you little blue [ __ ] and left since then it's been hit or miss Tau and craftwilders rarely fight same ghost for Talon exidite harlequins enjoy manipulating the town for their own gain and occasionally massacring them when the tower ended up exploring sacred Elder locations the dark Elder initially saw the tower's easy pickings as seen by their first fatal encounter however the talf since adapted to dark Elder rating tactics resulting in numerous dark Elder raids against the tower failing really badly so overall it's complicated but relations between Tao and Elder are a bit better than human and Eldar due to the town not being super xenophobic tyranids don't really react to [ __ ] they just eat it to them the tower just another source of resilient biomass and they will attempt to devour any towelwell that they can the hive mind is probably a bit more cautious of tower worlds than most due to the Tao's use of drones biomass destroying plasma weapons High Fleet destroying nanoviruses crude and more but overall it doesn't stop them in return the Tau [ __ ] hate the tyrannids and have them on their incompatible with the greater good at shoot on site registry the situation with the gene Steelers is pretty interesting Gene Steelers can and have infected Tower before but due to the Tau society structure it's extremely difficult for them to take over Tower worlds Tower breeding is a structured and authorized thing Tau also don't have Cults or secret groups nor do they have sprawling Hive cities when a gene stealer was once found by some Tau scientists it got brought into a lab for study during the study a few of the scientists got infected and after a few decades there was a mini Uprising stemming from the laboratory that was put down and the world didn't require exterminatus or anything like it so the gene sealers find the tower very frustrating to infect and just like to stick with infecting humans instead considering the Tower and the necrons are very similar in a lot of ways they don't have a particularly good relationship at all nor did the necron seem to have a particularly impressed reaction neither factions has psyches both factions value technology above all else there's even a theory that the tower modified necron TR their first interaction was when the necrons saved a tower World from the tyranids the tower then prepared a celebration to honor these new heroic alien friends as the town prepared to receive the necron delegation the necron said La Mao and then scoured the world clean of life before leaving however on a separate occasion when the necrons saved the tower from the tyrionids they simply left the tower alone and departed leaving the tower confused but grateful the necron see the towers beneath them another inferior race on their [ __ ] law that they will soon remove it doesn't help that unlike the Elder who have Tekken abilities that the necrons don't or Humanity who have somewhat impressed the necrons due to them Conquering the Galaxy the tower literally just a downgrade of the necrons same theme same Vibe inferior attack however as with the different Elder craft worlds each necron Dynasty also has a different opinion for example the neck icons that left the tower alone after saving them from the tyranids were Servants of the silent King The Honorable leader of the necrons that believes the tyranids of the Galaxy's main threat and that the Flesh and Blood races need to be preserved against them however the necrons that scoured the tower planet after saving them were obviously from a more genocidal Dynasty the sawtec dynasty often invades house space in one funny piece of law after the crew won a battle against the necrons they attempted to consume some of the broken necron corpses that were too damaged to face back to their turmoil for repair the crew thought that the living metal corpses would give them powerful evolutionary Buffs but instead it gave them necron AIDS which tore them a new [ __ ] so yeah don't eat necrons overall the tower confused by the necrons sometimes they are saviors sometimes enemies as evident by the fact that the tower once teamed up with the ultramarines in order to fight the necrons the necrons are pretty low on the town's list of potential friends however they haven't quite put them on the kill on site list yet Tau and Chaos obviously don't get along but with the Tao being difficult to corrupt and possess due to their small Souls they are pretty low on cass's to-do list in return Town don't really understand chaos with a warp they have teasers here and there but mostly they see demons as a dangerous Xeno form in return we don't really know much about how cows reacted to the Tao we know that the death guard tried to invade Tao space via the star-tied Nexus but not a whole lot else amazingly the Tau actually beat back the death guard likely making cows finally take the tower seriously due to the efforts of Shadow Sun as well as the tower warp God the death guard were defeated with their Commander being killed corn also has a hard on for Commander farsight and has attempted to corrupt him numerous times so whilst the two factions don't often encounter each other some of chaos seems to be pretty fascinated and even impressed with the tower if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be where we have just uploaded it yet another lore friendly Commerce arcade not suitable for work artwork hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more bovine content during the Discord for war memes and I'll see you in the next one peace [Music] fall to me [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 335,146
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Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: REck7BUUfNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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