The Most Heinous Atrocity Committed By Each Faction | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal although the saying there are no good guys in Warhammer 40K is really stupid and has been debunked many many times that doesn't mean that even the nicest factions haven't partaken in their share of atrocities whether it be genocide against their enemies extreme level of war crimes to achieve Victory or something selfish and Sinister on a wider scale even the best boys have been naughty from time to time but that begged the question what was actually the worst atrocity committed what was the worst thing each faction has actually done before we get started I've read your messages and heard your pleas I've heard the major kill I'm getting paid next week can you please extend the keiki Taurus cyber Dynasty sale so after chatting with Dungeons and dreadnoughts they agreed to allow me to do a 48-hour restock that is available now for those that have been living under a rock I recently got the exclusive production and sale license of an entire cyber Dynasty Army 31 modular models including the Cyber Samurai in both assault and Marksman variants aside overseer to lead them cyber ashigari warriors with a plethora of of weapons the Womack a multiple weapon variant battle suit three drone Warriors as well as five War drones to accompany them and also a cyber skimmer to add a vehicle to the lineup we're also selling upgrade packs for both the Cyber Samurai and ashigaru in case you wanted more of the special helmet and weapon variants or something to Kit bash with you can buy each unit separately or for a large discount you can pick up the value bundles including a bundle that has every single product in it this is the last 48 hours I'm not going to pull another Houdini and just keep bringing it back a week later this is it Link in description below today we'll go over the worst atrocity that each faction is committed describing why it was so bad and why they did it let's get into it [Music] foreign atrocity is hard to quantify if you skin a million babies and then beat their mothers to death with the still living flayed babies is that more of an atrocity than nuking a world and killing a hundred million people 50 times more people die in the nuclear fire but most people would probably say that the baby thing is a bigger atrocity there's an element of malice and sadism that plays a part so with that in mind it should help us determine which atrocity the Imperium of man has committed is the worst and [ __ ] me they've committed a lot see whilst they have exterminated a lot of Worlds 99 of the time it was because there was no other option as much as the memes like to say the Imperium doesn't just extermine our [ __ ] for the LOLs at least not most of the time during the Great Crusade only a select few ships were allowed to carry exterminanus tier Ordnance on board and it was a big deal when it was used sure inquisite equipment exterminarizing a bunch of Imperial worlds to slow down the tyrannids was horrific but it was actually a good idea those worlds were [ __ ] anyways so either deny their biomass to the nids or let the nids gorge themselves and be become more powerful so I wouldn't call his string of apocalypses as a terrible atrocity the xenocide of various alien races was also pretty bad but in many cases the aliens were very hostile and the Imperium was either conquering new territory or getting revenge for the aliens hostility during the age of strife in some cases peaceful Xeno races were spared and turned into vassal or client states no the worst atrocity the Imperium has ever committed was the deliberate infection of a populated Imperial world with the gene Steelers in order to study them resulting in the world's infection and then their subsequent deaths as the gene sealer Cults got out of control and the world had to be extermin artists the kicker is that the Inquisition deliberately infected one of its own via her getting raped in order to then extract her and study her the loss of the world was incredibly unnecessary and stupid they could have done much more controlled experiments or just studied one of the worlds that they already knew to be infected rather than literally just dooming an untouched one overall an incredible loss of life and resources in a pretty brutal way for next to no gain in my opinion the imperium's worst atrocity especially when you consider the amount of sexual violence involved in a gene Steely infestation the Elder aren't huge on genocide or blowing planets up but they are manipulative little shits that would rather watch an entire human world burn than Let One Elder die so it's probably no surprise that the rise of Gaz call the greatest awk to live in over 10 000 years and a dude who has caused the death of billions of humans as well as making Orcs once again a galactic threat only exists because of the Elder wanting to save a few thousand of Their Own Kind thus the creation of gazcol was the Elder's greatest atrocity see eldrad had foreseen that the Orcs were going to attack the Elder and kill thousands however if the Elder manipulated events so that Gasco would rise to become a war boss he would instead direct the Orcs to Armageddon to kick off those big ass walls with the humans so the Elder did that as they are selfish bastards guzz colors caused the death of a shitload of people deaths that could have been avoided if the Elder just copped a few thousand of their own lives thus any atrocity that gazcal commits is actually committed by the Elder due to their own selfishness now you could argue that the Elder's Galactic blood orgy which birthed sonesh was actually their worst atrocity since lanesh is the literal God of rape and rape is bad however that was mostly the Elder being a bunch of retards than actively attempting to create a rape God you gotta remember that intention has a big part in an atrocity if you just wanted to have a hectic drug-filled orgy but then you birthed the chaos God as an accidental side effect then it's not really an atrocity the Tau aren't really known for their war crimes and atrocities they are pretty sensible and don't really see the point in blowing up worlds and genociding Races they have gotten a bit more brutal and Sinister as of late but their policy of diplomacy first war second is still in effect however that doesn't mean they haven't done some bad [ __ ] during the Tao's attempted warp travel they didn't realize that you needed a gella field hence they jumped into the wharf without one and all the human crew on board the ship died instantly however the Tao's dim Souls went unnoticed by the warp creatures hence they were able to survive however due to their horror a towel like War God appeared to them and save them bringing them back to real space they were horrified as this Tau God was an Abomination it was the manifestation of the greater good however the greater good wasn't supposed to be a religion or have a God it was a way of life a philosophy to see it corrupted like this as a result of the belief of human auxiliaries within the Tao Empire was abhorrent hence these tale that survived became extremely hostile to humans within the Tau Empire now onto the atrocity during a battle as these Tower arrived to reinforce some human auxiliaries and crude the tower turned on their allies and betrayed them brutally massacring both the humans and the crude as we know the crews are pretty terrifying but overall are massive Bros steadfast honorable and loyal so yeah sure kill the humans but leave the crude out of this the scene is from the perspective of one of the humans as his reaction of relief turns to horror as the Tau butcher his friends and comrades relishing in the slaughter it ends with him getting blasted apart by a battle suit as the Tau pilot says he must be purged while this wasn't a widespread world ending genocide it still involved betrayal genocide extreme violence and a massacre all because of a couple Tau that was super angry this was as much of an atrocity as the tower capable of everything the dark Elder do is an atrocity so it's pretty difficult to choose what is the worst they don't really have the Firepower or desire to blow up worlds or genocide people so their atrocities are pretty small scale however the pain they do inflict is immense I would have to say that their first meeting with the tower was their greatest atrocity basically the naive Tau saw the spiky Elder and were like yo can we hire you to help us kill hearing aids and the dark Elder were like sure but that'll cost you a bunch of Tau because you know a cultural exchange the tower greed and the two forces fought against the tyranids and won however the Tao realized the new Warriors the dark Elder were using against the nids were actually diffused flesh of the still living tower that had been handed over still lucid and an incredible Agony the tower horrified they had just handed over their own people for them to then suffer a fate worse than death the town tried to fight the dark Elder in Revenge but the Elder simply avoided them went to an undefended Tower World kidnapped its population and then raped them all to death so yeah that was pretty [ __ ] bad the motive behind all of this wasn't even that justifiable it was literally all for a laugh to make matters worse The Tao then attacked Crawford Eldar not being able to tell the difference between the two types causing a violent war between the Tower and the craft welders that was really only due to the dark eldest atrocity overall a mega dick move that ended up being quite devastating some people argue that the Orcs can't commit atrocities because they aren't malicious creatures but that is some serious [ __ ] Orcs are often very malicious and know that they are causing pain and suffering there are Sins Of Orcs pulling people limb from limb in front of their families for a laugh smiling sadistically as they do so however Anita answered the Orcs atrocity question a bit differently and say that the worst atrocity the Orcs commit is whenever they take prisoners Orcs treat their prisoners like actual [ __ ] 100 out of 100 times they barely feed them and when they they do it's often their own [ __ ] they work them to death or just randomly beat them to death for fun it's pretty horrific imagine you were taken prisoner by the Orcs And they force you to make ammunition for them not only are the work conditions horrific and dangerous with [ __ ] randomly blowing up all the time but you barely get any food water or rest if you give up or refuse they don't just shoot you and walk off they would torture you for hours to make an example of you ripping off your limbs one by one cutting you with Rusty knives eating you Orcs are [ __ ] terrifying and are just as capable to commit atrocities if not more so than the other factions especially since they seem to lack all sense of empathy or compassion I don't even know where to begin with chaos they commit atrocities like I commit self molestation every [ __ ] day however the thing about chaos is that often those atrocities have a purpose even if that purpose is as simple as praising their Patron God and gaining power they don't often just do it just cause even when Talos and his nightlords skinned the world's populace to death and then brutally massacred all of their astropaths including the children in it was the [ __ ] with the Imperials local Wharf area and sabotaged them not to have a laugh however probably the worst thing Kaus has done is Abbott on destroying kadia and then splitting open the Galaxy with the Great Rift sure it had a huge strategic Advantage but it also doomed thousands of Worlds to be consumed by Royal warp energy mutating countless trillions of people into Abominations as demons devoured their souls men women children no one was spared many worlds now found themselves cut off from warp travel on Imperium nihilus which is a death sentence for mining worlds or worlds where off-world food imports kept them alive in other cases worlds were left undefended easy picking for sadistic house warbands or Dark Eldar Raiders the Great Rift did a lot more than just give cows a strategic Victory it caused massive amounts of suffering pain and Death on a scale never before seen not to mention the millions of ships traveling the warp when the rift opened most of those ships would have been overrun with demons or lost forever without the astronomicon to guide them the Great Rift was easily the most damaging widespread atrocity house has ever committed how about the necrons they have done some bad [ __ ] but nothing they have done in the current setting whether that be harvesting entire world's populations or unleashing flayed ones upon their foes holds a candle to the atrocity that is the war in heaven 60 million years ago the necrons fought against and genocided many many races their war against the old ones corrupted the warp and created the Realms of chaos their War also forced the old ones to create the Orcs And then the subsequent destruction of the old ones meant no one was around that could have gotten rid of the Orcs or unfucked the warp it also left the Elder without their mentors which resulted in their murder [ __ ] slanesh into existence hence You could argue that the necrons are directly responsible for the Orcs chaos slanesh and you could also argue the tyranids since the tyrionids only came to the Milky Way due to the Horus heresy which only occurred due to chaos so pretty much every atrocity ever committed can be traced back to the necrons since if the old ones were never challenged or destroyed they would have led an enlightened peaceful Galaxy I guess I should also start mentioning the leagues of votan in this list since they are infection we don't have a crazy amount of lore on these boys yet and they aren't particularly sadistic or evil however they have allowed innocent worlds to be consumed by nids so that they can Harvest its minerals afterwards and you can better us they have mined populated worlds into nothing dooming its populace but nothing I've seen yet has been too spicy and finally the tyranids the needs constant consumption of Worlds is pretty [ __ ] bad but is the line eating the gazelle and atrocity or just the line following its instincts and being hungry sure the scale is a lot bigger but it's the same philosophy with that logic I would have to say that the needs worst atrocity was the devastation of Baal as they attack the blood angels not out of hunger or Instinct but pure malice and anger for the blood angels whooping their ass in the past the hive for mine knew it would lose more biomass than it would gain but it didn't care it wanted Vengeance so even though they actually lost the war and were repelled the millions of people and thousands of Space Marines that were killed was a huge atrocity as the intentions of the nids was the cause death pain and suffering also if the needs won they would have made it to the corpse of saint and then eat in it and that would have been the most atrocious thing in the entire [ __ ] setting if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then pick up the Cyber Dynasty models only around for another 48 hours and then gone for good hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more atrocious content join the Discord form memes and I'll see you on the next one peace foreign [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 263,191
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Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: uN27p8DcKKY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 12sec (792 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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